Thoughts and words the difference between them,
This may seem like it is two different books but it is not it is the double edged sword it has two sides to the word, read it an you will understand.
Thoughts and words the difference between them, &
The power of the double edged sword in the armour of God.
This may seem like it is two different books but it is not it is the double edged sword it has two sides to the word, read it an you will understand. Mc Crossan
The power of the double edged sword in the armour of God Thoughts and words the difference between them,
Brendan Mc Crossan Copyright@16-10-2012One
Life and death is in the tongue
So many Christians suffer from guilt over the many wrongful thoughts that keep coming into their head, especially when they are trying to pray. They don’t realize that thoughts not acted on are just thoughts, and there is something you can do to get rid of them when they come at you attacking you,
Here is a valuable little bit of information, you can have all thoughts of doubt coming into your mind but as long as you do not speak them out they die stillborn; understand something here thoughts come into your mind from the outside, thoughts of doubt and fear and other things like temptation. Jesus said “you will give an account” for “every idle word you speak,” not for every thought you think.
Isn’t it amazing that you will give an account for the ‘words’ you “say” not for the thoughts that you think. It breaks my heart to hear from so many people that they feel condemned because of the terrible thoughts that come into their minds, and when they share those thoughts with me I know what they mean because I have had my brain filled with the foulest thoughts especially when I am deep in prayer, sitting before the lord.
When thoughts come into your mind, we are not powerless to stop them; you have a choice to resist them or embrace them. God won’t hold you accountable for the thoughts that come into your mind unwillingly. Strike back at those thoughts changing them, if a dirty thought comes into your head about a woman or a man, instead of stopping praying ask God to bless the person whom the thought is directed at, and keep asking as long as the thought persists and in this way you keep praying anyway and the enemy will not like that so he will stop when he sees that you are determined to keep in the presence of God asking God to bless the person whom the wrongful though was directed against, this is just one example.
Thoughts never spoken out die stillborn, they can’t affect you, while words will affect your life forever. For an example; “I accept Jesus as my lord and saviour,” those words mean that you are saved and are going to heaven with God’s own personal guarantee, those words make you a son or daughter of God, those words make God your heavenly Father; those words
give you more than you will ever know and I have written in my books the many things that those few words will do for you.
Negative words spoken by you in agreement with what others say about you, will cause you to die spiritually and end up going into mental hospital suffering depression. Words like I’m no good, I’m useless, God will never forgive me, I’m a terrible person, a waste of space, those words if agreed with and spoken out of your mouth even under your breath are words of death, they kill the joy inside you condemning you, and God’s word says; Romans-8-1- there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.
The enemy uses negative words and if we agree with him he will destroy us, remember Jesus said; ‘the thief comes to steak kill and destroy.’-John-10-10. The enemy wants you agreeing with him and disagreeing with the word of God, he desires to separate you from God and put as much space between you and God that he can, first of all he urges you to sin by throwing garbage into your mind and then you act on some of that garbage, and then he has the cheek to tell you that God condemns you for your sin; that sin that ‘he’ urged you to commit in the first place. There is no mercy in the enemy; there is only mercy in Jesus and in the Lord God. When you sin all you have to do is say. ‘Lord I am sorry, help me not to give in again,’ and that’s it, if you meant it sincerely, then the word you have becomes a weapon. Repentance is a weapon that dismisses all the charges against you of sin.
In this next scripture, God says ‘there is no condemnation for me,’ this is a powerful weapon when used against condemnation either through the enemy himself speaking or through a person speaking those words to you, you respond forcefully by saying, ‘There is ‘no condemnation’ for me Jesus is my Lord and saviour.’ I rebuke you in Jesus name. This word is a sword in your hands; the word of God is a sword; strike back at the enemy with those words.
If you have given your life to Jesus as your lord and saviour then there is no condemnation for you who belong to Jesus.
Romans -8-1 the Way Bible there is ‘no condemnation’ for those who belong to Christ Jesus, ---------------------
When negativity strikes as it always will; you must strike back twice as hard, saying aloud those words regarding your condemnation, ‘I belong to Christ Jesus, he is my lord, I am joined together with him as one person, therefore there is no condemnation for me as a child of God
Say these words every day until they become a part of your natural reflexes when the enemy strikes. Or at least memorize the words, “there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus,” and ‘I belong to him.’
