Most Christians believe that they had been given a baby spirit when they got born again and that they had to learn to grow up spiritually first as a baby then as a child until finally years later they have matured into a full grown Christian. This is not true! We were given the Spirit of Christ Jesus himself when we were born again; we were given the Holy Spirit in the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I ask you to ask your self a question here, was the spirit we received from Jesus a baby Holy Spirit? Or did you receive the Holy Spirit in all his fullness? Full grown.
Your Answer will determinewhereyour faith lies, if you believe you have to grow up into your spirit, you will always struggle.
If you believe that your spirit is full grown and is indeed the Holy Spirit then you will be a conquer living in victory.
The problem lies in the interpretation of scripture that says; “your mind must be renewed by the word of God.” We think that means the spirit has to be renewed and we have to grow up mentally and become stronger spiritual Christians; instead it means we must renew our minds into what the Holy Spirit is. Does the Holy Spirit think like us? Does the Holy Spirit struggle with faith? No! The Holy Spirit is faith; he is spiritually fully aware of everything in this life that we see and can’t see, he is the creator of the universe and chooses to live in you and me. But he doesn’t live in us as a baby spirit, no he is fully omnipotent.
Our minds have to be changed into realizing that our spirit is fully grown and we have to realize that we need to begin to believe we have the creator of the universe living fully grown inside of us.
We have to learn to think as the Spirit thinks, and the spirit thinks there is nothing impossible to him; he thinks perfect health, he thinks prosperity; he thinks “I can do everything.” He does not think negative, he does not think, I can’t do that; he does not think this situation is impossible to me.
This is where your mind needs to be renewed by his word, you have to begin to accept that the Holy Spirit is full grown, Living as one with you, helping you grow in understanding of who and what he is.
We have to learn Spirit first, flesh second. Can I do something? Let’s check first what the spirit says, He can do everything, what the word says, you can do everything through Christ Jesus. So three things have to line up, you have the spirit inside you, you have the written word of God and you have your choice to make; do you believe all this, before you act on it.
We need to understand that God is glorified in every positive act we make. There is nothing negative in God. There is nothing negative in his word, the bible. There is nothing negative in me, unless I say it. There is nothing negative in me unless I act it. There is everything positive in me when I act on his word. There is everything positive in me when I stand in faith to believe. There is nothing negative in me, except what I let in.
I am a positive force with a positive force inside of me.
I choose to believe and act in a positive manner, because it’s a choice I make.I choose not to act in a negative manner because I am positive that the spirit in me and covering me can do everything and all I need to do is act on my belief in him, not in my belief in me. God’s spirit inside of me is prompting me on and on to greater things, to step out in faith because he is reminding me that he is there in me to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat; by breaking his hold over people’s lives including my own life in him.
Are you looking at things from a human point of view or do you look at things from the Spirits point of view?
Mark -8- 31- then he began to tell them about the terrible things he would suffer, and that he would be rejected by the elders and the high priests and the other Chief Priests and the other – and be killed, and that he would rise again three days later. He talked about it quite frankly with them, so Peter took him aside and chided him. “You shouldn’t say things like that,” he told Jesus.
33-Jesus turned and looked at his disciples and then said to Peter very sternly, “Satan, get behind me,” you are looking at this only from a human point of view.
Satan does not look at things from a human point of view, he sees spiritually but he influences people to think or see as the world sees, he tries to deceive us all.
Jesus was not just talking to Peter when he said those words because those words are recorded in the bible for all, he was specifically talking to “Satan” whom he could “see” using Peter when he said; “Satan get behind me,” then he spoke only to Peter!. He was giving us a key to the kingdom. He was explaining that we need to see things from a spiritual side, through spiritual eyes, through the holy Spirits eyes. Those are the eyes we need to see out from, we need to pray and ask for discernment; discernment means seeing with the eyes of your spirit, i.e. the Holy Spirits eyes. Discernment is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Discernment is not just seeing demons. But it is seeing with your spirit eyes. It is seeing situations through the eyes of the Holy Spirit; it is seeing how he sees.
When confronted by a situation we see the problem, the Holy Spirit sees the solution. He sees an opportunity to bring his father glory.
