Speak forth the word

In this book you will see I use many colours to highlight certain things that are important. I especially use ‘’ commas ’’ and I underline, and use colours to try and help it to stick in your mind what I am highlighting. I am now going back over this book checking it out for mistakes and also to correct them if needed, and not only that, but I usually go over my most recent books at least ten times, as I wish to let what God has shown me go down into my spirit. Since writing this book I have learned new ways to pray for healing through the word, and I tried them out and found they worked with ease, as it is God’s word not mine in scripture. I pray you also will increase in knowledge and healing power as the Spirit gives you understanding, probably even more understanding than me, so I pray you will enjoy what the lord God our Father is showing you in his divine word.
Anything to do with the ‘’word of God’’ is definitely highlighted in those ways mentioned.
Bless you for reading this book in Jesus name. Amen
I asked the lord what he wanted me to write about today and this is what he said, ‘’speak forth the word.’’
The word ‘’speak,’’ means to
To communicate
And the word
means to, Forward, Onwards, To the fore, Out, Into view, Into the open, Into the world
God is a strict disciplinarian about the use of words, he knows that the ‘’words’’ we speak
and his own ‘‘word’ is filled with living power and authority,’’ and every
have life in them, and the power over ‘’life or death
has been carefully chosen by him, for his
he speaks no careless word.
6 The
of the L
pure words
as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times
When you speak out the words of God, or speak God’s words, as a believer you are in fact speaking
words of purest truth
and they have ‘divine power’ in them, they are ‘’actually alive
When I say God has carefully chosen every single word he spoke, I meant that; there is not one word in the bible that is not filled with living power, ‘if expressed in faith in the word of God,’ for when you in faith ‘speak out his word’ into the atmosphere, it creates miracle working power
Your words spoken from the
divine word,
in faith, is the very same as ‘God speaking those words.
I know that when God gives me a specific subject to write about when writing, I receive revelation and understanding under his anointing from his Holy Spirit in it.
We will give an account of every idle word we speak
God says we will give an account of every idle word we speak; idle means an unbelieving word, a useless word not in line with God’s word.
Idle, means
Redundant, Inactive, Inoperative, Unoccupied
Redundant means to be dead. And when we speak in unbelief then what we speak is redundant inactive, lifeless, of no value or worth.
God’s word says, ‘ we are forever perfect in his sight,’ Hebrews 10 14.
Then what should we speak? ‘’I am forever are perfect in his sight;’’ we don’t contradict them by saying, ‘I am a sinner, or I am ugly, or I am no Good, or I am useless,’ those are the devils words, for he has us speak condemnation over ourselves. There are no words of life in the words the devil would have you speak; those words will kill your spirit, for those words he would lay on your heart are against the words of the divine living God in whom you belong; never agree with the devil; If you can’t agree with God’s word, at least don’t open your mouth and verbalise words of death to your spirit. For life and death are in the power of the tongue, what you say, either gives life, or creates death, to whatever you speak about
21 ‘’
Death and life are in the ‘’power of the tongue,’’ and they who indulge in it shall eat the fruit of it [for death or life].
You will give an account for every idle word you speak to God; and you will be judged by your words, you will either be condemned or justified by them. You will eat the fruit of whatever you produce from your mouth. If you speak negative words you will reap negative things happening to you later on. If you produce life giving words you will reap a life giving harvest of good things later on. Watch what you say for your mouth has power in it.
34 You offspring of vipers! How can you
good things when you are evil (wicked)? For out of the fullness (the overflow, the superabundance) of the heart the
mouth speaks
The good man from his inner good treasure flings forth good things, and the evil man out of his inner evil storehouse flings forth evil things
But I tell you, on the day of judgment
will have to give account for every
For by
your words’’
will be justified and acquitted, and by
your words
you will be condemned
It is
your mouth
that causes so many problems if we would only do what God’s word says we will reap a great life, did you notice that the word says, that
it is ‘’your mouth’’ that condemns you, or justifies you, and it is a carefully closed sealed mouth that watches over itself, will brings with it justification. God does not do these things, ‘justify or condemn,’ it is ‘ you ’ by ‘your words.’ This book is about words and I know God’s spirit gave me wisdom and knowledge as to what to do with his words and my words.
3Now if we put the bits into the horses' mouths so that they will obey us, we direct their entire body as well. 4 Look at the ships also, though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, are still directed by a very small rudder wherever the inclination of the pilot desires. 5 So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things, see how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire!
The tongue can cause devastation to many, it can be like a viper stinging people’s feelings and emotions, hurting many by its viciousness; or it can be filled with love, telling others how valuable they are, or how good they are, and the tongue is a prominent part of this body of ours, and we can use it to speak forth good things or evil things. For such a small part of our body it can wreck havoc or create blessings and it needs to be tamed, says this word of God.
I write using ‘’coloured words’’ or increasing the ‘’font’’ so that you will give greater attention to what I am saying for it is vitally important to see for yourself what God is saying, or what I have been given understanding on it. It is also essentially important to know the fullness of words. You need to understand the words you see and express, for sometimes we just say or read words without understanding the full meaning of them, and some people don’t know what a particular word means.
Take the word ‘’in,’’ for instance, in means a ‘’state of being and condition’’ and when used in conjunction with the ‘’Divine word,’’ it actually means, ‘’a state of being, dignity, and heavenly condition,’’ Most people just think of ‘in’ as your ‘in’ somewhere but there is a lot more to it than that as one dictionary explains ‘’In,’’ was the first word that God told me to look up the meaning of, and I was shocked to see that it actually meant, a ‘’state of being, dignity, and heavenly condition,’’ as well as the other things it meant
Speak forth these words for this is what God says of you I am a ‘’state of being, dignity, and heavenly condition,’’
Then he showed me scripture to confirm what he said about looking up the meaning of words even little words. I know that you the reader may be wise and very intelligent but not all who read my book are as intellectual as you. It is only over the years of writing, that my spelling and words have increased in knowledge; and many, many times over these years, the Holy Spirit spoke to me words as I was writing under the anointing, and I hadn’t a clue as to what those words meant, until afterwards, then I looked up their meaning only to find they meant what the lord was speaking about, and were giving a greater explanation of the sentence, God’s Holy Spirit does what it says on the tin; ~he leads us into all truth, teaching and advising us, and showing us the secretes in the divine word, ~ so glory to him for he is my teacher and friend.
Have a dictionary with you to check out the fullness of the words I have written, to get the full meaning, for one expression of a word gives a different impression of the word written than another one, and opens a different door to understanding.
This is the scripture that God showed me regarding the meaning of the word ‘in.’
Romans 8:30 Amplified Bible (AMP)
30 And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified {‘’raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being’’}
God’s word tells us that we are in a battle with the devil and all his cohorts, and that is what this book is explaining about the power of words over him, and he does not want you experiencing their full meaning. Remember something, it is as I write and pray that I understand the meaning of the words God speaks, and you will discover that later on.
Putting them into right standing with Himself, {‘’raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being’’}
This is the condition the believing Christian is in ~all the time before their loving father.~ It is so imperative to know what ‘God says about you’ so that you can agree with him and so speak forth what he says about you or your situation.
God says I have been raised to a heavenly dignity, and condition and state of being; who do you suppose is right? ‘God or me,’ or the devil, the biggest liar on this planet
He also said ‘’I am in right standing with him’’ at ‘all times;’ so I need to speak forth in confidence.
Speak forth the word “I am in right standing with him’’
Speak forth I am in a continual ‘’state of being, dignity, and heavenly condition,’’
Also the word in this scripture says I have been acquitted, and made righteous, Speak forth the word ‘’I have been acquitted and made righteous.’’
All we think of is how worthless we are and how unimportant we think of ourselves, and the enemy does this, trying to distract you away from the truth; for our awesome immeasurable loving Father God says, ‘we are raised by him into right standing with him at all times,’ not sometimes, when you are good, and then it is removed when you sin; No! the ‘’word of God’’ says, ‘’ you are in right standing with him ‘’all the time,’’ because he raised you up into a heavenly dignity; he restored your dignity that the enemy robbed you of, you are always in a state of being and condition of greatness with heavenly dignity, and the lord is proud of you, for he created you as his own divine child.
Speak out the living word and keep reminding yourself that the word of God is a ‘’living word.’’ It is alive not dead or redundant.
God confirms his word about the condition you his child are in.
Blessed and fortunate and happy and
spiritually prosperous
(in that state in which the born again child of God enjoys His favour and salvation) are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God), for they shall be completely satisfied!
This is the state in which you the believer have been given to enjoy, ‘’right standing at all times forever into eternity itself.
The word of God is alive with living power, and the lord has shown me again we Christians do not truly believe this; once again we seem to fail to grasp that what God says is true, we would believe the enemy first over the ‘’living word’’ of God. If God says something, he ‘’deliberately chose to say that word.’’ God’s living word tells us that we are ‘forgiven for all our sins;’ and yet a lot of Christians don’t believe this in their hearts, how sad! For all they feel is guilt, and guilt is disbelieving God’s living word. I have met hundreds of good Christian people who are filled with guilt and who claim Jesus as lord and saviour, and accepted salvation, yet they don’t understand that in salvation ‘’all’’ ‘’their sins’’ ‘’were taken away forever.’’ There is nothing left that we need to feel guilty for, all of our sins were taken away, they’re gone forever.
Jesus died for ‘all of our sins’ and on the cross on Calvary he ‘destroyed those sins’ and their power thereof. That you and I and the rest of humanity committed; past present and future are destroyed forever.
Why do we not believe this? Many say they do, but deep down inside they hate themselves, and that is caused by not believing the truth of the living God in his living word. And if we can’t believe God for forgiveness of sins how can we believe him for mighty things he gave us through his great love for us.
Now God says he will accept and acquit ‘’us’’ declare ‘’us’’ “not guilty” if we trust Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, by coming to Christ, no matter who we are or what we have been like.23 Yes, ‘’all’’ have sinned; ‘’all’’ fall short of God’s glorious ideal; 24 yet now God declares
guilty” of offending him if we trust in Jesus Christ, who in his kindness freely takes away
God’’ declares ‘us’ ‘’not guilty,’’ and the ‘ us ’ means ‘ you also,’ we are happily ‘never guilty’ of offending God,’ we sin yes, but we have someone pleading with God on our behalf and his name is Jesus. And we are being washed continually by the Holy Spirit cleansing us with the blood of Jesus Christ.
Speak forth the word ‘’God says I am not guilty of offending him, and I am not guilty ever.
Three ‘’you are healed in my sight.’’
God spoke to me one morning as I came downstairs suffering with a serious head cold, after I spoke to him sarcastically saying, ‘I thought Jesus healed us.’ I was just a new Christian and discovered that Jesus took our sickness and bore all our diseases, and was ignorantly talking to God with disrespect, a thing you should not do, but he had mercy on me in my ignorance and spoke to me telling me this wonderful revelation. He said to me, ‘’you are healed in my sight.’’ As I spoke aloud his word to me I realised that my cold disappeared.
I agreed unknowingly with him when I repeated what he said, by saying, ‘I am healed in his sight.’ And it worked. Over the years this didn’t work for me in other things because I never applied faith to it like I did that day he spoke audibly to me. I now realise that I need to speak forth what he said in my everyday life, I am not to speak aloud my pain or sickness giving them life but giving glory instead to God.
The words we speak have
life or death
in them, say now, ‘’the words ‘’I’’ speak have life in them,’’ that means for me that the words that I speak have
life in them
and the word of God has life in his word also, so our words spoken in faith, {in agreement with his word} have life in them, and they will produce whatever it is we speak, especially if spoken in faith in the ‘’word of the living God.’’ The bible is not a dead book it is the ‘’living active possessive word of the divine ‘living God’ who spoke the word,’’ and the universes came into being when he spoke the words; and he spoke into us a divine spirit with a soul and then created a body for us to dwell in.
The words you speak have life, and so does the word of God, so ‘’speak always in agreement with the word of God;’’ never speak what the devil would have you speak. Speak forth divine health into your body, say what the word says; Jesus took your sickness and bore all my diseases.
Scripture tells us that ‘’as he {Christ Jesus} is,’’ then so are we in this world,’’ does Jesus, have sickness and disease in him? No! Then there is no sickness and disease in us either no matter what the flesh dictates. I am not a fool saying were not sick when we have some kind of disease in our flesh body. But what I am saying is Jesus killed sickness and disease in us by taking it on himself on the cross on Calvary and in dying he brought all disease to death also on his body.
This is fact, and cannot be denied if you are a believer in Jesus redemption; this is something that has been done already.
It’s strange, in my last three books God said; ‘we didn’t believe him in what he done for us or what he made us,’ and here I am again facing this truth again, we Christians do not believe the ‘’Holy word’’ of a ‘’Holy God’’ who can never lie. I am wondering when we Christians are ever going to learn to trust God or to even believe him in what he says; yet, we believe the devil every time he comes around with sickness, disease, condemnation and guilt, and we suck it all up, yet when we hear Jesus took our sickness and bore all our diseases we just can’t ever get our heads around this awesome wonderful truth; we don’t accept it as holy fact from a Holy God who died for us out of love.
We don’t say, {shout out the truth about} what God says about us, and we don’t realise the truth there is in the word of God, or the power and authority that is in this living word the bible. It’s like when we hear or see the truth, it’s as if a blanket comes down over our eyes and ears, and we don’t grasp the wonderful thing our saviour and Father God done for us; and the reason for this
happening, is because we do not confess the truth of the living word knowing it is alive and active; we don’t see the word as this, do we? Come on now admit this truth, or if you try and fool yourself then ask why you’re still sick or still feel unworthy and condemned.
It’s time we Christians stopped listening to the devil and listened to God for a change, and acted on what God is saying to us. It is time to seek revelation for our sake and for the sake of all God’s children; we were told to go into the entire world and proclaim the good news. Good news knows what God has been teaching us in this book, for when we believe ‘his divine word’ we can then share with others the truth which sets them free.
The bible is not a dead book but ‘’alive!’’ Full of living power, activated by faith in the ‘’divine word’’ of the God who is the only truthful being on this planet. We need this going down into our spirits, we need to understand with all of our ‘’senses and spirit’ that the ‘’bible is alive’’ for the ‘’bible is the word of God,’’ and scripture tells us who is the very word of God, ‘’it is God himself, who is his word, not just his spoken or written word it is him in person, he is the ‘’living word’’ so when you speak forth the word you are speaking him into your situation, not just his word alone, no it is his divine living being.’’
So when we speak out the ‘words,’ in the ‘’word;’’ we speak out words that are ‘alive’ and have ‘’God himself and his life in them,’’ and filled with unbelievable miracle working power; the ‘’word made flesh is Jesus,’’ so when we speak out the ‘’written word’’ we speak out ‘’Jesus, ’’ again and again, for he is ‘’life giving life, in the living word.’’
For he is the ‘’living word of the living God’’ and the ‘’living word’’ is active made alive and ‘’sharper than a double edged sword.’’
Hebrews 4:12 New International Version
For the ‘’word of God’’ is ‘’alive and active ’’ Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the ‘’thoughts and attitudes of the heart.’’
We don’t seriously think of the ‘word of God’ as a ‘living breathing being’ able to do as it says, we hold it out like a dead word, like some book written thousands of years ago and the author is long gone before his book became popular, No! The word of God is awesome, it is very much alive, living and breathing, and if met with a believer who knows it is alive and actually speaks to him in its pages, giving him revelation as to what this word is; then this ‘word’ will be a source of ‘supernatural life.’
We can feed off of it, we can learn secretes beyond imagination. For we need to dwell in it feeding off of it, like we are sucking milk from our mothers breasts, for this word is a life source for the children of God. When we ‘’speak the word,’’ in line ‘’with the word,’’ then we in reality speak forth God himself and we have two in agreement, for ‘’ us, ‘’ our word and the word’’ become one as ‘’we already are one in Christ Jesus.’
God and his words are never separated from each other for they are ‘alive in him;’ ‘’God’s word’’ ‘’is him,’’ not just the word or words he spoke, for they are living words, life giving words, that penetrate our innermost beings as a sword penetrates between the soul and the spirit. When we read the words of the bible, we read God’s word written down by man at his direction, and many a man or woman have tried to get us to disbelieve the things that his word claims, like things happening in certain times, only to be proved wrong by historical events as they are uncovered by research.
Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive ‘’together’’ in fellowship and ‘’in’’ ‘’union’’ with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself,~ the same new life with which He quickened Him,~ for] it is by grace (His favour and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made ‘’partakers’’ of ‘’Christ’s salvation).’’
{The word ‘’same’’ means, similar, identical, equal, equivalent, matching, alike, unchanged; identical, means ~ the same, equal, matching, alike, impossible to tell apart, one and the same. The word ‘’together’’ means, ‘’jointly, as one,’’ mutually, in concert, ‘’simultaneously,’’} {dictionary}
When you read that word, realise that ‘’you and Jesus Christ the Messiah, are actually one person in spirit,’’ not in the flesh, but in ‘’spirit;’’ ‘his spirit and yours have been joined together by God the father and remain that way for eternity,’
In becoming one with and in Christ Jesus you have risen to a new life in him and when ‘’you speak the word’’ he speaks that very same word in you ‘’simultaneously,’’ your words blend together and nothing can separate them ever, you are now joined together, with, and in union and in fellowship, in union with him, and are a partaker of Christ’s Salvation work, for scripture tells us that, ‘’it is no longer I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me,’’ ‘living his new life in me’ as one person in spirit in me.
Jesus joined together in me is the living word made flesh, and now in spirit again as he is back from the dead and living his new life in me, and when I proclaim the written word of God out into the air I verbalise that word by agreement, for the living word has now become one in and with me. I will explain even more later on in the book.
For the ‘’word’’ has also become ‘’one with us’’ and ‘’in us
for the ‘’word is ‘in us ’ and joined together
with us
‘’in Christ Jesus.’’ We need to begin to understand that the life in the word is a life of unchangeable sources of love and light and supernatural power once understood.
‘’The word in us is life in us,’’ for we are ‘’joined together with the word {Jesus the word made flesh,}’’ and the word is activated when we realise the life’s source of power is in our speaking out together with the word in total agreement. God says, ‘’you are holy in my sight,’’ what should we say in regard to his statement ‘’I am holy in his sight,’’ therefore we have become one in agreement, if we say what he says in his word then it is the exact same as him saying it. Knowing we are holy in his sight gives us embellishment in all we do and say for him, giving him all the glory for making us holy in his sight; who cares what the people of this world says about us as long as God says we are holy in his sight, he is the one we are trying to please.
believe him and will speak forth his words.
As Christ is so are we in this world
These are the most vital words we will ever need to speak in unity with and in God’s spoken word, for this word expresses a divinity to us who belong to him And he expects us to act just like Jesus at all time, for there is no difference between Jesus and us now, for we are joined together as one in union with and in him, and as partakers of salvation.
Sadly most Christians do not accept this loving word from Father God, it is love in him, that makes you the ‘’same as he {Jesus} is in this world,’’ and if he says it, then we need to believe it, and speak forth those loving words, for our God knows the reason behind him saying those words to us. His words have living power in them and if he says he made you the same as Jesus in this world, then you are supposed to believe him , and then to act on the requirement of that living word and live a miraculous life in Jesus for God’s glory.
Everything God says is full of living electrifying awesome power and if he says it, then he means it, and you do him no justice by denying his word.
By disbelief we in effect call God a liar; we say to him that what he tells us in his living word is impossible for us to believe, and litterly what he says is a lie. There is no getting away from this; if you don’t believe what God says anywhere in his Holy word, then in reality you are calling the Almighty infinite living God a liar. It is the same with every written or spoken word of the Almighty living God, if not believed by you then you are saying, this is not true, and in effect you are literally calling the supreme living being that created everything by the power of his voice, a dirty stinking liar.
Speaking forth the living word of the living God is essential to your new life in Christ Jesus, for if you don’t believe one bit, it is likely, if put to the test, you will not believe anything that God says.
The believer on the other hand chooses to believe God no matter how hard it is to understand now, for deep down inside them they know God is right, and that one day he will furnish that word into life in them also, as he puts truth and faith into us and we grow in the mercy and love of God who is our witness in everything we do for him in this world.
No matter how strange the word may seem to you the believer; chose to believe God no matter what things seem like, for God does not make mistakes, either with you, or in his word, so speak forth the little things you know, for one day as you water them by praise and thanksgiving daily as they grow, they will one day sprout out fruit in due season.
If God says you and Jesus are one person believe him, not yourself or the devil who will try and get you to believe his lies and deceits. If God says, ‘’as he is, so are you,’’ be joyful that God considers you to be the same son or daughter as Jesus, this is a moment of great Joy to be upheld, for the word of God is a living word and is spoken into you as you read it aloud, and you will grow in faith and knowledge; and remember, in the Old Testament, God said, ‘’his people perish through lack of knowledge,’’ you cannot say the same thing today for you have all the knowledge that you need right here in front of you, the ‘’living Bible’’ {living word} that you should have with you while reading this book or others, so that you can confirm if what a writer writes is true or false, and you will discern between the truth and the false by the power of the Holy Spirit in you.
I try and speak forth this living word every day and thank him for making me the same as Jesus to him; he does not look on me as lower than Jesus but as equal with him in every way; for he made me and Jesus one person in spirit when I got saved, and that is awesome to me. If I and you would only believe and speak forth this living word of the living God in agreement, then that word would come alive in our spirit and we would know the beautiful power in God’s word for ourselves.
I really need to speak forth this living word for it changes my perspective of what God is declaring and he is saying that, ‘I am the very same as Jesus in this world,’ and I really need to speak forth that word into his living word in total agreement.
Speak forth the word ‘’as he is so am I in this world’
Yesterday I said I don’t quite know the power within these living words of God, and the connection between his ‘’living words and mine’’ and I asked him how do I connect with him in faith and trust in his living word.
Last night while in prayer the lord spoke to me and said, ‘’sow your words’’ into ‘’ my words’’ in faith and agreement,’’ that the words I speak have also ‘’life in them,’’ and if spoken in agreement ‘’into his living word’’ they will have a profound effect on my life, and yours, if you do the same. As the words merge and secure their goal, they become supernatural living words, they become one with God’s words; just as we are in ‘union with and in Jesus;’ so words spoken in faith knowing it is Jesus in us who gives us faith words to speak in agreement with the words of God, that makes them ‘one word,’ and they will not return to God null and void.
God says we have life and death in our tongue and what we speak will one day be spoken of between you and him.
Knowing that the living word of the living breathing God is alive, and active, and is sown out into this world by him; and his word is the supernatural field into which we sow our words in conjunction with his spoken or written word, they become one word if spoken in faith in him.
One living word’’ our ‘’God’s word
our word
sown into his
living breathing word,
his ‘’field’’ of faith, will create what God sent it to create no matter how impossible it may seem to be.
I believe in the impossible living God. And I believe that he wants me to grow in faith and security in him by the power of ‘’his word and mine spoken in total agreement.’’ Everything has been done already, and I believe that what we speak is done already, and is ready for collection and that makes the difference between us and the unbeliever. Your harvest is ripe for harvesting so reap your harvest now for the harvest does not have a specific time to it, for it is
done; yes it is done by God and just needs you to say amen by agreement and sowing into his living breathing wonderful word.
There is nothing in this world that has not been done already, for Jesus said, ‘’it is finished,’’ on the cross on Calvary, it is done, its finished, all my work is over, it is done by my sacrifice for you and all I want you to do is speak forth in belief, in faith in me.
When you speak forth ‘’your living words’’ of the ‘’living word,’’ out into the ‘’word of God’’ {the bible} they ‘’become one word,’’ and ‘’his word combined together with our word’’ will cause multiple miracles to happen; for when you speak forth, ‘’as he is so are you, {so am I} in this world’’ you become filled with awesome power.’’ Open your heart to believing this awesome statement from none other than God himself. Think of the awesomeness of that word from God, ‘’as Jesus is so are you,’’ open your mind to that word, ‘’Jesus the Son of God and who is actually God himself in the father,’’ says you are the very same as him what power is engaged in you? The exact same power that is in Jesus
What is Jesus= he is God, ‘ so are you, ’ for scripture tells us that we are, ‘’small gods,’’ ’’Sons of the Almighty; according to the words of Jesus himself!
Awesome but true, and hard to believe for many, but that choice is yours to believe this or not, I know many Christians, who shy away from these words of Jesus and God himself out of fear that they are speaking blasphemy; but this is a rouse of the devil to make sure they don’t ever get to think this way. Hard to understand and conceive but true nevertheless, but God says you must speak forth this word for it is guaranteed to scare the boots off of the devil himself.
Christians must decide to either believe the living word of the living truthful God, or ignore what God is saying in his divine word. So what are the implications for us declaring this word to ourselves every day and meditating on this, ‘’as he is ‘’ so are we ’’ in this world?’’ The implications are, we have to acknowledge that this word from the ‘’written word of the living God’’ is true no matter what your intellect wants you to think.
What is Jesus?
Where is Jesus?
What power does he have?
Son of God
Seated in heaven with God
All power and authority
Does he have sickness and disease? No!
What are you?
Where are you?
Son/ daughter of God
Seated in heavenly places
What power do you have? All power and authority
Do you have sickness and disease? Not according to the word
There is a lot more to Jesus in us, than that little piece I just wrote to give you something to meditate over, to pray about and to believe with all your heart.
Jesus said to them, “Don’t your Scriptures say, ‘I said, “You are gods”?
Can we justify ourselves by not agreeing with the word of God spoken by Jesus, who was just ‘’repeating’’ what the father said in the ‘Old Testament’ in the Psalms. Can we take a piece of the living word and put it away somewhere so we don’t have to look at it and believe it, if in doing so, then we would take almost the entire word and hide it away, for it is beyond our greatest imagination that what God says about us is true?
I said, you are ‘’gods’’ [since you judge on my behalf, as my representatives]; indeed, all of you are children of the Most High.
Can we dare speak forth the word,
I am a god
or a
son of the Most High God,’’ in agreement with the
living word of the living God
who challenges us to believe what he says. True there are other false religions who claim to be a part of God but do not hold the truth in them for they say there is evil in God and good in him also; these people have stolen the truth in scripture, and so believers are afraid to declare this word, for fear they will be aligned with these false people; their ying and yang a demonic conception. God wants you speaking this truth out to drive even more terror into the heart of Satan and every demonic power.
The tongue has the power of ‘’life’’ and ‘’death,’’ and those who love to talk will have to eat their own words.
Your tongue, your words, have life or death in them, so chose your words carefully before you speak them, for you do not know the power therefore in them, and the consequences they may have for you or others. And one day you will have to literally eat your own words as they affect you through what you said.
We forget that we are ‘created in the divine image of our divine God’ and have the exact same power, to create through words as he has, for he withheld nothing back from us when he made us in his spiritual image.
The following is a scripture that one time I thought, meant a farmer was given seed to sow, or the lord giving us money to sow seed, but last night that changed for me as I realised by revelation that ‘’the lord sowed his supernatural words into the atmosphere,’’ and that when I sowed my faith words into his words, they connect supernatural, and have a power in them to achieve what I agreed and sowed, and they will reap whatever harvest that God’s words spoke, and I spoke in agreement with.
