Since future victory is sure why are you and I worrying about anything?

1-Corinthians-15-57-how we thank God for all of this! It is he who makes us victorious through Christ Jesus our lord! 58- So my dear brothers, since future victory is sure, be strong and steady, always abounding in the lords work, for you know that nothing you do for the lord is ever wasted as it would be if there was no resurrection. {The Way; the living Bible}
Since future victory is sure! Isn’t it awesome that God knows the future, and knows that victory is ours, because he said so in everything? In one of my last books I wrote that God knows the future and he knows every intricate detail of my future, and as he says in this book of the Corinthians, future victory is sure; that’s awesome as far as I am concerned. The battles that I have to fight have been won because God ordained them as victorious through me, because of what his son done for me. It is no wonder that the scripture says, “in everything give thanks for that is the will of God for you.” I give thanks in every battle and difficult situation I will find my self in, because giving thanks is the sign of victory, and is the will of God. Complaining and whining is not the will of God or the sign of a believer, giving thanks is the sign of a believer who knows that future victory in this situation is already won because of Jesus, and not because of you, so that’s why you give thanks to Jesus and the Father and Holy Spirit.
I don’t have the money I need to pay my phone bill, you may be saying. Stressing your-self out or crying, “I have no money God please give me some,” will never bring about the future victory, or the money, because what you say out of your own mouth is what you will get according to the word of God, and not only that but God has already supplied all your needs through Christ Jesus Philippians 4-19- anyway. You just have to believe him and thank him because that is the will of God for you. God has already sorted out your bills, even before you ask him, remember he knows your future, he planned every single moment for you and knew the phone bill would come today and it looked like you have no money, victory in this battle means that you give thanks that God knew about your bill and knew where he was sending the money from, all the gold and silver on a thousand hills is the lords, nothing belongs to man because he will die and leave it all behind him anyway, so what man accumulated is taken away when death arrives for him, and goes back to the lord, even though it may look like the bank got it but in reality it belongs to God, nothing belongs to man, how can it were all going to die and we cannot take it with us, can we, so in truth it belongs to God and he can do what he likes with it. He can take it from someone and give it to another in less than a moment. If you don’t believe that look at the stock market. Millions are made and lost in moments, because no one owns what belongs to God, man may have temporary loan of it but ultimately it goes back to God. So your sitting there with your little phone bill and worrying and all this time your father knows that you need the money to pay this bill, as he knows everything about you, so he tells someone to send you the exact amount or even more if he sees that you will need to pay a gas bill coming in immediately behind the phone bill. Why worry when you can
Since future victory is sure why are you and I worrying about anything?
Brendan Mc Crossan.
do what God says trust him and thank him for supplying you’re every need, as you wait on the money arriving.
You may be having the worst spiritual battle of your life when it feels like God has deserted you and Satan is wiping the floor with you, and you are sitting in the darkest pit of spiritual despair that you have ever been in, when Satan himself has actually come along to torment you, and everything is darkness all around you. Even there you can still thank God because the truth is you have this battle already won because Jesus in you has won the victory for you and all you have yo do is believe him and thank him. If you feel that you cannot praise and thank God when you’re in this situation then you need to read this scripture.
Philippians-4-13- for I can do everything God asks me with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power.
Come on you don’t expect me to praise and thank God in a terrible situation like that do you? It’s impossible! With man everything is impossible but with God everything is possible, because the simple fact is that it is Jesus Christ within you that brings breakthrough through “his” strength and power, so you see your not doing it by will power because will power is useless against the devil and demons, it is the power of the Holy Spirit in you working through Jesus in you also that brings victory.
It is being fully convinced that God is in charge of your future and every second in it that brings confidence in Jesus power in you to bring about victory because after all the future victory is already yours you just have to keep declaring it to yourself and to your enemy.
God declared my victories to bring him glory through the trials and situations I would find myself in, after all gold is tested by fire and the word of God says we are put into a refining fire to test us. I would rather be in God’s fire than to be in the firing line of Satan’s fire. Victory in your life brings God glory, defeat never brings God anything. Knowing that future victory is sure you can bring glory to God in every thing that happens to you, and it is in keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus in you that will keep you strong inside, and ready for the next attack which the spirit will reveal is coming if you practice listening carefully to him.
