Speaking to sickness and disease
Brendan Mc Crossan

Speaking to sickness and disease
Mc CrossanOne
Jesus talked to sickness and disease
Luke 4-39-TLB
Standing at her bedside he ''spoke'' ''to the fever, rebuking it,'' and immediately her temperature returned to normal.
There is a joke going around, that this was the reason Peter denied Jesus, because he healed his mother in law. Jesus never prayed to God to heal anyone, he did what he wants us to do; to ''speak' 'to the diseases'' because everything has life in it; everything Jesus created has life in it!
Christ is the exact likeness of the unseen God. He existed before God made anything at all, and in fact, Christ himself is the ''creator'' ''who made ''everything'' in heaven and on earth,'' the ''things'' we 'see' and the ''things we can't;'' the spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authority all were made by Christ for his own use and glory. He was before all else began, and it is his power that holds everything together.
When Jesus spoke to the ''sickness'' in Peters mother in law he was speaking to those ''created things in her body, the things he created'' {those things we cannot see, that were in rebellion to the things they were supposed to do to keep the body healthy and well;} nor could he either, unless the Holy Spirit gave him the gift of discernment; this is something that every Christian in the healing ministry needs to know. ''Under the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus did everything,'' as the Spirit instructed him, he spoke to the body which is made up of mostly water and blood and flesh & bone, and all parts are ''created things.''
Remember this Jesus created ''everything'' on this planet according to the word of God, and so he could speak to those things ''he created'' that were in rebellion against God's love, and command them to get back into obedience or to get out, then he gave us that same power, his Holy Spirit!
To explain a bit more; when you put a piece of the body under a microscope, or in
fact anything including water; or a piece of blood it shows up life forces,'' little living organisms'' moving about holding the body together, in the flesh or blood, or bone in every part of the body and in every created thing. Jesus knew that and the Holy Spirit moved him to speak to the organisms that were in ''rebellion,'' and command them to get out of the body, and under the authority of the Spirit within him he spoke to those things that were not working with the body and order them out. These things were not spirits, for the previous scripture separates, the things we see and the things we can't from the spirits and the spirit world.
Knowing this will make healing much easier; knowing that Jesus gave us his own power and authority Mark 16 15. For your information Jesus never healed anyone by his own power; for he gave up his supernatural power when he came to earth to save us, and he couldn't even heal his father when he died,; but when he went to the Jordan river to be baptised by John the Baptist, the Holy Spirit came upon him, and it was after that, that he was able to go about healing the sick. It wasn't until he received the ''baptism in the Holy Spirit'' that he ''received the power to heal,'' and if you look at the scriptures carefully, you will see that scripture says the ''power of the Spirit'' was ''upon him'' or ''with him,'' and Jesus himself said about this; that the scripture says ''the spirit of the lord is upon me'' ''to give sight to the blind etc.''
Luke 4 16 TLB
The ''spirit'' of the ''lord is upon me;''-''he'' has appointed 'me' to 'preach the good news to the poor;'' ''he'' has sent me to heal the broken hearted, and to announce that captives shall be released, and the blind shall see, that the downtrodden shall be freed from their oppressors, and that God is ready to give blessings to all who come to him.
Here is Jesus stating the fact, that he has now received the ''same ''Holy Spirit'' as the ''Holy Spirit'' ''offered to us. ''And later on he announced that we also would receive him.
But first of all, let’s have another look at that scripture and what exactly is Jesus saying in it! He said 'the ''Spirit of the Lord'' is upon me;'' he was stating the fact that God's Holy Spirit was in him now; then he said something every Christian needs to be aware of. He said ''He ''has appointed me to preach, etc, then he said, ''He'' has sent me to ''heal'' the broken hearted etc; he said ''He'' meaning the Holy Spirit was telling him what to do and say, just as he does with us today.
Before Jesus ever done anything supernatural, like changing the water into wine for instance he needed the Holy Spirits power to use to do this miracle.
