“Psalm-103” &
“Other Psalms that will bless you.”
Brendan Mc Crossan
I bless the holy name of God with all my heart, yes I will bless the lord and not forget the glorious things He done for me.
He forgives all my sins
He heals me.
He ransoms me from hell.
He surrounds me with loving kindness and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagles. He gives justice to all who are treated unfairly. He revealed his will and nature to Moses and the people of Israel. He is slow to get angry and full of kindness and love. He never bears a grudge nor remains angry forever.
He has not punished us as we deserve for all our sins, for his loving ---------kindness towards those who fear him and honor him is as great -------------------as the heights of heavens are above the earth.
He has removed our sins as far away as the east is to the west.
Psalm 23
Because the lord is my shepherd I have everything I need.
He lets me rest in the meadow grass.
He leads me beside quiet streams. He restores my failing health. He helps me do what honors him the most. He is close beside me guarding, guiding all the way. He provides delicious food for me. He welcomes me as his guest, blessings overflow.
Psalm 18
Psalm-18-32-the lord fills me with strength, and protects me wherever I go.
He gives me the surefootedness of a mountain goat upon the crags. He leads me safely along the top of the cliffs. He prepares me for battle and gives me strength to draw an iron bow. He has given me his salvation as my shield.
These scripture portions give you a greater awareness of the whole Psalm when read as separate from the rest of the Psalm. It acknowledges the greatness of God when we realize the depth of love that God has for us. Read then together with the whole Psalm the fullness of the Word of God becomes clearer to us. We acknowledge that it is “He” who does everything for us. When reading theses portions of the Psalms emphasize the word “He”. Example= “He” forgives “all” my sins.
Your steadfast love o lord is as great as all the heavens. Your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Your justice is as solid as God’s mountain. Your decisions are as full of wisdom as the oceans are with water. Your concerned with men and animals alike, how precious is Your constant love o God, all humanity takes refuge in the shadow of Your wings, you feed them with blessings, from Your own table, and let them drink from Your rivers of delight, for you are the fountain of life, our light is from Your light, pour out Your unfailing love on those who know you.
These scriptures in psalm 35-5 give credit to God alone; it is your steadfastness that is as great as all the heavens. No one else but god deserves credit or praise. The following scriptures tell us what the Lord has done for us, making us aware that without his help we are nothing.
The Psalms
Psalm-119-102-your words are sweeter than honey.
Psalm-119-105-your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me. Psalm-119-89-your words stands firm in heaven.
Psalm-18-32-the lord fills me with strength, and protects me wherever I go.
Psalm 81-1-the lord makes me strong, sing praise.
Psalm-140-6 the lord is my savior, my God and my shield.
Psalm-145-14-the lord lifts the fallen and those bent beneath their loads.
Psalm-4-3 the lord is fair in everything he does.
Psalm-18-18-the lord holds me steady he delights in me.
Psalm-18-20 the lord rewards me for doing right and being pure.
Psalm18-35-the lord’s right hand supports me; his gentleness makes me ----------------great,hemakeswidestepsbeneathmyfeetsothatImay------------------- --------never slip.
Psalm-6-9-the lord has heard my supplication, the lord receives my prayer.
Psalm-18-41-the lord is my rock, my deliver, my God, my keen and firm strength. In whom I will take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation.
Psalm-46-11 the lord is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge & high tower.
Psalm-54-5-the lord is my upholder.
Psalm-37-17 the lord takes care of those he has forgiven.
Psalm-35-27 the lord enjoys helping his child.
Psalm-34-17the lord hears the good man when he calls to him for help.
As stated previously it is everything of the lord; it is all for his glory because it is he alone who does great things; it is his words that light the path for us, it is the lord alone who does mighty things. I have just taken a few of the psalms to show you the richness within them, when you realize the significance of such words as “He” and “the lord” you have a greater depth of understanding of his word. Your word o lord brings life to our spirit when they are revealed to us, help us to see great things in your word and help us to obey those words of yours. Amen.