The blessings of trials
Brendan Mc Crossan
The blessing of trials and temptations
Romans-5-3-Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce “patient” and unswerving endurance.
4And endurance (fortitude) develops maturity of [c]character (approved faith and [d]tried integrity). And character[of this sort] produces [thehabit of] [e]joyfuland confident hope of eternal salvation.
5Such hope never disappoints or deludes or shames us, for God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. 6While we were yet in weakness [powerless to help ourselves], at the fitting time Christ died for (in behalf of) the ungodly. {Amplified Bible}
God’s word says, to ‘rejoice and exult in the midst of troubles;’ who is God kidding? You can’t be joyful when everything is crumbling around you, when everything is going wrong, disaster is happening to us and God says, ‘rejoice!’ You must be flaming joking. Why does God say to be full of Joy? Simply because he has everything in hand, it’s only us that doesn’t know why things happen as they do and we see only the disaster not the answer; God sees the answer.
God wants us to grow in patience, enduring troubles and trials and still praising him in the midst of them. {Trusting him anyway} If you reason things out, you can’t change what you can’t change. You cannot stop a disaster from happening, its happening and no amount of pleading, begging or crying will change what’s happening. There’s nothing in the natural that you can do that will change things, say for example; you lost all your money; crying won’t bring it back, laying down on the ground and thrashing about will not change anything, neither will throwing a tantrum; screaming and shouting will not bring back the money you lost. But praising God will bring him into the situation and when God is invited in, in this way, and then he gets to work to arrange his plans to come into effect to get you enough to meet your needs, and more. In the same way he uses disasters and the bad things that happen to us to bring himself glory later on when he supplies those needs, and in the meantime you are learning patience, and patience makes us grow stronger in character, persevering through trials that come on us, through no fault of our own or sometimes it is our fault when we make wrong decisions. But God fixes our wrong decisions and incorporates them into our training, and blesses us.
Satan’s plans were to destroy us by either, getting us into unbelief or to get us to blame God for what just happened to us, and praising changes everything. God desires us to grow more in the fruits of the Holy Spirit, and the fruits of the spirit are; love – joy – peace – patience – kindness – goodness and faithfulness. Those are good fruits to have growing inside of you. These fruits make us become more and more like Jesus and the pruning we undergo makes us stronger in faith, a gift of the Holy Spirit.
But first let’s see how the fruit that God talks about is developed, using a fruit tree to explain.
Galatians-5-22-But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, {NIV Bible}
The fruit tree
Fruithastogrowandfruittreeshastogothroughdifferentseasons,forexample,ifyouplanted an apple tree, you would have planted it approximately around January to march, April, during the year it starts to take root and grow upwards at the same time, then if your lucky around summer time the tree has blossoms in it, and later on those flowers turn to small fruit, and then much later on in the season the fruit has grown to full size. So you pick the fruit, and eat it hopefully, then as autumn arrive you begin pruning the tree so that next year it will produce much more fruit. And the tree seems to die around winter time, all its leaves are gone and it looks to all appearances to be dead, but that is not so, even during winter the tree is still putting its roots down deeper into the soil rooting it firmly to be able to withstand any storms that may come during its lifetime. Then spring arrives and the tree begins to bud, and soon leaves and later on flowers and later on again fruit begins to show and its even more fruit this time around as the tree received pruning. And the cycle continues throughout the trees lifetime; and the same is happening with you, God Plants you in his garden, then he cultivates around you digging anything that may hinder growth in you, then he prunes you back for greater strength and to bear more fruit. It is strange that by cutting a fruit tree at the right season it will produce even more fruit than it did last year. When I first planted my pear tree, it produced three pears, inedible but three pears and I was delighted. Then I pruned it as directed on the instructions, and the following year it produced nine pears, and then I repeated everything and the tree produced over thirty pears last year, so I pruned it again and now I await an even larger crop of fruit, and a more juicier pear. I know when God is pruning me back; it is painful but worth it in the long run. Even though I know it is hurting me being pruned, I can truly rejoice because I know it’s for my betterment. Jesus describes us as his branches and the Father as the gardener.
John-15-1-I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he “prunes” the branches that do bear fruit so they will “produce even more.” 3 You have already been pruned and purified by the message I have given you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you; for a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.
5 “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. 6 Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned; but if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! 8 When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father. {NLT Bible}
Getting pruned is never easy, pruning is painful, even trees suffer pain as their branches are cut back, but those branches grow back thicker next season, and of course stronger, stronger to support even more fruit. And it is the same with us. When trimming a tree you cut off every
branch that didn’t produce fruit, some trees only produced leaves but no fruit, and I now know that those branches are not much use for producing pears for me so off they come.