This is when it happened; Jesus went to the Jordan river to have hands laid on him by John and to be baptised in water, and most born again Christian churches practice
this in reference to salvation.
Matthew 3 16 TLB
After his baptism as soon as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened to him and he saw the ''spirit' of 'God'' coming down in the form of a dove, and a voice from heaven said. This is my beloved son, and I am wonderfully pleased with him.
After this Jesus first of all went into the desert to be tempted by 'Satan the devil' there, and he was tempted in every way that we are tempted but never gave in. He used the word of God as a weapon against him {giving us the example for what to do when tempted by the devil}and defeated him in his temptations; so now as a human being he could taste temptation; for as a God he could never experience temptation.
Luke 4 1 TLB
Then Jesus full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan River, being urged by the spirit into the barren wastelands of Judea to be tempted there for forty days.
Afterwards he started his ministry. After you also receive the Holy Spirit you to should go out into the whole world and preach the gospel, baptise in the Holy Spirit, and lay hands on the sick and heal them.
Not long afterwards he began a tour of the cities and villages to announce the coming of the kingdom of God.
This is what we are now supposed to do; ''do as I have done,'' said Jesus in another scripture. ''Preach salvation'' and the ''free gift of heaven'' to all that you meet, in season and out of season, in other words every time and everywhere.
Mark 16 15 TLB
Jesus said to ''go out into the entire world'' and preach the good news {gospel} to everyone, everywhere. ''Those who 'believed' and are baptised will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned. And those who ''believe'' shall use ''my authority'' to cast out demons, and they shall speak in tongues;-etc- and they will be able to lay hands on the sick and heal them.
Jesus told us after we received the Holy Spirit to then go heal the sick. And he showed us how to heal by commanding sickness to get out; and we are to do the same. He gave us this information so that we also could have the same spirit within us to do the same miracles, healing, and deliverances.
When Jesus met sickness and disease or even demonic activity, what did he do or say? He never prayed, ‘‘Father heal this person or that person,'' or said ''father if it be your will;'' or asked ''father get that demon or evil spirit out of some poor human being!'' No! ''He ordered them out,'' whether it be demons or sickness, or diseases.
Luke 4 33 TLB
Once as he was teaching in the synagogue, a man possessed by a demon began shouting at Jesus, ''Go away! We want nothing to do with you, Jesus of Nazareth. ''You have come to destroy us. I know who you are, the Holy son of God.'' Jesus cut him short. ''Be silent'' he told the demon. ''Come out!'' The demon threw the man to the floor as the crowd watched, and then left him without hurting him further. Amazed the people asked, ''What is in this man's ''words'' that even demons obey him?''
Note; the people recognised that it was the ''words'' that Jesus spoke that demons obeyed him; words have life in them or death in them they also have power and authority in them! And if you the believer who are moving into a healing ministry, better start believing that ‘’your ‘words’ have power and authority in them,’’ if you believe.
Let’s continue seeing what Jesus done when he met sickness and disease or demons.
One day in a certain village he was visiting, there was a man there with an advanced case of leprosy. When he saw Jesus he fell to the ground before him face downwards in the dust, begging to be healed. ''Sir he said, if you only will, you can cleanse me of every trace of my disease.''
Jesus reached out and touched the man and said, ‘’of course ‘’I will,’’ be healed,'' and the leprosy left him instantly.
Jesus always showed the will of God in him for healing.
A little later the scripture tells us that the lords healing power was upon him 5 17 this man asked Jesus if it was his will to heal him and Jesus responded of course it is the will of God to heal you. So never ask God if it is his will to heal; for this is the very reason Jesus came to earth as a man filled with the Holy Spirit to demonstrate the devils defeat.
Later on Jesus met a man lowered down on a sleeping mat through the roof of a house, and Jesus said to this man, ''your sins are forgiving you;'' showing that sometimes sickness is caused by unrepentant sin, and the Pharisees were angry at him. They said it is blasphemy to forgive sins.