1-Corithians-2-13 in telling you about these gifts we have even used the very words given to us by the Holy Spirit. Not words that we as men might choose. So we use the Holy Spirits words to explain the Holy Spirits facts.
If you can speak the Holy Spirits words not your own words, you will speak with great power. Did you notice that the Holy Spirit does not use words that men would chose? He chooses “his own words” not human words to explain his facts, and if we would only listen to him and then
say the words we hear him speaking to us then we will walk in amazing wondrous power. His Holy Spirit power, because he will back his own words up with his power.
Chapter three
We have not learned yet that our thinking is wrong, we think mostly from a human point of view and not from a spiritual point of view. We think of the Holy Spirit coming into us at the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and this is so, he does; but be truthful with yourself do you see the Holy Spirit as something small entering you and dwelling inside? Or do you see the Holy Spirit as someone gigantic dwelling within you somehow?
If you are as truthful with yourself as I am being here with you now, I imagined the Holy Spirit as something small living somewhere inside of me. I never gave it much thought over the years because I was taught as a child the Holy Spirit enters into you and lives in your heart, by my church; and I grew up with this type of thinking right up until a few hours ago when I awakened from my nights sleep; With the thoughts; “The Holy Spirit shall overshadow you,” the words spoken to Mary the mother of Jesus when he came to tell her she was going to have a child and he would be the savior of the world. It was while thinking about this that it suddenly dawned on me, that the Holy Spirit is not living inside of me in my physical heart, or hidden behind my left kidney or tucked away somewhere behind my liver, or bowel. Subconsciously I believed he was there inside me somewhere but never in 61 years have I ever given it a thought about it, I just accepted that he was tucked away somewhere spiritually inside of me like a little fairy or some “thing.” Oh to be shocked to realize I thought like that subconsciously about the creator of the universe in me.
Now I never thought of the Holy Spirit like he was a fairy I am only using this definition to give you an idea of how we see him, seeing him as something small, small enough to fit inside of me. The truth I have just come to understand is the opposite from what I believed for over 50 since I made my confirmation as a child, in the Catholic Church. I know the church was trying to teach children and explained it as a means for them to understand; but that explanation stays with us subconsciously for life unless the lord reveals the truth, like he is doing with me right now.
Let’s look at the scripture when the angel visited Mary.
Luke 1-35- The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of God shall overshadow you.
The power of God shall overshadow you said the angel. In the baptism in the Holy Spirit the same thing happens, the Holy Spirit overshadows us and fills us with power. But first he overshadows us completely covering us from head to toe, and this is the image you need to hold in your mind so that one day you will have revelation and understand this for your self. As he covers you he is filling you with power on the inside, so that you are completely covered
and filled. And I pray that as I explain what the lord is showing me and you in this little book that the revelation will come as you read this. Usually before revelation in God’s word comes, you have to dwell and meditate on God’s word on a particular subject; you have to keep feeding your mind, because your mind must be renewed by the word of God and it usually takes a bit of time before belief sets in and you suddenly see with the eyes of your spirit, revelation has happened and what God has revealed never goes away, the conviction is in you and nothing can take it away.
Who is the Holy Spirit; he himself is the power of God. Then look at this scripture where Jesus told the apostles to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit would come.
Luke-24-49- And now I will send the Holy Spirit upon you, just as my father promised. Don’t begin telling others yet, stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power.
We have always thought of that as the Holy Spirit coming into us but it does not say that; it says until the Holy Spirit comes upon you. The Holy Spirit covers us; he is upon us not only inside of us. He completely covers us and fills us also at the same time. *****Please do not misunderstand what I say here! “When the Holy Spirit comes upon you” he also “fills” you completely at the same time.
I am trying to get you to see that the Holy Spirit completely covers you inside and out with his presence; I want you to picture in your mind yourself covered by the Holy Spirit on the outside covering you is protecting you from whatever force comes at you. Covered=means-enclosedroofed-sheltered- encircled-surrounded.
Acts 8-15-As soon as they arrived they began praying for these new Christians to receive the Holy Spirit, for as yet he had not come upon any of them. 17- Then Peter and John laid their hands upon the believers and they received the Holy Spirit.
