Partakers in the heavenly calling,

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“Partakers in the

Heavenly calling”

“Partakers in the

Heavenly calling”

Brendan Mc Crossan

Partakers in the heavenly calling



Blessed by God

God has placed a heavenly blessing on us his children; he has honored us by calling us to partake in his own heavenly position; he decided that he wanted us to partake, and the word partake means to, participate, share, contribute, involve yourself in, play a part, assist, and join in. the word share means to split between two or more people, to go halves. To contribute means to add something to it; to have a say, to donate something. God wanted us to contribute something to our heavenly calling, as sharing with him in this call; when you consider what he has done you realize how important you are to God’s plans, he decided to do things that includes your input.

Hebrews 3-1-New King James Version (NKJV)

Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our confession, Christ Jesus, 2 who was faithful to Him who appointed Him, as Moses also was faithful in all His house.

We Christians –children of Almighty God have been called to share, to give an input, to contribute something from ourselves. How awesome is it to understand that we mere human beings who live on this planet earth are actually spiritual beings also and we actually share in all that God has in mind for us to be. Almighty God has decided to let us contribute to his kingdom, have you ever considered how awesome and trusting God is when he allows us to contribute something to his own kingdom; he does not need our input or ideas or anything, but amazingly he wants us to have a say about things there!

To share as I said already means to contribute and to contribute means to add something to it; to have a say, to donate something.

What do we contribute? We contribute the spoken word, we contribute the word of God as manifested in his holy word the bible. God wants us to contribute his word; he wants us speaking his living word out into the atmosphere where he can then create life giving things. God has stopped creating because he rested on the seventh day but his word is still creating new things that he spoke long, long ago, millions of years ago in fact; these new things are old things to God but new to us who are his own divine children; we speak forth the things he spoke of and so the old things of God become new things to us. For instance God said that he has a plan for us and that plan was for good to give us a future and a hope Jeremiah-29.

Jeremiah 29:11-Amplified Bible

For I know the “thoughts and “plans” that I have for you, says the Lord, “thoughts and plans” forwelfare and peaceand not forevil, to giveyou hopein yourfinal outcome.

Almighty God knew from before time itself the thoughts and plans he has laid out for you and for me, and the devil believed that God had a ‘plan’ for me and also for you the reader; and he has spent his time on earth trying to destroy God’s ‘plan’ for you and for me, and he has succeeded many times. But he didn’t realize that God had ‘’thoughts and plans’’ ‘not a ‘plan’ and he soon found out that God is not limited in his plans. When God speaks of his thoughts and plans he does not use the singular he uses the plural, = {concerning, involving, or made up of more than one person or thing,} his thoughts and his plans were made up of more than one plan, his plans were multiple choice.

Romans 8 Amplified Bible (AMP)

28 We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.

If you look closely at this scripture you will see it refers to being a partner, {partner means –co worker- equal helper} or sharing with us in our labor. God is doing his best to show us that we are partakers and sharing the divine plans he has made since before time itself, there is nothing that happens that God didn’t have a solution for and all we had to do was to give him our defeats so they could be turned around into victory, we will always have the victory because the simple truth is Jesus is our victory, so no matter how many times you get the crap beat out of you by the enemy God will turn it around later on and use it for his glory and your victory, But first it will be for his glory, that is paramount in everything, it is his glory that is important and he will never allow the devil to steal his glory from him and we are his own glory as scripture says. God is a partner with you in your labor and you are a partner with him alsoinhisplans.BothhaveequalhelpfromoneanotherandthisisallofGod’splansnotmans. We have to understand something here God was the one who designed his flawless plans not us, his plans are interwoven into everything concerning us and of course others who fit into our lives; so our lives involve all those connected to us in some way, even tiny microscopic things connect us to others in the body so all can be made complete. When God does something it does not just involve you, it may involve hundreds or thousands as well as you, God is all seeing all consuming he is Almighty. To give you a small example of how you are not on your own in this planet and in the grand scale of things an only child of God.