The word of God is life and light, they have power to uplift you and seat you in the heavenly places. This is you agreeing with theword of God and if two peopleagreeas touching anything
on this earth you shall have it, if you can agree with the word of God, you in effect are agreeing with God over every need you have, and you will have it.
New-International-Version-1-Corinthians-2:12-14 this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.
We must speak the words of life and those words are the word of the spirit of God the written word, this is the battleground where all battles are fought, and either won or lost. This is the way to defeat the enemy all the time, at first you will forget as the enemy pours thought after thought into your mind, he will bombard you with sinful thoughts or negative thoughts, but when you remember and start speaking out those words of life in the bible counteracting the enemies’ words spoken into your mind he will turn and flee from you in terror as God’s word says.
When you come against the enemy using the word knowing it is a weapon, it is a living sword, a double edged sword, it cuts either way, the blade is sharp on both sides, that weapon has great power. You have to teach yourself that the word of God is a living double edged sword as well as being God’s word; God does not think like us, and spiritual things are not the same in this world as they are in the kingdom of God. We see the bible as a book, God sees the bible as a living sword, a double edged sword able to cut either way, no matter which way the enemy comes at you.
1-Corinthians-1-6-8 –The Way Bible and he guarantees that right up till the end that you will be counted free from all sin and guilt on that when he returns.
When the enemy accuses you of sin, that you probably committed, you confess your wrongdoing to the lord and then turn on the enemy and strike him with that sword of the spirit and tell him I am counted free from all sin and guilt so get out of here you liar. Your mouth is where the sword is, just like in the book of revelation that says Jesus had a double edged sword in his mouth.
Revelation-19-13-The Way Bible
In his mouth he held a double edged sword a sharp sword with which to strike down the nation who rebelled against him.
If we seen into the supernatural world of God we would see that in Jesus mouth when he is in battle there would be this sword, and in the natural world we would see him speak the word rebuking the enemy
There is nothing that goes into you from the outside which can make you ritually unclean. Rather, it is what comes out of you that make you unclean.”
Learn to keep your mouth shut, never let negativity to come out of it. Don’t speak what the devil would have you speak, say what God would want you to say. Say what he says in his word about you, he says in;
Hebrews 10-14-The Way Bible
You are forever perfect in my sight.
That’s what we look like to God, ‘forever perfect’ and that means just that, forever perfect, that cant be changed to suit people or the enemy. As far as God is concerned you the child of God are forever perfect, no matter what anyone else tells you, when someone tells you, you are useless, no good or something else that is negative you strike back with the sword of the spirit and declare that “I am forever perfect in the sight of my Father God.”
Words can kill your spirit, your joy, your happiness, words like,” I’m never going to be any good, “I’m useless,” “I cant do it,” I am worthless, I am unworthy, or I am a sinner. The thing is, if those were just thoughts in you head and never acted upon those words die stillborn, they have no effect on you; and you can wield great power when you contradict those thoughts, with the word of God, {the sword of the spirit.] You must declare that, ‘I am forever perfect in the sight of God.’ I am of great value and worth says my Father in heaven.
Many Christians don’t know how to counteract the enemy’s attacks on their thought life. When the enemy attacks you with thoughts of condemnation you must counter attack using your mouth with the sword in it, {the word of God} which says, there is ‘no condemnation for me’ because I belong to Christ Jesus. Or I am ‘forever perfect in the sight of God.’ Depart liar in Jesus name.
Romans-8-1-The Way Bible
There is “no condemnation” for those who belong to Christ Jesus; {And I am belong to Jesus}
You counter attack by saying back to your enemy; “there is no condemnation for me, because I belong to Christ Jesus.” And every time he presses in towards you by trying to remind you of some sin, remind him; “my sins have been forgiven by Jesus my Lord and saviour.”Romans -3-36 Jesus took away my sins
The enemy will tell that that you sinned all the days of your life and are therefore a bad person who must hate God because you sinned so much, and couldn’t be forgiven. Strike back with your sword and say; yes I know I have sinned just like everyone else in the world but ‘God declares me not guilty of offending him,’
Yes all have sinned, all fall short of God’s glorious ideal; but “now” God declares us not guilty of offending him, who in his kindness freely took away our sins,
{And that includes mine.} And I trust Jesus. Who are you to try and condemn me; there is no forgiveness for you but only the lake of fire, be gone in Jesus name?