Romans-8-37-No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
Notonly isvictory assured butoverwhelming victory,exceedingly greatvictory,taketheword overwhelming, what does overwhelming mean exactly? It means, that irresistible, overpowering, devastating, crushing, awe-inspiring, vast, great victory is ours, yours and mine, the born again Christian child of the living God, Dad!
God turns everything bad to good, so that no matter what happens he will turn it to good for you even the most terrible things that could happen to a human being, and by turning it to good that brings with it overwhelming victory! Never defeated even when defeated, because you give that defeat to the lord and he changes it to good for you later on. Look at those words that overwhelming victory means again and study them in depth; I like the meaning of devastating, = shocking, disturbing, shattering, demoralizing, and distressing, who suffers all these things? Satan the devil, that’s who, and every demon from hell and every spirit power or principality, those are the ones who are demoralized, devastated, when you the born again child of the living God whom is your Father use the God given authority he gave you through his Son your brother Jesus, to command sickness and disease and demonic power to go. When you use your authority as a son or daughter of God you are using all of heavens powers and resources that are yours by right as God’s child. So when you stand before someone who is sick you can use that power to drive Satan back because sickness and disease come from him and when you stand and attack him and his evil spirits of sickness they are demoralised, they are devastated, they are shocked by your aggressiveness towards them, and they do what Jesus said they would do, they flee wailing in terror, in case you send them to that place where they don’t want to go, to that far of place, as scripture says. Overwhelming, devastating shocking power is yours to use on all the power of the enemy.
Christian you need to know the full intense meaning of the words in the bible and I don’t mean you need to know the Hebrew meaning or the Greek meaning, God knows that they bible you have is the one he uses to talk to you, there are many different translations of the bible, all generally meaning the same thing, but God uses your bible to personally speak to you, and you need to know the meaning to words like overwhelming and words like “in” which means, a state of being and condition, so when the bible says you are “in” him, you need to know you are in a state of being and condition, that’s what “in” means.
You will never walk in victory until you know who you are in Christ Jesus and what position you are in regarding your heavenly Father, you have to know you are loved beyond what you could ever possibly imagine and you have to be reassured that you can boldly approach the throne of God and are welcomed in by your Heavenly Father. When you know how much you are loved and know that without a shadow of doubt, then overwhelming victory is indeed you every time.
Did you know that your future is already planned out for you? Jeremiah- if your future is already laid out according to God, then you know that his hand is on you to bring about everything pertaining to his plan, not yours and so overwhelming victory is yours in everything if you fit in with God’s plan and don’t stray off his road.
1-Corinthians-15-58- So my dear brothers, since future victory is sure,
How do we know future victory is sure, because God said so, that’s why. He didn’t say future victory might be a possibility or hopefully, but is sure, I would rather believe that future victory is sure than to think it might not be. The reason future victory is sure is because it is God who makes it possible through Jesus Christ who defeated the devil and every demonic force for you, and all you and I need to do is believe this and act like it is true which it is. You don’t make yourself victorious; God makes you and me victorious through Christ Jesus.
Isn’t it awesome to think that in every battle we can be victorious instead of getting the stuffing kicked out of us by Satan, and the reason we get the stuffing kicked out of us is because we believe Satan’s lies and not God’s word.
God’s word says we are more than conquers through Christ Jesus! Satan says you can’t think like that, because its spiritual arrogance, that’s pride and that’s a sin, and he continues to lie to us implying that were egotistic. And that is all lies; the word of God says we are sons and daughters of God who is our real heavenly father. Have you ever sat down and just meditated on this Fact, that God is your Father. Almighty God the creator of the entire Galaxy he who created universes, and cosmic universes, he that created angels and other spiritual beings, and everything in existence, is your Father. And not only is he your Father you are his child in the same equal standing with him as Jesus, he was the first born Son of many brothers and sisters; but you are a son or daughter of Almighty God just as he is. We pray the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus taught his disciples, when they asked him to teach them a prayer, and he gave them this prayer that you say continually without even stopping to consider the consequences of what you are declaring. “Our Father, who art in heaven,” Stop there, and say that again; “Our Father, who art in heaven.”
Jesus didn’t say; to them say this prayer, “Jesus Father who art in heaven did he?” No he said to say, Our Father, our means “you and me, us” {“Our” indicates that something belongs to or is associated with people in general, refers to a member of the speaker's family} {reference book}
Why does God make us victorious? Because, simply put, he is our Father, {my Dad} and a Father protects his own child, and knowing these things that the lord has me write brings victory in every circumstance.
