Its work in the human soul
Brendan Mc Crossan
Its work in the human soul
Brendan Mc Crossan 31-09-2011
Its work in the human soul
1. 1-Corinthians-1:30Amplified-Bible
But it is from Him that you have your life in Christ Jesus, Whom God made our Wisdom from God, [revealed to us a knowledge of the divine plan of salvation previously hidden, manifesting itself as] our Righteousness [thus making us upright and putting us in right standing with God], and our Consecration [making us pure and holy], and our Redemption [providing our ransom from eternal-penaltyfor-sin].
God the Father planned from billions of years ago to bring redemption to us his children through Jesus Christ. This used to be secrete, but now it is being revealed by the Holy Spirit to the children of God at this present time. “revealed to us a knowledge of the divine plan of salvation previously hidden” The diving plan of salvation that was previously hidden even though it was in plain sight in the scriptures all the time is now being enlightened to us Christians;thatweareincontinuousrighteousnessandinrightstandingwithGodalways.And this plan of God was to make us pure and holy from before we could ever do anything to achieve our own righteousness or holiness.
He is our redemption, and redemption means, salvation, deliverance, rescue, release, liberation, recovery, emancipation, setting free.
Jesus set us free from sin and the consequence of sin, committed in the flesh. In the scriptures being quoted in this little short book you will see that your redemption was by Jesus and God the Father and not by mans act. The more I write about how we are in the plan and sight of God the more I am astounded when I break down words and look up their fullest meaning and I can see how awesome God is and I appreciate him even more and glorify him in all I say and do.
He is my salvation, my hero, he saved me from my many sins and I can guarantee you that I had many, many sins, I was not shortcoming in the sin line, I loved to sin at one time, but then I met Jesus, and sin became a thing of the past; I don’t mean that I don’t sin anymore but that I get no pleasure from sinning, and it is not my priority. Since meeting Jesus and coming into knowledge of his great mercy and love I have little interest in sinning, though I do sin and will sin until the day I die but I have no desire to sin anymore, the desire has gone and in its place is a love for God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
But do not mistake what I say, I do still sin as do all men and women because there is a devil who is determined to cause us to sin and he never stops trying to get us to sin; but I know that even when I do fall and sin, I have only to say ‘sorry sincerely’ and things are ok with me and
God again. What a wonderful God I have, he forgives me my failures and faults and sins and tells me to focus on how much he loves me and how he sees me, and to think of the love he has for me and you when he sent Jesus to die for us giving us redemption from our sins and pouring out his love on us.
But it is from Him that you have your life in Christ Jesus,
Look at this portion of scripture and see how much is in it! For a start my life is from him, ‘God’, but this life I live in my flesh body is not the only life I have to live; I have another life that supersedes the flesh life and this life is the life I try with God’s grace to live now.
Supersedes means; -replaces something less modern or useful. If one thing supersedes another, it replaces the other thing, especially because it is more modern or more useful {Reference books} the New Testament replaces the Old Testament for example.
You have your life in Christ Jesus; Our Consecration [making us pure and holy],
I have my life my real life in Christ Jesus; your life is not in you anymore, though sad to say, Christians live their flesh and blood life more than they live the life of Christ Jesus in them; and this life of Christ is the real life that we are supposed to be living now that we are the body of Christ. The new life supersedes the old life lived in the flesh that sins and sees to its self, whereas the new life is interested only in the things of God the Father. It has lost interest in the old life it used to live. This new life in Christ Jesus is making us pure and holy; the new life is a holy, pure life and not one stained by sin, because we are kept from spiritual sin, {not flesh sin} by the Holy Spirit, he is the one charged with keeping us pure and clean and holy, like God.
This is the redemption of the spirit being that we are; the next scripture tells us that we wait for the redemptions of our bodies when they will be changed into new bodies without blood just like Jesus was when he rose from the dead; his body had no blood in it as all his blood was on the mercy seat. And this will happen when Jesus returns for us who are still alive at his return.