You can seeherein thisscripturealso theHoly Spirithad notyetcomeupon thepeople,when Peter and John laid hands on them then the Holy Spirit descended on them, filling them inside and out.
God is revealing secrets in these days and times for his glorious return. He is explaining what has been plainly written in his book, the bible for all to see. We have read these self same scriptures many times, well at least I have, I cannot speak for you the reader, and I always saw a different interpretation. Which is also true, but when taken in the light of revelation, then revelation shows up even fuller truth. Look at Jesus and what John the Baptist said about him.
John-3-33-34- those who believe him discover that God is a fountain of truth. For this one sent by God – speaks God’s words, for God’s Spirit is upon him without measure or limit.
How we would love to experience this, God’s Spirit without measure or limits; what awesome miracles we would have happening in our lives, sadly we have the Holy Spirit with our limits and measure, at the moment; I believe a time is fast approaching when the Spirit will again be given to the body of Christ without measure or limit, what a glorious time that will be, when we will all be like Jesus with the spirit of God upon us with out any hindrances.
Scriptures for me at this moment of writing are beginning to take on a deeper meaning as I look over them and see things I never saw before.
John- 4-21-24- for it’s not where we worship but how we worship that counts- is our worship spiritual and real; do we have the Holy Spirits help? God is spirit and we must have his help to worship as we should.
Even in worship, we need the Holy Spirits help to worship the way God wants to be worshiped. We need to see through the spirits eyes and through his ears hear, and through his mouth speak words of worship. We need to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit prompting us in worship. Maybe we are all set to begin singing loud praise to God and the Holy Spirit prompts us to minister to God softly, and we go ahead and sing loud praise but it feels like its going no where, have you ever had that happen to you during your worship and praising time. I have, I don’t know about you but I am almost certain that you have done the same thing at times. The little extremely quiet voice of the Holy Spirit is telling us to sing soft and we think that couldn’t be the Spirit, but it is, and was, and we go ahead and sing loud. Next time you want to worship ask the Holy Spirit; “tell me what way you want me to worship,” And follow that quiet prompting, that strong feeling inside, the Holy Spirits lead, then our worship will be meaningful and fulfilling both to the lord and to us also. Prophecy and healings usually follow the holy Spirits leading in worship.
Having the Holy Spirit overshadowing me and seeing through his eyes is like me wearing glasses, which I do; and when I put my glasses on I see clearly, without my glasses on I couldn’t see what I am writing. To see spiritually, I need to begin to see through the Holy Spirits eyes not my own. My own natural human eyes see in the natural, the spirits eyes see the supernatural.
Overshadowmeanstooutshine,outdosurpass,eclipse,putintheshade,takethelimelight. The Holy Spirit in us is meant to take the limelight, to eclipse us, eclipse means, to cast a shadow on, to make disappear, to hide from view, to conceal. Surpass means to exceed, to better, to outshine, to improve on, and to go beyond. The Holy Spirit overshadows us to make us disappear, to outshine us, to conceal us. If we could only grasp what the Holy Spirit does is done for our good we could understand why he outshines us; he wishes only God in us to be glorified. He is meant to take the limelight, to take centre stage in our lives he is the one who points to Jesus, who points to the Father God,
who loves us with unbelievable love, a love so enormous that we cant even take it in and believe in that immense love.
God gave us his very own Holy Spirit and our human bodies could not contain the wholeness of God’s Sprit so he overshadows us, he completely fills us up to the brim and to overflowing; and when the Devil looks at us he sees the Holy Spirit overshadowing us, protecting us, and he tries to get us into thinking wrong ways, he tries to slip through the Holy Spirits defense of you and he speaks to your mind telling you lie after lie until you believe those lies, thinking that God’s Spirit is small within you, and so you believe him when he tells you that time after time;and so you seeGod’s amazing Holy Spiritas tiny, fitting insideyour belly, or somewhere inside your intestines or whatever. You do not see the Holy Spirit as he is overshadowing you, eclipsing you, covering you completely.
Lord I pray take the blinkers off my eyes and let me see the truth, let me look out of the Holy Spirits eyes from this moment on. Let me see what he sees. Let me hear what he hears you say. Let me say what he puts in my mouth. Teach me to be led by your Holy Spirit as Jesus was led by him.
