Gospel, the suffering of Jesus
Brendan Mc Crossan
The forgotten Gospel the suffering of Jesus
Brendan Mc Crossan
The forgotten Gospel, the suffering of Jesus
The truth of what Jesus done for us!
Isaiah 53Living Bible (TLB)
53 but, oh, how few believe it! Who will listen? To whom will God reveal his saving power? 2 In God’s eyes he was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and sterile ground. But in our eyes there was no attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want him. 3 We despised him and rejected him—a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we didn’t care.
4 Yet it was ‘’our grief’’ he bore, ‘’our sorrows’’ that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But he was wounded and bruised for our sins. ‘’He’’ ‘was beaten’’ that ‘’we’’ ‘’might have peace;’’ ‘’he was lashed’’ —and ‘’we ‘were’ healed!’’ 6 We—every one of us—have strayed away like sheep! We, who left God’s paths to follow our own, yet ‘God laid on him’’ the ‘’guilt and sins
of ‘every one’ of us!’’
7 He was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet he never said a word. He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he stood silent before the ones condemning him. 8 From prison and trial they led him away to his death. But who among the people of that day realized it was ‘’their sins’’ that he was dying for that ‘’he’’ was ‘’suffering their punishment?’’ 9 He was buried like a criminal, but in a rich man’s grave; but he had done no wrong and had never spoken an evil word.
10 But it was the ‘’Lord’s good plan’’ to ‘bruise him’ and ‘fill him with grief.’’ However, when his soul has been made an offering for sin, then he shall have a multitude of children, ‘’many heirs.’’ He shall live again, and ‘’God’s program’’ ‘’shall prosper in his hands.’’ 11 And when he sees all that is accomplished by the anguish of his soul, he shall be satisfied; and because of what he has experienced, my righteous Servant shall make ‘’many to be counted ‘righteous’’ before God,’’ for ‘he shall bear ‘all’ ‘their’ ‘sins.’
All scriptures in red show that Jesus was dealing with sin, our sin, not his own; he was taking our punishment for our sins. It was our sins he was dying for on the cross on Calvary and for our sins he died and went down into hell itself;
the devil’s
destroyed his power
defeated the devil once and for all,
evil spirit
Then Jesus arose and took his prisoners and paraded them before all of heaven and before his father and the Holy Spirit.
Psalm 68-Living Bible (TLB)
18 He ascends the heights, leading many captives in his train. He receives gifts for men, even those who once were rebels. God will live among us here. 19 What a glorious Lord! He who daily bears our burdens also gives us our salvation.
Jesus led a victory parade in heaven and afterwards believe it or not actually gave gifts to men; yes even among those who didn’t want him. Such love that is that is never ever considered. In that scripture of Isaiah, Isaiah prophesised that Jesus would come and take the sins of the entire world from beginning to end on to his spiritual body, you couldn’t put the world’s sin on a man’s body; the man would disappear under the amount of them, so he carried the load of them on his spirit for his spirit is endless just like ours, because we are one with him in spirit.
I have been in thousands of church services, and I have heard the cross being sung about, and preached upon, but strangely enough I have never heard the scourging at the pillar being preached about or what happened there at that scourging.
It was just recently at the church I go to who do not truly believe in healing, that it struck me as the music ministry sung about the cross, {‘’as I survey that wondrous cross’’} and that cross was wonderful indeed, ‘’our salvation’’ was accomplished there, and it is a remarkable thing to think that as Jesus hung on that cross he bore all our sins; and there were many of my sins on his spirit being paid for that day. It was while the music sang about the cross that it struck me, they don’t sing about the ‘scourging at the pillar’ where all our ‘’sickness and diseases’’ were paid for by Jesus also.
Don’t ever think I diminish the wonder of the cross; for on that cross ‘’not only were my ‘sins’ paid for so was ‘my’ ‘sickness and diseases’ paid for, ’’ and when Jesus died so did my sin, and so did my diseases; he destroyed them all.
Now I want you to consider something here, where did Jesus physically suffer most? On the cross bearing all our sins, or on the cross after taking the worlds sickness and diseases; being lashed till every piece of flesh was torn off of his body, with not one part being left out? Now in my mind I find both equal, maybe you would find sin or sickness one better than the other, but to me both merit equal thanksgiving. So why, is the scourging not sung about; for in that scripture Isaiah said, ‘’he was lashed ‘’we ~were~ healed.’’ He was lashed, where was he lashed? At the scourging at the pillar! So why are there no songs singing this?
Jesus suffered both equally, for both were of the devil, and like sin not from God. Jesus paid for both equally to the father not just for sin alone; ‘’Jesus destroyed the works of the devil,’’ and these works were not just sin. Destroying sin is a work of Jesus, who ‘’destroyed’’ the works that the devil done against God’s children. Jesus also destroyed the works of the devil by destroying sickness and disease, by taking it upon his psychical body.
These different translations below tell that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and Jesus said, ‘’the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy,’’ three things not just one.
1 JOHN 3:8
He that committed sin is of the devil, for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.
He that doeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinned from the beginning. To this end was the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
The one who practices sin [separating himself from God, and offending Him by acts of disobedience, indifference, or rebellion] is of the devil [and takes his inner character and moral values from him, not God]; for the devil has sinned and violated God’s law from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.
[But] he who commits sin [who practices evildoing] is of the devil [takes his character from the evil one], for the devil has sinned (violated the divine law) from the beginning. The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen, and dissolve) the works the devil [has done].