Think about those words of scripture; when did God say you are not guilty of offending him? Now!
Now! ‘This very instant,’ even if you sinned fiveminutes ago and then repented and said sorry, you were forgiven instantly and now this very split second you are declared ‘not guilty of offending him.” If God says you are not guilty of offending him who dares accuse us. Remind the enemy we are forgiven, he is never going to be forgiven, remind him he is the one going into the pit of burning sulfur, not you, and he won’t be long in leaving you alone because he doesn’t wish to be reminded that he will suffer in hell for eternity for his rebellion against God.
Christians think they are unworthy, and sinners and they sadly say those things far too often and they don’t realize they are speaking words of death to themselves. Scripture says; “let no one declare you unworthy!” And that includes the enemy.
The Way Bible-1-Corinthians-3-23 Life and even death are your servants.
Scripture is a double edged sword and the word of God has more than one meaning. I used to think this scripture meant just one thing, and in fact the spirit of God is telling me now what he taught me all those years ago are correct but this is another example of words, the word of God is double edged, it has more than one meaning because scripture tells us, ‘life and death are in the tongue.’ And also this next scripture says ‘Life and even death are our servants,’ giving us power over death if someone died; and the power of life to raise them again. I have used these words to raise a woman in America who was dying, back to full life, and she was given her health back again and walked talked and seen again; and she left her hospital bed and went with her husband to a darts match in her local pub the next night. I commanded death to kill the sickness and diseases in her body and I commanded life to fill her body, next day she stood up and walked, talked and her sight was restored again. No one has ever recovered from the disease she had so I was later told. This scripture is a double edged sword; it has two sides to its meaning.
This scripture that I first opened this book from says ‘life and death are in the tongue,’Proverbs-18-21. It is the words you speak that either gives you life or they can bring death to you as well. And we Christians have that power given us by the Holy Spirit the very moment we are baptized in the Spirit, we become filled with power.
The mind thinks a million thoughts and many of those thoughts are sinful if given in too, or stressful, if taken on board. Or thoughts can even make a person commit suicide; the mind also thinks wonderful thoughts depending on what way you train it to think. The words we speak have life in them and you can raise the dead through the power of the spirit of God, and you also can speak to cancer and other diseases and command that disease to die in the name of Jesus; there is power in the spoken word.
Many a wrong word has caused wars, death and mayhem. Use the word of God as a weapon, they have to be spoken out, you are not to just sit and think about them, the devil cannot read your mind, but he can plant thoughts into your ear. The words I spoke over that woman were words of life, and the words we say now can either bring life or death. If you say negative things about yourselves, what you say is also what you will receive later. We actually sow words and the words we sow now, we will reap those words back someday, fully grown, and like a seed planted it grows until it is ready for harvest.
If you speak negative things, you will reap a harvest of negative things happening to you, and you will wonder why these things are happening to me. You declare out of your mouth, ‘I think I am taking the flu,’ you will of course take the flu, or ‘I am feeling sickly,’ you will get sickly, what you said gives the enemy the right to place sickness on you because you agreed with him in the words you said.
My wife Rose, all her life has always declared, ‘I don’t take the flu,’ and she never has; her words have life in them. People who suffer from depression mostly speak and think negatively about themselves, judging and condemning themselves and therefore they get a mental illness, they let the enemy get to them with thoughts and words of guilt and then they ‘agree with them’ saying, ‘my life is not worthy living, where as they could say, ‘Jesus said,’ ‘he came to give me life and life to the full.’ To enjoy life in other words but depressed people won’t allow themselves to feel good about themselves, they live in condemnation. I see this in almost ever case of depression I have ever prayed with.
A mental health doctor said on theradio onetime, “if they ever find acurefor guilt, they would empty the mental hospitals.” But there is a cure out there for them all; he is called Jesus, the forgiver of sins, the remover of guilt.
