Removing the chains of guilt

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Brendan Mc Crossan

Removing the chains of guilt.

Breaking the links.

Psalm-32 What happiness for those whose sins are forgiven! What joys when sins are covered over! What relief for those who have confessed their sins and God has cleared their record.

Lets start with the third line of this piece of scripture. What relief for those who have confessed their sins to God, and God HAS cleared their record.

What does this scripture say to us?

it tells us that when we confess sins to God then he simply wipes them out never to be remembered any more. He clears your record. Do you understand what that means? Those sins are gone forever never to be held against you, ever!

The word has means something already happened. For example. She has a car. He has a boat.

She has a car means its already in her possession. He has a boat means he's not going to get a boat, he already has that boat, it is his already.

Your sins are already wiped out never to be remembered by God or to be upcasted to you ever again. We must start taking God at his word, if God says something to us in his word then we should believe him and accept it as fact; God never lies if he says he forgives you then he has the power


To do so.

Sin offends God and if he chooses to forgive, who are we to argue with him.

We have to come to the point of realisation, God is God! and sin offends him. So if he says, just say sorry {confess] sincerely then everything will be Ok again.

There is an awful misunderstanding about sin. Most people I know believe that you can commit different sizes of sin.

For example.= To steal one pound, is not as bad as stealing a hundred pound.

That adultery is one of the worse sins you could commit.

I used to believe the same until I was asked to pray with a young woman after her fathers burial.

After Toms funeral, I was asked to come back to the family home for a cup of tea. As I was sitting having my cup of tea, Tom's wife turned to me and asked if I would pray with her daughter who was over from England for her Fathers funeral.

To say the least I was shocked. I said "you just lost your husband, are you sure?"

She answered me by saying "I know where he is, he is Ok, but I am worried about my daughter, would you pray with her?"

I agreed and she directed me to the room where Toms coffin had been, and brought her daughter to me and introduced her to me. Lucy [not her real name, or Toms] began to tell me her story.

She was married to a man in England, he was very cruel to her, he abused her sexually, mentally, psychically, verbally, and emotionally, she was left a complete nervous wreck until

finally she could take no more and she left him.

Years later she met this kind, thoughtful and very loving man, [who was not a Christian of any sort] but was a very loving person who treated her with respect and consideration. They decided to live together, because Lucy was a Catholic and could not get an annulment, without years of fighting with the Catholic Church for the annulment.

When Lucy first started living with Harry [not his real name] She went to receive communion at mass, and was embarrassed to be told at the alter by the priest, that he would not give her communion as she was living in sin. He later told her never to come back to Church until she had broke it off with this man, and was living right before God, because she was going to Hell.

Lucy was devastated she lived for her mass and communion, now she had a choice to make should she give up the only person who ever gave her and her now, three children, any love.

Lucy left the church, and continued living with Harry. She told me that she put Harry through Hell, she withheld herself sexually from him as often as she could, then when she didn't, she lived a nightmare of guilt.

I sat there thinking to myself. Thou shall not commit adultery, that's God's word. What am I supposed to say to this broken woman, I had no words of comfort to offer. But all the time I kept asking God to guide and direct me.

Then I heard the Lord say. Ask her would she like to be saved? I thought I was hearing things, so I asked again "Lord what did you say?" He said again. "Ask her would she like to be saved?"

Lucy said she can't because she is living in sin with a man, then said "I would if I could."

I talked with her about Jesus dying on the cross for her, how he paid for her sins with his own blood. Lucy said she would love to accept Jesus as Lord, but because of her situation she was not able to. I told her to ask Jesus into her heart anyway, she did. Then I asked," now lord what do I do?"

He replied." Ask her would she like to be baptised in the Holy Spirit?" I tried to clear this from my head, thinking this can not be God, after all he says. "Do not commit adultery."

I again asked Lord what do you want me to say to her. and again the words, "ask her does she want to be baptised in the Holy Spirit?" This time I said what I heard God say and asked Lucy would she like to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, and did she know what that meant?

She said she knew what it meant because her sister had told her the night before all about it. But said she was living in sin, and can't be forgiven. I again asked her would she like to be baptised in the Holy Spirit and to speak in tongues. I explained that was part of the gift of the Holy Spirit. She answered I would love to, but I cant, I'm living in sin.

I again refeared back to the Lord. HE said "pray with her." I laid my hands on her and within seconds she came out with the most beautiful flow of Gods heavenly language that I ever heard ,it was so sweet to listen to.