He that committed sin is of the devil; for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
Jesus said the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, three things not just one; and
he came to destroy the works of the devil.
John 10:10 Amplified Bible
comes only in order to
have and enjoy life,
have it in abundance
destroy.’’ I came that they may
the full, till it overflows].
In singing about the cross alone, half of the full gospel has been left out, and it is partly because it is easier to talk about sins being forgiven that it is to say, ‘your diseases are healed in Jesus name’ and expect that crippled man or woman to get up and walk.
The devil {the thief} was once the highest angel in heaven, a creature of great beauty, until sin was found in him; he was jealous of God’s new creation man. And so by tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, who then enticed Adam to disobey God also, he had them condemned to this planet earth, along with him and millions of fallen angels.
The devil stole from us our relationship with God the father; he steals our joy, our happiness; he came to kill us before we lived out the full quota of our lives, and he came to destroy us by every means possible, and his greatest weapon after ‘’sin’’ ‘’was sickness and diseases, ’’ for our bodies suffer from sickness and disease, and if we die before we reach one hundred we are considered accursed.
Isaiah 65-20-Living Bible (TLB)
20 No longer will babies die when only a few days old; no longer will men be considered old at 100! Only sinners will die that young! 21 22 In those days, when a man builds a house, he will keep on living in it—it will not be destroyed by invading armies as in the past. My people will plant vineyards and eat the fruit themselves—their enemies will not confiscate it. For my people will live as long as trees and will long enjoy their hard won gains. 23 Their harvests will ‘’not’’ be eaten by their enemies; their children will ‘’not’’ be born to be cannon fodder. For they are the ‘’children of those the Lord has blessed;’’ and ‘their’ ‘children,’ ‘too,’ ‘’shall be blessed.’’ 24 I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking to me about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!
I used to think that this scripture meant after Jesus came back to the earth at the end of time, but then I realised there will be ‘’no sinners’’ left upon the
new earth
[Only sinners will die that young!] only the saved, the righteous! Now do you see the awesome promise that God is making here in the scripture; we, his children, will live as long as trees I used to think it was one hundred and twenty years we have, now I see different, we shall live as long as trees and in good health to enjoy it.
Is Isaiah 65 any different a promise than Isaiah 53, it is the same God who spoke of those things yet to come.
Two How disease was created
Genesis 1 24 New International Version (NIV)
24 And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind” And it was so.25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1King James Version (KJV)
And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creeps upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31 And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
God created everything upon this earth and he saw it was very good, not just good but very good; he was pleased by what he created. If all that God created was good then how do you explain flies and diseases, they are disgusting creatures. Flies vomit on your food before you eat it, and you eat what they just ate and then vomited, then they trample it into your food before you chase them away, and then you sit down to eat what they just vomited on your food and shit on it also. And flies just seem to love shit of every kind and ever
rotten carcase or vegetation, they love the disgusting vile things upon this earth that are smelly slimy, and just filled with things that cause diseases, they eat it and then they share their vile food and diseases with us. And so they spread diseases everywhere they are, be it at home or abroad.
Other types of flies, {mosquitoes} stick their sharp noses into our skin to drink our blood, and cause diseases like malaria and other awful diseases; blindness, deformity, and all types of terrible sickness and so flies are the worst things to have about the place for we do not know where they last had their meal; maybe down in a toilet or sewer who knows or on some dead animal or vegetation that’s been rotting away for months.
If all that God made was good then how come he created flies; flies were never meant to cause disease they were meant to eat up rotting food and waste to clean the earth from it, everything was created for a good purpose, then the devil was banished from heaven and cast down upon the earth along with man, and he hated mankind, and so he distorted the reason flies were created for, and used them to turn into mans worst enemy; flies the carriers of diseases.
He also distorted virus, for virus were not created to cause the human body harm but to cleanse the body from things in it that could cause problems for us.
He turned the things that God made and were pleasing to God and were good to an evil weapon in which to use against God’s creation.
And so because of all that he done; God set up a plan to end what he had done, by sending his most Holy Son down to earth to become a sacrifice for us, because of the sins the devil causes us to commit; and also to end sickness and disease by becoming ‘’sin for us and by becoming disease for us’’ also by taking it into his body through every lash; and in his spirit he took the worlds sins upon his spirit for his body could not contain all the sins of the entire world from beginning of time till the very end of time. So Jesus came to destroy the very works of the devil.
He that committed sin is of the devil, for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.
The works of the devil were sin and disease; Sickness and disease created by the devil contorting the things that God had made; things like flies, mosquitoes etc, things that have travelled everywhere around the globe killing millions of little babies and children and adults all around the globe, and Jesus came and destroyed that, at the scourging at the pillar; and it is not sung about, he receives no glory for what he done here, only for sins; is he receiving great glory? not for the second part of the reason he came to die for us.
The devil has killed millions of little children around the world through mosquitoes; he has robbed little children of parents, parents of children, and left devastation everywhere they go.
He also created war; he twisted man by encouraging them to become greedy for what someone else had. He plotted wars and murders twisting men and women into terrible heartless savages; all through time you had one man encourage others to war against their neighbours, to enslave them, women to become sex objects for lustful men, and it was all caused by one man at a time; Kings, and commanders, leaders of armies, all encouraging war, killing without mercy babies and children, women and men. And all through one man, who the devil controlled.
