Speak to the bones

The hand of the Lord was upon me, and He brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. 2 And He caused me to pass round about among them, and behold, there were very many [human bones] in the open valley or plain, and behold, they were very dry. 3 And He said to me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, You know!
4 Again He said to me, ‘’Prophesy to these bones’’ and ‘’say to them,’’ O you dry bones, ‘’hear the ‘word’ of the Lord.’’
5 Thus ‘’says’’ the Lord God to these bones: ‘’Behold, I will cause breath and spirit to enter you, and you shall live; 6 And I will lay sinews upon you and bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin, and I will put breath and spirit in you, and you [dry bones] shall live;’’ and you shall know, understand, and realize that I am the Lord [the Sovereign Ruler, Who calls forth loyalty and obedient service].
7 So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a [thundering] noise and behold, a shaking and trembling and a rattling, and the bones came together, bone to its bone.
8 And I looked and behold, there were sinews upon [the bones] and flesh came upon them and skin covered them over, but there was ‘’no breath or spirit in them.’’
Then said He to me,
Prophesy to the breath and spirit,’’ son of man, and ‘’say’’ to the ‘’breath and spirit,’’ thus says the Lord God: Come from the four winds, O breath and spirit, and breathe upon these slain that they may live.
10 So ‘’I prophesied’’ as He commanded me, and the ‘’breath and spirit’’ came into [the bones], and they lived and stood up upon their feet, an exceedingly great host.
As I lay in bed this morning the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, ‘’Speak to the bones,’’ and immediately the ‘’Hunter Ministries’’ came to my mind, two ninety year old people in the healing ministry; who have taught others to speak to the different parts of the body commanding it to be healed in Jesus name; and then the thought came to me that is what I do when praying with people anyway, but I had never before had a scripture to back that up, and some religious people said, ‘this is not scriptural,’ and some rejected it because they never seen in scripture Jesus heal this way; even though they saw people being healed in the name of Jesus as I spoke to their body, to the affected part
A church that a friend was ministering healing in stopped him praying in this way, even though they saw their people being healed by this method of healing, as he ministered to the sick in their church; and it was supposed to be a believer’s church. They tried it themselves and it would not work for them, so they ‘’discerned’’ it was not of God even though they seen their people healed in front of them. This was ‘’religiosity and unbelief’’ in action, and sad to say it is seen in many churches today. It would not work for them because they didn’t have belief in Jesus whose name is always spoken in command when ministering in this way, or in any method or way; they had ‘’no faith,’’ so no miracles happened for them, so because it would not work them as I said, they ‘’discerned’’??? it was not of God
It would not work for them simply because they had no faith in God or in Jesus, they forgot that Jesus spat in a man’s eyes and in another incidence he rubbed mud on another man’s eyes, and in another case he told ten lepers to go present themselves to the priests. He told another man to go and wash himself. Jesus used many different ways to heal people, even though he had the Holy Spirit ‘’without measure’’ and could have just nodded, and all sickness and disease and demons would flee in terror. He used different ways to heal to show us it does not matter how you pray to get people healed the important part of healing is that ‘’you use his divine name Jesus’’ which is the ‘’name above every other name,’’ ‘’including the name of the sickness or disease or
demon that sick people may have.’’ He gave us examples as he done things contrary to mans way of thinking. And who knows that Jesus didn’t do healing in this way, maybe he taught his apostles to lay hands on the sick and heal them by this method, scripture tells us, if everything that Jesus did was recorded in a book there would not be enough books to record his miracles.
I seen people pray; telling people the wrong message about salvation and healing and people were still healed. I would never use that of course but it worked for the people who came looking for healing. God looked at their hearts not at the preacher who was definitely not telling them the gospel but God still healed those who came to him hoping for a miracle.
I seen people use different ways to heal and God healed them, so I stole what they did and added it to my ways of praying as I seen it work. I don’t care how people receive healing, my heart is saying, ‘I want these poor sick folk healed,’ and I use every method I can; if one doesn’t work then I approach them in a different way.
Just recently I learned two different ways from the lord to command healing to someone’s body, and I knew they worked; and they have now become a part of my ministry, I am not embarrassed to steal someone’s method for healing, for as I said Jesus used different methods to heal and I simply believe that God has shown them one of his ways to heal.
My own belief is that we are ‘’already healed by Jesus’’ suffering at the scourging at the pillar where our sickness and diseases were put on the body of Jesus as his flesh was being ripped out; and what I am supposed to do is to command that disease or demon to get out in Jesus name; but also at the same time I use whatever method to let them see healing work.
I use a method called the arm and leg adjustment as a ‘demonstration;’ for God told someone, I forget their name to use this method and he would heal every time; if it was good enough for God to tell that man he would heal, then it is good enough for me to use it also. I use this method as I said, as a ‘’demonstration’’ so that they can see someone in pain and when they see that person or persons healed, then their faith grows and they expect the same thing happening to them.
When I first began to write on this subject; the lord said, ‘’speak to the bones’’ and at the same moment the thoughts came to me to learn more about the human body, so that I can command healing to the affected area for the glory of God not for man. Then I remembered that Ezekiel was told to speak to the
bones, so I got my bible out and turned to Ezekiel -374 Again He said to me, ‘’Prophesy to these bones’’ and ‘’say’’ to them, O you dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.
