I decided to write this little book to give God the glory for all the many things he has done for me and for those I, and Rose, my wife have prayed for and with. I want to share with you the reader, that, God is still working miracles and performing healing, Today. Nothing has changed. Jesus Christ is still the same yesterday, today, and forever.
The following stories and testimonies are all true. Some of the names have been changed to protect people's identities. Or to just give God the glory without taking any credit away from him.
Mike's wife Jo phoned Rose and I one day and asked if they come to our home in Derry, Northern Ireland. As Mike had Incurable leukaemia and Joe had arthritis. We invited them to come and to be ministered to.
When Mike and Jo arrived we discovered that they were from Canada, and were staying with relatives whom we knew in DownPatrick. As soon as I put my hands on Mike the Lord said to me not to pray with him as he already healed him. I told Mike he was healed and we weren't going to pray with him. We prayed instead with Jo for her arthritis. Mike looked confused as we prayed with Jo. He was the one who was dying from leukaemia. When we finished praying they left.
A few months later we had a letter from Mike and Joe who were
back in Canada. Mike had been to the doctors for a check up and the doctors were in confusion as all signs of leukaemia had vanished. They done every possible test, there was no sign of Mike's disease. They were totally bewildered, as was Mike. Up until then, Mike thought he still had his disease. He then realised that the Lord had truly healed him.
He remembered what I'd said. That the Lord told me, that he was already healed. Mike confessed to me later that he felt angry with me because he was the one, who was dying, and his wife had a touch of arthritis, and we prayed with her and didn't pray with him. He was of course delighted with his healing. Today, 8 years later I had a Christmas card from Mike and Jo from Burlington Canada, and they said "Mike has been off all medication for eight years now and is in great health, praise God. Of course his doctors are still bewildered, but that's not our fault, we keep telling them about the great healer". Mike and Jo Freeman live in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
You have only a short time to live be the blunt reply of the surgeon when Kathy asked him, "how am I? ". Kathy was shocked by his bluntness, but composed she replied, "Well I am going to see another surgeon."
The surgeon laughed at her and said. I am the top surgeon in this field Kathy answered him, smiling as she spoke. "I'm going to see the one who made me, You can do nothing for me, but my God can". The surgeon laughed at her and walked away.
A week later Declan, a member of our praise and worship group and I were at a prayer meeting. Afterwards Kathy approached me and asked if I could give her a lift home. I lived just a street away from her. On the way home Kathy kept coughing. I asked her was
she not well, she replied, "no." Would you like a prayer, yes said Kathy, so Declan and I prayed with her sitting there in the car, afterwards I invited Kathy to come to our praise and worship meeting in my home, I told her she was more than welcome anytime.
Next meeting night I was delighted to see Kathy arrive, during the meeting I noticed Kathy going in and out of the room and coughing a lot. At the end of our meeting we prayed with every one for healing, sitting down between 6 to 10 -people at a time while the rest prayed over them for whatever healing they needed. Kathy never said at any time she had cancer or she was given roughly a few weeks left to live. Over the next few months I noticed Kathy colour change. {She was always a gray colour} I noticed also that her coughing had stopped, but thought nothing of it.
A year later we were having a testimony night and testifying of how God healed us, when Kathy asked could she share. She spoke for the first time of the surgeon's words, and of how he told her she had incurable cancer and she had only a few weeks left to live. Then she met Declan and I and how she came to the meetings and received healing prayer. She never said she had cancer because she was embarrassed to speak about it. She said that was a year ago and there has been no sign of the cancer. She could walk, run, and do her shopping, and climb the hills of Derry City, where we lived. And she never runs out of breath. That was seven years ago, Kathy is still alive, today, and still no sign of any cancer.
WHEN FACED WITH THE WORST NEWS OF HER LIFE, KATHY DID THE ONLY THING SHE KNEW HOW = SHE TURNED TO THE ONE WHOM SHE TURNED TO FOR EVERYTHING ELSE IN HER LIFE AND ASKED HIM FOR HEALING. Her Lord and savior Jesus never ever failed her. And he won't fail you either no matter what is wrong with you. Turn to the only one who will never fail you JESUS CHRIST he is the true healer, TO GOD BE THE GLORY.