I was shocked, and just sat there amazed. My mind confused because I thought nothing would happen, after all she was living in sin, and was going back to England to this man, to whom she had three children. As she prayed and prayed I realised that she knew she had been forgiven from all her sins,

because God loved her enough to baptise her in his Holy Spirit and gave her his gift of tongues. Then the tears started flowing from her eyes, they were tears of joy, from having a heavy burden lifted from her heart that no human being could ever lift.

I was confused, all this defied what I believed and knew about God. Then Lucy said, " What do I do about my situation with Harry? I have to go back to England tomorrow.

Bewildered I again sought the Lord, saying "what now Lord?" Again the Lord spoke to me and he said. "Tell her to go back and give herself to that man."[ your probably thinking, the same as I did, that's not scriptural]

I was not going to argue with God anymore after he baptised her in the HolySpiritcontrarytomybelieving,soItoldher,andshesaidshewould.

On my way home I had an argument with God telling him that everything that happened was a contradiction to what I knew about him in my bible. I was so confused, and annoyed at God.

Then God spoke to me again and said go home and read

James 2-10-And the person who keeps every law of God, but makes one little slip, is just as guilty as the person who has broken every law there is.

For the God who said you must not marry a woman who already has a husband, also said you must not murder, so even though you have not broken the marriage laws by committing adultery but have murdered someone, you have entirely broken God's law, and stand utterly guilty before him;

13- For there will be no mercy to those who have shown no mercy. But if you have been merciful, then God's mercy towards you will win out over his judgment against you.

The King James version reads.

For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, do not commit adultery, said also. Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art becomeatransgressorofthelaw.Sospeakyouandsodo,astheythat shall be judged, by the law of liberty; For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shown no mercy and mercy rejoices against judgment.

God also said to me "You judged this woman by the worlds standards of sin, I judge as I see the heart.

IcantellyouIfeltveryhumbled.WhenI arrivedhomeandreadmybible on the above scripture, as God directed , I realised I grew up with the idea of big sins and little sins.

God showed there is no such thing.— SIN is SIN. He also showed that his mercy is bigger than his judgment. we judge and condemn, even though God tells us not to.

Over a period of time the Lord revealed more on this scripture to me, too much to put down on paper. Jesus said - "I did not come into the world to condemn it but to save it"-John-3-1.7

He didn't come to condemn Lucy but to save her and he did, and proved it to her, because you can not receive the Holy Spirit without first being saved.

Two weeks later I had a phone call from Lucy's sister saying "Lucy just called and said that when she got home ,Harry kept asking her what happened to her in Ireland, because whatever it was, he wanted it too." And later on he did and became a Christian, Catholic.

Mercy rejoices against judgment, what a beautiful thing to realise Gods mercy rejoices against his Judgment. Mercy is greater than judgment, and God is full of mercy.

God's plans are bigger than what we think He knows the overall picture, his mercy endures forever.

How many of us would have judged Lucy and condemned her? And maybe you still do.

However Jesus also treated the woman at the well in the same way.

John-4-16— Go and get your husband," Jesus told her.— "But I'm not married," the woman replied.— "All too true!" Jesus said. "For you have had five husbands, and you aren't even Married to the man you're living with now,"

John-4-28- Then the woman left her water pot and went back to the village, and "told everyone"— 30— So the people came streaming from the village to see him.

Look at what the woman done, she told everyone, look at what Lucy done she also told others. And people were saved as a result.

Jesus mercy won out over his judgment. He didn't tell the woman at the well to go and leave the man she was living with. He did not condemn her either, He commented on the fact that she had five husbands. and was still living with one.

You would think that he would have scolded her for not living right. Giving her a good old telling off. No! Jesus knew everything about the woman.

4-29—" Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did."]

Just like Lucy Jesus knew everything about this woman and he did not condemn her.

How do we know what some poor woman has to suffer from the hands of some brutal husband?

How dare we act as judge and jury and executioner. Only God has the right to judge and he never gave that right over to you or I.

In case you think I endorse someone living together, I don't. But I have learned from God never to judge another human being. I don't know what someone's life holds, nor they mine.

I do know God is LOVE, and love overlooks faults.

Lucy lived in guilt and shame for years, and had a very heavy burden in her heart. Jesus knew Lucy would get a chance to come to him some day and she then could choose ,if she would accept Jesus into her life or not.

How many of you are living every day in some form of guilt and shame? With terrible crushing burdens in your heart, feeling that you also can not come to God because of your lifestyle. God does not want you living like that.

Would you want one of your children living every day of their lives feeling overburdened, weighed down with terrible pressure, feeling unhappy?

I know I wouldn't, I love my kids and want them to be happy.

Would not God who calls himself Father want the same for us?