I was asked by aFather RobertDeGrandis atahealing servicehewas giving ataplacein Sligo in Ireland, if I could lead a tongues workshop and he sent over two hundred people into a large room with me so that I could lead them all into the baptism in the Holy Spirit and into the gift of tongues. I did so and all there received their gift and some were even healed from terrible inflictions to the glory of God.

The point being was I was there with these people I was used by God to baptize them in the Holy Spirit and release them into tongues which they received and some of them were healed supernaturally by God in that room.

The point I am making is if I was not there then those people would have never received the Holy Spirit and those who were healed would have never been healed; I was part of the grand scheme of God I was interwoven into God’s plans. If I was not involved in God’s plans for these people then Father De Grandis would never have been invited to Ireland by me and Rose and my praise and worship group, and none of this would have happened. But God’s plans were to have me bring Fr Robert to Ireland and when he would come here he would use him and us to bring healing services to our people in Ireland, and inevitably he would use me through Fr Roberts asking me to do that tongues workshop and he would heal those people through me. I am a part of God’s plans not just a part but an important part just as you are and he uses us a co-workers collages to help him fulfill his plans!

In light of all this perhaps now you can see why the word of God says, ‘’we partake,’’ {contribute to and involve ourselves in and cooperate in the plans of God by first of all our obedience and secondly by our words what we say.} In the divine heavenly calling, we are a part of a great plan, and we finish up our part of the great and divine plans by confessing {saying} the words God spoke millions of years ago; God granted us a share in his divine plans, by speaking out at a certain time the words he spoke concerning our lives and his divine word, we just simply repeated his words, and spoke those words into this world which allowed God to come and fulfill his plans; and ‘his word in our mouths’ is the same as ‘his word in his mouth,’ and when we speak what he spoke then what he spoke materializes in this world. He needed us to speak those words of life for life to come; if we didn’t then he would use someone else to speak the words he planned for us to speak.

Hebrews 3-1-New King James Version (NKJV)

Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling,

Remember his plans are multiple interchanging always alive and active as scripture say the word of God is alive and active.

Hebrews 4:12 Amplified Bible

For the ‘Word’ that ‘God speaks’ is ‘alive and full of power’ [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart.

When you speak what he spoke you set in motion a power you don’t understand you set in motion the power of the God of all creation, you spoke that word in faith, {and God has faith in his own word} and faith is what sets the power of God in motion, you have activated that power by your words spoken in agreement with the word of God spoken millions of years ago; and then taught to man by the Holy Spirit when men arrived on planet earth, and men began speaking God’s words as the Spirit of God gave them revelation, and they then wrote it down for us to read and understand. And so the plans of God began to grow and grow as he used man to speak his own words spoken by him millions of years ago before he even formed the world.

Scripture says the words you speak have life, and scripture also says, Jesus said, he is the way the truth and the life, he Jesus is the life you speak,


it is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh is no help. The words I have spoken to you are-Spirit-and life,

Words you speak from the word of God are ‘Spirit and words of life’ and so you give life to what ever you confess. What God spoke millions of years before the foundation of the world, those words he spoke were alive, and are still alive and active today and they are in your heart and mouth? God placed ‘his words’ that ‘he spoke’ million of years ago into your heart and mind and he wants you speaking what he spoke, in agreement with his word for his word to come into being, that is why you are called a partaker in the divine heavenly calling; you have been chosen to be a part of God’s plans. He actually needs you, to fulfill his perfect will, and if you don’t do it, ‘his perfect will,’ comes into effect through someone else, he slides to another part of his plans which remember are multiple and bypasses you.

Hebrews 4:12 Amplified Bible

For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power

For the word we speak is alive and active also; for when we speak, we set things in motion one way or another. Jesus said his words are Spirit and life, and then he said, ‘he is the way and the truth and the life.’

John-14:6 GOD’S-WORD-Translation

Jesus answered him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me.

In this scripture God shows us the power of the word of truth and he gives us weapons of righteousness, good standing with him, and weapons in both hands. As Christians we don’t think of righteousness as weapons in both hands but that is what God says righteousness is; apart from everything else righteousness is. But for this book I am focusing on what he says about ‘righteousness being weapons in both hands,’ one being a weapon of attack in the right hand, and in the left, a weapon of defense. Those weapons are the word of truth, used in the power of God.

