Prosperity is God's plan for Christians

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Prosperity is God’s plan for us Christians Chapter one

MostChristians believethatGod’ wants them poor, they believeGod wants them to behumble, they think its good to go without and to live as Jesus did. Friend Jesus was not poor! Neither as a baby nor as an adult and later on in this book I will show you the truth concerning Jesus being born in a stable.

As you study these scriptures you will see for yourself that God wants us his children prosperous. How can a poor Christian do as scripture says; “feed the hungry, help the poor,” ifthatChristianisbarelymakingendsmeetandattimesdoesn’thaveenoughforhisownneeds. We have been taught bad teaching by our churches, my church taught Jesus was poor, and every Christmas we re-live his poverty in the teachings from the altar. What does God’s word say about poverty and prosperity? Read for yourself in the following scriptures what God’s plan in your life is and are you living as God intended you to beprosperous.


God takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant-you! Do you want to make God happy then begin to believe him to prosper you, why should unbelievers have all the wealth in the world; most of them are not helping the poor or feeding the hungry. I have heard Christians and non Christian say. “Why do evil people have so much money it isn’t fair!”

God wants to make you and I prosperous, but he has set principles in this world and even if a bad person follows that principle they will prosper. God said, as you believe so shall it be. If you look at millionaires most of them will say they believed they would be a millionaire before they were 20 or such and such an age. They believed it with every fibre of their being, they talked about it to others, saying, “I will succeed, I will be a millionaire,” and they became a millionaire, they believed this with all their heart. And the principle of God’s word was set in motion and they became a millionaire. They believed with all their heart’s and didn’t doubt themselves. God’s word will work for everyone, Christian and non Christian, believer or non believer, Satanist or saint, If they believe with all their heart.

I want to talk to you the Christian who is not living a prosperous life; it is time for you to know the truth concerning God’s word regarding your finances.

It is not wrong to have wealth, it is not wrong to be a millionaire, it is not wrong to have an abundance of finances. It is wrong to store all your wealth up in banks and keep it for yourself. It is wrong to ignore the homeless poor or destitute, if you have the means to help them. Remember the man in scripture, who decided to build bigger barns, he died during the night. Don’t you know when you give away your money to help someone in need it will return to you a hundred fold? God’s word says so. And if the principle of God’s word reference prosperity works, so will, “it’s in giving you receive.”

I have found it terrible sad to hear many Christians say, “oh God no, I would never pray for money, or you can’t pray for money it’s wrong.”

No my friend it is not wrong to pray for money, if you can’t pay your bills and you are getting thrown out of your home you need money, and who in this evil world will give you the money you need, no one but God, or a Christian answering a call of God to help you, either way it’s God who supplies.

Phillipians-4-19- and it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory, because of what Christ Jesus has done for us.

Do you see? It is God who supplies all your needs from his riches in glory. Another Scripture tells us that God shares his own glory with us.

2-Peter-1-3-He even shares his own glory and his own goodness with us! Wow! God loves us so much he even shares his own glory with us, and his own goodness also, and partof his glory is his riches. If wecould only grasp thetruth herein God’s word wewould never worry about God supplying our needs or worry about his love for us, when he is willing to share his own glory. If God is willing to share “his” own glory with you then does it not stand to reason he is willing to share his riches with you.

My God it is awesome to even think for a moment that almighty God was willing to share his own glory with you and I ordinary human beings, and then think he was mean enough to ignore you when your home is being re-possessed, or when you didn’t have the money for food for your children. A God who is willing to share his own glory with you will supply all your needs as he stated in Philippians 4-19 and delights in doing so. That God! Is not mean spirited, but is extremely generous, and you have been deceived into thinking he will withhold your money needs from you, by your great enemy Satan.

PSALM-35-27- let the lord be magnified, who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.

God takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant and you are one of his servants. If you begin to believe God for prosperity you will be giving him great pleasure. You will be bringing him great happiness. You will also be magnifying him by accepting prosperity, and believing him for it. Now do you see it, if God is willing to share his glory and it magnifies him and gives him pleasure don’t you think it is his will for you to be prosperous. He wants to be magnified, that’s what you’re on this earth for to glorify and magnify God, to continually praise him for his continual love and supply. You have a choice here to make, do you wish to believe God and glorify him or still want to keep that poverty spirit within you, living in barely getting along street in ramshackle avenue. Either way the choice is yours after reading this little book with God’s word and plans for you revealed in it.