I believe that this word on sowing has great discerning for the seed that we sow, for it say that the harvest is ‘’righteousness enlarged,’’ and boy I love that, for righteousness grows in peace and joy; and I didn’t know that, it follows the confession we make of the word of God i.e accompanies your ‘’confession’’ of the gospelofChrist
2 Corinthians 9 New International Version (NIV)
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food ‘’will ‘’also’’ supply’’ and ‘’increase your store of seed’’ and ‘’will ‘enlarge’ the ‘’harvest of ‘’ your ’’ righteousness.’’11 ‘’ You will be enriched’’ in ‘’every way’’ so that ‘’you’’ can be ‘’generous’’ on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
12 This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.13 Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that ‘’accompanies your’’ ‘’confession’’ of the ‘’gospel of Christ,’’ and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.
The harvest of your righteousness abounds in ‘’thanksgiving to God’’ and in giving ‘’praise’’ to him also, and people are blessed in every way, God wants us to be generous in every way, so he will give us an increase of seed to sow for him; we don’t sow for ourselves but to further his kingdom, not mans. When the lord spoke to me last night he showed me some scriptures that enrich his word, I know that scriptures have many different interpretations to it because it is a living word, and pours out blessings to suit every occasion. And it is not just about sowing seeds of financial blessings, but we can sow a seed of any kind, for the ‘’sower has been given seed to sow’’ and the seed we sow is spiritual not physical, unless the lord gives us money to sow for a particular reason.
Look at the way this scripture explains about sowing; it does not just say we reap a physical blessing or financial blessing but it actually says, 10 and will ‘’enlarge’’ the ‘’harvest’’ of ‘’your ’’ ‘’righteousness.’’ That word to me says so much today after last night’s word from the lord. I would have taken it to mean what it looked like It said, physical and financial, but it actually says he will ‘’enlarge the harvest of ‘’ your ’’ righteousness.’’ To reap a harvest we have to sow seed, and God increases the seed we sow so it is an ever circular motion growing and expanding in every way as he increases the harvest of ‘’your’’ righteousness’’ and righteousness brings with it peace and joy and happiness
internal and external, look at the following scripture, it tells us about righteousness, and the effects of righteousness, and the effects are peace, and the results of righteousness is quietness and trust forever; secure in our dwelling place, {our homes} and having quiet resting places. The word says he will increase the harvest of your righteousness, and increase can be increased all the time as it can grow deeper and deeper. Look at the following scripture and you will understand that when God says he will increase the harvest of your righteousness, he will in effect expand the effects of righteousness = peace
And the
of righteousness will be
quietness and trust for ever
and the
abide in a
resting places
This proved to me to be a source of a new means of praying for healing. My wife was in pain in her legs and they were very restless, and I sat with my hands on her feet getting ready to pray with her, and I explained about this new understanding of righteousness, and the ‘’effects of righteousness’’ when I felt a tremendous peace travel up her legs and she looked like she was actually falling asleep, I asked her how she was feeling and she said, she was in wonderful peace in her legs and the pain was gone and that she had a tremendous peace upon her, and could just fall asleep, I realised she was in effect resting in the spirit, and it was because I was speaking forth the ‘’effects of righteousness’’ that God said he was enlarging the harvest of it.
I now know that when speaking the word of the living God knowing his word is alive in us, that healing began manifesting before I even began to pray. I was speaking in faith the living word on righteousness and the living word went to work without me anyway. Try this out with your wife or husband or friends and you also will see the effects of righteousness.
Look also at this piece of the same scripture; and the ‘’result’’ of righteousness, quietness and trust for ever God’s word also speaks out about the ‘’results of righteousness.’’ I feel that there is a tremendous amount of revelation still in this scripture so I am going to write on it in another book dedicated to just this, the ‘’effect and result of righteousness,’’ so watch out for it in the future.
For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit
Christ in this way is pleasing to God
because anyone who serves
receives human approval
The kingdom of God is about ‘’righteousness, peace and joy,’’ and now we know the effect and results of righteousness are in us and for healing of the body.
God says that
we will be enriched in every way,
not just in some ways or he would have said that, but in every way possible’’11 ‘’ you will be enriched’’ in ‘’every way’’ so that ‘’you’’ can be ‘’generous’’ on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God 2 Corinthians 9 11 NIV
Speaking forth the living word on harvesting brings with it more seed from the lord and the more you sow the greater the enlargement will be.
What effect will this have for you and me I ask in regard to what I am being taught now in this book? I for one am learning, that the ‘’living word of the living God’’ is awesome when spoken by you or me, and I am understanding, that the word is for enrichment in the lord. So any sector that I am being taught will have an increase in my ‘’harvest of righteousness’’ or supernatural power from God. It is also beautiful to know that I am pleasing to God. And if pleasing we will receive an increase of all we need.
I have never been concerned about money; there are things that I would love to have had I money, but it has never really bothered me, I am more interested in bringing souls to God so that the harvest that he is speaking about will be brought to him through me, and that is amazing to understand. So in effect this harvest word we arrived at here in this book is important to it, for our top desire should be to ‘’further the kingdom of heaven’’ and to bring forth the ‘’will of God on this earth;’’ ‘’thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,’’ so no matter which way we get to enrich the kingdom of heaven we serve the one true God.
When we speak forth the
living word
from our
living words
we increase the kingdom of heaven in some respect or other.
the word,
Because we spoke forth the word on sowing seed, I know that the harvest of righteousness of the lord in us has grown in me, for I know now that I am pleasing to my God; simply through writing this section on sowing seed, I have been enlightened on my righteousness, so speaking forth the word on sowing has worked for me, my eyes have been enlightened. If God increases us in this simple method of speaking forth the word or words that God spoke we will inherit those things for his glory
God is so good he is the actual one who gives us seed to sow; yet we hear on TV preachers saying, sow a seed from your own money and sow it into their bank; oops! Sorry ministry? God says ‘’he is the one who gives seed to sow,’’ so never give to ‘’ anyone,’’ unless God gives you the money first.
You can make an ‘’offering’’ to a ministry but not sowing a seed to get something back again in return for God did not say he will give you money but a blessing.
Were coming now to the most important basics of the living word, of our living God
In the following word, have a good close look at all the different ‘’words’’ that God has spoken about you; I have highlighted them in different colours to show how important those ‘’words’’ are, for they are ‘’living words’’ that we need to speak forth to give God his deserved glory, and also to let our spirit know who and what we are in ‘’union with, and in Christ Jesus.’’ Then we need to speak forth those words in agreement with the living word of our God.
Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His favour and mercy which you
did not deserve) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation)
Speak forth He made me alive and in fellowship with Christ Jesus
Speak forth He gave me the very life of Christ Himself
Speak forth He made me a partaker of Christ’s salvation).
Speak forth He made me in union with Christ
We have never understood the multiplicity of the word of a ‘’living God’’ who speaks ‘’living words;’’ it is not enough that we speak of ourselves as children of God but to actualise the fact that you ‘really are children’ of a ‘’living infinite God’’ who claims to be your father.
We can say God is my father but we don’t truly believe what we say; for we give little thought to what we speak. Think of this, ‘we say that God is my father,’ if that is so then what does that make you? His child, ‘’really,’’ God’s child, so you claim to be a child of the ‘living God’ who is your father, so then why don’t you act on it, and show us your miracle working power of a child of God; we say things but don’t believe them.
God, Jesus, and I, speak forth in unity his word.
God himself is saying ‘’his every word,’’ ‘’his written word,’’ which is no different than his ‘’spoken word,’’ is alive and active forever without end; and that it is sharper than a double edged sword, able to divide between the soul and spirit, and it judges the very thoughts of man, and it knows who activates it.
And his word is true; realising of course that Jesus said, ‘if you have seen me then you have seen the father, for he is in the trinity and ‘one being’ with the ‘’Father and Holy Spirit’’ there is no distinction between them, they are ‘’ one whilst three’’ at the ‘same time;’ so when we speak out the ‘word’ we speak ‘’all, three,’’ and God in the trinity or otherwise will construct his word if spoken in faith.
The word spoken in truth and in faith’ is one with and in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’ all three activate the words in the word,’ for these words are alive and waiting for someone to speak them out in faith so they will become activated and the spoken miracle will transpire.
When the Father spoke the ‘’word’’ in the Old Testament it was ‘’his word’’ he spoke; when Jesus spoke out the ‘’word’’ in the New Testament it was still the ‘’word of God’’ he said that, ‘’he speaks what the father tells him to speak;’’ for he is God’ son and as Jesus explained to one of the apostles, ‘’if you have seen me then you have seen the father!’’
The tongue has the power of ‘’life’’ and ‘’death,’’ and those who love to talk will have to eat their own words
God went one further; he gave us power over ‘’life and death,’’ and sadly most Christians do not believe God’s word even though it is himself who is saying this.
He has given you Paul and Apollo’s and Peter as your helpers. He has given you the whole world to use, and ‘’life and even death’’ ‘’are your servants. ’’ He ‘’has given you ’’ ‘’all’’ of the ‘’present’’ and ‘’all’’ of the future. ‘’All’’ are ‘’ yours, ’’
‘Life and death are my servants,’ are you sure about that? Well my friend, God himself says in his ‘’living word’’ that they are, that means they must always obey me and you, for they are my servants and yours, and a servant has to do what they are told at all times. This scripture is awesome in its content, God himself has given you and me, his children; the spirits of life and death to command, and they are to be treated as servants; they are living spirit beings, who hold the power of life and death in their hands. You have been chosen to act on behalf of God in this earth; he joined you and Jesus together as one
spirit. Did Jesus have power over life and death when he walked this earth, yes he did he raised the dead and gave life, and as God’s words say, ‘’as he is so are we in this world.’’
This in itself is incredible to believe, and for us, we can choose to believe or not, as for me I chose to believe no matter how unbelievable it may seem to be. God loves me and you so much he gave us his very own son joined together with him and with God himself in the Trinity. This is pure love, and the one who pours out such love on us deserves to be glorified by our acting in faith in his divine living word.
God says in his word here that he has given us ‘’all’’ the present and ‘’all’’ the future
He ‘’has given me’’ ‘’all’’ of the ‘’present’’ and ‘’all’’ of the future. ‘’All’’ are ‘’mine,’’
I changed the words ‘’you and yours’’ for ‘’me and mine,’’ because when you read it, it speaks to someone other than yourself if spoken out. He has given you when spoken; that means someone other than you, now I personalise all scripture to ‘’me or my’’ so when I speak forth a word it is my word in Christ Jesus I speak forth
For what reason would God give us the present and all of the future. We live in the present for that is a living moment, and ‘what we ‘’ say ’’ affects our future and the future of others ’ God knows the words we speak now will affect the future, whether we speak negative, or speak forth his divine living word. Why is scripture emphasizing the word ‘’all,’’ I know I have highlighted it but God had done that before me; this is powerful truth, he has given me and you, ‘’all’’ of the present and the future to use for his glory, for everything we do has an effect on something, or someone. In this present moment we have the Holy Spirit to direct us in this divine moment we live, and in following his leading we will do the things God had laid out beforehand for us to do, instead of just wasting the present moments doing something like watching TV, which benefits no one who loves God So if we take authority of our present moment and then
seek the Holy Spirits direction, that present moment becomes filled with the anointing of God for his glory and to help the body of Christ Jesus.
This moment in this present finds me writing this little book searching for spiritual truth, and in it I will be reaching out to those who read my books and it will have a profound effect on those who read it in spirit and in truth.
What I write now in this present moment will have an effect on someone in the future, and I always ask God to bring those who need his word to my website dedicated to God for his glory not mine.
How can I have a affect on the future now; well God says he gave it to us, ‘’all’’ of it, so that means we have power over the future concerning us, now what can I possible do that will create glory for God and help someone on this earth.
First I can give God glory by ‘’believing him’’ and that is something few Christians do regarding his divine word. How would you like it, if someone said they didn’t believe you after you done something great for them, think about this; the first offence we Christians do is ‘’offend God by refusing to believe him?’’ I heard someone say yesterday, this salvation thing is too simple how could it be true? And yet they are a Christian baptised in the spirit and using the gifts. If it is so hard for them to believe what must it be like for a sinner who is repenting?
I didn’t write the bible; God had men of faith write his words down, and what God says in it is ‘’filled with living power
and ‘’ purpose. ’’ Every word is true, but what words do you decide to believe or not believe? Do you believe in salvation, but don’t believe in the gift of speaking in tongues? I have met many who are saved but don’t believe in the gifts of the spirit, most are Baptists and some are actually born again believers.
We can’t decide to pick and choose what we like out of the word of the living Creator, which is audacity!
God is God and he can do what he wants and he says he gave us ‘’All’’ the present and ‘’All’’ of the future. Do we believe him even if we don’t understand him?
To get back to the future, the words we speak in the present moments affect our future and the outcome of many battles; ‘’speak only what Gods word would have you speak.’’ Remember there are no negative words in the mouth
of God in his divine living word, so when God gives you all of the future use it to bring him glory by first of all believing him, and commit your future to the Holy Spirit who knows what’s coming next, God said he gave us helpers; he said he
He ‘’has’’ given you Paul and Apollo’s and Peter as your helpers. 1 Corinthians 3:22’’
Apollo’s was a great teacher of the word and he accompanied Paul on his journeys helping spread the gospel, and so God has given us ‘’his grace’’ for ourselves; the same ‘’anointing that was on Apollo’s.’’ Believe it or not but the anointing can be transferred, and God has offered us this gifting that he gave Apollo’s, and I for one will receive it in thanksgiving and humility. We have the writings of Paul and Peter to abide by and to learn from, so study them for they have been given to you by the lord for your benefit. God transferred the anointing from Elijah to Elisha.
9 When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell me, what I can do for you before I am taken from you?”“Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied
10 “You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said, “yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours otherwise, it will not.” 11 As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.12 Elisha saw this and cried out, “My father! My father! The chariots and horsemen of Israel” And Elisha saw him no more. Then he took hold of his garment and tore it in two.
13 Elisha then picked up Elijah’s cloak that had fallen from him and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. 14 He took the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it. “Where now is the LORD, the God of Elijah?” he asked. When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over.
You can now receive the anointing that was on ‘Apollo’s’ by ‘faith in this word of God,’ and you have the writings of the epistle of Paul and Peter there is great learning in their books. For he said so in his divine word
My prayer;
Lord I ask for the anointing grace that was upon Apollo’s to be transferred to me in Jesus name, and I accept your word, amen. ‘’He has given you Paul and Apollo’s and Peter as your helpers.’’
He has given you the whole world to use, How can I use the whole world? Why has he given me the whole world to use; of course first of all it is for his glory not for you own personal usage?
This world has been given to us so that we can claim and go anywhere in it to spread the gospel of Christ Jesus; we need to speak forth the word that this world has been given to me to use for the glory of God, and expect God to open doors in strange places.
God has given us these things for a reason and the reason is first of all for his glory and for our benefit and for the benefit of the body of Christ.
You can use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to help heal the broken body of Christ Jesus, and you also have the ‘’power over life and death’’ for they are extraordinarily yours to command. We have to speak forth the word of faith out of our mouths and expect a harvest in God’s timing. We have to believe that life and death have to obey our direct command without a shadow of doubt, for they will try and stand against you, but you have to realise that you and Jesus are now one spirit and when you speak forth things, it is in agreement with him if it is in the word, for then you have then three witness to your faith, you have the ‘’living word’’ and you have ‘’Jesus’’ and you have ‘’your voice,’’ all for his glory.
Believe all above, for God has ordained these things for us, who are after all, his own divine children made in his own image and filled with himself, and with the Holy Spirit, and filled with Jesus, ‘all one in him ’ We forget that we actually are God’s own divine children and we have God as a living holy Father to us, and he wants us to grow in extraordinary faith and grace; he is for us, as his word says, ‘’for this one thing I know, God is for me,’’ and if God is for me what can come against but do we believe him?
Psalm 56:9
Then my enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this I will know that God is for me In God, whose ‘’word’’ I praise, in the LORD, whose ‘’word’’ I praise 11 in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?
How easy it is to forget that God says he is for us, and yet we find it hard to believe, especially when things are happening around us and to us.
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified
31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies
When I write down scripture like this scripture, I could dwell on it for a long time explaining the amazing properties in it given to us by God for our benefit and of course our glory as well as his; for God shares his glory with us contrary to some beliefs. But I will stick to this part, ‘’If God is for us who can be against us?
Speak forth this word and believe it “God is for me!”
God created us to show to the world his awesome power in us so that people will see God in us and believe instead of believing the devils lies and deceits; they see signs of the devil and have made many horror films and written many horrifying books about him giving him great power over man, yet the truth is he is a defeated foe, with no power except that which we give him. Speak forth the word the devil is defeated and has no power over me!” people see very few authentic looking films about God and few anointed books, though there are millions of books out there including my own but worldly people associate them as religion and see little power in them.
God wants us displaying his awesome power in this world. Jesus did it and people followed him and gave their lives to him and were saved; you are the
same as he is in this world, display the power of God in you, let the world see there truly is a God of power alive and caring for them.
God is for us and wants us to succeed, to show us off as his own special children, ‘’all’’ loved by him, and designed to succeed in all battles, for Jesus defeated the devil and all his followers for us, so that we could declare the victory; and he has given us ‘’gifts and powers’’ and even the ‘’anointing’’ from an ‘’anointed man of God;’’ how much more does he have to do to get us to believe him in everything, not just what suits us.
Speak forth the word the devil is defeated and has no power over me!”
There will be times when you pray with someone who has death attached to their body, through some disease like leukaemia or cancer or some other horrible disease and you will have to order it out in Jesus name and it will have to go unless you don’t believe the ‘living word of a living God’ who is all of his own word.
Speak the word out now confess it aloud and write it down and place it where you can go over it meditating over it like it means everything to you, for some day it will mean a loved one’s life or death may be in your mouth, and you may be all that’s stopping it from killing them.
Speak forth the word ‘’Life and death are my servants.’’
1 Corinthians 3:22 Living Bible
He has given you Paul and Apollo’s and Peter as your helpers. He has given you the whole world to use, and ‘’life and even death’’ ‘’are your servants.’’ He ‘’has’’ given you’’ ‘’all’’ of the ‘’present’’ and ‘’all’’ of the future. ‘’All’’ ‘’ are ’’ ‘’ yours,’’
I was just reading over this scripture again, when I realised that it was not just life and death that God gave us to us but he also went on to say he ‘’has’’ that’s
means it is done, ‘’given me all of the present,’’ and all of the future; that means this very minute of this life he gave me this moment to live in authority, and he gave me and you, that’s us. He has also given me ‘’my future,’’ all that concerns me, for the future can be changed, for it has not arrived in this physical world yet; but it is alive in the spiritual realm, and it can be changed by our belief in the things we sow into God’s word for what we sow and speak in faith will take place later; that’s why all of the future is ours yours and mine to use for his glory and for our benefit also.
The faith words we speak now change our designated future. God is pleased when we realise that we can change his very plans for us by our speaking forth in faith; God can change his mind and does at times. Think how delighted he would be if you decided to step aside of your nominal everyday life, and took the bull by the horns, and decided to face the devil and attack him with the word, and step out in ‘belief in him accompanying you’ as you lay hands on the sick and he has to heal them, think how this would change one of the many plans that God has for us. Your words now affect our future so that’s why God’s plans for our good can change to even better good. God is not stuck ridged in his plans for us, his plans for us are flexible, when we do something for his glory forgetting about ourselves God is delighted for he see his spirit having an effect on our lives and we obey his instructions.
Note the words {God’s plans for us,} means there are more than one single plan, for God being God set ‘’plans’’ in motion for when you are attacked by the enemy, after the attack, if you then give it to God, he changes everything for good to those who love him and are fitting in with his plans. God changes what the devil intended to good for us later on, so no matter what you go through God will change it to good for others and for you later on, he incorporates it into his plans.
We all make everyday plans.
All of us plan for our future; we book holidays and other things we plan for many things; we save to pay for our future holidays and things we want to own, and we do that now in these ‘present moments’, so our everyday life is planning something good for ourselves, so it is natural to plan and speak about future events but it is even more important that we should speak forth and plan things for the glory of God.
The future can be changed for wrong words spoken out by us may have diverted the plan of God for us; but now we have been reconciled and changed by faith, and speak forth truth into our future.
God planned to wipe out the city of Nineveh because of their evil ways; but when Jonah spoke to them after being in the whales belly, they saw, and repented of their wicked ways, and ‘’God changed his mind,’’ and let them live; we can change the mind of God also by our sincere prayer and projection of his living word.
Jonah Flees From the LORD
1 The ‘’word’’ of the LORD came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.” 3 But Jonah ran away from the LORD
Jonah Goes to Nineveh
3 Then the ‘’word’’ of the LORD came to Jonah a second time: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and proclaim to it the message I give you.”
3 Jonah obeyed the ‘’word’’ of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it. 4 Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” 5 The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth.
6 When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust.7 This is the proclamation he issued in Nineveh: “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. 8 But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence.9 who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.”
10 When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened
Repentance can change the mind of God; prayer for people can change the mind of God regarding them; speaking forth the word of the living God can
bring about miraculous happenings, for God desires to be glorified in his people, he wants them knowing him, and seeing his word done in them, and when he says something is ‘’done,’’ it is ‘’done’’ as far as God is concerned but is that true of you and me believing this word of the living God?
God said it is done in the scripture that he gave us to study, the word ‘has’ means something already happened, you have something, it’s already yours.
given you Paul and Apollo’s and Peter as your helpers. He
given you the whole world to use, and
life and even death’’ ‘’are your servants.’’ He ‘’has’’ given you
of the
of the future.
God didn’t just give us the future for our enjoyment, but to reap what we spoke and sowed in the past or present. To live in it in victory, for every victory we have, has already been given to us by Jesus winning the war with the devil Future victory is sure, says the word; and future victory in my children’s lives is still that same sureness
1 Corinthians 15 57 TLB
58 So, my dear brothers, ‘’since ‘’future victory’’ is sure,’’ be strong and steady, always abounding in the Lord's work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever wasted as it would be if there were no resurrection. TLB
You see God speaks of future victory, do what he does, copy him and declare that future victory for you is sure, speak it forth, speak divine health for your future; speak prosperity as your future, declare your wealth for God desires that we be wealth and prosperous, what use is poverty stricken children of his; how can we help others when we haven’t the means to pay our bills or anything else.
Speak forth his divine word; wealth and prosperity, speak a future filled with divine power and speak a future filled with souls for the kingdom of heaven and for ‘’his kingdom to come
and ‘’his will be done’’ on ‘’earth as it is in heaven,’’
Speak forth the living word now it is your future you speak.
Sow now into the word of the living breathing God’s own words, and you will reap a harvest from your words in the future, what you sow now, you will reap in the future; for every minute after you speak is your future not the next day or next year.
When Jesus said to the apostles the harvest is ripe now, so don’t wait till it is the recognised season in four months, for the harvest time with God is every moment that we live in it is the imperative now! Now is the word of God, now is the living word of the living word for it to accomplish all it was sent to do before returning back to God, and it will never return null and void
John 4
New International Version (NIV)
35 Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. 36 Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.37 Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. 38 I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labour.”
The harvest in the kingdom of God is now! What is sown does not have to wait a full season for it to bear fruit, not in the kingdom of God it doesn’t, the harvest is called forth ‘’now’’ by you; you were sent to sow and to reap, for even as one sows now, another is reaping what was sown before by someone. For when someone preaches the word of God and there is a response then those souls are harvested into eternal life by being saved at the moment the seed was sown and spoken out.
All of us Christian children of God have been saved through hearing a seed that was sown, and we spoke out, ‘’Jesus come into my heart as my lord and saviour,’’ and that spoken word accompanied by the words, ‘’Jesus is my lord and saviour,’’ confirms their salvation the harvest has been reaped, for you are the harvest. ‘’all’’ of the ‘’present’’ and ‘’all’’ of the future. ‘’All’’ are ‘’ yours,’’
In this world everything is now, the present, this very moment. In God’s world future events are spoken of as with much certainty as today. The future, present, and past, are all laid out before the creator for he sees everything as he looks over his plans.
If God didn’t know the future why would he say I know the plans I have for you; his plans are laid out before him at all times. If we don’t begin speaking forth the word of God regarding our situations then our situations would bring us down. God says he has plans for good for us to give us a future and a hope.
We speak forth now and we then call our harvest into being now, it does not have to be a long time for it to come to you; we have been given power and authority by God himself to do the very things Jesus done with his unified power in us, for it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me, and as he is in me I speak forth his living word in me to call it into being now.
All of the present and the entire future all are ours to use, for his glory, it is acting in holy boldness that impresses God. Timidity or fear, does not impress him at all, timidity or fear, will never win through a battle or victory, and remember that ‘’victory is already yours now!” not tomorrow or next year, Jesus won the victory and it is now the spoken word is pressed into him, for the victory to show forth in glory for God .
Speak forth the living word of victory, for God gave us that victory through Jesus for everything in this present life, Speak forth the word. I have victory in all situations by the blood of Jesus, who defeated my enemies, Keep speaking forth the victory until it later arises in your life, don’t stop speaking, victory is mine. Now!
Dwell on this; the ‘’word of God is alive,’’ that means ‘’every word is alive’’ with living power and it is ‘’active’’ that means it is doing things as it is being spoken out of our mouths into the atmosphere, it is full it is energetic, vigorous, full of life, dynamic, the ‘’word of God is alive,’’ that means ‘’every word is alive’’ every single word is vigorous and doing something supernatural in and around us who believe, that every word in scripture is still breathing doing something. It never stops or dies.
We need to keep studying this word and praise it with prayer in our hearts; for the lord just showed me a new way of praying.
As I prayed with my wife’s painful and restless legs, I felt led to go to the scripture on enlarging righteousness and the meaning of righteousness and what enlarges righteousness and it means peace and joy; so I spoke to Rose about this new revelation I just found for me, and as I spoke those living words, about righteous and its affects and results, and as I laid my hands Rose’s feet waiting to say a prayer for healing, the results were instantaneously her legs were freed from pain instantly and her legs stopped their restlessness. And I didn’t even get to pray;
Wow! Glory to God for righteousness and the fact his word is alive and active in me as I spoke the effects of righteousness, and spoke of the results of righteousness to Rose; and as I explained righteousness results and effects to her, I could feel her ready to rest in the spirit as she was filled with the effects of righteousness peace, and joy, and she was also stressed out over something that happened to one of our daughters today and it was replaced with the joy of the lord and quietness and trust for ever
17 And the ‘’effect’’ of righteousness will be peace and the ‘’result’’ of righteousness, quietness and trust for ever.
The kingdom of God is within you, and it does not matter, what you eat or drink, for that affects only your flesh body, but the peace and joy in the Holy Spirit that is what is needed inside, in your spirit; so that when trouble comes, and it will, you know where to turn to for peace and joy in the midst of it. I never realised that with righteousness came peace and joy, and it also receives human approval. In other words men will see that you belong to God for his peace and joy is upon you at all times for the kingdom of God is within you.
17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18 because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and receives human approval
Speak the word of healing {life} out into the air around you and to your spirit within you; proclaim the word of God in faith no matter what it feels like, remembering there is living power and authority in that ‘living word’ as you speak in faith the word of the lord in agreement. Speak victory in agreement with the living word of God; speak what God says is victory for you because I have given you everything you need.
