Righteousness and salvation, were born in hell

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Righteousness and Salvation were born in Hell

Brendan Mc Crossan

Righteousness and Salvation were born in Hell

17-10-201 One

Righteousness was conceived in heaven but born in hell God in overwhelming love for us chose to give us the wonderful gift of righteousness, such a beautiful act, and most of us Christian’s don’t even know the fullness of what righteousness means, or understand the cost to Jesus, or fully understand how significant righteousness is. Righteousness is an expression of God’s love for us through Jesus; it was through his Son Jesus that God made us righteous through his suffering death and imprisonment in hell, that righteousness was born.

{Righteousness means, virtue, morality, justice, decency, uprightness, rectitude, and honesty.}

Righteousness and salvation were conceived in Heaven by God, in Jesus and by the Holy Spirits power, and like a woman having conceived a child, waits the nine months until the time for birthing to come, Jesus waited until the time came for salvation and righteousness to appear, when the time chosen by God the Father was in place.

God is never wrong abouttiming hehas theperfect timing in everything; thereareno accidents in God’s kingdom, no missing the right time, or in his plans. Jesus was born at the exact moment in time that God set, and his ministry lasted till the very moment that God chose, before time even began. God does not make mistakes, and when the time came for Jesus to die, Jesus himself knew this was God’s perfect timing; he didn’t try and shirk away from his destiny, but rather embraced it, because he knew the fate of civilisation depend on his death on the cross and on his suffering torture beforehand. Jesus knew his bible as we seen from the time his parents lost him and then found him in the temple teaching the Scribes and Pharisees, He knew his destiny, he knew beforehand he would suffer and die on a cross, the scriptures told him so even if we think his Father didn’t. Jesus had to trust his father just like we have to trust him. Jesus knew from his confrontation with Satan in the desert that Satan owned everything on earth, for he offered to give it to Jesus if he would just bow down before him, but he declined, setting his face against his offers.

Jesus knew the fate that awaited him; he knew from the book of Isaiah that he would be beaten so bad, he would be so disfigured people could not bear to look at him. Yet Jesus out of his great love for mankind chose to suffer this so he could save us and give us righteousness, {right standing with God forever.}

He knew he had to die just like us, he knew it was a terrible death, and then he knew he had to go to the very bowels of hell where Satan took him prisoner and spend eternity there as a captive of Satan the devil. He had to trust the Father would resurrect him and bring an end to Satan’s rule and authority, and he done all this knowingly because he loved his creation, us. There is no greater love than to lay down your life for those whom you love, there is no greater sacrifice a human being can make, and chose deliberately to make, than to choose to die, because everyone instinctively wants to live. And Jesus chose to die for you and me and go to hell itself for us, and to spend eternity there paying for our sins so we could be declared righteous and we could be saved, that’s love.

A will comes into effect after it has been proved that the benefactor has died.

Hebrews-9-16-Forwherethereisa [last]willandtestamentinvolved,thedeath oftheone who made it must be established, 17For a will and testament is valid and takes effect only at death, since it has no force or legal power as long as the one who made it is alive.

Jesus had to die on the cross and, no one could claim anything from his will until it was proved that he died. We know he died on the cross, bringing into effect sins being forgiven and taking on himself our sickness and diseases, his physical death formed the basis for that part of the will to come into effect, he didn’t die on the cross for salvation and righteousness. In his spirit he went to hell and in hell Satan believed he had the Son of God imprisoned and for eternity he tormented Jesus, hell is outside time and space, until the resurrection power of God touched Jesus, with the effect of an atomic bomb.

1 Peter 3-18

New International Version (NIV) 18 for Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 19 After being made alive,

He was put to death in his body and lay in the tomb for two full days but on the third day he arose again in resurrection power on Easter Sunday.

Born in hell

I was shocked to say the least when the Holy Spirit said to me that Righteous and salvation were born in hell, I stopped writing and asked, ‘are you sure?’ Checking that it was the Holy Spirit and not deception, then the Holy Spirit began showing me what I have written and explaining to me the beauty of the death of Jesus and of the greatest expression of love anyone could give to another. To us Jesus torture and death was a thing of disgust and horror but to God it was a thing of great beauty, God sees past the ugliness of a battered and bleeding body to the joy of the resurrection, the transfiguration on the Mount of Olives. He saw the beauty of Jesus where man at that time saw something so disfigured that it was unbearable to look upon. He being God could see the spiritual side of things unlike us.