Change your thinking, stop believing Satan that great deceiver, believe God the great provider, and choose today life and prosperity start today begin believing God for all your needs and desires.

1-Peter-4-13-instead be really glad - because these trials will make you “partners with Christ” in his suffering and afterwards you will have the “wonderful joy of sharing his glory” in that coming day when it will all be displayed.

I told you before that there many, many sides to God’s glory not just one or two. But the one I’M concentrating on at this moment is the one where you share in his riches, in his glory.

Phillipians-4-19- and it is he who will supply all your needs from his riches in glory.

God is willing to share with you every aspect of himself including his riches, as scripture says he owns all the gold and silver in the earth, its all his.

Psalm-24-1- the earth belongs to God! Everything in the entire world is his.

People think that the wealth they now possess belongs to them but they forget it’s only on loan to them from God, when they die it passes back into God’s storehouse. You can’t keep what God owns, you can manage it for a limited time but then you die. The finances God entrusts you with are two fold, - one to bless you and yours, and two to bless others less fortunate through you. We are called to help one another as brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

Chapter two

PSALM 122-7- Peace be within your walls, and prosperity be within your palaces.

God says here peace be within your walls and prosperity in your palaces, “your homes.” “An Englishman’s home is his castle so they declare.” Your home is your palace or castle, it’s the place where you live and dwell with the lord, and your home is his home if he is welcomed that is.

When we invite Jesus to come and live in us as Lord and saviour, he comes and enters in and sits down and rests within you, he makes his home in you and then when you get baptised in the Holy Spirit he also comes and dwells inside you making you his home. And the father also comes and dwells inside you making a home for him-self, Jesus, and his Holy Spirit, your home becomes a palace where the king lives and the king of kings live. That’s why God’s word says peace within your walls and prosperity within your palaces. You are the palace of God the dwelling place of the almighty. Would God take care of his palace his dwelling place? Would he abundantly provide for it? Would he fill it full of treasure and valuables, would he fill it with straw or purest gold? Of course your answer will be God would fill his palace with purest Gold. You are that palace the dwelling place of the Holy Trinity. God takes care of his home making sure it has all the best treasures and fills it with what ever it needs.

Godwantsyoutohaveeverythingyouwouldeverneedbecauseyouareinchargeofhispalace, “you.” He will supply all your needs through Christ Jesus Philippians -4-19.

You have to begin to see yourself valuable to God, you have to visualise your self with richness. You can not allow yourself to live any longer as a pauper a poor person. You are a child of God and he even calls you a king, a king is not poor barely making ends meet, no! He has wealth and success.

Revelation-1-6-he has gathered us into his kingdom and made us kings and priests of God our father.


How many kings do you know of that don’t have prosperity? God says of you, that you and I are kings and priests a double portion, priests and kings and Jesus is called the king of kings,

1 Timothy- 6 – 15- for in due season Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only Almighty God, the king of kings and lord of lords.

You are royalty and you don’t even know it, and royalty does not starve almost to death, nor goes without, barely making ends meet.

Not only are you royalty but you are God’s own sons and daughters, his little children, and Jesus showed us that we must approach the throne of God like a little child, simply believing in our daddy and brother; believing Daddy God and Jesus would take care of us. Remember he rebuked the apostles when they chased away the little children, then told them the kingdom of God belongs to them and those like them, who are childlike, {not childish} but childlike. And what does a little child think like? If Daddy says so, it’s true; it must be true because my Daddy told me. I have heard children say; “it’s true my Daddy told me.” And they would stand and argue with others their point and believe it more than life itself, because they believed Daddy’s word. Lets believe Daddy God’s word from now on, be like that little child he says we should be.

Galatians-4-7- now weareno longerslaves but God’s own sons. And sincewearehis sons, everything he has belongs to us, for that is the way God planned.

You’re not giving God glory by being poor and not meeting your everyday bills. Meeting your bills and helping others who can’t afford to pay theirs declares that you are a child of the living God and King. In Galatians 4-7 the words “everything he has belongs to us” mean just that! Everything he has! That means everything, is that not correct? The earth and everything in it belongs to God Psalm-24-1- the earth belongs to God! Everything in the entire world is his.

Galatians -4-7 – everything he has belongs to us, for that is the way God planned.