God spoke the words and look what happened! Creation came into being, universes were brought forth, awesome planets and stars and galaxies were all at the words of the Almighty living God just happened. God did not just speak one word but many words, let’s look at Genesis, in a moment, and see what happened.
That ‘living word’ still exists, for without the power of the ‘living word’ of our infinite God, all would collapse and fall down around us; universes and galaxies and planets would fall from their place in the heavens. Everything would cease to exist. When we speak forth the ‘living word’ in scripture the same thing happens if spoken in agreement with the ‘living word.’ God gave us power in the words we speak.
That word spoken by God in the beginning has in it; change, increase and multiplicity, bringing forth new creations as time passes, billions of years have passed and still the universes revolve in their systems, things change and stars die and we see them as shooting stars; the cosmos interacts with itself moving and growing and always changing, and the living word of our creator is what keeps those things happening. We have to keep bringing ourselves to remember the ‘’word of God is the living word’’ and this ‘living word’ is actually alive and not only ‘alive but active’ in all things into which it is spoken; and the living word is God, no matter which word he speaks, whether it is to say you are holy in his sight, Ephesians 1 4 or that you are filled with the Godhead, his words taken one at a time, never change, they are forever alive. God will never say something he does not mean.
We need to meditate that the living word of God is actually ‘still alive’ it didn’t die after it was written down, and we need to realise that the living word is actually God himself, for ‘’he is his word’’ for ‘’his word is alive and active’’ and so we need to come to spiritual terms that God is alive in his living word. You cannot separate God from his word as if they were something detached to be addressed, no you have to acknowledge that he is still alive, he never died, his word is still alive, for his word is still him, for his word to be still alive then his word has to be still flowing from his mouth as he breathes, he brings forth his word to do what he designed it to do and his word is not like our word and then we have to take a breath again; his word is one long never ending breath, he is God the immeasurable infinite God who speaks forth his word into the things he sends it and it stays there a living breath until it connects with the thing or person, and is fulfilled, and then it returns to him having accomplished what it was supposed to do.
That’s one long breath you may be saying, true, but we do not know how God breathes, we know he has a breath for his word says scripture is breathed by God.
16 All Scripture is
breathed out by God
profitable for teaching,
for correction,
and for
training in righteousness,
that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Look at this scripture this word of the living God; all scripture {God’s word} is breathed out by God, when does he breathe it in again? Only when it accomplishes what it is breathed out to do; that is an awesome incredible long breath that God takes. For instance he spoke the word, breathed out the creation of the universes and planets and solar systems and still those solar systems are still evolving just as earth is still evolving, that’s some breath.
And as we study this scripture from 2 Timothy 3 16 we see something else concerning righteousness once again; there has to be something incredible about righteousness for I have written about 10 books on different aspects of it
and in this book I see again even more on righteousness; it is used for our training in righteousness. God’s word is profitable, for teaching and we are being taught in this little book even more on righteousness.
All scripture is breathed out by God, man didn’t make it up as some say, ‘’the bible is written by man and man makes mistakes,’’ I have heard this even from a daughter of mine, she is wrong of course, for when it comes to the word of God no matter what you may think about this, all scripture is breathed out by God! Man just wrote it down at God’s request, and God made sure they didn’t spell it wrong or write it out of context.
I can say I have this experience many, many times, even in writing this book for I write down words that I never even heard of before, or if I did, I never knew them, for I had no school education, I spent almost three years in bed through being paralyzed by rheumatic fever, and missed those years off of school. When I returned to school they placed me is the same class that I was in; and I placed cream on my eyes claiming that I couldn’t see very well and they gave me drawings to do to pass the time, I returned to school to find that the class had three years learning past me, and I never caught up with them. I left school almost ignorant, but I have heard stories of God teaching people how to read and write, and to learn languages they just couldn’t learn in the timeframe they had; God is God without limits.
God’s patience is marvellous with us, for he is always trying to teach us and now through righteousness.
We must believe the living God no matter what this world or man tries to teach us, and sad some pastors don’t know the truth in the living word and will try and dissuade you from learning truth, but the word is full of truth and if prayed about and studied over it will come alive to you.
Speak forth the living word ‘’I am being trained in righteousness!’’
Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us
4 Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make us
holy in his eyes
without a
we who stand before him covered with his love. 5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us. And he did this because he wanted to!
This scripture gives us great insight into the mind and word of God; for see it says that ‘’long ago,’’ ‘’even before he made the world,’’ God chose us, how could God chose us, sure we were not even in existence, ‘no we were not,’ yet ‘’we were in the mind of the Almighty immeasurable God,’’ the God who speaks to us in his own divine word. And whose word is still alive today. And he made us holy in his eyes; for one thing; he covered us with his love, for another ‘’he made us without a single fault,’’ this word of his never changes, so what should we declare forth out of our mouths? I am useless, no good, unworthy, a sinner or should you speak forth what God speaks of you I am holy, sinless precious in his eyes forever forgiven and sins forgotten, as he is then so am I in this world.
Speak forth the word I am ‘’holy in his eyes,’’
Speak forth the word I am ‘’without a ‘’single’’ fault’’
Speak forth the word I am covered with his love.
This is just some of the things you and I need to declare out of our mouths in agreement with the word of God for the enemy will try and deceive you in these things, we need to know ‘’who we are and what God says about us’’ in his written living word. There is more understanding given later on for these and other things we need to speak forth.
Never argue with God for he knows best, if God said it, he means it, and we should never contradict him, yet we constantly do, we claim to be sinners when he saved us, and made us righteous, {in right standing with God} and we claim to be unworthy when he made us worthy; we claim to be of no value or worth, to be useless, like dog crap on the sole of someone’s foot. When he says, ‘’he made us in his own divine image;’’ think of it, you are insulting the creator of all
telling the creator that what he made was useless. How could
divine image
other negative things we and others say about us, what an insult that is to a divine perfect living creator; for in the beginning he looked at everything
or useless or sinners
was pleased by it for it was good. See for yourself
The Beginning
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
6 And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.
9 And God said, “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so.
11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.
14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years,15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so.
20 And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.” 21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teem, and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning the sixth day.
God spoke not just one word as many think, no! He spoke many words, but the fact remains he spoke forth the words out of his mouth and all things came into being and still exist and still change as time passes, but it is that living word that breathing word, that breath of God that keeps things moving and changing.
Look around you when God spoke the world into being he spoke the plants and the trees 11 Then God ‘’said,’’ “Let the land produce vegetation: seed bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. Those trees, plants, and vegetation, all are still growing, though many of them have changed shape or changed in size or changed in structure; they are still alive for you and me; that word that spoke all these things did not stop at just those original plants or trees, all life in this form were spoken into being by that living breathing word of God for those things are still in abundance, and please don’t say, that they spurted out their own seeds and grew from them, for it is God who gives seed, ‘’ even to the plants and trees;’’ if he hadn’t spoken those things into life and thought about their future then they would have just lasted a season; for God is the life giver; his word is still alive in everything. This is what separates us from the animals, for we know that the ‘’living word is the living God himself’’ and when we realise the two are entwined in intimate settings we will never ever forget, for revelation has been given to us by our Father God. When we go to speak something important, we will remember, that what we speak has ‘’divine life or death’’ in it and so we will carefully give thought to what we are about to say for we now know the importance of ‘living words’ that we produce from our mouths. And so another lesson learned and hopefully practiced.
Before God created anything he gave a lot of thought to it. I don’t believe that he just spouted out, ‘’let there be, and so it was.’’ No, he gave thought to you and me and to a devil that would try and usurp him and try to destroy his new creation that was in his mind to create. God may have spoken to Lucifer and shared his thoughts, we will never know, maybe he did and that’s when Lucifer changed inside and planned to destroy us because of his jealousy, for God told the angels that they would minister to us weaker human beings. He, a superior being, the top angel in all of heaven, the most powerful being apart from the Holy Trinity God, ‘he’ would serve these weaklings, ‘’ never, no way!’’
When you read the word, remember, you are not just reading one word but multiple words, so you see God did not just speak one single word and everything came into being
When God declares you to be joined together with his Son Jesus as one spirit, whom should you believe, him, or the enemy, who says you’re worthless or worse?
Were coming now to the most important basics of the living word, of our living God
In the following word, have a good close look at all the different
that God has spoken about you; I have highlighted them in different colours to show how important those
are, for they are
living words
life giving words, under our authority and power, that we need to speak forth to give God his deserved glory, and also to let our spirit know, what and who we are in
union with, and in Christ Jesus.
Then we need to speak forth those words in agreement with the
living breathing word of our God.
Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the ‘’same ’’ ‘’new life’’ with which He quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His favour and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation).
The complexity of the words God spoke in this living word that we read right now is something so much beyond our human understanding and we would never see this truth unless the Father has ordained it for you the reader to share in his betterment for you. Let’s take this word apart a bit at a time and see the living truth in it for us the believer, remember you have a choice to make here, do you accept it and believe it no matter what or how complex it seems to be, or do you reject it, as way out, something only space cadets believe? Choice is yours, but remember something, this is ‘’not my living word’’
but the ‘living word of God’ who says the same thing in your bible, maybe a slight difference in each bible translation, but the basic message is the same.
We can speak forth the truth into the divine living word and ask for understanding as we chose to believe, or simply shut up and turn away from it, but the truth is you will be confronted with the word as you try and read your bible, as you see in many scriptures that we are joined together to Jesus or in him or with him or through him; all meaning the same, that ‘’we are in him’’ whether we chose to believe it or not, The word never changes, so let’s take a sample at a time to read.
He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ;
I think I may have given the meaning earlier on, or after I re read this little book to proof read it I’m not sure but I will give the dictionary meaning to the words
Alive means living, breathing, energetic, and active. The word together means, to be jointly, cooperatively, as one, mutually, collectively, and simultaneously; fellowship means to have companionship, partnership, association, camaraderie, and in union means to be amalgamation, combination, blending, coming together, joining together, unification, and merger; and the word ‘’with,’’ means, by means of, by, through, by way of, in the midst of, in the company of,=Jesus
The word spoken over you by God is ‘first of all alive’ and ‘living in you’ through ‘Jesus Christ lord and saviour’ and it by his choice he chose you to share with him all, that he is.
[He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the ‘’same ’’ ‘’new life’’ with which He quickened Him,
Look intently at these words; for it is ‘’God, the Almighty, immeasurable incomprehensible God, who spoke them about us, do we believe him? That is a good question, do we believe what the infinite God says about us.
I’m just watching the funeral of a young man go by, who hung himself, for he thought there was nothing else in this life to help him; and he felt that he had no hope. No one ever told him about Jesus or God, or the true God who loved him with infinite love. How many funerals will go by you or me before we share
with as many people as possible this infinite promise of God that they too could share in their God, the same new life he is offering?
How often do we demonstrate the power of this living God to the world; the devil demonstrates his power of broken promises and lies and deceits and hopelessness and people listen. Few listen to a gospel without power and signs and wonders, for few demonstrate this in the area where they live. Many are like this young man here in Derry; for this is known as suicide city, so many young men and women have taken their lives in this city; without a sign of a miracle working God active and alive in it; we have lots of forms of religion, but no showing God, and all that religion breeds, is hopelessness and lifelessness and in this country, hatred and bitterness.
We have been called to go into this world, ‘’the streets around us,’’ to show forth and to speak forth, the wonder working power of a divine God whom miracles are just a part of his personality.
Partakers of Christ’s salvation) God made us ‘’partakers of Christ’s salvation.’’ And the word ‘partake,’ means to participate, share, contribute, involve yourself in, play a part, assist, and join,
All this from just one tiny scripture; and ninety nine percent of Christians don’t have a clue as to, who or what they are, and they live a dead life never doing anything for Jesus or God. They feel this is all religion but the word of the living God is not religion but power life and happiness like you never felt before; how many young people would love to experience the wonder working power of God through them
Speak forth this living word of that total scripture that I just gave you from his living word, go to your own bible and see for yourself that this is true in that word also, so it means that ‘’they also are made alive in Christ Jesus’’ and that they are together and in fellowship and in union and are made the very same as Jesus and are partakers in Christ’s salvation.
My heart grieves to know that most Christians don’t know any of this for their teachers are just not walking in awesome power displaying the mightiness of
their God who dwells in them, wanting to show forth his divine power given to them by his being inside them, so how will they ever know.
This scripture is just one of multiple scripture that speak of what God done for us and who we are in him and the power we have within us that needs releasing to this world.
The young woman this young man was to marry next week is probably devastated by what her boyfriend done. I’m sure she feels, why couldn’t he talk to me, why didn’t he share with me what is wrong with him, and what was driving him to suicide; did he not love me enough or trust me enough to share his despair with me, how sad my heart feels for her; in her now impossible situation, she will carry with her this burden all her life, unless she meets with Jesus and receives his healing power into her poor heart.
Who is going to tell her about Jesus? The dead church she is going to lay him to rest in this morning, before going to his burial? Will the man who stands performing the service even know Jesus as living God in him, or will he spout rubbish out of his mouth talking about the bible without having the power within. Speaking forth rubbish that will never give understanding to the truth of why this young man took his life; will he even mention that it is the devil who caused this young man’s death, who filled him with despair giving him no hope, or will he speak of Jesus who died for him so that he could have life to the full, giving the congregation this truth; so that they in turn would come to God and to Jesus as lord. I doubt that Jesus would even get a mention for I have been too many funerals in this particular church, and Jesus is never mentioned even in their daily, or Sunday services, sadly they don’t know Jesus personally.
I am sorry that I got sidetracked or did I? What power do you have? at least I lay hands on the sick, I tell people about Jesus, I share with them about the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I tell them that they are not unworthy or useless but are amazing children of an amazing God who loved them so much he sent his son to die for their sins; and they don’t have to worry about getting into heaven for Jesus took them there in their spirit, and that is where they are seated right now.
Do you tell them any of this? If you did, then glory to God. I share with you as a brother or sister in Christ Jesus, as one in union with the saviour of this world. I brag not in me but in Christ Jesus who is ‘’living his new life in me,’’ and it is ‘’his new life in me’’ that has done these things, I seemed to brag of. I am what God
made me and I know that and give him glory, I am not ashamed of my God or him of me.
God’s word spoken out into the universes before the world began and is now passing by, pausing to see if I will ‘’speak forth faith in his word with ‘’his word,’’ into his passing ‘’living word,’’ thereby stopping that living breathing word in its tracts, so that it can now return to ‘God who watches over his word to perform it and make it alive now for you.’
I am always learning amazing things in God’s word as he enlightens me for his glory and for my good. I can’t sit idle while young men and women take their lives because they do not know my God, and why older people live a life in silent despair in joyless rooms.
You my friend can do amazing things for your God for he filled you with his power to do so and I pray that you will learn to trust him and so step out sharing with others the living word who is God.
If you even share with one poor soul Jesus offer of salvation then there is much joy among the angels in heaven, as the word tells us and so you have done something amazing for God.
In the same way, I tell you, there is joy among God's angels when one sinner repents."
Look at the joy you create in heaven awesome isn’t it, and if you shared with ‘’even one more,’’ that joy increases; go tell your mum, or dad or brother or sister or friend or someone living in the streets the love that God has for them and the desire that he wants them to come to heaven. For he has forgiven their sins; and all he asks is that you invite him into your life as your lord and saviour. You cause dancing and singing in heaven rejoicing with millions of angels because of you.
Since writing this part of this book; I have approached a local bar to ask for the use of their function room to hold healing services in, and on Monday the fifteen of September I held my first, and all who came was saved, and all received their healing. All were baptised in the Holy Spirit and all spoke in tongues. All of them felt the presence and power of God on them as they stood resting in the Holy Spirit.
One young girl had spinal bifida and could walk a little bit with the help of a stroller, she told me she wanted to be able to run, when she was receiving prayer the lord spoke to me and said,
tell he she is not fully healed yet but that he wanted her to run up and down the room.
I took her out on to the floor and we began walking up and down the room first of all, and it was a long room then the lord said,
begin running,
and she and I ran up and down that room; whilst running she told me she never ran in her life before and she could not walk without having her head looking down, and she wished to run with her head up, so I told her to lift her eyes up to Jesus and to thank him as we ran with her head raised, and she done so, all glory belongs to God and when we sat down again I explained that God said, ‘’he wasn’t finished with her yet; and she said she felt like someone had a finger inside her feet moving things about, everyone was delighted to be a witness to a miracle, and to their own miracles as all pain left their bodies. I am having another service again on the thirteenth of October.
When I asked people could I place a small poster in the window of their shop, and afterwards when taking them down again; they asked me what it was about, and I explained salvation and healing to them they asked for prayer and the lord healed another sixteen people including two American friends of ours, who came to Ireland for a visit, and I was telling my sisters about what I was doing in the Bogside inn. We were out for a meal with them in a local Chinese restaurant; and the Americans asked what it was I was doing; when I told them, they both asked for prayer.
Glenda had an accident where she lost her foot and when the surgeon put it back on he put it on wrong, for it was fixed at ten past twelve, whilst her undamaged foot was fixed at twelve, if you can understand, she also had
surgery on her right arm and had two knee replacements and a new hip all of which were giving he lots of pain. Jesus healed all of them including straightening her foot to the twelve o clock position, and turning it around as it was also twisted.
Mike heard about the meeting in the Bogside Inn and asked for prayer; he hasn’t stood straight in about twelve years and was in lots of pain in his legs and hips, the lord Jesus healed him in minutes and he stood up to see if there was any pain and his wife declared, ‘’Mike your standing up straight;’’ she was amazed and kept saying it and his brother came over and stood in front of him and proclaimed that he was taller than him again. As we were saying our goodbyes to our American friends, mike began walking and he walked at an amazing speed in front of us, before hand he was the last to follow walking real slow, now he was practically running, he was about two meters in front of us all.
All this is because I listened to a message in the book, ‘’live before you die by Daniel Kolende.’’ To go preach the word and heal the sick and do it now today, when I did this God is faithful he comes along side of you healing as you share forth his word.
One last person who received healing was a friend called Tom in America I promised his wife that I would call him and pray with him for serious back pain. The only place I could get privacy in my home was in the toilet; as there were others in the house. So I was sitting on the toilet and rang him and he was healed instantly by Jesus. This is the great God we serve he doesn’t care that I was on the toilet, he honours our prayers.
All glory belongs to our loving Father Jesus and his wonder working Holy Spirit!
We have never understood the multiplicity of the word of a living God who speaks living words; it is not enough that we speak of ourselves as children of God but to actualise the fact that you really are children of a living infinite God who claims to be your father.
We can say, ‘’God is my father,’’ but we don’t truly believe what we say; for we give little thought to what we speak. Think of this, ‘‘we say that ‘’God’’ ‘’is my father,’’ if that is so then what does that make you? His child, ‘’really,’’ God’s
child, so you claim to be a child of the ‘living God’ who is your father so then why don’t you act on it, and show us your miracle working power of a child of God; we say things but don’t believe them.
Speak forth God is my father and I know it.
God is the one who answers prayer and so if he is your true father, then why do you feel he never listens to you or to your prayers? And why feel so unworthy to be in his company; he is after all your dad, and his claim is that he loves you, so why act like he is so far away from you, and is never there when you seriously need him. He lives inside of you with Jesus and the Holy Spirit, so he can never leave you alone, even though it seems like it at times. This is deception by the devil to make you feel like God has deserted you. Just remind yourself that you are filled with the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Then speak in tongues reassuring yourself that God hasn’t gone anywhere.
Did you ever stop to think that God made you his child for a reason; he created you to be victorious in everything for he already gave you the victory over every circumstance through your elder brother Jesus, and all you need do is believe it, and come against the situation with ‘’living power in your words.’’ Speaking forth the word of the living God in whose words power and authority lay.
Victory is in your words, for your words have life in them and combined with the living word of the living breathing God they have awesome power in them
Romans 8:37 king James
The ‘’victory is already yours ’’ "Nay, in all these things ‘’we are’’ ‘’more than conquerors’’ through himthatlovedus."
Victory is in speaking forth what Jesus done in your situation, and don’t move from it; giving praise and thanks to God for it. When Jesus said, ‘’it is finished ’’ On that cross on Calvary he meant everything was done, not just salvation, he did the whole lot; there is nothing left that he hasn’t done.
Sad to say, we Christians do not believe him once again, or we would be walking in victory in every avenue of his glorious word, which we always forget, is ‘’alive’’ when we speak it into a situation. The victory is alive for the victory is already ours; it is spoken of in the living word of the living God. ‘’we are’’ ‘’more than conquerors’’ the word ‘’ are ’’ means that something has already happened. Romans 8:37 king James; The ‘’victory is already yours ’’ ’’Already’’ meaning it has happened.
And even future victory is done for us by Jesus, victory is refusing to believe the devils lies about sickness and diseases and battles and suffering and sorrow in our lives. Jesus said it is done but do we believe him come on now do you really believe him in all he done for us; do we believe the power he claims to have given us over the devil sickness, and diseases, and even death, do we believe him? Only you can tell if you do or do not; sadly I have to admit I find it hard to believe when I am in so much pain and it just doesn’t go away no matter what I do. But I chose to believe him anyway for his word is alive and true no matter what my body feels.
I know that I did not approach things from the perspective that they are already defeated, done and dusted by Jesus for me, and all I need to do to walk in victory is to resist the devil, knowing the truth of the ‘’living,’’ ‘’alive and active,’’ word of the ‘’living active’’ and ‘’moving God’’ who dwells in me in the Trinity.
Your victory is alive in the living word of God your victory is not alive in a dead empty religious book, which the word of God is not; but if not believed then it becomes just that for you, just have to actualise it, Jesus won that victory He didn’t just win it but he destroyed the devils power and authority over you and me, he stripped him of all power, he is always naked before God and us because Jesus stripped him naked as the day he was created, now he is nothing, he has been brought to naught by his victor Jesus Christ who is actually living inside you, joined together with and in union in you as one spirit. What we need to keep remembering is, that the living word over the devil and all his followers, is alive and active keeping him bound and all his forces bound also in that living spoken forth word of Almighty God in you.
The living word says it so; so say what the living word of God in you says, don’t ever agree with the devil for he is a liar.
Jesus paid for our sins, and gave us salvation, for his word is alive, and we must keep in mind this, the ‘’word is alive living breathing and active’’ forever, it never stops moving, it is full of life, and when it confronts the enemy it shouts ‘’victory!” Be gone in Jesus name!
{Actualise means to verb (used with object), actualized, actualizing. To make actual or real; turn into action or fact} {dictionary.}
You do not sit still and just take what the devil placed upon you or your family, you have divine power and authority over him you just have to actualise that by action turning it into the truth, fact!
Whinging about our health and problems
Whinging about our health and problems will never bring a solution to it; it in effect will make it worse, for when you speak forth the devils words, you give them the right to abide in you in the form of sickness and disease.
Speak forth the living powerful awesome incredible infinite word of the living God in you, life and death are in the power of the tongue remember those who eat it brings either ‘’life or death,’’ the fruit thereof; stop saying what the devil would have you speak in agreement with him, for remember the word of God says if two or more agree as touching anything on this earth it will be done for you.
19 “Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in Heaven.
If you speak forth and agree with the devil, God has no choice but to make it happen; God is bound by his divine word he cannot go back on his word no matter what it is, for his word is set in heaven and cannot be changed; no matter if it is in agreement with the devil; he cannot change his word; for his word will work for an unbeliever, or for the devil, if he can get you to agree with him in anything, that if two of you shall agree on earth where is the devil, { Genesis, cast down to earth.} That is why you will give an account for every idle, unproductive useless word you speak, for the devil has you where he wants you agreeing with him and he is mocking God for he knows that God is bound by his divine living word to allow or to do what you agreed with between you and the devil.
Your mouth is alive and in it is held ‘’life or death’’ , take authority over your mouth and train it to speak only the living words of the living God in you, and you will see an amazing increase of blessings coming your way.
Your mouth holds the living words of the living God in it, so remember if you speak in agreement with him; he also has to perform his word for you just as he has to perform it for you and the devil, if agreed sincerely.
We are forever speaking wrong words and suffer the effects of those words in our lives and in our bodies and mind; we do not act like the ‘’word of God is alive’’ in us and for us when spoken in agreement with the ‘living word’ of father God. The words we spoke a while ago are having an effect on our bodies now this present moment, for we spoke pain and sickness and disasters and failure and these things happened ; remember when God talked with Job, he spoke these words; ‘’what I feared has happened.
25 for the thing which I greatly feared have come upon me, and that which I was afraid of have come unto me.
Job spoke forth these words, and in God’s presence, ‘he still said them’
God gave us the present and the future as you now know, and the words we spoke yesterday’s became the fruit of today; we are reaping the negative words we spoke and complained of in the past and time brought them into the present as pain and suffering and disease or disaster. Look at Job’s words, even before God he still complained, and God hates complaining, so his word says, learn from Job and learn to shut up saying wrong words speak life even if you do not feel like it speak it anyway for you will reap the fruit of the words you speak.
10 Nor discontentedly complain as some of them did and were put out of the way entirely by the destroyer (death).
God hates complaining for it is mostly against him that we complain; and I know from just printing this scripture that I personally have complained to God and before him, and if possible behind his back even. For which I have never repented until now.
Join with me if you also have complained and never realised.
Father in heaven forgive me for my complaining for it was against you and your living word, that I have complained; I repent, and promise, with your grace and help, I will end my complaining, and instead give thanks and praise for what is truth in your word, in Jesus name. I ask you that you would break every negative word that I have spoken in my life as only you can. I repent of those unproductive words and ask that you place them into your sea of forgetfulness, and I ask you to help me change the way I speak
Look what happened to those who complained against God like we do, they were destroyed by the destroyer, 10 and were put out of the way entirely by the destroyer (death).
Is it different now than it was then? No we still complain, but thank God we have received mercy in these days; for now today, we have accepted Jesus as our lord and saviour and because of this grace God does not allow the destroyer to come and destroy us, and because of the grace of Jesus in us we have been spared, but still some have complained so much that they broke the hedge around them and by the power of their ‘’own words’’ they have let the devil in so he could destroy them. It is time to learn a lesson from the scriptures in this book; for God is being gracious to us, the believer, who didn’t know the effect of the things we said, and has given us time now to repent, to turn away from negative words and speak only life giving words.
Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who sow negative will reap a negative harvest a harvest of destruction. The words we speak today are the fruits of tomorrow. Today God sets before us life and death chose which one we will follow Deuteronomy 30 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
15 “See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and evil 16 If you obey the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you this day, by loving the LORD your God, by walking in his ways, and by keeping his commandments and his statutes and his ordinances, then you shall live and multiply, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land which you are entering to take possession of it. 17 But if your heart turns away, and you will not hear, but are drawn away to worship other gods and serve them, 18 I declare to you this day, that you shall perish; you shall not live long in the land which you are going over the Jordan to enter and possess. 19 I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live,20 loving the LORD your God, obeying his voice, and cleaving to him; for that means life to you and length of days, that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.”
God spoke those words to the Israelites, but those words also follow us, we have the same ingredient in them, ‘’life or death’’ and that is by our choosing not by God’s choosing for us. This scripture was brought into the New
Testament and, 1 Corinthians 3 22 say, ‘’life and death’’ ‘’are your servants’, giving you the choice again to do the will of God or not. God wants us to choose life and all that it endears and the enemy wants you choosing death by listening to him, and doing as he wills for you to do, satisfying yourself with your own wants and desires and not surrendering your wants and desires over to God and seeking his plans for our lives. But the choice is entirely yours to make, no one but you can make this decision for you, it is for you alone to make the right choice.
