Reverence for God is almost forgotten or explained

ItissothatIcanhighlighteverything IfeelisnecessarytohighlightthelivingwordofGod,tohighlightthatweneed to hold our God in reverence, and to separate different words that I feel is importantforhisglory.
WhydoIuse color in these scriptures?
During some of the worship services I attended I seen people talking, swapping phonedetails, orusingtheirphonestotext oneanother, andI saw onewomanplayinggamesonherphone,otherspassingoutsweets,ortalking, andsomestandingwiththeirhandsintheirpockets,andthiswasthroughthe worship, and it grieves me seeing this as I want to be in touch with God throughtheworshipasbestasIcan,andthisalsodistractsmefrommygiving himworship.
Ihavefeltjusttodaytowritethisbooktotryandexplainwhat ‘’true worship, reverence’’ forGodreallyis!Youcansinglotsofwonderfulsongsaboutwhat you can do through Christ Jesus, or what he done for you, but is your heart truly centered on Jesus or thewords ofthe songswhich are normally shown onthescreenonthewall.
Iknow new people benefitfromhavingthewordsofthesongswrittenoutfor themandshownonscreenoronawhiteportionofthechurchwall;formeI find it a distraction, because I have to take my attention off the lord, and see thewordswritten,eventhoughImayknowthem.
The first thing we must do to worship our God who is three persons in one spiritisworshiphiminspiritasscripturesays
19 “Sir,” the woman said, “you must be a prophet. 20 But say, tell me, why is it that you Jews insist that Jerusalem is the only place of worship, while we Samaritans claim it is here at Mount Gerizim where our ancestors worshiped?”
21 24 Jesus replied, “The time is coming, ma’am, when we will no longer be concerned about whether to worship the Father here or in Jerusalem. For it’s not where we worship that counts, but ‘how we worship’ —is our worship’’ spiritual and real?’’ ‘’Do we have the Holy Spirit’s help?’’ For ‘’God is Spirit,’’ and we ‘’must have his help to worship’’ as we should; ‘’The Father’ ‘’wants’’ this kind of worship from us.’’ But you Samaritans know so little about him, worshiping blindly, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes to the world through the Jews.”
25 The woman said, “Well, at least I know that the Messiah will come the one they call Christ and when he does, he will explain everything to us.”
26 Then Jesus told her, “I am the Messiah!”
Another translation says it like this!
23 but the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall ‘’worship the Father’’ in ‘’spirit and in truth:’’ for the Father ‘’seeketh such to worship him.’’
24 ‘’God is a Spirit:’’ and they that worship him ‘’must’’ worship him in ‘’spirit’’ and in ‘’truth.’’
For its ‘’not where’’ we ‘worship’ that counts, but ‘’how’’ ‘’we worship’’
You don’t have to be in a church to worship God, you can worship him anywhere;andthisisnormallywhereweworshiphimaswewalkaboutorsit athome,justtryingtogetintouchwithGodandJesus,aswenormallydo.
ToworshipGodinspiritmeansthatweworshiphiminthespirit; *praying in tongues* as the Holy Spirit gives you the vocalization. It is through the Holy Spirit that you ‘’truly worship God reverently’’ ‘’worshipping him in tongues {spirit} in the supernatural language of the Holy Spirit.’’ We have been given thegiftofspiritualworshipthroughtheHolySpiritsgiftoftongues,aspiritual
heavenlylanguagecreatedtogiveGodtrueworship;foritdoesnotcomefrom the flesh of man but by the power of the Holy Spirit in us speaking to God, worshippinghiminspiritistobeledbytheSpirit,forthisiswhathesayshe wants. If he says ‘’he wants this kind of worship’’ then we should give him this kind of worship for it comes from his own Holy Spirit within us. Who knowsmoreaboutworshipandreverencethanGod,soifhesaysthisiswhat hewants,thenwhydothechurchesnotgivehimthiskindofworship?
Jesus said that we must worship God in tongues the words of the Holy Spirit; for they are not flesh and blood words no matter what country we comefrom.TonguesareagiftfromtheHolySpirittoussothatwecanprayin theperfectwillofGod.
26 ·Also [or In the same way], the Spirit helps us ·with [or in] our weakness. We do not know ·how to pray as we should [or what we ought to pray for] But the Spirit himself ·speaks to God for us [intercedes] with ·deep feelings [groaning]·that words cannot explain [or that are
or that are unspoken; or too deep for words].
The Holy Spirit himself through us, speaks to God, as ‘’he’’ intercedes for us, with deep feelings, groaning where words are unavailable to us. Sometimes things that happento us aretoo deep ahurt, that all wecan do is moan, and groan, wecannot get thewords out,orwedon’t evenknow what wordsthat wecanuseforthepaininusissoindescribabletobeabletopronouncethem, and that’s where we turn our attention to the Holy Spirit, as we groan and travail in spirit, until our pain is expressed aloud to God, and he knows of coursewhatwearesayingthroughtheHolySpirit.
Every Christian should be baptized in the Holy Spirit so that they can all receivethisawesomegiftfromGodtothemthroughhisHolySpirit,andpray with‘’reverence’’ towardsGodasweprayinspiritashesaidweshould. The true worshippers shall worship the Father in
24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him
in truth:
for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
worship him in spirit and in truth.
To give you the reader a better understanding of what worship truly is then knowthefullnessofthewordsthespirituses.
means = indescribable, ineffable, beyond words, overwhelming, deep, indefinable, unutterable, unspeakable, beyond description, unimaginable, inexpressible, and deep.
IstherelationshipyouhavewithGod,inexpressible,deep,beyondwords?Do you holdhiminawe?HavingafearofGod,not afearofwhathemight doto you, but of respect and wonder, and overwhelming! Awe meaning fear, a ‘’respectful fear of God;’’ a ‘’trepidation,’’ like walking on eggshells around God; in ‘’awe and wonder and delight;’’ and an awe meaning ‘’admiration,’’ holdingGodinallofthesemeaningsallattheonetime?Thisisaweinallofits glory, holding in your breath for a while, too overwhelmed to speak or even thinkofsomethingelse.
I get this feeling of awe when I hold my breath and I think of the name of Jesusand knowing who and what he is and who is in me also,andthenslowly releasemybreaththinkingthenameofJesusisallofGodinhimself.Hisname isHoly,heisaholyGod!
To worship God means to hold him in reverence, adoration, love, respect, devotion, adulation, veneration, adore.
Reverence for God means admiration, awe, veneration, astonishment, amazement, adoration,
I remember an experience I had with God one day as I worshipped him in tonguesforaboutanhourandahalf,justsinging,praying,andministeringin spiritsingingmysongstohimentertaining him,forwhoheis;whenIseena vision of myself standing facing a deep darkness, and I was looking down on myself at the same time, when all of a sudden I was there looking into that deepdarkness,thatseemedtostretchfrometernitytoeternity.
And asI stoodthere for a few minutessuddenlyagiganticeye andlookedat me,andIrealizedthatIwaslookingintotheeye,thepupilofAlmightyGod.
Hiseyewasonlyhalfopened,andIsawthatittookinthatblacknesswithan evendeepershadeofblackthatstretchedfrometernitytoeternityistheonly wayIcandescribeit;andasIlookedIrealizedthisisAlmightyGodshowing methathewaslookingafterme,andappreciatedmyworshipforitwasfrom thedepthofmyinnermostbeingsungtohim.
Then I was back up looking down, and the vision ended. This held me in
I a mere man, a spirit filled man like my other brothers and sisters, was given the grace to see my God’s eye, and I thought afterwards how enormousthathalfopenedeyewas.AsIsaidittookfrometernitytoeternity tolookintoit,andrealizingthiseyewasonlyasmallportionofGod,sowhat size was he? From eternity to eternity that was his size. My mind cannot comprehend the true size of God for he is spirit and spirit has no beginning height, depth, or length, or end; it is all consuming,
everything created is withinourmasterGod!
WhatagoodGodwehavethatisinterestedinmeandyou,andhegavemethe grace and favor to look into his half opened eye; this even now holds me in aweofhim,IfindmyselfdrawinginmybreathjustasIvisualizemyselfagain standingbeforehishalfopenedeye!
You don’t have to see into the eye of God to realize his size, all the created planets andsunsinspace givesusthe beginning of asenseof hissize,for all these worlds and planets were created by him for a reason, and are within him,andtheHolySpiritandJesus,theydonotexistoutsidetheprofundityof GodtheTrinity.
When we know and begin to understand what God created, and most likely created them all for us in spirit one day in eternity. For he does not create something that is of no use. We are not the only creation that God created; lookatthebeingsdescribedinRevelationsandinotherscriptures,wheredid theycomefrom?Aliens?Ihavenoideawhattheyshouldbecalled. No matter what they might be, they are ‘’his creation’’ and nobody else’s, so givethatsomethoughtyoualienseekers.Lol
Isaythistoallmusicians;worshippingGodthroughmusicandsongwillbring you great visitations from him, and you will ‘like me,’ experience wonderful things like I experienced; but I will not go into all of the wondrous things I experienced, but they were all heavenly; some would never believe what I experiencedjustministeringtohim like Elvis singing to his girlfriend,inthe movies, singing into their eyes, and that is what I envisioned myself doing everytimeIministeredtohim,IfelttosingtohimlikeIwasentertaininghim, and loving him personally, and like I said, I was blessed with revelation, and glorious new songs that I now understand later were songs telling me who I was In Christ Jesus, giving him glory. So musician sing to him like you were singingtoyourtruelover;lookintohiseyesandministertohimlikeyouwere giving a personal concert just for him alone. Worshipping to God through music will bring with it great blessings and especially worshiping him in tongues and not in English or whatever your language is, worshiping him
singingintonguesisgreatreverence,forreverencemeansbeingawareofwho itisyouareministeringto.
Give some time to seek God for himself and nothing else don’t ask him for anything,justloveonhim,forheistheauthoroflove;lovebelongstohim,and he,inthebeginninginthebookofgenesis,GodtalkswithJesusandtheHoly Spiritaboutcreatingusin their image, a spirit being astheywere,someone toshowerloveupon;someonejusttobecreatedtolovewithoutcondition.
1 When God began creating the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was a shapeless, chaotic mass,* with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapors.*
20 Then God said, “Let the waters teem with fish and other life, and let the skies be filled with birds of every kind.” 21 22 So God created great sea animals, and every sort of fish and every kind of bird. And God looked at them with pleasure, and blessed them all. “Multiply and stock the oceans,” he told them, and to the birds he said, “Let your numbers increase. Fill the earth!” 23 That ended the fifth day. 25 God made all sorts of wild animals and cattle and reptiles. And God was pleased with what he had done.
26 Then God said, “Let us make a man someone like ourselves,* to be the master of all life upon the earth and in the skies and in the seas.”
27 So God made man *like his Maker*. *Like God did God make man;* Man and maid did he make them. 28 And God blessed them and told them, “Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it; you are masters of the fish and birds and all the animals. 29 And look! I have given you the seed bearing plants throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. 30 And I’ve given all the grass and plants to the animals and birds for their food.” 31 Then God looked over all that he had made, and it was excellent in every way. This ended the sixth day.