When I first wrote this book I was astounded to be guided in the explanation given to me by God’s Holy Spirit, the revelations I saw were so mind blowing I was immersed in it in awe. When I read and re-read it again and again even more revelation showed, enlightening my spirit. And this time around as I check it out I see so much more the love of Jesus emerge from it. I see a God whose love is so intense he was willing to sacrifice his most treasured Son his greatest love in whom his heart delights and in whom he is well pleased, for us, for me, what a love has emerged in this book for me. I can see the horror of an eternity without God that Jesus suffered in hell; to be separated from his own Father, the Holy Spirit, and his angels and heavenly beings, and the things that he delighted in and shared his kingdom with, for an eternity in hell, that is horrendous to even think of from Jesus perspective, separated from everything of light and good to be found in darkness and evil so deep that no light shone in at all, that was unbearable for a God of light and beauty now to be immersed in darkness so unfathomable. That is what Jesus suffered for us. It makes me shiver to think of where some

people will choose to go to because they refuse to be loved by the Father and Jesus, they will refuse that wondrous action of salvation and righteousness, and some, because Christian’s can’t be bothered to share Jesus with them, or are so embarrassed to talk about Jesus they say nothing and are willing to let souls go to hell, where all is darkness no light and such intense suffering separated from God’s love. And this is the place where our Jesus went to for us deliberately to save us, and make us righteous, that is uncontaminated love in action.

Righteousness was born in hell, because in hell Jesus destroyed Satan’s power over the world and took authority and dominion off of him giving it back to us, and in hell Jesus overthrew every throne and dominion every power and evil spirit was defeated by him when he broke free from Satan’s chains and destroyed him. In hell Salvation was born along with righteousness as both are born into us at the moment of accepting Jesus as lord and saviour, they are intertwined as one. When Jesus dethroned Satan, he took off of him everything Satan owned. Man sold out to Satan and hid from God in the garden of Eden and in effect Satan almost owned man from that moment onwards, he could do with him as he pleased; but man through grace from God could still turn to God and turn away from Satan, it was mans choice.

Adam sinned and gave authority over the world to Satan, because God gave Adam the world as his domain and dominion over all the creatures of the world first, but when he sinned he in effect gave the world over to Satan, he lost his dominion.

Then when the time came for Jesus to enter the world and to combat Satan and to suffer and to die a horrific death on a cross and even more horrifying eternal separation from his Father in hell in Satan’s domain where Satan kept him prisoner for two earthly days. Eternity is outside of time for there is no time in eternity, so Jesus was held for eternity paying the price of the sins of every human being from time began until the end times. Then he broke the chains that bound him and destroyed Satan’s power over him and dethroned Satan and all in hell with him, and in that place at that moment in time salvation was born along with righteousness. It was here Satan’s power ended when he was stripped naked and paraded in heaven defeated and made stand naked before the Father in heaven along with all the angels who followed him, all were defeated and stripped naked and stood before heaven with all of heaven looking at them, they were totally humiliated forever and that can never change.

Ephesians 4-8-Therefore it is said, When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive [He led a train of vanquished foes] and He bestowed gifts on men. [But He ascended?] Now what can this, He ascended, mean but that He had previously descended from [the heights of] heaven into [the depths], the lower parts of the earth? 10He who descended is the [very] same as He who also has ascended high above all the heavens, that He [His presence] might fill all things (the whole universe, from the lowest to the highest). 11And His gifts were [varied; He Himself appointed and gave men to us] some to be apostles (special messengers), some prophets (inspired preachers and expounders), some evangelists (preachers of the Gospel, travelling missionaries), some pastors (shepherds of His flock) and teachers.{ Amplified Bible}

This scripture says he bestowed gifts on man and those gifts were varied it says later, one of the most precious gifts that Jesus could give us was salvation and righteousness, then he also gave us spiritual gifts to men it says

When Jesus arose from hell he brought with him into heaven the new birth of salvation, born in hell and brought first into heaven as part of the plan of the Father, and then offered to mankind to all who received him he gave them salvation and righteousness.

Salvation and righteousness were conceived in heaven in Jesus by the Father and Holy Spirit along with Jesus agreement, and it wasn’t until after he died that he arose again in power and strength demonstrating Satan’s defeat.