There are more words than one word, God’s word has power beyond anything you could ever imagine; can you stop and give thought to this, God made creatures so small that they need a microscope to see them, and he made a universe so large that man could never travel through it in his lifetime even if he had spaceships that could travel at the speed of light.
I personally believe that we have been deceived in how we address the ‘’word of the living God,’’ we say this is the ‘word of God’ and that is not quite true, there are more words than one word, and there are millions of words that God spoke in the bible. The Bible to me is the living words of the living God who spoke them, and those words are alive and sparkling with living divine energy, full of supernatural power. We rarely think of God as ‘’super supernatural,’’ we are inclined to think of him as ~’just God.’~ And we are inclined to just let what God made us, slide by us like a sleigh on a snow bound hill.
When we approach the ‘’living word of God,’’ do we approach it like it is the ‘’living word’’ of ‘Almighty God’ in whom we have been formed in his own divine image, I doubt that for most of us, otherwise we would be doing miracle after miracle for we would know who we are in him.
Victory is in your mouth, speak forth the ‘’living word,’’ knowing it is alive when you speak it into your situation.
Why is it important to speak forth the word, it is important because you are a child of God who faces enemies daily; enemies who are supernatural beings who have the power of lies; the power to get us to accept sickness and diseases, and even death, even though God, through Jesus laid claim to your healing, well being, and health, through Jesus destroying those things on the cross on Calvary, and yet we don’t believe him. If you’re sick, or in pain as I am at the moment, then in reality we don’t believe him, and what he done in his written word to us
Recently I had a healing service in a bar and the lord healed everyone who came. The next morning I had an attack from the enemy and I had sciatica in my left leg and muscle pain. I knew of course where all this pain came from; it was kick back from the enemy and was not a pain of my own. For the last week and a half I have been suffering terrible in my back, leg, and hip and down my leg, combined with swollen muscles and I began taking pain killers immediately, forgetting the word of God, because of the amount of pain I was in. I focused on the pain and tried to rebuke the enemy but without conviction because the pain was so severe I could not think straight.
Pain does this to us it takes all focus away from God and what Jesus did for us, that’s why Satan has his demons or spirits inflict us so much, so we give glory to them while pain lasts; and in a twisted way he receives glory for what he caused, pain gets the attention not Jesus.
The other day the lord reminded me that I am healed no matter what my body feels, for his word is divine truth, and it has begun to sink into me that the word of God is alive with living power and even though I am writing this book about speaking forth I was speaking out pain, pain, pain! I was telling my wife Rose how bad the pain was constantly, and she even sent me to bed early because of all my complaining was just getting on her nerves.
When the lord began awakening me to get my eyes off of my pain and back onto Jesus, the pain is still there and the nerves are swollen, but I now have my eyes back on what Jesus done for me; ‘’he paid for my sins,’’ which I know very well, and that he also paid for my ‘’sickness and diseases.’’
How easy it is to believe for me, and probably you the reader, to believe that Jesus paid for our sins, but how easy is it to also believe that he paid for our
sickness and disease as well, ‘’we don’t feel sins with our feelings,’’ we know through faith, because we belong to Jesus they are forgiven. But sickness and pain ‘’are different’’ because we ‘’feel’’ them with our flesh body, we compromise with the enemy who keeps us focused on the flesh part of us instead of the spiritual side which is felt by faith.
There is no difference between ‘’Jesus took our sins and paid for them,’’ and ‘’Jesus took our sickness and paid for them also,’’ there is absolutely no difference between those words, yet we have allowed a large chasm to fill the gap between his words for us, and as I said, there was and is not, a gap between those words, we have allowed the devil to deceive us into allowing that chasm to take place, but now it is time to close that chasm by faith in the living word of our living God who watches over his own word to fulfil it, it will never return to him void.
Jesus paid for my sins and he also paid for my sickness and diseases, pain and suffering, by his own precious blood, in that time he spent on the cross dying in severe pain, and then he died with our sins and our sickness on his body which was put to death by his death. He didn’t arise again with sickness or sin in his body; no! He arose with a new body of which you became a part of In this new body of which we are a part of, ‘’the spiritual body’’ there is no sin in it nor sickness and disease in it.
It wasn’t just my sins he paid for, but my sickness and diseases, pain and suffering. He suffered tremendous pain and torment in his body so that I could be free from it.
If Jesus paid for my sins, sickness, pain and diseases and it was all placed on his body and crucified and died with him, well then ‘’whose sickness, pain suffering am I carrying now.’’ Mine died on the cross on Calvary according to the ‘’living word’’ of the ‘’living God,’’ so then that means the devil managed to convince me that the pain and sickness and disease was somehow or another mine, and logically that can’t be true, for Jesus killed mine on the cross.
I have been deceived since I was a child to accept suffering sickness and pain and disease that belonged to Satan, the devil! That was the Catholic church’s teaching and I grew up with the mentality that somehow or other I was a miserable mistake that God made in creating me for I was a terrible sinner, and as a young child I developed heart trouble and rheumatic fever, I was paralysed three times with this disease and was always in severe pain all my life. I lived in terrible ‘’guilt’’ from sin, feeling it just couldn’t be forgiven, and that is the
church’s fault, for when I went to confession with the school, everyone outside the confession box heard each other trying to whisper their sins to the priest, so we could hear what one another said. So when it came to my turn with my terrible sins, I tried to speak very low and the priest roared at me and said, ‘‘what are you trying to hide boy,’’ speak up.’ I never told a sin since that day I lied every time I was forced to go to confession with the other kids so I always told the same easy sins right up until I was an adult.
I believe that the guilt I felt was the opening the devil needed to insert disease into my body
Have you also been deceived into accepting sickness and disease, suffering and pain that does not really belong to you?
The truth of the living word is that ‘’Jesus paid for every sin and paid for my sickness and disease and died for them,’’ and they ‘’died with him on Calvary.’’
The disease and pain we feel does not come from God, and is a lie, and deception that needs to be rebuked, and stood against every day we are suffering, for our spirit needs to know that sin and sickness and not of ourselves but a lie told to us by very evil clever spirits, sent to torment us and to get us to accept these lies.
We must speak forth the truth of the word of God over these evil things. Speak forth Jesus paid for my sins and paid for my sickness and diseases!
The words that you and I speak have life in them so don’t speak wrong words, speak what God spoke over you; ‘’life and death are in the power of the tongue;’’ remember there is living power in the words that we speak forth consistently.
In the word of the living God there are things that God speaks about us that most don’t grasp or understand, and so I want to go back over them to show you what you need to speak forth every day until those living words go down into your spirit and become a part of the ‘’living word’’ in you.
The first thing that I would bring back to mind is the scripture, the ‘’living word’’ of the ‘’living God.’’ I keep highlighting the ‘’living word’’ of the ’’living God,’’ for your benefit and mine, for it is so easy for the enemy to steal it from us, for the word says, ‘he is a thief who comes to steal kill and destroy,’ and it is you he is intent on destroying, so you need to know and understand, and to believe by
choice, {faith} that the Bible is the actual ‘’living words of the living God.’’ He is what he says he is.
Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in ‘’union with Christ; ’’ [He gave ‘’ us ’’ the very life of Christ Himself, the ‘’same new life’’ with which He quickened Him, for] it is by grace (His favour and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made ‘’partakers of Christ’s salvation)’’
The first thing every believer need is to understand is that the ‘’word is alive’’ for you to speak forth in agreement with God’s own written word.
What did God say? He said, ‘’He’’ made ‘’us’’ alive ‘’together’’ in ‘’fellowship’’ and in ‘’union’’ with ‘’Christ;’’
Look at the implicitly words of what God is saying to us the believer; ‘’he, God himself’’ made ‘’us alive together,’’ and the word ‘’together’’ means ‘’jointly, as one, ’’ ‘’collectively, simultaneously, with Jesus,’’ those few words change for me the fundamentals for the word ‘’together,’’ for that word is the ‘’written word of the living God.’’ It has enormous power and authority in it. For it means that you and I and Jesus as joint partners work together as one. The devil does not want you knowing this, for this is not theology that I am teaching you but the rudiment truths of the living word, and it is there for a purpose.
Then his living word says in “fellowship,’’ and the word fellowship means that we are in, ‘’partnership, association, camaraderie, friendship,’’ with Jesus, and that ‘’living word,’’ never changes. We have to digest the ‘’living word’’ to begin to believe what the lord our God is saying to us his children, who have the same DNA as he does, and you need to dwell on that statement for a while.
Then he says, ‘’we are in union in Christ Jesus,’’ and in ‘’union’’ with ‘’Christ The word ‘’union’’ that God chose deliberately to speak has great significance for us the believer. Union means an amalgamation, combination, blending, coming together, unification, and merger
All these words are saying much the same; so God knew that those words believed, have great power to change us and our thinking, and of course our speaking forth the word, for the ‘’word is alive’’ and active ‘’like a two edged sword.’’
Speak forth the word, yes the living truthful word of God for there are far more precious secretes in that scripture than you even know, for when God joins you ‘’together with and in’’ ‘’Christ Jesus,’’ he actually does that; so you and Jesus are ‘’one being,’’ spiritually; for scripture says if a man joins himself together with a prostitute they become ‘’one flesh;’’ but if he gives himself to Christ Jesus they become ‘’one spirit in him ’’
1 Corinthians 6 15 Amplified Bible (AMP)
15 Do you not see and know that your bodies are members (bodily parts) of Christ (the Messiah)? Am I therefore to take the parts of Christ and make [them] parts of a prostitute? Never! Never! 16 Or do you not know and realize that when a man joins himself to a prostitute, he becomes one body with her? The two, it is written, shall become one flesh.
17 But the person who is united to the Lord becomes ‘’one spirit with Him.’’
God is asking, do you not know by now, that your bodies, those who have given themselves to Christ Jesus, are members of Christ’s Jesus the Messiah’s bodily parts. He says about giving your body to a prostitute, or to another woman or man, not necessarily just a prostitute; that you two become ‘one flesh’ joined together for as long as you live, unless cut off from you by his power, by cutting the spiritual cords from both of you or from many, depending on how many people that you had unlawful sex with.
You have become ‘’one spirit with Jesus’’ for scripture declares Paul saying, ‘’it is not I who live any longer it is Christ Jesus who lives in me.’’
If only you could understand with your spirit, that ‘’you and Jesus are one being,’’ not two; but ‘’ one, ’’ then the power of him inside of you would drive the devil and his cohorts far away from you every time they attack. This is something to speak forth about.
Speak forth the word I am one spirit in Christ Jesus. Speak forth the word it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me.
If only you could understand with your spirit, that you and Jesus are ‘’one being,’’ not two; but ‘’one,’’ so when you realise that it is actually Jesus and you as ‘one being,’ and as you speak those words from your combined spirit, out of your mouth it is actually his divine words that you speak; if taken from ‘the word’ and applied, and his words are always in agreement with the fathers words, as you speak the ‘’words of the Bible the living words of God,’’ sowing them into those same spoken or written words that God sent forth, then you and the father in Jesus are speaking forth divine living energized words that will bring to pass what they were designed to do.
God himself says ‘’his word’’ is ‘’alive and active,’’ which means in constant use. Right let’s look at the word active that God uses; lively, vigorous, energetic, full of life, on the go, full of zip, and dynamic. 12’’Sharper than any double edged sword, ‘’it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. ‘It can even divide the soul from the spirit. But look at another important part in this scripture it judges the thoughts and attitudes, and it is our thoughts and attitudes that keep us in bondage or sets us free.
For the ‘’word of God’’ is ‘’alive and active. it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.}
What has God said to speak forth, to speak forth the truth of his divine word in you?
Speak forth the word ‘’He’’ made ‘’me’’ alive ‘’together’’ in ‘’fellowship’’ and in ‘’union’’ with ‘’Christ;’’
His word is ‘alive and active’ against the enemy when he attacks, for the word in ‘spoken form’ will drive him away, if spoken in knowledge and in faith as to who and what you are; he cannot tell the difference between you and Christ Jesus when you speak in faith.
The ‘’word of God is alive and active’’ so when ‘’you speak forth,’’ ‘’his word’’ in concurrence with his ‘’divine word,’’ realise there is a living power in it beyond anything most have known up until now. And you release that divine living power, it is like electricity, when it is on, and when you touch it you get a shock from it, because it has power running through it, ‘’living power,’’ his word is ‘’holy,’’ and ‘’alive,’’ and brings forth into being what he said in it. For he said, ‘’IAM,’’ the ‘’living God’’ the ‘’Alpha and the Omega,’’ the ‘’beginning and the end.’’
In the divine word, when we speak forth the ‘’living word’’ we speak the ‘’I AM,’’ the name God called himself, into the situations that you find yourself in, and it is God himself ordering those things away or out of you; for he chose to make an agreement with you, to give ‘’you,’’ the power to ‘’agree with his living word’’ and acted on in ‘’faith,’’ in agreement with him.
That surely is a blessing beyond everything we have ever imagined.
We are filled with the Godhead
There is so much that we need to speak forth from the ‘’living word of the living God,’’ we need to ‘’align ourselves with the awesome things God has said’’ and that ‘’word is alive,’’ it just wasn’t said then forgotten, No! It lasts throughout eternity.
We are filled with the Godhead Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
9 For in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature]. 10 And ‘’ you are ‘’ in Him,’’ made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ ‘’you too’’ are ‘’filled with the Godhead Father, Son and Holy Spirit’’ and reach full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all, rule and authority [of every angelic principality and power].
Did you ever imagine that you were actually ‘’filled with the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,’’ and that they all live in your spirit, for your new spirit is the spirit of Christ Jesus himself; it is limitless. You have to speak forth those words into this earth around you for them to take effect on the circumstances around you or your family.
Psalm 119:130 NIV
The unfolding of ‘’your words’’ gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.
God’s word says the unfolding of ‘’your words’’ {his words} spoken by you; this scripture is talking about his words; the psalmist was explaining that it was God’s words that gave light and you the reader must get into agreement with them and speak forth the living words that give light in our times of darkness. His words give light, his ‘’words’’ not just ‘‘word,’’ we have been wrong in so many little things as well as large things and little words are just as vital as large words. The word unfolding means, to enlighten, telling, recitation, relating, recounting, and describing; Words have life in them, including the word unfolding, it is in enlightening someone about the words of God that brings with it supernatural light. We are commissioned by God to go into the entire world and give testimony about Jesus and all he done for us, and I know if you have read this book and some of my other books you will have been surprised by the amount of things Jesus done for us and by what he gave us because we are joined together with and in him, to him be glory. It gives understanding to the simple;
Praise God that the unfolding of his words give light to us and understanding also
Praise God that the unfolding of his word gives light and understanding, even to the simple; for the message that God gives in not to the wise, for he confounds them; but to those who have little or no understanding. I have talked with people who are just simplistic and they received the word with no reservations and I have prayed with and talked to the intelligent people of this world and they try to analyze things, even when they have been saved, and baptised in the spirit, and speak in tongues, they still have to analyze it all before they can see it is real for them to.
This for me gives me a new perspective of the work of
salvation on that cross
for the work that Jesus done is immeasurable, it is infinite, it goes on and on forever into eternity, and with it us also; salvation for us is eternity. This increases our praise and thanksgiving to the lord God, to Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; for gratitude is flowing from my heart towards the trinity.
Speak forth the word
I am
filled with the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Speak forth the word
I am in him, made full, and come to fullness of life in Christ Jesus
The word of God is described as a weapon to battle the enemy
2 Corinthians 10:1 King James Version
Now I Paul I beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ, who in presence am base among you, but being absent am bold toward you: 2 But I beseech you, that I may not be bold when I am present with that confidence, wherewith I think to be bold against some, which think of us ‘’as if we walked according to the flesh.
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we ‘’do not war after the flesh:
4 (‘’For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,’’ but mighty ‘’through God’’ to the ‘’pulling down of strong holds’’ ;)
5 Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalted itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
Paul knows that his weapons are not made of this physical world for he knows his enemies are not human beings, but forces of darkness, the evil forces and demonic power of Satan the devil, and he knows there is no point in trying to
fight them like he would another man. He knows what is behind every human being, urging them into evil, and into attacking him, and us.
He ignores this and concentrates on the spiritual side. He knows that his weapons are
alive and active
living word of God
and one of them is the
held by Jesus in his mouth,
sword of the spirit,
and now in our mouths.
Believe the words you confess; for they are ‘alive and active;’
Believe the words you confess; they are alive and active. For me I chose to believe the words God spoke to me one morning when I was sick with a cold. He said to me, ‘’you are healed in my sight,’’ ‘’God’s spoken word is still alive and active working for my good in me,’’ and so I know that those words have life in them still, even though they were spoken to me over thirty eight years ago. Those divine words never ceased, they are alive and active still, and are ‘‘God’s words combined with the Holy word of scripture,
‘’Jesus took our sickness and bore all our disease and sin;’’ and on the cross Jesus declared, “It is finished.” they are a formidable foe against the enemies lies and deceits.
We can believe for sin to be forgiven ok, but can we believe for diseases being destroyed in the same way. The ‘’word God spoke to me is still alive in me,’’ and so when I declare, ‘’I am healed in the sight of God’’ it is filled with living power still, and will do as he said. His words are filled with living power to do what God said they done and he will watch over his word to make it complete for it will never return to him null and void. It is a sharp double edged sword in my mouth as in Jesus mouth, for after all we are one in spirit.
When we are sick, or have a certain problem for years that is called a stronghold, it has a ‘’strong hold’’ on our lives, and in our physical bodies, and increases in pain and enlargement of the illness over time, and it is these strongholds that God wants us to destroy by his divine power and words; this is why 4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds ;)
We Christians have been given awesome power from God our Father, and sadly most don’t know, or even use, what they have been given. But we who read this now know, that in Jesus name, ‘’we will tear down’’ that stronghold of sickness or disease, pain or worry or that certain problem, or problems, that have been in our lives and bodies, in the awesome living name of Jesus, right now, To the glory of God our Father.
‘’I am healed in his sight’’ carries with it incredible living power of the ‘’spoken word of God’’ to me, and it is up to me to activate this word for me by faith, and by speaking forth his divine living word that never changes, it remains in time waiting for me to activate it anytime I chose, and chase sickness and disease and pain away from my body; so now, no matter what it feels like or seems like, ‘’it is finished’’ spoken by Jesus on the cross on Calvary, and by the word of my divine living Father, for his words to me have in them divine power and authority
For the ‘’word of God’’ is ‘’alive and active.’’ Sharper than any double edged sword,
When you download this book please copy and paste into a separate page or two, all the words in it that ‘ say ’ ‘’speak forth the word,’’ and read them and speak them forth into the atmosphere around you for your benefit; knowing they are all alive and active. And there may be other words that I haven’t underlined or created bold that may have touched you, then copy them and paste them into your page so that you can continue to confess the living word of God for you.
The word of the ‘living God’ is ‘’alive,’’ living, breathing, lively, energetic, busy, vigorous, full of beans, and a sword used against the enemy and the things he done are brought to nothing through agreement in the living word.
I cannot find words yet, even with all I have come to know, how to describe the ‘living word’ so that you will know and understand the colossal power of the word.
We can no longer go back and see the bible as something ‘some man wrote or some men wrote’ but it is the ‘’living energetic refreshing, immense, vivacious, alive word’’ of the ‘living God’ who spoke those words millions of years ago, before the world was created, and they still remain ‘filled with living power,’ they are like an atom that is split and split forever always sending out more and more power through them.
The ‘’word of God is alive’’ when ‘spoken by me’ in ‘’believing in the divine energy in them.’’ Knowing those words I speak have immense power in them gives me new comfort. How different this makes my scripture reading from now on.
It means that when I read the ‘’living word’’ from now on that I knew previously like a boring word, that word has now become ‘alive to me,’ and I know it is doing things on this planet through someone who speaks them forth in faith.
When I say the ‘word of God is alive’ when spoken by him, I mean that ‘’word’’ ‘’is still alive in itself without my assistance,’’ it travels throughout eternity until it achieves its mission. It will never return to God null and void until it achieves what God intended it to do.
The amazing thing about the word of God spoken by him, is it has in it the power in it to change direction as it travels throughout, seeking the one whom it searches for; and if they don’t respond to the word, then it searches out the next available person or thing it was designed to do. It will bypass you if you don’t respond to it. Many a word was sent out by God to people and they didn’t want to do what he asked, so to fulfil its mission it used someone else more willing.
God spoke out the word that he has ‘’divine work for me and for you,’’ and I need to understand that those ‘’words are alive’’ and when I speak forth those words that he said, things in this earth will change; for a reaction like a nuclear bomb happens every time a believer speaks forth the ‘’living word,’’ the effects spread out touching multitudes.
One man touched by the power of the Holy Spirit can change the lives of millions especially these days of great technology like TV and iPods’ and other things like smart phones, and programmes like twitter and face book. One man or woman can touch millions in a matter of minutes through these things, and that one man or woman could be the one that God is waiting on you to reach, and if you only reach this person then you may as well say that through you millions have been blessed by God.
In my e book website I have had 42,443 people read my books and hopefully they will share with others their message, so I know that God has used me to do something I never dreamed that I could ever do, for I had no education because I missed school for three years because of illness and so was literally almost stupid, and writing a book never crossed my mind, now I have written 286 books and all for the glory of God my creator.
It is so amazing, today as I went to open my book I opened bible gateway my online bible resource, and the scripture for this day was Ephesians 2 10, and I had reached this subject here at this point in my writing and didn’t realize that it was being confirmed by the lord. At this time I am re reading over my book, eliminating my words from the spirits words, and writing in new things as he directs me to, this scripture was in the daily reading in Bible Gateway for today. God just confirms his word to me always, glory to him and his Holy Spirit my guide and instructor.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
God has set aside works for us to do for him and if we are too busy with these life things, we could very easily miss them, I have seen times when I was praying when I would get a phone call from someone asking for prayer, and when I got to them and prayed with them they were so easily healed because this was a work laid down for me to do for God.
In one instance I was asked by my daughter to give her a lift down to a school she was teaching at, as she needed to get a form, as I pulled up outside the school I realised that I was sitting outside my aunt’s home, and I had not seen her in about twenty years. As I sat there wondering if she was still living there, I
got an urge to go and knock and see. A man answered my knock and I didn’t recognise him, and I asked if Sadie Ferry lived there, and he said yes, come on in. When I entered the living room where my aunt was sitting, I saw my uncle Hugh and was surprised to see him there; he like me is in a healing ministry. I apologised and made to leave again and they forced me to stay.
I sat down and Hugh asked me how things were and I shared about a miracle that just happened a few days before, and then he told me he was there to pray with the young woman, the wife of the man who had let me in and it turned out he was my cousin and we didn’t even know each other. I tried again to leave but was forced to stay and even pray with him for the young woman.
I don’t know what happened but Hugh asked me to pray with the young woman instead of him, whom he explained had a severe cancer that was going to kill her. I tried to say no it was his ministry, and I was only in to visit. To cut to the chase he asked me to pray with the woman but as I prayed quietly asking the spirit what to do, he said for me to ‘’pray with the woman’s husband,’’ and so I offered him prayer first, and he said he had a sore back, then he explained that he had an accident and had lost an inch and a half off his left leg.
I prayed with him and the lord grew his short leg to the same length as his other leg and his pain left and he exercised his leg and done many things to test the healing and no pain or discomfort.
Now all that was so the lord could bring his wife into believing, by seeing her own husband get healed, as she knew the terrible pain he had been suffering; so she was excited and expectant, her faith grew as she seen God heal her husband.
When I prayed with her the pain she was in from her cancer was instantly healed, and she could not feel the cancer lump. Before I left Hugh asked me to pray with my aunt Sadie whom he said, had skin cancer, and I did and prayed for her pain to leave and praise God it did, and then I left still apologising for interfering with his prayer with them.
I later learned that the young woman was totally healed from this very rare and aggressive form of cancer and the young man was telling everyone about God growing out his leg an Inch and a half, bone flesh and sinews and muscles and veins, growing a brand new leg part. He was testifying about Jesus to everyone showing them his legs, and doing things they knew he couldn’t do since his accident many years ago.
Hugh later on told me he felt led to hand the praying over to me. This was a work laid out for me; for I never would have thought to go into my aunts while my daughter went into the school for a moment or two.
Like me there are works set out from before time for us to do, and it will shock and surprise us when these things just seem to happen with miraculous effects to those around.
The things we do now have an effect on others later on, some things for good and some for evil, what we say is what we get.
For example if a man is shot, look at the resounding affect it has for others, wife, mother, father, brothers, sisters, children, friends, neighbours, and co/workers, and so on and so on, that is a bad effect!
To tell of Jesus and what he done for us has a good effect on people.
I got saved first, then through me others have got saved, and healed, and baptised in the Holy Spirit, and they in turn brought others to the lord and healed and saved, and they again in turn affected others down through the years. This is what the ‘’living word of God’’ is doing, it touches me and through me it touches others, and then others, through others, and so on and so on; never ending, like a ripple effect, or as it is commonly known these days as the butterfly affect. A good effect!
Beat your ploughshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the ~weak~ ‘’ say, ’’ ‘’I am strong’’ [a warrior]!
These are the words God spoke to Joel; telling him to say to his men; ‘’let the weak
I am strong;’’
I am a warrior.
God speaks of us as warriors or as men of valour he speaks what he sees inside of us Jesus the king of glory is residing inside of you, and you and I are
joined together in union with and in him
so we can speak forth those words,
I am strong, a warrior
for God sees us as one in Christ Jesus.
Joel 3:10 Amplified Bible 9 ‘’ Proclaim ‘’this’’ among the ‘’nations:’’ Prepare war! Stir up the mighty men! Let all the men of war draw near, let them come up.
10 Beat your ploughshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears;
let the weak say, I am strong [a warrior]!
11 Hasten and come, all you nations round about, and assemble yourselves; there You, O Lord, will bring down your mighty ones (Your warriors).
God said to ‘’proclaim this’’ ‘’let the weak say, ‘’I am strong,’’ ‘’I am a warrior,’’ and not what they think of themselves, speak this among the nations, he was speaking to all of his people, telling them to ‘’speak forth the words’’ ‘’I am strong,’’ ‘’a warrior,’’ and they sure didn’t feel strong; and we don’t feel like that either, we feel weakness and defeat many times, but our ‘God is for us’ and sees us as his children of a living God who enlarges our power in his name by the power of words Speak forth ‘’I am strong’’ even if you don’t feel it or even if it is not true as far as you ‘’feel’’. God does not go by feelings, sadly we do.
Let the sick say, ‘’I am healed,’’ let the poor say, ‘’I am rich;’’ let the blind say, ‘’I can see.’’ let us say the opposite of what we feel!
Let the lonely say, I have friends; let the depressed say, I am so happy that the joy of the lord is my strength. Let us all say, what God says about us in his living word.
That scripture has been taken out of context by so many people through a song, for the song says, ‘’let the weak say I am strong’’ ‘’let the poor say I am rich,’’ but this is not in the actual verse.