OUR LORD DID A WONDERFUL MIRACLE IN OUR LIFE, IN THESE DAYS. On Wednesday 8th November, my wife Claret saw through the door lens a bluish child in the hands of our neighbour's maid. Enquiring she was told with tears, that the one-year-old baby boy aspirated while taking his food. His name is Lokarajan; they are Hindus from Tamilnadu.
Everybody thought that the child had passed away. Claret gave artificial respiration and other first aid to the child in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and took him to the hospital immediately with the help of other neighbours. By the grace of our Lord, the child is recovering and the parents of the child are telling to their visitors that Claret and her God, only, saved the child from death. Yesterday the 25’th November 2000 a visiting pastor from the USA happened to meet us. Together we went to the hospital and prayed for the child who had a weak neck and blind eyes, due to lack of oxygen in the brain for some time, By God's grace that child is now completely cured. Please pray for the child and his parents and for us also. Praise God and thank you Jesus. Best regards, Jain and Claret Mathew, Kuwait. "To God be the glory.
Called to come pray with a little boy and his sister a friend and I went to his home. As we sat talking to the parents about the
Extract from a letter from Jain from Kuwaitchildren, the lord said to me that " the mother rejected the boy from the moment she realised she was pregnant. She felt disgusted with herself; She called him a Johnny Walker baby {Johnny Walker is an Irish whiskey, meaning she was drunk the night she conceived}
When she brought the little boy down from his bedroom, I was shocked at the sight of him. He was bleeding and puss was coming from everywhere in his little body, he was a horrific sight. The little girl was not as bad as her brother.
My friend and I prayed with the children and then said could we pray with the parents, because we felt that is the way the Lord was directing us. The children left the room and we prayed with the parents. I told the mother she needed to forgive herself for the feelings she felt from the moment of realisation of the pregnancy, and to also ask her little boy for forgiveness for not wanting him, and she was to do it while he slept.
The little girls eczema was caused by stress the lord told us, and had us pray at the time for relief of the stress. That night the mother went to the boy's room and quietly asked him for forgiveness as he slept for not wanting him.
Next day the little boy became worse and they sent for the doctor, who put him in hospital, They put bandages on him and put him to bed. Next morning the specialist came to see him and as he removed the bandages he was shocked to discover that the little boy had brand new skin all over his body. He sent for the parents and told them what happened and said it was a miracle as only God could have done this. At the same time the little girl was healed and her eczema disappeared. Also the little boys asthma was healed. And later that day he went home, and went outside to play, for the first time since he was born. Both children are doing well and are completely healed. To Jesus Be the Glory.
Sister Stephanie phoned, could you and some of your prayer group come to Ballyshannon to give a retreat to the leaving class? Yes we could I answered.
On the day of the retreat we set out from our homes in Derry City. Driving down to Ballyshannon we prayed all the way seeking the Lord and his guidance. When we arrived we were met by two nuns, invited in for tea and told something about the class. They are a tough bunch, they don’t believe in God. They will be hard to get through to. Share what you like, whatever the Lord tells you was the sister's advice there's no restrictions.
On meeting the class in the main hall of the school I saw what the sister meant. They just were not interested and were only there because they had to be there. We started off with some singing as one other sister said they love to sing hymns. It was not long before we realised that they were just making fun of the nuns singing class.
Shortly into the talks we were giving we knew we had our hands full with this lot. Apathy, boredom, disinterest and ridicule was just flowing from this group. We stopped for a tea break for them and got together ourselves to pray and ask the lord what should we do?
As we started the next session, I was singing a hymn when I felt myself closing the kids out and just concentrating on the Lord alone. As I sang I walked around the hall. As I walked around I could sense the class getting quieter then silence as they watched me and listened to me singing to the Lord. They knew I switched myself off from them and were waiting to see what I would do.
