Stop getting “Annoyed” Go and Get “Jesus”

ere the words I heard the Lord say, during our prayer meeting one night? I sat there wondering what this could mean, when thoughts started entering my mind. —To think of annoyed as a person whom I went and got, when troubles came around. I sensed the Lord saying to me, that, this was usually the first thing I done when troubles came, I went and got annoyed. Where as I should have gone and got Jesus to help me. Scripture says,
Ephesians 6-12 for we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood but against persons" without bodies - the evil rulers of the unseen world.
The Lord pointed out to me that Annoyed was a person [not made of flesh and blood] whom I went and subconsciously got involved in my situation, and then in turn, I invited the person of Anger to come and join in as well. Then I invited Aggression to join the company, and then we all had a party, and I left Jesus out because I did not go and invite him to come. He should have been the first Iwent togetnotthelast.Andsometimeshewasnevereveninvited.
Spirits have names, just the same as the angels have names. A spirits personality reveals his name. A spirit of anger causes a person to become unreasonably angry. A spirit of apathy causes a person to become apathetic, listless, lifeless, dull, feeling that everything is so dead. A spirit of lust causes a person to have uncontrollable sexual desires. A spirit of deceit causes a person to become deceitful, conniving, cunning. Their personality shows up in the actions of the person they are with.
But against persons without bodies. That person that we go and get is a person without a body and is not a friend of ours, but an enemy. And they do come into the situation and make it as bad as they possibly can. They make the situation worse because they help you, subconsciously decide to send for other persons without bodies, to come and join in the fray. The next thing you know there's full scales war going on.
Persons without bodies are real. They are not like our childhood imaginary friends, that we played with when we were lonely, they are real. God’s word tells us that they are real and they rule the unseen world with Satan as their master, and he sure isn't your friend.
I want to ask you, who do you go and get when bad situations arise? What person do you involve in your situation? Is it the person of Despair or Confusion or Anger or Fear or Rage or Defencelessness or Worry, or Panic? Or do you first, go immediately and get Jesus?" If you were truthful, you, like the rest of us would admit, that you got some person without a body to come into your situation, and later on went and got Jesus, or maybe never ever got him at all.
These things are quite easy to resolve, first you need to tell the Lord Jesus that you are sorry that you went and got Annoyed or whatever person without a body that you got, before you would go and get him. Just say, I am sorry Lord please forgive me. Then ask Jesus to become Lord of your situations again, ask him to remove the Effects of those persons without bodies that they had on you and ask him to fill you with his light and love instead. [L] plates up on our chest and back.
Did you know that you have Angels called Goodness and Mercy, following you everywhere?
Psalm 23-6—Goodness and Mercy follow me all the days of my life.
What are the characteristics of theses Angels, their very name tells you Goodness, Mercy. They are the ones who help you be good and help you show mercy when needed. You know what happens now, when you go and get annoyed into your situation, or when you go and get anger to come and join you. Things GET WORSE! The following are stories from the bible of people who went and got Jesus first, see the results of that and judge for your self which Is the best thing to do. I have shortened some of these stories a little bit.
Matthew 8-8 When Jesus arrived in Capernaum, a Roman army captain came and pled with him, to come to his home. And heal his servant boy, who was in bed paralysed and racked with pain, Yes said Jesus. I will come and heal him. And we all know he did from where he was because the army captain said he believed he could. He came and Got Jesus and his servant were healed because of it.
Matthew 8-23 Then he got into a boat and started across the lake with his disciples. Suddenly a terrible storm came up, with waves higher than the boat. But Jesus was asleep. —The disciples went to him and awakened him, shouting Lord, save us! We're sinking!—-But Jesus answered O you men of little faith! Why are you so frightened? Then he stood up and rebuked the wind and waves, and the storm subsided and all was calm.
The disciples went and got Jesus because they knew he could help and did. He also helps subsides the storms in our lives if we go and get him. That scripture also points out that we need to have faith in Jesus.
Matthew 9-18 the Rabbi of the local synagogue came and worshipped him. My little daughter has just died," he said, But you can bring her back to life again if you will only come and touch her.
As Jesus and the disciples were going to the Rabbi’s home, a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years came and touched him, for she thought that if only I can touch him I will be healed. Jesus turned around and said, Daughter all is well your faith has healed you. And the woman was well from that very moment.
When Jesus arrived at the Rabbi’s home and saw the noisy crowd, he said Get out The little girl is not dead but sleeping, Then they all scoffed and sneered at him! When the crowd was all outside, Jesus went in where the little girl was lying and took her by the hand, and she jumped up and was all right again.
Because these two people both went to get Jesus both received a miracle, the woman's healing took place, and the Rabbi’s daughter was raised from the dead. They're was a miracle within a miracle taking place here. And if we would only go and get Jesus we also would see miracles within miracles take place.
Sometimes God needs us to be in a certain place before we can receive a miracle, if the Rabbi’s daughter had not have died, then the woman would not have received her healing, because Jesus would not have been in that place, he would have been somewhere else.