When God made man he created them as spirit beings he did not just make Adam and Eve as most people believe, no he created mankind with woman madeasequalpartners,andnotassomereligionsmakethemtobelessthana man,thisisnotthewillofGod,andhecreatedthemalltobeequal.Inlovedid he create us all? Then something changed and in Genesis two we see that changecomeabout.
Genesis 2 King James Version (KJV)
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
man became a living soul.
8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.
11 The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasses the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold;12 And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasses the whole land of Ethiopia.
14 And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goes toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
This is in Turkey Syria and Ethiopia
ThisiswhereGodseparatedmanfromtherestofhisspiritualwork;hecalled thismanAdam,
18 And the LORD God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help mate for him.
19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof.
20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found a help meet for him.
21 And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
23 And Adam said this is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed
Thereisnoshametobetakenbetweenanakedhusbandandwife,andnotas somewhowouldmakeoutthatbeingnakedisshameful. Here is where God created Eve to be the forerunner of the flesh creation for shewas giventhepower tocreate life from Adams seed;later on Jesus came unto the earth and through his work in us God gave us his own seed a spiritualseedthathasnocorruptioninit.–
No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, for *God's nature abides in him* [*His principle of life,* the *divine sperm, * remains permanently within him]; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.
NowwhydidIcutthescripturesintoshortversions?Itisbecausethereistoo much in it for you to read in this book; go read the true book for yourself, thereissomuch moretobegleamedfromit! Thereissomuchtobelearned from the word that you will have to study it for yourself, and not listen to a meremanlikemeforyourenlightenment.
If we don’t know, what God in his great wisdom done for us, then we will nevertrulylearntoappreciatehimandgivehimreverenceforwhathedidfor usasAlmightyGodthecreator.
Istartedout from *Genesis*thefirstbookandIusedthelast bookalso*The Revelations*togiveGodthegloryhedeserves,forhecreatedusa spirit being firstthenhebreathedlifeintous after taking the dust of the earth to make us a flesh and blood being. Wherewesadlywouldbetrayhim,andlooseour placeinheaven.
Then he sent Jesus to correct all that by bringing God’s own divine seed or spermwhateveryouwishtocallitandgivingittoallthatreceivedhim.Ifthis isn’t a reason to hold God in reverence I don’t know what is. I could spend hourstalkingaboutthebibleandtheblessingsinit,forIhaveatthismoment
intimewritten 328 booksteachingonthe *New Testament* *alone,* andthis holds me in awe, for I know I have written these books only by the Holy Spirits help, for I had no education, I spent three years off school due to a paralyzingillness.
Now to see I have written 328 spirit directed books I have every reason to hold my breath in, giving glory to the Holy Spirit; for I have him within and throughout every portion ofme.Knowing the Holy Spirit and speakinginhis heavenly language, and him healing the sick through me, gives me reason to hold him and Jesus, in awe, in reverence; for it is in *his name* that sets people free, and should be held in great esteem, his name Jesus is the name aboveeveryothername.
And that name used in the power of the Holy Spirit will heal the sick and deliver those possessed or oppressed, that name will set them free, for in truth whenyou call uponthat name you areactuallycalling Jesuswithinyou to intervenewith his Holy Spirit. Just as the Holy Spirit through Jesus healed all those people in the bible; it wasn’t Jesus who was healing them, but the Holy Spirit within him, read the scriptures and you will see that the Holy Spiritwaspresentinallhealingsormiracles,andtheHolySpiritdidthework ofhealinganddelivering,andJesusbeingamanlikeusdoneallthistoshow thathereceivedtheHolySpirit attheJordanriver,andwereceivedtheHoly SpiritwhenweaskedhimtocomeintousafterwereceivedJesusaslordand saviour.Soweshould reverence both Jesus andthe Holy Spirit aspart ofthe HolyTrinity.
That name shouldbeonly‘’spokenin awe,’’ itshouldneverbespokenoutasa cussword,orjustspokenifyouhurtyourarmorsomewhereelse.Thisname is Holy beyond description thereissomuchholinessinitdemonshavetoflee attheverymentionofitwheretheyare.
I seen this last year 2018 when I was giving a healing service in a church in HullEngland;andasIwalkedthroughthecrowdseekinghealingfromGod,I used the ‘’name of Jesus’’ to speak healing into a group of people crammed together.Awomansuddenlybeganscreechinginahighpiercingscream,and bendingoverintwoshereversedoutfromthecrowdscreaming atthetopof herlungs,andthepastor’sandothersoftheleadershiprantoministertoher asthatdemoncamescreamingoutofher,andtheypinnedherdownandlater {Ifoundoutthatshewasawitchthathadcomewithherotherwitchfriendto
destroythehealingserviceandinsteadGodturnedonthemanddeliveredthis one, {I don’t know what happened to the other one,} and I returned to ministerhealingtotherestofthepeoplethere,whodidn’tmove.Eventhough theymusthavebeenawareofthisdemoncomingoutofthiswomanbecause the name of Jesus wasusedinherpresenceandthatdemoncouldnotstayin the presence of that Holy name Jesus, it had to get out and in a hurry. Thinkingofthislaterandwatchingitonvideo,asIvideoeverythingIdo,soas to let people see a miracle taking place and on video. I realized the power in thenameofJesususedinfaithdrovethatdemonoutofthatwoman.
Gods great love for mankind and his desire to heal those who came was manifested in this place as each person received healing, Praise and glory to ourwonderfulGod.Heistherestoreroflove.
1John 4:8
Amplified Bible The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love [He is the originator of love, and it is an enduring attribute of His nature.]
He is the originator of love, it is him where love was formed and passed on downthroughthecenturiestoyouwhoarereadingthis.
“You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain [that is, irreverently, in false affirmations or in ways that impugn the character of God]; for the LORD will not hold guiltless nor leave unpunished the one who takes His name in vain [disregarding its reverence and its power].
AsIsaidpreviouslythe *name of Jesus* isreasonenoughtoholdyourbreath inandholdin,inadmiration.ThenameJesusistheonlynameofaGodwhere many Christians hold this name in disgrace using it as a curse word, saying *Jesus,usuallyaccompaniedbyotherdisgustingwordslikef***,almostevery timetheyhavesomethingtosay. Jesusistheonlynamethatsomeonecanbe saved; and yet you never hear other religions ever say a word wrong about their god,whateveritsnameis supposed tobe;they and they aloneholdthe nameoftheirfalsegodsincompletehonor.
You never ever hear a Buddhist curse someone using the name of Buda as a curse, or a Muslim saying in the name of Allah ‘go to hell’ or something else using the name of their god, but you hear every religion saying curses in the
nameofJesus,andwhyisthis?Itisbecausethedevilandhisevilspiritsknow thepowerandauthorityinthenameofJesus.Theyknowtheyweredefeated by Jesus and they try to get Christians to use that name to curse and swear and disrespect his glorious name making it a laughing stock, whereby the ‘’true believer’’ neverusesthatnametocurseanyone.
There are, and where times I used that awesome name out of context, and useditalsoasacurseword,andswearingusingthegloriouswondrousname ofJesusnowtomyindignity,andIhavetogivethankstomyGodforhistrue giftofforgivenessorIwoulddieofembarrassment.
Then I would go out and pray with people sometimes wondering why it is taking someone so long to get healed, and it probably was because earlier I may have used the name of Jesus to swear or curse. And instead of holding thatgloriousnameaboveallnamestoitshighestplaceinheaveninreverence, Imissedout.
As a Christian and especially as a Christian in a healing ministry I find it a shame to misuse that wondrous name of Jesus and then try and use it to commandhealinginhisname.SoIammakingitaseriousproblemtocometo theHolySpirittoseekhishelptojustusethenameof Jesus in holiness and in awe. I know it is the enemy who is constantly trying to get me to use that awesomenametocurseandswear,andtheyneverceasetheirpressure.
NowIamthinkingconstantlythatthe *name of Jesus* istobe held in awe, in great reverence,foritisthatnamethatsetusfreefromsinanddisease.
Have you no fear of God? No reverence for him? Your sins are telling your mouth what to say! Your
are based on clever deception,
EvilspiritsbytheirhundredsarecomingagainsteveryChristiantotryandget themtosinagainstGodbydisrespectingthebeautifulnameofJesusandother thingsjustasdamaging,usingcusswordstospeaktooneanotherwordsthat disrespectthemselvesandothers.
This name of Jesus isto beheldingreat esteemby me,andfrom todayon, I shall spend some time just absorbing *his wonderful name in reverence,*
andbecomingawarethatthereareforcesworkingagainstmetryingtogetme andpossiblyyoutomisusethatgloriousname.
Holding the name of Jesus in reverence is the beginning of becoming more aware of the reverence for God himself as *our creator.* Knowing that he createdmeinmymother’swombandwatchedasIwasbeingformed.
Isaiah 49:1-International Standard Version
[The Servant of the LORD] “Listentome,youcoastlands!Payattention,youpeoplefromfar away! The LORD called me from the womb; while I was still in my mother’s body,
he pronounced my
God gives us our name, not our parents, ‘’He pronounced my name’’ he gave ourmotherandfatherournamewhilewewerestillinourmother’swomb,he toldthemwhattocallus.
Psalm 139:13 Living Bible
You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit them together in my mother’s womb.
Therearenoaccidentsofbirth,thereisthosecalledbytheirnamenomatter howtheygethere.Godwasthereinsideyourmother’swombasyouwereknit togetherbyhispower.
HowcouldGodseemealittletinyspeckinsidemymother’swomb?Easyheis God he sees everything. He made us so we should hold him in honest reverence for making us in the womb and giving us our name, though many hatetheirname,notrealizingthatitwas‘Godnotmumanddad’thatcalledus bythatname.
Ecclesiastes 11:5 Living Bible
God’s ways are as mysterious as the pathway of the wind and as the manner in which a
human spirit
is infused into the little body of a baby while it is yet in its mother’s womb.
God calls each of us by name, your mother or father didn’t name you, they followed his naming you byhiswordwhich came intotheir mind. When you read and realize how God infuses a ‘’human spirit’’ into a ‘little baby’ as it is growing in the mother’s womb, it makes you stop and
think how awesome God really is.
Ibelievethat forthemostofit,Christiansarenot awareofwhoorwhatGod really is, we may call him ‘’Father’’ and he is all of that; but he is more than Father he is the ‘’Almighty creator;’’ he is all consuming, a force of unimaginablepowerandsize,andhelovesus,everyoneofus.
Godchoseeveryoneofus,andhedecidedtogiveeachofusapersonalname and after we become born again, he gives us another name= ‘’Jesus;’’ for he infused you into the same spirit as Jesus, for he made you and me to be his sonsanddaughtersofequalstandingwithhim.