Have you ever thought about this; one man caused world wars, or one woman controlled by the devil, and given great craftiness ruled with great power and warred against their opposite king or ruler, and an army obeys their leader; armies never obey their ‘’leaders,’’ for leaders all have different opinions, it is just one man or woman that the devil uses; someone who listens to his whisperings. One man makes a suggestion and others follow suit backing up their leader or king. Look at Hitler for instance, he was just one little man filled with hate who turned his fellow countrymen, and women into savage sadistic animals, by having them murder millions of Jews and others and he used mans anger, and turned it against people who were better off than them, he turned them firstly against the Jews who owned the gold and silver shops, and blamed them for stealing the country’s wealth, and so stirred up hatred and then turned people into mobsters who burned down the Jews shops and started killing them and the police stood back and encouraged it all, for they were turned from guardians of justice into seekers of vengeance.
And for these reasons Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, by becoming the one hated and despised, that people focused their hatred upon.
Isaiah 53Living Bible (TLB)
53 but, oh, how few believe it! Who will listen? To whom will God reveal his saving power? 2 in God’s eyes he was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and sterile ground. But in our eyes there was no attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want him. 3 We despised him and rejected him a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we didn’t care.
Jesus destroyed the works of the devil by becoming a sacrifice for us
Isaiah 53 5 Living Bible (TLB)
5 But he was ‘’wounded and bruised for our sins.’’ He was ‘’beaten that we might have peace;’’ ‘’he was lashed and we were healed!’’ 6 We every one of us have strayed away like sheep! We, who left God’s paths to follow our own,. Yet God laid on him the guilt and sins of every one of us!
Three things Jesus done are mentioned here; {1} he was ‘’wounded and bruised for our sins;’’ {2}-he was ‘’beaten that we might have peace;’’ {3} he was ‘’lashed and we were healed. ’’ Three things in all and all linked together as part of the full gospel of Jesus Christ our redeemer and saviour, our Knight in shining armour in this scripture, which foretells the suffering that Jesus would endure for mans sins. Yet church pastors and leaders fail to mention he was beaten for ‘’our peace,’’ yes sins are mentioned, but this is a three part gospel of redemption; ‘’he was lashed and we ‘were’ healed,’’ it does not say might be healed, or could possibly be healed, or won’t be healed, but ‘’were healed,’’ and this is not mentioned either; just one mostly, and that is the easy one to believe and that is ‘’sin.’’ We can believe with no problem that Jesus died for our sins, but is it any less that he done by being ‘’beaten, to give us ‘’peace of heart and mind; ’’ not peace in this world from wars and things like
that, but peace within us. Did you know that the word ‘’were’’ is past tense, of something having happened. {Were past indicative, and past subjunctive of be.} [Free dictionary]
Something is missing here in the teachings of the churches, and it is for a good reason; it is easier to say ‘’your sins are forgiven’’ than to say ‘’your disease is healed.’’ To proclaim the full gospel means that you have to stand your ground in commanding a terrible disease to ‘’get out in Jesus name,’’ as you say to someone ‘’Jesus forgives you,’’ and expect it to go immediately. The name does the same whether it is giving someone who suffers from mental problems peace of mind or telling them Jesus forgives them.
Isaiah is the story most used to show that Jesus died for your sins, but it goes on to explain in Isaiah 53 1.he suffered not just for sin but for mental health for sickness and disease.
Isaiah 53Living Bible (TLB)
53 But, oh, how few believe it! Who will listen? To whom will God reveal his saving power? 2 In God’s eyes he was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and sterile ground. But in our eyes there was no attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want him. 3 We despised him and rejected him a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we didn’t care.
4 Yet it was ‘’our grief’’ he bore, ‘’our sorrows’’ that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But he was ‘’wounded and bruised for our sins.’’ He was ‘’beaten that we might have peace;’’ he was ‘’lashed—and we were healed!’’
This is something that I never seen before and I don’t mean I never read it before; for I have read it many times, but this was the first time I actually seen this scripture broken down and enlightened to me; to see that what Jesus endured was for ‘’different reasons concerning the full design of man.’’
Look at the ‘’words’’ in ‘his word’ that God used to describe what Jesus suffered!
pain, sorrow, anguish; pain caused through sickness and disease
and the word
means to be filled with {sor·row (sŏr′ō, sôr′ō) n. 1. Mental suffering caused by loss, disappointment, or misfortune, sadness, sorrowfulness, unhappiness, regret, and the word suffering means pain, anguish, distress, misery, agony, torment, and affliction
The state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship {free dictionary}**
Do you see the connection between the words used in Isaiah and in the ‘free dictionary’ explaining the meaning of those words; for words explained in their fullest term gives a greater understanding to the reader.
4 Yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. Our pain, sorrow, anguish; pain caused through sickness and disease, is what Jesus bore on his body; have you ever stopped to consider what it was exactly that Jesus suffered, and for what reason? It was ‘’our grief,’’ I will shorten the meaning to explain something here; ‘’our grief,’’ ‘’pain caused through sickness and disease.’’
But the Christian born again believing churches are not proclaiming the full true gospel of Jesus Christ as to why he suffered in these three different ways and for what reason, if it was just sin this scripture was explaining then why say ‘’our grief;’’ ‘’pain caused through sickness and disease.’’ Jesus redeemed the whole man, spirit, soul, and body, not just the spirit of man where sin lingered.
He came to set the captive free, free from all oppression of the devil and not just from his sins. Man suffers from sin, casting him down into hell if unrepented from. He suffers from sickness and disease, and from mental health problems; ‘’the ‘suffering of the mind having no peace.’’