Likewise God trims us off the things that only grow leaves, superficial things of this world, that look nice but are not fruit. God wants us producing fruit not leaves.
I noticed something in the previous scripture that makes suffering trials and temptations worth while. I want to have more power than I already have more power to heal the sick. I know that power is in me and I also know that it is getting stronger over the last year or two, and I realised when I was writing this book, that I have had things removed from me that had me bound up, for years and years, things
I never thought that I would ever see removed. In fact one priest told me that one problem I had would never be removed, and that problem disappeared when the lord showed me that I held dislike for people.
I had no problems with forgiving people, even from terrible crimes committed against me and my family, but one day the lord showed me that I held dislike for certain people and he told me it had to stop, I was amazed that I actually held dislike for certain individuals, because for thirty years I have preached and taught forgiveness, and witnessed awesome miracles happening through me teaching ‘healing through forgiveness.’
Then I made a commitment to the lord that now I am aware that I have this problem, I promise never to dislike anyone ever again. Within a very short time my sinful problem disappeared, the branch was pruned back and the sin was cut off, and it has never returned because God knew my branch that didn’t produce fruit and he pruned, with my co-operation that branch off, that’s when the power of the Holy Spirit increased. I have learned a valuable lesson; God knows best and what branches to prune.
So when I encounter trials and problems I don’t try and squirm out of them, I praise God in them, not for them, but in them; God didn’t send trials or problems Satan did, but God uses even Satan’s eviltricks to bring mevictory through Jesus, and I receivemorepruning as I learn my lesson. I still have an awful lot to learn, but one thing I do know is that God turns everything to good for those who love him. I want more and more power to heal the sick and comfort the broken hearted available and I know it is only when I agree to get my branches pruned that things will change for the better. John-15-5- but if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! 8 When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father. {NLT Bible}
Look carefully at that scripture verse remain in me says Jesus; that’s where I want to be always, because I can then “ask for anything I want, and it will be granted.” Trials are worth every penny as they say, because they will bring me into much needed pruning, and I welcome that, I don’t like trials or suffering, who does? But at least I know that God is using them to bring me closer to him so that I will be able to ask in confidence for anything I need. And there is something I desire more than healing even is to see souls brought into the kingdom of Heaven. People can get healed during a prayer time or healing service but never wish to change or bring Jesus into their lives.
James 1-2-Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow, and don’t try and squirm out of your problems, for when your endurance {patience} is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
Wow! I will be perfect and complete needing nothing on this earth, If I approach troubles and trials with Joy then I am giving God glory and a time to bring his miracle working power into being and glorifying himself. Its time to change my thinking again I will praise in trials not for trials, letting God the Father prune me for better use. Patience develops strength of character in me, making me a better person all round, and of greater use to God
Romans-5-3-Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, 4And endurance (fortitude patience) develops maturity of [c]character (approved faith and tried integrity). And character [of this sort] produces [the habit of] joyful and confident hope of eternal salvation. {NLT Bible}
Let us be full of Joy! “Now!” not tomorrow or when things are going great, but now when things are tough. God keeps telling us again and again to trust him in every circumstance because he knows the answers we need and by rejoicing “in” him we exhibit our faith in him. Praise says you believe God even in the midst of terrible trials and tribulations, moaning and crying and wailing changes nothing except to make you more despairing. The angels don’t rejoice over some saint weeping and moaning that God deserted them. They rejoice when you are victorious in a trial standing in it steadfast waiting on God to act on your behalf, and while your waiting you are praising him.
Philippians-3-1-whatever happens, my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice “in” the Lord. I never get tired of telling you these things, and I do it to safeguard your faith. Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved. 3 For we who worship by the Spirit of God are the ones who are truly circumcised. We rely on what Christ Jesus has done for us. We put no confidence in human effort. {NLT Bible} That last line in the previous scripture is the best thing that we can do, put no confidence in human effort, human effort is worthless in a disaster situation, human effort can not save someone who is dying, human effort does not bring financial help when you have nothing left, but relying on what Jesus done for us is what changes everything! That is what is called the Good News! The gospel that Jesus said to go and preach to all the nations.