2 Corinthians 6

Amplified Bible (AMP

By [speaking] the word of truth, in the power of God, with the weapons of righteousness for the right hand [to attack] and for the left hand [to defend];

Speaking the word of truth is inserting Jesus himself into the conflict; he is the truth, truth is himself in the spiritual sense. When you speak the word into this world in faith and belief in what you know of the word of God, you release the power of God into this world in which man has dominion not God. God gave man dominion over this world and He can only act in this world when we speak his truth into existence then he can intervene in this world to bring about his divine plan of which you are an integral part, you participate in the heavenly calling, you are needed by God so his spoken word can be completed.

Two Jeremiah 29:11-Amplified Bible

For I know the “thoughts and “plans” that I have for you, says the Lord, “thoughts and plans” forwelfare and peaceand not forevil, to giveyou hopein yourfinal outcome.

Does that mean God’s plans are no use if the devil defeats you in one of them? Of course not! His plans are forever changing as each time the enemy succeeds with diverting God’s best away from us, then God sets in motion the second part of his divine plan and every time the enemy succeeds in destroying that plan, then, God sets in motion another part of his plans for us.; if you read the word above you will see that God said he has “plans” for you; he didn’t say he has a ‘plan,’ “singular” which meant that if the devil defeated you in that plan God had for you, then that plan of God’s would be nullified, no use anymore. But God says he has thoughts for you not just plans and you are not just a one off thought, he never stops thinking about you, or you would cease to exist, but he has thoughts and plans, two things he has for you, if one plan is defeated, he uses that defeat to turn it around later on, as he is ever thinking of you and your welfare, and your children’s welfare, he is concerned about everything concerning you.

But God showed in the sending of his son Jesus into this world where the devil would successfully ‘seemingly’ have defeated him, instead God inserted part two of this divine plan and turned the tables on the devil and not only did he turn the tables on the devil, he even used the devil to position Jesus in the very place where he would destroy him {the devil}.

He used the devil to bring about his own downfall and defeat. He had Jesus arrested by man and then he had Jesus sentenced to death but first he had Jesus flogged and finally he used man to crucify Jesus, and so in crucifying him, he would put the Son of God to death as a human being, and there would be nothing that God could do to save him, as God would not be able to interfere in the affairs of this world as he gave his word to send his Son into this world to save mankind as a human being. And as a human being Jesus could be hurt and bruised and die just like us. Or so it seemed like it, but he didn’t know that God’s plans were to use the devil to kill Jesus and in doing so he would release the second part of his plans, to send Jesus down into hell itself, after he took mans sins on his dying body and pay the price for them, and after he took mans sickness and diseases on to his body at the scourging at the pillar; those things that belonged to the devil and turned all of them around by going to the cross and dying there. The devil thought that was his great plan to have the Son of God crucified and to die, but he did not realize that he was used by God to bring about his own demise, not Jesus. He never believed that Jesus could be raised from the dead again by God, he thought God could not interfere in the world because of his word; but only by having sin on him could Jesus die and the devil thought he had finished Jesus, he didn’t understand that God could and would raise him.

The devil did not realize that when he had Jesus flogged, that God was placing the sins of the world on to his body with each lash of that cat-o – nine tails, for as it struck his flesh it tore out a piece of flesh, and God inserted into those wounds every sin of the world and every sickness and disease also and then covered them with the blood of Jesus sealing the worlds sins and sickness and diseases into his own precious body; and he used the devil to do his perfect will for him unsuspectingly. The devil was used in the salvation of man, because the devil was the one who lured man into his fallen state, and so God used him to turn everything around, by letting him think he had won, and he will do the very same thing with you.