Last night I prayed with three people, all had been in a mental home, and one still is, as I prayed with them I asked, ‘did they feel guilty about things,’ to which they all eventually replied ‘yes;’ they didn’t realize that some of the things the lord revealed to me, through the gift of {“word of knowledge”} about them, was guilt; then they realized as I explained what guilt really is, and there is also unreal guilt, the guilt of someone doing something wrong and placing the blame on them; at first they tried to deny their feelings and when I told them I knew through word of knowledge that they did indeed feel guilty, and one of the things they felt guilty about was feeling guilty; they were caught in a little circle of guilt, even feeling guilty about feeling guilty; Satan is the master of deception. It is bad enough doing something wrong and feeling guilty about it, but when someone does something on you, like groping you, or raping you or abusing you then they say, ‘this is your
fault,’ they place the blame on the person being abused and sadly many, many women feel this awful weight of unreal guilt thinking they are to blame.
Proverbs-18:21 King-James-Version Death and life are in the power of the tongue:
Your tongue is a tremendous weapon if using the sword of the spirit, to keep it sharp and to keep that sword razor sharp you have to mediate in that word, finding words that you can use against the enemy, words like ‘I have overwhelming victory over the enemy.’
Yes, you can train your thoughts
Yes you can train your mind to think mostly good thoughts, for example; a thought comes into yourmind,‘Idon’tlikethatguy heisa totalprat,Ithink hewould bebetteroffdead,’ now your choice is to keep on thinking those type of thought and they increase if you dwell on them, then you begin to mutter, {talk to yourself} I’d love to stick a knife into his stinking guts,’ you begin to germinate the thoughts speaking them to yourself, and they eventually take root and the next thing you know is your sitting a Jail for murder. Now I know that this a far out example for most people, but ask a murderer and he or she will tell you they dwelt on those type of thoughts for a long time before acting on them.
We need to train our minds and learn the difference between lust and admiring, I repeat, there is no sin in admiring a young woman or an older woman or man, thinking they look sexy or Gorgeous or handsome, these are the inner instincts that God placed inside every one of us, it is what attracts us to one another; remember who placed those attractions inside of you, it was God himself.
It is the same with the creatures of this world, they all try and attract the opposite sex, if you have watched any wildlife program you will see the things animals get up to try and get the female to look at them. And the female of the human race is just the same she wears what will attract a man, even if she doesn’t realize this, and a man will do the same, which is healthy and normal. In today’s fashion the young women wear very little, leaving nothing to the imagination, they wear tights that cling to every crevice in their body, so you can see their very ass through them, and they wear tops that expose as much of their breasts as the law allows. To look at a man or woman is not sinful, looking and studying their figures is not sinful, it is the attraction that God created in both, in different parts of the world women wear nothing on top and I seen men wearing a string tied around their waist, covering litterly nothing, but this is the way they have been from birth and see nothing wrong in exposing their bodies. At least a
man knows what he is getting if he picks one for his wife; those who wear a covering from the head to their feet leaves nothing to the imagination a woman wearing one of these can disguise what she really looks like, and God help him on their wedding night, if she is not what he imagined, lol.
The devil twists our thinking saying we are sinning by looking at a lovely person, That is him lying to us; he tries to distort our thinking but if you take control over your thoughts you will beat him every time. Thought never acted on, or spoken out, die stillborn. I can look at a woman and appreciate her good looks and figure, but I don’t want her or lust for her, she is God’s beautiful creation, this does not mean that the enemy does not try to get me overlooking at a woman, going past decent thoughts to lustful ones, then I give him the boot and his dirty thoughts. This is a source of guilt with many people; the enemy places lust into your mind stirring up sexual emotions and tries to get you to think of touching the woman or man, and if you let him do so by taking pleasure from the thought you will sin and the guilt becomes yours. Remember thoughts never acted on die stillborn and have no effect on you; but thought given in to and spoken out, have a deep effect on us, and think of this, ‘most times we quietly speak our thoughts out, talking to ourselves very lowly muttering to ourselves, it’s human nature.
Thoughts never spoken out or played with in the mind die stillborn, they have no substance. Thought are not wrong we have all got brains and it is constantly thinking billions of things every day, and of course this is perfectly normal, but the thoughts placed into our mind of wrongdoing are usually not from our own normal thinking, but from the enemy, trying to get you to sin. If you do not give in to them they have no effect in your life but if you do give in and say or do something wrong, then they are the cause of sin. The difference between thoughts and words is what you say in answer to your thoughts.