You are not robbing God by asking for prosperity or receiving anything from him, in fact you are robbing God of his glory by not asking and believing and receiving; because he told you already that the earth is his and everything he owns belongs also to us , its there for our use. If you can’t get your mind around this amazing word of the lord, then think of it another way, you can have a temporary loan of all of God’s finances, because when you die it all goes back to him anyway. Everything means everything, not some things or a little thing but everything. When are we going to believe that God loves us so much that he wants us to have everything

he has, he wants us to use what he owns, and he owns everything in this world all the wealth? People may have some of it but they die and it goes back to God eventually because they can’t take it with them when they die.

Psalm-49- rich man proud man! Wise man! You must die like all the rest you have no greater lease of life than foolish stupid men; you must leave your wealth to others.

Everything is for our use and benefit and for God’s glory, which is the only part that he wants from us in return, to glorify him for his tender care. Money means nothing to God, he created the gold and silver and all the diamonds and emeralds and jewels and all valuable materials. If he needed more he would create more, he never runs out of wealth.

Psalm 50-10-for all the animals of field and forest are mine! The cattle on a thousand hills! And all the birds up on the mountains

Ephesians -3-6-and this is the secrete; that the gentiles [{That’s us} will have their full share with the Jews in all the riches inherited by God’s sons; both are invited to belong to his church, and all of God’s mighty blessings through Christ apply to them both when they accept the good news about Christ and what he has done for them.

When do the blessings and riches apply for us?

When we accept the good news about Christ and accept Jesus as lord and savoir. That is when the blessings begin. Are you blessed if you have no money? Are you blessed if you have no home of your own? Are you blessed if your children are wearing hand me down ill fitting clothes? Or are you blessed if you have an abundance of finances and help others who have no home whose children wear raggedy clothes? Are you a child of a kingly father and have a kingly brother? Yes if Jesus is lord you are in a royal household with a father who is king of the universe.


Thank God we have time to change our minds, as we learn more of God’s word we need to keep changing and believe as God desires us to believe. Now do as this scripture tells us begin changing your thinking and your talking.

Start today and begin to say what God says about you and your finances, stop saying things, “like I won’t be able to pay my bills,” “I don’t know where I am going to get the money from.” You will get the money from your heavenly father through someone or something.

Believe God in the face of every contradictory thing this natural world tells you.

Think big, because you have a big God! Think small, and you will have a small return. Ask yourself this question, who is it better to believe; -- fear, worry, anxiety, stress, unbelief, doubt, or believe what God says concerning your finances? Where does stress, fear, doubt, unbelief, worry get you? Closer to an early grave that’s where it gets you. Doctors have proven that all these things have a direct effect on your health, causing mental breakdown, heart attacks, blood pressure.

Choose what to believe; you have the ability to accept faith, - {God supplies} – doubt – {the ability to disbelieve God} you’re decision now will affect you for the rest of your life on this planet. If you have chosen to believe God no matter what, your faith will grow by leaps and bounds, and of course Satan will try and come against that belief. Or you can choose to go along with Satan in unbelief and doubt and fear.

Chapter three

Chose prosperity, chose to believe God’s care for you. By choosing prosperity you chose to believe a loving God who cares more for you than you will ever know. You as a Christian choose Jesus as Lord; isn’t that correct? Well a Lord looks after those in his care. In olden days there were lots of Lords and not all of them good. But they had to look after their slaves or servants and make sure they had food and a place to sleep to rest. Good or bad lords made sure that their servants were kept in relevant good care because if they neglected them they fell ill and died and so the wicked lord would have to spend money on getting another servant, and they didn’t wish to do that, so they looked after them even if they didn’t really want to, because a sick servant cant work and make money for the lord. Your lord is not like that he is a loving lord, a Lord that chose to come and serve his servant, a lord that made sure his servant had the very best of food and wine and a place to rest, a good lord takes excellent care of his servant and even more so his friends, and he calls you friend.


In this scripture, “word of God” God says, “in this place,” {your home} I will give peace and prosperity. When I first began studying prosperity and God’s word I was amazed to see so many scriptures saying peace and prosperity together. It seems that God wants you to have prosperity but not only prosperity but the peace to enjoy it also. Wow! What a God he thinks of everything, it’s no use in having lots of money if there is peace in your home; all the money in the world couldn’t make for a happy home. But here in his word God joins the two together.


Peace and prosperity, beautiful, wonderful, having both of these things, a true blessing from God to his children, and you his child. Can you see how you get your peace and prosperity; you have to sow seeds of peace and prosperity. What do you mean I have to sow seeds of peace and prosperity? This is one of the secrets of God’s word, that God shares with you, because of his desire to prosper you and to give you peace in your home. God explains that you must do as he did when he created the world.

