Ephesians-2-19-so now you are no longer strangers and foreigners. You are citizens along with all of God’s holy people. You are members of God’s family.
Every country in the world issues its citizens with a passport when they wish to travel abroad to another country, and that passport has the country’s name on it, for example people from England have a United Kingdom Passport. Irish people have an Irish passport, etc; that passport identifies you it has abar codewith all your personal details in it. Your nameand your address are on the passport and your photograph also, all identifying you as the owner of the passport and from what country you were born in. This passport will allow you to travel everywhere in the world, some countries issue a visa also to allow you to get into that country, which is just another security protection for that country. Everyone’s passport was issued by their respective countries government.
‘Most’ worldly countries have an agreement with other countries to have an Embassy in the visiting country, for example America has an Embassy here in Ireland where I live, and on the grounds of that Embassy that is a part of America as far as the host country that Embassy is a part of America and cannot be entered except with an invite. Americans who have difficulties in the host country can go to that Embassy and get all the help they are entitled to because they are American citizens, and the ambassador in that Embassy has the power to speak and act for his government in America in that host country. Not all countries allow another government to have an Embassy, but they allow another country to act as their representatives, for example in a host country America may not be allowed an Embassy but that country allows Ireland to take care of American citizens in trouble needing help. Ireland in the host country has the power of attorney to act for Americans in need of help.
The Ambassador in the host country is a very powerful man, he is the same as the president of his own country while abroad, and he has power to issue, passports, statements or act in a way that is in the best interest of his country. The host country knows and accepts his power because their Ambassador is in America with the same power to speak or act on behalf of their country. John 16-8 the Holy Spirit is in me to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat,
A country that has been occupied has lost all rights for its citizens, they have no rights when they have been over run by another country, they lose their identity, the government has lost all power, and even the foreign Embassies have to leave or be attacked by the invaders, the country has become ungovernable, no solid government, no one to issue passports, all officials have been defeated. They have no power left they are helpless, they can do nothing, but talk, and even then they could die for saying the wrong thing to an invading soldier. We see this all the time on TV News a country being invaded by another brutal regime.
Did you know you were issued with a heavenly passport when you became a citizen of Heaven? When you accepted Jesus as lord?
Heaven is a place, with a kingdom, and a king in power.
Jesus sends us out as representatives of his father in heaven, as an Ambassador, representing God and Jesus, acting on their behalf as if they themselves were doing it, with all the power of their king, and his kingdom at their disposal. Worldly kingdoms when they invade another country, rape pillage, murder and take what they want from the poor people who become their slaves if they want to live.
God on the other hand, when he invaded Satan’s kingdom he bound him first and all of his soldiers and generals, powers and principalities, then went about setting all those whom Satan bound up with fear disease death, he, - Jesus, - released the prisoners of Satan, and continues to release those whom Satan had bound, using us now to do his will.
Ephesians -4-8- therefore it is said, when he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, he led a train of vanquished foes, and bestowed gifts on men
Mark-16-15- then he told them you are to go out to the entire world and preach the good news to everyone.
17 those who believe shall use “my authority” to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages, etc they shall lay hands on the sick and they will be healed.
The Ambassador is given all authority, “Jesus own authority” to speak and act on behalf of his government. Those Jesus sends out is given the same authority he has to preach the Good News to baptize people in the spirit and speak in tongues and to lay hands on the sick and heal them, they are his Ambassadors, representing the kingdom of God and have all power and authority in his name.
You have been sent out into the entire world to preach the gospel heal the sick deliver from demons with his authority backing you. You were given a passport, and your passport is your ‘Bible.’ Like all other passports it has all the details of your birth, {he was there while you were put together in your mothers womb} your place of rebirth, your re-birthday, {the day you were reborn} you’re address, {your home is in heaven}
Matthew -5-3- blessed is the poor in spirit for theirs the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew -5-10 – blessed is those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs are the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew -5-16-in the same way let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Did you know in the natural world you can get a passport from a country even if you were not born there yourself, for example; if your father was born in Ireland, and you were born in Turkey you can still get an Irish passport, in fact you can actually get two passports, a Turkish one and an Irish one.