Reverence for God is justified andshouldmakeusgaspinwardsandthinkin awe, ‘’Wow!’’ ThisGodofoursisinstamatic;heisbeyondcomprehension,too deeptoevenbegintounderstand.Heinfusesahumanspiritintoalittlebaby, and then later on, he, infuses the spirit of Jesus Christ his son into us, in exchange for that human spirit, too awesome to even begin to understand. When you sit down in prayer and begin thinking about God and how breathtaking he actually is you can’t help falling down in adoration in reverence ofhim.
I am, the lord your God reverence me!
Leviticus 25:17-Amplified Bible
You shall not wrong one another, but you shall
fear’’ *your God* [with ‘’profound reverence
]; for ‘’I am the LORD your God.
Godistellingusnottodowrongtooneanothereveninthoughtwordordeed. We must ‘’decide to love’’ even our enemies, love is a decision many times.
What! Love our enemies, yes! For they are ‘’his children’’ his ‘’created children’’ all are ’’God’s children,’’ butbeing *children of God, makesavast difference*manyarecalled,‘butnotallare *God’s children;* formanyreject himandhisholiness,whichmakesthemremain‘’childrenofGod.’’‘’Manyare calledbut;’’
“In the same way, the last will be first, and the first will be last, because many are called, but few are chosen.”
Totryandmakethiseasiertounderstand,Godcreatedeveryhumanbeingso theyareall ‘’God’s children,’’ buttothosewhoacceptJesusaslordandsavior, theyarethen* ‘’Children of God.’’*
HiswordheresayswemustfearGodwith ‘’profound reverence’’ for ‘’I am’’ ‘’the lord your God, ’’ andthe fearhe speaks of is reverent fear and respect forhimwhoiscalled ‘I am, ’’ hisnameandtitle.EachtimeIreadthroughone of these scriptures I feel my stomach pulling inwards, and I feel like I am holding my breath; for I want with all of my might to begin to understand what true reverence reallyis,andspendtherestofmydaysholdingmyGod in total reverence; should it be him himself, or Jesus, or his beautiful Holy Spirit , each must be held in ‘’reverent respect, with astonishment,’’ as to who they are, and in whom they have also included you and me in them, becauseofusbeing ‘’joined together with and in Jesus,’’ allasonespirit.And ‘’he’’ done this, not us; we have done nothing to deserve anything from God, Jesus, or his Holy Spirit; it was all his intentional work. All glory to his Holy Name.
Profound meaning,
andchangesomeofthewordswritten there;
You shall not wrong one another, but you shall
your God.
your God [with
shall not wrong
you shall
consternation, yourGod
holding me
up in
Look at how the meaning of the word’s ‘’profound’’ and ‘’reverence’’ and ‘’fear,’’takesthisscriptureintoanotherdimensionwhenitisstrungtogether in the way the Holy Spirit strung it for me, it is no wonder that my stomach pulledinandmybreathingbecamesloweranddeeper,Ibeholdthisscripture inadifferentlightnow,Ihaveneverstrungthemeaningofwordslikethisin the328bookthatIhavewritten!
Thisis an understandingthat Godgaveme of his sizein comparison to all of hiscreation.IaskedGodonetimejustafterIhadwrittenabookabouthissize andevenafterwritingitIstillcouldnotvisualizeinmymindhowbighereally is.SoIaskedhimwouldheshowmehissizesothatIcouldunderstandwith my mind, not just my spirit, but simply put, in my mind. The next thing that happenedwas; I had a vision of Jesus standing upright in space, and with his left hand stretchedoutandinhis *finger tips* was ‘’all of creation, the galaxies, space and all these stars, suns and moons he fixed in place;’’ in the size of a postage stampincomparisontohim.
Now when I see something in scripture telling us ‘’nothing is impossible to him,’’ ortellingusabouthissize,Isimplygotothisvisionhegaveme,andin reverent respect, I see the words that I am being taught, so that I can share with you, and with others the size of God through my vision, so that you can also pass this on to others for his glory. I used to wonder how all of us born again Christians, and those who had no sin against them from the beginning untilthetimeofMoseswhentheTenCommandmentsweregiven,wouldallfit intoheaven.Iknowweareallspiritbeingsandnotfleshbodies.Andwhereall thesemansionswewerepromisedwouldfitintoheavenuntilIsawthesizeof Jesuscomparedtoeverygalaxy
YoushallfearthelordyourGodandthisdoesnotmeantobeinterrorofhim butholdinghiminthedeepestrespect.
And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, so that he may ‘’learn’’ ‘’to fear [and worship] the LORD his God [with *awe filled reverence* and *profound respect*’’], by carefully obeying (keeping foremost in his ‘’thoughts’’ and actively doing) all the words of this law and these statutes,
We just don’t grow up with respect and reverence for God unless we are taught by our Christian parents the meaning of respect for God. For the majorityofChristianpeoplesadlyarenotlearningtotrulyrespectGod;forwe are taught he is ‘’father’’ and are slowly learning the awesomeness of their God, but he is more than father,heis *almighty God!*
Assemble the people, the men and the women and children and the stranger (resident alien, foreigner) within your cities, so that they may ‘’hear’’ and ‘’learn’’ and ‘’fear the LORD your God [with awe-filled ‘’reverence’’ and ‘’profound respect’’], and be careful to obey all the words of this law.
In the book of Deuteronomy there are many scriptures calling us to ‘’learn’’ and
and ‘’fear the lord our God;’’ itisnodifferentnowasitwasthen inthosedays,peopleneedtolearnhowtoreverencethelordtheirGod.
LookathowMuslimsworshiptheirfalsegod,theybowdownandtouchtheir headstothefloorordirtground,withtheirhandshalfraisedupbytheirsides, wherever they assemble, or even when on their own they separate from people, and do their worship. It is a very rare occasion to see Christians kneeling and bowing their heads or laying prostrate before their God in the assemblychurchmeetings.
The churcheshave become political correct so perfect centered that theyhave forgotten to worship their God, they have choirs singing their perfect songs, andtheirharmoniesaresogood,butforthemajorityofthemtheydonothave worshipintheirhearts,justgettingtheirharmoniescorrect,andsingingtheir best so that people would hear them singing their best harmonies, and not realizingthey’resupposedtobeministeringtoAlmightyGod.Andsomegiving sermonsglorifyingthemselvesnotGodintruth,mosttimesthechurchesaim foronehourandahalfandended.AndinAfricasomeofthoseblessedpeople walkforsevenhours,andspendsevenhoursworshipping,andalsosharingin food, and then seven hours walking back home again, trying to get home beforedark,whenthewildanimalsstarttoroamaboutseekingtheirprey
In church these days praying in tongues and holding hands raised up to God arefrowneduponbecause it might put people off.IntheverychurchIbelong tonow,Iamnotevenallowedtopraywithpeople;andIhavenotbeengivena reason; I have tried to share with the leaders, and now a new pastor, that I havebeeninahealingministryoverfortyyears,andcouldteachthemhowto heal people simply, and show different ways to pray, and see miracles happening, they haven’t taken my offer up and I am not allowed to pray for people who ask me for healing prayer; and there are no miracles or healing happeningthere. IoftenwonderwhyGodhasmethere.
IntheActsoftheApostlestheapostlesgatheredtogethertoworshipGodand they ministered there by the power of the Holy Spirit singing intongues and ministeringtoAlmightyGodinreverenceforhimforhoursonend,andsigns andwondersfollowedtheirservices,theyministeredtoGodandtothepeople through using the gifts of the Holy Spirit following his leading in everything andsomeofthoseserviceswentonfordays.
In Africa some people have to walk miles and miles to get to a Christian church, andspendaboutsevenormorehoursworshippingGod,andsharing intheirfood,andministeringtoGodagain,andthenhavetowalkforatleast seven or more hours home again, and there could be lions or other wild animalsintheirway.
And we call them the ‘’third world,’’ ‘’ignorant savages,’’ and such names, and they have chosen once they are saved, to come and spend all this time usually ‘’praying as they walk to church,’’ ‘’in church,’’ and ‘’after church’’ goinghomebeforeitgetsdark,becauseofthewildanimalsthereareintheir homeplaceinthebush,andfacingdangeralways.AndallwegivetoGodthe creator is usually an ‘’hour and a half,’’ and that ‘’hour and a half’’ usually encompasses the leader or a guest speaker spending an ‘’hour talking,’’ and the ‘’rest taken up by a twenty minute worship’’, and then sometimes a ‘’communionservice’’andit’sover;andforsomethatis‘’toolong.’’Wherehas the reverence for their God gone, their desire to spend time in his company? AndIseethisineverychurchwiththeexceptionofafew.
Just imagine doing as they did in those olden days, calling people to come to hear the word, and laws of God, and to learn reverence for their God, that is somethingIwouldlovetoseehappeningagainintoday’sworld.
Chapter five
The benefits of ‘’reverence’’ for ‘God’
Deuteronomy 31:12 Living Bible “Call them all together,” the Lord instructed, “ men, women, children, and foreigners living among you to ‘’hear the laws of God’’ and to ‘’learn his will,’’ so that ‘’you will *reverence* the *Lord your God* and *obey his laws *’’
Call people together to learn how to have reverence for God; yesterdayChristmas Day 2018, I heard my sixteen year old granddaughter using the ‘’name of Jesus’’ as an expression of a curse three different times, even thoughsheissupposedtobeaChristian,andthelasttimeshesaiditItoldher nottousethe name of Jesus insuchaway,becauseonedayshewillneedto calluponthatwondrousname,andtherewillbenofaithinthatnamebecause she has used it all her growing up life to thoughtlessly curse by, thereby one
day she will come under attack from the enemy as we all do, and that name will beofnopresuppositionforhertouseinbattleforithas beendeniedits powerthroughdisrespect. ‘’Hear the laws of God’’ ‘’learn his perfect will’’ for usandlearn ‘’reverence’’ forhimwhoistheircreator.
great is the
greatly to be praised;
He is also to be feared [with *awefilled reverence*]
above all gods.
Iputthesenexttwofriendshipscripturestogetheroneaftertheothersothat wewouldgetinspirationfromthem.
Psalm 25:14 Living Bible Friendship with God is
reserved for those who
secrets of his promises.
With them *alone* he shares the
I do not call you servants any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you [My] friends, because I have revealed to you everything that I have heard from My Father.
How would you like to have ‘’friendship with God,?’’ Well here’s how to have it.
Simple isn’t it? Having reverence for God is what makes you his friend, anditisawesometobecalleda‘’friendofGod;’’justlikeJesussaidaboutus,‘’I no longer call you servants, ‘’but my friends’’ and did you understand that having reverence for God and Jesus and the Spirit will bring you ‘’God’s secretes of his promises, and Jesus confirmed this for you by saying, ‘’he has revealedtoyoueverythingthatheheardfromthefather.’’
Friendship was purchased by blood, the blood of Jesus for us in today’s time limit,andbeforeJesuscame;friendshipwasgiventhrough‘’reverence’’andby the‘’bloodofBullssacrificed.
I want to be more than a friend; I want to be known as a *son of God* or *brother of Jesus,* as scripture teaches us in today’s world in the ‘’living
*word* of God’’ but a friend of ‘’Almighty God’’ is something that blows my mind,it’soktobefriendswithJesus,forJesusseemstobemoreacceptableto usbecausewehavereadallabouthiminafriendlystyleofGod.