Luke 5 22 TLB
But Jesus knew what they were thinking, and he replied. Why is it blasphemy? I the Messiah, have the authority on earth to forgive sins. But talk is cheap--- anyone could say that. So I'll prove it to you by healing this man.'' Then turning to the paralysed man he ''commanded.'' ''Pick up your stretcher and go on home for you are healed.'' And immediately as everyone watched,
the man jumped to his feet, picked up his mat and went home praising God.
Look what Jesus did, ''he commanded'' the man to get up because he was now healed.'' Jesus didn't pray or ask God the father, ‘‘If it was his will,'' just like the last man he healed, ''if it was his will to heal everyone.'' Jesus came to do the will of the father, and did it by healing all who came looking for it.
John 6:38
38For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but to do the will of Him who sent Me.
Jesus always done the will of God the father and he healed everyone who came to him, and will do the same today through you who lay hands on the sick for it is his perfect will.
Luke 6 4 TLB
On another Sabbath he was in the synagogue teaching, and a man was present whose right hand was deformed. Etc scripture come stand here where everyone a can see you; so he did. Etc scripture he looked around at them one by one, and then ''said to the man reach out your hand,'' And as he did, it, became completely normal again.
Another scripture says, ''Jesus looked around at them angrily.''
Leaders of churches all seem to get uptight when someone with the gift of healing is there in case they do something 'like heal someone,' and I have found this to be the way since I started my healing ministry forty years ago. It has always been leaders that don't want me praying in their Churches, {not God's churches but theirs}and instead of being happy to see someone healed by ''God's Holy Spirit,'' because I can't heal a broken stick even using super glue, they get angry like these Pharisees. Nothing has changed in two thousand and seventeen years.
The story of the ‘’Roman officer whose servant was sick; he knew the power of words,’’ for he said to Jesus!'’
Luke 7 2 TLB
When Jesus had finished his sermon he went back into the city of Capernaum. Just at that time the highly prized slave of a Roman army captain was sick and near death. When the Captain heard about Jesus, he sent some of the respected Jewish elders to ask him to come and heal his slave. So they began pleading earnestly with Jesus to come with him to help the man. They told him what a wonderful person the captain was. ''If anyone deserves your help it is he,'' they said, '' for he loves the Jews and even paid personally to build us a synagogue!'' Jesus went with them, but just before arriving at the house, the captain sent some friends to say. ''Sir, don't inconvenience yourself by coming to my home, for I am not worthy of such an honour or even to come and meet you. Just speak a word from where you are, and my servant boy will be healed! I know, because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my men. I only need to say go!' and they go; or
Come!' and they come!'' And to my slave, 'do this or that' and he does it. So just say, ''Be healed! And my servant will be well again.''
Jesus was amazed. Turning to the crowd he said, ''Never among all the Jews have I met a man with faith like this.'' and when the captains friends returned to the house they found the slave completely healed.
What was it that amazed Jesus? It was the captain’s words, Just speak a word from where you are and my servant boy will be healed! Then he explains his faith and belief in Jesus; ''I know,'' because I am under the authority of my superior officers, and I have authority over my men. I only need to say go!' and they go; or Come!' and they come!'' And to my slave, 'do this, or that' and he does it.
He said ''I know,'' As a soldier rising up through the ranks he learned obedience to the ''words'' ''spoken by his superior officers,'' he knew the ''power and authority of the spoken word of an officer, if it wasn't obeyed quick enough then that man would lose his head,'' then he ''said,'' ''I have authority over my men,'' and I only need to ''say'' go! And they go; or ''Come and they come!'' and to my slave do this or that and he does it.
Learn from this man who amazed Jesus with his faith and begin impersonating his actions, I know the ''words I say'' 'have power and authority;'' and he heard about Jesus healing the sick and casting out demons with a word, and knew this is a man who knows power and authority. And what he said impressed Jesus over all the Jews he ever met.
This was a man who learned the authority and power over the spoken word; for in battles he spoke a word to his men and they did what he said, and won the victories. Disobedience never gave anyone victory; for disobedience has no power or authority in it.