When I stopped singing everything was very still like everyone was holding his or her breath. Then the Lord inspired me to ask them. How many of you believe in God put your hand up. About three or four hands went up. I told them that God believes in them and that
he wanted to heal them here today. At this they sat up and took notice. One young man I noticed in particular who seemed to be the leader of the class sneered and said he didn’t believe God exists.
I answered I can prove he exists. Everyone who is in any kind of pain or illness comes to the small tea-room at the end of this session and we would pray with them and God would heal them. Everyone laughed.
Different members of the group shared with the students of their experiences with God and how he worked in their lives. The kids listened with more intent this time. At the end of the session I sent some of the prayer group down to the small tea-room. Two young girls approached me and asked could they receive prayer. I sent them down to the tea-room and said we would be along in a few minutes. We gathered up our songbooks and set off to the tearoom.
Imagine our shock to find that everyone of the class was there to watch what we would do. Boldly I said would the first person that wants healed come up and Rose and I would pray with them and God would heal them. A young girl came slowly up to the front of the room where we were. We didn’t even ask her what was wrong. With her, we were that nervous with all these kids watching us to see what would happen. Rose and I laid hands on her and as soon as we touched her she fell to the floor on her back with a bang. We were taken aback because the Lord didn’t wait for us to get ready; he just rested her in the spirit. She lay there for what seemed like ages to us then slowly she began to open her eyes which were full of tears.
My pain is gone she whispered. We helped her to her feet I have no pain she said louder; it's all gone. She began bending stretching and lifting her legs up and down Then she walked to the far end of the room and back and did this a few times getting faster till she was almost running. Smiling she eventually stopped in front of
Rose and I. I'm healed she proclaimed, all my pain and stiffness and tiredness is all gone, I'm full of energy and strength that I never had, you see I had M S I haven't walked fast in years as everyone here will tell you. Now I can run with no pain, thank you Jesus she said and we praised the Lord with her.
Who wants to be next? There was a rush up to us. Seeing that almost all of the class had come forward we had our group form into teams of two to pray with them. That Day the Lord healed every-one of them. And the mocker who gave us so much trouble in the class also came forward for prayer. Was rested in the spirit and healed as were all the children that day They shared with us the healing that the Lord done for them. pain, hurts emotional, physical pains and illness
One of the young people came to me afterwards and asked could I pray with her, she said she had dropped arches in her feet. She explained she was a champion Irish dancer who was unable to dance any more because of the problem with her feet. I sat her down and prayed for her feet, then asked her to try walking, then running. She complied with my request and started walking, then running, then tried dancing. She was doing well until she made a leap into the air, as she landed she cried out in pain, I called her back and said sit down. Again I prayed for her feet. I remembered Jesus prayed with the blind man twice, before he could see properly. I sensed that she was fully healed so I told her to do her normal dance routine.
I never seen anything so graceful as I watched that young girl dance she leapt into the air like a Gazelle landing gracefully and with a lightness I had never witnessed before with a dancer. She was amazing to watch, I never seen anyone leap so high and land so gracefully it was poetry in motion, a true gift from God. To me this was the greatest healing I ever witnessed, not because of the miracle of the healing, but because I never seen anyone truly
dance in the Spirit before, and the memory of that remains with me to this day.
During the healing session one night at a friend's home in Coleraine an 80 year old woman came forward for prayer. Her hand legs and feet were twisted up and deformed with arthritis.
A group of us gathered around her to pray. As we began to pray I sensed the Lord say she needed to forgive people. I explained to her about the need to forgive and she made the decision to forgive all who ever hurt her. Before any of us could lay a hand on her, her hands immediately started opening and straightening out then her legs started moving straightening out next her feet turned around and freed from the deformed shape that the arthritis had them in.
She got up and began ballet dancing around the room. We sat there flabbergasted watching in amazement as this eighty-year-old ballet danced around the room. She smiled the most beautiful smile at us then sat down to the applause from everyone in the room. The faith of everyone in the room grew that night and all that came for prayer were healed.