We were conceived in our mother’s womb and nine months later we are born in some place, for some hospital, for others home, and for others in terrible conditions just like righteousness was born in hell along with salvation it’s like there were twins born that day conjoined together. Only God could have thought of that master plan, there was no way that Satan could have ever figured that one out no matter how hard he tried, this was showing God’s superiority over Satan; no matter how great an angel is they are not greater than our God. Only God could bring to birth in Satan’s own house the saviour of the world’s salvation and righteousness, birthed in his own home, hell his domain itself. This is awesome to think about and deserves another thought and time to take it in.

We know from scripture that there is a new heaven it exists in the spiritual realm from millions of years ago it is real, because God says it is. We know what size, height, length and breadth it is and that the streets are paved with gold and gems are decorating it everywhere; we believe this because God’s word says so. But it has not materialised yet on earth where it is going to come down from heaven to the new earth that God has prepared at the end of time. It is real but not yet seen on earth.

When Jesus descended into hell, and was there two earthly days, an eternity for him as hell is not in time or space, he had inside him salvation and righteousness, they were a part of him, like a pregnant woman carrying a child within, they were real just waiting until that final battle was won and then after Jesus defeated Satan the devil, then they were born in hell and Jesus arose, bringing with him into heaven, our salvation and righteousness after he went and preached to the souls in Hades, those imprisoned souls, and more than likely he offered them salvation, why preach anything different to those souls who weren’t yet saved; and *I believe that those who took up his offer rose with him into heaven.* {* this part is my own belief}

*{I should point out something here, you may think I am repeating myself is saying some things as you read this book and I am repeating certain things, because we don’t take it in the first time around.

I remember Bishop Daly at a Charismatic conference in Derry saying, he repeated things three times every time he speaks because people miss the first time around the importance of what he is saying as we are mostly half listening.}*

As Christians we believed that the cross was the end but that is not so, the cross was the beginning of the end, it was all part of God’s plan and ended when Jesus defeated Satan in hell itself. We believe that when Jesus died on the cross that was it for us, the victory was won, and that is part truth but not all the truth, it was in destroying Satan’s kingdom that total victory was won. The victory began at the cross and ended in Satan’s defeat in hell Salvation could not be given until the very essence of evil was destroyed, then the promise was fulfilled, to all who received him he gave them the right to become children of God. Satan can now only lie about salvation and righteousness he has no power over death any more, Jesus has the keys to hell itself scripture tells us.

Common sense tells us that if soldiers are fighting a war, they can only declare the victory when the enemy has either been killed or captured; as long as a few soldiers remain free then the victory has not been won, not until those few soldiers have been eliminated, only then when the last soldier has fallen or been held captive does the generals declare its over, we won.

At this moment of writing this there is a war going on in Libya the people arose up against the dictator Gadiffie and took up arms after being shot by his troops while demonstrating for freedom. At this moment almost all of Libya is free except for Gadiffe’s home town of Sirte. Last night the rebels had almost taken the city but there are a few loyalist to Gadiffie still fighting, ninety nine percent of the country is now free from Gadiffe’s power and he and his sons and family have fled or are in hiding but one percent is still unfree as fighting continues.

When these last remaining soldiers have been defeated then the country will be declared free; and until they are defeated then the victory cannot be proclaimed.

Yesterday, 20-10-2011- Gadiffie and one of his sons were killed in a shoot out. The NTC council said they were declaring the war officially over on Sunday; the victory has been won by the killing of the dictator and three of his son’s.

It was the same with Jesus when he fought and defeated Satan. On that cross the beginning of the end began and ended in Hell when Satan surrendered.

So when Jesus defeated Satan and all his evil spirits the victory was then announced, salvation and righteousness had been won for God’s children.

If you think of it, in hell Satan could have overpowered Jesus, he could have fought a long drawn out battle, but thankfully and glory to Jesus it didn’t end that way it ended with Jesus victory


At the cross sins were taken away

Our sins were taken away at the cross, in hell the final victory was won and salvation and righteousness began that very instant of Jesus triumph. He rose triumphantly and paraded Satan and his evil hosts before the father in heaven. No one can take away the glory of the cross where all our sins were taken away and put on Jesus and paid for by him, that’s the glory of the cross.

Galatians-3:13-New-Living-Translation but Christ has rescued us from the curse pronounced by the law. When he was hung

on the cross, he took upon himself the curse for our wrongdoing. For it is written in the Scriptures, “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”

When Jesus was crucified on the cross on Calvary he took the punishment for our sins, he took the curse of the law as this scripture tells us, and freed us from the law. In hell he birthed salvation and righteousness, by defeating Satan and his followers

Colossians-1:20-Good-News-Translation through the Son, then, God decided to bring the whole universe back to himself. God made peace through his Son's blood on the cross and so brought back to himself all things, both on earth and in heaven.