But the truth of the ‘’living word of God’’ is the ‘’poor can declare they are rich’’ for God promises riches to his divine children and you are those children he speaks about; and he says, ‘’speak healing for Jesus healed us by taking sickness on his body for us,’’ so even though this scripture song is not quite politically correct; what the song writer wrote was in effect true for the word says to declare the word of God out of your mouth.
Stir up the mighty men! God exhorts us to stir up the mighty men; to exhort people encouraging them stirring up their belief in them; for example, they could ‘’shout out that God is for us,’’ ‘’he is our fortress, our strength in times of battle.’’ The word stir means to exhort, to urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition, advice, or appeal: exhorted the troops to fight.
God said to ‘’stir up the mighty men,’’ that’s what he called them, the ‘’mighty men,’’ and before that he said to, ’ Proclaim ‘’this’’ among the ‘’nations:’’. He was calling them mighty men, and this is what he declared them to be and encouraging Joel to call the ordinary people mighty warriors and to declare God’s opinion about them. He was telling the ordinary men not soldiers, to declare themselves ‘’mighty warriors’’ for when the country went to war the king called up every man who could wield a sword at that time, and these men never fought with anyone before, but now they and their wives and children were in danger of death or imprisonment and so all were called. And that is why God said to proclaim to the nations that they were mighty warriors for God was and is for them.
God wants us speaking to the enemy and his forces of evil, his mighty evil army they are defeated by Jesus, and that ‘’we have the victory in Jesus name,’’ forever, we have victory in every situation including sickness and diseases
God wants us fighting a battle of the mind, for ‘’it is in the mind’’ that the enemy fights with us trying to get us to believe him, and not the ‘’word of the living God’’ who ‘’gave us ‘’victory’’ ‘’over him in ‘’every situation’’ no matter what it may be.
Speak victory for victory is already yours it just stands waiting on your mouth to open and proclaim what God has already done. Remember the battles are already won, they are not being fought in the spiritual world for Jesus won the
victory over the devil and his demons; but in the ‘’physical world’’ and the physical world affects the mind. For through unbelief the mind can create sickness and disease in it, it can create victory or defeat, for it encourages the mouth to speak and the tongue goes in action declaring the victory Jesus won for us, or defeat which ever you the reader believes and speaks.
Speak forth the living words of the living God and plant them as seeds into his living flowing spoken word, spoken millions of years ago, for those words are for now, they are the present and the future for us now, they are spoken for you, God had you in mind when he spoke forth his words, he saw you as a mighty healer, a mighty preacher, a mighty evangelist, a mighty prophet, a might deliver, a mighty warrior, his own son and daughter.
Just keep speaking forth the words of God and no matter what it will feel like those words will produce that harvest of mighty things for you, including healing, miracles, signs and wonders and healing for your own body.
My heart breaks every time I think of the mainstream churches around me, and I see ~no signs and wonders happening; no teachings on the truth of the gospel of Jesus salvation; ~ sure now and again someone receives a healing or someone receives a miracle. But they are very few and far between and not awesome enough to have people from outside the churches hear of them, and be drawn in, in amazement, and even curiosity.
This world is dying for lack of signs and wonders, what have we got to show for our so called belief in the infinite industrious living God, whom few even know of, or even care about, for there is no proof shown to this world by those who claim to be followers of Christ Jesus; people from the outside see us as religious nuts. And we may as well be if showing no signs and wonders that Jesus claimed we would show forth.
God’s word is alive and is still active but few even know this. I can only speak of the mainstream churches around me and say there are one or two people who are showing small signs of a mighty God living in them, but there are not enough to draw others to them.
We have failed to display the living God to a world that has no hope, just like that young man who killed himself and was buried the other day; he didn’t know God, he felt despair instead of knowing there was someone he could turn to; he was buried by the Catholic church, which does not believe in salvation or the word of God, they do not believed that they are saved but they believe they are being saved; if you were drowning after falling into a river and someone jumped in and pulled you out what would you say afterwards? You drowned or you’re still being pulled out of the river, or would you say you are saved? Well Jesus jumped into that river of sin the world was drowning in and pulled us all out and seated those who accepted him in heaven; they have ‘’religion,’’ and that is useless in helping people in need, they can use psychology to try and help but psychology does not heal the spirit of man, only salvation can do that.
Last night’s news said that Robin Williams hung himself, for he battled for years with depression and drink and drugs; this poor man didn’t know the God we do, he turned to suicide to end his problems, instead of turning to the only one who could truly heal him God. He obviously saw no great signs and wonders or miraculous power of God that would encourage him to turn to God for help; it is sad to think that the most funniest and amazing actors and rich men or women could decide to hang themselves or take drugs to kill themselves, just like Bob Geldofs daughter about a month ago. Even with such popularity and fame they have nothing when it all goes pear shape as it does for all of us; no one displayed the power or presence of God to these poor people, giving them hope in their despair
I plead with God to send me to tell people about Jesus and God’s love for them, to give them hope in this present time, and I pray that my books help people find God and teaching. I want to tell leaders there is power in the name of Jesus and there is miracle working power in his word and to teach them how to heal the sick; for I have learned from others how to do certain kinds of healings and people are healed almost all of the time. I long to be asked to come to little house meetings or large meetings and conferences; and I know I can teach those who wanted to be taught how to heal in Jesus name, so they in turn can go into this world and preach the gospel with signs and wonders happening.
Speak forth the living word ‘’we have someone who can help and heal you!’’
I can’t find effective words to describe the incredible power in the ‘’living word’’ of the ‘’living God.’’ We have all seen great lightening storms flash across our skies and the earth shudders as the thunder follows the lightening and it shakes the very earth around us, and the power in it sends shivers down our back; to me that is as close as I can get at this moment to try and describe the living word of the living God released through faith. There is inconceivable dynamic power in his ‘living word.’ And it has the power to change things already set out from before time, just waiting on us to come to the knowledge and belief in his divine word.
I keep underling and using commas to highlight the knowledge of his ‘’living word’’ and that he is a ‘’living God’’ watching over his word to bring to pass everything it says it will do. I don’t want you forgetting that his word is alive, every word he speaks to us, either in his ‘’divine word or spoken word’’ to us, and when we return ‘’his word’’ and attach to it ‘’our living word’’ back to him it will not return to him null and void. It will accomplish all he intended it to. God spoke ‘’millions of words’’ not just ‘’one word’’ as most people think, so when he speaks a particular word pay great attention to it for God does not speak idle words. I, is a word, I am, two words and I am saved, is three words, etc.
What a God we have, ‘’he watches over his own word,’’ and it will never return to him empty. God is not ‘’ was ’’ ‘’he ‘’is,’’ his word is the same, it is not ‘’ was ’’ but ‘’is,’’ now and forever. His word passes through time and space seeking the person who will fulfil what it was sent to do, and when we agree with his word with our faith, and ‘’our living word,’’ {the words we speak have life in them remember} they connect, join together, and burst into divine explosive power and create what was intended to be.
You are not at an accident, or accidental being, but you are exactly where God positioned you to be in at this exact moment in time, but if through unbelief you failed to make the connection, {God says, ‘’we are partakers in the salvation of mankind,’’} then that word changes direction seeking someone other than
you to make the link, for we all have our part to play in God’s cycle of life; God’s word will not return to him null and void, it will do what it was sent to do, no matter whom it finds, and who is faithful to believe and accept it. In divine truth there is no point in you wishing your life away, wishing you were someone else, or somewhere else, or in a different job, or position, for this is where God placed you to work for him.
And by accepting this and giving thanks for where you are right now, then ‘God is glorified by your acceptance,’for we are only in this world temporally, for our future is in eternity in indescribable joy, that is the end of the ultimate plan of God, and in this we need to give thanks to him, for this world is passing and so are we passing with it, but we have a glorious future, and it will last for eternity. For we are ‘’already seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,’’ and that is even before we leave this hindering body of ours, and we already are filled with God, in the ‘’Godhead, father Son and Holy Spirit.’’ We have the greatness of joy in knowing that Jesus our redeemer is ‘’joined together with and in us’’ ‘’making us one spirit in him and in the father.’’ So at this time, where we’re at, is a time of great rejoicing, for not many are in that place where you are right now, and this is by divine grace. So,’’ you’re not a great evangelist or miracle worker on TV, but you are so very important to God; he wants to use you to reach your fellow workers or friends, and in this particular place where you live or work. God is not stupid, ‘’he knows the plans he has for you,’’ they were worked out by him millions of years ago; every iota of your existence has already been sorted out by God for your good and for the benefit of those around you. It is difficult for us to come to terms with his plans, for we can’t see how or what use we are, where were at now, but he knows the final product, and he knows that you are in the perfect position for his grace to expound
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosperyou and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.14 I will be found by you,” declares the LORD,
So look at your life and sit down and consider this; God created me to love me, to give me a future and a hope, and he plans to do it here where I am living or
working, not somewhere else. As I stated from his word earlier, God hates complaining so stop complaining about your position in life. If you are unwell then you are entitled to live in divine health. If you are poor that was not part of the divine plans of God, that is the enemy doing these things to try and destroy the amazing plan God your Father has for your life. Don’t be deceived don’t let the devil fool you, ‘’get into the word’’ and you will find that it is, and was, God’s plan to prosper you and to give you divine health.
Unbelief and ignorance, not reading the letter that your father gave you, {‘his word’} will leave you ignorant of the things Jesus done for you as part of his plan; and ‘listening to the enemy’ and ‘’believing him,’’ will of course divert that plans that God has for you.
Healing belongs to you; prosperity belongs to you, that was, and still is, a ‘’portion of the plans’’ ‘’that God has for you,’’ stand your ground in his word, and ‘’claim what God said is yours;’’ find it in his word and when you do then claim it, take it back from the deceiver the devil, for he has been defeated by Jesus for you so demand that he pay back what he stole from you.
If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
See it matters not where we live, or what we do in life, says St Paul, the important this is we live for the lord, for we belong to him.
12 Then said the Lord to me, you have seen well, for ‘’I am alert and active,’’ watching over ‘’my word’’ to ‘’perform it ’’
‘’I am alert and active,’’
When you speak forth the divine word, out of your mouth, you have God sitting in heaven waiting to act on your words spoken in faith, He is ‘’watching over his word in your mouth,’’ to perform it. That is awesome to realise, that the Almighty is watching over his word in me to see if I will speak it out in faith in order for him to bring it to pass. And then he has to act and create that miracle before others, if you decide to have a healing service or some kind of service for him with others there listening then he has to act, he has to fulfil his word.
He will never let us down, for ‘’he’’ watches over ‘’his’’ word spoken out of our mouths in faith and belief. 12 Then said the Lord to me, you have seen well, for ‘’I am alert and active,’’ watching over ‘’my word’’ to ‘’perform it ’’
God does not miss an opportunity to perform his own word for us, he is always alert and active moving about searching for someone to speak forth his word in faith. If only this book was written just for this scripture alone and the knowledge we now have regarding the truth in it then my sitting down for months now, as I keep on adding new things to it, my writing have been worthwhile, praise God.
‘’God’s word’’ is ‘’God himself,’’ ‘’God’s word’’ ‘’is Jesus,’’ God’s word is you and me for by his voice he spoke us into being long before we actually reached the earth in our mother’s womb.
God says he is watching over his word, and he tells us that the words we speak are in the vein of his word, they are, ‘’alive and active,’’ for life and death are in the power of the tongue
Proverbs 18:21New International Version (NIV)
21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
What ‘ you say ’ has ‘life in it or death,’ it is you who control that gift from God use it wisely. When you speak forth God’s word then he watches over his word coming from your mouth and he will prosper it for his glory.
Isaiah 55:11King James Version (KJV)
11 So shall ‘’my word’’ be that goes ‘’forth out of my mouth:’’ it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which ‘’I please,’’ and it ‘’shall prosper ’’ in the ‘’thing’’ whereto I sent it.
means to Flourish physically; grow strong and healthy: Make successful: God has wonderfully prospered this nation Oxford dictionary]
Did the word of God say ‘’Jesus took our sickness and bore all our diseases and pain and suffering,’’ then God watches over those ‘’words he spoke’’ and they shall prosper if they find belief and faith, and someone who is determined to believe him above the pain and sickness they are in; to stand and declare the truth before man and demons that, ‘’I am healed for Jesus took all my sickness and bore all my own personal diseases and by his wounds I am healed,’’ and God watches over his word to activate that healing for he said so and a holy God does not lie.
When Jesus took our sins on to his body, he also took our sickness and diseases on it as well, and when he offered himself as a sacrifice to the father, he then died ‘after’ his sacrifice was accepted by the father. When he died, so did our sins and sickness and disease, die in his body; for he truly died, and then he arose again three days later in material time; he arose with a new body that had no sickness or disease on it, and his new body incorporated us in it, he arose with a new body and a new life that he shared with you and me; this sinless and sickness free body was given to all those who accepted him as their lord and saviour, they then become one body in Christ Jesus and were joined together as one.
sickness, disease, pain and suffering were destroyed in hell where Jesus defeated the devil and every rebellious angel, and spirit being, stripping them of all power to inflict this world with sickness and diseases ever again, he then paraded them all before his father in heaven, naked as the day they were created, showing forth to all in heaven that the devil was defeated and no longer has any power to hurt mankind with, except through lies, and deceit, Jesus never silenced him; he took all his power off of him and his demonic followers, so the devil can no longer place sickness and disease on humanity for the power to do that was stripped off of him. But he was left with his voice.
So the truth is why do sickness and disease come on our bodies, if Jesus took our sickness and disease. The truth is ‘’ our
sickness and disease and pain and sufferings are dead, that is, the believers sickness and disease died and when they accepted Jesus as their lord they were entitled to his healing sacrifice; the promise belongs to them; and not to the people of the world who reject him. So the truth is the pain and diseases we have on us now are not really ours, for
died with Jesus So, whose diseases do we have now in our painful bodies? The devils sickness and pain and suffering are on our bodies, not ‘’ours’’
any more. Jesus can’t have destroyed them, and yet, we still have them can we? They are a false copy a counterfeit that the enemy has created to get us to accept into our bodies, he can’t touch our spirits but he can convince us to accept sickness and pain and disease.
In the same way we have been redeemed from sin but there is still sin in this world, and still sin in us, in our flesh bodies, but our sins are all washed clean by the power of the Holy Spirit in us, he washes us clean after convicting us of whatever sin we commit, we who accepted Jesus as Lord and saviour, those who have been redeemed, those who believed in Jesus and took up his offer of salvation, then those things like sickness and disease and sin have all been removed from us.
That does not stop the devil from attacking us daily in our minds trying to get us to accept sickness and pain and to sin, for sin still remains in this world and sickness still remains in this world; but for those whom Jesus died for, and that was for everyone, those
those yet to come
in and had been living in this world,’’ and for
who accepted his offer of redemption they have been healed by accepting healing, and saved by accepting salvation.
We have the ‘’devils lies and deceit’’ telling us we have sickness and disease, and he uses one or more of his evil spirits to put pain on us, and we accept it, and the moment we begin to accept sickness, and
we ‘’feel’’ ‘sickly;’ the more the spirits pressure us into accepting it, and we let the devil in, for we have accepted his sickness and disease into our bodies. The devil uses flies and other unseen creatures to bring sickness to us, for an example Mosquitoes carry many diseases, including malaria and other ugly diseases which can cause blindness.
Flies are the greatest source of disease in the world for there are multiple billions of them; they vomit on your food and then tramp it in and the next thing is you are eating things like excrement and garbage whatever they fed on before visiting your food. The devil is described as the lord of the flies in scripture and for a good reason.
For those who believe in Jesus and what he done for us, we know that sickness and disease of today does not belong in the body of a believer, it is not ‘’your’’ sickness and disease that you accepted for ‘’your own personal diseases are dead,’’ you have been conned into accepting the ‘’devils diseases,’’ and when you learn the truth, then you must take a stand against him and his sickness, disease and pain and suffering. God does not want anyone suffering from sickness or disease, the suffering you are expected to accept is suffering for Jesus, and
will bring that
suffering upon you,’’ and again man has
been deceived into accepting suffering because they think the suffering has to be disease sickness and pain.
Draw close to God resist the devil and he will flee carrying with him his sickness and diseases and pain, taking them off of your body where he originally got you to accept them.
So give yourselves humbly to God
Resist the devil
and he ‘’will’’ flee from you.
refuse to accept, refuse to go along with, defy, stand firm, defend against, and refuse to give
Resist means to
Now give all this, a lot of thought, ‘’Jesus took your sins, sickness and disease, and killed them all.’’ You therefore have no sin, sickness or disease in your body as a result of what he done for you; so who owns the sickness and disease in your body now? Yours was killed by Jesus, so whose sickness do you carry on you now?
You know that because you accepted Jesus as lord that your sins were all paid for by Jesus and taken away from you, and that God integrated you into Jesus as one person in spirit, with, and in him, so sin cannot touch your spirit which lasts for eternity!
In the same token, Jesus took all your sickness and diseases and pain on to his body and destroyed all of it, and he paid for all of your own personal diseases, so sickness cannot take foot in your life again except that you give it entrance through ignorance of the divine word, or simply not doing anything about it.
Sin and sickness and disease were all paid for by Jesus by his one offering on Calvary for all time, sickness in you is flesh works, sin is spiritual work.
I just realised that ‘’sin’’ is a ‘’spiritual disease,’’ and that ‘’sickness is a flesh disease,’’ and that Jesus paid for both, ‘’in the spirit’’ and, ‘’in his flesh.’’ God wants us healthy in both spirit and in flesh, therefore we are the ones who must draw close to God humble ourselves and then resist the devil and he will flee for good.
Look at what the lord is saying his word produces physical strong health in us to whom he sends it. You need to keep sowing into this divine word of God and
keep doing it even if it seems like your body is getting worse, it is not; it is the spirits resisting, putting pressure on your body and mind trying and get you to believe that you are ill so they can stay in your flesh, a Christian can have spirits attached to their flesh, they cannot touch your ‘’own spirit,’’ but have the ability to speak into your thoughts and to place sickness and disease on you by getting you to accept it is some way or other. Jesus said, ‘’your healed’’ the devil says, ‘’you’re sick!’’ Who is telling the truth? Well we know the ‘’devil has no truth in him’’ and we also know that ‘’God does not lie,’’ so who are you choosing to believe?
You have absolutely nothing to lose by choosing to believe Jesus above the symptoms in your body; even if you never got your victory at least you are choosing to believe the lord God your creator, above the devil. And that in itself is a victory.
Healing is awesome and belongs to each child of the living God, and I myself have received a healing in my own body, I had three stents put into my heart and had heart trouble for at least thirteen years and was diabetic also. I no longer have heart trouble; I am off all medication that had to do with heart trouble and diabetes, for over a year now, I am also no longer a diabetic.
I had other things wrong in my body also like arthritis and muscle disorder. But one day I felt the lord saying to me it is time for me to make a stand against the enemy, and allow him to heal me. My illness never stopped me from doing anything I ever wanted and I prayed with hundreds of people and watched God heal them as I prayed with them.
And I had many amazing miraculous things happen to me through the lord God, I have been transported in time from one place to another in a split second. I was transported to a foreign country, and met a woman, with whom I talked with and prayed with for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and I had no idea what language she was speaking, but I knew through praying in tongues, kneeling in my back hall God gave her the translation of what I was saying in tongues.
She was already saved, and was in a communist country, and as I prayed with her, in the foyer of a hotel, and in the background I seen people attending a communist meeting; and this lady left and came out the door with her communist friend, when I materialized in the foyer sitting on a bench, I spoke to this lady and she stopped to talk with me and her friend went on about her business.
She received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. The next thing I was back in my back hall still praying in tongues. This was the first time that the lord transported me from one place to another. He also did it four times now when I
asked him to help me get home quickly after healing meetings, which lasted until five in the morning. Catholics in the countryside will not go home until they are prayed over to be healed.lol
I just came off the phone with a lady that Rose and I prayed with whilst we were on holiday. This lady had cervical cancer in its final stages, Rose and I prayed with her and as we prayed all he burning pain left her instantly. She told us she had an appointment with the cancer team in a few weeks time, and would let us know how she got on.
I got a voice mail message saying that she had just come out of the hospital and the cancer specialist asked her if she had surgery somewhere else, for he cannot find any cancer, and there was lots of it earlier. She told me she had seen the cancer herself on the TV screen as they tested her, but now the specialist kept asking her if there was something she wanted to tell him, something she wanted to share, but she told him no, he told her there was no scaring from the cancer that had disappeared, and kept asking as I said, is there something she wants to share with him; when she went previously she had to have medication to calm her down this time she was in perfect peace, and this baffled him as she no one there for support. I believe he knew it had to have been God and wanted her to say to him this, maybe the next time she will share with him and the cancer team. Praise the lord she shared with me a lot more that God is doing in her home environment, and she is in total peace, she moved home and she went through a divorce and was in God’s perfect peace. God is good and loves us all the same.
Twenty four
19 Jesus replied, “The Son can do nothing by himself. ‘’He does only what ‘’he sees’’ the Father doing,’’ and ‘’in the same way.’’
Here is a lesson to be learned from Jesus
Jesus ‘’repeated’’ what he saw the Father doing, and we know he spoke to sickness and disease and demons and they left people instantly, there was no praying for hours, or screaming or shouting he just stood there and spoke the words, in authority out of his mouth in line with the Fathers words, and miracles
were created; he spoke the same way, as his father. There is a ‘secrete’ here in this scripture, Jesus said he only does what ‘he sees’ the father doing; and we only do what ‘’ we seen Jesus doing in his divine word’’
Jesus told one of his apostles that when he has seen him, he has seen the father, for the father and I are one. ‘’We do what we see the father doing when we see Jesus doing what he done,’’ and then we copy what he done in every instance, for this is the perfect will of God for us. We are to ‘’follow him’’ as he said, and if you have ever played follow the leader as a child you do everything the leader did, and so it is with us, we follow Jesus, that’s what we sing, {‘’ we have decided to follow Jesus, ’we have decided to follow Jesus, ’we have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.
Matthew 4:19 New International Version (NIV) 19 “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”
In the following scripture it shows us that Philip asked Jesus to show him the father, but first there is something pressing on my heart about this previous scripture from Matthew 4 19
Jesus said, ‘’come follow me,’’ to follow someone means that you go along behind them; following does not mean to walk in front or by ones side, but to come behind, ‘go after’ and coming behind Jesus we can see what he does.
Follow means you go behind someone and in doing so we can see what the person were following does with clarity; we don’t accompany them, or walk in front, but in obedience we walk behind watching his every move for it is in following behind that we learn, first of all obedience, and we can see what Jesus does from behind, and later having learned from him, we do what he did
Sometimes I have walked in front of Jesus, and expected him to follow me as I done things that I thought he wanted me to do. But in the healing ministry I have very slowly come to learn that it is better to follow Jesus leading, than to try leading him, which of course he will never do, and many times people were not healed, because for one, I was not in the perfect will of God, even though healing is the perfect will of God.
But I had surrendered my will over to the lord in salvation and many times later on, only to do the leading again and again. Now I have learned, I hope, that I will wait on him to lead and then I will see the amazing miracles that I have witnessed him do through me when he organised things.
For example; I was asked to do a dedication service for a child whose parents were Catholic, lapsed Catholics I may add, and seeking the lord in this, for I had never done this before or after, I asked for his perfect will and to show me what to do if so.
It was his perfect will for me as both I and the young man who asked me to do this service both knew this is the will of God. At the service later, I was asked to introduce myself and what I was; for I was wearing a black suit and some people thought I was a priest and others a minister, so I explained that I was indeed a father, but a father of eight children, and that I was in a healing ministry.
After the service a woman came up to me and asked if I would pray with a man who had an accident and had lost an inch and a half of his leg. I prayed with the man and Jesus healed him dramatically, all his pain was gone and his leg grew an inch and a half, skin, bone and muscles, sinews and all, as others watched on. Both legs were perfect in line with each other, I asked him to do things he was not able to do and as others watched on, he jumped up and down off a little wall, shouting out in amazement, which attracted more of the guests to come and watch. To cut a long story short there were about ten or more people who asked for healing and all were instantly healed, including a woman with a violent shaking disease, whose hands were shaking like a leaf violently, she asked me for prayer, and I asked her what was wrong with her, as she sat in front of me with a glass of vodka or Bacardi in her hand and it was spilling out over the edge as she tried to keep her hand still, and she replied sarcastically, ‘’ are you blind, could I not see her shaking hand?
I explained to her many people came for healing and they desired healing for something else apart from the obvious that you could see they wanted inner healing or something else. So she grunted ‘’oh!’’ I went to pray with her but first I asked the lord what way did he wish for me to pray with her, and he said to tell her to stretch out her hands, and she complied and then he said, ‘’touch her neck’’ and ‘’command peace into her nervous system in her neck.’’ I then felt led to ask her to put her hands down on to her knees again and waited to see what the lord wanted, and he led me to say now stretch forth your hands in Jesus name, she stretched out her hands and they were rock solid. She burst out crying and shouted out to those around her to come and look. I sat looking at her in amazement, for though I had witnessed many awesome miracles I was never as touched as any as by this one, With tears streaming down her face she hugged me and said, ‘’thank you.’’ I told her about salvation, as I did with those others I prayed with and all received Jesus. I asked her if she would like to ask Jesus into her heart, and she said, ‘’of course,’’ and got saved, and I seen the joy in her eyes and the shock of receiving her healing which I believe she never really believed would happen
I have never hear of her again or of the young man who asked me to come do the service for the parents, who though didn’t believe in the Catholics religion, both wanted this young man, whom they seen Christ Jesus in, to be her Godfather and to help raise her as a Christian.
The most amazing thing about this was!
The amazing thing about this ‘’planned service by God,’’ was one of the woman said to me as I was having a cup of tea, ‘I think I was in your house about twenty years ago,’ do you have steps leading down to your front door and do you live in a place called Creggan, and I said yes.
She explained that she brought her mother to my house so that Rose and I could pray with her as she had cancer, and the lord healed her, and she lived for about twenty years longer than her previous diagnosis by doctors, who gave her a very short time to live, and it was ‘’her granddaughter’’ that I was doing the dedication service for. I was totally amazed at this coincidence, or really God incidence. God had all this planned from before time and when I followed Jesus he was able to bring this about, and used it to touch and heal all those people, and for many others to see miracles happening through me testifying about Jesus. Everyone there left knowing there was in fact a God who heals his people for they witnessed it for themselves many times, that day, this came about as a result of ‘’following Jesus.’’
I of course pray with people because the word of God said, ‘’go into the entire world preach the gospel and heal the sick,’’ and he would be there accompanying with signs and wonders. When you go out to the world to spread the gospel and to heal the sick, the lord Jesus accompanies you with signs and wonders following; in this he goes side by side with you as you follow his instructions to go preach the gospel.
Isn’t it awesome to know that when you go to share the gospel and to do healing services that Jesus accompanies you everywhere, and this is a promise of God? All we need to do is to step out in faith and do what he told us to do; this is ‘’following his instructions’’ and is ‘’accompanied by signs and wonders,’’ and in following him in specific incidents, like the one I wrote a moment ago, brings with it significant power and authority. Both of these are to ‘’follow the lord,’’ one is his ‘spoken word of scripture’ and the other his ‘spoken word to you, ’ the main subject is do we ‘’follow the lord,’’ either way, for he will be glorified in both types.