There is a lady here who needs healed, Sister Madeline said. Could you and Rose pray with her? Certainly we sat Jan in a chair and during Mass we agreed that we would all lift her up to the Lord for her healing. As we prayed Jan just sat there saying nothing. And when we had finished she still never spoke got up and left the room with Sister Madeline following her. What's wrong with her? Everyone wondered. Is this healing thing that Brendan and Rose done not God's will. There were people at that Mass who were opposed to us praying for Jan's healing and made a big show of it and now they were saying we left this poor woman in a terrible state, that’s why she had left.
We left there that day with such a heavy heart, and later that night a leader of the group phoned to say what we did was wrong and that God would never use me for healing anyone and had told him this. I was shocked and deflated this was the first public healing Rose and I were involved in.
I went before God and cried to him what did we do wrong, but no answer. A short time later the phone rang, it was Sister Madeline. She said I have someone who wants to talk to you here with me. My heart sank thinking this was another rebuke. Hello Brendan this is Jan, I just want to thank you and Rose. Every pain and ache I had for years has disappeared, I have been able to lift my children for the first time ever and I was able to cut my hair also for the first time, I am totally healed.
I was shocked I asked her why she left the room, she replied that she had such a feeling of the presence of God with her as we prayed that she needed to be alone with him. I thought how wrong that leader had been and how God is indeed a healing God who desires to heal all our illness. And how he reassured Rose and I that we were on the right road to his perfect will for his people. Jan's healing was the first healing we experienced as a team for the Lord. From there went on, ministering to thousand's of other people in need of God's healing and mercy. Witnessing the lord heals and restores many.
Have you ever given a tongue's workshop? Dorothy De Grandis asked!
Father Robert De Grandis, and his sister Dorothy De Grandis, was giving a Healing workshop in Galway Ireland. "I have" I answered wondering why she asked. At Father Robert's next talk he wants you to take anyone who would like this gift into the side room. He will announce this to the people gathered for the weekend conference. When Father-De Grandis announced that I would be taking
a workshop on the gift of tongues, he told the people to go to the door where I was standing, and go into the room, where I would lead them into the release of this gift. I was shocked to watch as over two hundred people got up from their seats and made their way towards the room where I was to conduct this session. After talking to them about what the gift was and the power there was in this gift, I led them in a prayer for release of tongues. Within two or three minutes everyone was speaking in tongues. I was overwhelmed to see the Holy Spirit work so powerfully and so quickly.
One lady said to me that she only got a few words and not a flow like most other people. Just then Tom, a giant of a man asked could we pray with him as he was in pain. I was led by the Holy Spirit to bring this lady and Tom to the front of the room. I told the people present that they should watch and see what the Holy Spirit could do with just a few words in tongues. Asking all to pray in tongues with us. I directed the lady to pray with Tom using her few words. Five minutes later, Tom announced that his pain had disappeared.
Would you stand up, move about, try bending, all sorts of rigorous exercises I put Tom through. Shouting his legs were the same length and no stiffness in them or pain. Tom waved his walking stick in the air, smiling broadly.
It was only then that Tom revealed, he had polio and had been crippled since he was a child. This is the first time in my life I can bend my legs he proudly declared as he showed all that watched him bending his knees.
Could you pray with this young girl next? Asked a lady as she brought this young girl to me. Again I had everyone agree to pray
in tongues and so that they could practice their tongues together. Sitting her down I again felt drawn to ask a young man who was watching from the back of the room if he could pray in tongues ok, he nodded yes.
Would you like to come here and pray with this young girl? I believe God wants to use you to bring about her healing. Hesitatingly he approached us, putting his hands on her we began to pray. A few minutes later she wept and said her pain had gone.
I had her check it out, putting her body through some very rigorous tests. "It's all gone I can bend, I can do everything I was not able to do for years," exclaimed the young woman. We praised the Lord for his healing and demonstrating to all there the power there is in his gift of tongues.