Genesis-1-3--28 he said let there be light and there was, he said; let the vapors separate to form the sky above and the oceans below; he said let the waters beneath the sky be gathered into oceans so that dry land will emerge. God said; let there be bright lights in the sky to give light to the earth. God said; let the waters team with fish and other life and let the sky be filled with birds of every kind. God said; let the earth bring forth every kind of animal. God said; let us

make a man like his maker, ---- so God made man “like his maker” like God did God make man, man and maid he made them.

God made man like himself and how did he do it, he said, let there be light etc; and there was.

.What do you say; let there be prosperity, let there be peace in my home. If God had to speak things into existence and he made you like him it stands to reason that you have to do the same, you have to say.

Matthew-12-36- and I tell you this; that you must give account on judgement day for every idle word you speak. Your words now reflect your fate then; either you will be justified by them or you will be condemned.

Matthew-17-20 – “because of your little faith” Jesus told them. For if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed you could “say” to this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would go far away.

Jesus showed this principle of faith by saying; in the first scripture he tells us we must give account for every idle word {inactive, inoperative} every word that is negative, in other words, every word that contradicts God’s word. We will give an account for those negative words spoken about our situations. God’s word says, “We have the victory through Jesus.” We say, “I can’t do it.” Who is right you or God?

If you have faith a small as a mustard seed you could “SAY” to this mountain, {your problems} be thou removed. Jesus was revealing secrets to successful living by saying the positive words that God speaks. There are no negative word’s spoken by God in the bible, he can only speak positive words because he said himself; “words have life,” “life and death are in the tongue.” The words you speak create your answers to your needs. If you speak doubt and fear, doubt and fear is what shall come to you; if you speak positive words then what you said will come into being, God gave you the power to create by saying, the same as him, by saying the same as him I repeat. If he says prosperity is yours and peace in your home, what should you be saying; “Prosperity is mine and peace in my home,” you are in agreement with God and when two agree as touching anything it shall, be done. You have to agree with God, not agree with Satan and his lies. If God says you have it, you say it and agree with him, and you keep saying it until it manifests in this world. You are not to say contradictory words you are to say what God says and keep saying it over and over again until it comes into being.

God says, “Prosperity is mine,” God says, there is peace in my home. You say, “Prosperity is mine.” You say, “There is peace in my home.”

You do this with every situation you find yourself in; you say what God says about it and don’t say what the devil tells you to say. You speak the word of God at all times, contradicting the Devil and his lying deceiving evil spirits, remember the Devil cannot tell the truth, so if he says you wont get it believe the opposite, and keep saying what God says about your situation.

ZECARIAH-1-17- CRY YET AGAIN SAYING. “THUS SAYS THE LORD OF HOSTS, MY CITIES SHALL YET AGAIN OVERFLOW WITH PROSPERITY. What is it that God is trying to tell you regarding your finances? He is telling you how to receive it. He is not telling you to cry over your financial situation; he is telling you to cry out to him saying “thus says the lord.” God was telling his people Israel as a nation to cry out to him but he is also telling each individual there to do it for then-selves, just as he is telling you to cry out to him reminding him of his promises to bring you prosperity. There is a scripture that says “hold me in remembrance until I answer your prayer.”

God wants us to hold him in remembrance not moan and groan about having no money, but confidently cry out to him because that is what he said to do. If he said it he will do it, the other part is up to you, cry out; remind him of his promise to bring you prosperity.

You have to keep saying what God said, you are not to say what Satan says, regarding your finances, you are not to give in and complain and moan, God wiped out almost a whole nation of Israelites in the desert because all they did was moan at him, we have no food, so he gave them manna, that wasn’t good enough so he sent them quail, {birds} still they moaned and complained so he let them wander in the desert for forty years until all of those who moaned had died. Shut up moaning or you could spend forty years in poverty in, “Raggedy Anne Street,” living next to “Barely able to meet my needs Avenue.”

Live as God wants his children to live- in - “Prosperity Mansion” in “Golden gardens,” “Heavenly Walk Boulevard.”


Look at the words written here carefully, see those in the coloured section, what do those words say? Abundant prosperity! Not just a little prosperity or some cash now and again, to help you slide through, but abundant prosperity. If you have an abundance of something does that mean you have little or a large amount?