1-Peter-2:24 New-International-Version

“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”

On the cross Jesus made peace between us and God through his blood, for his blood bought our reconciliation between us and the father. But not only did his death on the cross bring peace between us and God he also took our sickness and diseases on his own body and bore every sin that man committed and will ever commit. But it was in hell that salvation and righteousness were birthed because the battle didn’t end with the physical death of Jesus, the battle continued in the supernatural realm in Satan’s kingdom in eternity, outside time and space, the battle continued in the spiritual world, in hell itself and it was there the battle was finalised with Jesus victory. And did you know that it was in a spiritual prison that Jesus preached salvation to the dead in body but alive in spirit?

1 Peter 3-18

New International Version (NIV) 18 for Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. 19 After being made alive,[d] he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits 20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.

When Jesus was alive he went about preaching about the kingdom of God and to all who received him he gave them the right to become children of God, but that salvation and righteousness could not come into effect until he took everything back from Satan; anyone who died before Jesus went to the prison to pay for their sins and wait until Jesus dethroned Satan the devil, then what Jesus promised could come into effect.

Salvation and righteousness was there all the time awaiting Jesus to finish the work he was sent to do by his father, that’s what he came to bring; just like death awaits us all, its there in front of us it is unchanging fact, someday we will get there, it awaits us just like salvation and righteousness awaited those to whom God gave it. And when we die now to self by asking Jesus into our hearts as lord and saviour we are immediately granted salvation and righteousness, for us salvation and righteousness have been won and we can walk in righteousness

for eternity, knowing we are saved by grace and by the death and victory of Jesus Christ our lord and saviour.

We don’t have to wait for Jesus to go and fight Satan for each of us, no! Jesus defeated him once and for all. Righteousness and salvation are ours to proclaim. Did you notice in that in 1-Peter-3-18- After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits, he set the captives free.


Therefore it is said, When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive [He led a train of vanquished foes] and He bestowed gifts on men.

The first thing Jesus did after defeating Satan was to proclaim salvation and righteousness to the spirits imprisoned. The first thing we as Christian’s should be doing is proclaiming salvation and righteousness to all, we were told to go into the entire world and proclaim the gospel of peace with God, those were the last and final words of Jesus before he ascended into heaven. Someone’s last words are the most important words they will ever speak in their lives, which is the last thing they know they will get to say to their loved ones and chose their words carefully, like Jesus did.

Christians don’t give thought to the tremendous work accomplished in righteousness and salvation; we don’t give God enough glory for making us righteous made in his own image righteous and holy and all because after Jesus died he defeated Satan in his own domain, hell. We are not taught very often that salvation and righteousness come as the one package, so if saved then also righteous, the two are intertwined as one they can’t be untangled and become two separate items. The feeling among Christian’s is that they become righteous later after the Holy Spirit has worked on them cleansing them and so on, but this is a lie told to us by Satan our great enemy, he does not want them to know and understand that righteousness and salvation are one free gift given at the moment of acceptance of Jesus as lord and saviour. I know many good Christian friends who don’t understand the truth of righteousness and I know from speaking with them they feel righteousness comes later and I know this is deception. I know good preachers and teachers who don’t feel they are righteous and in fact the truth being told they don’t even feel worthy to be righteous. They don’t understand they haven’t done anything to declare themselves righteous. Righteousness was a gift from Jesus the moment he entered their hearts. Nothing to be earned just a gift to be accepted, Jesus loves them, & you and me unconditionally and gave that gift at the moment they received, {chose} him or in fact scripture says we didn’t chose him at all he chose us,

John-15 you didn’t chose me I chose you, hey you were chosen, be grateful for that fact and in choosing you he made you righteous and saved you, you had nothing to do with all of this and when you subconsciously stop believing that you are unworthy and too unrighteous to be made righteous, and understand that it was all Jesus work and not a single thing did you contribute to this act, then you can accept your righteousness given to you by our Father through Jesus. As scripture says if anyone is going to boast, then let him boast about what God has done. It is time to start boasting that you are righteous and that it was grace from God that made you so, you must tell others that they if Christian are righteous; Satan has deceived the church for too long it’s time to reveal the truth and give a victory shout to God.


John 15

Amplified Bible (AMP) - 16You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [Ihaveplanted you],thatyou mightgo and bearfruitand keep on bearing, and that your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name [aspresenting all that I AM], He may give it to you.

