The anointed one is in us,” “we hold the anointing in us.”
The anointed one is in us
Brendan Mc Crossan
Copyright@ 27-11-2012
During services we often hear pastors or preachers pray for the anointing to fall on us, and this sounds great and spiritual, and we all wait for the anointing to fall on him so that he can minister to us; and this is not quite correct, sure the anointing gets stronger and stronger as we minister to the lord God with loving songs and praise, but dear brothers and sisters the truth is the anointing is already here, or there in you the believer, either to sing, to worship or to minister healing, the anointing is already in you because the anointed one is in you living inside you, and has become one with you, as you become one with him Jesus Christ the anointed one.
Jesus is the anointed one, and as he is alive in you and me, that is where the anointing dwells. The saving anointing is already present every time the believer steps out to do something for God, the anointing is Jesus in you, Jesus is called the Christ, which means, the anointed one He is not going to come down from heaven when he lives in your spirit which is already seated in heaven, in and with and through him, Jesus does not need to leave heaven to come and fall down on you and then start a healing, or prophetic service; he is already in you, if he is your lord and saviour.
I used to wait until I felt the power to heal come upon me and it never did in all of thirty five years, even now in 2012. So I got fed up waiting and pleading and asking God to come touch the person needing healing prayer, and I just started praying anyway, and people started getting healed, and as I said to some folks I was praying with, at the Fire Conference in Birmingham led by Reinhard Bonke 2012, in all my years praying for healing I very rarely felt anything at all; now and again I would feel a little heat in my finger tip, and nothing else. But I have felt muscles, tendons, nerves and sinuses and bone respond to my prayer, I see regularly people arms and legs grow out and they are healed instantly. I feel under my fingers people’s muscles and tendons and all the parts of the body move about into position at my command in the “name of Jesus.” This is natural for me now, it is something I expect to happen, usually instantly; or in cases where people have been in bondage to some terrible illness or body deformity for many years I see the body obey my command to do as it is told, in the name of Jesus, It may take me longer to pray the healing into them depending on their belief by what they have been told about Jesus.
Some people have been told that God wants them to suffer for Jesus which is a contradiction of the work Jesus did, he healed the sick and disabled; and sadly that seems the norm with Catholic’s, they either suffer for Jesus, or God made you this way, which is a downright lie as God made you in his own divine image. And he suffered for you; not you for him. And you have to literally fight your way through this unbelief, because the strongest arguments I get when I tell them God loves them and sees them holy like Jesus, is that the priest does not tell themthat,andinonecasesomepeopleevenwalkedoutofahealingservicebecausethepriests don’t say God loves us and sees us as holy.
Can I ask you an important question here? Is God deformed, does he have a twisted body? Is his condition so horrible that you find it sickening to look at? Does God have cancer in his
body eating him up, or have a terrible disease, such as I seen on a friend of mine lately, a disease called Bursitis, where the toes and finger turn black and fall off? Similar to leprosy, it looks disgusting like something you see at Halloween, some kid wearing a witches outfit with black fingers, but this is real, I never seen anything like it; but I know God does not look like this or want you to suffer such horrible diseases on your body; we were all made in his divine image. He is not deformed and he did not create you deformed either, it was Satan, the Devil who done these things to you, God did not do these things we have been deceived into believing God done this to make us suffer for our sins, “rubbish;” Jesus died to pay for our sins so that we wouldn’t have to pay the price we should have paid.
It makes no difference to me nowadays whether I feel an anointing or not, doing what I am doing for him. I have been chosen and called to do the same works of Jesus and I have been anointed to do these works, first of all, because I have the Holy Spirit in me the source of Jesus and the Fathers power; and because that is the commission that Jesus told every Christian to go into the world and do, first preach the Good News and then lay hands on the sick, he gave us his own authority. Mark-16-15
When I lay hands on someone I do not use my authority to cast a demon out, I use the authority Jesus has given me, his own authority. I command the body to get back in line in every part of it, and the body obeys the name of Jesus, because I know my commission, and so does the spirit of the person I am praying with, it knows I have that authority and the body must obey my command in Jesus name.
What has all this got to do with the anointing being in us to heal the sick to preach or to prophesize or command a creative miracle? It is simple – you gave your life to Jesus at salvation and later probably got baptized in the Holy Spirit and received all the supernatural gifts, and all this is in you, from the moment you accepted Jesus Holy Spirit into you and received salvation, to do the works that God laid down for you to do in this world.
If Jesus is in you then you have to learn that the anointing of God is equally in you, you don’t have to pray for days fasting and so on. If you are in constant fellow ship with God and his son Jesus and his spirit then the anointing is in you every time you go to do what you have been told to do by God or through Jesus. Take a careful look at this scripture coming up, see what it says.
For as many [of you] as were baptized into Christ [into a spiritual union and communion with Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah] have put on (clothed yourselves with) Christ.
Union means to be blended together as one. Communion means to be in spiritual union. It means to be the same as, to be equal with Jesus, blended together as one. Like fruit put into a blender and switched on all that remains is the fruit juice mixed together, it all became one liquid.
and He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
Joint seating means to have equal seating, sharing the same thing as one. Equal means that you have 100% equality, it is an equal seating with Jesus, you don’t have to sit at the back of the room and slowly over the years make your way forward, no it is instant! Where are you seated with him? You are seated in the heavenly sphere, that place in heaven with Jesus and you sharing the same joys and love and treasures that belonged to the Father who now gives you equal share of all he owns.