The same thing applies to you and God’s plans for you; he will use the devil sometimes to bring about things into your life and you will seemingly be destroyed; but when you cried out to God for help, God’s second part of his plan swung into effect, he used what you went through to bring him greater glory as he turned everything around to good for those who love him. The devil still hasn’t caught on that God is still using him to help mankind grow into the children that God intended them to be. God uses terrible situations to bring about a necessary changein usspiritually helping usgrowin to thedivineimagemoreand moreaswegrowfrom glory to glory as God intended.

True sometimes the devil wins as Christians give up and turn away instead of calling on God and waiting on him to arrive with his help, and this is where we need to continually be confessing the things God declared out of his own mouth, his mouth spoke the things that be not and we also need to speak the things that be not into existence. God finished his work on the seventh day and then it says he rested, but the work of God is still happening in this world and will continue till all is restored back to God. Even though Almighty God spoke everything into existence millions of years ago we still had to wait till that moment in time when we would be conceived and born;

God spoke into eternity his divine word and his plans he spoke them out into existence but thosewordsneeded ourparticipation to comeinto being becauseweneeded to speak hisdivine word out into this time and into this world so that those words of God that he spoke millions of years ago would become a reality for us in this world. This is why God says he needs you to participate in the divine plans. To participate was in the plans of God, he chose to use us, just as he used the devil, and what we say and believe, to input what he said millions of years ago, and so in effect we share in the divine plans of God by the words we speak, and those words have life in them, his life, and so we share in his plan, and share means = To share as I said already means to contribute and to contribute means to add something to it; to have a say, to donate something.

God chose you millions of years ago and he decided that he would use your words now to fulfill his plans, and this is how you contribute to God plan, it is all his plans not yours he just asks that you co-operate with his spoken and written word so that your life would be fulfilled for his glory and your benefit. God’s plans are amazing.

Ephesians 1 Good News Translation (GNT)

4 Even before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ, so that we would be holy and without fault before him.

Because of his love5 Godhad already decided that through Jesus Christ he would make us his children—this was his pleasure and purpose.

The world is millions of years old as we know, and God had already decided then, before he even made the world, to create us as his children, and that he would do it through Jesus Christ his Son at a given point in time. His plans were to save the world and make us all his own children and in doing so he would use the devil to help bring about his plans at a certain moment in time.

If you would look at this scripture you would see that before time began God had plans, he had already chosen to make us his children and he would do it through Jesus taking our sins on his body and paying for them and that was before the world even existed, never mind existed with dinosaurs. He planned all this because when he decided to make us he knew the devil was in rebellion, and would therefore try and destroy mankind and stop us becoming God’s own children made in his image and likeness and the devil hated that and of course hated us the heart of God’s love. So even before he made the world God knew every scenario that would come into effect on planet earth, from those big giant dinosaurs to little minuscule creature we cannot see by human sight except through a microscope. God made everything and planned it all to come into being at his command, and everything did. He chose to use us in the creating of his world, he decided that we would participate in the things he has done;

by creating a tapestry he would see the finished product and we would see the back where all the threads were intermingling with every other thread and we would only see a rough ugly looking picture, while he saw beauty in his work and he decided that we would all fit into a certain place and we helped in that work by being and doing what he planned. We are a living tapestry a living breathing constantly moving living picture ever changing to become the finished product, that’s why he allows us to be partakers in his work, sharing in his work and sharing his glory.

God speaks and we speak now today what God spoke into being millions of years ago; now we speak what he spoke and it materializes in today’s moment.

Hebrews 3-6-Amplified Bible (AMP)

6 But Christ (the Messiah) was faithful over His [own Father’s] house as a Son [and Master of it]. And it is we who are [now members] of this house, if we hold fast and firm to the end ourjoyful and exultantconfidenceandsenseoftriumphinourhope[inChrist].

Hebrews 3-6-Amplified Bible (AMP)

14 For wehave become fellows with Christ (the Messiah) and share in all He has for us, if only we hold our first newborn confidence and original assured expectation [in virtue of which we are believers] firm and unshaken to the end.

You see here in this scripture that God’s word says you share in all he has for us! to share means to participate, to contribute, to be equal, to carve up between you, he is reinforcing his divine word letting you know that you were called into a heavenly calling and that you share equally with Jesus everything that he owned.


and if we are [His] children, then we are [His] heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His inheritance with Him]; only we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory.