Sexual Sins

Through praying with lots of people I have come to the knowledge that most were burdened with one form of sexual sin or another. The heaviness I pick up of them is distressing to say the least. They have no joy and any happiness is short lived. They live in guilt of a sexual sin, feeling that is the worst thing that they could do. Feeling dirty and unclean. Let me tell you.


Sexual sin is no different from any other sin, because sin is sin. There is no difference in size between stealing one pound or two hundred pounds.

Read that scripture James-2-10- over and over again and again until it sinks into you that sin is sin, and god did not give it Specific sizes, little ones / big ones. its is simply sin and Jesus has already forgiven us for all our sins.

I know that you may be living wrong, sinning every day the same sexual sin, but then everyone commits the same sin over and over, again and again. day in day out, week after week, month after month, year after year. It is in your weakness that Satan works overtime, in the areas of whatever your weaknesses are.

Sexual sins feel worse because they may involve another person and are "always" done in secret, and private And they involve parts of our body that we keep hidden from others and we would never want anyone to sees us. But we know deep down that God sees us because the devil puts that reality into our head and then keeps reminding us of it.


The pain so many people go through is awful and God does not want you going through feelings of guilt destroying your very happiness . He created you out of love and desires your happiness more than anything else.

Separated or divorced people are some of the most broken people around, and we have a God of compassion and mercy, who knows and understands their pain and suffering.

Jesus said in. Matthew -9-13— It isn’t your sacrifices or your gifts I want— I want you to be merciful, for I have come to urge sinners, not the self righteous, back to God.

If your sitting thinking of a neighbour who is living with someone and thinking thank God I am not like that. You are, self righteous, and self righteousness, does not go down well with God.

Sexual sin, is one of the sins that we commit that can cause tremendous guilt. The burdens that are placed on people, because of some sexual sin are unbearable, and many a person has taken their life because of this. Unable to live with their guilt, not knowing the mercy of God.

I have never heard any priest, preacher, or lay person, talk about sexual problems. This seems to be taboo. No one wants to admit to being a sexual creature, with sexual feelings and emotions, and desires. The only place you hear sex being talked about is on T V or on some video or film. And its usually filth, never the God given gift that it is.

Sexual sins carry with them shame, humiliation, embarrassment, guilt, feeling dirty and disgusting. God never wanted you to be bound up in shame, embarrassment, humiliation, or guilt feeling dirty or disgusting.

He came to set the captives free. He came to set you free—

Because of the nature of sex, we don't talk about it, except to tell dirty stories or jokes, and yet to share a problem of a sexual nature, is practically beyond thinking about. Some people don't have a problem telling filthy stories or jokes to a wide audience not even caring who hears them, but they would never tell you even one of their sexual sins. double standards are constantly used.

Wrongful sex makes us prisoners to guilt and shame. Jesus condemns the sin never the sinner. and tells us to "do as I have done," condemn the sin not the sinner.

Let God be the Judge.

If you are living with another person, who is not your husband or wife, you need Jesus mercy and forgiveness, not condemnation.

Only you and God know your life story, as to why you are in this position. Jesus came to save you right where you are. He comes looking for you right in the midst of your sinfulness. He comes offering you life eternal. He comes offering you Himself. He comes offering you His Holy Spirit. He comes right now and says, "take me as your lord and savior into your heart accept my gift of forgiveness for your sins, and you shall live eternally with me."

This is what the gospel is all about! telling the good news of salvation through forgiveness of sins.

What I have written may have offended you and your way of thinking, You may be saying that is not scriptural. Good news to a hungry person is a good meal. Good news to a poor person is money. Good news to a sinner is forgiveness and mercy not condemnation.

The scriptures that say do not commit adultery, also say wives obey your husbands love them care for them and cherish Them.

Also say "Husbands love your wives treat them as you would your own body, caring for it lovingly."

Chapter 3

How many Christian husbands care for their wives as much as they cares for themselves?

How many wives obey their husbands in the way God commanded them?

If we were to truly sum it all up, not too many these days.

You see there is more to Gods word than you think and as each day goes on, the more I study on mercy and forgiveness, the more I see God's mercy winning out over His judgment.— James-2-13

If Husbands or Wives acted in the way that Jesus told us to then they would be less Christian separations.

As Christians, our job is to tell the Good News not judge or condemn. We are to tell sinners that Jesus loves them unconditionally.

We tell people, and let God do any judging that needs to be done .


How can I be freed from these feelings of guilt? If you have sinned with another person sexually, then believe it or not you are then spiritually bound to that person, there is a soul tie connecting you and that person together.