When you realize that the thoughts that your thinking are going astray, you can take action against them and nip them in the bud by either declaring out of your mouth a scripture and keep repeating it to get your attention away from your thoughts, that is if you are a Christian, or change you train of thought deliberately by diverting your attention away from what you were thinking to something else. This is where the spiritual battles are either fought or lost and it is this area that you become a spiritual giant or a weak person.
You must counteract the thought in your mind with the word of God, you need to learn the word of God for yourself or learn scripture promises and declaration from the word, to use as your weapon. If you chose not to read the bible, the word of God, and the sword of the spirit, then you will have no weapon to use against the enemy when he attacks, and you will be so vulnerable; he will beat you every time. Don’t sit all night watching TV, or reading newspapers or ‘Face booking’ it, learn the word of God for at least an hour a day, or use books teaching the word of God, that show you who and what you are in Christ Jesus. Christians; don’t sit inactive doing worldly things, read your bible devoutly, even if you think it doesn’t seem to make sense to you; one day when you need it the words you need will drop into your mind and you can swing that sword at your enemy and he will flee from you in terror. ‘For new Christians,’ stick to the New Testament, it is the word of God for today, it is for you now;
later you can begin learning the old perhaps under a bible study group who can explain its meanings to the many stories in it.
Many Christians are tempted terribly when they kneel down or sit down to pray and the next thing they know their mind starts thinking the most foul thought, disgusting thoughts, and to get away from them, they stop praying, and that’s when the devil has succeeded, that’s what he intended in the first place; but you don’t need to stop praying. You can change the means of your prayer, if the thoughts are too overwhelming. Lift a spiritual book and read some of the things written there for a little while, or read your bible or sing or praise, God accepts all this as prayer to him, and this is training your thoughts to obey you instead of the other way around. Or if the enemy tries to distract you when you sit down to pray by inserting the thought ‘I need to pray for Mick, James, Jean or Judy’ ‘or reminding you that you forgot to do the washing’ or other things that are just natural to you, then take a little note pad and pen with you, and as the enemy reminds you of things or people, write it down and then say, ‘thank you Mr. devil for reminding me and being my note pad.’ Then sit down and continue to pray, and if he starts again, just stop a minute and write down what he reminded of and say, ‘thank you for being my note pad.’ God is not as caught up in prayer as you might think, the fact that you intended to come and sit with him is the greatest prayer you can pray, it is your genuine intention that is the fullness of your prayer, not what you have to say or that you have to sit still like a statue, it is your hearts attitude that God loves
Better still attack him with the word of God firing at him the word of God, remind him where he is going and where you are going to, two different places, ‘for you, heaven,’- for him, eternal damnation in the fiery pit. Don’t just sit there taking all the abuse the enemy throws at you, I have given you scripture throughout this book that are a weapon, the word of God, that double edged sword, use them until you get deeply involved with the word for yourself, and then you will have your own sword working, and preferably use the New Testament, the New Testament is the bible for now, it is the New will of God for you and me
Almost every Christian or non Christian I have prayed with confessed that they found it hard to pray because of all the most disgusting thoughts coming into their mind. I myself am tempted during prayer with distractions not dirty thoughts because the enemy knows now I know this tactic, but instead he places into my ear, ‘look at that little flower or some stupid thing,’ and little silly things can be a great distraction.
And as long as we keep going back, trying to keep our eyes on the lord he is happy with us sitting there trying to be in contact with him. God does not get upset with the enemy trying to get you to get your attention off of him, and he knows that you for the most do not deliberately place wrongful thoughts in you mind. He is delighted when you keep on sitting there with him or standing kneeling singing or praising. He himself was tempted and if Satan tried to get at the lord of heaven, you will be no different. Stay at your prayer even when tempted. If it persists then change what way you’re praying, start singing a song or begin praising God aloud and the enemy won’t be long in leaving you alone.
We don’t deliberately go out to think wrong type of thoughts but the enemy will do everything he can to distract us and unless we switch our thinking he will beat us. It is not the thought life that pollutes but your mouth. We can speak out the word giving God glory for making us Holy like him, Ephesians -1-4- or thank him for making us forever perfect in his sight-Hebrews 10-14. There are so many things we can do to overcome the enemy and I mentioned just some.