Later on in scripture, just before he went to his death on the cross; Jesus turned around and gave his men and every Christian the power and authority he himself had.
Mark 16-15-TLB
And then he told them, '' you are to go into the entire world and preach the Good News, to everyone, everywhere. Those who 'believe' shall use ''my authority'' to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won't hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.
Etc.-20 And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they ''said'' by the miracles that followed their messages.
Just as the captain used ''his authority'' in his ''spoken word,'' he had confidence that ''Jesus had power and authority over sickness and disease and demonic powers by his ''spoken word.'', then Jesus turned around and gave us who preach the good
news the ''same'' power and authority he had, over sickness and diseases and demonic power and authorities. Those who ''believe'' shall use ''my'' ''authority.''
Believers have been given the upgrade to use Jesus own power, or to put it another way those ''believers'' shall rise up through the ranks and ''begin'' using ''his power and authority,'' just as a soldier rises up through the ranks, as he proves his worth and obedience; so also does a ''believer'' rise up through the ranks before he is given power and authority that deserves a believer. You just don't start by raising the dead; otherwise pride will kill you, it takes time and trials and obedience no matter what the cost, before you can actually raise the dead and do the exact same miracles as Jesus. Did you notice I said, ''believer'' not the 'Christian?'
There is a vast difference between the Christian and the believer; there are millions of Christians who do absolutely nothing for God, or for his people, and some who even oppose those who take the risk and step out, and they get mocked and ridiculed and put down, and sadly some are dissuaded and stop. And only a small amount who continue on regardless no matter what the devil does to try and stop them; and these are the ones who are seeing miracles all the time, and their power is growing as the Lord trusts them with even greater miracles than even the ones he done.
The power is in ''your words;'' for when you 'speak' to a demon, it knows whether you believe what you are saying, and it knows it has to leave or pay a heavy price, by being sent to that far of land they mention when Jesus ordered them out of the man and they asked to go into the heard of pigs, then drove the pigs over the cliff so that they could escape when the pigs fell and died.
The dead have to obey the spoken word of the believer!
Luke 7-12-TLB
Not long afterwards Jesus went with his disciples to the village of Nain, with the usual great crowd at his heels. A funeral procession was coming out as he approached the village gate. The boy who had died was the only son of his widowed mother. When the Lord saw her, ''his heart overflowed with sympathy.'' ''Don't cry!'' he said. Then he walked over to the coffin and touched it, and the bearers stopped. ''Laddie,'' he said,'' ''come back to life again.'' then the boy sat up and began talking to those around him! And Jesus gave him back to his mother.
The first thing you will see about Jesus was his ''heart overflowed with sympathy'' for those who were sick or those who had lost a son through illness or disaster. Then what do you see in this scripture? The ''words'' he used, ''Don't cry'' you don't tell someone, ''don't cry'' who just lost their only son, and they are now left alone in this
world with no one to help them survive, unless you have the power to do something.
But Jesus knew the Holy Spirit was within him and all the power of Almighty God was at his disposal there in him to use, just as it has been given to those of us who have received the Holy Spirit. He first of all said 'don't cry' and then he said ''Laddie comeback to life;'' his ''spoken words'' had tremendous power in them, they had all the fullness of the Holy Spirits power in them, and they had life in them; and you the believer who are stepping out into the healing ministry have been given the exact same power that Jesus was given; for remember Jesus only received his power at the Jordan River when John baptised him, and the spirit came down in the form of a dove.
The ''words'' you use have ''life in them or death in them,'' depending which ''words'' you chose to use.
Luke -8-22
A fierce storm developed that threatened to swamp them, and they were in real danger. They rushed over and woke him up. Master, Master, we are sinking!'' they screamed. So he spoke to the storm; ''Quiet down,'' he said and the wind and the waves subsided and all was calm. Then he asked them, ‘‘Where is your faith?''