1-Corinthians-6-16— If you give your self to a prostitute, she becomes a part of you, and you become a part of her.

She becomes a part of you and you a part of her


How can I be freed from these feelings of guilt? If you have sinned with another person sexually, then believe it or not you are then spiritually bound to that person, there is a soul tie connecting you to that person.

1-Corinthians-6-16— If you give your self to a prostitute, she becomes a part of you, and you become a part of her.

She becomes a ‘part of you’ and you a ‘part of her’ in the soul.

There is a spiritual cord connecting you to her, you can not see it, but believe me it exists, I know from the scriptures and from the experience.

I could not shift the feelings of guilt, after I had an affair twenty years ago. I was sorry, repentant, remorseful and deeply regretted it, but the feelings of guilt just wouldn't lift. I would find a little happiness for a while ,then the guilt of what I done came over me and happiness disappeared. I lived like this for years, I knew Jesus forgave me, I had enough proof, but guilt just wouldn't go away until I studied this scripture.

If you give yourself to another person, then you and that person became one. What was happening was I was soul tied to this person, and I only got free when the lord showed me how.

We have to cut the spiritual cord connecting us to the other person or persons, if more than one.

To do that is easy, all you have to do is, with Jesus use your imagination. Ask him to come into your imagination and do this meditation with you. But first ask for forgiveness, then forgive yourself, as he forgives you. And let go of all the guilt to Jesus.

Chapter 4


"See a spiritual cord or cords, connecting you to the other person. See the cord connect to different parts of your body, and to theirs." Mind, eyes, hands, sexual organs and feet.

Begin with.

See the cord that connects to your mind and theirs. [this is because of your thinking of them] Ask Jesus to cut that cord with his sword of the Spirit, and to seal each end up with light, so that they can never be reconnected. Now in your mind see Jesus do that .[even though you use your imagination this will happen spiritually. because Jesus honour your desire to be free]

Next see a cord connected from your eye's to theirs. [you were connected through the eye's by looking at each other. That's where it first began, by a look.] Now see Jesus cut that cord in the same way. {Important note} Always ask for that cord to be sealed with light at both ends, after he cuts.

See a cord connect from your mouth to theirs. [the mouth was used to kiss and to talk, so much pain was caused this way.] See Jesus cut that cord, and ask that the cord be sealed with light .

Now see a cord connected from your hands to their hands.[ The hands were used to touch certain parts of the body.] Have Jesus cut the cords, sealing the ends with light. Always seal those cord ends with light.

See a cord connected from your sexual organs to theirs. [This is where you first became spiritually soul tied to them.] See Jesus cut the cords, and sealing those cords with light.

See a cord connected from your feet to theirs. [you and they walked willingly into sin] see Jesus cutting the cords and sealing both ends with light.

Finish off by, using the sword of the Holy spirit "the Word of God," and say "Jesus you said whatever "I" bind on earth is bound in Heaven." [Matt-16-19] You also said "whatever I set free {Loose} on earth is set free in Heaven" I now set myself free from all the soul ties that bound me up, in Jesus name, Amen. Matthew -16-19-Whatever "you" bind on earth will be bound in heaven.

You can see from this scripture that it is YOU that binds and loose. Whatever YOU bind! Whatever YOU loose!— You bound yourself to another person, whether you were married or not does not matter, if you have sex with someone apart from a Husband or Wife you become bound up, you become one flesh with them spiritually. Gods word not mine.

For anyone involved in the healing ministry This loosing meditation can be used with great effect, when praying with people. You can lead people through it lovingly and gently, never condemning. "There but for the grace of God go I."

Guilt covers many areas.

IF you lived in Northern Ireland or any other country at war. There is the possibility that you may have been involved in killings, or beatings, or bombing. And the guilt from that just wont go away. You can never bring someone back from the dead if you killed them. But you can repent and be forgiven, you could also spend time praying for the family of the dead person, asking God to send a blessing on them, asking him to turn this to good for them in some way. You also may have killed someone by an accident. To do the following will work as well.

Romans-8-28 God turns to good what was meant for evil. So instead of living in guilt all your life you can do something about it. My advice is to take some very precious time out with God and sincerely ask him To healthatfamilyfromthetraumaandshockfirst. Thenaskhimtoheal the loss of the Father/ Mother/ Son/ Daughter/ Relative. Who ever died. And to fill up their hearts with love, in the area that is now empty, to fill the gap of loneliness with his own presence.

I would recommend that you decide to set a certain special time out for that, until you sense that it is enough, then pray no more about it. You are not the only one who has killed someone. Either by accident, or by design. Lets look at scripture and see in the book of .