When Jesus was ‘scourged,’ {lashed} at the pillar taking upon his body the sickness and diseases of this world, past present and future, for ‘’God placed a disease into every open wound on his body,’’ every disease you the reader ever had, and covered them with the precious blood of his Son Jesus. He also suffered by having a crown of thorns forced into his head, thereby suffering for
those tormented with mental problems, his blood was shed in this way for those suffering torment from mental health problems.
6 We—every one of us—have strayed away like sheep! We, who left God’s paths to follow our own,. Yet God laid on him the guilt and sins of every one of us!
7 He was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet he never said a word. He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he stood silent before the ones condemning him. 8 From prison and trial they led him away to his death. But who among the people of that day realized it was their sins that he was dying for that he was suffering their punishment? 9 He was buried like a criminal, but in a rich man’s grave; but he had done no wrong and had never spoken an evil word.
10 But it was the Lord’s good plan to bruise him and fill him with grief. However, when his soul has been made an offering for sin, then he shall have a multitude of children, many heirs. He shall live again, and God’s program shall prosper in his hands. 11 And when he sees all that is accomplished by the anguish of his soul, he shall be satisfied; and because of what he has experienced, my righteous Servant shall make many to be counted righteous before God, for ‘’he shall bear all their sins.’’ 12 Therefore, I will give him the honour of one who is mighty and great because he has poured out his soul unto death. He was counted as a sinner, and ‘’he bore the sins of many,’’ and he pled with God for sinners.
Yes halleluiah, Jesus bore the sins of man, and forgave us all our sins, and freed us from the price of judgement; ‘’making us righteous’’ before him; now that Jesus work on this earth was finally finished ‘’once and for ‘’all.’’
And he even shared his own spirit with us as ‘’one spirit in him,’’ and ‘’one spirit with the father God;’’ awesome to say the least, but he is denied his glory for the other things he accomplished on that cross; and at the scourging at the pillar, which to my belief from experience is very rarely, if ever, spoken about and explained to the Christian or non Christian body.
8 From prison and trial they led him away to his death. But who among the people of that day realized it was their sins that he was dying for that he was ‘’suffering’’ their punishment?
Suffering mass noun
The state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship NOUN
Bible (TLB)
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed ‘’me’’ to bring good news to the ‘’suffering and afflicted.’’ He has sent me to ‘’comfort the broken hearted,’’ ‘’to announce liberty to captives,’’ ‘’and to open the eyes of the blind.’’ 2 He has sent me to tell those who mourn that the time of God’s favour to them has come, and the day of his wrath to their enemies. 3 To all who mourn in Israel he will give: ‘’beauty for ashes;’’ ‘’joy instead of mourning;’’ ‘’praise instead of heaviness.’’ For God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory.
This is what Jesus gave as his reason for coming to this earth as a man; he spoke of the devil as the ‘’enemy who comes to ‘steal’ the health of people,’ to ‘kill,’ little babies and adults,’ and to ‘destroy’ families and marriages, and to pervert marriages by having homosexuals get married as if this was the normal thing, and it is sponsored by those in government as if normal; but not in scripture, for it is an act of the devil and Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and these things are the works of the devil.
John 10:10-Amplified Bible
The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. ‘’I came
‘’that they may ‘have’ and ‘enjoy life,’ and ‘’have it in abundance
to the full, till it overflows’’].
Chapter two
There is nothing more that God is going to do for man because it has ‘’already been done’’ through Jesus; did you get what I just wrote; there is nothing more that God needs to do for mankind, ‘’it is finished;’’ Jesus fulfilled every promise that God ever made to mankind, and it is up to you and me to attain that through study and prayer and the prayer I would use is from Ephesians.
Ephesians-1:17-Berean Study Bible Spiritual Wisdom
17{I} am asking that [‘’you’’] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give {‘’ME’’} a spirit of wisdom and revelation in {MY} knowledge of Him [you]. 18 I ask that the eyes of {‘’MY’’} heart may be enlightened, so that {I} may know the hope of His [your] calling, the riches of His [your] glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and the surpassing greatness of His [your] power to {‘’I’’} who believe. He displayed this power in the working of His mighty strength.
I have changed the wording in this scripture so that it says ‘’me, my, I, you, your’’ to make it my personal prayer, I have prayed this prayer for years when I was just a young Christian and sadly I stopped, getting caught up in other scripture; now I am going back to it again.
It is finished!’’
~Sin~ has been paid for; we Christians know that! But few Christians realise that ~sickness and disease~ have already been paid for also! When Jesus went to that cross he not only took our sin and killed it, he also took our sickness and disease and put them to death as well. ‘He paid in full’ the price for our sin and ‘paid in full’ the price of our diseases and pain; Christians approach sickness in the wrong way, for disease has already been paid for and ‘so it is dead,’ ‘just as sin is dead to the Christian,’ and so sin has been paid for as I said, but so has disease been paid for.
It is already done;’’ Jesus paid for sin, whether people realise it or not, it is out there for everyone in the world to claim salvation, ‘’sin has been paid for’’ and the world has already been forgiven. ‘’It is finished’’ were the words of Jesus as he hung there on the cross, ‘’it is finished,’’ that meant disease as well as sin has now been made complete.
We approach sickness as if it has a right to be in some human being, but that is wrong; it should be approached as something paid for by Jesus just as sin has been paid for.
How does a person receive salvation? Someone tells them what Jesus done for them, and they repent and then ask Jesus into their hearts; they are in effect reaching out there into the universe, the spiritual world, and claiming their forgiveness; for sin has been paid for and their forgiveness is there to simply say, ‘’come into my heart,’’ and so accept it as done as they confess Jesus is lord.’’ Sickness and disease should also be approached as something out there as having been achieved by Jesus. The command, ‘’be healed in Jesus name,’’ should be changed to ‘’get out in the name of Jesus; your dead.’’
