The invisible you!
Brendan Mc CROSSAN

The invisible you
itistounderstandthatwearenow‘’ onespiritwithJesus,’’andwhenwebecome onewithJesuswealsobecameonewiththeFather,thenwhenweaskedtheHolySpiritin he became a part and portion of us also, so now we have the ‘’Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’’ dwelling in us as ‘’one invisible person ’’ We cannot see the father, though sometimes we get an enlightenment of his glorious presence, and we also get a separate presence of Jesus and of course when you are doing the things that God has prepared for us, the Holy Spirit is very present within us as he works the miracles and healings, signs andwondersthroughus. Ourhumanmindsveryrarelysitdownanddwellonthese things;otherwisewewouldbe operating in signs & wonders, miracles, healings, & deliverance, a lot more than we are doingatthispresentmoment.WhoishetheGodhead?TheGodheadisthefather,sonand Holy Spiritas one person. They are the invisible you in and joined together as one spirit withoutend.
OnthatdaythatyouandIreceivedsalvation,therebecamean‘’invisible part to me’’ and ‘you’ fromthat second onwards, andthat invisible partis ‘’God the Holy Trinity’’ forthe Godhead now lives in us, and we don’t really search for them as the one true God. If we only understood who and what that invisible part to us becomes, it would truly blow our minds.Howhard
Brendan Mc Crossan Copyright@5thAugust 2019
The invisible you iswhattheHolySpiritsaidtomethismorningasIsoughthisadviceon what to write. This is something that I never thought to ever write, it just wasn’t in my thoughts,butIunderstandwhatitisheissayingtome,andtoyouthereader.
Ihadabeautifulexperience fromthefatherbeforeIbecameaChristian. Iwasataprayer meeting planning to make fun of my dear mother in law, so I followed her and my loving wifeRosetothatmeeting.WhenRosesawmefollowingthemsheturnedaroundandsaid tometogohome,butPeggymymotherinlawsaidtoher;‘‘NoRoselethimcome,hewould belikesomeonewhowouldgetthegiftoftongues,’’Sowearrivedattheprayermeeting,it wasjustatthefarendofmystreet,soitwasn’ttoofaraway.Sittingdowninthemeetingas it began, people begansinging and praising God, then they began topray in tongues, and Rosenudgedmeandwhispered,‘’theyareprayingintongues,’’Ilaughedandmadefunof them, then a manbegan speaking in aguttural tongues like Arabic or something like that,
The invisible you!
AtthattimehereinNorthernIrelandwewereatwarwithBritain,andIwasamemberofa groupcalledthe‘’ProvisionalIRA.’’ButthankGod,andthankstomywifeRose,Ineverdid anything that would hurt or kill soldiers or policemen. It was not that I didn’t try but her prayersformehelpedtopreventmefromkillingorwoundinganyone,sothankGodwhenI repented from this idolatry I didn’t have murder or harm to repent of, but I did have to repentofthemurderousthoughtsandfeelingsinmyheart,sowhenGodsavedmelateron, Irepentedoffallthesethings.Andhechangedmylifeentirely.
NowIwasatameetingforthosenewpeoplewhodesiredtofindGodinanewway,itwasa nineweekmeetingexplainingaboutthethingsofGod,andoftheHolySpirit,andhisgiftsto us. On the second week after reading the little booklet that they gave us to go through week by week; at the end of the nine weeks they would have people pray with us for the baptismintheHolySpirit,butIdidn’thavethepatiencetowaitthatlong;soonthesecond week as I lay in bed praying together with Rose, ‘’I said to God I want the baptism now, I don’twanttowait.’’
ThatnightIawoketofindmyselfsittingupinbedandlookingatadarkblacksquareonmy wall. I was praying in tongues with my hands raised up in worship, and this lasted for a good long time, then asI looked down, I saw my body laying there sleeping, I was quietly surprised to see this happen to me but wasn’t put out by it, I just accepted this, and continued on praising God in tongues as the Holy Spirit gave me the utterance, then the nextthingthathappenedwas,Iawoke LaterthatmorningasRoseandIreturnedfromMass,ItalkedaboutittohersayingwhatI hadseen,andwhathappenedtomeaboutprayinginthosetonguesIdesiredtohave.Rose saidshehadadreamsimilartomineanddreamedsheprayedintonguesalso.
and as he spoke, I felt the presence of God on me and I wanted to stand up to give an explanation of what that man was saying in tongues, only I heard it in English also. The voicewithinmewassaying. ‘’I am one of three, I am three of one, you are one of me, I am one of you,’’ then it changed to say, ‘’I am one in three, I am three in one, you are one in me, I am one in you.’’ as long as theman spoke I had this fierce urge to stand up andsayaloudthewordshewassayingintongues,thankGodhestopped, forIdon’tknow whatIwouldhavedoneifhehadspokenlonger.ThiswasmyfirstencounterwithGodand his Holy Spirit. I was an unbeliever in God and in fact I felt hatred towards him as I believed, if there was a God he was evil and not a good God, but praise God I discovered throughthisencounterwiththeinvisibleGod,thatmylifewouldchangeforever.
This was my first encounter with my ‘’invisible self;’’ my ‘’invisible self’’ was sitting up prayingintongues,andmyfleshselfwassleeping.SadlyIdidn’t givemuchthoughttomy ‘’invisible self’’ thenbutthatIprayedintongueswastomemoreimportant.ButasIwrite thislittlebookletIamdrawnbacktothememoryofthisexperience,andIamgivingthanks to God for allowing me to see my invisible self! For now I know for definite that I really havean invisible self, andnowIalsorealizemyspiritisjoinedtogetherwithandinChrist Jesusasonespirit.Myspiritseemedtobeinvisibleyetclearlyseenbyme;itwasmoresee throughbutremainedsolidin someway.NowtodayIwishtogiveglorytomyfatherand the Holy Spirit and to my lord and saviour Jesus Christ as I write these details that I had
forgotten about, I remember looking over at Rose my wife and back again to the black squareonmywall,whichIlaterdiscoveredlaterwasanopendoortoheaven. Aftermasswewenttothebakerytogetsomebuns,andthenwereturnedhome.Justafter we arrived home and entered the door, our neighbor Tishey Rush RIP, arrived in and sat down chatting away as usual. I put the tea pot on, and then had this feeling to go up the stairstoourbedroom,andjustasIputmyfootonthefirststair.RosesaidsheandTishey weregoingovertoherhousefortea,andtookmostofthebunsforherandTishey,sothey leftandwentacrossthestreettoherhouse.
I went up the stairs and to keep a long story short, I had an experience of hearing God speaking to me, and the Holy Spirit baptizing me in tongues and those tongues were flowingoutofmelikeariver,theywereverystrongandsoundedlikemanylanguagesasI prayedinthemforaboutanhour,GlorytoGod. Ithen hadthisfeelingtogoupthestreettomymotherin lawshome,andwhenIwentin Rosesmotherwassittingon achairbythefiresidewhileRosewasemptingthedeadashes fromthefire.BeforeIgottosayanything, Rose’smothersaid,‘’hegotthegiftoftongues.’’ Rosesaid,‘’howdoyouknow?’’Shereplied,‘’Ijustknow.’’
Thefirsttouchofthelordsgifttome,and I just realized at this very moment, thatRoses motherwasthefirstpersonthatIeverprayedwith;nowIhaveprayedwiththousandsand thousands, at theirhomesandin churchservicesandIhaveseenthe invisible sideofme healing those thousands. Now I am remembering that Roses mother was the first that launchedmeintothehealingministryforfortythreeplusyears,andIjustsharedthiswith Rose. The invisible man inside of me is one with, and in the Godhead, the father, son, and Holy Spirit, over these last forty plus years I have experienced each one, and I am so gratefultothem. Romans 1:20-King James Version……. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Thesearethetwoyou’sanditistimenowtoseekoutthe invisible me andlearnwhatitis that God desires of it, the flesh and blood man has lived too long in authority, doing the thingsthatpleaseshim,notsearchingforthe invisible me, seekingtheperfectwillofGod in me. In this previous scripture; it explains more clearly here in the King James Version what the scriptures mean, and it tells us that God’s invisible qualities are his eternal
ItoldRosesmotherthatGodsaidtome,‘’goupandprayoveryourmotherinlaw,’’soshe agreed to let me pray over her, and I spent about a half an hour praying in all these differentlanguageswhileRosestaredon,shockedbymytongues.Ihadawonderfulfeeling asRosesmotherturnedouttobethefirstpersonthatIeverprayedforhealingwith;foras I prayed, I had felt that Rose’s mother needed healing; then when it ended I sat down, tellingRosewhathappenedtome.
Genesis 1 New International Version (NIV) 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
power and divine nature. InthebeginningGodmademaninhisownimage,the invisible man andthefleshandbloodman,butitwasthe invisible man thatwascreatedfirst,and weweresupposedtolivebythatman,notlettingthesecondpartofmanbeincharge
Godgavethisspiritmanhiseternalpoweranddivinenature,hiseverlastingpoweriswhat God gave mankind, to do the things that God themselves would be able to do and to hold theTrinityinaweandglory. Then God gave them food for their spirit man, he gave them the seed bearing plants and fruit,todaythefleshmanwentmoreforburgersandchips,therebygettingfatandfatteras timewentby,gettingdulleranddullerintheirspiritasthefleshmanruled Genesis 1, 29 Then God said, “I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground everything that has the breath of life in it I give every green plant for food.” And it was so. So the spirit man had been given fruit and when he stuck to that diet he was powerful. Then God made the flesh and blood man in ‘’Genesis 2,’’ but then man introduced burgers and chips later on and destroyed his shape and mentality, he became dullanddisinterestedinthethingsofGod
Genesis 1 New International Version (NIV) 26
John 4:21 24 Living Bible Jesus replied, “The timeiscoming, ma’am, when we will no longer be concerned about whether to worship the Father here or in Jerusalem.Forit’s not where we worship that counts, but how we worship—is our worship spiritual and real? Do we have the Holy Spirit’s help? For God is Spirit, and we must have his help to worship as we should; The Father wants this kind of worship from us. But you
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in ‘’our image,’’ in ‘’our’’ ‘’likeness, ’’ Then God made mankind in his own spiritual nature, a spirit being just like the Holy Trinity. Godis spiritandso God made manjustlikethemselves aspirit being;who would ruleovertheearthandeverythinginit.
Thesecondpartofmancamelater,in ‘Genesis two,’ Butin ‘’Genesis one,’’ Godmademan intheirlikeness,aspiritlikethemforGodisspirit, andthenlateronin ‘’Genesis two’’ he madethefleshandbloodman ThisnextscriptureshowsJesustalkingtothewomanatthe wellexplainingaboutworship!
Samaritans know so little about him, worshiping blindly, while we Jews know all about him,forsalvationcomestotheworldthroughtheJews. The arrival of the flesh and blood man!
7 Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Did you notice anything here in this new flesh and blood man? He didn’t bless him in the samewayasthespiritman; ‘’Genesis one’’ 26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, Hedidn’tmakethismaninhisimageandlikeness,thisfleshmandidn’tinheritthelikeness andimageoftheHolyTrinity,thenGodjoinedthetwotogether,andsoformedtheperfect man.Butmanwouldsoonshowthatthefleshsideofhimwouldsin,and keeponsinning; theonlyreasonGoddidn’tdestroyhimwasbecauseofthespiritmaninsideofhim.SoGod devised a plan how to save the spirit man, not the flesh man, for the flesh man would die androtinthegroundandthespiritmanwouldliveforever.
Genesis 2-7- New International Version (NIV)
Daniel 1:11 Study Bible……. 11Then Daniel said to the steward whom the chief official had set over Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, 12“Please test your servants for ten days. Let us be given only ‘’vegetables to eat’’ and ‘water to drink’’ . 13Then compare our appearances with those of the young men who are eating the royal food, and deal with your servants according to what you see.”
AndofcourseDanielandthosewithhimlooked,andfeltbetterbyfarthanthoseeatingthe fatterfoodsanddrink. Thisisa goodlessonforus tolearn Tryspendingatleasttendays eatingfruitandvegetablesandsee howwelookandfeelafterwards. ‘’Let the spirit man eat what God said to ‘’eat and drink,’’ feeding him also withthe living word of God,the Bible.Don’ttrythisasadietitwillprobablynotwork,butapplyitasthewordofGodfor yourspiritmanandseetheresults. We are ‘’first and foremost a spirit man, ’’andnotthe‘fleshandbloodman’whohastaken dominanceoverus. Acts 17:29-King James Version For as much then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.
Godistellingusinhiswordherethat we are the offspring of God, thatisthespiritman, andnotthefleshandbloodman, forthat manwilldie;butthespiritmanwillliveforever withGodorliveforeverinhellifhefollowedthefleshandbloodmanceaselessly.Justthink about the things you are reading in this book, this is the word of the living God, these are hiswordsinthescriptureschosenbyhisHolySpirittobegiventomeforourbenefit.
The invisible you That prophesy I had GodsaidinthatprophesythatIexperienced,hewastellingeveryoneandespeciallymeasI gottherevelationofthosetongues, that Iwas ‘’one ‘‘of,’’ and one ‘’in’’ him’’ justasJesus andtheHolySpiritarealsoonewithhimintheGodhead. The invisible manresidesinmeinsidemybody,butasIhavelearnedthroughrevelation myspiritmanhasnolimitsasit is one with Jesus,forJesusspirithasnobeginningsandno end.IknowthatisalsorightforusthebodyofChrist.Christianmostlythinkofthebodyof Jesusbeingafleshandbloodbody,butitisn’t it is now a spirit body again. AndJesushas hisspirit,with no limits.Andnowwearejoinedtogetherwithandinhim,sowealsohave no limits for we are one with Jesus. This is what the word says it doesn’t agree with our fleshbeliefs,itisthespiritmanwhoreceivesthebenefitsoftheHolySpirit. Ephesians 3:14-Amplified Bible……..For this reason [grasping the greatness of this plan by which Jews and Gentiles are joined together in Christ] I bow my knees [in reverence] before the Father [of our Lord Jesus Christ],
The invisible you in Jesus, Union and communion with him Grasping the greatness of God’s plan, to show us the invisible man in us, and what he is capable of. God joined us together with and in Jesus spirit, we have become one spirit through him, and as spirit beings with and in Jesus we should be working the works God ordainedforustodoasspiritmen,noteIdidn’tsay,‘’spiritualmen’’forthathasadifferent applicationalltogether. 1-John-4-17 THE Way Bible In this [union and communion with him] love is brought to completion and attains perfection with us, that we may have confidence for the Day of Judgment, with assurance and boldness to face him. Because ‘’as he is,’’ ‘’ so are we’’ ‘’in this world’’
The invisible you in Jesus
1 John 4 16 THE Way Bible God is love, and he who dwells and ‘’continues in love,’’ ‘’dwells and continues ‘’in’’ him.’’ ThisscripturetellsusthatGodisloveandhewhodwellsandcontinuesinlovedwellsand continues ‘’in’’ him. What does the word ‘’in’’ actually mean; I read in the dictionary one timetheword‘’in’’meant, ‘’a place of being, a state, and condition,’’ itdoesnotjustmean insomewhere.ThefirstwordthatGodgavemetosearchoutthemeaningofwasnotabig longawesomeword,butthelittleword ‘’in’’ andIwasshockedthatsuchalittlewordheld a great position in the word of God; for I have seen the very definition is actually used in scriptureinsteadofsayingin,butIcannotfinditnowatthismoment,butIknowitisthere.
Theworddwellmeansaplacewhereyoulive, i.e. a dwelling place, a house a home. Soif youdwellinChristJesus,wheredoyoulive?Inhimofcourse,canyoudwellinGodinthe flesh,noofcourseyoucannot.ItisonlythespirityouthatcanliveinGodandinJesusand inhisHolySpirit.Thisneedstobestudiedandprayedovertoshowyouwhereyourspirit manresides,foryouarejoinedtoGodthroughJesusforyouarejoinedtohim,andhetothe fatherandHolySpirit.
For too long, we Christians have looked at ourselves as a flesh and blood man or woman, givinglittletimetoourspiritman,exceptmaybeforashorttime,butwithoutreflection.I
Scripture tells us that God is love, and that whosoever lives in love, lives in God, and God lives in him, weareactuallyjoinedtogetherwithandinAlmightyGodforthiswashis planfromthebeginning,itisnotanewplan,forGodsaidinJeremiahthathehasplansfor us,soatleastfromJeremiahweknowGodhasplansforus,andthoseplansareoperating now for us born again believers. But those plans of God were from the beginning of time and even before that, for he says in Ephesians 1 that long ago even before he made the world,Godchoseustobeholyandspotlessinhissight,allbecausehewantedto.
Thewordtellsusthatwearein union meaning= amalgamation, combination, blending, coming together, joining together, unification, and merger Withand in communion= unity, spiritual union, close association, empathy, relationship with him, and are the same as him in this world; buthowmanybornagainChristiansactuallybelievethis,even though it is the living word of Almighty God telling us who and what we are as the ‘invisible you,’ anotherscriptureversiontellsitlikethis,butbothmeanexactlythesame 1-John 4 New International Version (NIV)……17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the Day of Judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. Thewordslikemeans{to be similar to, akin to, approximating, in the vein of, reminiscent of, resembling, and be fond of.}
Ephesians 2 5 THE Way Bible……….. He being God! Gave us the ‘’very same’ ‘life of Christ’’ himself, the ‘’same new life’’ with which he ‘’quickened him. ’’[Quickened means made alive God gave me and you the very same life of Christ Jesus himself, but do we believe this breathtakingstatement.Canyoustandupinchurchanddeclarethisscriptureasmeaning foryou,tellingeveryonethatyouhavethe very same life as Jesus Christ and ‘’as he is, so are you in this world.’’ Thisistruthbutisitthetruthyoubelieveanddeclareeverydayof yourlife.AsPaulsaid,‘’itisnotIwholivebutChristJesuswholivesinme.’’
havegivenmyfleshandbloodman72yearsofservice;andverylittletimeunderstanding who the invisible you is, but this is changing from this little book onwards, because as I write these books inspired by God’s Holy Spirit, I learn new things, even though they are not new really, but are there from the days the bible was written, the word of God is still thesameasitwasbackthen.
The invisible you has the same life as Jesus The invisible you aregettingachancetobeuncoveredforourfavorfromGod.
Galatians-2:20-Berean Study Bible · and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. 21 I do not set aside the grace of God. For if righteousness comes through the law,Christdiedfornothing”… Paulhadthefirstrevelationthathis ‘old spirit was dead’ andhereceivedthe same ‘’new spirit’’ that ‘’you and I received.’’ Buthewasnowawareofhisspiritmanandcastoffhis
Romans 6:4-Living Bible……Your old sin-loving nature was buried with him by baptism when he died; and when God the Father, with glorious power, brought him back to life again, ‘’you’ were given’’ ‘’his’’ ‘wonderful’ ‘’new life’’ to enjoy.’’ This life that we now live in the body; {just think of it like this,} the body when your old sinful spirit died became an empty shell until it was joined together with, and in Christ Jesus,sothisnewspiritmanwholivesaroundthisfleshandbloodbody,Ididnotsaywho lives inside this body, for when you are joined together with, and in Jesus, you have his spirit who is immeasurable, and ‘’his life’’ ‘not your own,’ and Jesus spirit does not have restrictions as God in the Trinity! And the most awesome thing is you were given ‘’his’’ wonderful ‘’new life’’ to ‘’enjoy.’’ This is you the invisible you, you should be living his newlifebynowifyouareaChristianforalongtime.
flesh and blood man; he said the life he now lives in the body, for the body is the Holy Spirits temple; he lives by faith in the Son of God Jesus. Paul knew that he had received a new nature and became a new creation, something that has never before been seen, the newspiritman,thenewspirityou, the invisible you.
1-Corinthians –6-16-18– THE Way Bible……………. Do you not realize that when a man joins [union] himself to a prostitute he becomes one body with her? The two as it is written shall become one flesh. But the person who is *united to the lord* ‘’becomes one ‘’spirit’’ The invisible you hasbeenjoinedtothelordJesus,yougavehimyourlifeandhegaveyou a brand new life, in Christ Jesus destroying the old life which you do not have to give any creditto.Youhavebecome one spirit with and in Christ Jesus,wedonotthink‘’our old man has been destroyed forever;’’ for all we think of is what ‘he would have liked’ and followthismostoften. 2– Corinthians-5-17– THE Way Bible………. when someone becomes a Christian, he becomes a brand new person inside he is not the same any more a new life has begun All these new things are from God, who brought us, back to himself.
Wehavebecomea ‘’newcreation’’ witha‘’newnature,’’and that creation isthe invisible you who is now joined together with and in Christ Jesus, and the old spirit which you werebornwithhasdiedatthecross,andyouandIweregivenabrandnewspirit,thesame spirit that Jesus has, just think about this, even better still, pray about this asking for revelationofthisword.
14 But to do this, you will need the strong belt of truth and the breastplate of God’s approval. 15 Wear shoes that are able to speed you on as you preach the Good News of
I am not the same anymore I am a brand new person I am a spirit joined together with and in Christ Jesus Ialsolivehisnew lifenowonthisearthforhim, forashe is, {a spirit} soamIin thisworld. DoIactlikeabrandnewspiritmaneverydayofmylife?Do youactlikeabrandnewspiritman/womaneverydayofyourlivesordoweallliveinthe oldlifelikenothingeverchanged?IfsowhydidJesushavetosacrificehimselfforus? Now when we look at ourselves we should see that we are becoming more and more like Jesus,andsadlywhenwehearthatstatementpeopleimagingthatisbecomingmoreloving andnice.Butthatisnotthefulltruth,Goddecidedinthebeginningtomakeusinhisown divineimageandthatincludedusbecomingmorelikethemspirituallynotphysically.Jesus isaspiritualbeing,andnowwearespiritualbeingsifoncesaved,andasthisscripturesays, ‘’you’ were given’’ ‘’his’’ ‘wonderful’ ‘’new life’’ to enjoy.’’ therefore what should you become like? You should become more and more ‘like Jesus,’ as he is in heaven full of majesticallyheavenfilledpowerandauthority. WehavebeengivenheavenlypowerfromtheHolyTrinitybecauseGod,isnow re making you again, into this ‘’spiritual being’’ that ‘’he planned from before time began’’ ‘’and plannedinheaven’’tomakeyou.’’Nowheisusing‘’Jesus as the model’’ tomakeallofhis children ‘’into the same likeness, ’’ and that means the ‘’fullness of Jesus as God in the Holy Trinity,’’ whatanincredibleactionforGodtodo!Thewordsaysheisslowlymaking the changes in you until you become more spiritually alert as to whom and what you are becoming,heisinnohurrywithhiwork;wearebeingchangedeverydayasGodclearsout the imperfections in us by the precious blood of Jesus and by the Holy Spirits power to cleansuswiththatblood
The invisible you have been called to war
Ephesians 6 Living Bible (TLB)
10 Last of all I want to remind you that your strength must come from the ‘’Lord’s’’ ‘’mighty power within you’’ . 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand safe against all strategies and tricks of Satan. 12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world.
13 So use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy whenever he attacks, and when it is all over, you will still be standing up.
Weareatwarwithaspiritualforceofevil thatwecannotsee,andbecausewedonotlive ournewlivesasspiritfilledmenandwomen,theenemycandestroyusforwecannotsee themaroundfortheyareinvisiblejustlike your invisible you. Four
God made man back in the beginning as a spirit being first then he breathed into his nostrilsmuchlateron,andmanwasnolongerjustaspiritman,butafleshandbloodman alsowithasoul,[amind!] Genesis 1 King James Version (KJV)..26 And God said, ‘’Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:’’ and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that crept upon the earth.
peace with God. 16 In every battle you will need ‘’faith’ as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan. 17 And you will need the ‘’helmet of salvation’’ and the sword of the Spirit—which is the Word of God. 18 Pray all the time. Ask God for anything in line with the Holy Spirit’s wishes. Plead with him, reminding him of your needs, and keep praying earnestly for all Christians everywhere. Here in the book of Ephesians we learn that we are fighting against an invisible army; don’t you think it is time we learned about our invisible self. The Holy Spirit told me to writeonthissubjectasIwaswritingadifferentbookaboutthe ‘’nature and personality of Jesus,’’ andwhenIaskedwhatyouwouldlikemetowriteontoday.Hetoldmewriteon ‘’the invisible you,’’ thatisthespiritman,whoisoverus,and not inside liketheoldspirit manfilledwithoriginalsin was,butthisnewmanwhohasa New Nature anda New Life in Christ Jesus, who is joined together with Jesus in spirit as one spirit, and it is his spirit thatwereceivedwhenwebecamebornagain. We say these things sometimes in church, but there is no emphasis on what that really means for us who are born again. We haven’t learned who we truly are. We have an invisible man, whoisfilledwithmightypowerliketheworldhasneverseenbeforeinside of us, because we are blended in to Jesus as ‘’one spirit with and in him,’’ and also with Almighty God, tryandletthatgodownintoyourspiritmananddwellonitinprayer. Notonlyarewe joined together with Jesus but we have become ‘’joined together to the father.’’ 1-Corinthians –6-16. Noonereallytellsustheimportanceofthesescripturesfor theyseemtobefarfetched;tooutlandishtobereal,buttheyarerealtheyaremorerealer thanyoucouldeverthink,‘’God is not a liar,’’ if he says ‘’you are joined together to Jesus as one spirit ‘’and‘’Jesus is joined to the father and Holy Spirit as one spiritual being, ’’ thenwealsoarejoinedtogethertothembecausethiswasGod’splansfromthebeginning. SoGodisright,‘’he is not a liar,’’ what he says in scripture is true, every word of it no matterwhichtranslationyouareusingtheyultimatelymeanthesamething.Goddesigned us like himself in the beginning before he created the flesh and blood man, whom he breathed life into through his nostrils, but the spirit man was created before the flesh and blood man, ‘’likeGod’’hemadethem,manandmaidhemadethem.
2 Corinthians 5:19 Jubilee Bible 2000 that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting men's trespasses against them. And He has committed ‘’to us’’ the message of reconciliation. This is the things we as invisible people are supposed to do and that is to share the full gospelwithothers;thatisto kill the flesh and blood man thatwouldtryandstopusfrom telling others the good news, the gospel of reconciliation. Our flesh and blood man or woman tells ourselves, that we should leave those things for others to do; or I am too embarrassedtodothis.Ortosaynoonewouldlistentome,there’snopoint.Mostlytelling ourselves that the church should do that not me, and sit at home doing nothing and for themajorityofchurchesnoonein attendancegoesoutsharingthesimplemessageofthe Gospel,exceptforjustafew. Our war with the unseen forces of evil is getting souls saved in every way we can, sometimes we don’t think this is what it is all about, not the war with you that is forever going on, but with new souls for Jesus and heaven, and most times I never think of it like this,butifwedonotgoaftersoulsforthekingdomofheaven,then *who has already got them?* The war that the enemy wages is a war of ignorance, where he keeps people in ignoranceabouthoweasyitistogetintoheaveniftheyarenotsaved,thentheyare,simply put, ‘’going to hell.’’ IftheChristianchurchesortheindividualarenottellingpeopleabout Jesus, then they and we are letting souls go walking into hell with the devil and his evil Lookforces.aroundyoudoyouseemanypeopleseekingGod,suresomenewpeoplegotochurch, butmosttimesitischurchmembersshiftingfromonechurchtoanother,thatmakesitlook likeonechurchisreallyfillingup.Ihaveseenthishappeningmanytimesovertheyears. Wehavea visible you constrainingus,holdingusback,andthatisthefleshsideofus,that the enemy still controls ‘’unless’’ we have filled our minds with the word of God. The enemy is patient they have been here millions of years and know every weakness of mankind,theyhavebeenworkingdownthroughthecenturiesonmenandwomen,getting toknowandunderstandtheirweakness,andsotheyknoweverytricktogetustosinand toturnawayfromGod.
27 So ‘’God created man in ‘’his own image,’’ in the ‘’image of God’’ {spirit} created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And God blessed them, The invisible you isconnectedtoGodonceagainthroughJesusChrist;beholdwhatajoy thisis,tofindoutthatwearereunitedtoGodoncemoreas an invisible you, aspiritbeing, filled with the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit You are also blessed, and this is forevernotjustafewtimesbutalways,youareblessedbyGod,Amen.
Our invisible you sees it is time to rise up and kick back, and take souls away from their masterthedevilandhiskingdomofhell.Andthesimplestwastosharethegospelis to get people to think even for a moment where they will go after they die, andmostCatholics knowaboutheavenandhell,buthaveneverbeentoldhowtogetintoheaven.Iamaborn again Christian and all I desire is to get souls into heaven. I even had healing nights in a local bar in my town offering people healing, and also in another bar in southern Ireland, andthefirstthingItellthemis how to get into heaven,that it is free andhasalreadybeen doneforusbyJesusdyingonthecrossandtakingoursinsaway;andgivingusfreeaccess intoheaventhroughaskinghimintoourhearts,andaskingforforgivenessofourpersonal sins. 5 How easy it is to share the gospel!
My invisible man desirestoshare thegospel in avery simpleway,andI questionedGod aboutthisnotbeingrealthefirsttimeIdidit,nowIstopwiththosetheHolySpirittellsme Ito.waswalkingthroughmyshoppingcentreonedaywhentheSpiritofGodspoketome,and itwasonlyoneword,butthatwordhaschangedmylifeforever.Andthatwordwasaloud ‘’STOP’’ I stopped dead, and looked around me but there was no one coming in or going out,andthenIfelttostartwalkingbackoutagain;asIwalkedbackIapproachedaphone cover shop where I felt drawn to stop there. As I did so a girl who worked there approached me and asked could she help me, all I could think of was to reach into my pockettopulloutmyphoneandhandittoheraskingforacoverforit She went to look and as she came back again, I asked the lord what did he want? And he said, to ask this girl, ‘’if she were to die tonight where would she go?’’ I asked her this question,andshereplied‘’Hell.’’Ilaughedthinkingshewasjoking,andthenshesaid.‘’I’ m serious, I am going tohell, if you knew thekind of life I have led youwould know why.’’ I askedthelordwhatnowandhereplied; ‘’ask her would she like to get into heaven,’’ andI did so, she replied she would but because of her sins, she can’t, the lord said to ask her again,thistimesherepliedIwouldloveto‘but’andIstoppedherthereandsaidthereare nobuts, would youlike toget intoheaven, thistimesherepliedshewouldandso Iasked Godwhatnow,andhesaid, ‘’tell her to say sorry for her sins and then ask Jesus into her heart,’’ so she said thisaloud to God not me, and the lord told me to tell her, ‘’she is now saved’’ and is ‘’going to heaven with no sin held against her’’ that she was now ‘’holy, spotless and forever perfect in the sight of God. [Hebrews 10 14]
This young woman then asked me about things she heard Christians talking about, the ‘’baptismintheHolySpirit,’’thatshehadheardof,andaskedcouldshehavethataswellas having Jesus in her heart; so I explained whatthe purpose of theHoly Spirit was, and she said,‘’Iwanthimrightnow,’’ soIlaidhandsonherheadandsheinstantlybeganprayingin
Everything we talk about is the ‘’invisible you’’ and ‘’salvation’’ and even healing and operating the gifts and powers of God. Mark tells us in Mark 16 15 what we should be
tongues; she prayed in tongues for about ten minutes or so and she was now beaming, a total change came over her, as she realized that all her sins were really gone and she had the conviction that she was indeed going to heaven.
I passed this little shop every day that week and as I passed I got an urge to go over to a newgirlservingandaskedherthe samequestion, andsheaskedJesusintoherheartand after she said, ‘’Sarah told her and some of the other girls what happened to her,’’ and so shewantedwhatSarahgot. Thenextdaytherewasanothernewgirlserving,andIfeltdrawntogoovertoherandask thesamequestion,Iaskedher,‘’ifshediedtonightwherewouldshego,’’sheinvitedJesus into her heart, she also received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. The nexttimeIpassedtherewasanothernewgirltheresoIwentovertoher,andaskedherthe samequestionIaskedtherest,andsheinvitedJesusintoherheart,thiswasfourgirlswho receivedthelordintotheirhearts,andIwasamazedathoweasythisquestionwastoask Onpeople.anotherdayIseentherewasablondehairedgirlserving,butIfeltnourgetonearher, andIthoughtthisistheHolySpirittellingmewhotogotoandwhonotto.ThenIthoughtI willmakesurethisistheHolySpiritgivingmeinstructionsandsoIwentovertoherand asked her the same question and she told me she is not interested and turned away from me, thus confirming what the Holy Spirit was telling me. The invisible you was learninghowtofollowtheHolySpiritinthisnewwayforme,sharingthegospelinasimple way.Butbefore I settled with this, I had an argument with the lord after speaking with Sarah, saying this is too easy, I have been sharing the gospel for forty years and always told people, scripture after scripture, how to get them saved, but now I had just two things to tellthem,andthatwassay, ‘’sorry for their sins’’ and ‘’ask Jesus into their heart’’ thelord gently showed me in scripture where two words were just used, ‘’repent and believe,’’ then he showed me one word that got people saved and that was ‘’believe’’ on the lord Jesusandyouwillbesaved. Acts 16:31 Berean Study Bible, 30Then he brought them out and asked, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” 31They replied, “Believe’’ in the Lord Jesus and ‘’you will be saved,’’ ’’you and your household.”’’32Then Paul and Silas spoke the word of the Lord to him and to everyone in his house. Isn’titamazinghoweasyGodmadeitforustobereconciledbacktohimthroughJesusand whathedidforusGod’schildren. 6 The ‘’invisible you’’ and ‘’salvation’’
doing; and of course the invisible enemy is constantly fighting against you and uses everything he and they can to bring you down, they even use ‘family,’ ‘ cars, ’ ‘washing machines’and‘allelectoralappliances’againstyoubycausingthemtobreakdownandfail. Doing things to upset you to make you curse and swear, making you feel terrible afterwards.FeelingyoufeellikeyouhavewalkedawayfromGod. God did not leave us powerless against this invisible enemy, but gave us great weapons against them, first of all we have ‘’forgiveness of all our sins, past and present and future,’’ and the ‘’name of Jesus,’’ then we have the ‘’blood of the lamb,’’ then we have the ‘’divine word,’’ and the ‘’gifts of the Holy Spirit,’’ and the fact that we are ‘’joined together’’ ‘’with and in’’ ‘’Christ Jesus’’ andheisinthe‘’Godhead’’and‘’weareinhim’’in theGodheadalsoremember. Wearenotsimplemindedfoolsbuthave power and authority over all the power of the enemy. Wedon’tneedtoseethemtoknowtheyarearoundustryingtodestroyusbyour weakness, and it is only because we know the forgiveness of Almighty God that we can stand back up on our feet strongly knowing God is not against us but ‘’for us’’ in every attackandalsoineverything Colossians 2:9 American King James Version For ‘’in him’’ dwells ‘’all’’ the ‘’fullness of the ‘Godhead’ bodily’’ Jesus is in the fullness of the Godhead, he is not just a part or portion but in all the fullness. Words mean so much, and you should realize their meaning and what their importanceare;don’tbedeceivedthroughtheenemieswords,rememberheevenusedthe divinewordagainstJesusinthedesert,andhewillusethedivinewordagainstyoutopull youdown,sorememberthewordsthatyoulearnedinthedivineword,sousethem.Words like ‘’you have been forgiven,’’ willneverchange, ‘’you have power and authority over the enemy will never change either’’ Mark 16-15 Colossians 1:19 Jubilee Bible 2000..for it pleased the Father that ‘’in him’’ should ‘’all fullness dwell;’’ ThemessagetoeveryChristianistotellothershowtogetintoheavenusingwhatmethods Gods spirit gave them, for we don’t all have the same way of doing things. This is not a requestthatwecansaynoto,we ‘’will’’give‘’anaccounttoGod’’forthesoulsthatwehave savedforeternity.
20 And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the ‘’Lord was with them’’ and confirmed what they said by the ‘’miracles that followed their messages.’’
Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB)14 Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. ‘’He rebuked them for their unbelief’’ their ‘’stubborn refusal to believe’’ those who had seen him alive from the dead.
19 When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at God’s right hand.
17 “And those who ‘’believe’’ shall use ‘’my authority’’ to ‘cast out demons,’ and they shall ‘speak new languages,’’ 18 They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they ‘’drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them;’’ and they ‘’will be able to place their hands on the ‘sick ‘and ‘heal them.”
IwentwithagroupofmenandwomenfromthelastchurchIwasintodostreetministry and we met in a café, and they discussed how they were going to tell people about Jesus, and as they were talking and debating about this. I felt led to approach the counter and a youngladycameovertomeaskingmyorder,soIgaveittoher,thensaid,‘’couldIaskyou a question, and I asked the same question that I now asked folk, and after listening to me forafewminutessheloudlytold‘’Godshewassorryforhersins’’and‘’askedJesusintoher life.’’ I came back down to my seat and found that all the lads and ladies had heard me talking with this lady and they were laughing about it, but the thing was I got this young womansaved.Andaftertheywerefinishedwalkingaroundnoonereportedanyonesaved, theonlyonewasme,andtheydidnotlikethat,becausetheybelievedthatIwasnuts.They admitted to each other they were too afraid to stop people, and to ask them about Jesus. Buttheydidn’tsaythistome. OnemanaskedGodforawordandhegot ‘there was a man with a sore shoulder,’ andas twoofthemwerewalkingalongtheyheardamansaytohisfriendthathis ‘shoulder was hurting,’ and the man from the church, a leader, nearly dropped dead with shock, but he
15 And then he told them, “You are to go into the entire world and ‘’preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.’’16 those who believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who ‘’refuse to believe’’ will be condemned.
The first thing Jesus did when he returned from the dead was he ‘’rebuked his disciples’’ and‘’allwhowerethere’’fortheirunbelief,theirstubbornrefusaltobelieve. What will he say to the Christian churches for not telling people about him, and what he done for all mankind? Do you honestly think he will say, *well done my good and faithful servants,*NoIdon’tthinkso,Ibelievethathewillaskthemwhyareyounottellingothers aboutmeforwhatIsufferedanddiedforthem,sharingwiththemallthegoodnews,going out into the entire world, and that meantevery one of you not two or three or a group of peopletellingthemaboutyourchurchandnotreallyemphasizingmeJesus, Iknowsome peopledotheirbesttosharethegoodnewsandIknowhowdifficultitisforthem,anditis easiertotellthemabouttheirchurchencouragingpeopletocome.
wouldn’taskthemanifhewouldlikeaprayerforhisshoulderhewastooafraid,andthey missedagreatopportunitytowitnessaboutJesus. We all miss times when the lord gives us a chance to witness to people with his healing power on us, just like the eleven disciples whom Jesus gave a rollicking too when he appearedtothem.Icouldn’tbelieveitwhenIseenthisscripture,beforehecommissioned themtogooutintotheworldwithhispower andauthorityuponthem,theyweregivena right telling off for not believing; Iwondersometimesaboutme,andmaybeyoudotoo?
15 And then he told them, “You are to go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.16 those who believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.
2 Timothy 4:2 Holman Christian Standard Bible………..proclaim the message; persist in it whether convenient or not; rebuke, correct, and encourage with great patience and teaching. IhavebeentoldthereisatimewhenweshouldgooutanddothingsforGodbutthisisnot the time; I have been told that so often, that I always ignored those leaders who told me thosethingsbecauseIreadthatpreviousscriptureonetime,andIremembereditalways, and seen that ‘’any time’’ is the ‘’right time’’ whether it is ‘’convenient or not’’ and keep beingpersistent.ThosesoulsyoutryandsharethegospelwithareprecioustoGod,andare precious to us also, sadly some will tell you they don’t believe, or are not interested, or don’t believe, or just plain clear off , and in one case before I got a word out one woman screamed at me to ‘’ go away,’’ and then screamed something unintelligent at me, and she screamed it loudly all through the shopping centre, I wasbroke dead, but havelearned to listenclosertotheHolySpiritandsoitdoesn’thappenquiteasoftenthankGod.Ormaybe
The invisible you, sharing the good news whether it is convenient or not
The invisible you mustlearn‘’who and what’’ you are in the ‘’spirit man’’ nottheflesh andbloodmanforhehasnopowerorauthorityinanywayatall.Wearesupposedtoask ‘’when it is convenient and when it is not’’ wemustbesearchingoutforsoulsandifwe followtheHolySpiritspromptingwewillgetthosesoulswhoarereadyforsalvation.Keep inmindthatwhenyouaresearchingforsouls,theenemywilltryandgetthosepeopleyou asked the question to, to get away from you, and it is embarrassing to be mocked and laughed at and spoken angrily too by some people, and have some people start walking away from you as you try and talk to them; but souls for Jesus are more important that yourfleshmanspride.
Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB)… 14 Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He ‘’rebuked them for their unbelief’’ —their ‘’stubborn’’ ‘’refusal to believe’’ those who had seen him alive from the dead.
The Invisible you, let’s search out the Invisible you in the word Let’s go searching for that invisible you in scripture, don’t get told off for not believing whatthislivingwordsaysnomatterhowincredibleitmayseemtobe.Remember{as ‘’he is, ‘’so are you’’ in this world.’’} Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB) 17 “And those who *believe* shall use ‘’my authority’’ to ‘cast out demons,’ and they shall ‘speak new languages,’’ 18 they will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they ‘’drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them;’’ and they ‘’will be able to place their hands on the ‘sick ‘and ‘heal them.”
AsabelieverIgotsavedatthecross; itwastherethatJesusandIbecameonespiritasmy old spirit died, for I received Jesus Christ’s own spirit, for there is no other spirit running around waiting on you apart from an evil one; so you have been born again. You are a ‘’New Creation, a New Creature’’ with the spirit of Christ Jesus through you, in you and aroundyou.Youroldspiritthatyouhad died whenJesusphysicallydied,andtherewasfor a brief split nano second a dead you, nothing there, for you were gone, think about this deeply.Therewasadeadyouwhereyouwhere,forthatsplitnanosecond,thenyouwere bornagain,wherewereyoubornagain?AtthecrossofJesusChrist; Remember in scripture we are told that *God poured out *his goodness* into us and *swappedour*sinfulness*forthatgoodness.*Asyouweretherebeingemptiedfromsin,at
it was just that her nerves were broken, because she had a large group of young children scrambling all around the place getting into things they shouldn’t have, maybe that’s her reason for screaming at me, he nerves were broken, lol, I know that feeling as I had eight kidsofmyownwhodrovemenutsattimes. 8
Thefirstthingthe invisible you isabletodo,isto ‘’cast out demons’’ from ‘’possessed or oppressed’’ people. While we remain in the book of Mark, let’s look at it from the ‘’*invisible you*’’ perspective, youhavebeen given ‘’*Jesus own power and authority*’’ ‘not your own’ but ‘’his’’ ‘’authority; ’’ ‘’those who ‘’believe’’ shall use ‘’*my authority.*’’ Take good care to see that you are the owner of that authority. Jesus gave you the full rights to ‘’his authority’’ and ‘’authority means,’’ ‘’power,’’ ‘’supremacy,’’ ‘’command,’’ ‘’influence.’’ Are you one of those who believe, then you have the God given right to use that *{his}* *authority* anywhere, and at any time for it has been given to you as a believer! This is whereIwouldstartsearchingformyinvisibleyou’sauthorityorpower!
‘’My old I died,’’ and when Jesus rose again we received our new invisible man for that invisible man is ‘’the invisible you’’ *joined together* ‘’with’’ and *in Jesus.* when Jesusaroseinthespirit,itwasat that time thatwereceived his own awesome spirit. When Jesus was put in the tomb later on, his spirit was alive having gone back to his position as one of the Holy Trinity with all the fullness of his heaven sent power and authority;forhehadgonedowntohell.Idon’tknowifyouknowthisnextpartornot,but justspendsometimethinkingaboutitforyou.WhenJesusdiedthe contract between God and the devil was broken instantly, for the devil had the right to try and kill Jesus for all hisGodlypowerwastakenoffofhimandlefthimonearthasahumanbeing,aman!And SatantemptedGodandsoGodlethimtryandkillhisson,withtheconditionsthatifhedid sohewouldbechangedagain.But Jesus used his death to turn defeat into victory ‘forthe devildidn’tknowthatwhenJesuswoulddiehisjobhereonearthwasfinished,ashesaid onthecrossashedied,butthe instant he died asahumanbeinghereversedhiscondition andbecamehisownPowerfulGodsupernaturalselfagain,’fullofhisownGodlypowerand authority’’andgoingdowntohell, the devils kingdom, hedestroyedthedevilspowerand authoritybytakingeverythingoffofhimandtiedhimandallofhiscohortswithaspiritual ropeandhethenparadedthemaroundheaven. Jesusdidn’tkillthedevilhedidnotfighthimeitherhejuststoppedhimdeadinhistracts and took off of him his authority and power, and as I said he paraded him and all his cohorts also stripped off of power. The devil and demons or spirits have no power or authority over the born again child of God, unless they give it to him. Everything God does is awesome, and is full of mystery, and sometimes I will not understandsomeofthethingstheHolySpiritistryingtoteachme,soIcanmakemistakes inmywritingssomethings,butIaskyouthereadertoexaminethethingsofthisbook,and my other 329 books, and always approach them with the Holy Spirit and ask for discernment, in this way you will always have the fullness of what the Spirit is saying in them. I pray before I write and I stop when I feel the spirits withdrawal, for a sense of emptinessisinmystomach, soIknow don’t writeon, forit isfrom myflesh, hence why I Back again;
that same moment you were being filled with Gods own mighty goodness, then all sinfulnessfinallydrainedoutofyou,andGodfilledyouuptotheverybrim,andputthecap ontightsothatitcanneverbebrokenforthatcapishisseal.YouwerebornagaininJesus, and the old spirit with original sin in it was destroyed and you were born again with the spiritofChristJesus encompassing you, the invisible you.Ohthejoyofbeingbornagain.
When Ithinkofthisscripture, Iimagine Godturningme upside down andlettingallsins flowout from the mouth thatoncesowedsomanysinfulthings,andnowfrommybottom downwardshepouredHisowngoodnessintomethrough,aplacepreparedforthisact.Lol Icannowdeclarealways ‘’that I am ‘’filled with the goodness of Almighty God.’’ How many Christians will declare themselves ‘’filled with the goodness of God?’’ Christiansaresoblindedbysintheythinktheystillhavesininthem,butthewordsaysGod took our sins and poured every single one of them from our beginning to our death into Jesus, it doesn’t say a small amount of our sins, no it means all of our sins, the sins we committed before we met Jesus and the sins we committed after we met and asked Jesus intoourhearts;but God’splans werethat weshould never focus on our sins but on his mercy and goodness. When God took our sins he took every sin that you would ever commit, andthat meansfrom the‘’tiniest’’tothe‘’humongous sins {extremely large in size or amount} Godneverleftanysinouthetookallofoursins,includingthatsinthatseparates usfromGod The invisible you does ‘’not’’ ‘*have any sin in you,*’itisbyhisgraceandgoodnessand loveforusthatcausedGodtotakeyoursinsandputthemintoJesus;andthensentJesusto the cross on Calvary where he died, and your sins that you had committed from birth, meaningthat original sin tothe last sin youwouldcommitjustbeforeyoudrawyourlast breathwaspouredintohimanddied Youdonothavesininyousostoplookingforthemoratthem,ifyousinned,thenconfess thatsinandrepent,anditiswashedawaybytheHolySpirit.Thedevilisalwaystryingto keep you focused on that sin you committed even though you said ‘’sorry lord;’’ his determination is to keep your eyes on that sin or sins instead of having your eyes on Jesus who paid for all your sin. The invisible you, does not have sinin you, you’re like a
21 For God took the sinless Christ and *poured into him* our* sins.* Then, in *exchange,* he poured *God’s goodness into us!* The invisible you, Lookat thefullnessofthisscripturetosee whathappenedtoyouand ChristJesus.Godhimselfbyhisowndecisiontookallourfilthydirtysins,past,present,and futureandhepoured them into Jesus. Then he decided to show us heavens love, for he exchanged our sins for God’s own goodness! He swapped our sins for his own divine love;therecanbenothinggreaterthanthisactofpurelove.YouandIhaveGod’sgoodness inusandsothereisnoroomforsin.God’sgoodnessinushasfilledusupsothatsincannot getintousinourspirit
The invisible you and the Godly exchange 2 Corinthians 5:21 Living Bible (TLB)
Itdeclaresinthebookof Romans in chapter 8 -1 Romans 8 King James Version (KJV)
2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
For through the law I died to the law so that I might live to God. 20 I have been crucified with Christ, and ‘’I’’ *no longer live,* but Christ lives in me. ‘’The life I live in the body,’’ I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me. 21-*I do not set aside the grace of God.* For if righteousness comes through the law, Christ died for nothing Pauldidn’tcondemnhimselfforhissinsforheknewhewastotallyforgiven,andheknew his sins had been poured into Christ Jesus, and swapped for the goodness of God. This also happened with us, for there is no condemnation for me or you! We have also been crucifiedwithChristjustasPaulcansayitsocanwe.
For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the ‘’Spirit the things of the Spirit.’’
4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but ‘’after the Spirit’’ .
6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
super hero, that you see on TV, they have no faults because they are super. You have no faults because you are supernatural. St Paul knew it for he said; ‘’it is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me.’’ Galatians 2:20-Berean Study Bible
8 There is therefore now ‘’no condemnation’’ to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but ‘’after the Spirit.’’
For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:
Paulalsosaid,‘’thelifeIlivein thebody, Iliveby‘’faith’’inJesusChrist! Whydidheneed faithtolivethebody?Ibelieveheneededfaithtolivethisnewlifeinhisphysicalbodyfor he knew his Invisible spirit man was saved forever and graced and blessed by God so he needhavenoworriesabouthisspirit,butwillneedGod’shelptofightthebattletoputthe fleshtosurrender,andbringitintosubmissionuntilitistimetostepoutofitandletitgo tothegrave,whilehissoulconnectsbackwithhisspirit.
10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.
17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. There is so much here in this scripture thatwecouldspendalldaystudyingitbutIwant to highlight some of the things it is saying to us and the first thing it says is, 8 There is therefore now ‘’no’’ ‘’condemnation’’ to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk *not after the flesh,* but *after the Spirit.* ThisisthefirstgreatmessagetousfromGod,there is ‘’no’’ ‘condemnation’’ to *us who are in Christ Jesus,* so stop looking backwards at yourpastlifewithitssinsandwrongdoing,forthewordalsosaydonotputyourhandto theploughandthenlookbackwards,youcannotcreateastraightfurrowbylookingbackto whereyoustartedofffromwithyourhorsesoryourhorseswillstrayaside.
But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you
15 for ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.
The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Luke 9:62 King James Version (KJV)…………. 62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelled in you.
There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus, so stop looking back at theoldsinningmanfor he no longer exists, thedevilwillalwaystryandhaveyoulooking backwardskeepingyourattentiononsinsthathehadyoucommit.Youhavenosinonyou condemning you ever. So stop thinking about sins that you committed long ago or just before you got saved and got the goodness of God poured into you. Have the attitude of
Even Catholics believe that they been told by the Virgin Mary when she appeared in Metagorgia?To‘’stopthinkingabout‘’sin’’for‘’whenyoudothenyouareonyourwaytoit again.’’WhetherthatisMaryornot;thewordsarethebestwordsIhaveheardcomingout of there, these words have power to defeat the enemy with. If only every Christian would takeheedofthosewordsnomatterwheretheycomefrom,becausetheydidn’tcomefrom theenemyforhewantsallChristiansthinkingaboutthesinstheycommittedinthepastor present. Jesus took all your sins, past present and future, on to hisbody supernaturally, andpaidfor all, andImean ‘’all’’ eventheonesyouslippedandcommittedafewminutes ago, it wasaccountedfor in hispackageofforgiveness! Jesusdied‘’once and for all,’’ not justforpeoplebutfor ‘’all’’ sins.
4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk ‘’not’’ after the flesh, but ‘’after the Spirit.’’
one who is sinless and holy spotless and clean, not in a prideful way but knowing and acknowledging thatitisyouthatdonethisformelordGod thank you.
The invisible you willbegintogrowstrongerandstrongerasyouputthesinmantodeath in your mind! Now do you see it? There is more to you than meets the eye. Now let’ s go throughthiswordfrom Romans 8-4The living Bible
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be ‘’spiritually minded’’ is *life and peace.*
5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but ‘’they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. The invisible you,walksonlyaftertheSpirit,andhasnotimeforthefleshandbloodman, but has totally surrendered to the living God through the Holy Spirit, for he is the one lookingafteryou Look at verse 6 for to be carnally minded is death, tothinkwiththefleshandbloodmind istobecarnal,{carnal means to be opposite to the spirit relating to somebody's physical needs or appetites, especially as contrasted with spiritual or intellectual qualities;} that means you are to stop thinkingaboutthesin availabletoyou, or thesin that youcommitted in thepast, for thethingsyouthinkofhavenospiritualvalue.
1 Peter 3:18 (RSV) For Christ also died for *sins* ‘’once’’ for ‘’all,’’ the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit; Jesus died for our sins the ones we committed in the past, the present and all future, for Jesusislordofeternity.Hediedforthatonesinespecially,theonethatcouldkeepyouout ofheaven, unbelief.
The Holy Spirit has more knowledge than man, as for me I would rather follow the translationinmyownbiblethatIreceivedasagiftfromapriestfriend,afterIpulledthem outonaretreat wheresupernaturalevilwaspresent inthehouse. AsIandmybrotherin law entered the house we could feel the fear in some of the brothers there, but not in the twoFatherMichaels.Tommywenttohelpoutinoneway,talkingtotheyoungpeople,and
For example on Sundayin my new church, a pastor interrupted me when I was talking to another man, and I was quoting from Isaiah 53, and I was sharing the words in my bible that sorrow also meant regret in the English translation. He said to me that is not true, that’snottherighttranslation,intheGreekitmeans,andIinterruptedhimbeforehecould goon, sayingthat whetherit wasright translation ornottheHolySpirit healedthewhole churchthroughtheword ‘’regret,’’ thesorrowthatJesusbore,theinnerhealingthatsome peopleneed.
Themessageinthisbookof Romans verse 8 to18 isto stop thinking about the sins you committed, but to think only about the grace of mercy and forgiveness and think that Godpoured allyoursins, past, present, andfutureintoJesusbody, andswappedthemfor God’sgoodness;{hisrighteousness.} Theenemywouldhaveyou thinkofsomebad sin, in your past just as you are about to step out and lay hands on the sick, or to speak on the gospel; get rid of him and his dreary thoughts by the power and authority Jesus gave youin Mark 16 15, thosewhobelieveshalluse ‘’my authority,’’ I know there are many Christians out there who are ever so happy to correct you in the thingsyousayorareabouttospeakonregardingthelivingword;,butgoyouwiththeHoly Spiritsdirectionandnotonsomemansword,evenifheisrightin ’his’ translation.
He also healed the pastor from regrets, as he shared with my friend Jeremy, that he just recently paid for a tripto the USA to aconference, costing him thousands, and he learned more from my sharing about the word ‘’sorrow in Isaiah 53’’ than all he learned at that conference. And he received healing from ‘guilt,’ for ‘ sorrow, means to ‘regret something,, andto‘regretsomethingmeansthatthereis ‘guilt’there,andtheHolySpiritknewallthat for at this service only two people had put their hand up seeking healing, then the whole church received healing, for all of us have regret in us whether we believe this or not. BelievethewordthatGodgavetoyounomatterwhatitstranslationis,forthisistheword and the way that God wants you to see things, for this is your nature, and he knows all about you; but be open to a word from God giving revelation, then search out other versionstoseethefullnessofthedivineword.
Iinanother,Iwentforthat evilthingorthings, commandingtheevilspirit/spirits,toget thehelloutofhereinthe ‘’name of Jesus’’ andthething/thingshadtogo,forIbelievein the power and authority in the ‘’name of Jesus,’’ and peace returned to the retreat
AftertheretreatFatherMichaelCohenaskedmetocometothebookstoreandheopened the door and went straight to the Bible area and pulled this Bible out and gave it to me, saying,‘’theHolySpirittoldme togiveyou thisBible,’’andI wasdelightedto receivethis wonderful gift from the ‘’Holy Spirit and Father Michael; ’’ and the Bible was ‘’The Way, The Living Bible,’’ andthisBibleisstillthemainBibleIusetothisdayforoverfortyyears now,andithasservedmewellinitstranslation,praiseandthankGod.Themanshutupas he realized the Bible, mine, was the one the Holy Spirit was operating from. Your Bible, yourmainone,theonethatyoulovereadingandstudyingfrom,istheonethe Holy Spirit picked for you to suit your nature and understanding. I have spent over forty odd years readingthisBibleandlearningtremendousrevelationfromit astheHolySpiritexplained thingstome.Ohbytheway,itwastranslatedfromtheGreek! Your Bible istheoneGodhaspickedforyoutolearnfrom,whoandwhatyouareinhim, formanyBibleshavedifferenttranslationsinthembutallleadingtotheonestraightthing, ‘’truth.’’ Romans 5:5 (GW) ……….We're not ashamed to have this ‘’confidence, ’’ because God's love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us 10 The invisible you, the righteousness of God is yours You have to understand that God done a swap with you, your sins for ‘’his righteousness, ’’ yes ‘’we’’ ‘’have the *righteousness* of ‘’God himself’’ andit’sbecause of ThisJesus!issomething that the invisible you needs to take on board explicitly, for this is all part of ‘’the invisible you, ’’ you, ‘’the invisible you’’ have the ‘’Righteousness of God’’
onanewdirectionafterthat,andthetwoFathersbothnamedMichaelhad agreattimeastheyoungpeoplewenttoconfession wellintothenight,pastthreeoclock including the young woman who was deeply involved in witchcraft and had covered the room in the blood of her period, and she confessed that she was into witchcraft and repentedandreceivedJesusintoher,asTommyandItalkedwiththem,sharingthegospel withthem,explainingwhatitmeanttobesaved.
21 For God took the sinless Christ and poured into him our sins. Then, in exchange, he poured God’s goodness into us! WeChristiansneedtodailyconfessthatwearethe Righteousness of God, tokeepthisin mindsothatourspiritcancometotermswithitandsoeventuallybelievewithoutdoubt
The invisible you is always ‘’God’s own righteousness,’’ and this never changes because yousinorfalldown,itremainsforeverthesame,nothingchangesinthewordofGod,you don’t stop being the ‘’Righteousness of God’’ if you sin, then to become the ‘’Righteousness of God’’ again when you repent, then to stop and start, again and again thenwhenyourepentyougobacktobeingthe‘’Righteousness of God,’’ doyounotknow youwereforgivenbyGodthroughJesusbeforeyouevenaskedforforgiveness,youremain therighteousnessofGodalways,itneverchanges,‘’never,never,never.’’
Ifitisintheword,itisinyou,forJesusisthewordofGodandheisinyou,andyouarein him as one spirit, and this is where you have to ‘’stop thinking’’ that you are ‘’just a flesh andbloodperson’’butthatyouare a ‘’spirit person’’ locked into Jesus, filled with Jesus, and surrounded by Jesus completely wrapped up in Jesus, but also in the father God with his own righteousness. Sometimes the Christian thinks of themselves as the righteousness of Christ Jesus becauseofJesusbeinginthem,butweChristiansareactually ‘’God’s own righteousness.’’
himself. Christians rarely think of themselves as *righteous* never mind having the ‘’righteousness of God’ the ‘Almighty himself,’’ butthisisallaworkofGod,notaworkof youorman,butbyhisownchoosing. Righteous means to be in right standing with God ‘’at all times,’’ and sadly when a Christian sins they put themselves to the back of the queue again, waiting to be forgiven, instead of just saying, ‘lord I am so sorry I won’t do this again,’ and staying in righteousness.
I know that God the father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one being, but somehow or other it appears to us that they are separate from one another and that we can justapply that we are the ‘righteousness of Jesus’ but not ‘’God’s own righteousness’’ as if there any difference.
2 Corinthians 5:21 Living Bible (TLB)
IknowChristianshavebeentaughtthattheyare ‘’righteous’’ butnotevery understanding has been applied to that word of God. They may sing about their righteousness, or hear a preacher saying the word ‘righteousness’ but without the full understandingthattheyare ‘’God’s own righteousness’’ not theirownrighteousnessthey failtocatchonthattheyarethewholenessof‘’God Almighty’s own righteousness. ’’This may sound outlandish but this is scriptural truth; this is the living word of the living God beingappliedtoyouhissonordaughter.
The invisible you notinthefleshbutinthespiritalways Butyearenotintheflesh,but‘’intheSpirit,’’ Romans 8 9 9 but ye are not in the flesh, but ‘’in the Spirit,’’ if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man has not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.
for if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.
If you have the spirit of Jesus in you says the word you are ‘’him, himself in spirit.’’ The fleshandbloodmanisnotinJesusChristbutthespiritmanis,becauseyouhavejoinedto himinyourinvisibleself.Itiswhenwegiveuplivingforthethingsofthefleshthatwewill becomemorespiritaware, andallowyourself tobeguidedbytheHolySpirit,becausewe aretruly ‘’sons of God.’’ Wehavetounderstandthatweareinvisibleeventoourselves,but themoreyoutryandstopthefleshythingsyouaredoing,thingswillneverchangeforyou, youwillremain fleshy,andthatisnotagoodplacetobein.
But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also ‘’quicken your mortal bodies’’ by ‘’his Spirit’’ that dwelled in you.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the ‘’sons of God.’’
And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of ‘’righteousness.’’
When an evil spirit comes around whispering temptations or lies into your ear, the flesh man hears him, but because it tells you that it’s ‘’your thoughts’’ that are thinking about ‘’sin,’’ for you cannot see him, or you would give him the boot, also because we are ‘’not tuned into our spirit man’’ we cannot see it either with our spirit, and this is sad for us Christians,whoseemtobeleftpowerlesstostopthesethings.Butwhenwetakeonboard that we have a portion of the mind of Jesus andactthroughthatmind,itisthenthatour spiritualeyesshallbeopened
Everywordrecordedinthebibleistrue,forthesewordsarethewordsofthelordwritten down by man when they were prompted to do so by the Holy Spirit, and can be taken as straight from the mouth of God himself. I write these books of mine through the Holy Spirits direction, I write only what I hear him explain to me, he doesn’t spell every word, that’s mine; sometimes I may put the word in the wrong way around, but the most astounding thing for me is when he tells me words that I don’t know the meaning of, but whenI look themupin thedictionarytheyexplainwhat it isthat Iamwritingabout, this astounds me, to know that I don’t know the meaning of certain words. I never had the education to explain those words the Holy Spirit gives me, but it is still the words of the HolySpiritthatIhear.
ThissoundsfantasticbutifwearenotaccessingthemindofChristthroughtheHolySpirit thenitofnovaluetoyou. WehavetostartatthebeginningifweneveraccessedthismindofChrist,andstartagain butthistimebelievingthatwhatthewordsayswetrulyare.IsGodaliar,noheisnot!
Romans 3:4-Living Bible….Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not. Do you remember what the book of Psalms says about this? That God’s words will always prove true and right, no matter who questions them.
12 The invisible you; the mind of Christ! The invisible you has the mind of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:16 Living Bible (TLB)….. 16 How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts, or to discuss them with him, or to move the hands of God by prayer, But, strange as it seems, ‘’we Christians’’ actually do have within us a ‘’portion of the ‘very thoughts’ and ‘’mind’’ of ‘’Christ ’’
Iwriteinastonishment,fasterthanmydaughterwhoisanexperiencedtypisttypes,when theHolySpiritgivesmeguidance,Iam likelightening,andIwriteasfastasIcankeepup, withtwomaybesometimesthreefingers,twoonmyrightandoneon myleft.SometimesI wonderwhatthisisallaboutandIdon’tknowwhatIamsayinginthesetimes,butwhenI readbackwhenithasstopped,IfindthatIamamazedbythethingthatIhavejustwritten, andIknowthisisnotfrommebutfromtheHolySpirit;afterwardsI justsitandgivehim thanksandpraise,forhehasjustdirectedmeintothe ‘’mind of Christ’’ whenIamwriting thisway,foritisawesometore readthewordsandscripturesthat‘’Hehasgivenme.’’You thereaderwhenyoureadthesebookswithhisenlightenmentinthemmaybeamazedthat the Holy Spirit gives such an understanding to a man who spent three years of his
Shamus loved his wife dearly and would do anything for her, and he did ‘’patiently,’’ and developed patience aftermanyfailureswithhisadultchildren.WhenIvisitedhimIfound that he was just sitting there praying quietly, and sometimes speaking the word of scripture into Theresa ears. At the beginning of her disease he lost his patience with her many times and with his children, for they were saying and doing things that didn’t help thesituation Slowlyhestartedteachinghimselftobepatiencewithhisgirlsandsons,and ittookalongtimebeforehemasteredthis,bystoppingandthinkingfirstbeforehespoke, forhejustusedtohitbackwithsarcasmorsomeharshwords,buthecametounderstand that his children were losing their mother slowly and this was terrible hard for them as a family, especiallyforthegirls, Girlslovetheir mammy. ‘’Now Shamus’’isthemostpatient manin theworldthat Iknowoff, hehelpscalmmedownwhenIvisitedwithacomplaint and uptightness because some church done this or that to me and Shamus helps me see whatGodwouldsee.
Shamuswifedeveloped altimezars’shelostherselfthroughthisdisease, andwhenIcame to visit shamus and his wife, she no longer remembered me; or sometimes she didn’t rememberhim,thenshestartedwalkingaboutandwhenshecamefacetofacewithawall shecouldn’treverseandhadtobehelpedback,shegotworseoveraperiodofayear.
For example, lord God ‘’I ask for patience, with my family,’’ and the next thing, there is discontentandargumentsamongyourkidsorspouses,afriendofmineShamusK,toldme onetime, he just asked the lord for patience, and all hell was unleashed upon him and his family.Remembernoteverythingseeminglybad,isfromthedevil.ButGodwillusethebad thingshedoestofurtherhisplantohelpShamusgetthroughhislifewithastrongpatience.
childhood laying paralyzed on my bed, as school life passed him by, and yet I can write booksandtodatethisisbook331,andIhaveanotheroneortworeadytofinishoff. God is good, all the time; to give us the mind of Christ,. Now how do we train our minds tofollowthemindofChrist;thefirstthingyouhaveto knowisthatwemustfollowlovenomatterwherewego, For God is love, andIjustgotan example of this as I wrote these words, My wife Rose isn’t well, and she asked me to do thingsasIamwritingmystudyingdown,myfleshreactionwastosaytomyselfinmymind wasalargesighandacertainword,butasRosealwaystaughtuswhensheledtheworship meetingswehadinourhome, a ‘’word left unspoken dies stillborn!’’ soIwentintoour bedroomandaskedwhat shewanted, anddid allsheasked withoutsayingaword, then I gave her, her tabletsand stood there as she took them, then I gave her breakfast, and she saidshewasn’tfeelingwell,andIgaveheranothertablettohelpthisshakingfeelinginside, andIstoodthereuntilIwasdismissed.
I felt a little earlier to leave and go into my computer room, but felt the Holy Spirit promptingmetojuststaythereuntilshewasfeeling ok, then IknewIcouldleave andgo backtomywriting.
Howdidyouchoosethemanorwomanyoumaybemarriedto,orengagedto?Youlooked ateachotherandsomethinginsideofyouclickedandyoubothlikedwhatyouseen,foryou didn’t close your eyes to pick apartner for life. For one man agirl with big boobs maybe the one he desires and for another a woman with an almost flat chest may be his desire, andawomanpickshermanoutbylookingathimalso,forifshedoesn’tlikewhatshesees shewillrejecthim. Would you believe thatitisthesameintheanimalworld,ifthegirlanimaldoesn’tlikethe mananimalthatismakingadvancestohershewillrejecthimandseekanotherandthat’s lifefolks, thisisnaturallife, andtheenemyasIsaid, wouldturnthat toevilifhecan, and hold you in fear of turning to God for help or forgiveness. Did you even know that your forgiveness was given to you before you even thought to ask for it, for you are not living2019yearsagobefore Jesus died for mans sins on that cross andforgivingmanof all sins even before they ask for forgiveness, think about this, Jesus died once and for ‘’all’’ sins sonooneisleftout, allsinshavebeenpaidforandyou haveaccesstoan open
Itisnotsinfulforamantolookatawoman’sfigure,orawomantoaman’sshapewithout having feelings of lust in your heart. ‘’God created man and woman to choose one another through their ‘’looking’’ at each other,’’ andas desire risesineachheart,thatis notsinful;buttheenemywouldhaveusthinkingitis. Desire is not lust, anddesireisfrom God, lust is from the enemy, and he would love to keep you in bondage thinking you sinnedbydesiringamanorawomanoftheoppositesex.Ifthisisyou, ‘’forgiveyourself,’’ and thank God for the woman or man you had these feelings for, and as long as they are freeandsingleyoucanlookatthemwithafreemind,andif desirearisesdon’tallowitto turntolust,putitintocontrol.
I think in today’s world it is harder for a young man to keep his mind clear from sexual thoughts,fortheclothesyounggirlswearthesedaysleavenothingtotheimagination,and thatisnotaknockdowntoyounggirls;itisthefashionoftodaytoshowoffmostoftheir breastsandlegs,butforayoungmangoingonafirstdate,sexwithmostyounggirlsisthe business,sad,butitistrue,forIknowmanyyounggirlsthinknothingofgivingawaytheir virtue,andasyouknowitisfromasyoungastwelvetofourteenthatareinthehighestage range. I’m sure like any other clothing trend, as fashion changes so do the young girls styles,andhopefullyitwilldivertawayfromthestyleoftoday’syoungwomen.
The invisible you, to see as Jesus in me does LearningthingstowalkandtalklikeJesustakesateachingfromtheHolySpirit,andforme Ihavelearnedtostoplookingatwomen’sboobs,assandlegs,withlustinmyheart,forin mysinfulpastlifethesearethethingsthatusedtoriseuplustinme.NowIamlearningto lookatwomenwithanunderstandingthatIoranymancannothelplookingatwomen,for thatiswhatGodcreatedmantochoosefrom.
19 When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at God’s right hand.
The invisible you is filled with authority and power Mark 16 15 Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB) 15 And then he told them, “You are to go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.16 those who believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.
whateveryouneedtodo,beitcursingandswearing,orfoullanguage;by thinking would Jesus speak or act like this. For it will affect your working for the lord with a foul mouth. You will find it hard to use the name of Jesus when praying with someone for healing. Changethewayyouact, andactlikeJesus deliberately, it isnotsomethingthat is wrongbutitisagoodpractice. The invisible you willbethereeagerlyhelpingyouachieve whateveritisthatyouhavesetyourheartonchanging 14
heaventhroughhimjustbysaying, ‘’I’m sorry for my sins,’’ ‘’Jesus come into my heart.’’ Thiswillgetyouintoheavenifyouaresincere. Almost all women have boobs and it is difficult in these days and times for young men to keeptheireyesontheirfacesnottheirbodies,forwomen’sclothesinthesedaysareeither toolowortooshort.IfindthatIamabletolookatwomennowforalong,longtimenow, andthatIamnotlookingatwomenwithlustorevendesireanymore.Theenemywouldtry and say this is sinful looking at a woman, it is almost impossible these days to look at a youngwomanstraighton,butitispossiblewiththelord,forthisissomethingIhadtodeal withallmyteenageandadultlifeuntilIcametoJesus. Now I try and say to myself this girl or woman is a sister to me in Christ and Jesus wouldn’t look at his children with lust. So it stops that darn spirit from getting to you. Change the way you think and change the way you look at people, I know these days the womenaresizingupthemeninjustthesameways,astheytalkaboutthesethingsonTV programs,andoneTVprogramhasnakedmenorwomenappearingandtheyareaskedto choseapartnerbytheirsexualparts,itisterribletoevencomeacrossthisprogram.Forit willhaveeverypervertorlustfulmanlookingatthesenakedwomenandforgirls looking atChangemen.
17 “And those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages.[c]18 They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.”
The invisible you havebeengivenawesomepowertodothewillofGod,wehavethesame Holy Spirit within us that Jesus had, I remember a woman in a prayer meeting I attended when I was just a new member saying that we had a different Holy Spirit than Jesus, she wasofcourseverywrong. 15
The invisible you has been raised to the heights of heaven
The invisible you has been raised to the heights of heaven and the invisible you is seated in heaven with Jesus who is also in you, because there is no limit to the spirit of Jesus and God, for their spirit goes from beginning to end, and there is no ending to their spiritandneitheristhereanendingwithyourseither;thatissomethingtodwellon.Your spirit isjoined together with, andin Jesus, Jesus spiritis one with the father and theHoly Spirit,andtheirspiritreachestothefarendsofthegalaxies,totheendsofexistence.Thisis anunbelievablethingtotryandimagine,forthereisnobeginningnorendtoGod;neither is there a height to him either, or length or breadth, God is all consuming, and this is the Godthatyouarejoinedtogetherwithandin.Itismindbogglingtoeventryandthinkabout this,tryingtomakesenseofitbutyoucannot,becauseitisspiritualandnotfleshy,butitis stillfact,andcannotbechanged,forGodsaidthisaboutus,whoare joined together with and in Christ Jesus, andheraisedusupintothe place of highest privilege.
20 And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that followed their messages.
ThefirstthingthatGodsaidtoeverybelieveristhat they aretogooutintothisworldand preach the gospel to everyone and that was given without exception. My belief is that everybelievershouldbetaughthowtotalkwithpeopleaboutJesus,nomatteriftheyjust joined the church officially after a few months, and believers are not sharing the gospel with people; that is the majority of them don’t, but that is their business, our business as the invisible you isto share that gospel witheveryoneyougetachancetomeet.
ThereismoretoMark16thanwhatfirstmeetstheeye,asIpreviouslysaidthefirstthing thatthelorddidwastogiveofftothedisciples,thenafterwardshetoldthemtogooutinto this entire world and preach the gospel, lay hands on the sick like he did and cast out demons just as he done in his time. Now the first thing we have to take hold of in our invisible you isthatyouhavebeengiventheexactsameHolySpiritasJesusreceivedwhen hestartedoutinhisministry.ItriedtofollowwhathedidandsoIspenttimeonthebeach alone and spent time climbing a big mountain close to Derry. Searching for God, trying to get closer with him and two of my friends went climbing with me, taking our guitars and singingasweclimbedthatgreatbigmountain.Godreallyblessedusfordoingthisandwe seenthelordmanifesthisgloryafterwardsthroughus.
A man who sold ‘’hot golden balls,’’ a Turkish delight on the streets, came to Musti’s my soninlaw’srestaurantoneevening,andaskedMusti, wouldheaskmeifIwouldpraywith himashewasinterriblepain,andheheardabouttheotherpeoplethatGodhealed. Musti
When you are in a place of highest privilege then you can go no further, for you have reached that place set in heaven by our father, and remember our father is *Almighty God* the *supreme being,* andthisishardforyou the invisible you toevenimagine,yet it istrue, for we see in the following scripture, that is exactly wherewe are as children of God. The invisible you isachildofthe invisible God, the *Supreme Being* wholovesus with such immensity that it is breathtaking, it is ‘’almost impossible’’ to believe all this, yetitisthewordofGodwearelearningitfrom,andhiswordisnotalie,buttruth;evenif youcannotbelieveitforyourself.Butitisawonderfulblessingtous,andonedaywewill see and understand what God is saying to you in your position in him; and your state of being is greater than the enemy’s powers alltogether, for you are ‘’in God’’ and ‘’in Jesus’’ withthe‘’HolySpirit’’inyoujoinedtogetheras ‘’one *Supreme* spiritual being,’’ andhe isnot;Jesusdestroyedallhispowerandauthorityreducinghimtonothinginhissight.
Romans 5:2 Living Bible…..For because of our faith, he has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we *now stand,* and we confidently and joyfully look forward to actually becoming all that God has had in mind for us to be. This is the place where we are now standing, even though we are not yet dead, but our spiritisendless,andisstandingthereevenifwecan’tbelievethis,andonedayweshallsee what God has planned for us to be in him. The truth is mind boggling and can barely be takenin,forwhenwetryandthinkaboutthissowecanbelieveit,youfindyourstomach drawinginandyouareholdingyourbreath,atleastIamrightnowasItryandimaginethis fact. We can’t imagine allthatGodhasinmindforustobe? Butwecansee hereinhisdivine wordsomeofthethingshehasplannedforushischildren.
I never dreamt that one day I a unbeliever and terrorist, would be going into the prison near Derry to bring the Gospel to the prisoners; to become friends with a protestant terrorist in the prison, and now years later sharing a healing ministry together with another protestant, a former terrorist, and here is God using us to bring salvation and healingtoothersofthedifferentfaithsinDerryandotherplaceswherewehavebeen.
I never thought that Iwouldbe everusedforhealingaladywhowasdying, tobehealed overthephonetoAmerica withmein Turkey at thetime. Or God would use me to pray with a Turkish Muslim, who was seriously injured after a car crash, and heal him, and then have other Muslims who were watching ask for healing also. I was pleasantly surprisedtohearthemcallme‘’ProphetBrendan,’’astheytoldmydaughterthatmyfame was going through ‘Yalikavak’ Bodrum. This was all good fun for me and not serious, but thisisjustoneofthemanythingsGodplannedforme.
The invisible you has been seated with Jesus in the heavenly places Ephesians 2:6-Amplified Bible…..And *He raised *us* up together with Him* [when we believed], and *seated *us* ‘’with Him’’ in the ‘’heavenly places’’,* [because we are] in Christ Jesus, The invisible you is seated with Jesus in the heavenly places and standing in the place of highest privilege ThisisyourpositioninheavenasaspiritbeinginChristJesus,andin fatherGod. I just heard the other day that we can lose our salvation, and no I don’t agree, because I believethatGoddidn’tsaveus;makeusapartofhisson’sspirittothencondemnustohell afterwehadbeenraisedtoheavenwithhimandseateduswithhiminheavengivingusthe placeofhighestprivilege.Ibelievetherearepeoplethatconfessedthattheygavetheirlives toJesusbutnotsincerelyseekingforgivenessandsalvationandIbelievethatthosepeople Jesuswillturnaroundandsay,‘’getawayfrommeIdon’tknowyou.’’justlikethestoryof theladiesandthosewhoranoutofoil.Itistoolatetogosearchingforsalvationwhenyou knowthetruth.
came and asked me, so I called the man over, sat him down and asked him with Musti translatingwhatwaswrongwithhim,hetoldmehisbackpainwasterrible, thenIprayed withhiminthenameofJesus,andwithinafewminuteshewastotallyhealed,nopain!All his pain had disappeared from his body; and he done different movements to see if he would go into pain again but no he was totally healed, and he left giving thanks to Brendan’sGodforhealinghim. I never dreamt that God would use metohaveahealingserviceinaformerterroristbar intown,andhealoverahundredandfiftypluspeopleoutoftwohundredpeoplecrammed inthere. ‘’He healed,’’ notmeofcourse,andIknowthat,forIknowwhatIwasatonetime before he got me, now I just thank and praise him for what he done for me, plus all he is doingthroughmeinwritingthesebooks,andincredibleasitmayseemImissedschoolfor almostthreeyearsasIlayinasickbedparalyzedwithnorealeducation. ButnowthegreatestexperienceIamhavingnowiswritingthisbookandseeingtheHoly SpiritrevealingthelivingwordofGodtomeforhisglory,notmine,andIseenlatelythere have been 96,609 people reading my books, and this amazes me for I never dreamt that I could write a sentence, never mind over ‘’three hundred and about twenty books’’ including‘’children’sbooks’’and‘’storybooks’’whicharenotcounted,thatIwroteformy friendsSallyandSteveLamb {rip}SadlyStevehasgoneonhometobewiththelordinhis ownmansionthatJesuspromisedusall. 16
The invisible you are receiving blessing after blessing from this loving father; as I write this I have a sense of the lord being joyful about what I am writing from his Holy Spirit telling his children about the invisible you, and I pray that this book in particular will reach those who will understand through the power of the Holy Spirit in them and bless themwiththeunderstandingof the invisible you. ObediencetoGodismorepowerfulthan out having healing services which I love, but it is the will of God that I keep writing these booksforthebenefitofhischildrenhelpingthemgrowstrongeringraceandblessing.We are greater than we think for we think with the mind of flesh and blood and not with the mind of the spirit which has access to the very mind and thoughts of Jesus and God the father. The Holy Spirit is awesome telling us things that God wants us to know and understand. [I seen this morning a little booklet that I downloaded, the writer saying the translations of things in the bible are wrong and is not the true meaning of what God is Butsaying.]Iwant
Onemanseesthingsintheword,andseesitone justoneway,butanotherseesthatsame scriptureandseesitmeaningsomethingelse,notcontradictingitself. Godhasnotdeceived
When a person gives his or her life to the lord Jesus they become a Christian, but more important than becoming a Christian is that they become a part of Jesus, for they ‘’become joined together to Jesus as one spirit.’’ Therearemanyscripturesthatsaywe are joined together with Jesus after our old sinful spirit dies at that cross on Calvary where Jesus once hung. Our old sinful Spirit is filled with sin; and especially that original sin,thatAdamandEvecommittedandpassedondownthroughthebloodlinestoeveryone onearth;butonacceptingJesusaslordandsaviour,thatsinfilledspirithasbeenremoved andabrandnewspiritwasgiventoyouandme.Webecomemeltedintoonesubstanceand thatsubstanceiswhatGodmadeJesusupof,andhedidthesameforyouandme.Justlike inameltingpotwewereallpouredintoonespiritbeing.Jesusbeingtheheadandusbeing thebody, The invisible you, in Christ Jesus God planned to have us filling our lives with wonderful things prepared from before time for the kingdom of heaven, and instead we find that we are literally doing nothing to further the kingdom, ask yourself what are you doing right now, this day, to give you a chance to think of something to do for God, to further the kingdom of his heaven or kingdom. Does the words kingdom of heaven or his kingdom ever enter our minds? The greatest joy we can have as Christians is that ‘’we are already seated in the heavenly places, andstandinginthat place of highest privilege, whatajoyitistodiscoverthatGod hadallthisplannedfrombillionsofyearsagoevenbeforeheformedtheheavensorearth, andnowwearereceivingthethingsGodplannedforusfromwaybackthen.
youtohearthis,iftheHolySpiritisgivingyourevelationorunderstandingwhat the meaning of the ‘Word’ is for you, take it and accept it, for it is meant for you even thoughyoumaybewritingaboutitandseeingsomethingdifferentinit.
1 Corinthians 2 Living Bible (TLB)
9 That is what is meant by the Scriptures which say that no mere man has ever seen, heard, or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the Lord. 10 But we know about these things because God has sent his Spirit to tell us, and his Spirit searches out and shows us all of God’s deepest secrets. 11 No one can really know what anyone else is thinking or what he is really like except that person himself. And no one can know God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. 12 And God has actually given us his Spirit (not the world’s spirit) to tell us about the wonderful free gifts of grace and blessing that God has given us. 13 In telling you about these gifts we have even used the very words given to us by the Holy Spirit, not words that we as men might choose. So we use the Holy Spirit’s words to explain the Holy Spirit’s facts. 14 But the man who isn’t a Christian can’t understand and can’t accept these thoughts from God which the Holy Spirit teaches us. They sound foolish to him because only those who have the Holy Spirit within them can understand what the Holy Spirit means. Others just can’t take it in. 15 but the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of the world, who can’t understand him at all. 16 How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts, or to discuss them with him, or to ‘’move the ‘hands’ of God’’ ‘by prayer;’’ But, strange as it seems, we Christians actually do have within us a portion of the very thoughts and mind of Christ. The invisible you has the power to move God’s hands by prayer, in fact as one scripture tells us that we have the power to command the hands of God to move over someone wereprayingfor
peoplegivingonemanthetruemeaningofscripture,forGodismultisidedandhiswordis true no matter which way you read it, revelation is given to you one way and to another revelationisgivenanotherunderstandingofthesameword.Itisnotcontradictingitselffor Godknowsthewayofmanandsosharesouthiswordinawaythatbothseethemeaning, and like a fifty pence piece it has many sides to it; It has a front and back but it has multi sides also, but it is stillonly a fifty pencepiece, and thisiswhat the word of God is doing, sharing itself with different culture and thinking, and so shares out the word in different waystohischildren. Butthethingis,wemustkeepoureyesonis,thatitisthe living word of God withmany meanings.Toonecultureithasgreatmeaning,toanothercultureithasaslightlydifferent meaning,butbecauseofthecultureitneedstobetranslatedinthewaytheyseeit.Anditis always the living word of the living God!17
The invisible you has the power to change things by prayer.
Goddoeschangehismindwhenhesaysheisabouttodosomething,butyethehasallowed roomin hisplans forthingsto turnaround. Didn’t hechangehismindaboutus, forwhen werealizedandrepented, he didn’t destroy us but forgave us, and joined us together to his own divine son,whoisalsoGodintheTrinity?
Jonah 3 Amplified Bible (AMP) Nineveh Repents 3 Now the word of the LORD came to Jonah the second time, saying, 2 “Go to Nineveh the great city and declare to it the message which I am going to tell you.” 3 So Jonah went to Nineveh in accordance with the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, a three
The invisible you can and does change the very mind of God through prayer especially prompted by the Holy Spirit to *command the hands of God!* Itmay seemtobean incrediblethingactually commanding thehandsofGod to move but we can only command the hands of God when we are prompted to do so by the power of theHolySpirit,thereisnootherpowerinheavenorearththatwillmovethehandsofGod in anoppositedirection, yetGodsaysinscripturethat he ‘’changed his mind,’’ when the great city of Nineveh repented after Jonah told them what was going to happen to them, and people seeing him the color he was, after being in the whales belly for three days,knewsomethingsupernaturalhappenedtohim,andsobelievinghim they repented fromthekingdownwards,andGodchangedhismindanddidn’tdestroythem.
Jonah 1:2 -Living Bible….“Go to the great city of Nineveh, and give them this announcement from the Lord: ‘I am going to destroy you, for your wickedness rises before me; it smells to highest heaven.’”
Isaiah 45:11Amplified Bible (AMP)….. 11 for the LORD, the Holy One of Israel and its Maker says this, “Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons, And ‘’give Me orders’’ ‘’concerning the work of My hands. ’’ Another translation says it like this, Isaiah 45:11King James Version (KJV)….. 11 Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands ‘’command ye me.’’ Can we change the mind of God?
When God saw that the whole people repented and changed their ways he changed his mindaboutdestroyingthem,andletthemlive. He is still the same merciful God who can change his mind and plans today whenwerepentofoursins,andhewenteven further than that, he sent hisson Jesus totake thepunishment for our sins, and placed upon him our punishment. 18
God is love. ‘’Whoever lives in ‘’love’’ ‘’lives in God,’’ and ‘’God in them?’’ 17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the Day of Judgment: In ‘’this world’’ ‘’we are ‘like’ Jesus.’’
12 No one has ever seen God; but ‘’if we love one another,’’ ‘’God lives in us’’ and his love is made complete in us.
5 The people of Nineveh believed and trusted in God; and they proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth [in penitent mourning], from the greatest even to the least of them. 6 When word reached the king of Nineveh [of Jonah’s message from God], he rose from his throne, took off his robe, covered himself with sackcloth and sat in the dust [in repentance].
1 John 4 King James Version (KJV)
13 This is how we know that ‘’we’’ live ‘in’ him’’ and ‘’him’ ‘in’ us: ’’ He has given ‘us’ of ‘his Spirit.’ 14 And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world. 15 If anyone ‘’acknowledges’’ that ‘’Jesus is the Son of God,’’ ‘’God lives ‘in’ them’’ and ‘’them in God’’ . 16 and so we know and rely on the love God has for us.
The invisible you has all of God living in you
days’ walk [about sixty miles in circumference]. 4 Then on the first day’s walk, Jonah began to go through the city, and he called out and said, “Forty days more [remain] and [then] Nineveh will be overthrown!”
When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their wicked way, then God [had compassion and] relented concerning the disaster which He had declared that He would bring upon them. And He did not do it.
7 He issued a proclamation and it said, “In Nineveh, by the decree of the king and his nobles: No man, animal, herd, or flock is to taste anything. They are not to eat, or drink water. 8 But both man and animal must be covered with sackcloth; and everyone is to call on God earnestly and forcefully that each may turn from his wicked way and from the violence that is in his hands. 9 Who knows, God may turn [in compassion] and relent and withdraw His burning anger (judgment) so that we will not perish.”
If ‘’anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the son of God; God lives in them,’’ and that is youthechildofGod,thatbornagainChristian.Youhave ‘’all of God’’ inyouandthatisthe ‘’Holy Spirit,’’ ‘’Jesus,’’ ‘’you’’ and ‘’Almighty God’’ all entwined as one person what an awesomegiftfromGodtousand he is the greater one in us,heisallofhimself,anddwells inusasoneperson,asthe greater one. This is something that every Christian should dwell on every day until it is in your spirit, forthenyoucanactuallygooutintothisworldandpreachthegospelwithheavenlypower andauthority. Jesusgaveyouhisownauthorityandpowerin Mark 16 15, anditbelongs to every Christian, and all that Christian has to do is grab it with both hands and start operatinginthatheavenlypower,foritisallofJesushimselfinyou,foryoucanseeatthe end of Mark 16 20 that Jesus accompanied them everywhere they went and healed those beingprayedforandsignsandmiraclesfollowedthemforJesusfollowedthemconfirming the word by those signs and wonders. What an amazing God we have in Jesus; and he is joinedtogetherwithus,andusinhim,andhiminGod,andusinGodtheFatheralso,what anastoundingcombination. It gave God great delight in giving you all of himself, Jesus and the mighty Holy Spirit, I don’t say gives you, for this issomething that has already been donefor us. He loves you and he also trusts you withhisawesomepowerandhisauthority,asin Mark 16-15. Sadly some Christians think you have to practically force God to do something for you, or give you something, but this is wrong thinking and the enemy delights in getting you to think likethis.Godgaveyou all of himself,thinkaboutthisforalongtimewhenyoucan,think alsothatGodgaveyouhisonlysonJesustoassureyouofyourfuturesalvationforeternity. HewasdelightedwhenyouaskedhimforhisownHolySpirit,theonewhodoeseverything inheavenandonearth; God spoke the word, the Holy Spirit performed it; ‘’Godsaidlet therebelight,’’theHolySpiritcreatedit;Jesuslaidhandsonthesick,theHolySpirithealed them. Nowheisstilldoingthesamethingsforyou whenyou speakouttheword. Doyou need miracles, speak forth miracles and speak the word. Here is a great scripture for
The invisible you has God in them and he is greater than any devil, or all of these evil beings together, Jesus defeated Satan and all those evil spirits in hell with one word, or madethemfalltotheirkneesandacknowledgedhim.Jesusdidn’thaveapunchupbetween himself and the devil like some Christians imagine; he probably just appeared as his reinstated self again filled with heavenly power, and they in all probability realized this shockingtruthimmediately,andfelthispowerasGodcomingfromhim,andfellwiththeir facestothegroundacknowledginghimasAlmightyGodthreeinone! Nooneknowswhat happenedthere,onlythatthedevilandhishostsofevilbeingsweredefeatedbyJesus.
WhoeverlivesinlovelivesinGodandGodinthem,thisishowweknowthatloveismade complete, living in love makes ‘us’ complete, and that is living in God, this is how we become Jesus in this world. Love,prayforgreatlove,lovethesamekindJesusdisplayed
Psalm 59 10; the Way Bible…..My God is ‘’changeless’ in ‘’his ‘love’ for me,’’ and he will come and help me;
Psalm 111 1 6 the living Bible…………..Hallelujah! I want to express publicly before his people my heartfelt thanks to God for his mighty miracles. All who are thankful should ponder them with me. 3 for his miracles demonstrate his honor, majesty, and eternal goodness.
Psalm 56:9-Living Bible………………
Give thanks to God first for those miracles speak forth those words, ‘’miracles demonstrate your greatness,’’ ‘remind him’ like he needed reminding? God doesn’t forget a promise or a single piece of scripture, for it is his eternal word. If only the born againChristiancouldunderstandthatGodisforthemandnotagainstthem.Godwantsyou to succeed, not fail. God encourages you through his word; ‘’Romans 8-1-there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus so if ever you feel like you are under condemnation remember that his word contradicts that condemnation against you, and realize that it comes from the enemy. For the word also tells us that this one thing I know, God is for me.
getting miracles from God, because you can see here that miracles demonstrate his honor, majesty, and eternal goodness.
Who can forget the wonders he performs—deeds of mercy and of grace? 5 He gives food to those who trust him; he never forgets his promises.
The very day I call for help, the tide of battle turns. My enemies flee! This one thing I know: God is for me! Do you know that God is for you? Orwereyouindoubtwondering,isGodreallyforme asitsayshereinhisword?TheenemywouldhaveusbelievethatGodisjustsittingwaiting to punish us for our little or larger faults, and the enemy keeps pressing in with the pressure of thinking like this, instead of us believing that he is for us, and for me. Is he reallyforme,asscripturesays?WhywouldIdisbelievethisparticularscripturewhenItis so easy to believe all the other things his word says about us? It is because of the significance of this scripture that the enemy presses in on us to believe the opposite, becausewhenwebelievethisaboutusthenwewillbelieveanythingGodsaysaboutusin hisword! Doyouknowthat ‘God is for you in everything,’ especiallywhenyouaretryingtobring himgloryinwhatyoudo?
The invisible you has overwhelming victory Romans 8:37-Amplified Bible…..Yet in all these things we are ‘’more’’ ‘’than conquerors’’ and gain an ‘’overwhelming victory’’ ‘’through Him’’ who loved us [so much that He died for us] In all the things we go through we have the assurance that overwhelming victory is ours. And the meaning of ‘’overwhelming’’ is this, **irresistible, overpowering devastating, crushing, awe inspiring, awesome, vast, and great. **
ThePsalmsweretheonlyOldTestamentbooktakenintotheNewTestament,byJesus,and sobecameapartoftheNewTestament;andallthingsthatareinitareforourbenefitalso, except when it is talking personally with someone, but this book is also for us to bring greaterstrengthtouswhenwegothroughtroubledtimes.Itisinwitnessinghowsomeone wentthroughatrialthatwelearnfromtheirwaysthroughorbytheirmistakes.
The invisible you havebeengiventhePsalmsasaweapontouseforthegloryofGodour King.‘’The very day I call for help, the tide of battle changes, Psalm 56-9’’ -thatveryday when you are being attacked by the enemy is the day you will call for help, and that very dayyou haveyouranswer,everythingchangesaccordingtohisdisposition.
The word victory means, conquest, triumph, win, and success. The invisible you has theseinabundance.
Notonlydowehavevictorybutwehave *overwhelming victory,* andyoucanseewhat
Overwhelming means, = *overpowering etc** God gives a victory so great that it is overwhelming, andtheenemyknowthismuchbetterthanyouactuallydo.Thewordhere says that we, that’s you and me, whosoever reads this little book, and are Christian, are more than conquers, more than conquers means an abundant amount, more means, additional, extra, supplementary, added, further, new and other; supplementary, means accompanying, complementary, auxiliary, and back up! Not only do we have
God’s love for me never changes no matter what I do, even if I fall and let him down, his word remains forever the same as when he first spoke it out through his prophets, andhaditwrittendown.Doeshesaythat ‘’overwhelming victory’’ ‘’is mine,’’ andthatwe are ‘’more than ‘conquerors’ through him.’’ If he said it then we are it! Think seriously over this portion of scripture; ‘’his word remains forever the same.’’ No matter what portion of scripture it is, it belongs to us, that is ‘’all the New Testament I mean, plus the Psalms.’’ Jesus quoted from the Psalms many times as did the apostles. So therefore they alsobelongtous.
overwhelming victory now but as this next scripture tells us that we also have been promisedthroughJesusChrist’svictorythat‘’we have future victory, ’’futuremeansthings to come, and we as Children of God have to try and remember, that God says that those trials, and temptations in those things, and other attacks from the enemy, we have the victory anyway, aslongaswekeepoureyesonJesusandonourFather,rememberinghe saiditthat‘’our future victory is sure,’’ andifhesaidit,thenitwillbesure,forGoddoes notlie.Wecanholdourchestout,standupstraightandbeassuredthatintrialsandthings wewill*always have future victory* aslongaswe *keep our eyes on the lord,*and‘ we will have’ futurethingshappeningtous,fortheenemynevergivesuponus, heisalways relentlessishisattacksonusandthey neverstop. Thesolutiontoevery Attackisto keep oureyesonthelordJesusChristwholivesinyouandme!
15:58-Living Bible…..So, my dear brothers, since ‘’future victory’’ is sure, be strong and steady, always abounding in the Lord’s work, for you know that ‘’nothing you do for the Lord is ever wasted’’ as it would be if there were no resurrection
This invisible you have to learn those scriptures for they will mean that nothing the enemy does to you will ever win, God says ‘’you have the victory’’ ‘’not the enemy.’’ He alsotellsusthatweshould ‘always’ bedoingthe ‘work of the lord’ fornothingwedofor him is ever wasted, in case you think those little trivial things, those small things mean nothing to the lord, for he says they mean a lot to him. If you try and do anything for the lord and for his glory he sees them, it means a lot to him, they are not trivial things and means they are not thought as of nothing of any value by the lord, but mean a lot; for nothing you do for him is ever wasted. What a loving God he is to be so thoughtful towardsus.
Jesus defeated Satan {the devil;}and all rebellious angels and all former heavenly bodies, nowdemonsandevilspirits;andparadedthembeforehisfatherinheaven,andbeforeall ofheaven’shosts,asthisscripturesays,hemadeapublicspectacleofthemshowingthem up as defeated and naked as he paraded them before his father’s throne, every angel or heavenly being that rebelled against God and lost their battle who were thrown down to earth,andhavebeenreturnedtoearthbutasadefeatedenemy;defeatedforeverbyJesus for his name is still filled with all of heavens power and authority; and that power and authoritybelongstous,to‘youandme’‘’forever.’’Everyangelorheavenlybeingseenthem beingparadedaroundheavenandknowstheyaredefeatedforever.Fortheyarenotlikean ordinary army that could someday rise again, no! Jesus defeated them ‘forever’ right into eternitywheretheywillbethrowndownintothebottomlesspitadinfinitum.
The invisible you has future victory, because Colossians 2:15Amplified Bible (AMP)…..15 When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities [those supernatural forces of evil operating against us], He made a public example of them [exhibiting them as captives in His triumphal procession], having triumphed over them through the cross.
Genesis 1 Amplified Bible (AMP) 26
Then God said, “Let Us (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) make man in Our image, according to Our likeness [not physical, but a spiritual personality and moral likeness]; and let them have complete authority {dominion} over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the cattle, and ‘’over the entire earth,’’ and over everything that creeps and crawls on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 And God blessed them [‘’granting them certain authority’’] and said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subjugate it [putting it under your power]; and rule over (dominate) the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and ‘’every ‘’living thing’’ that moves upon the earth.”
Romans 10:8 New International Version (NIV)
Matthew 6:33 Amplified Bible (AMP)
But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim What is the word, the bible or Jesus? Jesus as you all know is the word, so he is near you every time you mention his name, and also realize that that name or word is the power andauthorityforJesusdoesnotloseanypowerorauthoritybecauseheisonyourtongue just waiting to operate through you. So be careful what you say especially when you misuse his name byprofanity,thatmaycomeoutofyourmouth.Wehaveanawesomegift inmanyways,giftsthatwerarelythinkabout,andGod’swordsays;‘’allthesethingsshall beaddeduntoyou.’’
But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.
The name of Jesus has all of heavens power in it when used by a believer; for when we announcethenameofJesusinanything,hehimselfisthereinhisname,forhisnameisall ofhim,hisnameisnotsomethingseparatefromhimbutis‘’allofhim,’’itisinyourmouth, hisnameisonyourtongue.
The invisible you has dominion over everything on this earthy
The invisible you thatspiritbeingneedsfood,andthatmeansfoodfromtheword,forhis orherfoodisthewordofGod.WeneedtospendtimeinthewordofGodandinhisdivine presenceinworship,andbyworshipImeanproperworshipmeditatingaboutJesus,giving himallyourattention,andsingingtohimfromyourheart.
This is what you the child of the living God, ‘’the invisible you’’ not your flesh and blood you, are called to do; for it is impossible to defeat an invisible army unless you are also invisibleandfilledwiththegloryhonorandpowerofGod,forafterall Jesus gave us total authority over all the power of the enemy, all of it because he defeated their leader and his hosts of evil beings for us, so that we could tell them to ‘get out’ and ‘get away’ from whatever situation you find yourself in. It is awesome to know that we can face an entire armyofinvisiblebeingsjustlikeJesusdone,anditisbecausehedidit,forhethengaveyou hisownauthorityandpowertouseagainstthem,andtheyhavetodepartatthementionof hisname‘’Jesus!’’
The invisible you have been given every spiritual gift and power according to the divinewordofGodin1Corinthians1. 1 Corinthians 1 Living Bible (TLB)
The invisible you hasbeengivencompleteauthorityovertheearthand everything in it, but it is up to us to take dominion, to take authority over everything in it, and on it, those things we see and do not see,forwearefightingagainstaninvisiblearmywhoare on this earth, but we have dominion over them as the word of God says!. Just like your spirit is invisible to the eyes of flesh so are they, unless the Holy Spirit gives the gift of discernment.Thewordthatisusedhereinthisscriptureisastrangewordbutitisaword wecanlookat andsee whatthefullmeaningisbehindit. Subjugate, means to conquer, vanquish, subdue, defeat, overpower, overcome, crush, and suppress. Wehavepower and authority over every living thing. Are demons alive? Is Satan alive? Then we have dominionoverthemalsoaccordingtothelivingwordofthelivingGod
4 I can never stop thanking God for all the wonderful gifts ‘’he has’’ given you, now that you are Christ’s: 5 he has enriched your whole life. He has helped you speak out for him and has given you a full understanding of the truth; 6 what I told you Christ could do for you has happened! 7 ‘’Now you have’’ ‘’every grace and blessing;’’ ‘’every spiritual gift and power’’ ‘for doing his will are yours’ during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 8 And he guarantees right up to the end that you will be counted free from all sin and guilt on that day when he returns. 9 God will surely do this for you, for he always does just what he says, and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, even Christ our Lord.
If Jesus felt the need to cry out in a loud voice ‘’God where are you’’ just as we cry out to him at times, feeling that he has deserted us at the worst times of our lives, then rest assuredthatJesusfeltexactlythesamewayyouhave.Andweknowthisturnedouttobea victorysong,fortheworldssalvationwasinhisfinalbreath. Italkedwithoneofthe pastorsin mychurch yesterday,andhedeclared, ‘heisnotoneof thosewhoclaim’ ‘’once saved always saved,’’ now‘’Idonotbelievethesameashim,’’for Godmademanypromisessaying ‘’he will save us,’’ and ‘’not just us’’ but ‘’our children’’ and ‘’grandchildren’’ sure that is not in keeping with ‘’you can be damned’’ even after taking ‘’Jesus into their hearts and got saved, and received the Holy Spirit, ’’ for we received his spirit notthespiritofthisworld,weactually have the Lord Jesus own spirit still in us, our worldly spirit died on that cross on Calvary with Jesus and we then received that new clean holy spirit of his. This scripture that we are studying says in it in verseeight. 1 Corinthians 1 Living Bible (TLB)
Godwritesinthisscripturesomeofthethings*‘’he has’’* givenyou.Seewhereheusesthe word*has* andrealizethatwhatheissayinginhisdivineword,thatitishimselfthatgives you and me all these things; *‘’he has’’,* and ‘’empathize’’ on it, *‘’he has’’* ‘’enriched your/ my whole life.’’ The wonderful gifts *‘’he has’’* given you /me. *He has* helped you/me speak out for him. *He has* given you and me ‘’a full understanding of the truth’’ *every grace and blessing are mine and yours.**every spiritual gift and power is ours!* Wow! Whatan amazing God we serve and love, how can we deny to ourselves that he loves us? Just becausewedon’t’feel ahandonus, cuddling us, reassuringus, that hetruly doesloveus. This is not a sign of his disappointment with us as, the enemy would press in to us, condemning us, and me especially; for that is what I have found hard to believe at the beginning,thatIamworthloving?Jesusonthecrosscriedoutwithaloudvoicejustlikewe do. Matthew 27:46 Amplified Bible (AMP)…. 46 About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud [agonized] voice, [a]“ELI, ELI, LAMA SABACHTHANI?” that is, “MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?”
8 And ‘’he guarantees’’ ‘’right up to ‘the end’ that you will be ‘’counted free from all sin and guilt’’ on that day when he returns. ’’ 9 God will surely do this for you, for he always does just what he says, and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, even Christ our Lord. Is God telling us the truth inthisscripture or is he lying to us, andiswhathesayingin psalm103 17,thetruth,oristhisalsoalie?NoitisnotalieforGoddoesnotlie,Psalm12 6. Psalm 12 Living Bible (TLB)……. 6 The Lord’s promise is sure. He speaks no careless word; ‘’all he says’’ is ‘’purest truth,’’ like ‘’silver seven times refined.’’
Psalm 103 Living Bible (TLB)
1-John5-living Bible…. 11 and what is it that God has said? That he ‘’has’’ ‘’given’ us eternal life and that ‘’this life is in his Son.’’ 12 So whoever ‘’has God’s Son has life;’’ whoever does not have his Son, does not have life.
And again in 12 John 5 18 it tells us that we can’t make a practice of sinning for the Holy Spiritconvictsusofthosesins,andhereinthisnextscripturesays!
People made a covenant here with God and him with them and he promised to get their childrenandgrandchildrenintoheaven.AnditdoesnotmatterwhatthosekidsdoforGod willgettothembeforetheydieandtheywillsincerelyrepentfortheyhavehisownspirit in them, for he promised to get them into heaven because you gave your life to him and rememberedhiscovenantwithhim.
The invisible you is not under condemnation but under grace fornothingyoudonow willeversendyoutohell,thatisunlessyouturnyourbacktoJesusandrenouncehimand declarethattheworksoftheHolySpiritareofthedevil,andhaveexperiencedheaven;for yourselfandthendeliberatelyturnagainstGod.Butwhocouldeverdosuchathingintheir spiritforthewordsaysyourspiritiskeptsafeinGod
Romans 8 Living Bible (TLB)…8 So there is now ‘’no condemnation’’ awaiting those who ‘belong to ‘’Christ Jesus.’’ 2 For the power of the life giving Spirit and this power is mine through Christ Jesus—has freed me from the vicious circle of sin and death. 3 We aren’t saved from sin’s grasp by knowing the commandments of God because we can’t and don’t keep them, but God put into effect a different plan to save us. He sent his own Son in a human body like ours except that ours are sinful and destroyed sin’s control over us by giving himself as a sacrifice for our sins. 4 So now we can obey God’s laws if we follow after the Holy Spirit and no longer obey the old evil nature within us.
17 18 But the loving-kindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting to those who reverence him; his salvation is to children’s children of those who are faithful to his covenant and remember to obey him!
God made a covenant with ‘’you and me’’ andhewillneverbreakhisdivinewordforheis not a liar! How can he promise salvation to these people and yet denounce them if they sin,justaswedidandwewillalwayssininourfleshnomatterhowhardwetrynotto,for St Paul said it himself, ‘’why do I do the things I don’t want to and don’t do the things I should!’’ 3 We aren’t saved from sin’s grasp by knowing the commandments of God because we ‘’can’t and don’t’’ keep them, thisis what God says to usabout sin, we can’t and don’t keep them Other translations say the word righteousness which means salvation, because we are giventhelordsrighteousness hisownpersonalrighteousness. Anotherscripturethattells usgoodnewsis?
John 13:34 New International Version“…….. A new command I give you: Love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Does God love Catholics even though their doctrine is up the left? And does he love Protestants even though their doctrine is up the left also? They celebrate the killing of 13 innocent people here in my city by British Paratroopers, they celebrate the killing of Catholicsthroughtwo warsbetweenthemandIrishCatholics, hundredsofyearsago, and everyyear onthetwelfthofJuly, andotherdatestheycelebratethese thingsbymarching through Catholic streets, with marching bands playing sectarian songs, and carrying banners dictating their victory over the Catholics. At certain times of the year Catholics paradethroughtheirareasalso, withbandsandbannersdeclaringsomeone beingshotin activeduty,orpeoplebeingmurderedbycrownforcesor paramilitaries.Iknowthesame thinghappensineverycountryBritaintookover,fortheylearnedtoset thetwoopposite religionsapartthereforecausinghatredtoflowfromalotofpeoplebecausetheirmarches arecoveredbyBritishsoldiersandpolicemen.
1 John 5 Living Bible (TLB 18 No one who has become part of God’s family *makes a practice of sinning,* for Christ, *God’s Son, holds him securely,* *and the *devil* cannot get his hands on him.* 19 We know that we are children of God and that all the rest of the world around us is under Satan’s power and control. 20 And we know that Christ, God’s Son, has come to help us understand and find the true God. And now we are in God because we are in Jesus Christ his Son, who is the only true God; and he is eternal Life. Christians are not being taught those things in this country of mine, they know more about violence, marching in ‘’idolatry parades, glorifying war, and killings’’ than they do about*JesuseventhoughtheyclaimhimastheirGod,*buttheywillbeshockedattheend of the world when he says, ‘’get away from me I don’t know you.’’ Scripture says, ‘’love oneanotherasIhavelovedyou,’’nothateoneanotherbecauseheisofadifferentreligion astheydointhiscountry.No!Theworddefinitelysays, ‘’love one another just as I have loved you.’’ Christians as they call themselves, or I should say protestant and Catholics religion,whoclaimtheybelieveinGodandbelieveinJesusandhisHolySpirit,yetallthey havetrulyis ‘’religion’’ whichcanneversavethemfromGod’swrathtocomeforhegave eachofusadirectcommand,to ‘’love your enemies’’ andto ‘’love one another as I have loved you,’’ this was a command not a request, and God takes his word seriously and so shouldyou!
Thereare *born again churches on both sides nowadays,* andthepeoplewhogothere decidedtolovetheirformerenemies, andtheyarenotthesameasthenominalchurches, who have a religion, butbornagainChristiansofwhichIamonedonotfollowareligion but have a personal relationship with Jesus, and we mix with each other loving our God Jesus together without thinking about religion, we sing together and praise together and worshiptogetherandlayhandsonthesicknomatterwhattheirreligionwasorstillis.
The invisible you has power to forgive peoples sins
The invisible you, hasgreatpowerevento forgiving sins, andworkingasapriestofthe king. Whose sins you forgive they are forgiven! 1 Peter 2:9 Living Bible….But you are not like that, for you have been chosen by God himself you are priests of the King, you are holy and pure, you are God’s very own all this so that you may show to others how God called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. Anothertranslationsaysitlikethis! Good News Translation But you are the chosen race, the King's priests, and the holy nation, God's own people, chosen to proclaim the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his own marvelous light
The invisible you have the power and authority to forgive sins
The invisible you have the power and authority to forgive sins and do the priestly dutiesdesignedbyGod.Youhavebeengiventhepowerandauthoritytoforgivesinsifyou arebaptizedintheHolySpiritfirst;andifnotbaptizedintheHolySpiritthenyouactually donothavethepowerfromGodtoforgivesinsbutonlythepowerfromman. John 20 Living Bible (TLB) 21 He spoke to them again and said, “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” 22 Then he breathed on them and told them, “Receive the Holy Spirit 23 If ‘’you’’ *forgive* ‘’anyone’s’’ sins, *they are forgiven.* If you ‘refuse to forgive them, they are unforgiven.” You can see here first you must receive the Holy Spirit before you or anyone can forgive sins,justbecauseaCatholicpriestgoesintotheconfessionbox,hedoesnothaveheavenly power to actually forgive anyone’s sins, unless he is baptized in the Holy Spirit first and foremost,ifyouareaCatholiclikemethenyouwillprobablyfindthisoffensive,buttakeit up with God not me for I only quote from his word. It is awesome to realize that the invisible you, and me have this awesome power to use. Here are some cross reverences foryoutostudy;bythewaythisisnottaking anythingawayfromapriestbaptizedinthe Holy Spirit; he has allpower from God, and all authority to actually forgive their sins just likeJesusdid. Whenyouthinkofwhatthelordsaidtous,tofollowhimandtoliveashelivedandtodo whathedone. What hedidwastoforgivesins. Healthesickandtellfolkshowto get into heavennowhetooktheirsinsaway
Whatever you loose {free} on earth it will bebacked up by heavenspower, and they, {The Holy Trinity}willdothesupernaturalbindingorloosing.Inthehealingministryyouhaveto becarefulforthereisalotofpeoplewithanevilspiritinthem,andtheyshowthemselves at times in visible ways, and your spirit man or woman picks up who and what they are, andthenyouhavetobindtheminthebloodofJesus,and cast them out quietly notwitha wholelotofexhibitingpower,fortheyeachwilllovetoperform,andgetglorybypeoples fearofthem,sonevergiveaspiritachancetoentertainpeople Mark 2:5 10 when Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins are forgiven thee Jesus seen that this man’s sickness was caused by sins, and more than likely he suffered from Guilt which binds people up something terrible, they are in chains every day until someonecomesalongwhohavetheHolySpiritinthem,andcaststhatguiltoutofthemand explains God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ. That all of our sins are forgiven by Jesus dyingonceandforall;andallapersonhastodoissimplyrepent,[stop doing what you are doing and change your ways]andjustaskJesusintoyourheart.Andallistotallyforgiven!
The invisible you hasthepowertolosepeoplefromthedevilssnares;forGodwillbackup what you do in his name and according to his divine word. Do you know as the invisible you, thatyouhavetremendouspowerinyourhandsandmouth?
keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."
Study Bible Berean Study Bible Cross
The invisible you have been given great power. It will shock and amaze you every time thatyousitdowntostudythelivingword,youwillseemorescriptureblessingyoujustlike
Matthew 18:18 Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. These two scripture references tell us that God gave us, you and me, the keys to the kingdom of heaven, think how much God trusts you with his keys to his home for the kingdomofheavenishishome
Matthew 28:18- Amplified Bible (AMP)…….. 18 Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age.”
Mark 16-15- Living Bible (TLB)
Mark 16 15 THENJesusgavehisapostlesandusthefuturebeliever ‘’all authority.’’
“And those who believe shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages [Tongues] 18 they will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.” The invisible you, doing the ‘’works’’ God gave you
Revelation 5:10-Living Bible--And you have gathered them into a kingdom and made them priests of our God; they shall reign upon the earth.”
The invisible you; A holy Priest of God issupposedtoreignupontheearth,Jesusgaveus absolute power and authority upon this earth and promised that heaven would comply withyouractionsinhisname,{comply means to, ‘’meet the terms,’’ ‘’act in accordance with.’’ ‘’abide by,’’ ‘’conform,’’} go now andteacheveryone thetruthofthe gospel; don’t water it down for anyone, for it has already been watered down that much you would neverrecognizeitasthefullgospelofJesusChrist.
15 And then he told them, “You are to go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. 16 Those that believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.
Ido;glorytotheblessedHolySpirit,andyouhavethissamepowerinyoutoforgivesins, and I bet that you do not use that power anywhere, for fear it would seem like you were attackingtheCatholicchurchanditspriests,butofcourseyouarenot.HowmanyCatholic churches or even all types of protestant ones, are doing what the word of God says, like having healing services or delivering people from the enemy, or telling people the good news.
15 And then he told them, “You are to go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. 16 Those that believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned. 17 “And those who believe shall use my authority, etc
Ephesians 2 10 King James Version (KJV)…. 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast, 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them And God has all those plans and good works marked down for a season and a time, and they‘will’‘’comeintoeffect,’’andwe‘mustdothem,’orthatpartofhisplanwouldfail,but he has other plans for us not just one plan! But the greatest plan was to give you his son Jesus, his heart of love, and his spirit, so that we could love those who hate us, and love keepsyourspiritsafewiththeconfinesofhismightylove. The invisible you hasthecapabilitiestoloveyourgreatestenemyandalsotoforgivetheir sinsasJesusforgaveyouyours,that’slove! The invisible you have good works to do, and what exactly are those good works? ‘’To love one another as I have loved you,’’ that is a work that is sometimes very hard to accomplish,forourfeelingsgetintheway,andwehavetolearntoovercomethembythe
Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB)
Jeremiah 29:11 Living Bible……For ‘’I know the plans I have for you, ’’ says the Lord. They are ‘’plans for good’’ and not for evil,togive you a future and a hope. These plans include ‘’good works,’’ and these ‘’good works’’ are just part of our new nature,theyare not designed to give us salvation oranythingofheaven,theyareapart of our *new nature* in *Christ Jesus.* they are not designed to make us proud; all glory alone belongs to God through Jesus. Jesus is the one who has already done all these good worksthroughhisdeathonthecrossonCalvary,wherehetookoursicknessandboreallof ourdiseases.AndifwejustkeepoureyesuponJesus,and*acknowledgetoourselves*that thisis *notawork of myself,* for*self hasbeen *removed* from the equation* Butthisa workoftheHolySpiritthrough you, bringingthehealingthatJesuspaidforonCalvary to thatpoorsoulthatmaynotknowwhatJesusdidforallofus;justasheboreoursinsonhis bodyhealsocarriedoursicknessanddiseasesonitalso.
The invisible you have been given all power and authority to do the works God has prepared for you from before time even began, did you understand that? God assigned worksforustodoforhim,frombeforetimeevenbegan,forheknewus,andheknewour hearts would love him just for himself, in Jeremiah God says I know the plans I have for you,plansforgoodnottoharmyoubuttogiveyouafutureandahope.
poweroftheHolySpiritwithinus.‘’We are to go into the entire world or wherever we are to spread the good news,’’ to lay hands on the sick and cast out demons, to speak in tongues, anddowhateverisnecessarytobringrelieftothosewhoareafflicted. We are to spread joy aroundus,showingwhatthekingdomofGodislike, Thesethingsseemtoberelativelysmallbutinrealitytheyarethelargest commandsthat Godgaveuspersonally,to love one another as Jesus loves them andto heal the sick and deliver them that is the works that he designed for me. He may have other designs for you, for we are the body of Christ; each part has a different part to play, and a different thingtodotobuildthekingdomofGod.
The invisible you haveallofmyagreementtodotheseworksofGodfrommyfleshtomy spiritIagreethatwhateverGodwantsIwilldo.
Now you have this knowledge that I have received from ‘’the invisible me’’ what I have written,andIdeletedwhatIhadwrittenfrommyfleshandreplacedwiththewordsofthe Holy Spirit. May this little booklet bring revelation and joy to you in Jesus name, and may youstepoutboldlyashiswordsaystodoandseemiraclesanddeliverancesandsalvations tothousandsofsoulsforthelord.
Now maybe I have reached the end of this little book, and if so I pray that I have entered enoughinformationtoshowyouthereaderthatwehave ‘’the invisible you,’’insideofus equallyandwehaveworktodoforourheavenlyFather.