Philippians-4-4- Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again rejoice! 5 Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. 6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. {NLT Bible}
Paul is trying to get us to keep our minds on heavenly things not getting our eyes stuck on our own efforts, but to look up and see the Kingdom of heaven where your needs are stored for you in time of need. Did you see where he aid “Don’t worry about anything,” instead “pray about everything,” “Tell God your needs and thank him for all he has done,”
Instead we worry about everything and trust God in nothing; Paul said, “don’t worry, about anything!” but what about my Job, I hear that were closing down, “Don’t worry,” but what about my kids they aren’t saved yet.” Don’t worry about anything, but I can’t help worrying, yes you can, God says don’t worry, but you choose not to believe him and his word. You chose to believe the lies the devil tells you, you believe the devil over and above everything God tells you. God says “Don’t worry, - but don’t worry, - but lord, don’t worry,- but what about? Don’t worry about anything, Says God. The devil says worry, worry, worry, because the worst thing is about to happen to you; the worst thing is not about to happen to you, the worst thing that could possibly happen to you is that you will die and go to hell for eternity, “Now that’s cause for worry,” if you have never accepted Jesus into your life as your lord and saviour, then more than likely you are going to hell forever. But if you have accepted Jesus as lord and saviour, then you are guaranteed heaven, if you have not asked Jesus to save you then simply do it now ask him to forgive your sins, to come into your heart as your own lord and saviour, and tell at least one person that Jesus is your lord and saviour, that is the only condition that goes with salvation, you have to confess with your mouth that Jesus is your lord and confess means you tell at least one other person.
1-Corinthians 1-8-10 he guarantees right up till the end that you will be counted free from sin and guilt on that day that he returns. Wow! We even have a guarantee from God, to keep us from worrying.
It is rejoicing when trials come that releases the blessings stored for us in Heaven. We have two choices to make when something bad happens, we can rejoice or we can cry and moan. Only one choice will release miracle working power and that is rejoicing in everything. Moaning and complaining and saying to others how unfair life is and how others are blessed more than you, and confessing to others how terrible life is for you now, depresses you and to be truthful depresses others also. People don’t like to be around miserable crying moaning people, it depresses them and they are probably depressed enough as it is if they don’t know the lord. But people love to be around positive people because their positivity lifts their own mood. Negativity never draws people unto God in fact just the opposite happens.
Take for example; today my washing machine began pouring water from out of the back of it unto the floor, leaving it swimming with water. First reaction from people in the house was, “oh God that will cost a lot of money to get that fixed,” and another suggested, “to pretend the insurance cover was just within the date, and the man at the local electric shop will confirm that it is still on guarantee,” {it was out of guarantee three years}
Different voices complained that it was this or that and would cost a lot of money for a washing machine technician to come and fix it, all negative responses. I praised the lord took out the washing machine and discovered that dirt had blocked the outlet pipe that was supposed to take out the water when the machine was finished its cycle. It took me half an hour to fix it, with no complaining but only praising. I could have cursed and swore; I could have moaned what will we do? But because I am writing this book, and am remembering to keep my eyes on Jesus, I praised God, because he cares about everything in our lives, even the washing machine. Problem solved God knew the problem and showed me what to do.
{Most women don’t know the workings of a washing machine, how it works, and most men don’t know the working of a washing machine when it works and when it comes to washing clothes, but most women do.}
Praise and rejoicing won through, God is so good.
We know that trials are good for us, because of the fruit produced.
Romans-5-3- let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce “patient” and unswerving endurance.
Patience is given a chance to grow in us when we go through trials, and temptations to scream and shout and swear is overcome through this growth, its not easy I know but it is achievable through Jesus and choice to praise instead of cursing. The fruit of patience is given a chance to grow even when the washing machine breaks down.
John -15-1-8-When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father. {NLT Bible}
I just realised how many things that have gone wrong for us since I started writing this book. Little things that are annoying, like the lights blowing one after another; like the house being repossessed. {Our landlord is being taken to court on Thursday and they are taking our former home off him, we lived here 43 years,} we have a contract with him that we will live here until we die.
Then our finances ran out because my credit card was scammed and they took £160 out of my account, and today I discovered we just have enough money in the bank to cover three small direct debits. Then there is nothing left until next week when a small amount will be paid in to our account. Our finances are in bad shape from today, all of a sudden, and I can’t explain why, hundreds have gone from our bank, and there is proof where it went, but we always had ourselves ahead. I just realised that the £160 along with money two people borrowed from us has left us in this position. I had to cover the £160 by taking it from my account, and forgot that until now while writing this book.
And the lights in my garden that Rose paid a lot of money for stopped working yesterday and for no reason, I cannot get them to work again. Praise the lord for everything is in his wonderful hands; glory to his blessed name! It is time to put my money where my mouth is, lol.