Psalm 61:5 Living Bible
you have heard my vows, O God, to praise you every day,and you have given me the blessings you reserve for those
When I first encountered Jesus I was going to a prayer meeting in St Mary’s church hall, and after receiving the ‘’baptism in the Holy Spirit,’’ I wanted somewherethatIcouldgoandsingpraisestothelordatthetopofmyvoice, andtosingintongues.
I and some friends went to a mountainabout ten miles away, for I heard the SpiritofGodsaying ‘’go to the mountain.’’ Andasweclimbedthatmountain thinkingitwouldbeeasy,Ididnotrealizethatyoucannotjustascendstraight up a mountain, but that you actually go sideways, heading up by the easiest route,andwhenwegottothepartofthemountainwherewethoughtwasthe pinnacle,wediscoveredwewereonlyhalfwaysthere. All along as we climbed that mountain and I mean climbing as walking up it playingourguitarsandsingingworshiptohim,until eventuallywemanaged togettotheactualtopofthemountain,andmyGodwhataviewwehad,we couldseeformilesandmilesallaroundineverydirectionandseethetowns and villages scattered all around, and as we sat down to take it all in, to our shockandsurpriseweseentherewasanactualdirtroadleadingtothetopof thismountain.
Whatashocktooursystemsthiswas,wecouldhavegonethisroutetogetto thetop,butwebenefitedsomuchfromjustfollowingtheleadingoftheHoly Spirit, for in learning to separate on the top to go our different walks away fromeachother,andshoutingout ourpraisestoGodat thetopofourvoices asweseparated;Ifeltagreatfreedominmyspiritandareleaseinmygiftof tongues,myprayerlanguage,tobeabletosingintonguesandtopraisewith profoundfreedom wassoimmenselywonderful.
Intheprayermeetingallweheardfromtheworshipleaders;whowereusing theirgift oftonguesveryquietly,andthepeoplefollowedsuit, andtomethe meeting was dead or almost, but now I had discovered through obedience; and going up that mountain by the hardest route; I felt drawn by the Holy SpirittogiveglorytoGodinloudtonguesandMartinandGeorgeimmediately followed suit and then the people erupted in loud praise and in tongues. Everyonesaiditwasthebestmeetingtheyeverhad.
NowknowingwewereinthepresenceofAlmightyGodthethreeofusGeorge Mc Cann, Martin Hasson, and me discovered that after separating and going our separate ways on that mountain we had actually come back to the same spot we had left our provisions at; with our backs turned away from each other. We came together in spirit beside one another and this amazed us for we didn’t think of the others or even hear them above ourown praising God withadeeplove,therewasnothingelsematteringtousbutHimthegreat
After asking the priest in charge, I was allowed to come and use the church upper room and minister to God there. I had many wonderful spiritual experiencesduringthesetimes,especiallywhenIworshippedintongues,{in spirit.}IwastakenintotheheavenliestplacesandencounteredGodandJesus, anditwasthemostwonderfultimesIeverhadinmylife.
Afewyearslaterthingshappenedthatcausedmetohavetoendthosetimes with the lord, and you can’t just shout out praises to God at the top of your voice in your own home because people would hear me praying in tongues andsinging,somypraisegrewveryquiet.ButIhavelongedforsomewhereto go and worship him again aloud, and just minister to him in song, but I had nowheretogo sothat endedthisperiodoftime. Ihadtoreducemyministry timealonewith God,andhadtocontendthattherewasalwayspeopleinmy home almost every day visiting, so I couldn’t minister to God anymore like I loved, and received so many blessings because of my heartfelt love for him, andIhadreceivedsomuchbackfromhim.
Ilovedsingingaloudtohimmakingsongsuptohim,songsthattheHolySpirit gave me to sing, and I started to bring a tape recorder with me to the upper roominthechurchandjustletitrunasIministeredtohim,andduringthose timestheHolySpiritgavemenewsongstosing.Thosesongsturnedouttobe propheticsongsandsongsthatdeclaredwhoIwasinJesus;whichmuchlater I discovered that they were the word of God telling me who I was in Christ
Jesus. One song I loved best was a song called ‘’my heart is beating in time withyours.’’andthewordsofthissongwasgivingmerevelationofmyjoining myself in spirit to Jesus at my salvation; ‘’my heart is beating in time with yours;’’ ‘’my heart is ticking in time after time with yours.’’ ‘’Beating as one heart, beating as one heart, Jesus heart and mine.’’ Anditwasn’tuntilmany yearslaterstillsingingthissongthatIhadrevelationthatGodgavemethose wordstodeclarewhomIwasinJesus.ThatJesusheartbeatintimewithmine, it was so beautiful to experience the lord doing this for me through his Holy Spirit.
Psalm 66:16 Amplified Bible
Comeandhear, allwho fear God [and worship Him with‘’awe-inspired reverence’’ and ‘’obedience’’], and I will tell what He has done for me
This is what I have been trying to do now for forty plus years, ‘’tell what he done for me in healing services, in my praise and worship times, and now todayintheshopsandsupermarkets. Trying now to get souls into heaven for the Lord by asking people; ‘’if they died tonight where would they go,’’ to hell or heaven, and I must have got well over a hundred saved through the directions of the Holy Spirit, in this newwaytheHolySpiritgavemetodo,Iwouldlovetogetthosesavedonesto a church but in all honesty where in this country would you send people expecting them to grow in the spirit, and ‘’scripture tells me to let people be wheretheyareforGodiswellcapableoflookingafterthem
MyheartsearchesearnestlyforGodforIknow*heisjoinedtogetherwithme, andItohimandtheTrinity,*it’satremendousblessingtoknowthatweare joinedtogetherinspiritwith,andinhim,intheHolytrinity.Istandastounded thatGod,aGodofunbelievablemagnitudewouldcomeandliveinme.Should reverence notbeonmymindasIstand,kneel,orfallonmyfaceadoringhim, what God would do such things for his children? Only this God of ours who loves us with such intensity {passion} would do such an act, and Christian peoplearenotevenawareofwhatourGodhasdoneforthemandus;perhaps iftheyweretoldwhathedidfortheminsimpletermstheymightfallontheir faces in gratitude. It is so hard to understand that Almighty God is actually livinginsideofusinspiritwithhim,anditisallbecauseofJesusandwhathe did for us through his shedding his precious blood for us to give us the promisetoreturninspirittothefatheragain.HolyishisnameJesus
Psalm 111:9-Amplified Bible
He has sent
ordained His covenant forever;
God has sent us the ‘’redeemer’’ he is called ‘’Jesus,’’ the son of God,’’ ‘’the reconciler’’ the ‘’Holy One of God,’’ who took all our sins away from us forever. Is this not a good reason to give him
reverence’’ and joy to know that we are ‘’joined together with Jesus’’ andwith ‘’God the father,’’ ‘’in his Holy Spirit’’ whatanawesomethoughttokeepinourminds.
Holy and awesome is his name andhaving reverence forthenameofJesusin aGodlyfearwillbringaboutthemiracleshisbrokenpeopleneedwithpower from on high! Jesus is the redemption, {salvation, liberation, recovery} to his people. Jesus has ordained his covenant forever for us, Holy and awesome is his name, what a name to have inside of us, what a person in spirit joined together with our spirit as a New Creation, a New Creature; does this not inspirereverenceandGodlyfearinus?
AtthebeginningIsaidthis.WhydoIusecolorinthesescriptures?Itissothat I can highlight everything I feel is necessary to highlight the living word of God,tohighlightthatweneed to hold our God in reverence, andtoseparate differentwordsthatIfeelisimportantforhisglory.MyGodthereissomuch
For this reason [grasping the greatness of this plan by which Jews and Gentiles are ‘’joined’’ ‘’together in Christ’’] I bow my
[in reverence’’] before the Father [of our Lord Jesus Christ]
WehavebeenjoinedtogetherwiththeJewsforwearetheGentilesmentioned here in this scripture, but we are joined in an even greater way; we are actually ‘’joined together with and in Christ Jesus’’ himself, not just as the Gentiles.InGoddoingthisheshowedanoverwhelmingloveformankindand for each one personally.Whenyourealizethis,thisshouldbringyoutoyour kneesin‘’reverence’’ forGod,andJesus,andhisHolySpirit.Whenthinkingof those things God done for us, I feel so much awe for him in deepest respect, that the great Almighty God on high should take me, a sinner of the worst
joinmetogetherwithhimasa spiritbeinginhim.’’Whatlovehehasshowntomeandtoyou,inthesethings Ifeelsomuch reverence for him,Iholdhiminbreathtakingrespectandlove. I bow my knees in reverence before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and fallonmyfacebeforehim.
united and
joined to the Lord
is one spirit with Him
Thisscripturetellsusthatweareunitedtothelordas‘’one spirit’’ ‘’withand in him.’’ Should we not fall down on our faces every time we think of the awesomeness of this? I a mere mortal have now been joined together spirituallywithandinChristJesusasanewspiritbeing,rebornandrenewed, anditisallGod’splanningnothingtodowithus.
Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in,
joined to Him’’ by ‘’faith in Him as Savior
], he is a
new creature
reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit’’]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life].
It is an awesome privilege to be joined together with and in Jesus, and thereforewearejoinedtogetherwiththefatherandtheHolySpiritasJesusis joined to the father God. It’s awesome to even think of it, should we not fall downbeforehimin reverence, awe and wonder ofwhathehasdoneforyou andme?
Psalm 111:10-Living Bible How can men be wise? The ‘’only way to begin is by ‘’reverence’’ for God. ’’For growth in wisdom comes fromobeyinghislaws. Praise his name forever
It is harder for a man to be wise than it is for a woman; for women have a naturalwisdominthembecauseoftheirrearingchildren,soGodgavethema wisdom that a man just does not have. Now as this scripture tells you, ‘’the only way for a ‘’man’’ to be wise is to begin having ‘’reverence for God,’’ it says the ‘’only way’’ for a man to be wise is by having reverence for God, meaning there is no other way for a man to grow in wisdom except through thegiftingoftheHolySpirit,asoneofthesupernaturalgiftsoftheHolySpirit, giveninthebaptismintheHolySpirit!
Do you want prosperity? Now I am ‘not’ talking here about having loads of money, but having plenty of money to reach out and help others with your wealth;forGoddoesnotgivewealthtosatisfyyourgreedforyourselfsoyou can buy what you want no matter what it costs. No money is a financial blessing, to bless you and to ‘bless others’ as the Holy Spirit would lead? In thisnextscriptureGodpromisestoblessyouwith prosperityif,andthatisa big‘’if’’youdoashesaysinhisdivineword.
Psalm 112:1 Amplified Bible [Prosperity of the One Who Fears the LORD] Praise the LORD! (Hallelujah!) ‘’Blessed [fortunate, ‘’prosperous,’’ and ‘’favored by God’’] is the man who fears the LORD [with awe-inspired reverence and worships Him with obedience], who delights greatly in His commandments.