We then joined with the main body of people in the big hall, praising God as we went out, it was wonderful to see. Many other healing occurred in the small room before we left but these were the main two. Later on the young girl approached me and told me she was in a car crash and had almost every bone in her body broken. She was told it would be impossible for her to ever bend or do the things she done in that small hall. That she would always be in pain, because the nerves in her back were damaged permanently, beyond human repair. But God is not human he is God and can do what man can not do. Glory to his wonderful name.
I share this to show the length that God will go, to help us out when we are in desperate need.
We need money Brendan; we don’t have enough to get us through the weekend until we get paid. "How much do we need "? I asked. About twenty pounds was the reply from Rose my wife. I had no
money either so I did as I normally do when we have a need; I turned to the Lord for help.
Fifteen minutes later the phone rang; it was my brother in law. There is a band that needs a van and driver to take them to a wedding they were booked to play at. Could I do the job for them? Payment for the job was twenty pounds plus five pounds for petrol, the exact sum I asked the Lord for.
I live in Northern Ireland in a place called Creggan, which was, at that time, a battlefield. The IRA and British armies were at war and the battlefield was on our streets.
My brother in law said, The band need's picking up at 11 am, the wedding reception starts at 3-0' clock. As I was getting ready to leave to go and pick these men up at the prearranged location, I heard shooting just out side in my street. I carefully opened the front door, looked out and seen gunmen firing at British soldiers, at the far end of my street. After the shooting stopped I set out to see if I could get by the soldiers who flooded the street with armoured cars and men. I began to pray in tongues, asking "Lord get me by them, as I desperately need this money".
I approached the soldiers checkpoint, one them approached me to stop me as was the usual practice when he suddenly changed his mind, probably realising that he was out in the open with gunmen in the area, shooting. He waved me by to my surprise, because it was the usual thing to stop everyone from leaving a shooting area.
After I drove past I made my way down to the pick up point, all the time praying in tongues. Without going into a long drawn out story, because there had been shootings in other areas the band couldn’t get their band equipment so they decided to quit. I persuaded the leader to borrow some equipment from other band members I knew and he agreed to try.
During this time the clock was ticking away and through one reason and another we were having difficulties getting equipment.
Mostly to do with all the shooting's that morning. The leader kept saying to me to forget about it as the wedding reception had started and we were still in Derry and the wedding was in Donegal, Southern Ireland 40 miles away. All this time I kept persuading him I never stopped praying in tongues under my breath as I drove around seeking the equipment, before we eventually got all we needed and set off for Donegal.
When we got to a little town named Buncranna there was a tailback from a traffic jam and no other way around it. As we were driving very slowly through the town the band's men kept saying its no use the wedding will be almost over by now, lets go home again, but I wouldn't give up. We got as far as a place called Cockhill just outside Buncranna still stuck in a terrible traffic jam, when suddenly the van bounced down with a violent bang, on top of a mountain road.
All the band equipment fell down on top of the two men sitting in the back. The man sitting in the front of the van with me gasped, "what happened, how did we get here? He was clearly in shock, as was I. One moment we were in the middle of traffic, next we were on top of a mountain road. He kept saying, "how did we get here? What happened?
Then he said to me "were you praying as we drove along?" I saw your lips move but you were not talking. I told him I was. He was white with shock. We didn’t know where we were I drove along the road then saw a man in a field and shouted was this the way to Donegal? He just pointed in the direction we were going and two minutes later we came around a bend and there we were right in the middle of the town centre.
We were five hours late for the wedding at this stage and no one wanted to approach the hotel where the reception was for fear that they would get abuse. As we drove up into the hotel grounds the guests spotted us and all come running out towards us, one of the band's men shouted to me to drive away they'll kill us. But the
crowd started clapping us, saying they heard about all the shooting in Derry and being from Derry they believed that no one would get out of the city. They rushed to help us set the equipment up and the band started playing and everyone had a great time.
At the end of the wedding reception the leader handed me my money saying I'll never forget what happened to us today. Only God could have done such a thing. The man had a nickname. "Hitler", given by his terrorist friends, because he was such a violent man. I never knew this until a week later, I just thought he was a bands-man. God showed this man he was real and had power. I have never met this man again to this day 25 years later.