He said to them, “Go into the entire world and preach the gospel to
creation 16 Whoever believes and is baptized
be saved,
but whoever does ‘’not believe will be condemned.
17 And these
signs will accompany those who believe:
In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people,
After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them
John 14
New International Version (NIV)
8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”
9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves.12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father
Jesus said to Philip, ‘’I am in the father,’’ and the ‘’Father is living in me.’’ What does scripture say about you? It says the same thing, ‘’we are in the father,’’ and not only that but we are ‘’filled with the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;’’ you can’t get any closer to God than that can you?
This is also true for us, for we are the sons and daughters of God, who is our Father, were just the same as Jesus to him; and when ‘’we speak what he speaks,’’ in faith in him, and in ‘’our words’’, then we have what we said. Jesus always led by example and there are many examples in the way he led people.
Jesus speaks of ‘’the father’’ as ‘’in him’’ and ‘’as him’’ and says; whoever believes in me ‘’will do the works’’ I have been doing, and they ‘’will do’’ ‘’ even greater things’’ than these, ‘’because’’ ‘’I am going to the Father.’’ This is our testimony; we will do even greater works than Jesus, because he went back to
his Godliness when he died. And in keeping with his promise he sent us the one who filled him with divine supernatural power, for without whom he could do no miracles
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you
For Jesus did not do any miracles by his own human power or strength, for he was just a man, a human being and nothing else, until he went to the Jordan River to be baptised by John; and it was then and only then, that ‘’he received the power of the Holy Spirit
who is the power of creation, the one who created everything by the words of the divine living father God!
To think of what Jesus done for us is awesome in its own right, he came to the earth as a man he lived as a human being with his parents in total obedience to them, he had no Godly power; for if he had when Joseph was dying wouldn’t he have simply have raised him up even from the dead, you would do that for your dad even if he was an earthly one, and not only that but Mary his mum and Josephs wife was a young woman, and she wouldn’t wish to be left on her own raising a family in those tough times. You would think Jesus would have felt for his mother, and healed Joseph so they could at least raise him and the rest of his siblings together, and for his parents to go on into old age content with each other. The Bible told us that Jesus had four brothers: James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas. He also had at least two sisters but the bible doesn’t name them.
International Version
55 “Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas. 56 Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” 57 And they took offense at him.
Religion would have you believe that Jesus was an only child; but the word of God, the bible, tells us differently, it tells us that he had four brothers and at least two sisters. So another thing to think about is Mary could only have remained a virgin until after Jesus birth for scripture tells us, ‘’she knew not Joseph
leaving his conception and birth divine. You cannot be a virgin after you give birth, for the hymen has been broken and the cervix has opened also.
until after Jesus was born,
Then she had sex with Joseph, a thing some Catholic friends of mine went ballistic about when I said this to them, they live in a fantasy religious world, believing Mary was still a virgin when she died, and believing that Jesus was an only child.
She did not adopt those young men and women from someone else’s family as her own, no, she had been given a husband who would want his married rights; for scripture tells us, ‘’do not abstain from sex unless for a spiritual reason. ’’ Anyway to get back to what I was writing, Jesus was a human being he had brothers and sisters but they were ‘’really half brothers and sisters,’’ he was conceived of by the Holy Spirits power the rest were conceived through sex between Mary and Joseph.
Mark 6 3
New International Version (NIV)
3 Isn’t this the carpenter? Aren’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?”
Both Matthew and Mark say that Jesus had four brothers and at least two sisters, so Jesus became like them flesh and blood but not the same as them, for his Father was God; their father was Joseph, all of them came out of the same womb Mary their mother. When reading again that scripture of Matthew, I saw that all bible translation say, ~ aren’t ‘’all’’ his sisters here with us. ~ To me this implies there were more than two, all seems to imply more than two; if we were talking today we would say aren’t his two sisters here, but if there were more of them we would say all of his sisters
I know there is a lot of controversy about whether Jesus had brothers or not, for no Catholic wants to believe that the ‘’Virgin Mary’’ actually had sex; they resist violently the words. Mary was a ‘’young woman’’ who had needs just as every other woman has needs, she made love to her husband at least six times to produce her six other children, they were not immaculate conceptions, only Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, he alone was and is divine. I’m not getting into anything here about theology; for God says don’t get into theological arguments, so I leave this to your own beliefs.
But the reason I have written on this is to show without a shadow of a doubt that Jesus was born a human baby with flesh and blood, and probably had nappy rash and done other things a normal person does. Just to show you that he had no divine power growing up, for it would have said, when Jesus was growing up he worked many miracles, like raising his father Joseph from the dead, but the word of God says, ’’he had no power,’’ and he done all this for a specific purpose, it was to show us later on that he only received power when
he was baptised in the Holy Spirit at the Jordan River by John, who testified that he seen the
Holy Spirit
in the
form of a dove
come down on him,
then and only then did Jesus begin working miracles
He was now filled with the power and presence of the Holy Spirit without measure, and then he sent the Holy Spirit to us when he died. Giving us the same Holy Spirit that he had, filling him with divine power. This is not a different Holy Spirit as some I have talked with over the years have believed, this is the actual same Holy Spirit that Jesus had and we now have, if baptised in him
We have the exact same Holy Spirit in us to do the exact same miracles as he did, and even ‘’greater than Jesus done;’’ for we now have the Holy Spirit and Jesus and the Father living in us; so in fact we have greater power now than Jesus had as a human being. For we are filled with the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we have everything, and have come to fullness of life in him, we are also joined as ’’one spirit with and in Jesus
giving us access to even greater power and we are also joined to Father God through Jesus Look at the possibilities we have for miracle workings.
Now we can speak forth the words ‘’I am filled with the Godhead,’’ with confidence, and say, ‘’I am joined together ‘’with and in Jesus’’ and ‘’I have the power of the Holy Spirit in me’’ to do the very works that God has assigned me to do, and he supplied all the power we need in him to do spectacular, incredible miracles, we have the power to call down fire upon the earth just as one of the prophets of old did, ‘’if we believe.’’
All the above is to show you the reader and me, that we have been given incredible awesome Holy power from God and to show us that until he received the Holy Spirit at the Jordan River, Jesus was as much a human being as we are; and now we have the ‘’exact same Holy Spirit,’’ not a different one but the same one Jesus received, to show us we can now do the impossible just like Jesus, who did what he ‘’seen the Father do.’’ And we also in scripture see what Jesus did and so we have to do as he says, ‘’follow me,’’ Do the same miracles, listen to the Holy Spirits leading for he is there to comfort you when something bad happens, and also ‘’guide you into all truth,’’ and to ‘’show you things to come, ’’ and also to ‘’tell you where to go and what to do.
I have experienced most of this my Christian life, including amazing miracles; and you can do the same and experience the same things that I have. For the glory of God our Father in whom we love and trust. Amen!
We received the exact same Holy Spirit as Jesus, for he sent him to us after he defeated the devil by the Holy Spirits power in him, so we could demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit in our everyday life for God’s glory and honour.
Holy Spirit is in us to demonstrate the devils defeat. ***get scripture****
Go back over that scripture and you will be astounded by the words in it, when believed, for they will change your perspective about your relationship and closeness with God who is your father.
Look closely at the works of Jesus and realise that you also are commissioned to go and do the ‘’very same works’’ and even more for the glory of God, not for your glory or praise; but you can delight in the satisfaction of knowing that God is as close to you as your own heart is, and you ‘’do not have to search among the clouds to find him, or to go to the furthest heights of heaven, or to the depths of the sea,’’ for he is right there inside you happily working away in you , and his Holy Spirit is forever cleansing you day by day, minute by minute, second by second, never ceasing from his work in you, perfecting you for heaven, which by the way is also in you. Whoever believes in me ‘’will do the works’’ I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
Do you the Christian reader of this book believe in Jesus words, I don’t mean do you just believe in him, as lord and saviour, but believe him, that when you step out to do the works he done, that ‘’you will also be filled with the same living power of the Holy Spirit in you,’’ ‘’working unbelievable miracles through you,’’ and performing ‘’signs and wonders,’’ by the power of the words of God in your mouth, and by your belief. Wow! A happy day for us when we step out to do what God said to do, and then we will see amazing, awesome, miracles performed through us. And the Father, Son and Holy Spirit rejoice to see one so bold and act with confidence in their belief that he will accompany us by the signs and wonders he will do, for this brings glory and honour to God the Father in heaven.
For as the scripture said, ‘’God watches over his word to perform it.’’ He won’t watch over your words to perform them, but he will if they are in alignment with his divine words, for they become one when spoken and sowed into his word, in faith in his words.
Jesus ‘’repeated’’ what he saw the Father doing, and we know he spoke to sickness and disease and demons and they left people instantly, to me this is confirmation of us
speaking words in line with the word of God and sowing the words in alignment with God’s written or spoken word.’’
He does only what he sees the Father doing,
We only do what we hear the father saying, or has written, and in the same way we respond by
same thing
in his power to exert those words into this material world.
Then said the Lord to me, you have seen well, for ‘’I am alert and active,’’ watching over ‘’my word’’ to ‘’perform it.’’
If God said it he means it; if he means it, he will perform it out of love for us and in enjoyment, for he takes great delight in us being obedient, stepping out past our comfort zone and walking in faith, no matter how difficult it may seem to be to believe. Every word he says, or has written is the truth; there are no lies in God.
4 Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not. Do you remember what the book of Psalms says about this? That God’s words will always prove true and right, no matter who questions them.
This book is designed to speak forth faith in his divine word which is in you, in Christ Jesus, for ‘’he is the ‘word’ in us’’ when we speak forth ‘’his word’’ in alignment with the ‘living word’ that ‘God speaks,’ we in turn sow into his divine living flowing word, the ‘’words he speaks,’’ and ‘’we speak, them simultaneously.’’
The living word that God spoke is always searching for your faith to align itself with it through faith.
If you believe that the word God spoke about your situation is true, and he spoke it out of his mouth, then the ‘’word of God made flesh and in You’’ Jesus, agrees with those words, and you in turn ‘’agree in faith’’ with ‘Jesus the word made flesh,’ now ‘spirit, in you,’ and so you speak out his divine living energy alive and active around you, and they all form together the wonder miracle working power to produce what it is you need.
For neither is circumcision [now] of any importance, nor un circumcision, but [only] ‘’a new creation’’ [the result of ‘’a new birth’’ and ‘’a new nature’’ in Christ Jesus, the Messiah]
Before we can continue to act and believe in all we have been taught previously, we must learn that we are ‘’no longer’’ the ‘’same person’’ before we came to Christ Jesus.
Before we came to Jesus our old nature was against him and all we cared about was the things of this world. Since coming to Jesus something dramatically happened, by a supernatural act of God we were changed into the ‘’divine image of God himself,’’ and we were ‘’joined together,’’ ‘’with and in Christ Jesus’’ for ‘’as he is’ then so did we become.’’
It is in becoming this ‘’ new ’’ person that we became a ‘’new creation,’’ new means something never seen before, brand new, unused, fresh, new fangled, innovative, original, ground breaking, and pioneering, creation means a new ‘’establishment.’’ manufacture, design. Nature, a new character, birth, beginning, delivery;
We have to acknowledge by our speaking forth this belief in the plan of God for us, this is all ‘’his work’’ not mans work, it is by ‘’grace’’ and ‘’God’s grace alone,’’ all is for his glory and his glory which he will share with us later on when he comes back again. What an amazing Father God we have!
He has given us a brand new life by making us a new creation, a wonderful gift from our heavenly father. He has made us a new creation, with a new birth and given us a new nature and that nature is the nature of Christ Jesus and this new nature is what we have to put on to let Christ live his new life in us, and not the words, “put on.”
And put on the new nature (the regenerate self) created in God’s image, [Godlike] in true righteousness and holiness
God tells us to ‘’put on the new nature,’’ the nature of Christ Jesus himself, and that means to repent of your bitterness towards others, your wrong talking, your dirty jokes, your hardness of heart, your condemnations all those things you had before you met Jesus, all the wrong selfish ways you lived and put on for others, now he says put on this wonderful new loving nature of thinking the best of people loving them no matter what they may be like, and even beginning to like them as the word says.
Colossians 3 12 Living Bible (TLB)
12 Since you have been chosen by God who has given you this new kind of life, and because of his deep love and concern for you, you should practice tender hearted mercy and kindness to others. Don’t worry about making a good impression on them, but be ready to suffer quietly and patiently. 13 Be gentle and ready to forgive; never hold grudges Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.
This is what we have been called to live like, allowing the Holy Spirit to change us as we go along trying our best through ‘’plenty of practice;’’ and then discovering that through the power of the ‘Holy Spirit’ and ‘’ your ’’ ‘desire to change,’ you become more and more like Jesus himself; and this is a time thing, not an instant one hit wonder I will use this scripture later on to show a different aspect to the word. God does not need your change to be instant, for your ‘’old nature’’ which is still at work in you, is in your flesh not your spirit, the ‘’ new you is a spirit being,’’ not a man or woman of the flesh, for it is not our flesh that has changed or I would have asked for a more fitter body with good looks; lol.
The emphasis is to ‘’practice tender hearted mercy,’’ which means it is just is not an instant thing as I just said. I am a good guitar player, and do you know how I got to be good; I practiced, and put on the guitar every day and kept trying to play the chords and notes I needed to learn, and it is the same with Godly things we have to put on the new nature and we have to practicing how to shut our mouths and when to speak positive things to others and we have to put away the old way of thinking and acting for we now have the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit living inside us and listening to everything we say and watching everything we do, this in itself is a good check to our spirit, and to understand that there is a great crowd in heaven watching us encouraging you on and on God will not put on the new you; you are the one who has to put on the new nature. Life in God is not an easy one, it is a daily putting on and practicing being good and loving, but you know something, he gives us ‘’his power’’ to do so, and when we have been disciplined and made ready; we can then step out in faith in the things we have learned in this book, we have been given power
beyond belief and we have learned new things in this book, just as I have learned to speak forth the word of God even regarding our speaking about ourselves. My Father in law used to say every day, that he is a ‘’gentle, kind loving man,’’ and you know something he was exactly what he said. He spoke forth what he believed and it showed in his life, and gave him an amazing death.
clothe yourselves
with the
new nature
righteousness and holiness
created to be godly,
which expresses itself in the
that flow from the truth
It is up to us to cloth ourselves for see the words that God has had written, and clothe yourselves with the new nature, the divine nature that nature that is in you through Jesus in you. You and I have been given righteousness at the moment of salvation and created holy just like God himself and Jesus and the Holy Spirit this is your new nature now also. The old you has gone the old spirit man I mean not your flesh your body, the spirit man has changed from that moment of impact of meeting Jesus as lord and saviour. We have been so blessed by God in everything, and all that you do is pointed at ‘’you to do,’’ God will never make you do something you don’t want to do, it is the power of your mouth your speaking forth the miracles and blessings that you need every day that changes you, and makes you like God himself, you are the one to put on the new nature, you are the one to clothe yourself, you are the one to speak forth miracles, and you are the one to speak in faith, not God, or Jesus, but you and me!
What power our mouth holds, wow, it is awesome to know that we can change things by the power of our mouth, we can build up or we can allow our mouth to tear down someone. I want my mouth to tear down the devils strongholds setting people free from the devils snares and traps.
Sadly many Christians are not aware of all the intricate details that giving their lives to Jesus meant.
They think of themselves as ‘’born again,’’ but the ‘’old person is still alive in them’’ ‘’because they still commit sin,’’ and they don’t recognise that they have been supernaturally changed forever, by the ‘’grace of God’’ through his ‘’ son Jesus.’’ They concentrate on the old nature not the brand new nature they have been given through their union with and in Jesus.
They are not truly taught what being in Christ Jesus really means; if they were there would be incredible masses proclaiming the gospel and doing signs and
wonders; but for the greater mass of Christians, they are unaware that Christ has really changed them, and that the
himself and the
Holy Spirit
are truly living in them in fullness of power and authority, and
it is no longer them that live, but it is Christ Jesus who lives his new life in them.’’
We have not been taught clearly that we have died to the old life, even though it seems like nothing has really changed in us, for we still do the things we should not do and so on.
Therefore, if anyone is united with the Messiah, he is a new creation the old has passed; look, what has come is fresh and new!
The old creation has gone away forever our spirit has died with Christ on that cross on Calvary, and when he arose, he arose with us in his spirit, joined to each believer as one new creature. Even Jesus changed, his spirit was not the same when he arose, he arose with a new spirit and a new life, which included us in it, he did not have this before he died, and it came on him whilst he defeated the devil in hell itself.
For in baptism you see how your old, evil nature died with him and was buried with him; and then you came up out of death with him into a new life because you trusted the Word of the mighty God who raised Christ from the dead.
I love to do God’s will so far as my
new nature
is concerned; but there is something else deep within me, in my lower nature, that is at war with my mind and wins the fight and makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. In ‘’my mind
I want to be God’s willing servant, but instead I find myself still enslaved to sin. So you see how it is: my
new life’’ tells me to do
right, but the old nature that is still inside me loves to sin. Oh, what a terrible predicament I’m in! Who will free me from my slavery to this deadly lower nature? Thank God! It ‘’has been done’’ by Jesus Christ our Lord. He has set me free.
Inside all of us is the old flesh nature and it is the part of you that loved to sin, and our battles are fought there in the mind, for it is in the mind that all this takes place, for instance you get a bad thought, where does it come from? The mind of course influenced by some evil little spirit, and then the battle begins; do you go with this thought and do you give it life by acting on it, or do you put it to death by the mind of Jesus in you, by rebuking it, or changing it, to become a blessing for someone.
I know the devil would have my mind filled with dirty thoughts, from before I met Jesus, and so he knows the weakness I had back there, and he would still attempt to place thoughts into my mind, maybe seeing a good looking girl with a short skirt, or low top, and he would attempt to make me think a bad thought, but I have come to realise I can look at a woman no matter how scantily clad she may be, and have no dirty thoughts about her. I can look at a woman, and I know how hard it must be for young folk these days with women wearing those disgusting black tights which show ever contour of their body, and I can chose to look for it is impossible not to as they are right in your face showing their lower bodies to everyone in the street, and not sin by refusing to allow lust into
Satan has deceived Christian men and women that it is a sin to look at a woman even wearing a short dress or with a man a tight pair of jeans, but it is not a sin to look, it is a sin to look and dream what you would love to do with that man or woman; it is not a sin to look as someone passes you or stands in front of you; you know what I mean. Unless you play with the thought in your head or with what you look at, then there is no sin; for God created man and women and how do we choose a partner it is by looking at them and liking what you look at.
When you accepted Jesus as lord and saviour of your life you changed to become one with him, and when you accepted him, you also at that instant of salvation you received a portion of the ‘’mind of Christ’’ in you; you also have the mind of the Holy Spirit in you directing you in everything, giving you power over your thoughts.
What I do when tempted to continue looking at a lovely woman, I ask the lord to ‘’bless her’’ and so defeat the purpose the enemy placed in my mind.
But you don’t have to allow them to dictate to you, change them to become a blessing for someone else. This is the new nature taking over, this is ‘’putting on ’’ the ‘’mind of Christ Jesus,’’ and this is you using your authority over temptation, you have victory in every battle of the mind.
Many a poor Christian soul is distraught by the thoughts that enter their mind, and so they think they are sinning against God, and they don’t want those thoughts at all, yet they are weighed down by the feeling of sinning against their heavenly Father and Jesus, and weighed down by guilt, and it is ‘’not sinning at all,’’ if they don’t want them, then it is a deception by the enemy to drag you down in spirit, and to keep your mind away from who and what you truly are, ‘’joined to Jesus as one person in spirit.’’ They allow the enemy to deceive them away from their true identity, and to keep their ‘mind on sin’ instead of learning the truth of the gospel, that they are ‘’holy in the sight of God’’ and they are ‘’forever perfect in his sight.’’ He will keep you bogged down with thoughts until you turn them around by asking a blessing on the person that comes into your mind.
The ’’new nature’’ of ‘’Christ Jesus’’ within your mind is available to counteract these weighty things, and the way to defeat them is simple, get deep down into the word of God, for then you will not have even time to think of anything else. Scripture says how can a young man stay pure, and the answer is, by ‘’staying in the word of God.’’
9 How can a young man stay pure? ‘’By reading your Word’’ and ‘’following its rules ’’ 10 I have tried my best to find you don’t let me wander off from your instructions.11 I have thought much about ‘’your words’’ and stored them in my heart so that ‘’they would hold me back from sin.’’
12 Blessed Lord, teach me your rules. 13 I have recited your laws14 and rejoiced in them more than in riches. 15 I will meditate upon them and give them my full respect 16 I will delight in them and not forget them.
This is the, secrete to living a good clean life with clean thoughts, by having the mind of Jesus in us, and following his ways. Knowing we have a ‘’new nature’’ and following our ‘’new natures’’ ways is what sets us free from the enemy, we have all the power of God in this ‘’new nature’’ for again I say it, we are ‘’joined together with and in Jesus’’ and we are also ‘’filled with the Godhead, Father and Holy Spirit’’ as well, we have the divine God living in us as the Holy Trinity, this is the ‘’new nature’’ the new way of knowing who we are and whom is in us, and who is living their ‘’new life’’ in us.
We are a ‘’new creation’’ says the word of God, and who knows best God or us; so if God says we are a ‘’new creation’’ and the word new means, never before seen then believe him, for new is exactly that, brand spanking new. You are an original creation, each one of us is an original, what we are has never been seen before; we are made in the image of our creator and in the image of his divine son Jesus. It is in knowing that we are an original with Jesus in us and the Godhead also in us, which gives us the power to defeat the enemies of God. We cannot speak forth words out of our mouths with living power unless we know who we are and who is in us, and knowing that we are ‘’not the same person’’ we once were.
We are a brand ‘’New Creation’’ made in the divine image of God in spirit, we have to bring this deep down into our spirit, for the flesh is worth nothing, for it will one day die and rot in the grave, but our spirit lives for eternity, that ‘’ new creation’’ that we became is everlasting, it is eternal, it is filled with the Godhead, it is filled with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. This is what matters that we have become the ‘’new creation’’ and knowing that we are ‘’already seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,’’ and when we die we will not just enter heaven; no! We are already there right now in spirit, for our spirit is attached to Jesus as he sits in the heavenly places, we sit with and in him already.
6 And He raised ‘’us’’ up ‘’together with Him’’ and made ‘’us’’ sit down ‘’together’’ [giving ‘’ us ’’ ‘joint seating with Him’] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of ‘’ our being] in Christ Jesus’’ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
See it is the ‘’new creation’’ that sits with Christ Jesus in the heavenly places right now, not when we die. People think they will have to sit in the judgement waiting to see if they can get into heaven and that involves Christians also, there is very little teaching here in Ireland that Christians are already seated in heaven even as they are on this earth, their spirit is connected to Jesus and father God, they think when they die the will have to face the judgment, yet if they knew their bibles, the word of the divine living God they would know from John three that their judgement was the moment they decided, either for Jesus, or against him, there is no other way but him, you are either for or against him, that’s it, that is what Jesus said.
No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven the Son of Man. 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”
16 for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall
not perish
eternal life.
17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.18 Whoever
in him is ‘’not condemned,
but whoever does
not believe
condemned already
because they have
not believed
in the name of ‘’God’s one and only Son
Have a good close look at the words Jesus uses; he knows the importance of words so every word he speaks is carefully weighed out for he knows this is eternal life he is talking about not only to Nicodemus, but to us also.
He says, ‘’everyone who believes may have eternal life in him;’’ he is telling us that it is possible for ‘’every believer’’ to have ‘’eternal life in him.’’ Where does he say eternal life is? He says, ‘’it is in him,’’ are you in him? ‘’Then you have eternal life,
He says to
those who do
not believe,
stands condemned already,’’ this is not a future thing, on the ‘’Day of Judgement,’’ but judgement is right now, that very instant you decided either for Jesus or against him, you are judged right this instant when salvation is being offered to you and you either accept or refuse.
When you accepted Jesus, you were given a ‘’new nature’’ and a ‘’new life,’’ as a ‘’new creation,’’ and you were instantly transported in spirit into heaven ‘’with Jesus and seated ‘’with him,’’ and ‘’in him’’ in the heavenly places,’’ you have to be assured of this for you to ‘’speak forth the word of the living God’’ out of your mouth. We have to know that we belong to God and that ‘’God is for us’’ in everything we do or say in his name, we must have the assurance that eternal life is already ours, and that we will not have to face any Judgement, for on the Day of Judgement you will also stand before the father and he will judge the world but when it comes to your turn, Jesus will step forward and say, ‘’he is mine let him in.’’
Romans 8:31New International Version (NIV)
31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
It is awesome to know for certain that God is not against us but is against those who oppose us, ‘’God is for me’’ speak forth those words from the divine word of truth. God is for me! Not against me.
As I said, before we can act with divine power we have to know the very basics of salvation and of our ‘’new life’’ and ‘’new nature’’ as a ‘’new creation,’’ for a ‘’new life’’ is just that, and it is every single moment in life, it never gets old or dissipates, it is forever new, you are forever a ‘’new creation,’’ you’re not an old one, no matter what age you get to, you are forever young in spirit, the thing that matters most of all is knowing that you are a new creation always.
Galatians 6:15 Complete Jewish Bible
For neither being circumcised nor being uncircumcised matters; what matters is being a new creation.
We delight in our new nature and new life for our new life involves Christ living his new life in us.
Romans 7:22 Amplified Bible
For I endorse and delight in the Law of God in my inmost self [with my new nature].
This is what God wants of us, ‘’to give our bodies over to Jesus,’’ to use to ‘’live his new life in us,’’ not you living your life with Jesus as a part of it, no! He must become all of it.
Romans 12 New International Version (NIV)
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to ‘’offer your bodies
as a
living sacrifice,
and ~pleasing to God’ this is ‘’your true and proper worship ’’ 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the ‘’renewing of your mind.’’ Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.
This is what the new nature and new life and new creation is all about letting Jesus live his new life in us, offer your own body to God for that pleases him and if you look at one of the verses you will see that this is considered spiritual worship by God ‘’offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God this is your true and proper worship ’’ your body becomes a living sacrifice, and it becomes this for when you offer your body to God as a living sacrifice, this means that you decided to surrender your desires to God for him to place his desires into you.
Christians and others have worried about pleasing God and giving him true worship, and in this scripture he tells us how to worship him And he says this is our ‘’true and proper worship,’’ and he also says about worship, that we must worship him, ‘’in spirit and in truth;’’ if baptised in the Holy Spirit then we worship him in spirit indeed, for it is the Holy Spirit who prays inside us talking to God about our needs and our worship of him is genuine by the utterance in tongues
John 4:23 25 Amplified Bible God is a Spirit (a spiritual Being) and those who worship Him must ‘’worship Him in spirit’’ and in ‘’truth’’ (reality).
Praying in tongues is spiritual worship, for when we come before the Father intending to worship him then the Holy Spirit of God inside us begins giving utterance, worshiping him with pure worship, for we don’t know how to pray or how to pray as we should but the Holy Spirit does.
I recommend praying in tongues for at least one hour a day, and even more if possible for it will change your life forever. When you receive a scripture and it opens up for the first time for you then take that scripture and pray over it in tongues asking for enlightenment, and you will receive.