2-Samuel-11- And 12— What the story is —king David seen a married woman he wanted sexually.

He had sex with her when her Husband was away at battle. He left her pregnant, then tried to get the husband to sleep with his wife so he would think the child was his. But he wouldn't do so.

Then David plotted to have him killed, and he was. Along with some other soldiers, who were sent in to die with him unknowingly.

Chapter 5

David had quite a few sins against him.

First he lusted after Bath- Sheba. Then he committed adultery. then he deceived Uriah. He betrayed his friend. He tried to cover up his sin. Then he had him killed by putting him right into the middle of the battle where he had no chance of survival. He was also responsible for the death of those other soldiers whom he deliberately sent with Uriah.

When David was confronted by God he repented, asked for forgiveness, and was given it. You to when repenting will be forgiven.

God forgave him and then continued to bless him again. Forgiveness is what God is all about no matter what you done, or are doing, and cant seem to stop,& there seems no way out. God is love and love forgives every thing done against it, Jesus died for your sins, for "YOUR SINS,"— not because of your goodness.

If God could forgive David for all those sins surely he could forgive you also, he is a God of Mercy.

The problem is not that God wont forgive you ,it is that "YOU" wont forgive "YOU."

Now how do I deal with that? It can only come about in one way. "You" must start to believe God and what he says in His word.

Understanding forgiveness!

Understand you are forgiven not just for "small" sins but for "larger" ones as well. as I have said before sin is sin there is no size set by God but you probably will continue to think there is until you realise that -this is not true it is a lie told to you by Satan your arch enemy. And can only be overcome by studying and believing the Word of God.

Do you understand what that means? The word of God means, that "God gave His Word," on something. "I give you my word that I will forgive you." If a friend gave their word to you -you would believe them, and accept it as gospel.

Romans-3-23— Yes all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious ideal; Yet now God declares us "NOT GUILTY " of offending him if we trust in Christ Jesus, who in his kindness freely takes away our sins. For God sent Christ Jesus to take the punishment for "OUR SINS" and to end all God's anger against us.

Romans-3-26— But isn't this unfair for God to let criminals go free andsaytheyareinnocent?No,forhedoesitonthebasisoftheirtrust in Jesus who took away their sins.

Read these two scriptures over and over again, until you see what they're saying to you. All have sinned ==That means there is no one in this world that has not sinned, God says "all" and all means just that, so you are not alone in sinning, "all have sinned;"

God does not think like us or hold grudges or waits until we make it up to him. He forgives then forgets. Unlike us who hang on to guilt by not forgiving ourselves.

Chapter 6

Yet now God declares you "not guilty" of offending him

Who is it that is declaring you not guilty of offending him? God. And who is it that sin offends. God. So if he says your "not guilty," then your "not guilty," it is as simple as that. You may be one of those people that think, that was for the people in the Bible only, not for me. You are wrong because god said "all have sinned," he didn't say only the people in the Bible have sinned no he said "ALL HAVE SINNED." every single one. Past, present, and still to be born. Romans-3-22—" Now" God says he will accept and acquit us and declare "us" - "NOT GUILTY"— if we trust Jesus to take away our sins.

You see you are declared not guilty if you trust Jesus to take away your sins.— How "you" can remove the feelings of guilt from you is by learning the truth about Jesus and what he done for you by dying on that cross on Calvary. He paid for every sin that you would ever commit in your entire lifetime, and he paid for everyone else's too.

Satan is the one who has you bound up in guilt because he has kept you in ignorance of the truth of Jesus. and as scripture says

"The truth will set you free." - John-8-32.

Truth sets the captive free, from guilt, from the threat of punishment, from spiritual death.

NOW-When is now? This very moment, now is now, not tomorrow or yesterday but NOW. [the Bible is the living word of God. It is not past or future, it is the Now word ,the present. As you read it, it is alive, It is the living word of God, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words will never pass away"-Matthew-24-35. Mark-13-31. and Luke - 21-33. God is reinforcing his word as he declares it three times, in these three scriptures. In the same way he reassured Peter three times that he forgave him after Peter denied him three times.

Peter denied Jesus we all know but most people don't realise that Jesus healed Peter from his guilt. Peter denied him three times Jesus healed him three times.