After I had written all those things you just read about, I got back to this book about two weeks later, I forgot about it for a while. Well first of all the Landlord informed us on the date of the court hearing that it had all been a mistake by the bank and they had applied to an older bank account for their money and he told us that all is well, the house is secured and we have nothing to worry about, We didn’t anyway but Satan could have put us through hell with worry if we did things the worldly way,
instead we trusted God and he sorted it out on the day of the actual court case, Case dismissed, and home is safe.
Good news on our bank statement, our account is now £800 in credit, somehow or other the money just turned up and we are financially ok, another blow to Satan. Our garden lights which broke down, the lord showed me how to fix them even better than they were so they are brighter and cheaper, I used a transformer instead of buying batteries for them, so brighter lights and happier Brendan. Satan got the boot again. These may seem like trivial little things to you but to the person who is experiencing attacks from Satan they are downright annoying until you realise this is Satan attacking. Satan attacked the other night as I was away in Donegal Ireland doing a house healing service. My son in law got a phone call from someone telling him that his six year old daughter, was attacked and raped and his wife, {our daughter} was laying with her throat cut in her room, and he better get down to Derry where they live; {My son in law works in Belfast and his family live in Derry.} he immediately phoned his wife who was in the local swimming baths at the time so had no access to her phone, and because he couldn’t get her he got in a terrible state and rang my wife Rose who informed him that his daughter was here with her in the room and that there was nothing wrong with her, and her mother was at the swimming baths, and both were ok.
But it caused a terrible shock all around as this person obviously knew about our son in law and had his actual mobile number, and only a few people have that number, and they knew things about the street where his daughter was playing in, and that her granny had been watching her when she was supposedly attacked and raped. This took place as I was praying with people and the lord was healing them and saving them and baptising them in his Holy Spirit. So once again Satan was attacking my family trying to dissuade me from doing healing services. The police were informed and they have that persons phone number and also their name and house number.
God turned this situation around and my family united together and attacked Satan and began praising God for taking care of all of them especially my granddaughter. Next day I again prayed with a couple of people and the lord healed them both within an hour of talking and praying with them. God is indeed great. All these things and other things are constantly battling with our mind and attention, and every day and night Satan has demonic forces working hard to try and get us to start to worry, and get our eyes off Jesus and unto him, a liar and a thief and a murderer, I am just the same as you when it comes to trusting God in the face of every attack little or large, I have to make my decision every time to look at Jesus not the situation and to praise God in it and God turns everything to good for those who love him; says the scriptures. He turns every thing, not something’s, but “EVERYTHING” to good for those who love him and I sure do love him. And I am fitting into his perfect will. Begin to choose to believe God loves you enough to be concerned about your trials and temptations, to get you through them with his grace already within you and rejoice and exult in them knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce “patient” and unswerving endurance
Romans-5-3-Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce “patient” and unswerving endurance.
Let’s become more and more like Jesus every day give him the glory now while you can. Jesus never complained or moaned or cursed God even when he was being tortured and crucified. Like a lamb he was silent before his accusers. Let us do what Jesus done, trust his Father in Heaven.
Scripture tells us that if we want to share in Jesus glory then we must share in his suffering also. Suffering by the way is not sickness, was it ever recorded that Jesus was ever sick? No! He rebuked sickness and disease off of everyone who came to him, earnestly seeking healing or deliverance. Suffering for Jesus means that you will be rejected by the religious leaders of your church and other churches, the religious leaders attacked him with a vengeance, do you think you will be any different?
The suffering that God wants you to suffer is the suffering of change, growing from glory to glory as scripture tells us, and he wants you to rejoice in those suffering because change is never easy. Things happen to us and God allows things to happen to us for one reason alone, and that is to help us grow in the fruit of the spirit, in patience, love, peace, joy, goodness, kindness and self control. As we go through trials and temptations we have an opportunity to learn to be in control, and filled with peace.
2-Corinthians-7-8 I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us. 10For the sorrow {suffering} that is according to the will of God produces a (Q)repentance without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow {suffering} of the world produces death. This is why we endure trials and temptations with gladness because God uses our suffering of change to bring about his glory in us, we repent of the shortcomings that we have within our old nature.
So rejoice when things happen because you have two choices here, “one, to trust God unreservedly” and two, “to grow in patience.” Growing in the spirit is worth every trial and temptation, so we can truly rejoice when we go through things that hurt for a while because we have an opportunity to grow stronger in love and faith.
Romans-5-3-Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce “patient” and unswerving endurance.