Matthew-4-1-then Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit.
This is my desire right now to be led by the Holy Spirit, to hear what he has to say; to see what he shows me, and to only speak what he tells me to say.
For God’s sake don’t think that the Holy Spirit will take over you completely and just fill your mouth with words of wisdom every time you speak. What I am talking about is; tell me what to say at the right time to the right person for the glory of God. Not when some friend is talking about a TV program and I respond with a load of supposedly holy garbage. I will be talking normally but I will be watching what words I say from now on as best as I can. I am now more aware of the Holy Spirit within me and overshadowing me and covering me.
Scripturesays;you willgivean accountforevery idleword you speak.Idon’twantto speak idle words, idle means empty doing nothing- inactive.
But I will have normal conversations with my wife Rose and my children and other people I meet with. I want the Holy Spirits words at the right time in the right place with the right person, then my words will be filled with power because they are the words given to me by theHoly Spirit;they willbefilled with wisdomand knowledgeand power, to bring healing, salvation or whatever that person needed to hear from God. They will not be my empty words of ‘my’ great wisdom or greatness, but they will be the Holy Spirits words and that is what a person needs, not me mouthing off idle, empty useless words.
What I am trying to say is the Holy Spirit won’t take over you he is a gentleman and allows you the freedom you deserve, so have common sense in this area.
From this moment on I am conscious that the Holy Spirit overshadows me, and he covers and protects me and speaks to me and helps me from outside of me as well as from inside. I am
conscious that when I walk about I have the Holy Spirit surrounding me, {just like the old Ready Break add, on TV you seen, the boys with an outline all around them}
I am conscious now that Satan sees the Holy Spirit covering me first, and as I become more and more in tune with this image it will become harder and harder for Satan to get through at me. I am conscious now that I need to listen with the Holy Spirits ears and hear what he hears, and begin seeing what he sees, and speaking what he tells me at the right time. This is going to take a lot and I mean a lot of practice; practice means doing it over and over again, and even when you don’t get it right, you start doing it again and again until you are conscious every moment of who it is who covers you.
Words the Holy Spirit said; and the person acted on them with great results.
Acts 8-29- The Holy Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and walk beside the chariot.” Philip ran over and heard what he was reading and asked, “Do you understand it?”
Philip talked with the eunuch of the queen of Ethiopia, and explained about Jesus. And salvation, the eunuch accepted what Philip explained and got baptized in water and saved, because Philip obeyed the Holy Spirits instructions. But something else happened first, read this next scripture; it was before Acts-8-29. But I put it in this order to show you something important.
Acts 8-26 but as for Philip an angel of the Lord said to him, “Go over to the road that runs from Jerusalem through the Gaza desert, arriving around noon.”
Look at this scripture carefully; who gave Philip instructions about what to do and where to go? Answer, an angel of the lord. Who then told him what to say? Answer the Holy Spirit. Did you know an angel cannot tell you about salvation? Did you know that the angel will tell you where to go to hear about salvation? God entrusted men and women that job to do, to go out into the whole world and tell the good news, he didn’t tell the angels to do this. No where in scripture does it say an angel told about salvation. In;
Acts -10-1- while wide awake one afternoon he had a vision it was about three o clock –and in this vision he saw an angel of God coming towards him. Cornelius the angel said. What do you want sir Cornelius replied? Verse-5 –send some men to Joppa to find a man there named Simon Peter, and ask him to come and visit you.
If the angels could tell about salvation he would have done so to Cornelius; not refer him to Peter.
Peter at the same time was experiencing a vision also and was perplexed over what the vision meant. And as he was puzzling over this vision, the Holy Spirit said to him, “Three men
have come to see you, go down and meet them and go with them, all is well, for I have sent them.” Verse -19
The Holy Spirit told the angel, and the angel told Cornelius to send for Peter and the Holy Spirit told Peter to go and tell them the good news. And because Peter obeyed the Holy Spirit Cornelius and his whole household got saved and baptized in the Holy Spirit.