John-21-15-"Simon son of John do you love me more than these others?" - "Yes Peter replied, you know I am your friend. Then feed my lambs, Jesus told him. {once}

Jesus repeated the question. "Simon son of John do you really love me?"— "Yes lord, Peter said. you know I am your friend," "Then take care of my sheep," Jesus said. {twice}

Once more he asked him, "Simon son of John, are you even my friend?"— Peter was grieved at the way Jesus asked the question this third time, — "Lord you know my heart; You know I am," he said.— Jesus said "Then feed my little sheep." [three times}

Three times Peter denied Jesus, then ran away in guilt, He couldn't face Jesus after looking into his eye's, just after he denied him the third time.

Jesus had heard Peter deny him and when he had done so the third time ,Jesus turned and looked at him. and Peter ran away filled with guilt. Jesus was put to death before Peter could make it right again. But Jesus knew the torment that was in Peters heart, so he removed that torment by asking him to reaffirm his love for him once again, three times. Then to crown it all, he made Peter the head of his church. He honoured in public the very man who denied him in public;

He removed the effect of guilt from Peter, through love and forgiveness and mercy.

You also have been forgiven by Jesus and been raised to a heavenly Dignity and state of being-Romans-8-30.

What he done for Peter he also done for us. He made Peter the head of his church, He gave us a heavenly dignity and state of being. He gave Peter back his dignity, and he gave us back our dignity also,

God has raised us up into heavenly places seated with him there If you read your Bible you will come across many scriptures that tell you what Jesus done for you. He didn't just forgive you your sins ,he also made you.

perfect in his sight,"

He sees you as" holy in his sight, without a single fault." Ephesians -1-4

The truth is that as far as God is concerned you are Holy in his sight — you are forever perfect in his sight, and you can't get any more reassurance than that can you? There is only one problem here. You have to believe what God said or choose not to believe it. the choice is yours only and yours alone. Jesus did everything for you to remove your guilt, it is up to you to accept this as pure fact from a God that never lies.

You give God no glory by believing the Devils lies and deceits. God has forgiven you, now you must do the same. Ask God to remove from you the effects of your guilt and to fill you with his light as you read and study his word.

As truth enters then the effects of guilt will be removed by his light.

Hebrews -10-14-,


Some people suffer the effects of "unreal guilt." Caused by someone eitherdoingsomethingonthem,orbysomeonedyingorsomeotherways.

A child who is abused will probably suffer the effects of unreal guilt, and this will continue into adult life tormenting them.

An adult who abuses a little child will always tell them "its your fault you made me do this." Or use words to this effect. putting the blame on the child. Those effects of unreal guilt remains with that person for life unless removed.

It wont matter how often you tell them its not your fault , the guilt has been placed there and needs Gods power to remove it.

And the way to remove it is like this.

Using your imagination, See all this unreal guilt lying on the ground before you in a big pile, just a shape, a form of some sort, Ask Jesus to come into the picture, see him carrying a large box. ask him to help you gather up all this unreal guilt, and put it into the box he brought with him. See him tie up the box after everything has been placed inside it, and then hear him ask. "Where do you want me to take it?"

Tell him to take it to the person /people that hurt and abused you. Then see him go and place the box in the hands of your abuser / abusers. placing the responsibility right where it belongs.

If more than one abused you-It may be necessary to do this more than once, or until all feelings of unreal guilt leaves you.

Chapter 7

Every thing that holds you in bondage is a chain around your neck and God never intended you to have chains around your neck weighing you down.

Using these simple meditations can truly set you free, and remove the chains of guilt. God uses the Imagination, to heal through I have seen hundreds healed through meditation;


Another source of unreal guilt is, death. whether that death is a cot death, accidental death, or death by natural causes. all of these can cause people to have feelings of unreal guilt. Many a mother or father blame themselves for a cot death. They feel that if they had done this or that the child might have lived. If only they had noticed something wrong! This is unreal guilt.

To Heal the death of a loved one do the following meditation.

Again Using the Imagination. See yourself in a nice comfortable room. See the door in that room open and in walks Jesus, see him come over to you and put his arms around you, sense his love and compassion, as he understands how you feel with your loss, because he himself lost his own earthly father, Joseph.

Hear him say to you "I want to bring your, child,/ father / mother, whoever died into this room, so you can say goodbye. Tell them you love them, ask for forgiveness if needed.

See the room door open, and see an angel bring your loved one into the room. Feel Jesus arm still around you as he calls the angel and your loved one to come over. Jesus tells you there is no death, all are alive in me.

See the angel hand over your child / loved one to Jesus.

Jesus then presents your loved one to you. If its a baby ,feel yourself holding it, tell them, you love him / her. Ask for forgiveness if they weren't loved or wanted.

[If miscarried or stillborn or aborted name the child] —-Now hand the child back to Jesus, tell him. Lord I commit this child to your love and care. See him smile at the child then hand it over to the angel who leaves the room. Feel the peace in your heart as you had your chance to love your child. through Jesus.