Sin is forgiven whether we believe it or not; forgiveness is done whether we believe it or not; disease has been dealt with in the same way. It is done; ‘’it is finished!’’
How can we believe that sickness has been paid for and still see people suffering? God spoke these words - ‘’my people perish through lack of knowledge.’’ It is a lack of good Christian believers teaching on what Jesus did for us, and it is hanging out there in the spiritual world where everything is just waiting for us to enter in and reach for it as belonging to them. People don’t know Jesus as lord and saviour, and do not know he took their sickness and disease into his very own flesh and covered it with his own precious blood.
The words ‘’victory’’ - is sitting there in the spiritual world’’ just waiting for us to come before God in ~holiness and righteousness,~ and reach into the heavenly store room and take it for the battles your fighting; ‘’victory is already yours,’’ Jesus won it for you when he entered hell itself and defeated the devil, and in doing so destroyed his very works, whatever it is your going through; you already have the victory, but are you reaching into the heavenly store room and claiming it and ‘’then acting on it,’’ like Jesus was in you, as he now is, and declaring the devils defeat; this is what gives God glory.
Are the words ‘victory is ours,’’ any different than ‘’sin is forgiven;’’ ‘’disease has been paid for’’ and so healing belongs to everyone whether they know it or not. ‘’Like sin’’ ‘’it is finished.’’
Can you understand what I am trying to say? Everything has been done by Jesus. It is all;‘’sin, sickness, victory,’’ it is already ours, and how can we receive this? Having faith in the word of God, regarding all that Jesus done for us. ‘’It is finished;’’ ~defeat for the Christian is not an option,~ for the word says ‘’victory is already ours’’ because of what Jesus done for us. Victory is out there in the universe waiting to be operated upon by having ‘’faith’’ in the accomplished work of Jesus;’’ for he came to destroy the works of the devil.
Let’s look at these words; dictionary meanings
‘’it is finished;’’ over, ended, complete, completed, over and done with ‘’sin has been paid for;’’ remunerated, compensated, rewarded, ‘’diseases has been paid for;’’ remunerated, compensated, rewarded, ‘’victory has been paid for.’’ remunerated, compensated, rewarded,
All belong to us the Christian children of God, and all must be achieved by having faith in the ‘’living word’’ of the ‘’living God;’’ how can the word say ‘’future victory is ours,’’ unless it has been given to us just as ‘’forgiveness has been given to us,’’ and ‘’healing has been given to us.’’
Not only has victory been given to us; for Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil, and he defeated him and that is ‘out there forever,’ just as sin has been paid for, it is ‘out there forever;’ and just as sickness been paid for, it is ‘out there forever’ to be reached for and attained by faith in the words, ‘’it is finished;’’ all the works of the devil have been destroyed; smashed to pieces and then given over to man to demonstrate the devils defeat.
Is sin a work of the devil? of course it is
Is sickness a work of the devil? – Of course it is
Then they have been destroyed by Jesus for he came to destroy the works of the devil and they include what I have just written, ‘’it is finished,’’ the devil has been defeated, ‘victory is already ours,’ for Jesus paraded the devil before the heavenly courts as defeated in everything; he no longer has power on this earth or in heaven; he has been defeated in everything.
Christians declare ‘’victory is ours’’ in whatever battle you are going through; because the word says ‘’victory is ours’’ and also the word declares that even ‘’future victory is ours;’’ that means that ‘’victory is out there in the universe or should I say ‘’in the spirit realm,’’ as a ‘’work done by Jesus.’ We know so little of the awesome things that Jesus has done; for instance he says that we have become ‘’one spirit with him,’’ when does that take place? ‘’At salvation,’’ but do you already know that? I doubt that anyone ever told you that!
Open the eyes of my spirit lord so that I can see the truth, help me to see with my spirit so that I will know truth.’’
I wrote that piece after laying on the ground prostrated before the living God during the night worshipping him, then felt to go on my computer and to begin writing about what this book is about, and so I obeyed and I wrote this piece coloured in blue. After the anointing left me I stopped and went to the toilet and another thought entered my mind so I went back into the computer and I began trying to write and discovered that I could not see my keyboard because every time I looked at the screen I was blinded to the keyboard .
Later on I was laying praying in tongues as I normally do when I can’t sleep, it dawned on me that I wrote the piece in blue in the dark and I seen everything clearly; and later after going to the toilet I returned and could see nothing. I realised that it was ‘an anointing’ that allowed me to ‘see in the dark of my room’ for I always worship during the night in the dark; so when you read this piece in blue realise that it is specially anointed and so keep reading until you get revelation of what God done through Jesus.
If Jesus paid for our sin how come sin is still in this world? Sin is still in this world but the price has been paid for it, and all someone has to do to get their sins forgiven and get salvation is to ‘’repent, and ask Jesus into their heart as lord and Saviour,’’ and that’s it, eternal life with Jesus in heaven.
Well if sickness and disease has been paid for and destroyed, then how come almost everyone suffers from some form of sickness, pain or disease; hospitals are full, mental hospitals are full and people suffer terrible diseases. Didn’t you hear me, ‘’Jesus destroyed the works of the devil;’’ he didn’t destroy the devil and never will; he will spend eternity in the fiery pit, that lake of fire with every evil spirit and every rebellious human being.