You didn’t chose to be saved and made righteous, he chose you, there are millions of people going to hell but you are not one of them, you chose to respond to the call of God on your life, for God’s word says many are called but few are chosen.


“For many are called, but few are chosen.”

God doesn’t dump people into hell he calls many but only some come to him, only some respond to his choosing. God does not send people to hell they chose to go there themselves. How many friends do you know that are not interested in God, and have no time for him and ridicule you even for believing in him; God chose the ones who responded in their hearts to his call like you did, and he makes them righteous and gives them salvation.

Ask yourself a question here is God glorified in Christians who don’t feel or believe that they are righteous? Or is God glorified in Christians who proclaim their righteousness? Believe in and profess it to all who listen? God done an amazing work and the word amazing isn’t strong enough to describe what God done, awesome is not even a big enough word to describe the wondrous thing God done through Jesus dying on the cross and then being made alive in the spirit in hell and defeating Satan for us. I myself can’t thank Jesus enough for what he done for me, Jesus is breath-taking, and he takes my breath away. When I dwell on what my God done for me through his Son Jesus I draw my breath in and hold it almost afraid to breathe, he done all this for me, me Brendan Mc Crossan personally, wow! And he has done it for you the reader also personally. He really does take my breath away.

As Christians we do not give God the credit for what he does for us, Christians for the most are inclined to give the devil the glory by refusing to believe in the righteousness or holiness or the forever perfectness that God done for them, they glorify Satan the devil when they believe his lies over God’s truth.

I believe the Christian church needs to go back to the beginning and start over again teaching their flocks that when they first were saved they received righteousness as a gift also, the two are conjoined they can’t be separated into two different things. Righteousness is God’s work so I don’t understand why Christians cant for the most believe it is nothing to do with them, they can’t earn it or deserve it, it is a one off gift given at the moment of salvation from a loving Father, who desires to pour blessing after blessing upon his children.

You didn’t chose to be saved and made righteous

If we can’t believe for righteousness how can we believe for miracles signs and wonders? Righteousness is what gives us the right to come before the Father and to ask for those signs and wonders and he will perform them through us for His glory not ours, he gets the glory from your believing him, you get the satisfaction from the miracles performed through you, you didn’t do them, God did through you, you did not chose to work miracles he chose you to work those miracles through you for his own glory, he is an awesome God.

Let’s look again at this scripture from-1-Peter-2:24-New-International-Version-“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross so that we might die to sins and “live for” “righteousness;” “by his wounds you have been healed.”

What does it tell us to live for? It tells us to live “for” righteousness, {for means designed, meant, in favour.}

We were designed for righteousness, we were meant for righteousness, righteousness is in favour with God at all times. We are in right standing with God at all times it never goes away, favour has been given to us, God is our father and that is what righteousness is telling us, your seed of my seed my seed is in you, my divine sperm is inside you never to go away. We are meant to live for righteousness.

Four The divine sperm is in you

1 John-3:9 Amplified-Bible-No one born (begotten) of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, for God's nature abides in him [His principle of life, the divine sperm, remains permanently within him]; and he cannot practice sinning because he is born (begotten) of God.

Ask yourself another question here. Would God allow his divine sperm to be in someone who is not righteous? Of course he wouldn’t, shall anything unholy touch anything of God’s, and does this divine sperm ever go away? Or does it remain inside you permanently? It remains inside you because of righteousness being in right standing with God permanently Read this scripture again and again until it sinks into your spirit, God’s nature abides in you because of what God done through Jesus death; Jesus was the one who suffered and died and became alive again in hell and fought your greatest enemy for you, you didn’t have to fight him, Jesus fought him for you on your behalf, and made you righteous the very split second that divine moment you gave your life to him, at that point in time you were given salvation and righteousness simultaneously.

He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. Our punishment for sin ended at the cross with Jesus Christ for on the cross all the sin of the entire world, past present and future were put on his body, and when his physical body died so did sins punishment. Then in hell he arose from the dead in his spirit and with a new body, a bloodless body for a start, for all his blood was shed on the cross every single drop till nothing remained but water. And in heaven he placed his own precious blood on his throne as a sign that we are all forgiven. So the body he arose with was different from what was buried in the tomb it was transfigured {to transform the appearance of somebody or something, revealing great beauty, spirituality, or magnificence} and in that new spiritual body he defeated Satan in his own house for us, and

asIsaidpreviously,salvationandrighteousnesswasbornhere,youcouldsayJesuswasborn again after he died and we are born again by accepting Jesus into our lives.