As a result of obeying the Holy Spirit, both the angel and Peter obeyed, they did their part, and people got saved as a result of obedience. But did you realize it was the Holy Spirit who told both what to do. The secrete to great things is listening to what the Holy Spirit tells you, to hear with his ears to see with his eyes, to speak with his words.
These are words that the Holy Spirit will never speak. You’re useless, you’re no good, you will never amount to much, you’re a failure, and I don’t love you. I can’t do this it’s impossible. His words will never condemn you; his words will never say you can’t be saved. His words are never negative.
His words are spirit and they are life. Theses were the words Jesus spoke.
John-6-63-The words I have spoken are spirit and they are life.
His words are spirit and they are life, life, life, the words the Holy Spirit give are life, they have the power to create. You are made in his image and therefore the words you speak have life also, life and death are in the tongue.
Seeing through the eyes of love is seeing through the eyes of the spirit; when we act and live in love then we are open wide to the holy Spirits promptings and speaking.
Chapter five
WeshouldcontinuallybesayingthewordstheHolySpiritsaidinthebible;ifwesay{confess} the words of the Holy Spirit then we will have Holy Spirit power, because the Holy Spirit is in the power of his word.
{His Words have Powerwhen said in the “knowledge of who it is said them,” and who backs his own words up, “The Holy Spirit himself.”}
What an awesome God; to begin to realize that the words I speak from the word of God are the words the Holy Spirit gave to his believers and is filled with power.
Think over those words I wrote because they are revelation to us now as we read them. “His Words have Power when said in the “knowledge of who it is said them,” and who backs his own words up, “The Holy Spirit himself.”
When we confess {Say} what the Spirit says, Power beyond belief is released and the words we speak create what we say because they have life in them, they have the life of the Holy Spirit, and they have power in them to perform what is said, always!
The only thing preventing power from being released is unbelief, doubt, not understanding.
We hold a spiritual bomb in our mouths; a powerful megaton bomb of great magnitude with enough explosive power to change this world, and we haven’t realized what it is we hold in and overshadowing us.
Here are some Holy Spirit words from his word the bible.
1-John-4-17 because in this world we are like him {like means equal to}
Romans -8-37-overwhelming victory is ours through Christ Jesus.
Psalm-81-1-the lord makes us strong, {sing praises.}
1-corinthians-3-22-he has given us {me} the whole world to use; all are yours {mine} life and death are your {my} servants
John-16-10-the Holy Spirit is in me to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat.
Galatians -2-20 – It is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me.
2-Timothy -1-7-God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and a sound mind, {self discipline.}
Romans 8-1 therefore there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
I-John-4-4 because greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world.
2-corinthians-10-3-I use God’s mighty weapons, not those made by man, to knock down the devils strongholds.
Ephesians-2-6-he raised us {me} up together with him, and made us {me} sit down together with him in the heavenly places, by virtue of our {me} being in Christ Jesus.
Romans-12-4 we are {I am} the body of Christ
Colossians-2-10-You {I am} are in him, made full, and have come to fullness of life in Christ Jesus, You to {I am} filled with the Godhead, the father, son and Holy Spirit.
Ephesians-1-4-5-he decided to make us {me} holy in his eyes without a single fault.
Mark -16-17- those who believe, shall use “my” “authority” to cast out demons.
Hebrews-10-14-you are {I am} forever perfect in the sight of God.
Psalm-116-15-his loved ones are very precious to him and he does not lightly let them die.
1-Corinthians-15-58- since future victory is sure, be strong, steady, always abounding in the lords work, for you know nothing you do for the lord is ever wasted.
Psalm 32-7-you surround me with songs of victory.
Psalm7-10-God is my shield, he will defend me.
Psalm-16-5 the lord himself is my inheritance, my prize. He is my highest joy! He guards all that is mine. {My children etc}
Psalm-27-1- the lord is my light and my salvation.
Psalm-56-9 the very day I call for help, the tide of battle turns. My enemies flee! This one thing I know, God is for me!
To personalize what the Holy Spirit is saying when he spoke those words through the prophets, I highlighted in blue and in brackets, me or I instead of us etc. Those words are the words of the Holy Spirit; and those words have tremendous power, when spoken into the air, or as scripture say the heavenlies. Not heaven itself, but the heavenlies, just beneath Heaven.