Abundance means, a great quantity, a large quantity, plenty, loads, wealth, profusion, sumptuousness

Prosperity means affluence, richness, lavishness, success, opulence, opulence means, luxury, magnificence.

So then you should read the above scripture like this; Dueteronomy-28-11-the lord will grant you abundant, a great quantity, a large quantity, plenty, loads, wealth, profusion, affluence, richness, lavishness, success, opulence, “opulence” means, luxury, magnificence, sumptuousness.

If you want to know what words really mean you should look them up then look up the meaning of the different words used to describe the word you’re researching.

Chapter four

Example;-abundant=wealth.Wealth meansprosperity=meansrichesetc.youwillthenhave the fullness of the word, so when God says I am giving you an abundance you are getting riches, prosperity, wealth, etc.

The opposite of prosperity is poverty. God does not say anywhere in the bible I am giving you poverty, now go and help the poor in your neighbourhood, feed the hungry and clothe those without enough clothing. It’s ridiculous to even thing God would say I am making you poor so that you can sit and starve along with those I sent you to help. He told us to go into the world heal the sick feed the poor and hungry, help the helpless, help those less fortunate than you, spread the good news and feed those who come to him like he fed the 3000 and the 5000 with a few loaves and fish, feeding the poor was as much a part of his ministry as was healing the sick among them, because he gave the apostles instructions to feed the poor as well as preaching salvation. Prosperity was and is God’s plans for his people. If you were dressed in threadbare clothes and no heals on your shoes how many would believe you for prosperity, if you’re sick and dying how many would believe you for healing? This is something for all of us to think about including me.


The lord will, “will” open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty. Can you see this lord will open the storehouse of his bounty {reward, payment). And Share with you his wealth what a great God we have.


Submit, = surrender, resign yourself to, yield, succumb, and give in.

If Jesus is your lord and saviour, you have already surrendered your life to God, so you need to surrender, submit, search for, and seek God first in everything

Proverbs -3-6-In everything you do put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.

Give God first place in your life, in everything that concerns you. He must be first in every thing you do, you need to seek his thoughts and plans for you, remember in;

Jeremiah-29-11- for I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. You will find me when you seek me if you look for me in earnest. Yes says the lord, I will be found by you, and I will end your slavery and restore your fortunes.

God has plans already drawn up for you; those plans are to give you a future and a hope to restore your fortunes. For those who have no wealth God plans to restore wealth to you. This is already in the blueprint of your life that God had designed when he thought of you before he even made the world.

Ephesians -1-4- Long ago even before he made the world God choose you, to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make you holy in his eyes without a single fault or blemish, we who stand before him covered with his love.

He wants to restore fortune to you, everything that Satan stole off of you through your life. God desires to restore it to you and he can only do that if you decide to begin to believe him and cry out to him reference his promise of restoration. You must cry out, you must say aloud speaking into the earth and the heavens God’s word. You must say as he said, two must agree, you and God have to agree with his word and speak it out. In this book I have been explaining about prosperity and its accompanying friend- peace.

You need to say;” “Lord I proclaim your word and I agree with you. I claim my prosperity, and my peace, off this world; and in the heaven’s, because this is your word, and I agree with your word.”

Job-36-11- if they listen and obey him, then they will be blessed with prosperity throughout their lives. If they don’t listen to him, they shall perish in battle and die because of their lack of good sense.

Submitting is obeying the lords words {commands} love God and your neighbour as your-self and you won’t break any one of the other commandments. Because Jesus turned all the commands into one; “Love” and love does no wrong to anyone and wants what’s best for everyone. And so fulfil all the commands God gave .

Chapter five

Christian’s believe Jesus was poor, because he was born in a stable. Jesus birth

Most Christians have been brought up with the belief that God wants them poor and humble. They have been taught that Jesus was poor. His parents were so poor they couldn’t afford a place for him to be born so they had to take use of a stable. And the king of the universe was born in a stable wrapped in swaddling clothes or as some interpretations say, a blanket.

Jesus born in a stable very true, Jesus born into poverty, not true.

Read these next three pieces of scripture carefully.


Luke-2-7 and she gave birth to her son, her first born child. And she wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room at the Inn.


Matthew -2-1 now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah in the days of Herod the king, behold wise men,{astrologers} from the east came to Jerusalem asking. Where is he,

who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east at its rising and have come to worship him.


Matthew-2-11 and going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. And they fell down and worshipped him. Then they opening their treasure bags they presented to him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.