There is nothing that goes into you from the outside which can make you ritually unclean. Rather, it is what comes out of you that make you unclean
You need to realizethat nothing going into your mind affects you spiritually and it is only what you speak out or react vocally to that has an effect on your life; this doesn’t mean that you can just sit and think sinful thoughts, no! you resist them with the word of God, you can replace those thought with the divine word, holy thoughts, words like I am holy, spotless, clean, and forever perfect, in his sight, keep thanking Jesus for making you like this, keep on repeating them saying them aloud or just loud enough to hear yourself, because faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God and when you speak out the word of God you bring with it faith and that pleases God very much. Giving God thanks for making you Holy, spotless, clean made in his image, forever perfect, a mirror that reflects his glory, that you and Jesus are one in spirit. There is just so much we can do in prayer, prayer is not a ritual just repeating the same thing over and over, but is an interactive with God, and when the enemy tries to distract you, use any method to keep on praying, thanking Jesus for what he done is great, it glorifies him and is a wonderful deep prayer.
How much more are the thoughts we think than the words we speak. We think multitudes of thoughts and say a small amount of words in comparison. Most thoughts enter into you from the outside, we do think our own thought of course but thoughts of wrongdoing usually come from outside ourselves. We have an enemy that does not want you thinking like Jesus, he wants us thinking from the flesh side of us not the spirit side of us which has a portion of the mind of Christ.
The word tells us that we have become a part of him-Jesus.
Romans-6-5-The Way Bible
We have become a part of him, and so you died with him, so to speak, when he died, and now you share his new life and shall rise as he did.
You share a part of his new life and he shares your new life also; you have the ability to think like Jesus in every occasion. And we as Christians have a portion of the mind of Christ Jesus in us and when we read the word and put the word into effect in our daily lives we learn to
think and speak like Jesus, as scripture says, imitate him in everything. That includes saying the things the word says you are, a light to the world, a city on a hill.
A child learns to speak and do things by copying what his or her parents say and do. God says we are his children and as his little children who have never before known spiritual things, we now copy what we see Jesus doing and saying in scripture, we copy his acts, just like the apostles learned from him and imitated his actions, and sayings; and as we copy the words we see written down in scripture we also learn to say what the word says and to act on that word in faith. Faith is speaking out what God say you are, for after all it was him who created you, if he says ‘he’ decided before the world began that he would make you holy in his sight without a single fault or blemish,’ then you repeat those words aloud, speak them out in faith that it was your God, your own Father who made you holy, clean, spotless worthy, a saint, a victor in every battle. He made you a king in this world he made you righteous, he made you like Jesus in every way, and he made you sinless and pure. These are things that the word of God say about you, and the word of God is a two edged sword able to cut down the enemy with very little effort, for when the enemy comes around with condemnation in his words you can counter attack him immediately with those words, ‘there is no condemnation for me,’ get thee behind me.
1-Corinthians-2-16- The Way Bible
Now the spiritual man has insight into everything, and that bothers and baffles the man of this world, who can’t understand him at all. How could he? For, certainly he has never been one to know the lords thoughts or to discuss them with him, or move the hands of God by prayer. But strange as it seems, we Christians actually have within us a portion of the very thought and mind of Christ Jesus.
That is an awesome gift to have within us. This being so, it teaches us that we can change our thought patterns, to stop our wrong thinking and to stop the enemy from shoveling his evil thoughts into our ears. We actually have a portion of the mind of Christ, and that’s a whole lot better than having just our own mind. We have a supernatural mind inside us telling us how to think and act, and Christians rarely ask for that portion of mind to come alive within them, to surpass their human logic and thinking.
There is nothing you have in this world that God didn’t give you, you can’t even breath without him giving breath to you; and as a child of God, would it not please the Father greatly if we asked for his help in thinking like Jesus. God wants us to be successful in everything we do and think, so it stands to reason that he will give us what will help us think like Jesus thought.
And a clue to what Jesus thought when he was confronted by Satan himself; he thought of the word of scripture; that double edged sword, and used it against him, and Satan even tried distorting the word against Jesus but Jesus believed in the word and used it effectively against him and chased him off. We have been given the very same power and we have the portion of the mind of Jesus to help us think like he thought.