The Holy Spirit does use words like I can’t, or it’s impossible, or I condemn you. Or I won’t forgive you. Or words like I don’t love you, or I wont save you, or I won’t bless you. The Holy Spirit does not use negative words they do not exist in the vocabulary of the Holy Spirit, and those words should have no place within you either. You should never speak out negatively against another human being; you should never criticize another person for whom Jesus died. You should never say what you know the Holy Spirit wouldn’t say. The Holy Spirit builds people up, exhorts them, lifts them into higher places, he never tears God’s children down.
Look back over what I havewritten at thestart and read it again carefully; realizethat you were given a full grown Holy Spirit in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, not a baby one who grows with you as you grow older, but a fully grown spirit. In fact your human spirit was also full grown at birth, and you were to grow into it, then you were offered salvation and you got a brand new Spirit a fully grown Holy Spirit. I had the grace to look into my grandsons eyes one day after he was just a few weeks old, and I was allowed to see his spirit for a brief moment as I looked into his eyes and I saw looking back at me a full grown human spirit as I prayed for him. He was born Down Syndrome, and as I looked into his eyes I saw his spirit what a great grace that was for me. The lord has healed him and he is a normal little boy and also very intelligent. What a marvelous God we have.
I will copy some of the material I wrote at the beginning so you don’t have to go searching for it and put it here for you.
Most Christians believe that they had been given a baby spirit when they got born again and that they had to learn to grow up spiritually first as a baby then as a child until finally years later they have matured into a full grown Christian. This is not true! We were given the Spirit of Christ Jesus himself when we were born again; we were given the Holy Spirit in the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I ask you to ask your self a question here, was the spirit we received from Jesus a baby Holy Spirit? Or did you receive the Holy Spirit in all his fullness? Full grown.
Your Answer will determinewhereyour faith lies, if you believe you have to grow up into your spirit, you will always struggle.
If you believe that your spirit is full grown and is indeed the Holy Spirit then you will be a conquer living in victory.
The problem lies in the interpretation of scripture that says; “your mind must be renewed by the word of God.” We think that means the spirit has to be renewed and we have to grow up mentally and become stronger spiritual Christians; instead it means we must renew our minds into what the Holy Spirit is. Does the Holy Spirit think like us? Does the Holy Spirit struggle with faith? No! The Holy Spirit is faith; he is spiritually fully aware of everything in this life that we see and can’t see, he is the creator of the universe and chooses to live in you and me. But he doesn’t live in us as a baby spirit, no he is fully omnipotent.
Our minds have to be changed into realizing that our spirit is fully grown and we have to realize that we need to begin to believe we have the creator of the universe living fully grown inside of us.
We have to learn to think as the Spirit thinks, and the spirit thinks there is nothing impossible to him; he thinks perfect health, he thinks prosperity; he thinks “I can do everything.” He does not think negative, he does not think, I can’t do that; he does not think this situation is impossible to me. This is where your mind needs to be renewed by his word, you have to begin to accept that the Holy Spirit is full grown, Living as one with you, helping you grow in understanding of who and what he is.
We have to learn Spirit first, flesh second. Can I do something? Let’s check first what the spirit says, He can do everything, what the word says, you can do everything through Christ Jesus. So three things have to line up, you have the spirit inside you, you have the written word of God and you have your choice to make; do you believe all this, before you act on it.
We need to understand that God is glorified in every positive act we make. There is nothing negative in God. There is nothing negative in his word, the bible. There is nothing negative in me, unless I say it. There is nothing negative in me unless I act it. There is everything positive in me when I act on his word. There is everything positive in me when I stand in faith to believe. There is nothing negative in me, except what I let in. I am a positive force with a positive force inside of me.
I choose to believe and act in a positive manner, because it’s a choice I make. I choose not to act in a negative manner because I am positive that the spirit in me and covering me can do everything and all I need to do is act on my belief in him, not in my belief in me. God’s spirit inside of me is prompting me on and on to greater things, to step out in faith because he is reminding me that he is there in me to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat; by breaking his hold over people’s lives including my own life in him.