If its an adult. See the angel hold their hand as they enter the room. see them smile at you as they are so pleased to see you again, and with Jesus.

See them walk over to Jesus and you, see Jesus greet them with a loving kiss, and then he presents them to you.

See your self hugging them. Tell them all you need to tell them ,things that you maybe never had the chance to say, on this earth.

Ask for forgiveness if needed and forgive them also for any thing they may have done on you. Now present them back to Jesus, as he sends them out with the angel, say your goodbyes, and commit them to Jesus. Feel the peace of Jesus fill your heart up Jesus, says to you, "everything will be all right."

Now say goodbye to Jesus, see him leave by the door. Feel the quietness and peace his presence holds, even after he's gone, now you leave the room. and close the door behind you leaving all the past behind in that locked room which holds the peace of Jesus.


It is forbidden to try to contact the dead. But through Jesus we can be healed from the loss of a loved one.

Thosewho "died in Jesus"are"alivein himalso."so always makesure that you ask Jesus to do this with you.

NEVER EVER do this without Jesus.

Never try and do any kind of meditation without Jesus being there, because this is a spiritual healing your receiving, from God.

Always come with and to Jesus for Healing men or women can not heal Only Jesus can heal.

Write scriptures that tell you what Jesus done for you out at the end of this book and read them every day, confess them out, speak them don't think them in to yourself, speak them audibly, your spirit need to hear the word of God, and Faith comes by hearing the word of God.

The guilt of separation.

When one partner cheats on the other partner, the pain is unbearable, the effect on the hurting partner is crushing, because it wasn't only the fact that they cheated on them, they destroyed them as a person, in their own esteem.

They took away their self worth, self respect, and self image. They left their partner shattered, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, psychically and sexually.

The damage caused to someone who's husband or wife cheated on them, goes deep into the spirit causing feelings of rejection, and rejection is a difficult feeling to remove. It becomes rooted into the soul. But it can be done through Jesus;

Jesus knows the feelings of betrayal with a kiss, Judas did it to him. Your partner betrayed you with a kiss also.

When you were betrayed, you were left with all kinds of feelings, bewilderment, shock, pain rejection, trauma, a feeling of being useless, and stupid, and inferior and a failure.

Why did you not notice things were going on?

Or did you notice the changes and ignore them, denying their existence. Some people go into wrong thinking blaming themselves.

If I had been a better wife / husband, if I had been a better lover, if I had paid them more attention.

"If you had laid down your life for them it would not have made any difference because the simple fact is they were only thinking of one person themselves."

They were following the age old demon called lust, all they cared about was themselves and what they wanted, your pain never came into it, the harm they would cause you never crossed their mind. The damage, they inflicted would never even enter their thoughts, they have been well and truly hooked by lust, and lusts companions are selfishness, thoughtlessness, self preservation.

I know because I have been there and inflicted those things on Rose my wife. No man will ever be able to tell me it wasn't lust that motivated him to leave the woman he loved originally.

When first we married we were deeply in love, and that love was supposed to be for life. And living in Jesus that will last for life, doing things his way. Unfortunately, we live in a world dominated by sex, every thing you see on T V. even the adds are sexual, even to eating a bar of chocolate. Sex is sold as a commodity, and men and woman give in to it and buy it.

God intended sex to be combined with love and faithfulness, and honouring your partner, and not to be given away to someone else. So no matter what you think, nothing would have stopped your partner from betraying you except themselves. They were the one who started looking around, not you.

I have prayed with some of the most beautiful women around. They were giving all they could to their men, and still they cheated on them. It has nothing to do with looks or you sexually. It has to do with plain facts their men were drawn by lust and they were the ones who done wrong, not their wives. You as a wife or husband done no wrong it was your partner who wronged you.

Nothing you could have ever done, would have stopped a man or woman, once they start giving into fantasies of another person. I know this to be true. You carry with you feelings of unreal

guilt, those horrible words "if only."

You have the power here to do something about those feelings left on you, even years and years later.

One-You must forgive yourself, if "you" believe that you didn't give it your all. We can't change the past. And we must move on, not remain stuck in it.

Forgiveness is a decision not a feeling, or emotion;

Say Lord "I forgive myself for any way I feel I didn't give my marriage partner my all. I now loose myself from all bondage I have held myself in. I set my ex partner free for you to deal with them in your own good time;"

I cast off of me those feelings of unreal guilt, and I send those feelings through Jesus back to where they truly belong with my ex partner.