1 Peter 3-18

New International Version (NIV) 18 for Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.

I saw a video of the Turin shroud, the first and second testing that is, and the first test showed that there was nothing about the shroud that said this was Jesus. Then they discovered that the piece of cloth they originally took was a piece from a patch that nuns had sewed on after a fire burned parts of it a few hundred years later. It was burned at the corners and middle, little pieces; but that is what they took their first sample originally from to scientifically test.

Years later another test was done this time on the original cloth and it showed up different things; this test showed that its time and dating was right in Jesus time and that the shroud was genuine.

A woman scientist showed what happened at the resurrection was that Jesus body was suspended in mid air between the shroud and the imprint of his body was supernaturally imposed on the cloth the cloth and did not touch his body at the resurrection but he was suspended between the cloths.

She said that it would take the force of an atomic explosion to make those imprints. They used three dimensional methods to test their theory out and discovered there was more than three dimensional but four or five dimensions, maybe more but their science at this point in history was not capable of five or six dimensions, things not even known until their testing, existed as yet.

I watched this video unseen by the world at the time of viewing. But because a friend of mine was friends with one of the scientists who done the experimenting he got a copy, he is a pastor in Turkey, and he showed me the video in his studio. And an amazing thing showed that when they took a photo of the face of Christ, the actual photo was three dimensional, it is impossible for a flat photo to be three dimensional, but this photo showed up as three maybe more than three dimensional, showing the power of God in the tomb when he brought life back into his divine son and destroying Satan in hell and bring salvation and righteousness to us. As stated, the woman scientist said, ‘it would take an atomic explosion to create that imprint on cloth, and how it would even survive such a blast,’ she said, ‘it was impossible to say, it was supernatural in power.’

I share this because I know from viewing this video with a lot more graphic detail than I can explain; I see how they done the experiments and saw the body transfixed between the sheets the sheets not even touching Jesus body, the scientist said, ‘the body of the man,’ and she was not a Christian, ‘was supernatural at the moment of impact with the resurrection power.’ That’s our Jesus and Father for you awesome.

Because of watching this private viewing without any editing, I saw their testing’s and their conclusions, and I also seen one of the photos of Jesus actual face on a flat surface photo paper, and the photo was three or four dimensional, it is incredible to see, it was just like looking at

Jesus face in front of you. And this is impossible at the moment as we don’t have three dimensional photo papers.

And this is the power that Satan had to face when the Father raised Jesus from the dead and made him alive in the spirit, he faced resurrection power the force of an atomic bomb, coming from Jesus and it destroyed his power and the power of every demon every evil spirit power throne and dominion, it wiped them out blasting off their very garments they wore, stripping them naked as the day they were created.{We know that angels wear clothes from the many time people have been visited by them and from the descriptions of them in the bible.}

It was this power that God displayed and wrought your salvation and righteousness. This is what God done for us who believe in Jesus, and it is a shame to Christians that they don’t believe their saviour made them righteous at the same moment in eternity that he saved them. There are hundreds of references to righteousness regarding us Christians and to the believers throughout the Old Testament also. Approximately 213 times righteousness is used and about 493 times righteous is used, I checked it out a few minutes ago and counted them. And these were taken from the NIV Bible.

We didn’t earn righteousness, we don’t have a righteousness of our own, but we have righteousness through faith in God, the righteousness that comes from God.

Philippians-3:9-and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.

If you don’t believe you are righteous and don’t believe that salvation and righteousness come as a package deal; then what faith do you have? If you can’t believe what God done for you through his son Jesus how can you believe for miracles which need faith, and healings which need faith as the foundation in the word of God. Jesus went to hell for you and in hell defeated Satan and his followers and in hell your salvation was birthed along with your righteousness. Stop denying what Jesus suffered and died for, give him the glory he deserves his full glory, his suffering on the cross brought you freedom from sins and healing from sickness and disease; by his stripes {wounds} you were healed, this is the work on the cross for eternity for us. Hell is where he spent eternity suffering separation from his Father for you until he was raised from spiritual death by the Father to make you and me righteous and to save us.

Jesus I am amazed that you care so much for us and I can see the extent to which you went to, to bring salvation and righteousness to us whom you loved so intently, I hold you in awe and I love you and believe you and will proclaim to the furthest ends of the earth your great plan which you accomplished in hell making us righteous and giving salvation to those who responded to your invite.


I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

Jesus is alive and well and living in you in righteousness. All glory to our God on high.


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