2. Romans-8:23-Amplified-Bible and not only the creation, but we ourselves too, who have and enjoy the first fruits of the [Holy] Spirit [a foretaste of the blissful things to come] groan inwardly as we wait for the redemption of our bodies [from sensuality and the grave, which will reveal] our adoption-(our-manifestation-as-God's-sons).
This wonderful scripture tells us we will enjoy the first fruits of the Holy Spirit, the best fruit a foretaste of the blissful things to come. We cannot even imagine the things that God has in store for us says scripture, it is beyond our human understanding. Just like it is so hard to understand that we are standing in heaven and also at the same time sitting here on earth. We have a parallel existence, a sort of twin world, this one that we can see and the other one we cannot see. Jesus was able to see into both worlds at the same time because he said, ‘I do what I see the Father do,’ so he was watching the Father in heaven while he was on earth. The second redemption is dealing with our flesh and blood side of us, we are being redeemed from
the sensuality, our sexual side of the side that loves to sin, the first redemption dealt with our spiritual side and changed our spirit into one with his.
3. Romans-16:25-Amplified-Bible
Now to Him Who is able to strengthen you in the faith which is in accordance with my Gospel and the preaching of (concerning) Jesus Christ (the Messiah), according to the revelation (the unveiling) of the mystery of the plan of redemption which was kept in silence and secret for-long-ages,
Now to Him who is able to strengthen you in the faith, ‘that him is God the Father,’ and he is the one revealing secrets of long ago, unveiling) of the mystery of the plan of redemption . For example Ephesians -1-4-long ago even before he made the world; God chose you to be holy and spotless and sinless in his sight before he even made the world, {par} in fact billions of years before he even made the earth, you were kept in heaven until the day you were to come to earth in your mother’s womb and through your fathers sperm, where you could come to a decision about do you still want God as your Father and Jesus as your lord and heaven as your home, you had that choice to make either this world and Satan or heaven and the lord, you were given free will just like the angels and millions of them chose to follow Satan, so don’t think you wouldn’t do that , you have the right to choose between God and Satan, the one you chose will be your master, says the word of God. Every piece of scripture I read I see more and more of this plan of redemption and I see secretes being revealed to me and too many, many others who spend time searching for revelation in scripture. I see many things revealed that I have not sat down and tried to share them, I can only share what I experience through the revelations of the word of God, and otherwise it’s just hearsay.
4. Ephesians 4:30
o Amplified-Bible and do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God [do not offend or vex or sadden Him], by whom you were sealed (marked, branded as God's own, secured) for the day of redemption (of final deliverance through Christ from evil and the consequences of sin).
Do not grieve the Holy Spirit who has done so much hard work inside of you, he is up to his eyeballs in keeping you cleansed and holy and spotless as the bride of Christ. you were sealed and marked and branded as one of God’s own, you have been branded with a mark on your forehead declaring that you belong to Christ Jesus, that none can see except God and Jesus and of course the Holy Spirit. Just like a sheep or a cow is branded to show who is the owner you also were branded to show who owns you. You were sealed and marked as God’s own; waiting on that final day of Judgement { redemption } when the whole world will stand in the presence of God, from Adam to the final man or woman, waiting to be judged, and lucky you and I were already branded as his, so through those pearly gates you will sail through.
o Amplified-Bible
He went once for all into the [Holy of] Holies [of heaven], not by virtue of the blood of goats and calves [by which to make reconciliation between God and man], but His own blood, having found and secured a complete redemption (an everlasting release-for-us).
Jesus doesn’t go into the holies of holies to plead for us again and again, no he only went once and that was enough, because he sacrificed everything including his own life to purchase you and me. And he secured a complete redemption, an everlasting release for us, and liberation for you and me. A complete redemption not a partial redemption but a full and complete redemption, a freedom from the punishment for sin committed in our flesh and blood bodies.