This was something I had to do three or four times when my two daughters were living in Turkey and they had planned a tourist boat trip. One of them would phone me in Ireland and say they were going on a boat trip with friends and it was very stormy; and they were afraid to go out in the boat, could I pray to stop it. And over the phone I spoke to the storms and commanded them to quiet down and be calm; an hour later I got another phone call saying the storm was gone and the sea was like glass.
The first time I ever spoke to a storm was when it was forecasted that a hurricane that was in America was now heading to Ireland, and some of the people in our praise and worship meeting got very afraid for the storm was gathering strength as it approached. I prayed and asked the lord what to do and he said, ‘‘Speak to it before it comes anywhere near you and command it to do no damage to your city and homes.'' Later that night the storm hit Ireland but in our city all was calm hardly even a breeze.
Next day as I was standing in a chip shop, that had a radio on; the man on the radio said, ''that something strange happened last night, it was as if the storm went around us for there were no reports of even one slate falling and it was very calm in Derry.'' But in other parts of Ireland there were reports of trees blown down and roads blocked and even some people had been killed, it then went on towards England where trees were uprooted and roads blocked by falling masonry and trees, houses were damaged and chimneys had collapsed and sadly a few people were killed. This was my first experience of speaking to the weather and commanding it to
obey me, and it did! And as I said, I had to do it for my daughters in Turkey and over the phone, and still the bad weather had to obey, and I still do it every time bad weather is forecast for Derry where I live. As Jesus said our words spoken in faith will do anything, and I mean anything!
When Jesus went to a the other side of the lake and he met a man with a demon in him, and before anyone heard him he was already commanding it to ‘get out;’ this man had thousands of evil spirits living inside him
Luke 8 28
As soon as he saw Jesus he shrieked and fell to the ground before him, screaming, ''What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of God Most High? Please I beg of you, oh don't torment me!'' For Jesus was already ''commanding'' the demon to leave him.
When confronting demons or evil spirits, command them to get out in Jesus name, the spoken word used in power. Don't go into a discussion with them, unless the Holy Spirit tells you to ask their name. He was asked to come pray with a young girl by her father who told him she was dying; she was only twelve years old.
I hear so many people criticizing God for ‘’not healing little children, ’’ but truth is God through Jesus has ‘’already healed’’ ‘’little children’’ and ‘’adults,’’ it is ignorance on our part that allows the devil to place diseases on little children, and on adults the same. Christians stop saying, ‘’God could have done something,’’ it is not up to God anymore to cast out disease or heal the sick; every born again Christian has been given the power to heal the sick by kicking it out in Jesus name; don’t blame God for something you could have done, have a good look at yourself~ what have you done for Jesus since you became a Christian? How many have you laid hands on and seen healed? Or have you ever done anything for God or people who are sick; child or adult. Christians should hang their heads in shame for sitting in churches doing nothing to either bring salvation, or healing, to others even though this is the very thing Jesus saved you for; to preach the gospel; baptise in the Holy Spirit and heal the sick which of these have you ever done?
Luke 8 52 the home was filled with mourning people, but he said, ''Stop the weeping! She isn't dead; she is only asleep.'' This brought scoffing and laughter, for they all knew she was dead. Then he took her by the hand and called, ''Get up little girl!'' and at that moment her life returned to her and she jumped up! ''Give her something to eat,'' he said.
One day you may be confronted with someone who has died and the lord will expect you also to raise them back to life; for all power and authority has been given to us his Children. Mark 16 15. the words Jesus used were a ''command!'' not a request to God but a straight forward command to the spirit of life to return her life to her
again, and you better be ready to act on the Holy Spirits prompting; for not everyone is meant to return to life, but you will feel the Spirits prompting, and if you don't act on it you will miss out on one of the greatest miracles God wants you to experience, and if you do you will see a tremendous miracle.
Luke 9 37
''Teacher this boy is my only son, and a demon keeps seizing him, making him scream; and it throws him into convulsions so that he foams at the mouth; it is always hitting him and hardly ever leaves him alone. I begged your disciples to cast the demon out but they couldn't.'' ''Oh you stubborn faithless people,'' Jesus said {to his disciples}''how long should I put up with you? Bring him here.''