Where does the previous scripture tell you where your Father lives? You’re Father is in heaven. So remember you are entitled to a passport from where your father was born.
Matthew -5-45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven.
The prayer you pray most often, the one taught by Jesus to his disciples and to us through them.
Matthew -6-9- Our Father in heaven hallowed be your name.
Every time you pray the “Lord’s Prayer,” you declare that you are born of your Father in heaven, you make a declaration that you’re Father is God, you are having the un-realized, by you, boldness to declare that your Father is God. Think about this for a little while and it will blow you’re mind away. You are declaring that your Father is God every time you pray the Lords Prayer.
Matthew-7-11-how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
Again this scripture refers to your Father in heaven, so if your father lives in heaven, then that is the kingdom or country or place of his origin.
Matthew -10-7 – the kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received freely give.
Theses are your instructions you have to deliver the sick from ill health, raise the dead, and heal leprosy, cancer, aids, whatever the disease.
Matthew-11-12- the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing and forceful men lay hold of it.
Did you notice that forceful men {and women} lay hold to the kingdom of heaven? Weak men and women or double minded men or women wont be able to use the powers of heaven because you have to forcefully declare boldly who you are and what belongs to you, as a child of your Father in heaven, its his kingdom you are using and he gave you that right to use his kingdom and weak unbelieving men and women wont receive anything, you have to face Satan boldly and take back what was stolen from you by him and his followers. You have to be forceful he won’t surrender gracefully he will try and trick you into thinking he is stronger than you, that is why the scripture says the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, heaven is not weak and it is not filled by weak people it is filled by forceful men and women.
You were issued with a passport to go into Satan’s kingdom and release the people he has held captive, you have freedom to move anywhere in his kingdom because he was defeated and overthrown by Jesus when he died, he descended into hell itself and destroyed Satan’s kingdom and paraded them all before the father as a defeated foe he paraded Satan and all his forces naked before all the angels, the elders, the powers and host of heaven defeated and in shackles. He Jesus brought Satan down to nothing, he stripped him of every power that he had.
When you enter Satan’s former kingdom you have the right to go anywhere to do anything, and if he objects you have the right to have him bound in Jesus name. Remember a captive people have no rights at all they can’t even speak unless given permission by those who conquered them, and all Satan can do is speak and you have the right to tell him to shut up in Jesus name.
You and I are supposed to go into Satan’s kingdom and move about at will delivering those whom he abound up in sickness or disease or fear or whatever evil, in the name of his conquer – Jesus. You do it all in Jesus name of which you have been made a part of; you are his Ambassador, and no one can oppose you, because you have a mighty army of angelic power at your disposal and you also have the name of the king as your guarantor.
Ephesians -4-8- therefore it is said, when he ascended on high, he led captivity captive, he led a train of vanquished foes, and bestowed gifts on men
In case you still can’t get it into your mind that your real home is heaven, read the next few scripture’s.
Ephesians-2-6- he raised us up ‘together with him’ made us sit down together with him in the heavenly realms, by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus the Messiah, the anointed one.
Ephesians-1-3- the father has delivered me from the power of darkness and translated me into the kingdom of his own dear son.
Mark- 16- 16 those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons, and lay hands on the sick and they will be healed.
Well do you believe? Or are you still in doubt about your God given authority to act as an Ambassador or representative for God and Jesus.
John 16-8 the Holy Spirit is in me to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat.
Luke 10-17- and even the demons obey us because we use you’re name. {Jesus}
When you enter Satan’s old kingdom the Holy Spirit goes with you, you are not on your own he is inside you and he is there to bring about a demonstration, {to show to display, to manifest, to exhibit} of Satan’s defeat. The Holy Spirit is God seal on you, like the official seal the government uses to issue their passport.
You have on you the stamp of God’s approval.
Have your Passport ready, your bible; your going on a mission today and every day from now on, yourtraveling forthelord everywhere;and getinto thatworld ofSatan’sand begin to bring healing and deliverance to God’s children