When we sit down and read and begin to understand that we have complete redemption from our sins, we will begin to understand that Satan is just accusing us before God but God rebukes him every time he tries to accuse you and me, he quotes to him Romans -8-1- there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For those who are not in Christ Jesus there is total condemnation brought on by those people themselves, they are the ones not God who condemns them, they are the ones who have reject the offer of forgiveness and heaven, they refused to come to Jesus though they heard him calling them time after time, but still refused to come; they were given multiple chances after multiple chances and still refused to change and come to him, with whom they had spent centuries with in heaven before their coming to earth and living in their flesh and blood bodies.
For example I talked to two ladies the other day and I spoke for just a few minutes about forgiveness, and the two of them didn’t want to hear, “the God thing,” they got uncomfortable, yet those two women believe in God, but not really the one I talk about, the forgiving loving saving one; they know there is a God up there in the sky and that’s where they like to keep him. I love these two dear women, and all I can do, is now and then, drop a word about God and then slide past it to something else, because I know they are uncomfortable with talking about Jesus and God. I would talk about Jesus and God and healing and miracles and the love of God the Father all day long and even into the wee hours of the night. I can’t stop talking about him with those who love him as I do, because he loves us so much that you can’t help talking about him.
I hear my sons talk about football for hours and sometimes for days depending what match they either watched or were planning to watch, and that is only about a group of men chasing a stupid little ball, as far as I am concerned. There is much more to talk about than football, but I talk to them about football with my limited knowing of football, but I’d rather talk about Jesus and what he has done for us and talk about what heaven is like.
Romans 3:24
[All] are justified and made upright and in right standing with God, freely and gratui-
tously by His grace (His unmerited favour and mercy), through the redemption which is [provided] in Christ Jesus,
Look at this scripture which says – all are justified and made upright and in right standing with God. I am in right standing with my bank, which means that I am acceptable to discuss a loan if I needed one, if I was not in right standing with my bank they would never even entertain me, never mind give me a loan. I would have no access to the bank manager for a start; if I was in bad credit he would not even give me an appointment to discuss a loan. Not only that but if I knew I was in bad credit, I would never go near the bank manager because I would know that I would suffer the embarrassment of being talked down to and told to get my finances in order before he would even consider looking at my account.
When we read these scriptures that declare that we are justified and made upright, it builds up our spirit and gives us the freedom to come to our heavenly Father to approach him confidently and assuredly, through the redemption of Jesus Christ. All this was done through grace and nothing else, his unmerited favour and mercy and redemption.
Words like redemption don’t seem to look like words of great significance but in reality this word is of great consequence for us the children of God. We hear the words spoken in church that we are redeemed by Jesus and we think he redeemed us and that is it we don’t give a lot ofdeep thoughtto theconsequenceofthatword redeemed orredemption.Thatword redeemed means that you were bought back from sin, and the full price paid for those sins was paid by Jesus on the cross of Calvary.
1. Ephesians 1:7
in Him we have redemption (deliverance and salvation) through His blood, the remission (forgiveness) of our offenses (shortcomings and trespasses), in accordance with the riches and the generosity of His gracious favour,
In Jesus we have redemption deliverance and salvation, and it is through his precious life giving blood that we have the remission of our sins. And it is his generosity and gracious favour that makes us acceptable to God. Salvation means that you are guaranteed heaven for eternity with Jesus and all your brothers and sisters in Christ who loved him and accepted him aslord and saviour.You areforgiveallthesinsyou doneon Jesus,no matterhowterriblethose sins were, there is no sin that Jesus won’t forgive except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, that sin will never be forgiven, but as scripture also says can a Christian ever sin this way? Blasphemy mans you have to maliciously with evil intent in your heart deliberately say that a holy act of the Holy Spirit was the devils own work, knowing that is was the Holy Spirit who had performed an act of great love. And a Christian won’t ever say that.
it is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.
I started with this scripture and strangely enough out of all the scriptures I was quoting from this scripture jumped out at me and I realised that it is the first and now the last in this little book.
This scripture says it all so clear, it is because of him {God} that you are in Christ Jesus and he is our righteousness and holiness and redemption.