God says we are partakers in the heavenly calling and he also says we share Jesus inheritance with him equally, and we share also his suffering and his suffering is seeing his divine plans fall apart for some Christians who do not trust or believe his word. We share with Jesus and we also share with the Jews God’s promises, all having equal shares. God says we are heirs of his and fellow heirs of Jesus so what Jesus had we now share as heirs, Jesus died and left all he owned to us as equal sharers.

this mystery is the Good News that people who are not Jewish have the same inheritance as Jewish people do. They belong to the same body and share the same promise that God made in Christ Jesus.

The word partake means to, participate, share, contribute, involve yourself in, play a part, assist, and join in. the word share means to split between two or more people, to go halves. To contribute means to add something to it; to have a say, to donate something.

We all have a share in our inheritance an equal share divided between us. it is like having a multi, multi, multi millionaire share in an inheritance there is that much that to share even a little of what belongs to us is incredible, and can never run out. We have that inheritance that can never run out, but we have to declare it out into this world so that God can come and give us what we declared; he decided that he would need us to help in his plans for us, and so we happily speak out the words of life from his word. Our job, or share, is to speak life into this world, so that God, who handed this world over to man to run, can legally come and work in our lives. Remember God decided to give mankind full authority to run this world, then man sold out to the devil, next Jesus came and restored all that back to man, not back to God; it will go there at the end of time, but in the meantime this world is run by man, furthermore God cannot do anything in this world without our asking, in addition to asking in faith and speaking in faith which gives him the right to act for us and bring about our miracles. We have been called to partake in the heavenly calling by what we say and do; we each have a part to play in that divine calling, and I for one am willing to help God help me, by doing as I should, in agreement with his divine word. It is such an honor to be called by God to partake in the heavenly calling, and to share in the inheritance that God gave us in Jesus, what a blessing that I can help myself through what Jesus done for me, and what Jesus done was personal it was for me and for you individually; done out of love for us equally. We thought that what we are doing is declaring the word of God for us, but in reality it is declaring the word of God so that God can legally act on our behalf in this world; that is how God decided to do things and all we have to do is believe him. God said that we have overwhelming victory; and we proclaim that truth into this world so that God can come and fulfill that world thus we are partaking in the heavenly calling. God needs us Christians speaking his word into this world in faith; so that he can bring about a working of miracles that otherwise he could not have done so unless we co-operate with him in our heavenly calling. God says he even shares his own glory with us; and Christians say God will not share his glory with any man. Those Christians who declare this are contradicting the heavenly calling they were called to share in, and in doing so bring the word of God for them to zero. You can’texpectto receivemiraclesand healingsand contradicttheword ofGod in any point; you may find it hard to believe, but if you can’t believe, the best thing is to keep your mouth shut. God is not a liar he speaks only truth; and he is the one who says,


‘he has called us to share in the heavenly calling;’ to partake, to play an active part. It is incredible to realize that God wants us doing something to co-operate with him in receiving our blessings; we are the ones he uses to bring about our own miracles and his operation in this world for our good and for others good, and for his glory. Stop allowing yourself to be robbed by the enemy, speak into life those life giving words of God in your situation.

God is good and cares for us more than we will ever realize, he called us to share, to partake in our own miracles by allowing us an active part so that no matter what we will always have the victory, in every thing.

Remember the word partake means to, participate, share, contribute, involve yourself in, play a part, assist, and join in. the word share means to split between two or more people, to go halves. To contribute means to add something to it; to have a say, to donate something. God wanted us to contribute something to our heavenly calling, as sharing with him in this call; when you consider what he has done you realize how important you are to God’s plans, he decided to do things that includes your input.

By your mouth you contribute something to your miracles and needs, start speaking God words out for your today. Remember God cannot act in this world until you give him the legal right to do so, by declaring his word out of your mouth speaking his word into this world, thereby giving him the legal right to come and act on his spoken word on your behalf. Amen

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