Be transformed by the ‘’renewing of your mind.’’
12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to ‘’offer your bodies as a ‘’living sacrifice,’’ ‘’holy and pleasing to God’’ this is ‘’your true and proper worship. ’’ 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be
by the ‘’renewing of your mind.’’ Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.
I just wrote this scripture a moment ago but I want to elaborate on it. God’s word says; be ‘’transformed by the renewing of your mind,’’ how does your mind be renewed? Your mind is transformed by reading the word of God and then believing it. For example we believed that we were unworthy; then we read the word of God which said, ‘’let no one declare you unworthy.’’ And so our minds were transformed by the word for we believed God over and above religious teachings or what others say about us.
Colossians 2:18 20Amplified Bible (AMP)
18 Let no one defraud you by acting as an umpire and declaring ‘’you’’ ‘’unworthy’’ and disqualifying you for the prize, insisting on self abasement and worship of angels, taking his stand on visions [he claims] he has seen, vainly puffed up by his sensuous notions and inflated by his unspiritual thoughts and fleshly conceit,19 And not holding fast to the Head, from Whom the entire body, supplied and knit together by means of its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.20 If then you have died with Christ to material ways of looking at things and have escaped from the world’s crude and elemental notions and teachings of externalism, why do you live as if you still belong to the world?
Our minds must be renewed by the word of God for God says one thing and our minds say another. Another example is; God’s word says he ‘’made you in his image,’’ and his image is ‘’Holy Spiritual being,’’ yet we don’t believe that. He
says another thing in his word, ‘’you are forever perfect in my sight’’ Hebrews 10 14 and yet we don’t believe that we are forever perfect.
I hear churches saying we are being perfected bit by bit, but the word of God is referring there to the renewing of the mind not the spirit man who is now washed clean and covered by the blood of Jesus; and the devil cannot get his hands on him, 1 John 5 18 God says you and Christ Jesus are joined together as one person in spirit, yet we don’t understand that or believe it. God also says he has made us ‘’god’s’’ but that to most Christians is blasphemy, yet it is both God the father and Jesus who say it. So who is being deceived? God put those words into his scripture in the Old Testament and also carried through into the New Testament by Jesus, why? He had a good reason; it was to let us know that we are spiritual beings who exhibit the divine nature in us as small God’s of an Almighty Father God for God calls us his own children, adopted into his bosom and made righteous and given the new life and nature of his own divine son Jesus, who joined himself to us at the moment of salvation, and the devil knows that we are gods, and he is terrified of us finding out what we are, for scripture tells us, ‘we don’t know what we are right now, but we will when Jesus returns for we shall be like him;’ and it is not when Jesus returns that we will change to be like him! No! We will see what we really are; our eyes will be opened to see our full potential.
18 No one who has become part of God’s family makes a practice of sinning, for Christ, God’s Son, holds him securely, and the ‘’devil cannot get his hands on him.’’
The devil cannot get his hands on us our spirit for we have become one with and in Jesus and he cannot touch Jesus who defeated him, and he certainly does not want to go anywhere near him; and in Jesus we are kept from sinning ‘’in our spirits,’’ not in our flesh.
Do you believe this? If not you need to have your mind renewed. We need to have our minds renewed daily, because of religious teachings we received all of our lives in our churches. In most of our churches we have been taught wrong doctrine since we were a child that is totally different from the gospel. I grew up a Catholic and In the Catholic church they don’t believe that were are saved by accepting Jesus as lord, they believe they are ‘’being saved.’’ How can a Catholic believe in anything the bible, the ‘’word of God’’ says, because they don’t even believe in the first basics of salvation. If you don’t believe in salvation through accepting Jesus into your heart as lord and saviour, how can you be expected to
believe for anything revealed by God, it is impossible to believe these ‘’new things,’’ though they’re not new really they have been there two thousand years from the time of Jesus walking the earth, teaching us his word
I asked God one time when I was just a new convert, how I could explain salvation to another Catholic and he said; ‘’If you fell into a river and you were drowning and someone jumped in and saved you, what would you tell people afterwards, that you drowned or were ‘’being saved’’ or that you were actually ‘’saved?’’ And he continued on to say, ‘’I jumped into the river of sin you were drowning in and I saved you from drowning.’’ I know my answer, I was saved!
You were either saved or drowned which is it? You cannot be seated in heavenly places if you drowned, or are still being saved. You cannot be joined together with and in Jesus if you drowned or still are being saved. You can’t still be getting pulled out of the river thirty eight years later, that’s taking a long time to try and save me. Jesus saved me and there is no going back into that river for him to jump in again and again trying to save me or you either, it does not make sense does it?
Look at how many new things you have read in this book, most of them have been foreign to you before this and you may have believed the opposite but can you stay convinced that what you previously believed is the truth, and go back to that way of thinking. Every Catholic and non Christian must have their minds renewed by the word of God.
When I first believed in what God told me, I said it in my Catholic prayer meeting and it was called fundamentalist by the priest, and I was drawn this way and that as it disturbed what I was believing, I didn’t know what to think as I was told the way I just learned was supposed to be a protestant thing and was not sound doctrine. And the lord gave me a scripture
rescued us ‘’ ‘’from this evil world
4 He died for our sins just as God our Father planned, and
in which we live. 5 All glory to God through all the ages of eternity. Amen.
6 I am amazed that you are turning away so soon from God who, in his love and mercy, invited you to ‘
share the eternal life he gives through Christ;
you are
following a different “way to heaven,” which really doesn’t go to heaven at all.’’7 For there is no other way than the one we showed you; you are being fooled by those who twist and change the truth concerning Christ
Let God’s curses fall on anyone, including myself, who preaches any other way to be saved than the one we told you about; yes, if an angel comes from heaven and preaches any other message, let him be forever cursed 9 I will say it again: if anyone preaches any other gospel than the one you welcomed, let God’s curse fall upon him
The words God gave me in scripture were these; ‘’I am amazed that you are turning away so soon from God,’’ etc, ‘’all highlighted in blue. ‘it didn’t take me long to realise, even though I was only a new Christian for a very short time, maybe just a few weeks, that they were wrong, but I stayed in the church most of my spiritual life for I knew that I could never reach Catholics by renouncing the Catholic church, for scripture says, ‘’I become everything so that I can preach the gospel of Christ Jesus,’’ ~Saint Paul ~.
When I looked at this epistle; I just saw for the first time that the churches who preach a different way to be saved are ‘’forever cursed,’’ how can a Catholic be saved in this church who according to the word of God himself says, they are cursed and this is in the Catholic edition of this scripture; if anyone preaches any other gospel than the one you welcomed, let God’s curse fall upon him.
This is following scripture is taken from the ‘’Catholic Revised Standard Version’’ of scripture and it says the ‘’ same ’’ thing as other bibles.
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and turning to a different gospel 7 not that there is another gospel, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ 8 But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed.9 As we have said before, so now I say again, If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed.
That is a serious dramatic thing to say, that they are ‘’accursed or cursed,’’ and this is from the Catholic bible, the very one the pope reads and the priests read. Is it no wonder our minds need renewing from wrong teachings for if the one main basic foundation stone in scripture is incorrect, and that is where the foundation stone is at, then they all must be incorrect. It is not me that says the Catholic Church is cursed it is Almighty God himself who says this, and he says it of other churches who have watered down his divine gospel, and don’t preach the basic of scripture for it is his divine word they falsify.
God said this to the churches;
“This message is sent to you by the one who has the sevenfold Spirit of God and the seven stars.
I know your reputation as a live and active church, but you are dead 2 Now wake up! Strengthen what little remains for even what is left is at the point of death. Your deeds are far from right in the sight of God.3 Go back to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly and turn to me again. Unless you do, I will come suddenly upon you, unexpected as a thief, and punish you.
“Let all who can hear listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches.
14 “Write this letter to the leader of the church in Laodicea:
“This message is from the one who stands firm, the faithful and true Witness of all that is or was or evermore shall be,* the primeval source of God’s creation:
15 “I know you well ‘’you are neither hot nor cold;’’ I wish you were ‘’one or the other!’’ 16 But since you are merely lukewarm, ‘’I will spit you out of my mouth!’’
17 “You say, ‘I am rich, with everything I want; I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that spiritually you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked.
18 “My advice to you is to buy pure gold from me, gold purified by fire only then will you truly be rich. And to purchase from me white garments, clean and pure, so you won’t be naked and ashamed; and to get medicine from me to heal your eyes and give you back your sight 19 I continually discipline and punish everyone I love; so I must punish you unless you turn from your indifference and become enthusiastic about the things of God.
20 “Look! I have been standing at the door, and I am constantly knocking. If anyone hears me calling him and opens the door, I will come in and fellowship with him and he with me 21 I will let everyone who conquers sit beside me on my throne, just as I took my place with my Father on his throne when I had conquered. 22 Let those who can hear listen to what the Spirit is saying This is where the majority of mainstream churches are at in this present moment in time.
15 “I know you well ‘’you are neither hot nor cold;’’ I wish you were ‘’one or the other!’’ 16 But since you are merely lukewarm, ‘’I will spit you out of my mouth!’’
If you are a born again Christian, you were in some Christian religious church more than likely before the lord found you, and you know there was just something a lot more on offer than what you had in your church, you were not spiritually satisfied, your spirit knew the difference between an alive church and a half dead one. Now you know the difference between the, live church, and a dead religious one
Now it is up to you to preach the full gospel of Jesus Christ salvation and all he offers in salvation; you cannot stop and be still and do nothing you have to speak forth the truth even if it kills you; with truth comes signs and wonders.
I know there are some born again priests who preach the full gospel of Christ Jesus and they are the ones who are working signs and wonders in this world one of them being a friend of mine is a Father Robert De Grandis, whom the spirit of God flows in miracles and healings
Our minds need to be renewed to begin to think as Jesus thinks, and thank God we have been given a portion of the mind of Christ Jesus. This following scripture, was the second scripture the lord gave me at that time of conflicting thinking, he confirms his own word.
Catholics like me have been brainwashed in wrong thinking and all this needs to be removed out of our minds, we were told that we are unworthy, and so many Catholics remain feeling unworthy and cannot draw near to our heavenly father for fear of him; we said every day at Mass, ‘’lord I am not worthy,’’ and we said this ‘’all our lives,’’ and it is embedded in our souls and this needs to be removed by the word of God and no other way will remove it, and unworthiness come with guilt attached to it, and most Catholics are suffering from guilt and many have given up hope and have killed themselves even, through not being able to approach their God who is seen as a hard taskmaster a cruel unforgiving God who just wants to punish us.
What has all this got to do with speaking forth the word? How can you speak forth the word if you believe all these wrongs doctrines, you just simply cannot, but when you rebuke those wrong teachings and know the mercy of God and his love and mercy and how he made you the same as Jesus to him then you can begin to speak forth the word in total confidence even if you have just changed your mind when you seen this truth
Please understand ‘’I do not condemn or mean to criticise the Catholic Church,’’ for everyone walks in the light they have received,
I once believed in all they taught, I am so grateful to God for showing me the truth so that I can teach others also.
This is how we begin to live and act like Jesus; and the simplest way of putting it is by all the scriptures that tell us how to act, and to speak is to learn to walk in love. Love covers all things; if we speak in love and act in love then we have fulfilled our calling.
Have the roots [of your being] firmly and deeply planted [in Him, fixed and founded in Him], being continually built up in Him, becoming increasingly more confirmed and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and abounding and overflowing in it with thanksgiving
See to it that no one carries you off as spoil or makes you yourselves captive by his so called philosophy and intellectualism and vain deceit (idle fancies and plain nonsense), following human tradition (men’s ideas of the material rather than the spiritual world), just crude notions following the rudimentary and elemental teachings of the universe and disregarding [the teachings of] Christ (the Messiah).
9 For in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature].
10 And you are in Him, made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ, ‘’ you ’’ ‘too’ are ‘’filled with the Godhead Father, Son and Holy Spirit’’ and reach full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all rule and authority [of every angelic principality and power].
11 In Him also you were circumcised with a circumcision not made with hands, but in a [spiritual] circumcision [performed by] Christ by stripping off the body of the flesh (the whole corrupt, carnal nature with its passions and lusts).
12 [Thus you were circumcised when] you were buried with Him in [your] baptism, in which you were also raised with Him [to a new life] through [your] faith in the working of God [as displayed] when He raised Him up from the dead.
This is where we need to renew our minds, to ‘’change our believing and thinking’’ and ‘’think as scripture tells us to think,’’ and to ‘’act in divine wisdom’’ given to us by God’s grace.
Speak forth the word,’’ ‘’I am filled with the Godhead, Father Son and Holy Spirit,’’ ‘’I was buried with Christ and I am dead to sin.’’ ‘’I speak forth this’’ and I also declare that, ‘’it is no longer I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me,’’ and
I speak forth that I have been raised up with him to a new life and this new life I am living right now is by letting Jesus live his new life in me.
He has been given ‘’my body as a living sacrifice.’’ Look at this amazing thing you are a ‘’living sacrifice always,’’ every moment of your life you are worshipping God; simply by giving God the body he gave you, back to him again; telling him to use it for Jesus glory and his.
It awesome to now realise, well for me anyway; that I am in ‘’constant worship’’ for I have already given God my body and even my spirit to use whenever he likes, even when I am sleeping; and to know that this is pleasing to him is wonderful. I didn’t even realise that I was obeying his word when I offered him my body and spirit and soul to do with what he pleased many years ago, that I was actually ‘’worshipping him.’’ ‘’My mind’’ is constantly being renewed by the word of God; for in this little portion I wrote, I have seen so many new things, and I am so excited by all this as I learn to speak forth the truth of the word of God
How many Christians don’t know that if they offered their bodies to God they are worshipping him every moment of their lives? I am sure there are many who would love to know this truth, for if it lifted me then it will lift them also. Praise the lord.
I longed to worship the lord all the time but was inhibited by the normal daily things that I have to do as a husband and father, now I know I am in perpetual worship, the very thing that I longed for has been given to me by God.
I wrote earlier, that we are to let
no one
call us
not fit for God in otherwise. That our minds need to be fully renewed by the word of God and that the more we study the word, the more we will learn new things.
on self abasement and worship of angels, taking his stand on visions
claims] he has seen, vainly puffed up by his sensuous notions and inflated by his unspiritual thoughts and fleshly conceit,
Do you know that the word ‘’unworthy’’ means to ‘’feel like dog crap on the sole of your shoe,’’ worthless, contemptible, pitiful, shameful, undeserving, of no value, rubbish, insignificant, hollow, waste, is this what God thinks of you? Yet this is what a lot of Christians think of themselves, and if they have this mind in them, then how, ‘could they possibly speak forth the word in great faith. ‘This mind in us needs to be changed to the way Jesus thinks,’ and he sure does not think he is unworthy, and how could you be unworthy when God your father has connected you to his son Jesus as one person and filled you with himself and the Godhead. The enemy would have us feeling unworthy and our minds need to be renewed by the word of God so we can God speak forth the truth of the word.
Let no one declare you ‘’unworthy’’ says the word of God and yet we are filled with unworthiness, those feelings that drive some to despair, and is a contradiction of the word of God which says ‘’you are the righteousness of Christ Jesus,’’ ‘’you are forever perfect in the sight of God,’
Hebrews 10 14 you are holy like God, Ephesians 1 4 you are made in his divine image and he is holy. Genesis 1
Living and feeling like this means that we will never speak forth the living word of the living God with boldness, or faith, for in the back of our mind we will be unsure of ourselves, or of God, so our minds and spirit needs to be constantly be renewed by his divine word.
We must speak forth the truth of ‘’who, and what we are,’’ given to us by God through Jesus and by his Holy Spirit; and we must be in a constant state of readiness to preach the gospel and to see ‘God go forth fulfilling the words’ you spoke from his divine word. ‘His words’ ‘’not yours,’’ must fill our mouths; we have to remember that we are dead to this world and it is only in Christ Jesus that we actually live. For being dead to something, means that it is of no use to us, for were dead to this world and its sin life, and alive to him. We are alive to preach the gospel and this is all I wish to do, and to see the lord Jesus accompany me, as I speak to souls who need salvation and healing; the main two things that Jesus came to do and to which we have been commissioned to do on this planet earth.
I know we can’t speak forth everything in this book at the one time, for we would be spending an awful long time trying to memorise it all, so what I recommend is to take a small portion and speak forth this for a week, praying over it and confessing it aloud, then take the next things that I have written and
take about five of them and do the same with them. I recommend that you copy and paste the words that you need to speak forth into a separate page, so that you have easy access to them.
Romans 6:11 NIV Bible
In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but
alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Living like Jesus now means following the word of how we need to behave. We need to practice love and tender hearted mercies. We are representatives of the lord Jesus Christ and so we must behave like the kings representatives; for we are ambassadors for him.
2 Corinthians 5:20 Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
20 So we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We beseech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.
Did you know that not only are you an ambassador for Christ but you are a royal priest and a king and that Jesus is the king of kings?
1 Peter 2:9 NIV Bible
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Look at what this scripture declares you to be, do you think unworthy and this match? The world calls you unworthy and some churches confess all the time they are unworthy but God says this is lies, for this scripture taken on its own even you an idea of what God thinks of you, and this is only one scripture, so speak forth I am a chosen person, a royal priesthood, a holy nation and an ambassador for Christ Jesus, I am certainly not unworthy.
He has gathered us into his kingdom and made us kings and priests of God our father.
God our father has made us kings and priests; ‘his kings and priests,’ what an honour, for us to be made a king and a royal priest. Could someone unworthy be made a king or a holy priest by God? for he knows everyone’s deepest
secrets, so he knows your heart, and he made your heart ‘’pure and holy,’’ and in the following scripture he repeats that, and you know something, it is not too often that God repeats himself; but he is reassuring us of who and what we really are. Can you speak forth in confidence and declare before the world and everyone in it that you are a ‘’royal priesthood’’ and you are a ‘’king of God?’’ Then speak forth ‘’I am a royal priesthood and I am a king of God.
Such affirmation from God is almost unbelievable, he is trying so hard to get us to realise that we are his own divine children, and the devil would have you think ~guilt and unworthiness.~ God’s children are not unworthy or guilty of any sin, for their father through Jesus your brother, has taken them away off of you forever.
You have gathered them into a kingdom and made them kings and priests
Now comes the hard part we have to practice and practice means putting in the time to do something very well, and to learn how to put on the
new nature
we have received from Father God, through and in Christ Jesus, for this ‘’ new nature’’ and ‘’new life’’ is now in us permanent, and with it comes change from within us, trying with the grace and blessing of God to new and different people.
Speaking forth the word of God now means biting your tongue from a bad answer or report, it means shutting up when you want to fight to defend your corner, it means changing your thinking to try and think as Jesus would think, it means forgiving those who constantly offend you, it means practicing love and love does not come easy to us, but it is now a part of the ‘’new life’’ and ‘’new nature’’ of Christ Jesus within us. We are litterly dead and should remain dead to the things of this world, even the things we loved to do.
Since you have been chosen by God
new kind of life
and because of his deep love and concern for you, you should
tender hearted mercy and kindness to others. Don’t worry about making a good impression on them, but be ready to suffer quietly and patiently.
Be gentle and ready to forgive; never hold grudges. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.
Most of all, ‘’let love’’ guide your life, for then the whole church will stay together in perfect harmony. 15 Let the peace of heart that comes from Christ be always present in your hearts and lives, for ‘’this is your responsibility and privilege’’ as members of his body. And always be thankful
16 Remember what Christ taught, and let his words enrich your lives and make you wise; teach them to each other and sing them out in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, ‘’singing to the Lord with thankful hearts.’’17 And whatever ‘’ you ’’ ‘do or say, ’ let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, and come with him into the presence of God the Father to give him your thanks.
You could almost be blinded with the amount of different colours that I have used to highlight the words in this scripture, and you know from previous explanations that I use these things to highlight the most important things in the word; but there is so much richness in this tiny scripture that we have to learn to do what it says, things like practice tender hearted mercies, that means that these things were not in you previously, if you have to practice something it means it was not a normal part of you. And then to be told to let love guide our life, again identifies that our old nature didn’t have very much true love in it. And one of the most important pieces in this scripture for me anyway is the words Let the peace of heart that comes from Christ be always present in your hearts and lives, for ‘’this is ‘’your responsibility
and ‘’privilege.’’ This means it is up to you to hold on to peace when all around you is in turmoil, and when people come against you, even family members. God will not hold on to peace for you, No! It is your personal responsibility; you are the one who must retain this ‘peace of heart which is a gift of God. ’
And you must act as a representative of God himself, always acting in love and concern for others.
To be successful in all of the things explained in this book we have to believe it all, that is
the scriptures
not me, or what I write, for I can be wrong, then we have to ‘’put on the mind and attitude of Christ Jesus,’’ and ‘’think as he thought,’’ and ‘’act as he acted,’’ and ‘’live in this way, the previous scriptures tell us to,’’ or otherwise these teachings will have no home in you and the power to work miracles will be severely restricted.
To live as Christ would, means that we allow him to live ‘’his new life’’ in us, letting ‘’his new nature’’ dwell in us and we have to ‘’act in our new nature,’’
which has become for us the ‘’nature of Christ Jesus’’ for ‘’we died to self’’ to allow him to live in us.
If we follow the instructions in that previous scripture then we would be walking and talking in purest love and love is what the father desires from us, for love makes up for many of our faults.
20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now ‘’live in the flesh’’ ‘’I live by faith’’ in the ‘’Son of God,’’ who loved me and gave himself for me.
You see there are two lives we have to live now, the life we live in the flesh as the scripture says; and the new spiritual life in Jesus who now lives his new life in me, this flesh life is the one that needs renewing and changing, so that the flesh life and the spiritual life become one together in Christ Jesus till both minds think alike and this is not going to come easy it will come at a cost to our flesh desires. I live this flesh life with its sin and falsehoods and deceits and ‘’I am ’’ the one responsible for changing what I am, to become what God created me to be; for my old spirit died with Christ, and I got a brand new one when he arose from the dead, and this is the life Christ Jesus is living in me, and I have to bring the two into alignment through the grace and blessings of God, changing to become all God wants me to be. Praise the lord he has given me Jesus to help me and given me his holy spirit also. I live this flesh life now by ‘’faith in Christ’’ trusting him to help me change for his glory. Trusting Jesus and being assured that he is in me helping me to become more and more like him in this flesh body.
5 ‘’Let this ‘’mind’’ be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: ’’ 6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
We have to let his mind be in us and not to oppose ‘’his word’’ {his mind} by unbelief for unbelief is displeasing to God, for without faith you cannot please God. The ‘mind of Jesus is in our spirit’ and not as you may imagine, in our brains, for the brain is flesh and blood and matter, but the spirit is life and it is there that the mind of Christ Jesus lives, for that is where he resides in us, in spirit as one spirit not one flesh.
who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge?
we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart
Not only do we have the ‘’mind of Christ Jesus’’ but we also have his name, for we are,
in him
alive in him and he in us;
and his name in us, is
Jesus, lord of lords, king of kings.
We have the most powerful weapon in the universe to use against the devil and all his evil hoards, we have the ‘’name of Jesus,’’ at whose name everything must bow, give way, and bend the knee, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. God gave us the name of his Holy Son Jesus, and in that name we were immersed, we became one with and in it, for that name has been given to us by our father in heaven, and sadly I have misused that holy name in the past quite a lot before I became a Christian, to curse and swear, yet in that awesome name demons flee in terror, sickness and disease also flee in terror when the name of Jesus is used with faith and respect and awe.
Luke 10 17 The seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name! {Amp}
We Christians are the only people who misuse the name of their Holy God to curse and swear, and then we wonder why this Holy name when used against sickness and disease and demons, doesn’t work for us like it should. No other religion in this world of ours uses the name of their God to curse or swear, or to curse at people. It is sad that the devil has deceived us into using the name of Jesus with total disrespect and honour, and I myself have used this name before I became a Christian and even after I became a Christian, for it was imbedded in me to swear using the name of Jesus as if it were nothing. And this has been a plan of the devils to disarm the children of God from the power of that awesome Holy name.
We don’t realise that the devil delights every time we misuse the name of Jesus especially to use as a curse word; this is why the name does not work for us later on, for deep down in our hearts we know we disrespected his Holy name in which we are immersed. If you, like I, have dishonoured his blessed Holy name; then we need to repent sincerely and do our utmost best to never disrespect his Holy name ever again.
How can we speak forth in great power this awesome wonderful blessed name of our most High God against evil in whatever forms it takes, if we disrespect it so much?
God gave us his own self to become ‘’one with him and in Jesus’’ and he also gave us his own Holy Spirit and in 1 John 4 4 he says;
You are of God little children,’’ and have overcome them; because ‘’greater is he that is in you, than he that is in this world ’’
God is reassuring us that we are of him, and he tells us that we have overcome evil in whatever form it takes, for their master the devil, is defeated as are they. For the one who defeated them is now ‘’living in you and joined together with and in you’’ and also has ‘’become a part of you,’ and ‘’joined himself together with you as one person in spirit,’’ and it is in ‘’spirit’’ that we fight the enemy by reminding them they are already defeated in the name of Jesus, our victory.
God said; ‘’we are a part of him’’ in scripture previously used in this book.
We don’t need to fight the devil or his evil demons or spirits we have to remind them they are defeated and have no power over us because Jesus dethroned them making them subject to his Holy blessed name.
We are to speak forth ‘’devil’’ you are defeated in Jesus name
We are to speak forth ‘’sickness ‘’you are defeated in Jesus name so come out!
Speak forth demons you are to come out in Jesus name;
Speak forth in total confidence using the name of Jesus against sickness and disease, commanding it to come out in the holy name of Jesus.
Speaking forth is what this book is all about, and we need to know in every way what we are supposed to speak forth about, in every area of our lives, for victory is mine, and God gave us this victory in Jesus name, for he defeated the devil on his own home turf, and arose in victory, trailing behind him the devil and every demon and rebellious angel, {now evil spirits,} right into the kingdom of heaven before the father and all of heaven, naked as the day they were created. And he has done all this for you and me so ‘’we’’ could ~demonstrate ~ ‘’his’’ victory.
That at the ‘’ name ’’ of ‘’Jesus’’ every knee ‘’should bow, ’’ in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
The word ‘’should’’ means, ‘’it has to bow,’’ ‘’it must bow’’ ‘’it ought to bow’’ bow means ‘obeisance’ and it means to curtsey to bend over, to submit, genuflection. To give way to a superior force or person or power
{To bow means to Bring someone/thing to their/its knee;. Reduce someone or something, to a state of weakness, or submission: fall (or drop, or sink, etc.) to one's knees Assume a kneeling position on bended knee (s) kneeling, especially when pleading or showing great respect: {dictionary}
We have the authority to command every demon or spirit and even the ‘’devil himself,’’ to bow and fall to their knees in respect and fear; to assume a kneeling position, at the name of Jesus every created thing has to bow, to give way to fall to their knees in terror and respect. Resist the devil and he will flee from you in terror.
7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double minded. 9 Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 ‘’ Humble yourselves’’ in the ‘’sight of the Lord,’’ and He will lift you up.