OnedayIreceivedaphonecallaskingifIwouldgotoanursinghomeforsick childrentopraywithalittlegypsygirl,asmyfriendandIprayedforthischild I asked the young girl does she want tolive andto my shock she replied no! Youcannotprayforhealingwhensomeonewantstodie.AsIprayedwithher the lord spoke to me and said, ‘’this child would save her people,’’ I thought thatshewouldactuallyliveandtellthegypsieshowtogetsaved,butthenext dayIreceivedaphonecalltellingmethatthechildhaddied.Iwasbewildered tosaytheleast,forIrememberthelordsaying ‘she would save her people.’
Myfriendaskedmetogotothefuneralthenextdayandaswesetofftogoto thechurchinaplacecalledBuncrannaaseasideresort,itgotalittlebitwindy.
Afterthefuneralthegypsieswiththeirchildrenallwenttoalocalbarforthe familiesgettogetheraswhathappenshereinIreland.
MyfriendandIwenthomeandaswetravelledalongtheseasideweseenthe gypsy caravans on the sea front opposite a cliff face on the other side of the road,andnoticedthatthewindhadpickedupconsiderably.
WhenIgothome,IfoughtwithGodaboutwhathadhappened.Thenlaterthe news came on, saying that a storm had developed, and that three gypsy caravanshadbeenuplifted,andsmashedagainstthecliffsideintoathousand pieces, and if anyone had been in them they most likely would have died; so that little gypsy girl saved her people,butnotinthewaythatIthought, for all the gypsies including their children were at her funeral mass, and her burial, and later on when the storm struck they were all safe inside the bar celebratingheryoungshortlife.
God did keep his word, those words that he spoke to me, he knew the outcomeofthischild’sdeathand God used her death, ‘’for she did not want to live,’’ so he couldn’t heal her, and he knew that storm was coming, and wouldpossiblykillalotmoreofthegypsies,possiblytheirchildren. God is a good God and loves us so very much, and will use anything that the devilwoulddountous,tobringaboutsomethingforhisglorylateron!Hewas faithfulto‘’his’’ ‘word,’’ andwillalwaysbefaithfulto ‘’his’’ ‘’word’’.
Are you seeking better discernment and greater wisdom? Then look no further for reverence for God, and his Holy Spirit who dispenses the gifts neededisinthisscripture.
Yes, if
better insight
lost money
and are
wisdom will be given you
searching for them as you would for
knowledge of God himself;
you will soon learn the importance
for the Lord and of trusting him
LikeeverythingwithGodthereisa‘’promise’’andwiththatpromisecomesa condition’’ ‘’before,’’ you receive something from him, and if you do as his word says then you will indeed get what it is that you are looking for. You havetobe ‘’sincerely searching’’ forwisdom anddiscernment,’’ with ‘’all of your heart,’’ nothalfheartedly,butwithallofyoursearchingtakingtheplace apartlookingforyourtreasure,likeyouwoulddoifyoulostaseriouslylarge amount of money, ‘’that is the condition.’’ This simply means that with ‘’everything with God there is a promise,’’ andthereisawaytoreceivethat promise, but if you don’t go after what you desire ‘’without earnestly seeking’’ ityouwillneverfindit.
This is the same with everything of God; unless you fulfill the promise given with the instructions from him, then you will ‘’never get what it is that you arelookingfor,itisasimpleasthat,’’ IfyouareseekingsomethingfromGod thathasapromiseattachedtoit,youfirstofall,‘’searchtheword’’to‘’findout whatitisthatyoumustdo’’beforeyoureceivethatpromise
God is love;Godisthecreatorofallthatyou *see and feel* heisthecreator of love; that wonderful feeling of ‘faithfulness’ and ‘generosity,’ ‘kindness,’ and ‘glorious delight’ ‘joy’ ‘bliss,’ ‘ecstasy’. When you fall in love with someone, doesn’t your heart feel so much inside of it, does it not burst with joyeverytimethatyouseetheonethatyouareinlovewith.
Does it not feel excitement when meeting again the one it loves, even if that loveisnotreturned?Forwhenyoureadthisscriptureyoucanseewhatlove doesandthose *without love in their hearts do not know God, *for *‘’God is love;’’* God is that wonderful feeling of desire to be in that persons company for hours and delighting in all that is done and said. He is in your sensation of love; forheisloveinitsentirety,whenyoufeelloveforsomeone
of the opposite sex, that is his gift of himself to you, and to the one who returns that love back to you, for he is love, and
he is in
feelings’ of love,’’somethingweneverthinkabout!
Love from God is a wonderful reason to bow down, *reverence,* and *worship him* forwhenyou know that the gift of lovecomes from him and him alone, do you not want to bow down before him in ‘’exultation and wonder, euphoria, ecstasy and awe.’’ The more that I am writing about love makesmeseriouslywanttoadventuremoreintothedepthsofit,toencounter God in his self, to give him ‘’seriously great adoration,’’ to bow down my kneesandthankhimfromthebottomofmyheart.
To know that for fifty five years that Rose my wife loved me, even when I wronged her with two affairs, and many other things that would have put manyoff,butherloveformedrewmetoGod,forGodwasnotinmyheartfor manyyears.
DuringthetroubleshereinIreland;inourwarwithEngland,lovewentoutof my heart, and blackness entered; for love cannot exist in a heart filled with hatred; and it was hatred I felt for the British soldiers who killed with impunitypeoplehereinIreland,anddonemanyterriblethings,justlikethose theyfoughtagainst;nowPraiseGodforthatloveofhiswhichreturnedwhenI gavemylifetohim,andallhatredfledoutofme.
SincethenIhaveworkedwithsoldiers,Police,andprisonofficersinaprison calledMagiligganprisonwhereIlearnedaboutloveformypreviousenemies. I never served any time in prison but knew some of the guys who were incarcerated there, and my desire was to bring Gods love to these men who hadbombedorshototherpeople,aswellassoldiersandcops.
GodwasfaithfultomeforhebroughtTommytohim;amemberofthe‘’UVF’’ a ‘’military protestant force’’who murdered many Catholics and Tommy told me he had killed two, and that was why hewas in prison.But Tommy found the love of God in those meetings we held, and gave his life to the lord and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and the gift of tongues; much to the horroroftheprotestantleaders,whowerejoinedtogetherwithapriest.and some of the members of his house ofhealing. Theydidn’t believe inthe Holy
Spirit and his gifts, and freaked out when I was telling the prisoners my testimony.
IplayedinamakeuplittlebandinTurkeywithapreviousEnglishsoldierwho servedinDerryintheCreggan,{myestate}whowasprobablyshootingatme whenIengagedwith‘’theenemy’’atthattime,andnowLovechangedallthat about.
JohnMagnolia andI have becomethebest of friends nowfor years, for I got him saved after he fell off his horse, {Just like St} and was seriously injured, and I prayed with him, and to his shock *God healed him; and another man;* who played in our little makeup band; ‘’Steve the miming banjo,’’ {RIP;}andIamstillintouchwithJohn.
Another man; who at one time I would have dearly loved to kill, because he wasanundercoverpolicemanhereinIreland.Iprayedwithhimforsalvation, and the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and he then sang in our group in Turkey. Now he was singing in tongues, worshipping God now that he knew he was forgivenfor killing at least four terrorists,andforthebadlifeheled.
{My old friends} Sam and his wife Jan whom I also got saved; {now she has gone to heaven glory to God,} and there we all were singing together in this littleGodarrangedgroup,lol.Lovingeachotherandsharingourlivestogether forloveisamazing.
No one here in Derry would believe that my friends are a ‘’soldier,’’ who servedinDerryinalocalfactorytakenoverbythearmy,anda ‘’undercover cop’’ whoservedinashoottokillunit. LoveiswhyweneedtoreverenceGod for his love wipes out all transactions and sins of every kind. Love makes us friends, brothers, with our previous enemies. Love changed me and praise GodlovechangedthesemenwhoplayedtogetherwithmeinTurkey
Love breaks down barriers and love clears out of us all darkness, and love reunitesbrokenhearts.Godislove,andthefeelingsthatlovebringswithitis overwhelming,foritisthemostamazingfeelingever.Youknowyourselfwhat lovehasdoneforyou,andyouneverrealizedthatitwasGodsactualpresence that you were feeling; love makes us better people and love calls us to reverenceGodwhenwearenowawareofwhatloveis.
The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him],*for God is love.* [He is the
originator of love,
and it is an enduring attribute of His nature.]
Whenyoutakeintoconsiderationaboutallthatyouhavereceivedasahuman being from God, and that is, ‘ even before you have accepted Jesus into your heartandlife,’thegloriousexistenceofyourlife,thatexistenceoflove,foryou have ‘’love for your mother’’ and ‘’love for your father’’ and ‘’love for your siblings,’’ and even ‘’love for your dog’’ or ‘’cat’’ or ‘’horse’’ or any kind of animalandyou ‘’loved your relatives’’ in a ‘’different kind of love’’ forlove has many attributes, {quality, characteristic, trait, feature, points, power, aspect, elements;} there are many sides to the gift of love that we received; for God is love, and he is multifaceted, his love reaches everywhere in differentsizesandshapes.
YoumaythinkthatyoucanhavegreattimesinyourlifewithoutGod,butthe realityisthatwhetheryouknowitornot,Godistherewithyoueverystepof theway;hecreatedyououtofloveforyou;hecreatedyoufromnothingbuta littlespermfromyourdaddy’swilly,andtheovumfromyourmother’s;andin herwombhecreatedyou, lovingyouwithgreatlove,andwastherewithyou watching youandheknittedyoutogetherinyourmum’swomb.
It was not evolution that created you in the womb making you from a little tadpolelikespawn,intoababy,andhewastheonewho
and finished his creation when you came out of your mother’s womb; and thenhekeptaneyeonyouallyourlife,andallthetimewastalkingtoyouand asking that you would give your life back to Jesus some day, and receive a
greaternewerlife! Forthelifethatyouhadevenasababyinthewombhada spirit of sin in it thatGodcouldnevertakeawayashewatchedoveryouareas hewasknittingyournervoussystem.*Sin; that original sin* wasthereinside your spirit andevenGodatthattimecouldn’ttakeitaway;buthehadaplanto takethatsinawayfromeveryhumanbeing,andthatplanwastosacrificehis own Holy Son as a substitute for you and you know the story of Jesus and salvation.
His Holy Spirit was given the job of watching over you and he also gave an angel the job of looking after you also, for there is a darn nasty devil that would love to kill you any time that he could; only your angel diverted his attacks without you even knowing. When you give your life over to Jesus he gives you a ‘’brand new spirit one with his own spirit,’’ that is ‘’Holy Spotless’’ and ‘’clean.’’ This makes it why we should have *total reverence for God* who would sacrifice his only son and see him suffer, first at the scourgingatthepillar;wherehetookawaytheworldssicknessanddiseases, for‘’hewaslashedandwewerehealed,’’‘’Isaiah 53 4 7’’ andthenalittlelater hungonacrosswithalltheworlds’sinonhimfromAdamandEve’ssintothe lastpersoninthisworldsin.