Sickness is still in this fallen world, but the price of healing has already been paid for, and it is those who believe the word of God regarding what Jesus done for them that attain it through faith. Healing is for everyone just as forgiveness is for everyone but both have to be attained through faith in the living word of God. I already explained that sickness is not from God, but is of the devil, and Jesus came to give us life in abundance, and so we have to believe and fight for what belongs to us; just as other things that were accomplished on the cross are also ours, like peace and victory and heirs.
Chapter Three
Something else not mentioned in churches
There is something else obtained through what Isaiah wrote about the things that Jesus was going to do for us
We have been given the ‘’peace of Jesus Christ himself; ‘’
And scripture says he was ‘wounded and bruised for our sins.’ He was ~chastised~ that we might have peace; ~
Isaiah 53Living Bible (TLB)
4 Yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But he was wounded and bruised for our sins. He was ‘’beaten’’ {‘’CHASTISED;’’ the word used in other translations.} that we might ‘’have peace;’’ ‘’he was lashed and we were healed!’’
He was wounded and bruised for our sins; and then scripture says that ‘’he was beaten’’ ‘’{chastised}’’ that we might ‘’have peace;’’ so at the moment of salvation ‘’we received perfect peace,’’ and that is the second thing mentioned that Jesus would do and it is not even given a mention, not that I have ever heard of anyway. Chastised = Chastised definition, to discipline, especially by corporal punishment. Dictionary.com
John 14:27Peace I Leave with You
26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you. 27’’Peace’’ I leave with you; ‘’my peace’’ ‘I give to you.’’ I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid.
[When I moved the mouse over the word ‘’peace,’’ [highlighted in yellow] a square comes up and says, {‘’peace {eirenen, peace of mind; invocation of peace, a common Jewish farewell in the Hebristic sense of the health; {welfare} of the individual]
Scripture confirms that ‘we have been given peace,’ just like ‘we have been given forgiveness’ , just like we have been healed,’ just like ‘we have been given victory.’ Healing is done; we cannot ask God to do something he has already done, when Jesus said, ‘’it is finished’’ he meant ‘’forever.’’ I see people question does God heal some and not heal others; is God selective? No God already healed sickness and disease when Jesus went to the scourging at the pillar, and then put it to death on the cross forever, then went into hell itself and defeated the creator of sickness and disease.
Chapter four
When Jesus chose to die for us he died knowing we would receive righteousness also; something else that we have been already been given.
Isaiah 53-10 But it was the Lord’s good plan to bruise him and fill him with grief. However, when his soul has been made an offering for sin, then he shall have a multitude of children, ‘’many heirs.’’ He shall live again, and God’s program shall prosper in his hands. 11 And when he sees all that is accomplished by the anguish of his soul, he shall be satisfied; and because of what he has experienced, my ‘’righteous’’ Servant shall make many to be ‘’counted righteous’’ before God, for he shall bear all their sins.
To be ‘’counted as righteous,’’ [honourable and virtuous, [a wonderful gift of God accomplished through Jesus suffering on that cross on Calvary; all these things were foretold in the book of Isaiah.
Isn’t that awesome; to be held as ‘’righteous, honourable, and virtuous in the sight of God’’ because of what Jesus suffered for us; he done all this to wipe our record clear, pure as the driven snow, and all this is, prophesised through Isaiah in this scripture and it includes ‘all,’ or I should say includes ‘’everything’’ that Jesus attained through his suffering at the scourging at the pillar, and also on the cross; and it was not just a one off cross thing that he
done for us; these other things were included in the package. Please understand I am ‘’not diminishing the cross of the lord’’ but I am enlarging your understanding of what he done for us, an unbelievable gift to mankind who do not deserve it.
In churches we do hear the words ‘’righteous’’ concerning the born again believer, but most church goers don’t even understand the significance of being ‘declared righteous’ by God for they are not taught the fullness of the meaning to righteous and righteousness.
Righteousness what does that mean? Righteous, means virtuous, moral, good, just, blameless, {worthy, unblemished, valuable, precious, innocent, guiltless, untarnished, praiseworthy, commendable, upright, honourable, honest, ‘’to be in right standing with God always.’’}
In other words when God declares you to be righteous he is exonerating you from all sin and guilt and declares you Holy and spotless before him forever.
When God planned for Jesus to go to that cross he did it because he seen the future of his new creation when corrupted by the devil straying away from him deceived by their greatest enemy; so in his plans for us he decided from before time would even begin on earth to make us like Jesus, Holy and spotless, sinless and clean
Ephesians 1 1 Living Bible (TLB)
1 Dear Christian friend’s at Ephesus, ever loyal to the Lord: This is Paul writing to you, chosen by God to be Jesus Christ’s messenger. 2 May his blessings and peace be yours, sent to you from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.
3 How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who ‘’has’ blessed us’ with ‘every’ ‘’blessing’’ in heaven’ ‘’because we belong to Christ’’
4 Long ago, even before he made the world, ‘’God chose us’’ to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided
to make us
holy’ in his eyes,’ ‘without a single fault
we who stand before him
covered with his love.
5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by
sending Jesus Christ to die for us.’’ And he did this because he wanted to!
First things first; read the words, ‘’by sending Jesus Christ to die for us;’’ so is this scripture a part of the work on the cross that Jesus would accomplish for us? When did God decide on this plan? ‘’Long ago,’’ even before he made the world! God chose ‘us;’ that’s ‘’you and me;’’ he decided then; before he made the world; before you could ever do right or wrong, before you did the things
you are ashamed of now, he decided ‘then’ to make you ‘’Holy in his eyes,’’ ‘’without a single fault’’ And he did this because he wanted to!
