Brendan Mc Crossan
“The Grace of God is already ours!”
I have listened to preachers preaching that we need to ask for the grace for this or the grace for that, but I see in the Word of God that Grace like every gift and power is already in our hearts. I am not contradicting what these preachers have said, but I am sharing what God is showing me about his Grace. Please understand I do not knock anyone we all have different levels of revelation from the Holy Spirit; at this moment in time I am receiving revelation from the Holy Spirit in my writing from scripture. I have this sense in me that every time I sit down sincerely with the lord and the Holy Spirit I sense an anointing upon me to write, and I write as I am inspired, I know the difference now between what I write and what the Spirit is prompting, me to write and as soon as I read back what I have just written, I know what is of me and what is from the Holy Spirit, I just have this deep down knowing; and as I write I receive revelation, that perhaps others have even had before me, but I write what is revealed to “me” now, and believe that it is solid teaching; which can be verified from the word of God and can be confirmed also by other scriptures. These days are the final days of mankind and the Spirit of God is revealing secrets from God’s word to his children so that they may be empowered in these difficult days ahead. Let’s look at these scriptures from Corinthians and see what God says about Grace.
1-Corinthians-1-6- what I told you Christ could do for you has happened! 7 Now you have every Grace and blessing; every spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our lord Jesus Christ.
This scripture tells us quite clearly that we have already received every Grace, it does not say, some Grace or Graces, as if there were more to be given, no! Read the word carefully, Now, this very moment is now, this minute, you have received every Grace, not some or a little but every Grace. If it is saying every Grace then God means every Grace. God either means what he says or he is a liar, and God is not a liar, he always says what he means, and he means that you have received every Grace, now! We have been told often we need to pray and ask for Grace to do this work for God or for the grace to do this or that, but we can’t pray for Grace, we can’t pray for something we already have. We can’t pray for a gift we already received. It is impossible to receive something which is already in our possession. There are many things that the Christian should not be praying for, the blessings that we already received for example, and if you don’t know the blessings you already have then read my book. “Do you know the blessings that are yours through Christ Jesus?”
And there are things the Christian should be praying for, pray for those in authority over you for example;
1-Timothy-2-1- here are my directions; pray much for others; plead for God’s mercy upon them; give thanks for all he is going to do for them. Pray in this way for kings and all others who are in authority over us, or are in places of high responsibility over us.
“The Grace of God is already ours!”
These are things every Christian should be praying for, but don’t pray for Grace, because you already have Grace, the Grace is in you to do the very will of God. Here is another scripture to confirm that Grace has already been poured out upon us.
1-Corinthians -2-12-and God has actually given us his spirit {not the worlds spirit} to tell us about the wonderful free gifts of Grace and blessings that God has given us.
In this scripture you can see clearly that you have actually been given free gifts of Grace and blessings; and did you notice that in both of these scriptures that Grace goes with blessings and gifts, it’s a threefold package that we the Christians have been overlooking in scripture. If we could only grasp the tremendous love that God has for us we would be walking miracle workers, living as Jesus, healing as Jesus, and delivering the oppressed as Jesus. It is because we have become one with Jesus that we have every Grace and blessing and supernatural gift; it is because we have become one in Christ Jesus that allows us access to the Graces and blessings and gifts and powers of the Holy Spirit. The Grace and blessings follow us because of who we are, not because of what we do, or our position in this world, but solely because we are resident in Jesus and he resides in us, we are one body with him as the head but one complete body head and body as one, because you do not have the head working separate from the body or the body doing its own thing they work in complete harmony with each other as the complete body of Christ Jesus. As scripture says the hand is a necessary part of the body, just as the foot is, all parts work together all honouring the other parts, so are we in Christ Jesus body we are living parts of a living God and saviour, we are one with him.
Ok now I know I have every Grace and blessing and gift how do I release those Graces within me? Its simple do what the first line of this scripture says;
1-Corinthians-1-4-I can never stop thanking God for all the wonderful things he has given you, now you are Christ’s. He has enriched your whole life. He has given you a full understanding of the truth; what I told you Christ could do for you has happened. Now you have every Grace and blessing; every spiritual gift and power are yours for doing his will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our lord Jesus Christ.
The scriptures teach us that the Holy Spirits Job on this earth at this moment is to teach us all truth, and he does it slowly as we absorb into our spirit these truths, so that we can walk in Holy boldness and confidence in our heavenly Father. What we are supposed to do to release the Grace and blessings and yes the Gifts also is to never stop thanking him for all the wonderful things he has given you, and has means it’s already yours, so you thank him for what you have received, especially his gift of Grace, his Grace which blesses us immensely, beyond even our wildest dreams, beyond our comprehension as human beings.
St Paul said he can never stop thanking God for the wonderful things he has given us, Paul knew the secrete to walking in the power and authority of God it was by acknowledging what God done for him and us, so he was in continual gratitude for these wonderful Graces and blessings and gifts. Sometimes we take for granted what God has done for us and we don’t think about the price Jesus paid so that we could receive those Graces and blessings and gifts; let’s stop and thank God for his amazing awesome love for us. Thank him for the graces he has already poured out on us and for the Graces he is pouring out on us each day and in the future.
Thank you Jesus thank you Father thank you Holy Spirit.
When you have thanked him for the Graces and blessings and gifts you have already received, you now have room for more Grace and blessings to come, giving praise and thanks for them remove the blessings already received. You’re now ready to have more Grace and blessings and gifts poured into you for your present work for him.