ItwaswhenyoureceivedJesusandhisHolySpiritthatyoubecamemorealert toGod;andnowattimeslikethis,whenyouhavereadinthislittlebookthat you may feel like giving God ‘’reverence for creating you, ’’ and then ‘’recreating you’’ witha brand new Spirit with a brand ‘’New Nature’’ a brand ‘’New Creation.’’ Doesnotjoywanttomakeyoufalldownonyourkneesand givehimthanksaloud?
For the ‘’reverence and fear of God’’ are basic to all wisdom. ‘’Knowing God’’ results in every other kind of understanding.
Knowing God is the basics to all wisdom and every other kind of understanding.DoyouknowthatGodevengivesyouaddedyearstoyourlife and the promise is sealed by having reverence for him? Knowing God is a great privilege given to us, being a son or daughter of God is one of the greatestactsoflovethatcouldeverbebestoweduponyou,foras far as God is concerned, youarea ‘’king of life,’’ youarea ‘’holy priesthood’’ a ‘’peculiar people,’’ andallthisisyoursbecauseyou areachildofthelivingGodwhois
searchingforhimeverydayofyourlife,andyoushouldfalldownonyourface beforehimeverytimeinreverence,andrespect ofhim;thenkneelingbefore him holding up holy hands, and glorifying him, giving thanks, and praise, for allhehasdoneforyouandme.
Reverence for God’’ ‘’adds hours to each day,’’ sohowcanthewickedexpectalong,good life?
Giving reverence to God will add hours to your days to your life; and if reverence is in your heart each day, those days turns into extra weeks, and then months, and then years, and ‘’Reverence for God’’ means that you ‘’lift up your hands,’’ {‘’both hands’’ ‘’not one hand;’’} {you lose a blessing} by justreverencingthelordwithonehandraiseduptohimlikesomeoneasking cantheyleavetheroomtogotothetoilet,liketheywerekidsbackinschool.
Or like the impression I had one time when I was asked to give a talk to a group of kids in church, and when I entered the building most of the young peoplewereraisingonehand,andtheimpressionIhadwasthatitwaslikea Hitleryouthmovement,andthatcamefromthelordsHolySpirit.
Lift up your hands in the sanctuary
Bless the LORD, All You Servants
1A Song of Ascents. Come; bless the LORD, all you servants of the LORD who serve by night in the house of the LORD! 2’’Lift up your hands to the ‘’sanctuary’’ and ‘’bless the LORD!’’
Asongof ascent meansto‘’climbup,’’andgive‘’Godhisglory,’’byliftingholy handsuptohim;comeon,iftheMuslimscandoitsocantheChristians.
In the Old Testament you are told to ‘’lift up holy hands’’ and ‘’bless the lord’’ and you are told to do the same in the New Testament, then what we should be doing when worshipping the lord? Lift up your hands to the sanctuary’’ {the altar in church} where you may believe the presence of the lordmaybecelebrated.
If we only had the same enthusiasm for lifting holy hands up, and giving a mighty roar;likewhat you see at afootball match,whenwecomebeforethe lord what a sight that would be. I see thousands in stadiums in America and Africa, at a conference; some with lifted hands, but I don’t see the same enthusiasmforthelordasIseeforthefootballgame.
I see people getting healed in these mighty stadiums and the excitement is wonderfultowatchonTVbutwhensomeonescoresagoal,thereisamighty roar and men jumping up and down with joy and excitement, hugging each other and slapping each other on the back as if they themselves had scored thatgoal.
ForgivemeifwhatIhavewitnessedisthesamepossiblyasyouhadseen,and Imissedit,andIdidn’tseethatJoyforthelordasIseeninthefootballmatch.
IreallywouldlovewithallmyhearttoseethatenthusiasmandenergeticJoy that people would show when a goal is scored, but perhaps they’re embarrassedorshy,theyjustdon’tshowtheirloveforthelord’sgameoflife as football fans have for theirs; a game of football; men chasing after a little ball,andscreamingwithjoywhenagoalisscored. And Christians very salvation is there at these stadiums and the presence of God is felt or witnessed by thousands, but there is quiet joy, if you can have quietjoythatis.
It would beto mygreatest delightto beat aconferenceand seeandfeel the lord’spresencethereandstaythereuntilitisover.
InfactwhenIthinkofit Iwasat aDanielKolendeconferenceinLondonlast year 2018 and because I was invited to do a healing service in Hull England and the pastors came down to London to the conference and because they were pastors we were invited to come to the second row front seats and in frontofuswerethemenofGodwhoweregivingthespeaking,andthepower of God kept knocking me down for two days this happened, then the pastors changedseatingbecausetheyhadtoleaveearlytogobacktoHullIneverfelt the power of God here at the back, what a disappointment, but before that it was awesome to feel that power of Almighty God knocking me back into my seateverytimeIstoodforafewmoments,Itwassuchajoytoexperience. AndoutofitGodworkedafewmiracles. Whentheyannouncedabreak,Jeremymyfrienddecidedhewantedcoffeeso wewenttoacoffeestandalongwaydownthecorroderfromourconference toit.
Wewerestandinginthequeuewaitingonourcoffee,whenamantappedme on the arm and said he was from Belgium, and that he had cancer would we prayforhim.Iwasshockedtosaytheleast forwehadnosignsonussaying
we were at a healing conference, and I just discovered that therewere many other conferences taking place in this huge arena including a Pokémon conference.
Well this man showed me where his cancer was and I laid hands on his side and feltthe largetumor of his cancer, and Jeremylaidhishands on also, and we prayed and the man elatedly said the cancer is going down, and then he said he could feel it disappearing, then he said excitedly that it has gone, he knew it had been healed. How we praised God then he was gone back to his placesomewhereinthemassivecrowd. We were sharing how this man could know we were involved in healing, for we had nothing to say we were healers and in a mixed crowd of people, but Godknewandhedirectedthismantousandhealedhim.Thenalittlelater,a womanapproachedus,andsaidtoJeremy‘’couldweprayforher,’’asshehad terriblepainfromarthritis,andsoweprayed,andshetoldJeremythatallher pain was gone, she thanked us and left and disappeared into the crowd. Boy did this give us excitement and we had grins on our faces like Cheshire cats andweweregivingGodhisgloryaloud,wedidn’tcarewhoheardus.
Iaskedayoungmanwhowasstandinginadifferentqueuebesidemewashe atthehealingconferenceashehadabadgeonhangingfromhisneck,andhe said no hewas at a ‘Pokémon conference’ taking place down the hall, andhe informed me that there were other conferences taking place in this massive stadium.
Thenheletoutacryofpain,andIaskedhimwhatwaswrongwithhim;and he said, ‘for years now he has had pain in his ankle’ ‘and it was severely hurtinghimnow.’Iaskedhimwouldhelikeaprayerforhealingandashewas beginning to answer me I felt a prompting from the Holy Spirit, and bending down touched his ankle, and he squealed aloud jumping back, ‘’what did you do,’’ ‘’what happened there,’’ ‘’where did my pain go,’’ and he was dancing aroundsayingthisaloudinshock,keepingaskingwhathappenedandwhere was his pain? I told him that Jesus healed him and that God loved him very muchanddidn’twanthiminpain.Thenhewasasked‘’whatdidhewant,’’and turned around to the girl serving, and Jeremy and I also got served, and that wasthelastwesawofhim.
AlittlewhilelaterJeremyandIweresittingwithourfriendAngelaatatable whenawomaninawheelchairjoinedus.Angelaintroducedhertousandvice versa.
Then Angela asked would I pray with this woman as she was in very bad health and in severe pain. I immediately asked the Holy Spirit what should I do, and he said to ‘’get her to stand up and walk her down the great hall and pray with her as we walked,’’ and she got up walked and her pain disappeared, and she got very excited as she felt her other womanly pains
shiftingandsheknewshewasbeingtotallyhealed.Andweskippeddownthe hall next thing the Holy Spirit said to me was, ‘’touch her on the front of the head’’andsheimmediatelyfelldownonthefloor,restinginthespirit.
Angelawhocamewithusjuststoodtherewatchingoverher,whenasecurity guardcame runningover and asked, ‘’did we need an ambulance?’’ Wetold himno!AsshewasunderthepowerofGod,and‘’havealookatherfaceand see, shehada smilea milewide onher.’’ He stoodthereinshock forhehad never seen anyone stretch out under the power of God, and Angela and I didn’t look bothered or worried. God was showing people his power and reality.
Thenmorepeoplegatheredaroundincludingmoresecurityguardsaboutfive or six ofthem,all askingdidsheneeda glass ofwater,oran ambulance,and we again told them she was ‘’under the power of God’’ as we were at the healing conference downstairs and this was what ‘’God’’ was doing down there.ItwasonlythenthatIrealizedthatwewerealongwayawayfromour conference room which was in another part of the complex and down the stairs.
After a while the woman came out of her rest and said she was totally pain free, and felt as light as a feather, and all those gathered around watching heardhertestimonyasshesaidthisaloudtousandshedancedwithusback downthehalltothecoffeeshop.
YestherearetimeswhenIdancedforpurejoy.Ihaveheardmanytimesfrom Jeremythatthiswomannowcametotheirchurchandisinperfecthealth,no longer needing her wheelchair! ‘’All glory to God’’ for having us at this conference where we were touched so powerfully by God that people seen somethingisus,andaskedustoprayforthemandhehealedthem.
The next two days I was praying with folk in the healing services at the pastor’schurch,whenthepowerofGodhealedallwhocame.Andtheyasked metostayuntilThursday,andhadanotherservicewhereGodagainhealedall those who came except for one poor man whom I was praying for; he was blind and I was praying with him when I seen his blind eyes begin to open; whenthiswomanleapedonmepushingmeaside;andstartedprayingforhim and slapping him on the face as I stood by not knowing what was going on, and the two pastors just stood aside watching her, until I asked. ‘’Was this womanoneoftheirleaders,’’toAlfredoneofthepastorsandhesaid‘ no, ’then I told him to ‘’get rid of her please,’’ and he did, but the poor man was so traumatizedbywhatthiswomandidthathedidn’twantanymoreprayer,and unfortunatelyleftthechurchmeetingunhealed.
Doing what God wants is giving him ‘’reverence and respect;’’ ‘’obedience to ‘’his perfect will,’’ will always bless you, for there is so many blessings for thosewhodoGod’swill,andfollowingafterhimin‘’obedience’’willbringlife to others and healing to those needing healing; plus salvation, as well as healingistheperfectwillofGod.
Therefore ‘’I want’’ the men everywhere to pray, ‘’lifting up holy hands, ’’ without anger or dissension.
God’smessagetoTimothyfromStPaul,was,‘’hewantsmen’ ‘’everywhere’’ to ‘lift up’ ‘’Holy Hands,’’ not liftup ‘’one holy hand’’ andtheother ‘dirty one’ don’tliftup.Thisisthemessagetothechurchestoday.Liftup ‘’both’’ ofyour ‘’holy hands;’’ don’tstandwiththemstuckinyourpockets,orsittingholding amobilephoneplayinggamesortextingsomeone.