In the first scripture you can see clearly Jesus was laid in a manger in a stable. Born into poverty? No! Read on he was born in a stable simply because there was no room at the Inn. {Also because this was God plan, the place was where Jesus would be born. It wasn’t God’s plan for his kingly son to be born into poverty, His father was a carpenter, a good trade in those days,}

Do you go to an Inn if you have no money? Of course not, you go to an Inn if you have the cash to pay for it. Would you go to a modern day hotel if you had no money? I doubt it very much.

Now read the second scripture again.

The three wise men say they saw his star in the east rising, and followed it to Bethlehem. They were no cars those days and the only transport was either donkey or camel or maybe horses. Most likely they came by camel. It took them a long time to follow the star, some say three years. They didn’t get there at the same time as the shepherds attending their sheep, they were already in Bethlehem.

And when they arrived where did the star lead them, not to the stable as most believe but to a house where Joseph and Mary and Jesus lived. Go back and read the scripture again!

Matthew 2-11. And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother.

Where does it say they went into= “the house” and they saw the child with Mary his mother. Not in a manger but with his mother in a house!

Where were they living? In a house! Not still living in a stable because Joseph either bought a house or rented one.

What did they do?

Then they opening their treasure bags they presented to him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.

They gave Jesus gifts of, gold, Frankincense, and myrrh.

Remember something here also: they believed they were going to visit a king. Would they bring just an ounce of gold frankincense or myrrh or as much as they could afford?

In those days you didn’t go and present yourself to a king your gifts if they would insult him by being of little worth, you would be killed instantly for this insult. They gave to Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh, costly stuff.

So two things to note here, they came to a house and they gave valuable gifts to Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Do you still believe that Jesus Mary and Joseph were poor? Also remember Joseph’s trade, and Jesus trade a carpenter, the best trade at that time. Joseph would have taught Jesus his trade and Jesus would have worked at that trade to support his mother after Joseph’s death.

How can you believe that God wants you prosperous if you believe that God wanted his very own son poor?

Chapter six

Begin sowing seeds of prosperity and peace now!

Sow your seeds of prosperity and peace, by crying out, continually saying or confessing with the mouth that God is making you prosperous and giving you peace within your own walls. And like any seed or vine the fruit will eventually come and prosperity will be within your walls. God links the vine with prosperity, because we know grapes don’t grow with the vine, they grow after watering the vine and dressing the vine, {Taking care of it} prosperity doesn’t come instantly it comes with sowing seeds, and pruning the vine. You have to take care of God’s word from “your mouth.” His word is the vine you are the branches and the fruit grow on the branches.

John 15-1- I am the true vine and my father is the gardener;

15-5- I am the vine you are the branches who ever lives in me and I in him shall produce a large crop of fruit.

God says we will produce a large crop of fruit, we reap, the crop we sow! If we sow words of doubt and fear and worry about finances, we reap poverty. If we sow words of prosperity we will read prosperity! Whatever we sow we will reap later on.

The secrete to successful sowing is in the next scripture. He praised God before it even happened; before it happened he was sowing seed.

As I write this I am realising something; I am 61 years old and never in all those years could I get anything to grow in the garden, so I never bothered with gardening, I gave up and quit. My father was a fantastic gardener he grew everything from flowers to vegetables. His garden was talked about as being the best garden in our estate and this was right. In May this year I took this notion to plant a few flowers, you know the ones you buy from B&Q starting to grow already. I planted them in containers. Then I started digging in my garden and began planting other flowers and littlebushes, and everything has blossomed beautifully and Peoplewho have seen my back garden have complimented me on its beauty. Now it is only in writing this little book on prosperity that I have come to realise that God has been giving me practical experience in sowing and reaping and watering and feeding, and caring for my plants and also now I understand - his word from practical experience.

If I didn’t water my plants enough they drooped, and some died. So I learned that plants need more water than I first thought, it wasn’t enough that it rained, I also had to water them when itdidn’train.Then Itried someplantfood,and lowand behold my flowersbegan to growlarge and had many blooms on them, so I began to feed them regularly, and they kept growing and blooming when my in laws flowers died, {they were the same type of flower.} Then I learned to pick off the dead flowers and leave room for new flowers to grow and they have.