Using the Imagination again, see Jesus collect all the spiritual rubbish of unreal guilt. All that you carried in a large heavy bag on your back see Jesus remove from your back that baggage ,feel the weight being removed from you, see him place it on the ground in front of you, Hear him ask "what do you want me to do with it?"

You have a choice to make here, you can either say, "take it to my ex partner and leave all the guilt with them" Or you can tell him to "take it away and burn it in the fire of your love." The choice is entirely yours.

Ask Jesus to fill the void where this bag of rubbish had been with his light and lightness and peace.

Those whom the Lord has set free remain that way, refuse to accept thoughts of unreal guilt. Remind Satan the tormentor that Jesus took your burdens away from you. and keep reminding him each time he calls, trying to put you down with feelings of guilt.

You are a beautiful person made in the Image and likeness of God your creator, see yourself as Jesus sees you, holy, spotless, perfect in his sight, totally loveable.

Look into your own eyes, in the mirror everyday, and confess aloud, "I am a worth while person in Jesus, I am loveable, I am likeable I am worth everything. I am beautiful I am not a failure, in Jesus name, Amen

If you were the partner who betrayed your former loved one, and you belong to God now. "You can do a lot to help your ex partner find freedom, and also yourself.

What I would suggest you could do is.

Send them a letter. telling them that it was all "your fault". You were the one who done the wrong, not them. They were everything that anyone could ever ask for. That is was your self alone who done the wrong. In that way you could help to rebuild their self confidence again. and you would be acting as a true child of God. God loves a humble heart.

Remember, whatever you set free on this earth is set free in Heaven.

You will be setting another child of God free from a heavy burden.

And the measure you give will be the measure that will be given to you by God.

You will also be setting your self free, from your own guilt.

Mental Illness and unreal guilt.

A person who has suffered a breakdown, lives in guilt. They feel guilty about the breakdown and feel guilty that they didn't stop it happening.

The reality is you didn't have any control over your breakdown, because your mind was overloaded and shut down because it could not cope any longer.

This is a reality that you must come to terms with "you were ill just like someonewho has cancer." Mentalillness is asickness of themind, cancer is a sickness of the body.

You must see your self as having an illness same as someone with cancer. Guilt is put on you by others also, because most people tell you .

"Pull yourself together, catch your self on." If you would do this or that. Or trust in Jesus or quote scripture, confess and believe and stand.

They haven't a clue what you feel how you cant cope. They are just putting extra pressure on to a mind that is fragile enough as it is.

Your mind shut down becauseit couldn't takeanymorepressureon it, just the same as the body shuts down when it reaches a certain level of pain after an accident and the person faints or goes into a coma.

You are no different than any other sick person in this world, your sickness cannot be seen unlike their physical sickness like an arm dropping off or a cut that is bleeding.

Chapter 8

You couldn't stop the pressure building any more than the person who broke their leg could stop that either.

Unreal guilt. is what you suffer and has to be stopped. "I am ill," " I am unwell," just the same as someone who has cancer or some other illness.

I will not accept unreal guilt any longer, I forgive myself for feeling guilty. I am getting better every day with God's help and grace. He loves me and believes in me as a worthwhile person. I will confess every day that I have a Sound mind.

2-Timothy-1-7— I do not have a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

If you confess [say aloud] this littlepieceof God's word every day you will be healed. God's word has power to heal you and he will. It wont happen today or tomorrow, or the next day, but gradually it will begin to happen. And you may not even notice the change in your mental attitude until much later.

Something to take note of.

Pain inside is hard to cope with. If your pain is from a broken leg, all can see it, it is visible, People see it and give sympathy. And it can be treated with pain killers and surgery.

If your pain is in your mind, no one can see it ,it is not visible and pain killers do not take away the pain. And sympathy is rarely there.

If you told me you had a sore back or sore head, I would have to take your word for it because I could not feel your sore head or back. If someone says they are under severe depression, you can not feel their depression. you have to take their word for it same as taking the word of the person who has a sore back or head.

Pain is Pain whether in the head or in the mind, it is real and painful. that pain is real for you or for me. there is no difference between them each has their own equal value.

Someone whose leg is broken, is no more in pain than someone whose mind is ill, each are of equal value to that person.

Because someone has a breakdown through depression, they tend to take on unreal guilt that it was their fault, and people tend to look down on them and sometimes avoid them and cause the person who suffers mentally to suffer rejection because of their attitude.

Jesus calls us to love your neighbour as yourself. This means he wants you to love yourself as well as the neighbour. The emphasis I make here in this book is on loving yourself first, before you can begin to really love your neighbour.

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