The specialist told Margo, I am sorry you can not have any children. Margo was heart broken, she was sharing her test results with a friend. Her friend told her of a prayer group that prayed for healing. She asked Margo "would you like to go some night"? Margo agreed. Next night of the prayer meeting, Margo and her friend arrived. During the prayer time for healing, Margo approached Rose my wife and asked her if she would pray with her and explained her circumstances. Rose agreed and prayed with her. Three months later a very excited Margo arrived at the meeting and rushing over to Rose told her she was pregnant. Six months later Margo gave birth to a lovely baby boy. And has since then given birth to two more children, both girls.
Josephine approached Rose and I one night, Could the prayer group come and perform deliverance at the school Martha and I work in? There is terrible fighting between teachers, the pupils are unruly and some are practicing black magic openly in class. Things are so bad in one class alone; pupils are able to make objects float through the air using demonic power.
We asked how does the head teacher feel about this? She replied she is begging you for help. The head had worked in Africa for years and seen the power of evil at work and believed in its existence, and asked if we could help.
We shared with the rest of the prayer group what Josephine told us and they agreed to start praying and we arranged a night to come to the school. Eight people from the meeting came with us that night. We met the head and she took us to a room where we started to pray seeking the Lords instructions. As soon as the prayer started we felt a terrible darkness descending around us. A noise like a lorry driving up and down could be heard coming from the room above. It was nine at night and the school was closed except for us. The lord directed us to start at the top of the school and make our way down taking one class at a time including every small room even cupboards, and command every evil to leave in Jesus name. We also anointed the walls with blessed oil, as the lord directed us.
As we went through each class we could feel the force of evil come against us, as room after room was delivered. Each room we entered that had some demonic activity happen in it, we could feel a tremendous cold and a sickly smell. Before we left the room the cold disappeared and the rooms took on a warm feeling and smelt fresh.
In some of the rooms we experienced more demonic power than others did, things happened to different members of the group. During the deliverance, the lord revealed to some members that different things happened in these rooms and the head teacher confirmed that these things did indeed happen. One example being, Declan, in one particular class had a vision of a cross being nailed upside down on a wall, and seen objects floating through the air. The head confirmed that this was the very class that the young people performed black magic and had indeed nailed a cross upside down on the wall. Declan pointed to, and those objects did
float through the air, saying she seen this happen herself.
When we got to the ladies toilets and shower room we experienced the strongest demonic force come against us as we prayed deliverance in these areas. We don’t know what went on here but the teachers said they believed that sexual abuse and other things were happening here, they just couldn’t catch them doing anything. The final place that we had to go to was to the room below the stage, which also housed the boy's toilets and changing room.
It was here in the room above the boy's toilets and changing room that the ladies night aerobics class experienced hearing voices and had the feeling of an evil presence watching them. It got so bad for them that they couldn’t use the room any more and they told the head teacher what was happening, which brought us into the picture.
The head handed me a key to open the boys changing room door, but the door refused to open there was something holding us out of that room. The cold was intense here and we could hear strange sounds coming from this room. It was like everything we delivered from the other classes and rooms were gathered here in this room. We took authority over Satan and all his demonic forces at work in this room.
Anointing the door with blessed oil I again reached to open it. The door just opened easily. We knew then that all the powers of darkness had fled from the school and that this had been their last stand, they had been defeated by the power of agreement prayer and the authority we all knew we had in Jesus name over Satan kingdom.
The sense of peace that settled around us was beautiful to behold the head and the teachers exclaimed that they never felt this peace in their school before.
Next day, the first person through the gate, the caretaker spoke to one of the teachers who belonged to our prayer group, saying
"something happened here last night, something is different about the school its so peaceful, I've always dreaded coming to work because of the atmosphere in the school."
Since then there has never been the conflict between teachers, "nor" has the pupils been unruly. The black magic ended abruptly with the tragic death of the person who was the main leader of this particular group. He was killed in a car crash, A few weeks later, just a half a mile away from the school. To this day ten years later, there has been no demonic activity reported in the school and just the ordinary arguments ensure between teachers.