Through this practical lesson from God on gardening I am learning about seed sowing God’s word. God’s word is the seed and what ever seed from his word I plant, and begin to water and begin to feed and carefor,and pick thedead partsoff,{negativewords}itwillgrowstrong and blossom in the right time and sometimes even before its time, I learned that also. I can hasten growth by over feeding the flowers, you can hasten God’s word by overfeeding on it, by never stopping from confessing {watering and feeding} and the word will come into effect sooner.

We sow our seed of God’s word {Prosperity, peace, healing etc} into the atmosphere the heavens, where it is planted; and then we continue to praise and thank God for it, and we water and feed it with the water of God’s word, {other similar scripture} and confess it aloud; {caring for it} with praise to God as we wait for it to mature and blossom. {Arrives} Abraham gave us the example of what we are supposed to do in sowing and reaping. In this next scripture see what it was that Abraham done, and do as he done.

Romans -4-20-Abraham never doubted-he believed God, for his faith and trust grew ever stronger, and he praised God for this blessing before it even happened. He was completely sure God was well able to do as he promised.

The first thing we see is that Abraham never doubted. That didn’t mean that Abraham was not tempted to doubt; of course he was tempted, sure the devil even tempted Jesus himself, so it stands to reason that Abraham would have been tempted also just like us to disbelieve; and he believed God’s word which God spoke to him, {we have it even better, we have it in writing, in the bible, God’s word in writing.} But Abraham set his mind, refused to budge from what he choose to believe, and as he refused to budge when Satan tempted him, his faith grew ever stronger, and he praised God for this blessing before it even happened. Before the blessing happened Abraham was praising God, not after the blessing, after he got what God promised, but before it manifested on the earth. Your blessings are in heaven, kept safe there for you for

when you need them and when you ask for them, they are released and carried to you by an angel. And it is your praise that helps that angel fight his way through the heavenlies to eventually get to you with your need.

Daniel=10-6-I looked up and suddenly there before me stood a person robed in linen garments, with a belt of purest gold around his waist, and glowing, lustrous skin! From his face came blinding flashes like lightening, and his eyes were pools of fire; his arms and feet shone like polished brass, and his voice thundered like the vast roaring of a great multitude of people.

Daniel-10-12 then he said. “Don’t be frightened Daniel, for your request has been heard in heaven, and was answered the very first day you began to fast and pray for understanding; that very day I was sent here to meet you. But for twenty one days the mighty Evil Spirit who overrules the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the top officers of the heavenly army, came to help me, so that I was able to break through these spirit rulers of Persia.

Think about something here! Isn’t it a shame when we give up on our praying for whatever need we had, and Satan’s evil spirits forced our angel to turn back with the need we asked for, probably mocking the glorious angel, ridiculing him because of our failure to keep praising God, which is the angel’s source of strength in battle. Our praise is the angel’s ammunition his power source which helps him fight his way through Satan’s evil spirits and the Evil Spirit in charge of what ever country you live in.

Don’t Stop praising until the answer gets through to you, it was sent the very first day you asked, now your angel is fighting his way through hoards of evil spirits to get to you with your request. With your mouth you confess aloud God’s word, you continually say what it is you’re confessing, be it prosperity, peace health, family, whatever you’re praying for you need to keep saying and praising. You need to believe in your heart and don’t allow Satan to get doubt into you. Your mouth tells of your faith.

Romans 10-10- for it is in believing with his heart that a man becomes right before God and with his mouth he tells others of his faith, confirming his salvation.

Believing with your heart makes you right before God and with your mouth you confess what your belief is. Believing in your heart and not allowing doubt in, makes you right before God, and then confessing, saying, “I am prosperous according to the word of my father God and his word is true, praise and thank you lord for my needs supplied through Jesus Christ.”

{This translation is taken from Young’s Old Testament, old style speaking but still means the same.} {Word’s in brackets in red are mine explaining}

Deuteronomy-28:1 `And it has been, if you do hearken diligently{listen very carefully} to the voice of Jehovah your God, to observe to do all His commands which I am commanding thee to-day, that Jehovah your God hath made you uppermost above all

the nations of the earth, {listen to the voice of God and obey, his word . If you do listen and obey all the blessings listed below will come to you}

28:2 and all these blessings have come upon you, and overtaken you, because you do hearken to the voice of Jehovah thy God: {the blessings have come upon you and even overtaken you}

28:3 `blessed [are] you in the city, and blessed [are] you in the field.

28:4 `Blessed [are] the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your ground the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of your oxen, and wealth of thy flock.

28:5 `Blessed [is] your basket and your kneading-trough.