But the Rabbi went to get Jesus and as a result of him going to get Jesus, the woman also got him. It pays to go and get Jesus. The Rabbi could have gone and got Despair or the undertaker. But no he chooses to go and get Jesus instead. Let's do the same in future.
Matthew 10-35 And wherever he went he healed people of every sort of illness. And what pity he felt for the crowds that came, because their problems were so great and they did not know what to do or where to go for help, they were like sheep without a shepherd.
People didn't always come to Jesus on their own they come with friends or with a crowd. But they all came looking for Jesus, and he healed them of their illness. He didn't mind it that there was a crowd of people. You could be at a healing service with crowds of people and still get Jesus just like these people did; Jesus can heal crowds as well as individuals. THE THING IS TO GO AND GET JESUS.
Matthew 13-53 When Jesus finished giving these illustrations, he returned to his hometown Nazareth in Galilee, and taught there in the synagogue and astonished everyone with his wisdom and his miracles. How is this possible? the people exclaimed. He is just a carpenter’s son and we know Mary his mother, and his brothers and his sisters they all live here. How can he be so great? And they became angry with him. = 13:58— and he could do no great miracles there, because of their unbelief.
I included this scripture to show you how we go and get persons without bodies. The first thing these people did, were to get, Ridicule, then they went and got, Mockery, He is only a carpenter’s son. With Mockery came his friend, Contempt, then Bitterness, then Jealousy, then pride. Then they went and got Angry to join them, and finished up by getting Unbelief to join them also.
Matthew 19-2— Vast crowds followed him, and he healed their sick.
If we go and get Jesus he will heal our sick in the exact same way, but we need to get into the habit of getting Jesus not some person without a body. We have to be followers of Jesus to know where to go and get him, the crowd knew where he was so they followed him, let’s do the same.
Matthew 20-30 Two blind men were sitting beside the road and when they heard that Jesus was coming that way, they began shouting, Sir, King David’s son, have mercy on us!
-When Jesus came to the place where they were he stopped in the road and called, What do you want me to do for you? Sir, they said. We want to see! Jesus was moved with pity for them and touched their eyes. And instantly they could see, and followed him.
The two blind men heard that Jesus was in the area near them, [we also know that Jesus is in the area near us.] = [Behold I am with you always. Matthew-28-20.] People also tell us not to call on Jesus in many ways. — It's a waste of time praying! — Only if its God’s will. Stop praying aloud! But lets follow these men's example = Call all the louder, bring Jesus to you like they did. Bring Jesus to the place where you want him to be. He came to the place where the two blind men needed him. He came to that place in the road where they were in most need, and he stopped right there, and said, what do you want me to do for you? You would think Jesus could see that they were blind and it would be obvious what they wanted, but Jesus did not presume that is what they called him for. For all we know they could have had cancer as well, and maybe that's what they wanted Jesus to heal, not their blindness, Jesus never presumes, he always asks what can I do for you? Get into my situation Jesus pleases, as fast as you can lord.
Go and get Jesus, don't go and get those persons without bodies, those evil rulers of this world those great evil beings. Go and get Jesus the greater one.
2-Timothy 1-7 I did not give you a Spirit of Fear, but of Power and of Love and of a Sound mind.
What was the name of this spirit? = Fear! Fear was his name, and how does Fear make you feel? AFRAID! You see these persons without bodies have names, and their names reveal their personality their natures. Fear makes you afraid, Lust drives you with unhealthy sexual desires Panic, makes you act unreasonable in situations Anger makes you loose your temper, and loose control, Rage makes you loose it all together, and a person in rage can even kill someone. LET’S GO AND GET JESUS, NOW!
This morning I overheard two women talking, one said to the other I wish I had never been born. I felt really saddened for her; she obviously got despair into her situation, whatever it was. I wish I could have told her about getting Jesus, all I could do was pray for her on my way home. You never know maybe that is the place where God meant her to be in, where I could overhear her talk as I walked out the shop door. I was given the opportunity to pray for a woman in need without her even knowing and not even aware that God was also listening to her, and maybe answering through my prayers. Only God will know I knew to get Jesus for her in prayer. Maybe God is also calling you to respond in similar ways to conversations that we overhear.
Now that we know that we need to go and get Jesus into our situations, we could be a greater help to others who don't know, and are still running to get Fear, Panic, Despair, Worry, Annoyed, all these persons without bodies.
Lets tell Christian children of God, this simple message, so they, like us can run and get Jesus immediately, rather than first getting these persons without bodies, those rulers of the unseen world. Stop getting annoyed go and get Jesus.
When you are in trouble run to him, he is your refuge and your strength, in times of need.
Brendan Mc Crossan, lives in Northern Ireland, He had a dramatic spiritual conversion. On 5 separate occasions God spared his life from imminent death. Since his conversion Brendan and his wife Rose have been involved in a healing ministry.
For the past twenty five years, Brendan and Rose have given talks at retreats and conferences, teaching on God's word and Healing, and on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit with practical teaching methods. Teaching peoples how to open up to the power of the Holy Spirit. Showing them how they can pray for the sick and see healing and miracles happen. They teach on spiritual subjects out of a rich source of practical experiences. Having had many experiences in their lives and have been through it all with God•s grace and love.
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