As the boy was coming the demon knocked him to the ground and threw him into a violent convulsion. But Jesus ''ordered'' the demon to come out, and healed the boy and handed him over to his father.
This demon has a cockiness in it, for it knew the disciples didn't have the faith to get it out; and it even thought that it was stronger than Jesus, because it gave a demonstration of its power over this little boy, but Jesus soon let it know the power that was in him, was the power of the Holy Spirit, and no demon sickness or disease could stand it's ground and fight back against him. For this was the God who originally threw it out of heaven with its leader the devil! That was in this man Jesus, and it didn't take time to even pack a bag before getting kicked out This same Holy Spirit is in us; he is not a different Holy Spirit as some Christians unbelievably think. When you have the Baptism in the Holy Spirit you have all of God's own spirit and nothing can withstand your faith filled words.
Another time when he invited a man to come with him and be his disciple, the man agreed – but wanted to wait until his father’s death.
Jesus replied, '' let those without eternal life concern themselves with things like that. Your duty is to come and preach the coming of the Kingdom of God to all the world.''
Jesus didn't mince his words he said exactly what he meant, there was no 'if or but' in his vocabulary. His words worked ''miracles and ''miracles demonstrate God's glory, honour, majesty and eternal goodness''-Psalm 112-1/4.
Here was a man who had confidence in his spoken word; and we have been given his power and authority to use his spoken word; ''Go out into the entire world and preach the Gospel,'' ''those who believe shall use my authority to ''heal the sick'' ''command demons out'' and to ''baptise in the Holy Spirit'' Mark 16 15.
When you stop and consider something, here! is Jesus, the Son of God, part of the Holy Trinity, giving us human beings the ''power to impart his Holy Spirit'' to people;
that is an awe inspiring thing for God to give to us; never mind the power to heal the sick, or command demons to get out.
Luke 13 10
One Sabbath as he was teaching in a synagogue, he saw a seriously handicapped woman who had been bent double for eighteen years, and was unable to straighten herself. Calling her over to him Jesus ''said,'' ''Woman you are healed of your sickness!'' He touched her, and instantly she could stand straight. How she praised and thanked God.
Jesus hated seeing people suffering and he followed the Holy Spirits leading always, and called those out that God seen who had faith in his Son Jesus! If we would stop; and stop listening to the world around us, then we would follow the Holy Spirits promptings and see miracles, salvations and deliverances happen. God's Spirit knows who is receptive to the word and who is not. There were thousands of people following after Jesus and they would not be following after him if they were not seeking healing of some sort or another probably. Sure people love to see the supernatural but most following after Jesus would be looking for healing. He said to the crowds you only follow after me because I feed you= scripture=
And if you would read your bibles carefully, you would see on the occasions when Jesus healed the multitudes; you would see the word says, ''the power of the spirit'' 'was upon him,' or a reference that the ''Spirits power,'' was there. Remember Jesus never healed anyone by his own power; he surrendered that when he came into this world as a little baby, he was ''fully human'' as we are, until he got baptised in the Jordan River by John, then ''filled with the Holy Spirit’’ who led him first of all out into the desert, to be tempted there by the devil in every way that you as a human being could ever be tempted. He was following after the Holy Spirit, and if you do the same then you and I would see the wondrous miracles that Jesus said would follow those who, first of all, ''preach the gospel;'' etc.
Luke 14 1
One Sabbath as he was in the home of a member of the Jewish Council, the Pharisees were watching him like hawks to see if he would heal a man who was present suffering from dropsy. Jesus said to the Pharisees and legal experts standing around, '' well is it within the law to heal a man on the Sabbath or not?''
And when they refused to answer, Jesus took the sick man by the hand and healed him and sent him away.
Religious leaders for the most of them will be offended when the lord heals people through you. I don't understand why it is that religious leaders are always the ones who refuse to believe the gospel or the word of God concerning us. I'd love to know who picks them, or who decides to build a church and have people come, and receive literally no good teaching on ''salvation,'' or ''the scourging at the pillar'' or
on the ''gifts of the Holy Spirit.'' I am baffled as to how these men and women get the power as pastors or elders or leaders! Who is leading them?