God allows certain things to happen to us to do what any human or even animal parent will do, to teach us not to do this again or to show us a way out.We sometimes allow our kids to do things that they shouldn’t and the result is that they don’t do it again or they get scolded or slapped when they do wrong.
I love those wild life programs and I see animals allowing their young to do things they know is dangerous for them, like a lion allowed her cub to tackle a porcupine and when that cub got jagged it never went near a porcupine ever again, how I wish we could learn like this lion cub, the mother knew that the cub would not be killed or seriously injured so she allowed it to try and touch that porcupine, with the end result it will never touch a porcupine again, God allows us to do things that won’t kill us or seriously harm us to teach us don’t do that again, and hopefully we should have learned by our mistakes. We need to learn that God “is” our Father.
1-Corinthians-15-57-how we thank God for all of this! It is he who makes us victorious through Christ Jesus our lord!
I need a new car and have begun to praise God for it, I told him the make and model that I felt in my heart was the right one that he wanted me to have, but I have no money for this car, so of course Satan will do everything in his power to stop me believing for the car I need to do the work of God or to just get around. Future victory is sure, so it’s obviously that my new car is sitting somewhere waiting on me to receive it, and all I have to do is praise it into being because future victory is sure, and when you know future victory is sure then you know your car is just ready to pick up on that date set by God from before time even began.
Ephesians-1-4-6- 4just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him In love5He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.
You see God had my new car sorted out from before the whole world even began, he knew he would be giving me a Renault Clio 2010 model, and he knew whom he would use to give me this car as I don’t have money for this car at this particular time. But you see that was also God’s plan, how could I know a miracle was mine if I had loads of money and could just walk out and buy a car.
You may think that your situation is bad, no money, nothing and yet God planned that he would work a miracle for you if you just trust him and praise him, he is after all your dad, your Heavenly Father who owns everything on earth, no man or woman owns anything, because they will all die and leave what they though they owned behind.
You have overwhelming victory already from before the world even began and all you should be doing is stepping into that miraculous realm of trusting God who gives you victory in every situation from before the world even begun.
Satan knows this and wants to stop you from finding this truth out, he wants you walking in defeat, bowed down with depression and worry, instead of knowing that you are a king, and have everything a king has, and also have everything Jesus has because the word of God tells you that everything that God gave to his son Jesus is now yours.
This is how we have overwhelming victory in everything, because we know who we are in Christ Jesus and we know we are loved immensely by our heavenly Father. For God so loved the world-
1-John-4-10-In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
It is in knowing that we are loved beyond measure that gives us true victory, because God works everything out for us for our good, and even when we are wiped out during a spiritual battle God will turn that defeat around to become a victory in our lives, that’s why we have overwhelming victory in everything, God keeps turning everything Satan does around to victory for us.
Romans-8-28-We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labour] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.{Amplified Bible}
Romans -8-2828And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, whohave been called according to his purpose.
God loved me and sacrificed his only begotten Son for me, and that is a personal act, not that he sacrificed his Son for everyone but that he did it for me his other Son, and for you his Son or daughter.
Future victory is sure, because God is on our side, this one thing I know, God is for me, that’s another reason why I have overwhelming victory, how can Satan stand against me with God on my side!
Psalm-14-5- for God is with those who love him. Psalm -56-9 this one thing I know, God is for me.
Psalm- 58-9- my God is changeless in his love for me.
Romans-8-31-What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?
It is in knowing who you are, knowing that you are Christ’s true body, and knowing, that you are seated in the heavenly places, and standing in that place of highest privilege, in Christ as one person, that brings future victory. It is not wrong as Satan would try to tell you, that you are Christ, in this world, that you and he are joined together as one person, and he has not become you, you have become him according to the word of God, and who is right God’s word or the devils lies. He will try and tell you it is blasphemy to think of yourself as one person in Christ Jesus, he will say God would be angry to hear you say such things, but the truth is God is glorified when you finally recognise that you are indeed a true son and daughter ofhisand knowitwith certainty. When you knowand believethisthen you havefuturevictory because you know that God is truly on your side against Satan. And if God is for us then future victory is assured.
1-Corinthians-15-57-how we thank God for all of this! It is he who makes us victorious through Christ Jesus our lord! 58- So my dear brothers, since future victory is sure, be strong and steady, always abounding in the lords work, for you know that nothing you do for the lord is ever wasted as it would be if there was no resurrection. {The Way; the living Bible}