What do these two scriptures call Jesus? He is called the anointed one, his name Christ, means ‘the anointed one.’ Jesus said this about himself, that he was anointed by God to be the anointed one.
The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the Good News (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity],
Jesus said the anointing was on him to preach the Good News, and he also said to us, ‘go forth and multiply and bring souls into the kingdom of heaven,’ heal the sick raise the dead with the power of the Holy Sprit in you. We are also anointed to minister to the oppressed and if you read that scripture carefully you will see it says, to send forth—wait for it----as delivered, meaning it is already done, and it is through Jesus defeating Satan in hell; and on the cross where he bore our sins and sickness and diseases and delivered us already from the oppressor. We treat sickness as if it is something to be fought through and deliverance as a battle to be fought and yet this word of God says, to send forth as delivered, meaning it is already done by Jesus; we are there to let them know they are free from all bondage and all oppression what ever it is. Sickness is an oppression that needs to be ‘as’ delivered.
For as many [of you] as were baptized into Christ [into a spiritual union and communion with Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah] have put on (clothed yourselves with) Christ.
Remember that ‘Union’ means to be blended together as one. Communion means to be in spiritual union; to be the same as to be equal with Jesus, to be one with and in him. When the devil sees you he is not too sure whether it is Jesus himself or one of his clones, so he tries to get you afraid to face him and your reaction will tell him immediately if it is you, and not Jesus personally, unless you stand your ground with the sword of the spirit, the word of God on your lips. If you immediately stand your ground he will believe it is Jesus himself he faces, and he
will not want to stay around to be humiliated again by defeat, so he will turn and flee from you in terror; he never wants to confront Jesus again in person for he knows better than you do what he suffered and is going to suffer at the end of days, and he does not wish to bring it any closer.
The grace (spiritual favor and blessing) of the Lord Jesus Christ (the Anointed One) is with your spirit. Amen (so be it).
This is a spiritual revelation; the same anointed one is in you, it is he who walked this earth healing and delivering people from Satan’s power. God says it here in his word ‘the anointed one is with your spirit,’ and if the anointed one is with your spirit, is also common sense to know that you are also joined to him in a holy spiritual union as the previous scripture tells you, believe God not this world or man, if he tries to tell you this is not true; you have a bible see for ‘yourself’ that it is true.
And in accordance with this will [of God], we have been made holy (consecrated and sanctified) through the offering made ‘once’ ‘for all’ of the body of Jesus Christ (the Anointed One).
This is for ‘all’ of the body of Christ Jesus, not just for one or two specially anointed people. No! It is for the whole body of Christ Jesus the messiah, the anointed one. This glorious message is for the whole lot of us. God first of all made us all Holy, Consecrated and sanctified, so that we would be fit vessels worthy of his grace bestowed on us the children of God. And as fit vessels we could then hold the anointing of God in us, that grace that knows no bounds.
The anointing does not come down on us as most believe; it comes from inside of us outward to the people being ministered to. When I sit down to write on some scripture the Holy Spirit prompted me to write about, I know the anointing will come from within; I know now when that anointing is being released, because I type ten times faster than when I am writing about something not for the body, ‘say a letter to someone,’ and I have to look at every word I type, not so under the anointing, I make mistakes, don’t think I don’t, but the message is correct, I just correct the spelling or put in a letter or two I misspelled or I missed later as I go over it with the Holy Spirit guiding me.
But you have been anointed by [you hold a sacred appointment from, you have been givenanunctionfrom]theHolyOne,andyouallknow[theTruth]oryouknowallthings.
John says that we have been anointed by the Holy one and know all truth, the amplified bible bits are in brackets { }. We hold a sacred appointment in us always; we hold an appointment with God. The words - and know all truth means the word of knowledge and the gift of wisdom and the rest of the supernatural gifts are alive inside us, and the revelation these gifts bring, helps us know all things, and what to do about all things.
1-John-3:24 Amplified-Bible
All who keep His commandments [who obey His orders and follow His plan, live and continue to live, to stay and] abide in Him, and He in them. [They let Christ be a home to them and they are the home of Christ.] And by this we know and understand and have the proof that He [really] lives and makes His home in us: by the {Holy Spirit} Whom He has given us.
If Christ Jesus the anointed one lives in us then where is the anointing coming from? It comes from Christ the anointed one in us flowing out of us to his broken body. These scriptures say, that we have the proof that Christ the anointed one is living in us and we in him. This is why Saint Paul was able to say, ‘It is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me,’ and he is also living in us. He, the anointed one lives in me, so the anointing is in me, and in you, we do not have to search heaven and earth to find the anointing, we just have to believe and release the anointing as to when it is needed.
But to release the anointing we must follow the Holy Spirits prompting in every moment, if he says, ‘turn right,’ we turn right, if he says, ‘turn left,’ we turn left, if he says, ‘heal them all,’ we heal them all, he is our comforter and guide and knows every twist and turn of the enemy and knows it even before the enemy does himself, and so leaves us ready at a split seconds notice to counter attack with the sword of fire. The anointed one is in us and we are in the anointed one also, we are in Christ Jesus the anointed one. Amen