There's a hurricane warning forecasted tonight on T V Bernie told everyone, it has passed through America killing many in its wake and headed our way. The meeting had just started when Bernie arrived and she shared this news asking us all to pray for protection for our homes. Half way through the meeting at the point where we asked God to speak to us the lord spoke to me and said "have everyone agree, and take authority over that hurricane, commanding it not to touch your city and to cause no damage there." I informed the group what the Lord had said and we all agreed this hurricane would not touch our city and no damage would be caused by it as it passed by.
That night the hurricane reached Ireland and storm warnings were broadcast on Television. The winds started to rise a little just a strong normal wind, and it remained like that all through the next day and into the day after. People had been killed and structural damage was reported all over Ireland, and the hurricane hit England next day and caused extensive damage and took lives. But our local radio and new-papers reported a strange happening, the storm showed up on radar as separating and bypassing the city of Derry. They reported that it was like a giant hand covered the city.
No damage of any kind was reported and no injuries occurred. They were baffled and said it was a strange phenomenon. We knew different. This was just the beginning of many lessons we learned from the lord regarding his power that is in agreement prayer.
Sick of the many bomb attacks on property and people in our city, our little group decided to ask the Lord if there was anything we could do to stop it happening. The Lord revealed in his word the answer to our question. "The earth and everything in it belongs to the lord and is ours to use." The lord revealed to us that we have power in our city, not anywhere else in Ireland, where you walk is holy ground. he explained the earth is made up of the elements, and also a bomb and bullets are made up of the same elements of the earth and are subject to our authority.
Once we began to understand exactly what God was teaching us we began to take authority over the elements that go into the making up of a bomb. We commanded those elements to refuse to detonate, to refuse to explode, or to cause harm or damage in our city.
Every bomb that was since planted, failed to go off as each week we carried out this command. We tried to stop bombs from exploding in other cities where Christian friends were living, but the bombs exploded anyway. We soon learnt that it only worked where we walked on that holy ground as God has said.
We then as a group, started taking authority over every murder attempt in our city. Praise God every murder attempt from then on failed. This went on for the three years we took authority, No bomb exploded and murder attempts failed. Then a cease-fire was declared and a relative peace came to our country.
After the success of stopping bombs and murder attempts our group started to focus on the new problem coming into our area, drugs. We soon learned to pray asking our angels to go to those who were searching for drugs to show them where the drugs were. Millions of pounds worth of drugs were uncovered. It seemed like almost every shipment that came in the drug enforcement officers found them. These officers did not know they had the backing of a prayer group who discovered the power that there is in agreement prayer and authority they had in Jesus name. TO God is the Glory for evermore, Amen
Brendan McCrossan, lives in Northern Ireland, He had a dramatic spiritual conversion. On 5 separate occasions God spared his life from imminent death. Since his conversion Brendan and his wife Rose have been involved in a healing ministry.
For the past twenty five years, Brendan and Rose have given talks at retreats and conferences, teaching on God's word and Healing, and on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit with practical teaching methods. Teaching peoples how to open up to the power of the Holy Spirit. Showing them how they can pray for the sick and see healing and miracles happen. They teach on spiritual subjects out of a rich source of practical experiences. Having had many experiences in their lives, and have been through it all with God•s grace and love.
Prayers from the Holy Spirit
5 Steps to growing spiritually strong God! Where the hell are you? How God sees us Stop asking for what’s already yours 7 Ways to have peace of mind and heart Redundant Angels
God has feelings and emotions Heart to heart with God
The power of God at work Un forgiveness, the price it costs you God loves you and here’s the proof Removing the chains of guilt Trust me in your times of trouble
Your Children are promised salvation
The devil is listening to you
What price heaven
The purpose of the Holy Spirit Stop getting annoyed! Go and get Jesus
Spiritual blocks to God’s Healing & Power Healing the miscarried, stillborn or aborted children
Locked in the past – Learn to live in the Fresh newness of life Naked Christians who think they’re wearing the armor of God