28:6 `Blessed [are] you in thy coming in, and blessed [are] you in your going out.

28:7 `Jehovah gives your enemies, who are rising up against you -- smitten before your face; in one way they come out unto thee, and in seven ways they flee before you. {People who come against you will fail and run away}

28:8 `Jehovah command with you the blessing in your storehouses, and in every putting forth of your hand, and has blessed thee in the land which Jehovah your God is giving to you.

28:9 `Jehovah does establish you to Himself for a holy people, as He has sworn to you, when you keep the commands of Jehovah your God, and has walked in His ways; 28:10 and all the peoples of the land have seen that the name of Jehovah is called upon you, and they have been afraid of you.

28:11 `And Jehovah has made you abundant in good, in the fruit of the womb, and in the fruit of your cattle, and in the fruit of your ground, on the ground which Jehovah has sworn to thy fathers to give to you.

28:12 `Jehovah does open to you his good treasure -- the heavens -- to give the rain of thy land in its season, and to bless all the work of thy hand, and you have lent to many nations, and you -- you do not borrow.

28:13 `And Jehovah has made you the head, and not the tail; and you have been only above, and are not beneath, for you do hearken unto the commands of Jehovah thy God, which I am commanding you to-day, to keep and to do. {God has made “you” the head, “on top” of every situation}

28:14 and you do not turn aside from all the words which I am commanding you to-day -- right or left -- to go after other gods, to serve them. “”These are the promises of God to his people who stay with him and love him and obey him.”

{These promises of God are for those who obey the law of God; Jesus fulfilled the law so it is in obeying Jesus that the promises are for you today.}

How simple is that in everything you do put God first. And what does he promise? “He” will crown your efforts with success.” Simply putting God first in “Everything” means it will go well. Many a Christian has failed in their projects because they didn’t put God first, if they had then the outcome would have been very different.

When I began writing this little book I had great difficulty in believing that God wants to make me prosperous, wealthy, to have abundance.

God spoke to me one day three years ago in my kitchen as I was standing peeling potatoes; I wasn’t thinking about God, I wasn’t praising God, I was just preparing the evening meal, and said to me. “I am giving you a lottery.” I stood upright and said what? And the voice spoke to me again and said; “You shall have what you say.”

Even though I heard his audible voice I still had difficulty in believing God wants to make me Brendan Mc Crossan prosperous, until just an half hour ago. I was coming down the stairs and a thought came into my head that God wants all of his children prosperous not just me, and it is supposed to be that way, God is not just planning to prosper me. No! He plans to prosper you also and every child of his, he is Daddy God; and he is unbelievably wealthy, he has a storehouse of wealth in heaven, the streets are paved with Gold, gigantic precious stones are what his gates are made of, and the walls of his palace are built with precious gems.

Did you notice what God said to me apart from, “I am giving you a lottery.” He said the most important words “you shall have what you say.”

I have been saying what the lord said to me ever since; but I didn’t have a conviction, because I’m only Brendan Mc Crossan, I’m not a millionaire , I’m Not wealthy.

I had a just get by with enough attitude of belief. I have always had money in my pocket. Now since the lord showed me my attitude and explained that he wants us all prosperous I feel a conviction in my spirit that what God promised he will bring about.

Maybe you are like me believing that God wants to prosper us, but not you personally. Maybe now you also will see God wants to prosper you too, that it is his plan from before time began, and Satan has robbed you and I off of this wealth that God has stored up for us in heaven, and Satan has stolen our prosperity off of us and given it to those who don’t serve God or his plans, hehasgiven itto theunrighteous,thesinner.By theway you arenotasinner,you arerighteous, a Saint, you were a sinner but since you become “born again” you became a new person spiritually; you became a child of an extremely wealthy father who loves you without measure. Proverbs-13-22- and the wealth of the sinner, finds it way eventually into the hands of the righteous, for whom it was laid up.

Look at the last five words in this scripture. For whom it was laid up.

God intended wealth to be for the righteous but the sinner got his hands on it first, but God

Look at the last five words in this scripture. For whom it was laid up.

God intended wealth to be for the righteous but the sinner got his hands on it first, but God says, eventually it will find its way to whom it was meant. “You and I”

Please don’t be stupid and start claiming a lottery; I shared what God promised me, he didn’t say to you “I am giving you a lottery.”

But he did say he is making “you prosperous” he did say prosperity and peace is yours now start confessing what God said to you in his word. Amen.

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