He planned to send Jesus to die for us; he being omnipotent all seeing all powerful, knowing the enemy would try and pervert his creation through his jealousy, and so ‘he devised a plan that would thwart him;’ he decided to use the devils own craftiness against him, by allowing him to use the Romans to crucify Jesus, and having him die with ‘all the worlds sin on him,’ but the devil did not know this was God’s plan, and so Jesus died on the cross and after he died he then descended into the devils kingdom and defeated him for us, forever.
And through his suffering; both at the ‘’scourging at the pillar and on the cross’’ he would set us free from judgement and from the pelenty of our sins by sacrificing himself on our behalf, and this was all planned from before time would even begin. And he did this because he wanted to!
He did all this because ‘’he ‘’ wanted to!
Isaiah 53Living Bible (TLB)
10 But it was the Lord’s good plan to ‘’bruise him’’ and ‘’fill him’’ with grief. However, when his soul has been made an offering for sin, then he shall have a multitude of children, many heirs. He shall live again, and God’s program shall prosper in his hands.
All this was God’s incredible plan; to use the devil to bring about our mercy, forgiveness and salvation, and all this included his suffering at the pillar where every piece of his flesh was ripped out, and our diseases were placed into his flesh then covered by his blood, and a crown of thorns were placed on his head fulfilling all, for when that crown of thorns was placed upon his head he suffered for those with mental problems, the minds problems; fulfilling the need to take all our sickness and diseases.
Most people do not realise that on the way to Calvary Jesus carried our burdens, not just a cross; it was our sins he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down; it wasn’t just a cross he carried; he carried our burdens, the things that weigh us down; those troublesome things that he now carried so that we wouldn’t have to carry them. The cross was symbolic of our sorrows.
Think about this; he could have been crucified there in that place of suffering or just outside the door, or ten feet away, but it was God’s plans to have him ‘’walk’’ ‘’carrying ‘our sorrows’ on his shoulders,’’ and God was so good he used a man to help him carry his cross; keeping in line with all the things that
God would do for us through his children, using men and women to help each other through the grace of Jesus.
He used a man to baptise people in the Holy Spirit, after Jesus had received him first at the Jordan River, at the hands of a man baptising him with water first. Then he went about healing the sick and doing miracles, to show that we also can receive the Holy Spirit in the same way; and go about healing the sick and doing miracles.
There is more to this scripture in Isaiah than we first believed or seen.
Many heirs
There is more to the cross than we are told in churches; there is more left out of the full gospel than there is spoken of; and if not taught, then people will never know the extent that Jesus went through because he loves us. Jesus suffered tremendous agony of both, ‘’soul spirit and body;’’ he suffered so much he shed blood from his skin pores; and scientists tell us that a human being can only shed blood from their pores if they are under unbelievable pressure; Jesus was under tremendous pressure to keep going or quit. He said to the father; father if there is any other way to save mankind then do it but ‘thy will’ be done.
Mark 14-16Living Bible (TLB)
He took Peter, James, and John with him and began to be filled with horror and deepest distress. 34 And he said to them, “My soul is crushed by sorrow to the point of death; stay here and watch with me.”
35 He went on a little farther and fell to the ground and prayed that if it were possible the awful hour awaiting him might never come.
“Father, Father,” he said, “Everything is possible for you. ‘’Take away this cup from me.’’ ‘’Yet I want your will, not mine.”
Even Jesus didn’t want to die as a human being, and he didn’t want to suffer pain and death just like us; he wanted to see if there was any other way to save mankind; then father let’s find it, but ‘not my will,’ but ‘thy will’ be done.
Another thing Jesus done on the cross; ‘’made us heirs’’
Isaiah 53-11-Living Bible (TLB)
10 But it was the Lord’s good plan to bruise him and fill him with grief. However, when his soul has been made an offering for sin, then he shall have a multitude of children, many heirs.
When Jesus sees all that has been accomplished by his suffering he will be happy for it has been worth it; for he shall make many to be counted righteous and having created ‘’many heirs,’’ those who would inherit his kingdom; he would give them ‘righteousness first’ then he would ‘join himself in spirit with them’ making them the ‘same spirit’ as himself. He would then give them his own Holy Spirit as the first of many incredible gifts.
He would count his children to be ‘Holy in his sight’ forevermore; {Ephesians 1 6} he would see them as ‘forever perfect in his sight’ {Hebrews 10 14}. Isaiah prophesised many things that have passed the Christians eyes for they have been blinded by their great enemy to see how much Jesus would do for us his own adopted children.
When God sacrificed Jesus for us, he showed mankind how much he loved them; so much so that he sacrificed his only begotten son to suffer a terrifying and cruel heartless death, stripped of his clothing- nothing to cover his dignity. In case you didn’t know it Jesus was stripped naked as the day he came out of his mother’s womb; the Romans did not believe in hiding a man’s dignity; and
Jesus suffered all this for those who have been stripped naked and abused or raped. There was not anything that Jesus suffered that did not a have a significant reason for our healing and salvation. 1 peter 2 24 says
1 Peter 2 24 Living Bible (TLB)
He personally carried the load of our sins in his own body when he died on the cross so that we can be finished with sin and live a good life from now on. For his ‘’wounds’’ ‘’have’’ healed ours!