I doubt very much it is the Holy Spirit; so who are they following; Perhaps a religious spirit? I don't really know, but speaking to their congregation I have found out that for the most of them they know nothing about the living word of God or what it is God offers them!
Luke 18 35 as he approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting beside the road, begging from travelers. When he heard the noise of a crowd going by, he asked what was happening. He was told that Jesus from Nazareth was going by, so he began shouting, ''Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!'' the crowds ahead of Jesus tried to hush the man, but he only yelled the louder, ''Son of David, have mercy on me!''
When Jesus arrived at the spot, he stopped. ''Bring the blind man over here,''he said. Then Jesus asked the man, ''what do you want?'' ''Lord'' he pleaded, ''I want to see!'' And Jesus ''said,'' ''all right, begin seeing!'' ''Your faith has healed you.'' And instantly the man could see and began following Jesus, praising God. And all who saw it happen praised God too.
Did you notice something here in this scripture; Jesus didn't take it for granted that the blind man wanted to see; he could have wanted something else and that same is true of people always ask what they really want.
For instance at our local prayer meeting some of the ladies came to me and asked me to pray with Mary, a lady who was blind in her right eye; I went over to her and asked her if she wanted me to lay hands on her, and she replied, yes. I laid hands on her and the lord healed here instantly, but a leader of the prayer group came running over and grabbed my hand and threw it off of Mary’s eye, and placed his hand on her, and roughly pushed me aside, immediately she lost her sight again. But later that night she asked me to pray with her again. Next day she came to where I had a little intercession group, and she sat down to get prayed with, and as we began praying for Mary’s eyes, the Lord spoke to me and said, ''be specific;'' I felt led to ask Mary if there was something in her heart more important than her sight, and she broke down crying, saying her daughters marriage was in ruins, could we pray for that instead; she said, ''I have been blind all my life in that eye and it never bothered me, this is more important;'' a few weeks later she happily shared with me that her daughter and her husband have reconciled. Always make sure the ‘person being prayed with ‘says exactly’ what they desire from God!’
In this little book you can see that Jesus spoke ''words of faith;'' and ''words of faith'' changed things; they brought people to life; they healed the sick; stopped storms in their tracks; now follow the example of Jesus and go out into the entire world and preach the gospel with sign and wonders following; ‘’speak life into sick
and dying bodies.’’ There is power in the ''words'' that we speak; so make sure you ‘’speak only words of faith. ’’ Say what he said, ‘’command like he commanded,’’ and if you follow his Holy Spirit you will, like me, eventually grow stronger in your faith in him to do the miracles you ‘’commanded in his name;’’ for it is his name not your power; so don't delude yourself thinking this miracle happened because of you, it happened because of the power of the ''Holy Spirit and in the name of Jesus!''
Now read this little book again from the start and read again where Jesus spoke words of power and life, and you will see ''Jesus never prayed to God'' ''asking him to heal the sick or stop the storms, or deliver people from demons. No! ''He spoke'' to the ''things he created'' ''words with power,'' and they obeyed him and will obey his name; ‘’faith filled words are words of power,'' and God hears words of faith, and fills them with power.
The words we speak have life in them,
Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Why did I choose only the book of Luke to show how Jesus addressed sickness and disease and demons? First of all, it wasn't I who chose this book; I followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and he gave me this book to write on Luke was a doctor and he knew about sickness and diseases, and knew at his time there were no cures for many of the diseases around at that time, so he obviously became very interested in listening to the teachings of Jesus; I don't know if he was ever there with Jesus, but from what I remember, he wasn't; but wrote this book after Jesus died, and once again under the Holy Spirits prompting and teaching, and it is one of the best books as far as I am concerned when writing about healing and miracles; for this man was a doctor who desired to see people healed; his heart was with God and followed love; for love sympathies with the sick and poor. Amen