Prophecy means ‘’insight,’’ and to ‘’predict’’ to see the future, ~God has given us insight into his divine word so we know healing is his perfect will. ~ And healing is all about that, seeing the future {healing} before it even happens, and when we come and pray with someone we know they are already healed so we prophesise or predict to them by ‘’our faith’’ to receive their healing
There is no point in praying with someone if you don’t think they will be healed, what is the point in laying hands on someone if you don’t believe they will be healed. No! ‘’You have to believe that it will work,’’ and you can see in your spirit this works, and it does as you lay hands. God desire them in good health even more than you do; so now he is telling me to ‘’speak to the bones,’’ so I am preparing to get a doctors book on the body and especially the bones, to see how speaking to the bones will affect my ministry and the person being prayed with.
I know that the bones carry the marrow but I don’t know at this moment what the marrow is made up of, and what it does exactly!
I just researched the bones and I have been amazed to discover that the bones carry support to the rest of the body by producing red and white blood cells and platelets ={piece of cell that helps blood clot . {A small piece of a cell in your blood that helps it to clot} (=form a thick mass} below is a picture of the knee and thigh and leg bones, and as I said it is the bone structure that produces the red and white blood cells I always thought it was the ‘heart’ that produced the red and white blood cells, shows I was wrong all this time; we learn something new every day.
Supports and protects the body / responsible for body movement bones store ‘lipid’ and minerals = lipid oils—***‘’Lipids are molecules that contain hydrocarbons and make up the building blocks of the structure and function of living cells.}}***
*Lipid, any of a diverse group of organic compounds including fats, oils, hormones, and certain components of membranes that are grouped together because they do not interact appreciably with water. One type of lipid, the triglycerides, is sequestered as fat in adipose cells, which serve as the energy storage depot for organisms and also provide thermal insulation. Some lipids such as steroid hormones serve as chemical messengers between cells, tissues, and organs, and others communicate signals between biochemical systems within a single cell. The membranes of cells and organelles (structures within cells) are microscopically thin structures formed from two layers of phospholipids’ molecules. Membranes function to separate individual cells from their environments and to compartmentalize the cell interior into structures that carry out special functions. So important is this compartmentalizing function that membranes, and the lipids that make them up, must have been essential to the origin of life itself.*
This here is an awesome statement, that lipids that God created in these bodies’s of ours must have been essential to the origin of life itself. So the bones carry life as they carry the mechanism of life itself. This is the scientific judgement of how the body works, and it is amazing now to begin to understand why God told Ezekiel to speak to the bones, it seems like he created the bones next; after he created the spirit of man; I don’t know but it looks like it, then he places sinews next on to the bones and then flesh and skin and the flesh carries in it the ligaments and the nerves and the veins and arteries and all the other things that make up the human body, wow! God is awesome.
the blood-forming
Red blood cells, most white blood cells, and platelets are produced in the bone marrow, the soft fatty tissue inside bone cavities. Two types of white blood cells, T and B cells (lymphocytes) are also produced in the lymph nodes and spleen, and T cells are produced and mature in the
thymus gland.
Within the bone marrow, all blood cells originate from a single type of unspecialized cell called a
stem cell
Triglycerides play a major part in diabetes, if there are too many, then the blood sugar rise and cause diabetes. Command the lipids and triglycerides to reduce their amount of oils and fats. When praying with those with diabetes.
When we study these things that are contained in the bone structure in the human body then the more effective it will be to get to the bottom of someone’s sickness or disease.
Of Course it is even better when we believe in the power of the ‘name of Jesus’ and in the fact that sickness has already been healed through the stripes of Jesus, he was lashed and as his flesh was torn out of his body, God our father placed all sickness and diseases into Jesus body in exchange; he in effect swapped our diseases for the flesh and blood of Jesus at the scourging at the pillar, and later on the cross he brought it to death as he paid the full price for us, and freed us from sin and sickness and disease, by having his human body crucified for us; and as his body died, so did our sins; and so did sickness and disease; he then entered hell, the kingdom of the devil and he dethroned the devil and defeated him and every demon in that place, and so freed us from disease and the punishment for sin by becoming the punishment and he paid the full price of our iniquity.
Other parts of the body
From this information I can now focus my prayer on the
bone structure
and command red or white cells or platelets to be in good health, or to begin producing red cells faster or white cells or platelets faster, whichever is in need first. The bones store ‘lipids and minerals’ the body needs, and people in ill health may have need of these things, and so now with more added information we can use this to command the body to produce blood cells platelets or lipid minerals that the body may need. I used to speak to the heart to command it to produce the red and white cells that a person needed for good health, but I was speaking to the wrong part, and of course it could not produce what I ordered it to do, as that was not its function.
A Catholic priest in the miracle healing ministry, ‘’Father Robert De Grandis,’’ said, to me thirty eight years ago ‘’learn as much as you can about the human body so that you can tell it what to do,’’; I learned some things but didn’t really go into too much detail.
Now I am praying with more people and some have blindness and severe eye problems.