Ifyoucannotseethat God isaskingyoutoliftup‘’holy hands,’’ throughPaul’s message to Timothy, and by calling your hands ‘’holy,’’ does he not show through his word; that ‘’he’’ considers your ‘hands to be holy.’ He didn’t just makeyourhandsholyandtherestofyourbodydisrespectful,NO!Hemadeall ofyouholy,fromthe*topofyourheadtothetipsofyourbigtoes,inaddition totheendsofyourfingertips,holyaswell,*soifhemadethosepiecesofyour body holy, then we should never be ashamed to ‘’shout out to ‘’God’’ or ‘’praise him’’ forhisgloriouspresence.
If you ‘’only shout out cursing or swearing,’’ using that *breathtaking name;* ofGod;thenwhenadisastercomes,youwouldfeelmightilyashamed,andnot feel afterwardsthat you can askhimtocometoyour aid.So let’s get usedto shoutingoutpraiseandworship,toour‘’Godforhelovesusenthusiastically,’’ and I share the same feelings and emotion towards him as my Lord and saviour. Those ‘’feelings and emotions’’ that he gave me when he created me inmymother’swombasa‘humanfleshandbloodchild’
Psalm-28:2 hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when ‘’I lift up my hands’’ ‘’toward thy holy oracle.
ThePsalmistis shouting out his supplications his {entreaty, prayer, plea,} to Almighty God when he cries to him, but he knows enough to lift up his holyhands,those‘’blessed‘holyhands,’’madebyGodasholy.
Godisgoodtosharethoselittlethingswithussowecaninreturnsharethem withothers,forthelordisgoodandheisAlmightyGod,theonlyGodthereis and he loves us equally without a shadow or change, for he has no favorites; he loves us all the same. How can people ‘’hear the ‘voice’ of your ‘supplications,’ your ‘praiseandworship,’and‘adoration’unless you lift your voice as well as those Holy Hands? They will not unless you show them the way.Youarealighttotheworld;peoplearebeingcalledtofollowyourlead.
Psalm 63:4
Thus will ‘’I bless’’ thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.
Thuswill‘’I bless thee’’ whileIlive,‘’Iwillliftupmyhandsinholinesstoward thygloriousbeautifulHoly nameandIwill‘bless’ you?’’Didyouseeinsome of these scriptures that it tells us to ‘’bless’’ ‘’his Holy Name?’’ *If ‘’he is telling us to ‘’bless’’ his ‘’name’’ then that means reverence.’’* Reverencefor Godmeansobediencetohiscommands,fallingdowninworship.Toblesshis holy name means bless = ‘’sanctify,’’ ‘’consecrate,’’ and to ‘’exalt. ’’ We are calledto‘’exalt’’ our holy God to sanctify his name.
Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.
Christians are losing out on a blessing from God because they do not exalt him;they‘’donotliftupholyhands’’realizingthatisaliteralcommandfrom Godinworship,andisasignofsurrenderalso.
If a gunman entered church and ordered everyone to stick their hands up high;everyonewouldobeyhimforfearofbeingshot.Stickingyourhandsup is a sign of surrender; it is also a sign of a little child seeking their daddy’s hands, calling on him to lift him or her up, you would never lift a child with onehandwouldyou,becauseyoucouldseriouslyhurttheirlittlearmpossibly pullingit out ofitssocket; neitherdoesyourheavenlyfather lift you upwith onehandincaseyougethurt.
I watched a little child in church on Sunday, barely able to walk, walking aroundonherlittlelegsbeingfollowedbyherdad,andsometimesmum,and whenshegottiredshestoppedandturnedaroundtoherparentandliftedup twohands,nowI’msurethatnooneeverdeliberatelytaughtthatchildtolift uptwohands,anditwassimplybeinghelpedtowalkwiththeparentholding both those little hand that the child then realized that she needed to lift two handsuporshewouldfalltotheoneside.
Soshelearnedbyherselftoliftuptwohandsexpectingmumordadtolifther. Andthatisthesamethingwithourheavenlyfather,whenweliftuponehand were not expecting to get lifted up, but helped to walk holding daddies ‘’hand.’’ butwhenweraisebothhandswearereadytobelifted.
Catchinguswithonehandraisedup,meansthatwewouldfalltotheoneside, and that’s why we need to lift ‘two hands’ up; we ’ re off spiritual balance whenweliftuponlyonehandtofatherGod!
NowasadultsnothinghaschangedforwearestillGodsChildren,Goddoesn’t have adults or teenagers, and so when the two hands go up, daddy God is readytoliftusupandsitusonhisknee.
PayingreverencetoGodhasbenefitsasyoujustread,itisnotjustaoneway situation, it is in getting yourself into a position of humility, when you surrender, when you submit, when you reach up to daddy God seeking his attention,nothingisneverofnousetoGod,orhasnosignificance,nothingis ever of no importance to God, sincerity of heart is what God is looking for from you and fromme. It is as scripture tells usa sacrifice,and as a sacrifice then hold both hands up to him, you never know when you will actually get liftedupbyyourfatherGod!
In the Old Testament when the people were called to worship God they as a bodykneltdownorlay facedowninthedirt;orifasituationcalledforhelp, for example an army coming against them, they covered themselves in
Nowadayswedon’tcoverourselvesinsackclothandashesbecauseJesushas redeemedusandhasgivenushisNewLifethroughhisHolySpirit.
ThesethingsarewhatGodwantsfromus,andits giving him reverence when you obey him because you love him and nothing else but subconscious obediencetohiminlove.
No, ‘’he has told you what he wants, ’’ and this is all it is: to be ‘’fair, just, merciful, and to walk humbly with your God.’’
ItisnothardtofindoutwhatGodwantsfromus,andthatsimplyistowalkas Jesuswalked,doingeverythingfromapointoflove.
34 “Then I, the King, shall say to those at my right, ‘Come, blessed of my Father, into the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me water;Iwasastrangerandyouinvitedmeintoyourhomes; 36 nakedandyou clothedme;sickandinprison,andyouvisitedme.’
Then the people who have done what God wants will reply, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?
Whenyoureachedoutandhelpedthoseinneed,withoutthinkingofyourself, but thinking how sad that this person has to live like this. You have truly joined yourself to Jesus as one spirit when you act in love,without having to thinkaboutit.
20 We also know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we can know the True One. And ·our lives [
] are
in the True One
in his Son,’’
Jesus Christ. ’’ He is the true God and the eternal life.
Weareinthetrueone=God,andalsoinhissonJesusasonepersoninspirit. WhatanhonortobechosentobecomeonespiritwithJesusandthroughhim, one spirit in God the heavenly creator. This alone should bring us into a positionof gratitude and reverence beforeGodthefather,theAlmightyholy one.
But those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to”
Following after the Holy Spirits guidance will keep you walking in the light anddoingwhatitisthatGodwantsfromus.
So they asked him, “What can we do in order to do what God wants us to do?”
DoingwhatGodwantsisverysimpleforusthebelieveranditissadtoknow thereareChristianbelieverswhodon’tbelieveinwhatJesusdidforthem,and themessagefromGodisto‘’believe’’inhisdivineson.
Jesus answered, “What God wants you to do is to ‘’believe’’ in the one he sent.”
What God wants from you is to believe in his divine son and that means believinginwhathedidforyouregardingsalvation,butnotjustsalvationbut healing for he went to the scourging at the pillar so that he could take our sickness and diseases. Many believers in salvation don’t believe this, even
thoughitsayssoin Isaiah 53 ‘’he was lashed and we were healed,’’ andin 1Peter 2 24 ‘’he took our sickness and bore all our diseases.’’
Jesusdidalot more than the Christian churches teach or believe and sadly people are not taught these mighty things. And God wants the believers believing his Holy Sonandin‘’all’’thatheaccomplishedonthatcross,notjustsomeofit!
If you are really eager to give, then it isn’t important how much you have to give. God wants you to give what you have not what you haven’t
Godwantsustogivetothepoorandhelpthoseinneedanditdoesn’tmatter howmuchyoucanaffordtogive;forhewantsyoutogivewhatyoucanafford notwhatyoucan’t,therebyleavingyourselfinthelurch.Thisnextscriptureis oneofmightyblessingsthatGodhasgiventous.
For God is at work within you,
do what he wants.’’
helping you want to obey him
and then
helping you
ItisamazingtoknowthatGodishelpingyoudowhathewantsyoutodoand intheprocessheisgivingyouwhatyouneedtodohisperfectwill.
What God wants is that you be holy and that you keep away from sexual immorality,
ThisiswhatGodwantsyoutobeandthatiswhathemadeyoutobeanyway, and that isto be holy, to liveholy, andspeak holy,think holy thoughts, to be ‘’oneinunionwithandinJesusChrist.
Translation 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Be thankful in
This is
what God wants
from you in your life in union with Christ Jesus.
Giving thanks in every situation because God does not put you in situations thatwouldcauseyoutosin,butnomatterwhatsituationyoufindyourselfin give thanks anyway.
Iwaswithafriendtheotherdaycollectingacarformeandcarryingithome on his trailer, and when we got to our destination, his car suddenly broke down and he began giving thanks to God because he said we could have brokendownsixtymilesaway,andanywayGodwillgethimapartforhiscar, thisisgivingthanksforthesituationwefoundourselvesin.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 Complete Jewish Bible,
In everything give thanks, for this is what God wants from you who are united with the Messiah Yeshua.
GivingthanksineverythingnotforeverythingistheperfectwillofGodforhe knowswhathappenedtoyouineverystateofaffairs.
We don’t reverence God as King.
Daniel 2:47
“Truly, O Daniel,” the king said, “your God is the
God of gods
Ruler of
the Revealer of mysteries, because he has told you this secret.”
When the king spoke to Daniel he recognized that the God who saved him from death was the ruler of kings, and was not just an ordinary king but a rulerofkings,onewhocoulddomiraculousthings.HesavedDanielfromthe fierypit,andfromthelion’sden.
I say to you that many [Gentiles] will come from east and west, and will sit down [to feast at the table, and enjoy God’s promises] with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the ‘’kingdom of heaven
because they accepted Me as Savior
Jesusexplainedthathehadakingdomandyoudon’tsayyouhaveakingdom and can share a place of wonder for you when you go to meet him, and he makes this statement that he is the King of heaven, and do we give him reverence as a king, bowing down before him laying on the ground head on thegroundnotlookingupwards,
34 “Then I, the King, shall say to those at my right, ‘Come, blessed of my Father, into the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.
Then‘’Itheking’’shallsaytothoseonmyright;Jesuswastellingusthatheis akingandheisKingofthiskingdomofheavenandhasthepowertosaytous believers,‘’comeblessedofmyfather.’’
But he replied, “I must preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God in other places too, for that is why I was sent.”