The way to make the devil fall to his knees is, ‘’first of all you must draw near to God’’ and then you have to resist the devil Then you have to humble yourself
To ‘’resist’’ means, to oppose, refuse to accept, refuse to go along with, defy, stand firm, defend against, refuse to give in to, you have to have that heart attitude and you have to speak forth this word, ‘’I resist you devil I defy you in the name of Jesus in which you must bend your knee and you must fall to your knees in Jesus name.’’
Did you note the words humble yourselves in the sight of God, God will never humble you or make you humble for he cannot change his own words and those words were to humble yourselves. When you humble yourself you are acknowledging that it is only through the grace and power of God that things happen, not through anything you think you done to deserve it. Don’t be humiliated when you step out to do something thinking you have the power in you to do whatever and nothing happens, it is not by power or by might but through my spirit say the lord.
6 Then he said, “This is God’s message to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty you
succeed because of my Spirit,
though you are few and weak.’
To speak forth in power and authority you have to know that you have indeed that power and authority of the Holy Spirit, for your power and authority come from God alone; so you can speak forth the divine word, this word of God says to resist the devil to command sickness and disease to go for it is defeated by Jesus who took all of our sickness and bore all our diseases. You don’t have to fight to get this, but you do have to be confident in the truth If God is able to
take away all of the worlds sins
including our own then the second part of that message is just as valid isn’t it, that ‘’by his wounds you have been healed,’’ what’s the difference between these two pieces of scripture? Nothing! Both are purest truth in its highest form.
1 Peter 2 New International Version (NIV) 24 “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
This truth in the ‘’word of our divine God’’ is just as valid as every other word he has given; you can speak forth this wonderful word with power and authority when you come against sickness and disease.
The name of Jesus used in faith will make sickness and disease and demons bow the knee , they will give way under that name, they will flee in terror, for they are actually terrified of the name of Jesus as in his presence in us.
Luke 10:17 NIV Bible
17The seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name." 18And He said to them, "I was watching Satan fall from heaven like lightning.…
A spirit of witchcraft was in a woman who followed Paul, annoying him every day until he got fed up with it, and then he turned on the spirit in her and said, in the name of Jesus.
Acts 16:18 NIV Bible
She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so annoyed that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the ‘’name of Jesus Christ’’ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her.
Every Christian has access to that name to use with total power and authority.
When you are holding a meeting to give glory to the lord and there are sick people there you have access to living power of God in you to heal them.
Matthew 18 20 The amplified Bible
For wherever two or three are gathered (drawn together as my followers) in (into) my name, there I am in the midst of them. {Amp}
These are just some scripture that tell you that you have the right to the name of Jesus, to tell you that as you received him as lord and saviour you now have authority to use his name in every area of your new life; for his glory
John 1 12 The amplified Bible
But to as many as did receive and welcome Him, He gave them authority (Power, privilege, right) to become the children of God, that is, to those who believe in (adhere to, trust in, and rely on) ‘’His name.’’ {Amp}
He gave us the right, the power and privilege to use his Holy name, and he affirmed that signs and wonders and healings would accompany believers. That means when you do something for those who are sick and disabled, or in pain you strip them of the bondages that the devil has them in, and then he goes alongside of you to perform with his power in you, healing miracles and deliverances. He God himself in Jesus accompanies you.
Mark 16 12 17 The way Bible
And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe: ‘’in my name’’ They ‘’will’’ drive out demons; they will speak in new languages; 18They will pick up Serpents; and [even] if they drink anything deadly, {by accident} it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will get well.
This is the same scripture without all the highlighting except for one word and that is the word ‘’will.’’
Mark 16 12 17 The Way Bible
And these attesting signs ‘’will’’ accompany those who believe: in my name they ‘’will’’ drive out demons; they ‘’will’’ speak in new languages; they ‘’will’’ pick up serpents; and [even] if they drink anything deadly, {by accident} it ‘’will not’’ hurt them; they ‘’will’’ lay their hands on the sick, and they ‘’will’’ get well.
Note the words ‘’will’’ that I have underlined and used commas in, the promise is that when you lay hands on someone they “will” get well. This as I said previously, a divine promise from our Divine lord, for if you are now beginning to ‘’do everything in the name of Jesus,’’ then he will heal the sick for you and deliver the oppressed.
Colossians 3 17 And whatever you do [no matter what it is] ‘’in word or deed,’’ ‘’do everything’’ in the ‘’name of the Lord Jesus’’ and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him. {Amp}
The word says whatever you do, ‘’in word or deed, do everything in the name of Jesus’’ and that means ‘’everything’’ that you do in everyday living including your work or simply driving your car doing ‘’everything’’ means to do all you do, and most importantly, depending on Jesus, and giving praise to his name to the father.
‘’Everything’’ means; ‘’all, the whole thing, the whole lot,’’
If only we understood the reason that God says, ‘’in word or deed, do everything in the name of Jesus,’’ we would know that by doing ‘’everything’’ that we do each day, and all day, in the ‘’name of Jesus,’’ then that ‘’name of Jesus’’ would simply be a major part of us, and we wouldn’t have to try and drag up belief in his name, when it comes to something huge.
I believe that God is giving us insight into the name of Jesus here; for I never did anything daily before in ‘in word or deed in his name Jesus,’ I just committed everything I do to God, but that is not the same as ‘’doing everything in his name.’’
The scriptures tell us there are secrets in the word, and treasures of darkness; that he is now revealing to this generation; and this is just one of them, something right there in front of our faces, and we didn’t even see the meaning behind it; we have focused on the ‘’name of Jesus’’ part, but not the ‘’foremost words,’’ ~”in word or deed’’ do everything in the name of Jesus’’ ~ which if you never done before, then begin now, begin by ‘reading this book
in the name of
Jesus,’’ I could have stuff in here that came from my flesh side, and reading it now in the name of Jesus he will show you where I may have erred.
Do everything’’ in the ‘’name of the Lord Jesus’’ and in [dependence upon] His Person, giving praise to God the Father through Him, will bring about these attesting signs which will accompany those who ‘believe in my name;’ they ‘’will’’ drive out demons; they ‘’will’’ speak in new languages; they ‘’will’’ pick up serpents; and [even] if they drink anything deadly, {by accident} it ‘will not’ hurt them; they ‘’will’’ lay their hands on the sick, and they ‘’will’’ ‘get well ’’ Mark 16
15 This is a divine promise from God if we do everything in his name, ~Jesus.~ Then when we step out to do a work for him, ‘’he’’ will ‘’heal the sick’’ and ‘’deliver those oppressed by the devil.’’ How much more is there to thank him for? The list keeps growing and has endless reasons to give ‘thanks and praise and worship’ to God for everything he has given us. ‘’Do everything’’ in the ‘’name of the Lord Jesus’’ and in [dependence upon] His Person, ‘’giving praise’’ to ‘’God the Father through Him.’’
‘’Giving praise in ‘everything we do in word or deed,’ ‘giving thanks’ every day to our father in heaven and giving ‘thanks to Jesus.’’ when we think of all he has given us that we may have seen for the first time in this book alone, is there not a tremendous amount that we can thank him and praise him for.
Thirty ‘’Now go’’ and ‘’preach’ the gospel knowing what you know now
We have so much knowledge now in this book that we need to take stock and sincerely ask the lord for the grace to have it go down deep into our spirit for it to become a reality to us in spirit. Then when he sends us out, or when we decide to obey God’s word, to ‘’ go ’’ and ‘’preach’’ and do what his word says, then we will know that we have indeed all power and authority
I have waited on God for over thirty eight years for a promise he made to me, and I have waited and waited, and reminded him time and time again, and again, but still no sign of his promise. Then I read in Daniel Kolende’s book ‘’Live before you die,’’ that if God gives you a vision or promise, then we have to ‘’ go ’’ and ‘’preach’’ the gospel; not to sit on our backside ‘’waiting on God’’ to do the
work to bring it about. And it is in preaching the gospel everywhere we can, that activates faith that pleases God. There are times of waiting on the lord but for the majority of times we were instructed to ‘’go’’ and ‘’preach’’ the gospel.
I have done things over the years, as people asked me to come and preach the gospel and pray with people who are sick, but when that finished; I sat ‘’waiting’’ again and again over these thirty eight years, I didn’t realise that I was supposed to ‘’ go preach, ‘always’ whether in ‘season or not’ as the word says; I didn’t have to wait to be asked, I was supposed to go anyway and preach not to just sit waiting. And I can say sincerely to Daniel Kolende, thank you for opening my eyes to the truth.
2 to preach the Word of God urgently at all times, whenever you get the chance, in season and out, when it is convenient and when it is not. Correct and rebuke your people when they need it, encourage them to do right, and all the time be feeding them patiently with God’s Word.
So many people through the years told me that I had to wait for it wasn’t the right time, and unfortunately I believed them, until I saw this scripture then I realised that I was to preach whenever I got the chance, but I still believed that it had to be when God instigated things, and not me, until now, when I read Daniels book, ‘’live before you die.’’ Now I know what to do and I am in the process of doing it. And people are listening about salvation and healing and receiving it
Maybe you, like me, are waiting on ministry to come to you, and nothing is happening for you either, then you must do something to activate your faith, go preach to your friends don’t preach ‘’at’’ them, preach means to tell someone something. Preach means to ‘’speak’’ to someone and ‘’preach Jesus’’ to them about Jesus crucified for our sins and offering eternal life, that is good news
What I have done just a week ago 3 9 14, was, I approached a local bar, to ask if I could have the use of the premises for a healing service. There were no churches doing anything like this, and that’s where they’re at, so the only thing I could do is to approach the place where people gather. I am not one of those people who think that God forbids us to go into to a bar where there are people drinking, after all Jesus performed his first miracle by ‘’changing the water into wine’’ at a wedding feast; and you don’t have a wedding service without the old drink can you? How can you get the drinkers saved if you don’t go into their local and befriend them?
If you have never thought about this before there was a bar there at this wedding feast, and people were drinking and more than likely Jesus was drinking also, for ‘’scripture tells us ‘’he’’ ‘’will not drink this wine again’’ until he arrives in heaven to drink the new wine.’ That also means that there is wine and a better class of it in the kingdom of heaven, so that’s something to look forward to when you get to heaven, that is for those who drink .lol
That meant that he had been drinking; you don’t say ‘’again,’’ if you have never drank do you? I drink it new with you in my Father’s Kingdom.” There was a bar of some sort there, for ‘’someone was looking after the drink when they discovered there was no wine left,’’ just as a barman or barwoman does, and Jesus mother said to him, ‘’do something,’’ for she believed in him. And he changed thirty gallons of water into the best wine the taster had ever tasted. That’s an awful lot of booze for a party isn’t it? In those days and still in some countries today, the wedding feast lasts for about a week. It’s like that in turkey, for I watched a wedding feast happening there, going on for days, eating and drinking, and that’s the way it was in his time also, nothing’s changed in that way.
Don’t give people the religious crap about alcohol, scripture does say ‘’strong drink is a mocker,’’ that is true, everyone knows that strong drink makes you drunk and a pain in the ass to everyone around you; but it also says the only person not allowed to drink is the pastor, his wife and elders can have a drink but he is not supposed to. Read the book of Timothy.
Here is where Jesus said about him having a drink!
29 Mark my words I will not drink this wine ‘’again’’ until the day I drink it new with you in my Father’s Kingdom.”
Jesus said, ‘’go and preach the gospel,’’ but don’t go into a bar! Where is that gospel written? I’ve never seen it anywhere in the word, Paul told Timothy to have a little wine to help his sick stomach, that’s drink isn’t it?
Some even say that it was not real wine that Jesus turned the water into, it was a kind of an alcohol free drink, and the strange thing about this thinking is, they have only been able to take the alcohol out of drink over the last thirty or so years, if they could have done it in Jesus day, then I may say then maybe they were right; and if that was possible; then ‘’Jesus was a fraud,’’ for if he didn’t turn the water into real wine, then he was an imposter. If he was against alcohol then why did he turn water into wine; in the middle of a drunken party, he
could simply have sobered the whole lot up and urged them to go home; the wine had run out, so someone was drinking it!! He could have turns it into grapefruit juice or apple juice couldn’t he? He turned sixty Gallons of water into wine; that is an awful lot of drink, sixty Gallons, I wish he had been at my wedding to Rose he could have saved me a fortune.
These are things you will have to ‘’speak forth’’ about sometimes; and it is good to know that ‘’Jesus drank’’ for some people feel they can’t become a Christian because they took a drink. I know the church my two sisters in law went to was totally against drinking, and preached ‘’damnation’’ if you drank, and they put more people off coming to Jesus than enough, for most of those they preached ‘’at ‘took a drink and wouldn’t turn to Jesus for salvation, they believed they were under damnation, and they considered them to be two religious nuts; and they also come around condemning my wife because she took a drink
Anywhere you can get an opportunity to ‘’go and preach’’ the full word of God take it; go after it like it was your last breath.
Speak forth truth when you preach the full gospel, don’t take a little portion and focus on that, for many do, and all they preach is a part gospel. Jesus said to go preach the good news; good news to someone who takes a social drink is to know that their social drinking in not condemning them.
Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB)
14 Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their unbelief their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him alive from the dead.
15 And then he told them, “You’’ are to ‘’ go ’’ into the entire world and ‘’preach the Good News’’ to everyone, everywhere.16 those who ‘’believe’’ and are ‘’baptized’’ ‘will’ be saved.’’ But ‘’those’’ who ‘’refuse to believe ‘will’ be condemned.’’
17 “And those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages.18 They ‘’will’’ be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they ‘’will’’ be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.”
19 When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at God’s right hand.
what they said
with them
followed their messages
Did you by any chance notice in that scripture that Jesus told them to ‘’go preach, the good news,’’ and most Christians just preach the usual salvation message, and this is one hundred percent accurate; but if you look at the last word in this scripture you will the miracles followed their ‘’ messages,’’ not just ‘’one message.’’ Miracles follow the ‘’full gospel’’ in whatever form it takes as long as it is the Holy Word of God. You can go to a conference and preach about anything that you have read in the word of God and in this book, and in many other blessed teachers of the full gospels books, and the lord is obliged to follow you with signs and wonders, so don’t just stick to one messages for if people are saved, then you can’t keep preaching the same message to them over and over again, NO! You are to preach the full gospel the living word of the living God, teaching them how to grow.
Speak forth the name of Jesus with full power, authority, and effect by faith in his name and the signs and wonders will follow.
Exodus 23 25 Living Bible (TLB) 25 “You shall serve the Lord your God only; then I will bless you with food and with water, and ‘’I will take away sickness from among you.’’26 There will be neither miscarriages nor barrenness throughout your land, and you will live out the full quota of the days of your life
This is a good scripture for a healing service, for in it, is the promise of removing sickness from among you and them, and is a good scripture for you to stand upon for your own health and for others as you minister to them.
God’s promise here in this scripture is for those who believe in the lord God and ‘’serve him with all their hearts,’’ ‘’shall have sickness removed from among them.’’ This is a divine promise to those who serve the lord with all their hearts.
When speaking forth the word of God out of your mouth you may encounter evil spirits in people or demons, and this is what you do, ‘’rebuke them,’’ tell them to ‘’be quiet,’’ and ‘’command them to ‘’get out and do not touch anyone there,’’ for they are terrified of you for they know who you are and what you believe.
He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!”
The demons of sickness and disease may shout this to you also, begging that you don’t torture them, and pleading with you to let them stay, or to leave quietly and go somewhere else, just shut them up don’t ever let them perform, they love to do that for it gives the impression they are strong and big and in reality they are little.
Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
This is doing the work of God believing in Jesus and all he proclaimed to us. Many people want to do work for God and he tells us simply it is in ‘’believing in Jesus,’’ that the work is done. And for us, we need to then to step out and to follow him in all he did and to do the same.
23 I have ’’sworn by myself,’’’’ the ‘’word’’ is gone out of my mouth in ‘’righteousness, ’’ and shall not return, that unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.
24 Surely, shall one ‘’say,’’‘’in theLORD’’ ‘’I have righteousness’’ and ‘’strength:’’ even to him shall men come; and all that are incensed against him shall be ashamed. 25 In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.
The words that God speaks, is out of his mouth already, and they will never return to him void, and he is telling us to;
Speak forth ‘’in the lord, I have righteousness and strength;’’
Those words that he speaks, ‘’he speaks in righteousness,’’ the words we speak also, are ‘’spoken in righteousness’’ for we are the ‘’righteousness of Christ Jesus,’’ and these ‘’words’ ‘join up together in righteousness;’ and when spoken to sickness and disease they shall bow the knee. {Unto me every knee shall bow} All of these things are relevant to us in the now, for it is in the now we come against the enemy in people, the demons and evil spirits that bring with them sickness and disease and pain and suffering.
God is saying to us to his speak forth his word ‘’regarding righteousness and strength,’’ for many Christians feel weak and defenceless, so the lord is telling them that is a wrong thing to say.
As I have said before in this book God tells us things and it is all for our benefit, for our good, and when he says to say something then we need to follow those instructions.
Let the weak say I am strong.
Joel 3:10 King James Bible
Beat your ploughshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weak ‘’say,’’"I am strong!"
God confirms his divine word in this scripture for he tells the weaklings to ‘’say,’’ ‘’I am strong’’ and it is in declaring that they are strong that gives the lord the chance to strength them by ‘his words’ that they speak, and we also must speak forth and declare that, ‘’I am strong.’’ We must constantly speak forth those words especially when we are at our weakest, for this does not mean physical
strength, but spiritual strength, and mental strength also. God wants us coming to him in
holy boldness
not in fear and trembling, he wants us knowing we are his divine children and loved dearly by him. It is speaking forth God’s words that strengthen us, and by saying the divine words, the divine power begins to flow through us giving glory to our lord and saviour Jesus, and to Father God. You can see clearly from this scripture that God desires us to ‘’say’’ to this ‘mountain be thou removed!’’ And it will be removed.
18 Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry.19 seeing a fig tree by the road, and he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he ‘’said’’ to it, “May you never bear fruit again!”Immediately the tree withered.
20 When the disciples saw this, they were amazed. “How did the fig tree wither so quickly?” they asked.
21 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and ‘’do not doubt,’’ not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can ‘’say ‘’ ‘’to this mountain,’’ ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. 22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”
Jesus is telling us very plainly that we must ‘’say, ’’ that means we must speak forth to deliver the message with power and effect. He is showing us that we have power and authority over things like sickness and disease, over the very devil himself and all his demonic hordes and even over the elements of this world and it is in our mouths that the power lays. For the power is in your mouth, you have been given the right to say to every sickness and disease and everything in this life, even to say to mountains in the physical world, but not just to that, but to every mountain that you face.
When ministering to the sick you are the one who must ‘ say ’ to whatever disease it is, {and remember that cancer is no different to God than a headache is,} ‘to get out of this body, for this body belongs to the Holy Spirit if they are a Christian.’
Speaking forth and sowing, the difference between them
Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not
If it is in his divine living word then it is for you, no matter what it is, if God said it he means it.
If he said it, then it belongs to you.’’ Some words have to be spoken in ‘’agreement with the divine word,’’ others have to be ‘’sown into his word’’ for them to manifest, and the difference between those words is, the word God speaks out about ‘our life in him,’ and what we are ‘in him,’ and ‘how he sees us’ these are spoken in ‘’agreement’’ with him.
For example God said, you are ‘’holy in my sight,’’ Ephesians 1 4 You agree with him and say ‘’I am holy in his sight.’’
The word God spoke out regarding his holy promises is ‘’different’’ we have to ‘’ sow ’’ the seeds ‘’into his spoken word,’’ the ‘same words’ he spoke in scripture, or by voice to you, and as we sow into him the seeds grow and one day will bear fruit. God spoke words to the effect of, ‘’ you ’’ are to ‘’ go ’’ into the entire world and preach the gospel, lay hands on the sick and I will heal them, and I will be with you and bring to pass what you command;’’ this is a ‘’sowing word’’ and a sowing time for it is ‘’future tense,’’ ‘’ go ’’ means to leave and travel somewhere
Anywhere the word speaks of ‘’future events’’ means you have to ‘’sow’’ the ‘divine word into it’ and keep thanking God for it.
For instance the lord said to me over thirty eight years ago that he was giving me a house of healing, and I have sown into that future word many times and I awaited it until now, for I know that things have changed and it is coming into fruition soon, for now he has said to ‘’go’’ into the entire world and I have done now that by booking a lounge bar in my city and I am holding a healing service in it on the fifteenth of September 15 9 14, the churches aren’t interested in a healing service, so the only places available to me are lounge bars so far anyway. Before this I was waiting on the lord to do something
To give God the glory he deserves, I want to tell you at this point in doing this service I have been attacked by members of my own family and even by my wife herself, saying that I was mad, to think I could go and have a healing service in a bar, what if nothing happens? What if nothing happens, people won’t be disappointed, for if they came in with cancer and they left with cancer then they had nothing to lose did they, but if they come with cancer and leave healed then they have received everything. Going around shops and places asking people to place these on their windows people have asked me what is this about, and that gave me a chance to tell them about Jesus, and some asked me to pray with them including a lady in a ladies hairdresser salon, who could not have babies and she asked could God give her a baby, and I prayed with her reminding the lords word said it is not good to have no children, so now the rest is up to him.
Another lady, an American friend of ours, asked could I pray with her, I was telling my sisters about the healing night in the bar, and she overheard. We were out for a meal and a drink together as she was visiting for a few days in our city. She had an accident and tore her foot off, and the surgeon put the foot back on again, and she said it was on wrong; and it was.
She held her two feet up to show me and one foot was at twelve o clock and the other foot at ten past twelve and bent. Going with the new lessons I have learned while writing this book, I knew that when I speak forth the word Jesus speaks it simultaneously with me, for we are in union. The moment I touched her, her foot turned around and then straightened up, and both feet stood at twelve o clock and all pain left her.
She had damage to her shoulder, and it was healed instantly also; and she had surgery damage to her knee, and it was repaired by the lord; and she was set free from pain in it. Then when she stood up to show my two sisters her healed feet she said she had pain in her leg where she had a hip replacement, and was in pain in it now; and I again touched her leg ‘’reminding myself that Jesus was in me and speaking in unity with me,’’ and she was instantly healed.
her a total healing.
in less than ten minutes, and it
the street, where the bar chairs and tables were and we used one of the chairs for her to sit on.
taking place in a bar
have this
to you
that God was confirming his word
realised that it was in a bar that Glenda was healed, and I am having a healing service in a bar also, so I
are faithful to
In this bar in a few weeks time, {‘’the future
will lay hands on the sick and heal them, this is the ministry in him he is talking about, and it is your sowing into that word that will bring this ministry about and cause it to come to pass. These things haven’t happened for the future people yet, and so you and I need to sow our seeds into those words, to make them happen; just as we need to sow our seeds into the word of the living God.
When God says something regarding future events promised to you in scripture, then you have to ‘’sow your seeds of faith into this word,’’ whatever it is to bring it about in its perfect timing.
Anything you are doing for the lord in the future needs to have the divine word sown into it, so when it finally emerges then it will be filled with divine power.
Today you may be sitting here reading this book and there is nothing planned on your schedule today but you have something you are doing for the lord in a few days time, that is a future event and needs the word of God sown into it, and for his glory.
For this future event I have planned for the healing service in the Bogside Inn, I need to ‘’ sow now ’’ that those who believe, and that is me lord, I shall use your authority, I will lay hands on the sick and they will be healed by your power, and that they will be baptised in your holy spirit and speak in tongues, and they will all be saved. There will be miracles signs and wonders happening that night.I speak this into your living word lord as in mark 16 17
“And those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages, {tongues} 18 They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they ‘’will’’ be able to place their hands on the sick and ‘’heal them.”
Luke 6:38 NIV Bible “Give and ‘’it shall be given unto you;’‘good measure, ’ pressed down, and shaken together and running over, shall ‘’men’’ ‘’give’’ into your bosom…”
This already indicates that when you give, there’s an increase of grace for you to receive. So when you pay your tithes, give your offerings, or sow special seeds, you’re actually opening up your capacity to receive.
However, you have to water the seeds you’ve sown with the Word of God with ‘’ prayer and thanksgiving,’’ and then ‘’call forth’’ {speak forth} ‘your harvest’ with your faith filled confessions. So in sowing your seeds, send them forth by the anointing, by ‘’speaking the ‘’Word’’ over them,’’ and begin to call ‘’forth your harvest.’’ You can call forth your harvest anytime, for harvest is anytime:
Genesis 8:22 NIV Bible
“While the earth remained, ‘’seedtime and harvest,’’ and ‘’cold and heat,’’ and ‘’summer and winter,’’ and ‘’day and night,’’ ‘’shall not cease”
Your harvest is in your mouth; you can call it forth today. You can speak forth your own future.
Mark 11:24 said, “Therefore I say unto you, what things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”
Meaning that to receive a bountiful harvest of your seeds sown, you must ‘’activate the law of faith’’ by ‘’speaking forth your harvest ’’ Just as nothing hindered you from sowing that seed, you ought to also declare that nothing would hinder your harvest. We have to believe to rely and trust in God who is faithful to his promises.
God already promised a multiple harvest for you when you give, and His Word cannot be broken (Luke 6:38).
“But this I say, He which ‘’sowed sparingly’’ shall ‘’reap also sparingly;’’ and he which ‘’sowed bountifully’’ shall ‘’reap also bountifully.’’ Every man according as he purposed in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, many abound to every good work.”
Therefore when you give, declare your harvest! Don’t speak unbelief or sit idly by with the mentality that “whatever will be, will be.” Rather, keep speaking words of faith until the harvest of the seeds you’ve sown come pouring down on you.
The importance of speaking forth the word of God; God speaks plainly about the value of words. Jesus spoke to a fig tree, imagine talking to a fig tree, if anyone saw you talking to a tree these days they would have you certified and in the mental hospital in a very short time, yet Jesus spoke to this tree and he commanded it to die which to me the first time I read it didn’t seem to be very fair. But this was to give us an example when praying with disease like cancer that has a root, die in Jesus name!
Speak forth the living word of the living breathing God who dwells in us for his pleasure.
Speak forth the word ‘’I am forever are perfect in his sight;’’
Speak forth the word. ‘’I have been raised to a heavenly dignity, and condition and state of being;’’
Speak forth the word ‘’I am in right standing with himself’’
Speak forth the word “He took up ‘’my ‘infirmities and bore ‘’my ‘’diseases.”
Speak forth the word ‘’Life and death are my servants.’’
Speak forth the word... “By his wounds you {I} have been healed.”
Speak forth the word ‘’I am healed in his sight;’’
Speak forth the word
I am in right standing with God
Speak forth the word ‘’ I am not guilty of offending him, and ‘’I am not guilty ever.
Speak forth the word ‘’I am ‘’holy in his eyes,’’
Speak forth the word ‘’I am ‘’without a ‘’single’’ fault’’
Speak forth the word ‘’ I am covered with his love.
Speak forth the word ‘’He’’ made ‘’me’’ alive
and in
Speak forth the word
Christ Jesus;
I am filled with the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Speak forth the word ‘’I am in him, made full, and have come to fullness of life in Christ Jesus
Speak forth the word I am one spirit in Christ Jesus.
Speak forth the word it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me.
Speak forth the word ‘’he will ‘enlarge’ the ‘’harvest of ‘’my righteousness.’’
Speak forth the word ‘’as he is, so am I in this world.’’