I have commanded perfect vision into an uncle of mine whose eyes had deteriorated so bad they were going to take his driving licence away from him, and he needed his licence, for that was the only way he could get about for him and his wife. As I prayed with him I command the eyes to receive their healing as something Jesus already done for them. I commanded the iris and the fine nerves to be healed, and he said he could see writing on my T shirt, A few days later he arrived up to my house and excitedly told me that his eyes were now 20/20 vision in his right eyes and his left eye was 19/20. Praise God for his love for us.
I have highlighted the most important parts that have to obey the command of the name of Jesus
I command the ’Ciliary muscle,’’ . Schlemm's canal, cornea, iris, lens cortex, the . Inferior oblique muscle, inferior rectus muscle, . Retinal arteries and veins, optic nerve and retina to receive their healing in Jesus name.
You don’t have to know all these parts; but some of them are important when commanding healing into them. If you study them, commit what you studied to the Holy Spirit and he will bring to mind what commands you need to make, as each person is different. Remember it was God who designed the human eye and the bones and body.
The most important thing you have to remember is that it is done already; Jesus already done everything, but the person you’re praying with will probably not know that, so it is for their benefit that you do these things.
Deafness in the ear is another thing you will find in older people or with anyone in fact, and if you know how the ear is made up then you have more knowledge to use to command healing to deafness or partial deafness.
Here we have the structure of the human ear, remember that it was God who designed the human ear so get to know what he designed, the same with any part of the body that needs healing.
In this the command to the ear would be; ‘’I command the hammer, anvil, and stirrup to receive healing in Jesus name, I command the inner ear the cochlea and the tube and nerves to receive healing in Jesus name. And command the bones to produce more red and whitecells to the ear.
All these things are great to know, but it is ‘’even greater’’ to know that all these healings are already done for us by Jesus and it is in knowing and acknowledging this before our father in heaven that he receives his glory.
God uses us in different ways; some have the gift of miracles and others the gift of healings and for some, supernatural faith, the ‘’gifts of the Holy Spirit.’’
When praying with people it is important to know what exactly is wrong with them, so you can know how to pray for as scripture talking about the Holy Spirit says.
Romans 8 26 and in the same way—by our faith —the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don’t even know what we should pray for nor how to pray as we should, but the Holy Spirit prays for us with such feeling that it cannot be expressed in words. 27 And the Father who knows all hearts knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying as he pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will.28 And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
By letting the Holy Spirit lead you, you will see healing and miracles in abundance. The more you know of the human body that God designed, the more information you will have to command healing to the affected areas.
I could go on and on showing different parts of the body to you but that would take me forever as I am not medical in any way, when you begin to pray with people God’s spirit will lead you in many ways seemingly contradictory from what you learned but the Spirit knows the body better than you or I, for he is the one who created it at God’s command, and he knows his way around the human body so let him lead you for he knows best; he could tell you to command one part and you will see healing in another part for the part he showed you is the cause of the main part not working.
When God said, ‘’speak to the bones’’ and as I studied the bones, I have learned more of the human body than what I first knew of, and so for you who are just beginning in the healing ministry, these things will help you to see miracles and healing as you step out in faith. There is much we need to learn about what God has done for us as he already healed all of us through Jesus sacrifice.
Lymphoma is a blood cancer, which appears as a solid tumour most commonly in the lymph nodes of the neck, chest, armpit or groin.
People with lymphoma produce abnormal lymphocytes, which are one type of white blood cell. Lymphocytes are mainly found in the lymph nodes and lymphoid tissues, which make up the lymphatic system. And this is where lymphoma occurs. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that runs throughout the body carrying fluid containing important cells of the immune system.
There are two main types of lymphoma; non-Hodgkin, which is more common and Hodgkin. There are many different types of Hodgkin lymphoma that can affect any part of the lymphatic system. Hodgkin tends to affect glands in the head and neck.
Command; I command those white abnormal blood cells to cease their growth, and to die immediately in Jesus name, and I command the healthy white cells to increase in strength and abundance
The types of cancers that affect these groups of people fall into 2 overlapping groups Cancers that are caused by viruses, such as cervical cancer and other cancers of the genital or anal area, some lymphomas, liver cancer and stomach cancer Lymphomas.
Behind most cancers lays an evil spirit, command that thing to get out in the name of Jesus first, then command the abnormal lymphocytes white blood cells to die in the name of Jesus for life and death is our servants, and command life to fill the affected areas in Jesus name. Always do everything in the name of Jesus for it is by his name that disease is removed.
When praying with people with cancer, I always command the spirit of cancer to get out and that the cells that are abnormal to die in Jesus name and then I command life and light to fill that area in the holy name of Jesus.
In all cases of sickness and disease you have to remember that they have already been healed by Jesus at the scourging at the pillar, and that it is already done. Never approach sickness as if it needs to be healed because it will be you trying to heal something that Jesus already took care of; he said on the cross, ‘’it is finished’’ and it was and is.
Speak to the bones said the lord; and I have done so and see more healings than ever, glory to our lord and saviour Jesus Christ who done everything that we could ever need for us to live a life of glory for him.