When Jesus walked the earth he had only one thought relevant in his mind, andthatwastospreadthe‘’GoodNews’’about‘’’hiskingdominheaven’’and tryingtogetpeopletobelieveinhimsothattheycouldshareaportionofthis heavenlykingdom;thiskingdeservesreverencefromusforonedayweshall standbeforehiminheavenandboywillwefalldownandreverencehimthen.
And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood,
Jesuswasthekingofkingsandtherulerofallkingsonearth.Andakingmust have reverence or the person who disrespected him or she would have their headstakenoff,eventheking’swifecouldjustnotwalkintothethroneroom withoutaninvitefromhim.
8 Mordecai also gave Hathach a copy of the king’s decree dooming all Jews, and told him to show it to Esther and to tell her what was happening and that she should go to the king to plead for her people. 9 So Hathach returned to Esther with Mordecai’s message. 10 Esther told Hathach to go back and say to Mordecai, 11 “All the world knows that anyone, whether man or woman, who goes into the king’s inner court without his summons is doomed to die unless the king holds out his gold scepter; and the king has not called for me to come to him in more than a month.”
This was the normal practice for someone to get permission to come before the King and it mattered not if it was their chosen queen. Ester was an extremelybeautifulwomanandthekinglikedher.Iwouldn’tsaylovedher,or he would not be interested in other women; he was the king and he had a harem with hundreds of women just waiting on his call. This is not the practice in most countries in these days and times; but in the eastern world thispracticestillgoeson,andawomanormanstillhastowaittogetcalled.
5 Three days later Esther put on her royal robes and entered the inner court just beyond the royal hall of the palace, where the king was sitting upon his royal throne. 2 And when he saw Queen Esther standing there in the inner court, he welcomed her, holding out the golden scepter to her So Esther approached and touched its tip.
3 Then the king asked her, “What do you wish, Queen Esther? What is your request? I will give it to you, even if it is half the kingdom!”
I see from reading the book of Ester that this king had a habit of offering peoplethings,especiallywhenhewasingoodform,andhalfdrunk.Buttoday hewassober.
I wrote this section small just to show you the reader how a king must have reverence, even from his own queen!Andifshehastohave reverence then we the common folk hast to have reverence also. This is the importance, of havingdeep respect for their king orintoday’sworldourking.‘’Thekingof Kings,’’ ‘’Jesus’’
Come fearlessly into the King of Kings Presence.
Thekingofkingsisourfatherandhechangedthingsaboutandofferedusfree passageintohisthroneroom.
Ephesians 3Living Bible (TLB)
12 Now we can come fearlessly right into God’s presence, ‘’assured’ ’ of his glad welcome when we come with Christ and trust in him.
ThisisthesamescripturebelowexceptthatIhaveaddedthefullmeaningof theword ‘’assured’’ andtheword ‘’fearlessly’’ justtogiveanyonewhoreads this,aconfidencetocomefearlessly,boldly,courageously,bravely,confidently into God’s presence, and the word ‘’glad’’ means happy, pleased, delighted, joyful
Ephesians 3Living Bible (TLB)
12 Now we can come fearlessly {‘’boldly, courageously, bravely, confidently’’} right into God’s presence, ‘’assured’ {certain, guaranteed, confident}’ of his glad {happy, pleased, delighted, joyful} welcome when we come with Christ and trust in him.
The words highlighted are the words Ihave added to this scripture, it is just thefull meaning ofcertainwords andnot theoriginal scripture, and Idonot wish to add to the word of God; I am just trying to give some folk a fuller meaning to show that God is happy and pleased when we come confidently assuredofhisgladwelcome.
ItissosadtosaythatmanybornagainbelieversarenotawarethatGodputs outhisarmstowelcomeustocometohim.Intheoldentimesthekingputout his‘stickthing,’scepterandyouhadtotouchthetipofit;but‘’Almighty God the King of all creation’’ issittingonhisthroneinheavenandheputsforth twohandsouttowelcomeus,andasIsaid,manyarefrightenedstillofhim,in thewrongwayofcourse;theydon’tseehimasacaringlovingfatherGodwho senthissontodieforus,theyknowofcoursethewordsbutnotthe feelings and emotions.
I have a sense that God is personal for every person on this planet, and especiallywhen wedie andgo throughto him; somehow or otherhe istheir personal God that they worshipped and honored. I wondered just now as I write this how we can be witnessing a God who loves us individually, and I havetogowiththeknowledge that ‘’God is everywhere, sees everything and knows everything,’’ and that God is in us personally, and in all that come to him, and I believe that we will individually and personally, meet with our heavenly father ‘’one to one’’ because as a God of the impossible, nothing is impossible to him; I never thought of this before now, so I don’t have any scripture to back this up. He will say to us, ‘’well done my good and faithful servant,’’
Matthew 25:21 Amplified Bible (AMP)
21 His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little, I will put you in charge of many things; share in the joy of your master.’
This scripture just jumped into my mind and I see from it Jesus made it a personalthingbetween ‘’our master who is God’’ andthe ‘’faithful servant,’’ If this scripture just jumped into my mind giving me a clearer insight to the relationshipthereisbetweenour Godand us,theremust be more scriptures thatIneverseenbeforenow,orunderstoodtheirmeaning!
WewillneverbeabletounderstandthemindofGodforitistoovastandtoo complex, trying to understand our own minds is difficult enough for it is complexalso,andGodcreatedthat,andGod’smindisgreaterbyfarthanours; he can communicate with billions of people all at the one time and still keep the universe spinning, we will never understand how he can do all these awesome things and still have individual time out with me and you. But he does, for doesn’t he speak to us, and also speak to a group of worshippers, whenwecomebeforehimseekinghisperfectwill.ThisGodweserveisawe
inspiring,breathtaking,glorious,andIcouldgoonandondescribinghimbut nevergettotheendofwhomandwhatheis.ButheisaGodtobe reverenced bowed down to, in breath taking awe, and at the same time he calls us ‘’his children’’and‘’wecallhimfather!’’
FeelingarefromGodhegaveushisowncopyoffeelingswhenhecreatedus from before the world even began, Ephesians 1 1 6 before he even made the world God chose me to arrive on this earth on the 12 06 1947 and he made me holy since that moment without a single fault, only the enemy caused us to sin, and we praise God he had a saviour to come like a knight in shining armor and save me.
Feelings are neither right nor wrong, but they can mislead you in the wrong ways;itisbyyourchoicethatyoustudytheword,andyouseeinthewordthe love that God has for you, but somehow or other it doesn’t reach your inner man/woman,usuallybecauseof
guilt and shame
thatbecauseof yoursin,orsins,youfeelyoucannotbereallyforgiven;andwhenyoucometo Godhestillremembersthosesins,whenintruthbecauseofhisloveforyouhe hasforgottenthosesinsthathavebeenconfessedtohim,forhecasttheminto thesea, ‘’into the depths of the ocean.’’
This then is ‘’another reason to have reverence for him;’’ A God who can forget repentedsins,andthrow themintothedeepest partoftheOcean, and thisissomethingtheenemywillalwaystrytogetyoutorememberthosesins insteadofrememberingthat
those sins
once confessed
are ‘’forgotten.
He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and
I will *forgive* their
depths of the sea
remember their
no more."
Hehas compassion and compassion means thathehas sympathy, empathy, concern, kindness, and consideration, care,foryouandforme!
Take this bible verse to say the fullness of the word ‘’compassion’’ in it and seehowitchangesthewayitistold.
He will turn again, he will have* * ‘’sympathy,’’ ‘’empathy, ‘’concern,’’ ‘’kindness,’’ ‘’consideration,’’ and ‘’care,’’ upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt ‘’cast all their sins into the depths of the sea. ’’
When God says he will cast all your sins, he doesn’t mean some will be kept back,soyoucanwallowinguiltfeeling,sorrythatyoudidthissinorthatsin, NO! When God says ‘’all’’ he means ‘’all,’’ there is nothing left that he can even chide you for. And the word ‘’chide,’’ means, ‘’reproach, scold, reprimand, express disapproval, rebuke, blame, take to task, and reprove. ’’
20 It was through what his Son did that God cleared a path for everything to come to him all things in heaven and on earth for Christ’s death on the cross has made peace with God for *all* by his blood. 21 This includes you who were once so far away from God. You were his enemies and hated him and were separated from him by your evil thoughts and actions, yet now he has brought you back as his friends. 22 He has done this through the death on the cross of his own human body, and now as a result Christ has brought you into the very presence of God, and you are standing there before him with nothing left against you nothing left that he could even *chide* you for; 23 the only condition is that you fully believe the Truth, standing in it steadfast and firm, strong in the Lord, convinced of the Good News that Jesus died for you, and never shifting from trusting him to save you.
InmostofthisbookIhaveusedscripturesfromthe‘’OldTestament’’andthat wasquiteunusualforme; inallmybooksupuntilnowIonlyusedthe ‘New Testament’andnottheOldbecausethe‘’New’isfilledwithgloriousrevelation fromtheHolySpiritandIcouldwriteanother300bookswritingonthe‘’New
Testament,’’ there is so much in it; but in ‘’reverence’’ for the lord I wanted you to see the results of reverence in the Old Testament and how people obeyed and were blessed or when the disobeyed then they suffered the consequencesofdisobedience.
We use the Old to change the new way of worshipping God and adoring him andtolearnfromourforefathers.
Whatajoytoreadthewordwiththemeaningofthe‘’wordsintheirfullness,’’ andthedepthsoftheseameans ‘’rock bottom,’’ itcangonofurther.Tofinish this little book with the expression of reverence for God, I can go no further thantosay,‘’toreceivesalvationisthegreatestgiftthatmancanreceivefrom their saviour and king of kings’’ and is worth giving him ‘Reverence,’ every wayyounowknowhowinthisbook.
Reverence God daily, bowdownbeforehimrealizingthathehastakenaway everysinandfaultforthedivinewordsaysinEphesians 1.
3 How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with *every blessing* in heaven because we belong to Christ.
4 Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided *then* to make us *holy in his eyes, without a single fault* we who stand before him*covered with his love*. 5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us. And he did this ‘’because he wanted to!’’
Togive‘’God reverence’’ forallthathehasgiventousissomethingweshould have great joy in, realizing what he gave us *individually,* the ‘’gifts and powers and presents’’ forusindependently.
Ihave‘’reverence for God’’ notjustbecauseheisthe Almighty Creator, and that he created me before he made this present world as a spirit being in heaven with him, but because I decided for Jesus when presented with the salvation message, and now also because I see all the things that God done through Jesus, and by ‘’joining us ‘’together’’ with Jesus in spirit,’’ I see the breathtaking signs of his mighty love for me and so I ‘’reverence him in
deepest gratitude’’ from the depths of my innermost being, and I conclude this book, giving you room to think of the great things he has done for you also,andsobringyou tothat placeof‘’reverence.’’ Andnow searchtheNew TestamentandseewhereyoushouldhavereverenceforJesustheHolySpirit andFatherGod,andyouwillbeastoundedtoseemany,manyscripturesthat letyouknowthathedeservesthegreatestof reverence.
InJesusName AMEN