What ‘wounds’ did Jesus have? His body was covered from head to toe with ‘’wounds from the scourging at the pillar.’’ Not just those inflicted on him on the cross. His ‘wounds’ ‘’have’’ healed ours; the word ‘have’ means something that has already happened, we ‘have’ been healed already; we are never
going to be healed by God no matter how much praying you do, ‘’healing has already happened;’’ you are not sick; you just believe the devils lies, and ‘’unwittingly’’ accepted sickness and disease into your body and so disease began to live in you with the purpose of killing and destroying you.
Remember he is the ‘’thief who comes to steal kill and destroy,’’ and who is he trying to destroy = you, the Christian child of the living God, = you are the one he is determined to kill and destroy; you took his place as the one most favoured and he rebelled against God because you replaced him as God’s favourite creation.
It is easier for mankind to blame God for their troubles, sickness and diseases than to face reality, that it is the devil whom they fear more even than God, and that is a plain downright fact. They fear the devil because of the movies they have seen; [‘for the modern church goer,’] than they fear the living God who can kill not just the body as the devil does; but can kill the spirit!
Matthew 10:28 study bible
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Instead, fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
But God does not do the things he has been accused of; it is the devil that steals and destroys. Would a loving God kill a little baby that he just formed in the womb?
[Isaiah 44:2New International Version
This is what the LORD says— he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be afraid, Jacob, my servant, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.]
And was there as that child was being formed and as he knitted his or her parts together and then just go and kill that wonderful creation off; ‘’No!’’ That is an act of downright evil and nothing more; but because the churches are not telling the extent of what Jesus endured at that scourging at the pillar, little children are killed off by the devil and his evil forces. That is not an act of love is it; yet we are told ‘’God is love’’ and love does no wrong 1 John 4 8/ 1 Corinthians 13 love etc.
Isaiah 53 44 Yet it was our grief he bore, our sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But
he was wounded and bruised for our sins.
He was
beaten that we might have peace;
he was
We have been made ‘heirs,’ and what does that mean exactly for me? An heir is someone who receives a gift from someone who just died; and left them their inheritance; [property] it is legal and binding in a court of law and even more so in heaven.
Heir means a successor, inheritor, beneficiary, legatee, descendant, offspring and recipient.
And what did Jesus leave us? He left us everything he owned as now ours; and what did he own? ‘’Everything’’ - for the kingdom of heaven belongs to him and is now ours; he shall have a multitude of children, many heirs.
Do you know that now you have every spiritual gift and power as an heir?
1 Corinthians 1:7 Living Bible
Now you have’’
every grace and blessing;
every spiritual gift and power
for doing his will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As an heir you have received from God ‘’every grace and blessing,’’ how incredible is that? And as an heir you have now received ‘’every spiritual gift and power;’’ do you even know what this means? You have everything anyone could ever need. His gifts and power and grace and blessing are yours as an heir; all this was foretold by the prophet Isaiah when he prophesised Jesus suffering and death; this is the good news the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ; the full gospel, the glorious good news.
Sadly all that is taught in most churches is the salvation message; not the rest of the message; how awesome is It to receive eternal life in heaven with Jesus
and the Holy Spirit and with Father God, and how remarkable is it to know that your greatest enemy has been defeated in every area that he has ensnared mankind in.
When Jesus went to the cross he displayed his victory, having both hands raised out, though the devil thought that he finally killed the son of God as a human being, he couldn’t kill him as the Son of God in his spiritual form, but he could kill him as a human being if he found sin in him; and he did, he found sin in him; but the devil didn’t know it was mans sins and not Jesus sins, that was on his body, and that’s where God had him fooled into thinking he would destroy his son and instead God had all this planned out to bring about the devil defeat forever.
By killing Jesus, God had the devil believe that he had finally got the right to kill Jesus the son of almighty God; but the devil didn’t know it was God’s plan that the devil would have the Jews and the Romans put him to death on a cross, and first of all suffer a flogging that would have destroyed any other man, and when he suffered that flogging, he finally had him condemned to death on a cross.
But the devil didn’t know that this was ‘’God’s’ ‘plan’’ all along, to have him put to death as a punishment for all of mankind’s sins. From the beginning of time to the end of time everyone’s sins were being paid for as Jesus died for their sins and not for any of his own, for he was sinless.
Some churches tell folk the message of salvation and this is awesome; but it is only one side of the message that God gave to us; healing was also achieved for us; peace was ours, Christ heritage was also a gift to us; just as he made us heirs to all he owned, he now gave to us.
Most born again Christians know the message of salvation for they accepted it and are now saved. But if you are speaking to Catholics they do not know the message of salvation; for most, ‘’they have to earn it by being good and doing good deeds,’’ but that is a lie; for all they have to do is ‘’repent of their sins’’ and ‘’ask Jesus sincerely into their hearts as their lord and saviour,’’ and they have immediate salvation; heaven is guaranteed them. Your job as a born again Christian is to go out into the entire world and tell people the good news, and share the second half of the gospel with them healing is theirs, and lay hands on the sick and heal them in Jesus name.
God showed me an easy way to share the gospel with someone, and that is not taking all day to try and explain the gospel message.
He said to ask someone; do you know where you will go if you died right now? Most will answer no! Then say would you like to know how you will go, ‘’to heaven.’’ Then tell them it’s easy, for it has already been done for us by Jesus, he took your sins on to his body, paid for them on the cross, and died for them; so ‘you’ wouldn’t have to pay for your sins. And all you have to do is say sincerely; ‘’Jesus’’ thank you for taking my punishment for my sins, and please come into my heart as my lord and saviour, and that’s it. Salvation is theirs.
In another book I will explain how easy it is to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit.