The kingdom of God is within you!

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If the

Kingdom of God is within,’’

Why do we look up when praying?

Brendan Mc Crossan

If The Kingdom of God is within, why do we look up whenpraying?



Luke 17 21 New King James Version (NKJV)

20 Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the ‘’kingdom of God’’ would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God’’ does not come with observation; 21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’’For, ‘’the kingdom of God is within you

THE KINGDOM OF GOD’’ ‘’is within you!’’ Yes that’s ‘’ you, ’’ the born again child of God, the Christian believer; this is where the kingdom of God is, it is not up in the sky, but within you, and if the kingdom of God, is within ‘’ you ’’ what power do you possess? ‘’You are filled with the ‘’kingdom of God,’’ the ‘’kingdom of heaven’’ is where God dwells sitting in glory, and where your mansion is awaiting on you; and where all God’s angels live, and all heavenly beings dwell with him awaiting your arrival back home again, but you are still connected to him in spirit, for your spirit is ‘’already seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus’’ attached to the Holy Trinity who dwells within you and who are also living in heaven, a thing that only God can do. In the beginning of the first chapter I will explain how we can be in two places at once and how God can be everywhere at the one time.

I am a believer that God created me ‘in ‘’spirit’’ in heaven’ and ‘I lived there with him,’ and then he sent me down to earth in my mother’s womb, to be given a chance to ‘either love him or reject him’ a gift of free will, he lives in the ‘’Kingdom of heaven’’ in his fullness, but also connected to you his children. He is God, ‘he is everywhere,’ there is nowhere that can escape God, for he is life

If The Kingdom of God is within, why do we look up when praying? Brendan
Copyright@ 25 06 2014
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incarnate for us, and he is Almighty, Immeasurable, all encompassing, everlasting God, he is the Alpha and the Omega, he is the beginning and the end, and he is also the ‘’in between.’’ Without him nothing could exist; he is eternal God without limits; he is beyond what we as human beings can ever comprehend.

How can he be three persons yet one God? He can be what he likes, he is God the Almighty Father, he is Jesus the son of himself, he is the awesome powerful Holy Spirit, who within himself created existence; nothing is beyond his scope.

He is complete in you and in me at the same time, again how? I don’t know and never will, but I believe him if he says he can do something he can and does it; for he is the one who created what we see and what we cannot see. He is infinite love in perfection, pure love incarnate, without which we cannot exist.

He is invincible, he defeated the world’s greatest foe, the devil, and ‘he’ stripped him ‘’naked’’ stripped of all power or authority, and all that is left with him is his ability to tell us lies.

Through himself in his Son Jesus and by the power of the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ the most ‘’powerful being in the existence of life of all kinds;’’ he sorted this ~ dangerous lying deceiving defeated naked foe ~ so that we would never have to suffer from his actions against us. He was just once a mighty angel, he is no longer mighty but still a powerless angel, a lowly defeated enemy, he is ‘not God’ and never had power like God and now he is just a ‘common liar;’ he cannot be in two places at once, so if the enemy is attacking someone in Russia then he cannot be here in Ireland attacking you at the same time, he does not have that ability.

Look at the word ‘’He’’ in commas, and realise that it is ‘’He’’ the Almighty supreme living God who says He done all these things for you and for me, and believe him above all else.


God, made the planets and


he’’ made the atom, he split the atom before man ever did; ‘’he’’ is greater than anything that exists anywhere,’’

If ‘’he’’ says, ‘’he’’ made you perfect in his sight,’’ Hebrews 10 14, ‘’he’’ is the one who can do it;

If ‘’he’’ says, ‘’he’’ made you before the world ever began billions of years ago’’ then ‘’he’’ did it.’’ Ephesians 1 4

And ‘’he’’ is the one who kept your spirit safe for you ‘in heaven’ until it was your time to come to earth as a baby in your mother’s womb; ‘’he’’ is the one who called all this into being; and

If ‘’he’’ can do this and even tell you what sex you would be, and what words you would say before you even said them, nothing is impossible to him.

If ‘’he’’ says ‘’you are in him and he is in you,’’ ‘’believe him,’’ for ‘’he’’ can do this.

If he says ‘’he’’ ~created you to share in the very life of Christ Jesus as one with and in him ~ ‘’he’’ can do it.

If ‘’he’’ ~says you are ‘’one with him’’ and are ‘’full and complete’’~ believe him for nothing is beyond his reach. ‘’He’’ created you to share his glory through Jesus Christ.

If ‘’he’’ ~tells you in his word that you belong to him and that ~

‘’he’’ ~ decided that ‘’he’’ ~ would come and ‘live inside of you; in your spirit’ ‘believe him’~ don’t listen to man’ or the enemy’ what do they know of the invincible God who calls himself ‘’your eternal father’’ and who said you are going back to heaven and are ‘’already seated in heaven with him in Jesus,’’ the very moment you accepted Jesus as lord and saviour, believe him; for it was then your spirit ascended into heaven and ‘sits with and in Jesus,’ as he dwells inside you also, all at the one time, for

‘’he’’ is the ‘’God of the unbelievable,’’ the God who says ‘’he’’~ can, and does what ‘’he’’ says he can, ~ and all we’re asked to do is ‘’believe him’’ above what your mind or the influences of this world says.


have the

Holy Spirit


have Jesus the saviour of the world living in you

have the Father living in you also,

is something for you to get excited

not possible, for they know not the Father God personally,

not believe men who tell you


It is something that should make you dance with joy and to shout praises to your Father in heaven with whom ‘you sit beside, in Jesus.’ Now read the explanations in scripture and in truth, in this book and check your scriptures against your own bible, remembering different bibles have different translation and are worded a little different according to who translated them, for one is translated from the Greek and one from the Hebrew. But both are the word of God.

I use a ‘’Bible’’ programme, and it offers about thirty different bibles translations, and I search them all to see what the lord says is the best translation to this part of his word; or to that part of his word.

I have deleted many hours of writing when I got distracted and put in my interpretation, and my knowledge; and when I prayed before I publish, the spirit of God shows me what is of me and what is of the Holy Spirit, and so I never put on here in any of my books ‘’ my believing or thinking;’’ for there are many times I am confounded by what I write from the spirit and I write to fast for my mind to think and when I re read everything over again I sometimes get goose bumps for I didn’t even know the meaning of some of the words the spirit gave me to write, or to even how to spell them, never mind to understand their meaning, and it is only when I go to the thesaurus and dictionary that I get the meaning of that word, and I am amazed that it means exactly what it should, very rarely

’’ ‘’ you
,’’ and ‘’ you
’’ that
about Do
this is
you do who ‘’believe him,’’ this is ‘’your

when I am under the anointing do I ever get a word that is not in line with the meaning of the scripture that I write on, which amazes me. To God my Father and yours’ are all glory for I know he is the one who planned all this out for his glory and our benefit.

The kingdom of God happens in ‘’your salvation,’’ for when you accepted Jesus as your lord and saviour you became ‘’one in spirit with him’’ and ‘’he is the kingdom of God,’’ and he lives in you and is ‘’also seated in heaven!’’ as you are primarily. How? He is a spirit and his spirit has no known limits.

Ephesians 2 4 Amplified Bible

But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 ‘’ made us alive with Christ,’’ even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And ‘’God raised ~us~ up with Christ and seated ~ us ~ with him in the ‘’heavenly realms in Christ Jesus’’ , 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

Everything in all of creation is filled to the full with God, that is why he can be everywhere at once including being in you and every other Christian and connected to you on earth through his spirit and connected to you while you are seated in heaven also, there is no limitations to his glorious power. This is awe inspiring to know, and to understand, the depth of love that God has for us his divine children.

Ephesians 1 Amplified Bible (AMP)

22 And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church], 23 Which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all [for in that body lives the full measure of Him who makes everything complete and who ‘’fills everything everywhere with Himself].’’

This is how God can be everywhere; all at the same moment in time and space; he can be in heaven with us in spirit, and at the same time he can be in us, so were filled with himself. God created the world in him; he fills everything from the flowers to the stones in the ground to the highest mountain or to the deepest sea and nothing exists without him. And he created us in his own divine image a spirit being first and foremost, with a soul and then much later clothed us in a flesh body, the body being inside the spirit. Nothing exists outside of God for everything is in him somewhere! And that means everything spoken of in the bible, he is the past present and the future, all rolled up into one he can recall a billion years ago, and he can tell us a billion years to come, what will be at a certain moment outside time or space.

We have been inclined to think of God as small and the devil as someone who is large and all powerful and who can be in different places at once, but he is a defeated angel, with no power except lies and suggestions; God is the only one in charge of everything for everything is in him.


I believe that we as Christians have been deceived in our praying; and it is so clever of the enemy that it is only dawning on me through revelation, ‘not that’ the ‘’kingdom of God’’ ‘’is’’ within ‘’ us,’’ but the devil does ‘’not want us thinking along these lines;’’ for when we realise that the kingdom of God is truly within us, and the power of the ‘’Godhead,’’ ‘’Father, Son and Holy Spirit’’ dwell in us, and when we learn that knowledge and learn to walk in that power; he will run in fear of us, for we will know the truth and the truth, does indeed set us free, from religious knowledge and beliefs which is useless

As Christians we need to keep reminding our spirit and soul that the kingdom of God is in them and that they are ‘’filled with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,’’ we need to do this daily and many times before our spirit will pick it up and then grasp it and act on it.

I have thought of this many years ago that the

kingdom of God is within us,’’ but I didn’t think of it like this, I just thought as most Christians do, that Jesus was in me now I am saved, but now I have the revelation from the word of God,


‘’now I know,’’ that not only is ‘’Jesus really living inside me,’’ but that the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ was ‘also dwelling there for years’ since I was baptised in the Holy Spirit But it was such a clever act of the devil allowing me to think this, because he knew I would find out this as truth, so he deceived me into my ~ religious thinking ~ that when I pray I should look up at the sky and pray this way

He was keeping my eyes diverted from the truth; he was not the least bit concerned as long as I looked up; but now he is living in terror for I know the truth concerning where the kingdom of God is, and who lives there. God’s word tells me that; ‘’I am filled with the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,’’ and now I understand how Almighty God, Jesus, and his Holy Spirit are able to fit ‘’inside?’’ of me.

Heb 6:19 Amplified Bible

For in Him, {Jesus} the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature]. And ‘’you

‘’are in Him, ’’ made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ ‘’you too’’ are ‘’filled with the Godhead

Father, Son and Holy Spirit


reach full spiritual stature

Look at who Gods word says is in him;

you are in him,

who are you? That is me, and that’s you, whoever reads the word of God and believes. ‘’God’’ ~ is saying, ~ not man, that ‘’we are in him,’’ that is us, the believer, the child of the living God. He says we are made ‘’full,’’ that means, filled, occupied, complete, jam packed, bursting, and chock a block. Words have tremendous importance and power, believe it or not; so it is important that we should know every detail and expression of the ‘living words’ in the ‘word of God,’ for what ‘’he says’’ is living truth expressed in all their fullness.

He says ‘ we ’ have come to ‘’fullness of life, ’’ in other words we have attained our position in life in fullness, in Christ Jesus; and the mission of God has been completed when we accepted Jesus as lord and saviour of the world. We also need to examine, and to ‘’acknowledge before God, our thankfulness’’ for giving us these incredible awesome things to us his children. For not many of God’s

’’ ‘’

children know what he really done for them, and have no true knowledge of the awesomeness of what he did for us, and truly means for us. If you are now aware of what has happened to you through your fathers blessings, then you need to stop and give him your heartfelt thanks for this before you go one more step further.

Prayer; ‘Father in me, I thank you for these wonderful blessing, it is so great that it is beyond what my human mind can comprehend. In truth, I see what you done, and I praise you and give you all glory for these wonderful deeds you done for me your son / daughter.

Amen Heavenly Father, It is mindboggling that I am ’filled with the Godhead’’ ‘’Father, Son and Holy Spirit’’ In this spirit of mine; and it is all your work; a work you prepared millions of years ago in heaven for me to receive. I know that I will need revelation to fully understand with my spirit what you done for me, and I ask for revelation so that I can give you alone glory for your works in me, and in your children.

I cannot be ‘’unworthy or a sinner,’’ contrary to what popular Christian belief is among his children, if I am filled with the Godhead, ‘you father,’ ‘Jesus your son’ and your own precious ‘Holy Spirit.’ A person who is unworthy or a sinner cannot be filled with such power as you are in me. And you tell us that we ‘’reach full spiritual stature].’’In you, ~ not in ourselves,~ but we need to reassure ourselves of this truth many times over, just as we need to ‘pinch ourselves’ to awake ourselves to realise that the ~ Godhead is living in us ~ in our spirit. This scripture is awesome in itself, never mind backed up with other scripture

We are filled with the tremendous, incredible unconstrained power of God. That same power that created the galaxies and quantum space and every planetary system in the vastness of the universes is in us, in our spirit; not in our flesh, for our flesh could never contain such supposition

We need to


this and

all scripture


our mouths

so that our ‘’spirit can hear the word of God’’ and so ~ receive it ~ and then ~ act on it ~ forever more, for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10 New International Version (NIV)

Consequently, ‘’faith comes from hearing the message,’’ and the ‘’message is heard’’ through the ‘’word about Christ.’’

Who is going to give you revelation, no one but the Holy Spirit? And who needs to hear with their spirit ears to learn the truth under revelation? You and I do; that is why we speak out the living word for the Bible is not an ordinary book, it is the ~ living word of almighty God, ~ so when you speak that living word out it does the same as what God said it would do.

The ‘Living word,’ that means it is ‘alive’ and up to date, not as people say these days, outdated, no! The word of God is alive; not like all other books they are just men or women’s thoughts put down on paper and printed as a book, they are dead words, but the bible is alive.

It is God’s words as spoken by him to those called to write them down for our benefit, and when we speak those words out into the atmosphere they create what we speak in faith, and the miraculous happens when ‘’we say what God says,’’ for it is the same as him speaking the words you received in revelation those words you spoke are ~alive ~ and create miraculous happenings.


My belief until I wrote my last book; ‘’God is our Father but Christians don’t believe it,’’ was ‘’my spirit inside of me was, somehow or other small and squeezed into my body,’’ because that is the way we were religiously taught, that we were, ‘’body’’ ‘’soul’’ and lastly ‘’spirit;’’ this has been another lie told to us by the devil.

You do have to give him credit for being so deceptive and I don’t mean that in a good way.


It’s like the same way Jesus said about the man who was looking after his masters business; so when he got sacked, he went to his masters creditors and told them to half what they owed his master; he was being cunning, for he knew he was losing his job, and he could then approach one of them for a job later on; Jesus didn’t approve; because ‘he was a ‘thief;’ and he does not approve of theft; but he admired his cunning; so don’t be saying, I am admiring the devil for I don’t, but he is one crafty sod, he has had millions of years to practice his craft.

Luke 16 New International Version (NIV)

The Parable of the Shrewd Manager

16 Jesus told his disciples: “There was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions.2 So he called him in and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer.’ 3 “The manager said to himself, ‘What shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I’m not strong enough to dig, and I’m ashamed to beg 4 I know what I’ll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses.’ 5 “So he called in each one of his master’s debtors. He asked the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’ 6 “‘Nine hundred gallons of olive oil,’ he replied. “The manager told him, ‘Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it four hundred and fifty.’7 “Then he asked the second, ‘and how much do you owe?’ “‘A thousand bushels of wheat,’ he replied. “He told him, ‘Take your bill and make it eight hundred.’8 “The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. The people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light.

The master didn’t justify this man’s actions, but he knew what he was doing so he could have friends to turn to after he was dismissed from his work; ‘’commended’’ means to ‘’admire;’’ so the master admired his ‘’shrewdness,’’ ‘not his dishonesty,’ for he was sacked from his job. {Did you know that if Jesus, when using a parable, spoke of someone, like there ‘’was’’ a ‘’rich man,’’ that meant there ‘’was’’ an actual rich man somewhere, that he spoke of, for he would never tell a deliberate lie.}

The devil has deceived mankind into looking up at heaven where God is; he was not challenged in this by us, so this plan fulfilled its purpose; we have been deceived, and most Christians and non Christians are still being deceived. ‘’We Christian children of God are ‘’filled with the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy


so where are they?

We are filled

that means

our spirit’ ‘has been filled,’ so not only are the Godhead all around us, they are in us, in our spirit; and this is where we Christians should be looking, when we pray; we need to look ‘’inside ourselves’’ ~ into our spirit ~ and talk to God there.

GOD’S WORD Translation

when you pray, go to your room and close the door. Pray privately to your ‘’Father who is with you ’’ Your Father sees what you do in private. He will reward you

You see Jesus said that about prayer, so when you pray to God our father then look at him directly in the eye, face to face, and talk to him for he is there ‘’with you, ’’ Jesus didn’t say look up to the sky, no he said pray to your father who is with you. You can’t see the sky when you’re in your room, or closet as some translations say; so when you pray what you do, you pray to the father who is with you in your room directly in front of you or in you. When you talk to someone you love you talk to them directly looking at them in the eyes; this is the same with your Father in heaven who is sitting there in your room with you in spirit inside you, and around you; you can either close your eyes and look inward for the kingdom of God is in you, or look at eye level, knowing also that he is where Jesus said he would be, right there with you; do not get distracted and look up for that is where the enemy wants you focusing; when you pray, go to your room and close the door. Pray privately to your ‘’

Father who is with you ’’

When you worship him you can then stand with outstretched hands giving him glory

Do you think God wants you looking up to the sky? Maybe he does or maybe not, each person is unique to God. I used to stand with hands raised up and looking up, but when I looked up, all I see was the ceiling of whatever building I was in, and if outside when I look up all I see is clouds, {I live in Northern Ireland, we always have clouds} but I just realised, I never could ever connect with God by doing so, all I ever had was a distraction. Now I can stand with outstretched hands with my ‘’head bowed’’ in reverent ‘fear’ of my infinite God, and love him to death inside of me as I know he is in me.


Have you ever watched Muslims praying, they kneel with their shoes off, following the directions God gave to Moses, to take his shoes off for he is on holy ground, and they bow their heads down to the ground, in reverence and hold their hands out before him. I don’t agree with them who their God is, but I admire their prayer position, it is humble and reverent.

Sometimes we Christians need to remind ourselves that God is in us, and seek him with heads bowed down low, and on our knees in fear of him, and I don’t mean ‘fear’ as in being afraid of him but the fear scripture talks about is reverent fear, understanding he is Almighty God who is present to you, an awesome supreme being, who is not only your God but also your father.

Something I am aware of in this book, I found it difficult sometimes to distinguish between the ‘kingdom of God’ and the ‘kingdom of heaven,’ and this bothered me, but no matter which way things may be, I know at least the kingdom of God is within me for the kingdom of God is Jesus, who is also God the Almighty incalculable, incomparable supreme being, who is also in the kingdom of heaven. Don’t ask me how this comes about for it is a mystery to me and to most, unless God gives us revelation, God is God and everything is by him and for him and is him, for he fills everything everywhere with himself. We live in him and the angels also live in him, there is no difference between us, except we are filled here on earth they are filled in heaven, until the day when he will do away with both heaven and the earth and the universes and roll them up like a blanket.

Jesus describes himself as the kingdom of God. And the kingdom of heaven is near, for in fact ‘’he is both,’’ as the kingdom of God he fills us with himself, Father Son and Holy Spirit, and is residing in our spirit which is actually his own spirit as you learned; and he is also the kingdom of heaven; for he created everything there is including the kingdom of heaven, and it is he as God and the Holy Spirit God who fills everything everywhere with himself. He is everything, for nothing exists apart from him.’ All of heaven is condensed in him, for he is the kingdom of heaven and all spiritual beings including those who have gone on to glory, reside there in a place where the streets are pure gold and the walls many different kind of precious stones.

Galatians 2:20 English Standard Version

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer ‘I’ who live, but ‘Christ’ who ‘lives in me ’ And the life ‘I’ now live in the flesh,’ I’ live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

This is the greatest scripture ever, that the born again Christian can know; they themselves no longer live, and that it is the saviour of the entire world that lives his new life in them, and the flesh life ‘I’ live’ is for ‘Jesus alone’ This scripture confirms that ‘’my spirit is dead and buried’’ and it is the ‘’spirit of Christ Jesus’’ who is living ‘his new life in me’ and ‘through me’ and his spirit is from everlasting to everlasting.

This is astonishing, to know the fact, that the Son of Almighty God is living ‘’his new life in me, in spirit;’’ and that my old sinful spirit died with Jesus on the cross, and we Christians don’t, for the majority of us, don’t understand that it is ‘’actually Jesus in spirit living his new life in us, now we’re born again,’’ for that is the new life the father gave him when he arose having accomplished his mission on earth, reconciling man back to God, and getting rid of all of our sinful spirits And Jesus arose, he did not rise with the same spirit he had before his death, and also the spirit he had in heaven. No! For ‘’his spirit life had changed also;’’ for ‘’mans spirit was not in Jesus before he died,’’ now he changed all that by giving man the opportunity to ‘’share in his own divine spirit’’ by ‘’joining him in union with and in him, Jesus.’’ This is more than awesome when you sit down and look at the ramifications this means for us the born again children of the immeasurable Father God.

I repeat this because I think this is awesome revelation, well for me anyway. When Jesus was in heaven, as and with God, his spirit was what it was, unchangeable! But when Jesus died on the cross on Calvary, ‘’his spirit died also, ’’ the original spirit of his Godliness in him.

I never gave a thought to this before, that the ‘spirit of Jesus also died’ on the cross on Calvary, I just thought that it was only his body; but now I realise that

his body could never contain the sins of the world from the beginning to the end of time,

it was in his own spirit that he died,’’ so that all our ‘’spiritual sins,’’

sickness and disease

could also die in his spirit when he died. Jesus was given a brand new spirit by his father God when he arose.

Jesus stripped himself off all Godliness.

When Jesus came to earth he came totally as a man. He left behind his Godly spirit and took the spirit of a human being; he left his spirit as God behind in heaven, cut off and now separated from him.

Philippians 2 Amplified Bible (AMP)


Let this same attitude and purpose and[humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:] 6 Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God, God], did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped[d]or retained, 7 But stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being. 8 And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself [still further] and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross!

Jesus took upon himself a spirit exactly like ours except his was sinless; and he never ever sinned, so that his spirit would be able to contain all the spirits of mankind when he would accomplish his goal on Calvary and he would have them all placed into him by the Father, and there on that cross pay for the sins of all mankind and die separated from his heavenly father for us, so that we would never have to be separated from God by our sins anymore. And in exchange the father would pour into us his goodness.

Why did God chose for Jesus to die in such a terrible way? For crucifixion was a horrific way to suffer before death. He could have hung there for days slowly suffocating and in terrible pain; trying to lift his body up on nailed hands and feet trying to get a breath. Jesus did it because in doing so he could identify with our pain and suffering; for as God he didn’t feel pain or sickness or disease. Now he can emphasise with those who are calling out to him in their pain and suffering.

Jesus done something amazing that he didn’t need to do, he wanted to know what pain and sickness and suffering and sin was like for us; then when he


tasted it for himself on the cross, he then destroyed it forever, and forever. Sin, sickness, and disease, were all healed by him as he took it to its death on that cross, as he died with all our sufferings, sickness, diseases, and most of all our sins, and destroyed their power forever.

We on the other hand have to believe that he done all this for us out of remarkable love, and we have to resist the devil from trying to get us to accept these things again by his deceptions, or through keeping us ignorant of the work of salvation and healing that Jesus did for mankind.

Four Isaiah 53 12 Amplified Bible (AMP)

He poured out

His life unto death,

and [He let Himself] be regarded as a criminal and be numbered with the transgressors; yet He bore [and took away] the ‘’sin of many’’ and made intercession for the transgressors (the rebellious).

Then when Jesus arose, he arose with a ‘’brand new spirit,’’ for his original spirit was now ‘contaminated by our sin,’ so the Father God gave him a brand new spirit that had changed, so that it could be shared with us. His spirit now encompassed ours; it was his alone, but he chose to share it with you and me, choosing to lead ‘’his new life’’ in you, and you sharing it with him, as a partaker of salvation in spirit.

In the past Jesus as God did not share his own spirit with anyone, and the Holy Spirit only came upon someone for a brief time, so when he arose, his Father produced a brand new spirit for him, one that incorporated us as well; those to whom he gave the right to become children of God through salvation, by accepting Jesus as lord and saviour. For when we accepted Jesus as lord we were joined together in him as one spirit, and his spirit keeps expanding as each person chooses to give their lives to him, an amazing understanding to realise.


This scripture tells us that Jesus poured out his own life unto death; for us, and he suffered death for



our sin,’’ and in his spirit took the transgressions of many, that means


in this entire world, ‘past, present, and future sins.’ Scripture told us the father poured into us his own goodness; he took our sins and in exchange he gave us God’s own goodness.

2 Corinthians 5:21 LB)

“God took the sinless ‘’Christ and poured into him our sins.’’ ‘’Then, in exchange, he poured God's goodness into us!”

It is significantly important to realise that Jesus arose with a different spirit than the one he died with and went into hell with, for remember he is God the Son, but also he is the Father God, and the Holy Spirit; he is one being in three. His spirit which is himself was holy, then when he took on him the sins of this corrupt world, ‘’he could never enter heaven again with that spirit, for nothing unholy can ever enter heaven.’’

Jesus done something of incredible importance for us, he killed his own holiness by killing his spirit, which was now contaminated and filled with the worlds spiritual sins. And where did he put those spiritual sins? He put them into his own spiritual ‘’sinless spirit.’’ And as I said, this spirit of Christ Jesus could never ever enter heaven again. He was separated from God his Father for eternity, his soul was filled with horror and deep distress, that is why he called out in the garden of Gethsemane, ‘’father if this cup cannot go away until I drink it all, your will be done.’’ Matthew 26 18

Matthew 27:45 46, NIV Bible.

"Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour. 46And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"

The Father God had to disown Jesus for he was now contaminated by sin, which is repulsive to him. Think of the agony of Jesus when he knew his Father could no longer look at him, and this was not just for a few minutes it was done for


eternity. So Jesus was separated from his father and from heaven for ‘’eternity,’’ a horrific thing to happen to anyone, especially the Son of the living God, who is actually God himself; he suffered as God in his entirety in this awful way.

Psalm 22:1 "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"

Jesus quoted this Psalm in order to draw attention to it and the fact that He was fulfilling it there on the cross.

Jesus knew he would lose his spirit and it would be put to death for our sins. Jesus died in all three ways, spirit, soul, body, His spirit resided in hell, for three earthly days, leaving the devil with the thinking he had won.

Then God resurrected him with the subsequent power of two atomic bombs, and he arose from the dead spiritually, and he was given a new spirit and a new body, a body that could walk through walls or appear where it wished to, like when he appeared to the apostles in the upper room, and his spirit was brand new, holy again, and flawless If Jesus had died only in the flesh or soul side of him, and hadn’t died in spirit, then the devil would not have rejoiced in his death for he would have seen that his spirit was still alive, and would still tremble with in trepidation But Jesus tasted death for us, his love was so beautiful, he wished to know what death was like for him so he could emphasise with us.

As a God he didn’t have to do this but he did out of love for you and me This is the degree of love that God has for us he died spiritually so that we didn’t have to for our sins.

Jesus died in ‘’eternity,’’ separated from God for us who should have been cast there, eternity is exactly that; it was not just three days, his goal was to die for all souls created by God until the beginning of time until the end of time, and those souls would have lived for eternity in the place prepared for the devil, so he had to die spiritually, as well as physically, in eternity, not in time or space.

If God had allowed Jesus to retain his own Godhead spirit then he would still be God, and sin could never attach itself to his spirit, or even body or mind, {soul}

and the devil would have known that he was the Son of God, and God himself, and stayed away from him. He defeated the devil with a human spirit filled with the Holy Spirit.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit

There is something we need to understand about this work of Jesus, he was showing to us that as a ‘’human being’’ with a ‘human spirit’ that he could defeat the devil, as he was ‘’filled with the Holy Spirit;’’ the ‘’same Holy Spirit’’ that we received today; and after he defeated him for us, he in turn sent the Holy Spirit to us, so we could defeat him in the same way, for we are now ‘’joined together with and in him,’’ as ‘’one in spirit’’ and also ‘’ we ’’ now have the ‘Holy Spirit within us’ and with that ‘’combined power’’ active in us the believer, we could send Satan packing every time he came around.

Jesus came to earth as a man, after surrendering over to the father his own Godliness; and he was born of a Virgin Mary, a human being. He walked this earth for approximately thirty years as a human being with absolutely no power at all; he was totally human, he ate and drank, he went to the toilet and he hurt when his earthly father died, for he had no power to save him.

Jesus had a human spirit just the same as ours was before we got saved, in this spirit he had no power, and he was weak in this area except he never sinned. Then one day he went down to the Jordan River where John the Baptist was baptising people, and he asked John to baptise him, and John protested strongly, but went ahead at Jesus request. And as John Baptised him he came up out of the water and the ‘’Holy Spirit came down on him in the form of a dove,’’ and he was ‘’then, and only then,’’ ‘’filled with power’’ as the ‘’Holy Spirit entered him,’’ just as he also ‘’filled us’’ later, who received him. Jesus needed to be baptised to receive the Holy Spirit; he done all this to show by example, we need the same Holy Spirit; and then he went about doing good, healing people, delivering those who were either oppressed or possessed, and proclaimed the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven, telling people there was forgiveness of sins and salvation through him, and we now do the same by the Holy Spirits power.

Matthew 3 Amplified Bible (AMP)

13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John to be baptized by him.14 But John protested strenuously, having in mind to prevent Him, saying, It is I who have need to be

baptized by You, and do You come to me? 15 But Jesus replied to him, Permit it just now; for this is the fitting way for [both of] us to fulfil all righteousness [that is, to perform completely whatever is right]. Then he permitted Him. 16 And when Jesus was baptized, He went up at once out of the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he [John] saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on Him.17 And behold, a voice from heaven said, This is My Son, My Beloved, in Whom I delight!

This is when Jesus received his Godly power, the power we also have; those of us who have received the Holy Spirit; we also now ‘’have Godly power,’’ but we now also have a double portion, we have ‘’the spirit of Jesus in all his fullness as God in us,’’ and the Holy Spirit, and we are filled with the Godhead, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and as we let him live his new life in us and surrender our life to him honestly then we will also see Godly miracles with divine power manifested in us.

The kingdom of God is in us fully; go therefore and make disciples of the entire world.


This morning when I was praying, I prayed differently; I was interceding for a friend of mine Steve, who is dying, from heart disease and organ and other bodily diseases, he was an alcoholic. As I prayed for him and some other things, I realised that I was praying, ‘with and in union with Jesus’ for ‘’I am joined together with and in him;’’ so when I commanded a creative miracle for him I knew I was in complete agreement with the ‘’Word of God’’ for ‘’God’s will is ‘healing’ for all,’’ so when I prayed, I understood that Jesus and I were in agreement with the Word, and as I prayed, I again understood that it was ‘’us in union,’’ and as ‘’he is living his new life in me,’’ I again knew we are in total agreement together, and, ‘I was agreeing with ‘’him’’ actually, not the other way about,’ for ‘he lives his new life in me ’ He prayed in me using ‘his new life in me to do so’ and I just agreed with him as I could see myself joined in and around him in some way, that I never seen before Steve died a few days later, released from a suffering and a sadness that he had for a long time, I wished he lived, but when ‘’I prayed for a creative miracle I yielded to the will of God and not to my understanding,’’ for Steve didn’t want to

live any longer he was tired of this unhappy life and God knew that more than I did and so took him home quickly.

Healing is the perfect will of God for all of us, that is what Jesus done on the cross, but God will never overrule someone’s yearning to go home. And even though my desire was to see God work that agreed creative miracle for me I knew Steve, had enough of this life. It was ‘’my’’ desire to see Steve healed by a creative miracle and it was God’s perfect will for that creative miracle, but not Steve’s, so God granted him eternal life in awesome happiness never to feel saddened again. I had learned a valuable lesson in this united prayer, which I will never forget.

I had already surrendered my will and all of me, spiritually, physically, and soul, to let ~ ‘’him live his new life in me,’’ ~ to give him ‘superiority over my will,’ and ‘’I prayed his prayer not mine,’’ this was of course my hearts prayer also, and I spoke the words, but in agreement with and in union in him, if you can understand. I knew it is the will of God for healing Steve; for God told us why he sent Jesus into the world, to save and to heal for this is God’s perfect will, but it was not Steve’s will.

When praying in the perfect will of God and ‘’in agreement with the spirit of Jesus joined together with me,’’ I could ‘’agree with him’’ and so see our miracle manifest For the Word of God says, ‘’if two agree as touching anything in this world it will be done,’’ and I was in total spiritual agreement with Jesus, we were partakers of the will of God in us.

Matthew 18:19 New International Version

"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven

This is something new to me, and I pray just the beginning of a new walk, a new letting Jesus, ‘’have his way in me and not the other way around.’’ I wanted that creative miracle but in surrendering to the word of God and to his perfect will he had ‘’his will done and not mine;’’ I know there will be other times when I will do the same again and this time I will see those creative miracles happen for the glory of God alone.

It is very rare for two people to actually agree totally with each other one hundred percent.

Psalm 103 17 Living Bible (TLB)

17 18 But the loving kindness of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting to those who reverence him; his salvation is to children’s children of those who are faithful to his covenant and remember to obey him!

God is love and his entirety is made of love, pure undefiled love, this is his own substance, and his love is from everlasting to everlasting, and because you love him, he also promises, that he will bring

your children into heaven


your grandchildren

also, because of your love for him; this is the kingdom of God in action in you.

I love my God because of who he is, and not for what he can do, or done for me, but because he gave me love first, that is my reason for loving him. Everything else is a bonus an undeserved bonus, that the king of creation could love me, knowing the kind of person I was before I met him, and now resides within me in his spirit what a blessing to be loved so much, it matters to me that the kingdom of my God is in me and I am in him as one spirit.

Psalm 103 Living Bible (TLB)

19 The Lord has made the heavens his throne; from there he rules over everything there is.20 Bless the Lord, you mighty angels of his who carry out his orders, listening for each of his commands.21 Yes, bless the Lord, you armies of his angels who serve him constantly.

22 Let everything everywhere bless the Lord. And how I bless him too!

A Psalm of praise and thanksgiving; we should give praise and thanks to God every day for all he done for us. But this Psalm also reminds us that heaven is a separate place from the kingdom of God. The heavens are his throne

Mark 4:10 King James Version and he said unto them, unto you it is given to know the ‘’mystery of the kingdom of God:’’ but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:


When you talk to God within you, you come into that awareness that the living God is within you in your spirit, it has become a personal awareness, and you come to the knowledge that the living God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are in you; they are in your spirit and so you talk directly to them, you of course will learn that Almighty God is in you and if he is in you what does that mean? It means that you have become aware that all of God’s power is available to you, and this is the reason that the devil does not want you praying inward or talking to God on a personal level. God has shared with us the mysteries of the kingdom of God, and everyone else does not understand that we know these secretes now for they are kept from them.

When I pray these days; I kneel and bow to my Father in front of me, he is not in the sky for me anymore, he is with me as that scripture tells me, I look directly in front of me, believing that I am looking directly into the eyes of my Father who loves me with such intensity, that it overwhelms me at times, or just look inside of me.

Six In worship God ‘’desires men to lift up Holy hands,’’ most of us bow our head when we stand in worship or close our eyes, and raise our hands, and that is perfect; for the Kingdom of God is within. But the Kingdom of heaven is not the same place; you are attached to it but it is outside of time and space, and is not in the universes but surrounds them with vastness way beyond anything we can ever understand. This is the place where the Trinity have their home among the angels, if the kingdom of heaven were within you, then angels and celestial beings would also be there; this is the place where ‘’you are already seated in Christ Jesus,’’ and where your mansion is waiting you, when you leave this earthly confinement.

I am going to write a fuller detailed study on the kingdom of heaven as compared to the kingdom of God later, so that you can understand in greater detail what this means for you.

1 Timothy 2:8 King James Bible

I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

He has deceived us in regards to the size of our spirit also, for our spirit fits inside our flesh and blood body and we have a soul a mind there also, isn’t that so?

It was not until I realised that the spirit of God inside of me was unlimited in size, and so I thought he somehow or other squeezed into my spirit or a little bit of him squeezed in, then the Holy Spirit gave me understanding that we have this the wrong way around. We are ‘’spirit first’’ and then soul, {a mind} flesh and blood came last,

It came to me that ‘in the beginning God made man in his image,’ and what is God? He is ‘’unlimited spirit’’ ~ his spirit has ‘no exact size’ his ‘spirit is eternal,’ and so when he created us, he created ‘ us ’ in his eternal image, an ‘’eternal spirit’’ also. Then he encompassed the flesh and blood and soul inside this spirit, not the other way around, in this way the spirit of God could easily fit inside for both are eternal, and are his own spirit.

Eternal, means to be, everlasting, unending, perpetual, ceaseless, and timeless.

The spirit connects to itself as it connects to God’s spirit in equal terms, and so God is inside us, as we also are inside of him, and Jesus, we are all one; for scripture tells us that we have become, ‘’ one spirit being with Jesus,’ as we are ‘’joined together with him in ‘’spirit,’’ not flesh.

Ephesians 2:5 Amplified Bible

Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive ‘’together’’ in fellowship and ‘’in’’ ‘’union’’ with Christ; [‘’He gave us’’ the ‘’very life ofChristHimself, ’’~ the ‘’same’’ new life’’ with which ‘’He quickened’’ Him,~ for] it is by ‘’grace’’ (His favour and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made ‘’partakers’’ of ‘’Christ’s salvation).’’

When you read this scripture there are numerous things that are innovative to you; for example; , ‘’He’’ {God the Father} made ‘’ us’’{you and me’’ alive

‘’together’’ in ‘’fellowship’’ and ‘’in’’ ‘’union’’ with Christ; {Union means blending together, like food in a blender, it becomes one liquid form} ; [‘’He’’ gave ‘’ us ’’ the ‘’ very ’’ ‘’life of Christ Himself,’’ { that means you and I have been given ‘’Jesus own life,’’} he swopped ours for his, when he arose from the grave} ~ the ‘’ same ’’ ‘’new life’’ with which He quickened Him, {Quickened means, to make alive} ‘’We’’ ‘ are ’ living the exact same new life that Jesus lives he made us, together, and in fellowship and in union, meaning two persons joined together as only one being, {fellowship means to be a partner,} and he gave us the same new life.

The truth is the life you are supposed to be leading from the moment you gave your life to Jesus, is ‘’his new life;’’ he accepted your offer of your life, and changed you into one spirit with him and ‘he’ is now living a new life within you joined together with him, and this is only possible in spirit not in flesh. This is how you were recreated again, or born again with a total new spirit that is supernatural sized, it has no beginning and it has no end, it is the spirit of our God in Jesus, it fits into God’s spirit and in your Christian spirit and your Christian brothers spirit for ‘’we all are one.’’ When you begin to understand this it amazes your mind; how is all this possible; the answer is simple= God.

Did you realise that Jesus was living ‘’his life’’ in you, doing things only a God can do, when he offered you a ‘share in ‘’his’’ life ’ When you said ‘ yes, ’ he had already decided beforehand, ‘millions of years ago,’ that he would ‘change his life’ ‘the life he lived before in heaven, with the Father, and decided to ‘live his new life with you,’ sharing things equally with between you and him, and of course where does Jesus reside? Scripture tells us he is ‘’living within us’’ ‘’he dwells there,’’ and we are not confined to flesh any more for we are now a ‘’spirit being’’ whose spirit body is now the same as Jesus spirit is.

It is limitless in spirit; it can be sitting in heaven; and where are we when this is happening? We are right there, seated in heaven with him in spirit, for the word of God actually tells us that ‘’we are seated with him in heavenly places;’’ at the ‘’same time as we sit in our chair in the living room. ‘’ God gave us the ‘’very life’’ of Christ himself; you could write a whole book on what this means for our spirit.


“God took the sinless ‘’Christ and poured into him our sins.’’ ‘’Then, in exchange, he poured God's goodness into us!”

God took the sinless spotless Christ Jesus and ‘poured into him our sins,’ and faults and failings So then, where are all your sins, past, present and future? They were in Jesus, and on the cross on Calvary, those sins were totally destroyed forever; and then in exchange he poured his own goodness into us

Where was his goodness poured into? Our bowel, our flesh and blood, or our liver, or kidneys, no! This goodness of God was poured into ‘ our new spirit, ‘’his spirit,’’ the ‘’spirit of Jesus Christ himself,’’ so the spirit that resides in you now is actually the spirit of Jesus Christ the messiah the living God himself; your old spirit died and no longer exists.

Does his spirit have restrictions placed on it? No! His spirit is without limit, it is not limited by the size of your belly or liver or any flesh and blood thing, and he does not reside inside your bones either. It is only in the spirit that God can reside, the flesh could never contain him; the flesh is inside of him as his spirit fills it to overflowing.

Amplified Bible 2 Corinthians 5:16 18

Therefore if any person is [in grafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is ‘’ a new creation’’ (‘’ a new creature altogether’’); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold the fresh and new has come!

The old sinful spirit in you has died and will never be resurrected, it is gone forever, and a brand new spirit has been placed in you and around you and all through every pore of you, the spirit is eternal without restrictions and flesh and blood do not stop it spreading everywhere.

Ephesians 1 Amplified Bible (AMP)

fills everything everywhere with Himself].

And He has put all things under His feet who

2 Corinthians 5:21 LB)

shortened this scripture


God is


and he fills everything with himself, even the grass upon the ground is filled with him, and the birds in the air know he fills them, for they never stop singing his praises. For nothing exists outside of him. He fills heaven with himself, he fills the earth and everything in it with himself, he fills you with himself, without any restrictions; but do we believe this is possible for a God who created everything that exists? Then he tells us to put on ‘his new nature’ the nature you received when you were saved.

Did you know that the meaning of the word ‘in’ means to be in a ‘’dignity and state of being and condition,’’ and scripture also says these exact same words regarding our condition in Christ Jesus? When I first began studying scripture the lord told me to learn the meaning of words and the first word he told me to look up in the dictionary was the word ‘in,’’ and I thought that the word in meant just that, I’m in the house or I’m in a bar, or just plainly meant in, I was wrong for when I read the meaning of the word in, in the dictionary I was shocked to see it actually meant a dignity, and state of being and condition “In,’’ in the dictionary means just what I wrote but in, in scripture, it means to be ‘’a heavenly dignity and condition and state of being.’’

Romans 8:30 Amplified Bible

And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a ‘’heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].’’

God has raised us up into a heavenly dignity, and condition and state of being with him, and in that state, we are in Christ Jesus, and in God the Father, and in the Holy Spirit, as one being with them. It is God who done all this and we should believe him above everything. It is awesome for God to make us a

heavenly dignity

and the word dignity means,



solemnity,’’ look at what God is saying about you who feel so unworthy he called you ‘’majesty, stateliness,’’ and are living in ‘’distinction.’’ The word ‘’Stateliness


means to be ‘’magnificence, and majestic’’ This is what God calls us, ‘his own divine precious child,’ blows your mind doesn’t it when you realise how God sees us and what he declares us to be. His word also calls

you that ‘’
‘’in’’ ‘’
’’ ‘’
’’ ‘’
’’ ‘’

It is because we are joined together with him in the Holy Trinity as one person in spirit. Can you believe now that the kingdom of God is within you and you are joined together with your king and God in Christ Jesus?


Put on the new nature

Ephesians 4:24 Amplified Bible and

put on



new nature

(the regenerate self)

in true righteousness and holiness

created in God’s image

Do you see something here in this scripture, it says ‘’put on the new nature;’’ God does not put on the new nature for you; he tells us to do it; it is like putting on the new life, you are supposed to be letting ‘’Jesus live his new life in you in spirit,’’ all of this is an act of our will, it does not come from God giving you immediate revelation, it is something you learn from years of studying and praying and seeking God for himself, and not for what you want.

We are the ones, not God who must put on the new spiritual things; like putting on the armour of God; or putting on the peace God gave you, or putting on the ‘new nature’ of the ‘new creation’ you have become; or putting on the life of Christ Jesus, letting him have his way within you; he will never overrule you or make you do something you don’t want to do, he gives you free will always

It is in letting ‘’him live ‘his new life’ with your agreement with and in you,’’ that you become a partaker of the gospel. Below is the same scripture we are studying, but the ‘’end of the verse is so important,’’ it was ‘not highlighted’ in the previous verses by me because I wished to show it to you later, which is now.

Ephesians 2:5 Amplified Bible

shortcomings and trespasses, He made us alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave us the very life of Christ Himself, the

Even when we were dead (slain) by [our own]

us ‘’priests of God’’ and ‘’kings of life,’’ why?
, ’’ [‘’

same new life with which He quickened Him, [for it is by grace] (His favour and mercy which you did not deserve) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and ‘made ‘’partakers’’ ‘of Christ’s salvation’’).

This is how you ‘’share in the same life as Christ Jesus in spirit;’’ you are made a ‘’partaker,’’ a member, contributor, and accomplice in Christ Jesus, in union in him. The devil does not want you knowing all these things, for it terrifies him to know, that when the revelation hits you; you in turn, will hit him out of the ball park by such force he will find it nigh impossible to return to tempt you or to annoy you in any way. You did not deserve it, but God gave it to you out of love for you, he chose to give you his favour, no matter whether you deserved it or not, and we don’t deserve anything from God, but such love presides in him he gives it to us anyway.

I want to show you in this scripture how you should proclaim this word of God to yourself personally. I have changed certain words to make them mine.

Ephesians 2:5 Amplified Bible

Even when ‘’I was’’ dead (slain) by [my own] shortcomings and trespasses, He made ‘’ me ’’ alive together in fellowship and in union with Christ; [He gave ‘’me ’’ the very life of Christ Himself, the same new life with which He quickened Him, [for it is by grace] (His favour and mercy which ‘’I’’ did not deserve) that ‘’I am’’ saved (delivered from judgment and ‘made ‘’partakers’’ ‘of Christ’s salvation’’).

It is in proclaiming this word to me, and me saying what God said, makes it personal. It’s like it is talking to someone else in the original verse, but when you change those tiny words like,; ‘we were,’ to ‘I was’ ‘dead slain’ this makes the word ‘’personal’’ ‘for us,’ and so we declare the word out in real meaning for our spirit to understand and accept.

We have been given the very same life of Jesus Christ, his own life, how did he do it? I don’t know, but I believe him; I accept his word on this even though I cannot comprehend the fullness of this word.

Can you even comprehend the awesomeness of this statement from the word of God’s own mouth; you and I have been given the ‘very same new life,’ that

meant that the old life has to be truly dead and buried, and thank God for his grace, it is gone forever, and ‘your spirit is now Jesus spirit,’ you don’t have a spirit of your own anymore; yours was replaced by the spirit of Jesus himself, that is why it is infinite, your old spirit was concealed in you limited in its ability, and all it did was sin.

Look at the statement I made earlier; we see ourselves as ‘’body soul and spirit’’ last of all, but that is not true as far as the creator is concerned; he made us ‘’spirit first, then into that spirit he placed a soul and then in that spirit he placed a flesh body;’’ so then where is the spirit? It is encompassing you, it is in you and outside you, it is all consuming it fills the flesh as well as the soul, but it is not stuck inside of you as a little lump of spirit, you have the spirit of Jesus Christ himself, and his spirit is not limited. He exchanged ‘’your old spirit’’ for ‘’his brand new one’’ when he arose from the dead; for the Father gave him a new spirit and encompassed us, {Meaning to form a circle about; encircle; surround :} in that spirit was you and me and all christen children of God from that moment onward.

This is how our spirit is seated in heaven yet still in our bodies at the same time it is unlimited in space or power or size, it reaches to the furthest ends of the last galaxy to the beginning of the first galaxy it fills all of heaven and is filled by all Christian brothers and sisters, for we are in Christ Jesus; ‘’innumerably;’’ {adjective very numerous, Incapable of being counted; and countless} [dictionary]


We received ‘’his spirit’’- ‘’Jesus;’’ our old spirit died and we received a new spirit, the spirit of sonship in union with and in Christ Jesus; we received ‘’his spirit,’’ and ‘he now lives his ‘’new life,’’ but now with us attached to him,’’ and the ‘’spirit of Jesus is unlimited in size,’’ that is the size of our new spirit, it is not restricted by human form, or soul form, it is unreservedly extensive, without beginning or without end; we have received the ‘’spirit of God himself,’’ that is why the kingdom of God is within, it is within our new spirit joined together in perfect harmony as one with and in Jesus; who is living his new life in us in spirit.

I will repeat this again, when Jesus went to his torture and to his death on the cross on Calvary to pay for our sins, which were kept in our spirit, the old un regenerated spirit.

He suffered and died to pay for our sins, past, present, and the future ones for ‘’all mankind,’’ because our

spirits were sinful

and could not change in themselves or could enter heaven,

The Father decided to share Jesus spirit with everyone who would ask for forgiveness, and who would ‘ask Jesus into their hearts;’ in this moment of salvation.

God took our original spirit, that sinful spirit, caused by Adam and Eve’s legacy, to us; our old original sinful spirit and destroyed it on the cross. And at that same instant as he was doing so, he was ‘’filling us with us Jesus spirit,’’ which is unlimited by anything, it can fit inside a little tiny box or fill the entire universes or fill heaven itself. It is like a fog; a fog, can fill a room and at the same time fill every room in a house or city, and it can fill the entire country.

And this is the exchange he did for us, removing a sinful spirit and replacing it with Jesus own spirit; and then he poured

into us,

his own goodness

Colossians 2:10 Amplified Bible. And ‘’you’’ are ‘’in Him,’’ made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ ‘’you too,

are ‘’filled with the-Godhead’’ ‘’Father, Son and Holy Spirit’’

and reach full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all rule and authority [of every angelic principality and power].

This is all a gift from our Father God and it is by ‘’his power’’ that we live in all places at the one time, in Jesus, and ‘’in him and in the Holy Spirit as one person.’’


Before I first came to God, he spoke to me one day at a prayer meeting that I went to, to make a mockery of my mother in law.

As a man spoke in tongues I heard these words, ‘’I am one of three, I am three of one, You are one of me, I am one of you,’’ then the words changed and he said; ‘’I am one in three, I am three in one, you are one in me, I am one in you.’’ These

’’ ‘’

words given to me before I even got saved are incarnate to what is happening now in my spirit.

God was telling me almost forty years ago that he was ‘’one with me, and one in me and one of me,’’ how? I don’t know but I believed him anyway though I didn’t understand a word he meant.

Now I have come across this scripture which says he made me a part of him, just as in Isaiah.

Isaiah 49 The Voice (VOICE)

Look here. ‘’I have made ‘’ you ’’ a ‘’part’’ of me,’’ ~ {I have} ‘written, {carved} ‘’you’’ on the ‘’palms of my hands.’’

God says he made you, ‘that’s us,’ that’s me! A part of him; can we actually believe him when he makes such bold statements in his word? I can; perhaps I don’t understand it yet but I agree with what he says, I believe he knows better than me or any clever man or woman.

Christians do not want to hear this kind of thing being spoken to them, at, say, a conference, or personally, for it infringes on their restricted belief, and seems blasphemous to them. For anyone to declare publicly that they are a part of God, seems to imply that they are God himself, and that is beyond their comprehension, and belief.

But this is not that type of statement from the mouth of a human being; it is a statement of truth from a believer; for their father in heaven declared it to be so, and ‘’he’’ will follow up with signs and wonders by those bold Christian children of his who believe the seemingly impossible, for he is God of the impossible.

John 17 Amplified Bible (AMP)

21 That they ‘’all may be one,’’ [just] as ‘’You, Father, are in me and I in You,’’ that ‘’they also may be one in Us’’ so that the world may believe and be convinced that You have sent Me.

I in them and You in Me,

in order that

they may become one and perfectly united,’’ that the world may know and[definitely] recognize that You sent Me and that You have loved them [even] as You have loved Me.

Father, I desire that they also whom You have entrusted to Me [as Your gift to Me] may be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory, which You have given Me [Your love gift to Me]; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world

‘’You, Father, are in me and I in you,’’

I in them and You in Me,’’

This statement comes from the mouth of Jesus himself, he says ‘you are in me father’ and ‘I am in them’ and ‘they are in us’ all ‘as one being;’ we must learn to speak in holy boldness declaring our convictions of the word; for when we declare out of our mouths in faith, then the impossible will no longer be the impossible but the normal; this statement is very close to what God said to me all those many years ago in that prayer meeting where I went to take a hand at my mother in law.

Our spirit is limitless just like its creator and so it has no beginning and no end for it is an eternal spirit just like its creator, and that is why we will spend eternity in heaven with God, our spirit is eternal, meaning perpetual, ceaseless, everlasting I am talking about the child of God, not the children of the devil.

Those who rejected Jesus will spend eternity in hell with the devil, and he will not be concerned about you no matter what movies make it look like he is there lighting his fires and stoking the coals around you, and tormenting you; you will not even be thought about by him, for he will be in eternal torment and suffering.; he won’t have a moment to even give those around him a thought, neither will you, you will be so engrossed in your torment no one will enter you thoughts, all you will be concerned about is torment and suffering beyond the human suffering on this earth, that is for those who rejected their offer of salvation, they done this to themselves, not God.

The flesh dies and enters the grave and rots as punishment for sin, but the spirit and soul remain eternal.

And where is that place, God says in his word, is where he dwells? He dwells in our spirit, not in the flesh, where the devil wants you to think he is. We are eternal beings who have a soul, {a mind,} and a body; and the enemy is frantic

22 I have given to’’ them the glory and honour which You have given Me,’’ that ‘’they may be one [even] as We are one:’’ 23 ‘’
23 ‘’

with fear of us understanding that, for ‘’our spirit is joined as one to God the Almighty’s living spirit,’’ who created the universes and solar systems outside of himself and hold all of this by the power of his voice and that ‘’God being is joined together as one with us in spirit.’’ And is living within us immeasurably


So why do we look upwards to the sky as if heaven was there. We have been taught as little children that when we pray we join our hands or spread our hands out and look up to where God lives, in the heavens above us. And the devil being so cunning has even us Christians doing this for years, we do not realise the actual ‘’kingdom of God is inside us.

When we pray looking up it seems so lovely that we are looking up at God, when in truth, ‘’God is inside us’’ for he is the kingdom itself. It is in ‘’knowing’’ that the ‘’kingdom of God is inside us,’’ that gives us awesome power and authority.

I know the devil is screaming in anxiety at this moment as you read this for the knowledge from which God’s children perish for lack of, is being released to you right now, for you are being shown the truth, just as I am today.

I get this a few minutes before I write everything down, and I only write what the Holy Spirit tells me to write, for human wisdom is of no value to you, so always check out what I say against your bible, the word of God, and if what I write is in agreement with the word, then believe it, and change your ways of thinking and doing things, if not discard it.

Colossians 2 8 New International Version (NIV)

8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and ‘’deceptive philosophy,’’ which depends on ‘’human tradition’’ and the ‘’elemental spiritual forces’’ of this world rather than on Christ.

We have been captive to the devils cunning plans for years, and so has other Christians, just as we have been deceived, they have been deceived; and it is no


slight to them by me for being deceived, just as I had been for thirty eight years as a Christian.

When we look up we won’t look in and that has been his strategy all along. As you can see from the previous scripture, mans traditions and religious beliefs have held people captive for centuries, and spiritual forces have been at work within them; religion does not set people free, a relationship with a heavenly Father does.

Christ is your freedom and in him lies all secretes and power and authority, and in unity with, and in him, lays our everlasting triumph. For see in this next scripture the knowledge of the secretes of the kingdom of God has been given to you, yes that is ‘you’ the reader, the child of the living God; but others don’t understand those secretes at all, for the word remains a mystery to them, but to you has been revealed, the mystery of the gospel.

Luke 8:10 NIV Bible

He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the ‘’kingdom of God’’ has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, “‘though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.’

Those who could not be bothered to listen about Jesus or God, have their own ears closed to the truth, and don’t want to know, no matter how you try to urge them to listen and to change their ways, but they are content in the downward slope for that is their choices, not God’s.

1Cor. 6:19 20).Amplified Bible

Do you not know that ‘’your body is the temple’’ (the very sanctuary) of the Holy Spirit who lives within you, whom you have received [as a Gift] from God? You are not your own, you were bought with a price [purchased with a preciousness and paid for, made His own]. So then, honour God and bring glory to Him in your body

The Holy Spirit could not actually live inside your flesh body for your body is in constant sin, and nothing holy can reside where sin is. He lives in your spirit the

spirit of Christ Jesus within and around you, in your body that is encompassed by the spirit which is limitless.

But remember where the body is? It is

encompassed by your spirit

which ‘’permeates through every pore of the child of God’s being,’’{ permeates means to; {Full Definition of Permeates intransitive verb: to diffuse through or penetrate something.} definition from the ‘’Free Merriam Webster dictionary


The kingdom of heaven is where God sits on his throne and is worshiped by bullions of holy angels, and us.

Matthew 5:19

Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven

This is the place where you will spend eternity in, that place where God calls home; the place where billions of holy angels and spiritual beings live, daddy’s home, where a mansion has been prepared for you and for me and for all children of our almighty God; you are connected to God himself but you are not connected to his home or to the mighty holy angels and spiritual beings living there.

God is the ‘’kingdom, both of heaven and within us,’’ he is everlasting and all powerful and he can do things no human being or angel can do; he can fill us with himself; and he didn’t do this with any angel no matter how powerful and awesome they are, they are not God’s own children that he created from a portion of himself, we are, and the thought of that alone should make you feel loved.

God created us from the very same substance as Christ Jesus, he took a portion of himself and created us spirit beings, later clothed in flesh and blood, and again later, he filled us with himself, with his own goodness. He done a swap, he took your sins and poured them into Jesus as he hung there on that cross and at the next split second he poured into us his own goodness, and so ‘’we are filled with his own goodness,’’ no matter what our feelings dictate.


It is feelings that are our downfall, for in feelings we feel this is not true, or it to much to believe but our spirit says, if God says it, then I believe it is true no matter what my feelings say, and as some people say, feelings are neither right or wrong, it is what you do with them that counts.

Feelings say the person you lay hands on that’s sick won’t get healed. Belief means that you chose to believe they will no matter what it looks like; for they have ‘’already been healed by Jesus,’’ for on that cross he not only took our sins, but he also took our sickness and bore all our diseases, so sickness is dead within Jesus, and deception has allowed us to believe it is in us and causing all manner of disease in us; but truth is it has already been healed by Jesus on that cross.


1 John 4:17 NIV Bible

This is how ‘’love is made complete’’ among us so that we will have ‘’confidence’’ on the Day of Judgment: ‘’in this world we are like Jesus.’’ For

as he is’’ ‘’so are we.’’

The kingdom of God is within you, so again, how does this come about? It comes about by grace from God’s own favour to you and not for what you may think you done to deserve it; for no one deserves anything from God. It is by his mercy and understanding of humanity that he created in his own divine image created a spirit being in all its fullness; and then placed a soul within it, then placed flesh and blood in it, but he did this in our spirit, Our spirit is the main part of us, for in it is flesh and blood placed in it and not the other way about that allows us to be filled with the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and so in this way we become like Jesus, for it is his spirit that has replaced our original spirit and permeates our spirit.

The word ‘’like’’ means to be similar to; to be the same as, to be equal to, parallel to, akin to, approximating, in the vein of, reminiscent of, resembling, of the same kind; matching, as good as, related, and equal

This is the dictionary meaning to the word ‘’like,’’ and relevant meanings; and do you not think that God knew what the word like meant before he said it in his word. So read the previous scripture in its proper context. ‘’in this world

we are like Jesus.’’ For ‘’as he is’’ ‘’so are we.’’ ‘’like’’ means to be the same as; so we are truly according to Father God the same as he is in this world, there


is no difference between us as far as God is concerned, he loves you so much he decided to sacrifice his own Son by killing him so he could save us by his death; but he made him suffer for our sins first and he did indeed suffer horribly, horrifically. But when Jesus arose from the dead he was different, he was now filled with us in spirit, with us in equality; every Christian child of God was in him, redeemed and saved from hell for eternity, now in connected to their saviour safe and sound forever, and that is why as he is so are we in this world, we are one with him, in union with and in him as you seen in the previous scriptures, the word of the living God and he is to be trusted eternally; if God says as he is so are you, then what choice do we have to make? Do we choose to believe him or to refuse to believe him?

Herein lays our destiny our choice to believe and act accordingly to every situation that arises, in holy boldness, because our father sees no difference between us and Jesus for remember you are filled with him Jesus, and if filled then there is no room for the old you, or anything else; you are also filled with the Godhead, Father and Holy Spirit, as well as being filled with Jesus, and we now know this is possible because we have the same spirit as Jesus, our old spirit is deceased and the ‘’new spirit we received is the spirit of Jesus,’’ and so we can do as he did while he walked on earth clothed in flesh; we can work miracles and healings and deliver the oppressed and possessed, because it is in effect him that is doing it in us living his new life in us with us in total agreement and belief, for as he is; then so am I to my Father in heaven and he responds accordingly. We will be doing the works prepared for us from before time even began.

The kingdom of God is within you in your spirit which is now the spirit of Christ Jesus, so when you talk to God, you talk inward, you do not look up to the sky for the kingdom of God is inside you.

The kingdom of heaven is also in you but it is separate from you by this way. In the kingdom of heaven God dwells there, and his angels dwell there also, and this is where you will spend eternity with God, worshipping him continually living in awesome never ending joy. The angels do not reside within you, nor does every heavenly being; this is what makes the difference between the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 1:30 Easy to Read Version

It is God who has made you ‘’part’’ of ‘’Christ Jesus.’’

The word part means ‘branch’ in the dictionary, but it is God who done all these awesome things for you his beloved child, he did everything out of pure love and it is how love is perfected in you for ‘’as he is so are you,’’ for he made you a part of Christ Jesus so that you can continue sharing in the work of salvation bring souls to God for the kingdom of heaven. This is how ‘’love is made complete’’ among us so that we will have ‘’confidence’’ on the Day of Judgment: ‘’in this world we are like Jesus.’’ For ‘’as he is’’ ‘’so are we.’’

God makes love complete in us, ‘’because’’ ‘’as he is so are we in this world,’’ where we are living, and allowing ‘’Jesus to live his new life with and in us,’’ and where the ‘’kingdom of God dwells.’’ Awesome, almost beyond belief, this is truly awe inspiring, the ‘’kingdom of God is within me,’’ and the ‘’kingdom of heaven,’’ is my God’s dwelling place where I actually reside right now in spirit because I am joined together with and in him as one in him and have been raised us and seated with him in heavenly places.

Ephesians 2 5 Amplified Bible

Even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus

This is those ages to come, this moment in time where he promised to reveal to us, ‘’what and who we are, in Christ Jesus,’’ and where his kingdom, the kingdom of God truly is. It is not outside of us, or up in the sky, as the enemy would have you believe; but within you, and where he is residing in you, and at the same time you and I have been elevated up into the kingdom of heaven in the heavenly places; you are already seated in heaven where God’s angels and he dwell, because you are attached to him by the spirit of Christ Jesus in you Heaven is not above in the sky; heaven is all around the universes, separate from it yet encompassing them.

In my book, ”What size is your God,’’ God showed me a vision of where the universes are in comparison to where he resides; he showed me the universes are the size of a postage stamp in contrast to this vast whiteness that surrounds it, and there was no beginning and no end to this place as far as I could see, and he showed me he holds the universes by the power of his voice, so what size is a God who can create these galaxies and quantum space by the power of his voice alone; he doesn’t have to go back to them to keep revolving around like a juggler spinning plates on a stick, his word is all sufficient. His word brings the

changes that the universes go through in ‘’evolution,’’ his word prepared for all things. And that is the God we have living in and around us in spirit.

Your spirit is unfathomable, it is incomprehensible, and it is almost beyond understanding without the revelation to your spirit by the word of the living God who resides within you.

Most Christians do not know they are already seated in heaven in Christ Jesus, they think they will have to face judgment but the truth is judgement has already been passed and you won through, because of your accepting Jesus as lord for judgement was on that day you chose for Jesus. For Jesus said, in John 3

John 3 1 New International Version (NIV) Jesus Teaches Nicodemus

3 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” {**we are born again** my words}

4 “How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can ‘’enter the kingdom of God’’ unless they are born of water and the Spirit 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 7 You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ 8 The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

9 “How can this be” Nicodemus asked

10 “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? 11 Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony. 12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 13 No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven the Son of Man. 14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, 15 that everyone who believes ‘’may have’’ ‘’eternal life in him.”

There is something in this scripture that I missed previously; Jesus when talking to Nicodemus said to him; ‘’no one can ‘enter’ the kingdom of God’’ unless they

are born of ‘water and the Spirit.’ 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the ‘Spirit gives birth to spirit ’ Jesus said, ‘no one can enter the kingdom of God,’ yet we think we have the kingdom of God placed into us, for the kingdom of God is within, yet he says we enter the kingdom of God through him in spirit when we accepted Jesus as lord and saviour. But Jesus said, and I guess he would know; that we ‘’enter the kingdom of God,’’ when we decide for him, again confirming, ‘’to me anyway,’’ that the kingdom of God is around and also within us as I shared earlier.

We enter into the kingdom of God, just like we enter into our own homes; we enter into the kingdom of God through Jesus spirit which was given to us at our rebirth; the spirit gives birth to spirit and we were birthed into Jesus spirit for we know we have the same spirit as him, for we became one in rebirth, born again.


Christians feel condemned, Today I am going to pray with two catholic women, who feel condemned and guilty, they are living in religious guilt and this is deception, for God has removed from them their ‘’guilt and fear’’ of where they will go to when they die; they expressed earlier to me over the phone, their fear of not pleasing God, and do not understand that God’s love for them drives out all fear and guilt. They don’t know they are already seated in the heavenly places through their being in Christ Jesus. They don’t realise they ‘already please God’ because of accepting Jesus into their hearts as saviour and lord. They are being deceived just as I once was by the liar, the enemy. Read this next scripture which I have highlighted either by increasing the size of the font or by colour, express those words out aloud every day till your spirit is filled with the word of God.

John 3 16 New International Version (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever ‘’believes’’ in him shall ‘’not’’ ‘perish’ but ‘’have’’ eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.18 Whoever ‘’believes’’ in him is ‘’not’’ ‘’condemned, ’’ but whoever does ‘’not believe’’ stands ‘’condemned already,’’

You have eternal life and that life is the kingdom of God within you, that life everlasting, that spirit that is already seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus of which you are a part.

God is awesome in love for us to have done these things for us already and all we need to do is to understand and believe the scriptures I have written in this book for they are the word of God and all scripture references can be found in Bible, so you can use these to check out my statements and check with whatever bible you own also.

The kingdom of God is within and the kingdom of heaven is attached to you in spirit and is where you are seated now because your spirit has no limited size, for it is the new spirit of Jesus in you who has no limit in his size.

What an awesome inestimable, infinite God we have, who does these things for his children, reminding them they belong to him, and he is their incalculable father who makes them also endless.

This kingdom of God is within us. It has no measureable means, it is beyond size it is the beginning and the end without limit.

26 God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make ‘’mankind’’ in ‘’Our image,’’ after

Our likeness,

and let ‘’them’’ have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth.

27 So

God created man


His own image,

in the

image and likeness of God

He created him; male and female He created them

Truth belongs to the born again child of the living God, and that living Almighty God is living within and around us; he sustains us by his very presence within us, his love knows no boundaries; he is intense with love for us, he is even jealous for us, he desires that we seek him and promises he will be found. In this scripture from Genesis; look carefully at the words of God speaking to Jesus and

Sixteen Genesis 1 26 Amplified Bible (AMP)

the Holy Spirit. ‘’Let us,’’ {the trinity} make mankind in ‘’ our image.’ if something is made in the image of something then that image is copied the same as, look in a mirror and see your own image, but all we see when looking in a mirror is ourselves we do not see our soul or spirit the most important piece of us.

God did ‘’not’’ create man as a ‘’flesh and blood image of himself,’’ for he is not flesh and blood; he created man as ‘’spirit, with a soul,’’ {intelligence for God has a soul} later on clothing him in ‘’flesh.’’

We are what God says we are, made in his own divine Spirit image and as a trinity image spirit soul and body. Male and female, the Holy Spirit is made up of seven parts that I am aware of at this moment in time and one of those parts is the female, for in the book of proverbs the word says about wisdom, is ‘’she’’ stands on the corner looking for anyone who would want her to come to them, and wisdom is one of the sides of the Holy Spirit so if you ever wondered how God made man and then made woman in his image, now you know.

It is in making that image of himself that he used as the blueprint for us, he used his own material that he is made of, a spirit being whose total make up {flesh and we would imagine} is love, his flesh is pure undiluted love, the spirit is filled to overflowing with love, it oozes out of it, permeating to the utmost being of God and us also.

He made us in his own divine image and that was not in flesh and blood, as stated earlier in this book He covered the spirit later with flesh and blood but the spirit should be the prominent side of us; for far too long we have clothed ourselves in just ‘’flesh and blood and feelings,’’ and not in ‘spirit and in faith’ and trust, for what spirit says to spirit is equal in love and no hesitating. In this book I have tried explaining that the kingdom of God is within us and that the soul was placed into the spirit and then the flesh and blood was placed inside the spirit, and in being ‘reborn’ we then received the ‘’spirit of Jesus Christ’’ himself, and so our old spirit died and we received his brand new spirit, we received his new life that he planned to live inside of us, but ‘’he’’ being the prevalent part, as we surrender to his will and we disappear almost totally letting ‘’God in Jesus’’ fashion us more and more into his own divine image; for scripture tells us we grow from glory to glory as God directs, one day we shall see him as he is and then we will realise that we are the same. Glory to our loving Father for his plans is overwhelming.

3:17 Amplified Bible

And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as

in a mirror


glory of the Lord,

constantly being transfigured


His very own image

ever increasing splendour

and from

one degree of glory to another;’’ [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit

If God is saying we reflect his glory as in a mirror, and we are increasing from glory to glory, it stands to reason we are becoming more and more like him as we allow Jesus to live his new life in us and as we become more and more aware that the kingdom of God is within us in our spirit not our flesh for flesh is sinful and cannot contain a holy God. Sometimes I feel like I am wandering in writing this book, for I see new things as I re read over and over again this book taking as many mistakes out of it as I can, so the reader can focus on the message rather than my spelling mistakes or grammar, as one friend of mine did when I sent him a book that would help him resist sickness and disease, he told me how many mistakes I made, but did not see the woods for the trees as they say.

I once had a moment of this glory on my face as I read the word of God in mass; I felt my face change and glow, but only one woman saw that change that I felt, not even my wife or children saw it but Margaret Roe did, she was a beautiful Christian woman, and she came over and said it to Rose and me.

I just finished reading a transcript from a Christian website how Moses face changed and then faded away, just as mine only lasted while I read the word of God. I had forgotten this until now, glory to my God who does such marvellous things in us.

1-John 3:1-2 Niv Bible

Tells us that "when He appears we will be like Him," and "we will see Him just as he is

All this that I write is to reassure the reader that the kingdom of God is within, and to show you scriptures that confirm this; to show you that you are the same as Jesus in this world and to show you that your spirit is his spirit not your old dead one. Because the kingdom of God is within us we mirror the glory of God, for the next scripture says;

2 Corinthians
’’ are ‘’
’’ in ‘’


"We mirror the glory of the Lord." With unveiled faces we looking as in a mirror, catch the light and reflect the glory of the Lord. We reflect as a mirror does and we do it with unveiled faces.

Here is a beautiful scripture 1 John 3 9 and is hard for some Christians to understand and accept; for another translation says the ‘’seed of God’’ and another says the ‘’sperm of God,’’ and they are turned off by these statements for they think in saying them then they sin in some way.

1 John 3 9 The Voice (VOICE)

9 Everyone who has been born into God’s family avoids sin as a lifestyle because the ‘’genes of God’s children’’ ‘’come from ‘’God Himself.’’ Therefore, a ‘’child of God’’ can’t live a life of persistent sin.

This scripture again affirms that we are the same as Jesus for he is of the same substance as us. It is awesome to realise that the genes of God are pertinent to us, this tells us that we are not the same as the people of this world who do not have Jesus Christ in their lives, our spirit is filled with God’s genes, and in the following scripture says the seed remains in us again affirming that the very kingdom of God is within us in spirit.

1 John 3 New International Version (NIV)

9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God

In the following scripture the word tells us to ‘’turn to God’’ and ‘’change our way of thinking and acting,’’ for the kingdom of heaven is near, and now we know that because we did that, the ‘’kingdom of God,’’ now resides in us in our spirit. We must also ‘continue’ to change our way of thinking and speak the word of God aloud so that faith can arise and our spirit can achieve what God desires that we achieve. And as we receive more understanding we change as scripture says from ‘’glory to glory’’ for the glory of God alone.

2 Corinthians 3:18 Weymouth


The kingdom of heaven in contrast to the kingdom of God

Matthew 3:2 GOD’S WORD Translation

“Turn to God and change the way you think and act, because the kingdom of heaven is near.”

‘’Jesus is the kingdom of God,’’ and the ‘’kingdom of heaven’’ is where he resides in the Spiritual effects of his spirit. Where Jesus is, then the kingdom of heaven is near those that gather around him, and the ‘’kingdom of God’’ is where he resides in them in spirit when they accept him as lord and saviour.

At first I was confused between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven, but then I cannot see things as God the Almighty see things; for instance, he sees the world from the beginning to the very end, he sees everyone ’s lives, he knows when we sit, or stand, or even what we think, he fills everything everywhere with himself and he is a mystery. All about him is a mystery except for what he discloses things to us.

In the first half of this book the lord has shown me that we need to realise that the ‘’kingdom of God’’ is within us and we need to explore every scripture with zeal and to search diligently for revelation in this truth; for the enemy does not want you turning inwards to where the ‘spirit of God dwells in you, and as I stated earlier, that we have the ‘’new spirit of Jesus now in us,’’ and he is living his new life in us as we yield to him and the Holy Spirit, who is our guide and comforter.

We need to search and to understand the vast importance of knowing where the kingdom of God is, and where we turn to for his power and his understanding.

We need to know for certain that we have the ‘’Father, Son and Holy spirit’’ ‘’living within us,’’ and is connected to our spirit which is the actual true spirit of Jesus himself who is ‘’unlimited;’’ and that ‘’we are infinite in size,’’ for we can be in the kingdom of heaven and seated with Jesus there in spirit, while we are

still alive in the flesh here on earth; but

our spirit

which is now

his spirit

also resides in the kingdom of heaven, and

in us ‘’instantaneously,’’ this is a working of God the immeasurable totality of the supreme Majesty.

These are the things the enemy does not want us to know or understand, so he will try to get us to go back to staring up at the sky trying to meet with God, instead of staring inside and talking with him personally; he is afraid of the power you are now wielding even if you do not understand it yet; for you and Jesus are ‘’joined in union, as one person’’ and thank God, ‘’he is the superior part’’ and you have the Almighty Father and the super supernatural Holy Spirit within you, and around you immeasurably. What an awesome blessing we have when we look in and not at a sky. This is how we should pray, talking with God our Father, and consulting his Holy Spirit, and confiding in Jesus our saviour and our redeemer

In worship it is slightly different; for the angels and elders looked up at God and fell before him in adoration, casting their crown before him in humility.

The word of God says Revelation 4 King James Version (KJV)

6 And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. 7 And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. 8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come 9 And when those beasts give glory and honour and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who lives forever and ever, 10 The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

They looked at God at eye level and fell before him in adoration; I can’t help but fall on my face when I am in his divine presence, I am not forced or pushed but I desire to fall down and greet this Supreme Being called God, or Father.

This is the attitude we should have when we worship God, or when we search for God, for this is what goes on in heaven, and this is what we also will do when we get there, for it is a joyous thing to be doing worshipping God in his undiluted presence. There were times when I felt the presence of God come


over me and I just felt so much peace and incredible joy; ‘I cried with Joy when in his presence,’ feeling him in me, on me, and around me.

There was no resentment that I ‘had to worship him’ as the enemy would have you think. ‘That, that is all you will be doing in heaven,’’ and it is hard enough here at times to worship for even an hour, never mind eternally. We were created for God’s own pleasure and his joy is us, and it is a joy, ~ for me anyway~ to just know he is around me and I fall down and greet him with thanksgiving and heartfelt praise and worship.

Well this is all future stuff and is awesome but what about now, what way should I approach God in worship and in praise? Well he tells us to lift up holy hands and sing, or shout, or speak out, his praise, for he is God in the kingdom of heaven; I do this with my eyes closed most of the time for it is so easy to get distracted.

The kingdom of heaven is where we will go when this body gives itself up to death, and in the meantime we live in the kingdom of God and live by divine power and authority.

Study ths book and look at all the scriptures that tell you who and what you are and who and what is in you and who fills you and whose power you contain. Since the lord showed me this first part of this book; I have prayed with a lot of people and it is easier to get them all healed because I now know that the kingdom of God really is in me and that ‘’as he is so am I.’’ I know when praying I am in agreement with the word which is the father, and I allow Jesus to live his new life in me, and as I dwell on this before I pray I have a new sense of greater power.

For instance I prayed with a young man who called at the door of a friend I was visiting to sell them vegetables, and my friend asked him if he would like prayer for his very painful shoulder and back; I laid hands on him ‘’knowing I am joined together with and in Jesus,’’ and ‘’knowing healing was the perfect will of the Father,’’ and in the ‘’power of the Holy Spirit,’’ he was instantly healed, quicker than any that I had seen before.

So this works, amazingly, knowing all that has been revealed was followed up by signs and wonders, God is faithful to his word and we need to keep our focus on the truth that he is in us and around us and joined together with us as one in spirit.

I am going to bring a summary in this book so that you can have all the truth in the one place.


Beginning with;

Luke 17 21 New King James Version (NKJV) 20 Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the ‘’kingdom of God’’ would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God’’ does not come with observation; 21 nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’’For, ‘’the kingdom of God is within you.”

God’s kingdom is within you in truth




with Him


I believe that we as Christians have been deceived in our praying; and it is so clever of the enemy that it is only dawning on me through revelation, ‘not that’ the ‘’kingdom of God’’ ‘’is’’ within ‘’us,’’ but the devil does ‘not want us thinking along these lines;’ for when we realise that the kingdom of God is truly within us, and the power of the ‘’Godhead,’’ ‘’Father, Son and Holy Spirit’’ dwell in us, and when we learn that knowledge and learn to walk in that power; he will run in fear of us, for we will know the truth and the truth, does indeed set us free from religious knowledge and beliefs which is useless.

I have thought of this many years ago that the ‘’kingdom of God is within us,’’ but I didn’t think of it like this, I just thought as most Christians do, that Jesus was in me now I am saved, but now I have the revelation from the word of God, ‘’now I know’’ that not only is ‘’Jesus really living inside me,’’ but that the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ was ‘also dwelling there for years’ since I was baptised in the Holy Spirit;

Ephesians 2 5 Amplified
’’ ‘’
’’ in the ‘’heavenly
’’ in ‘’
Christ Jesus

but it was such a clever act of the devil allowing me to think this, because he knew I would know this as truth, so he deceived me into my ~ religious thinking ~ that when I pray I should look up at the sky and pray this way.

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