When it comes to the enemy Jesus used the word as a weapon against him. When Jesus spoke to the devil, the devil saw a double edged sword in Jesus mouth, he sees the spiritual side of this world that we don’t. Jesus used the authority that the word gave him to drive out demons and to heal the sick, to correct the wrong teachings of the scribes and Pharisees quoted. ‘He didn’t just quote scripture’ he used that weapon to chase Satan away. If Jesus used scripture against every temptation of the enemy by simply quoting it at him he would have got no where, but Jesus knew that the scriptures were a divine weapon a sword, the power of the living word, he used scripture as his weapon and Satan knew this and departed as soon as possible.
I hear many Christians saying and quoting scripture at the enemy and I watched as nothing happened, and I did that at the start also, but found no great power or authority in just quoting scripture. Satan just quoted scripture, and he distorted it, he didn’t have the right to use it as a sword of the spirit. I learned that the word of God when it went deep down into your spirit, it then became a living weapon, as my spirit perceived it, and believed it, and I knew it worked as I have used it against the enemy and won my battles, not all the time but most battles; and as I study to show myself approved, then the word is revealed to me with further enlightenment, to a greater more powerful depth. My faith in the word has grown from strength to strength over the years as I tested it and found it to be effective.
For an example in growing in power; In the beginning I used to pray with people and it took maybe a few hours of praying to get someone healed, now thirty five years later and more of the word of God in me and knowing it is real, it takes less than a moment to get most people healed and some are healed before I form the words out of my mouth, because God knows I believe in what I am about to say and they receive healing before I speak
And Jesus also requested the Father to – “make them pure and holy through teaching them your words of truth”-John-17-17- The Way Bible.
I learned from the word of God that God does not see us as the world sees us, he sees us as, forever perfect, spotless, clean, holy, a delight in whom he is well pleased and as precious jewels, and much, much more.
Hebrews -10-14 and Ephesians -1-4.
The ‘’words of the lord make us pure and holy, and forever perfect in God’s sight,’’ and now you know the words of truth. Many Christians do not know the word of truth, many Christians believe they are unworthy and sinners or sinners washed in the blood of the lamb. These words spoken over us, or by us keep many in bondage because these are not the words of scripture but are distorted by the enemy, like the words of scripture he quoted at Jesus when he tempted him. Satan got man to believe that he is still a sinner even after he accepted Jesus into his heart as lord and saviour and was washed in the precious blood of Jesus.
I have written in over a hundred of my books that we are ‘not sinners,’ we were, but are no longer sinners, because a sinner is going to hell, we are already seated in heaven, and standing in the place of highest privilege. Christ died for us while we were still sinners, {were means past tense} we are ‘actually standing now,’ today, in the place of highest privilege. The words of the enemy telling us we will never get into heaven is a downright lie because he knows better than us that we are already seated in heaven in the place of highest privilege in Christ Jesus joined together with him as one being. But you also need to have this hammered into the power filled sword, the more we know who and what we are fills the sword with a greater power when we wield it.
Romans-5-2- The Way Bible
For because of our faith, he has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand.
Because of your faith you have been brought into the place of highest privilege in heaven, now whilst still alive in your body, your spirit is there in heaven whilst still connected to you on earth, and you need to constantly declare from your mouth those words not the words of negativity, those words you speak have life in them.
If the enemy tells you, you will never get into heaven, swing your sword right at him by ‘speaking aloud’ you’re a liar, ‘I am already standing in the place of highest privilege,’ and that is beside the throne of God itself, my spirit is standing there right now even as I am alive on this earth. This is you fighting back with your sword, and that is the way that Jesus thinks because he is the one who made this all possible for you.
Romans 3-23-Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
23 since all have sinned and come short of earning God’s praise. 24 By God’s grace, without earning it, all are granted the status of being considered righteous before him, through the act redeeming us from our enslavement to sin that was accomplished by the Messiah Yeshua. {Jesus}
You may think that you are not worth all this but this is a lie spoken quietly into your little tiny ears, God made you worthy and you need to wield that sword constantly till your spiritual arms are falling off, every word of God is power added to your sword of the spirit, its like adding bullets to your guns.
The devil can say all he likes to your mind and if you don’t speak out a negative answer or if you don’t speak out and agree with him then, what he says dies stillborn and has no effect on you. But instead of just listening to him, strike out now before he gets more words into your mind, counter attack immediately and speak the word of God at him knowing now the word is your sword you can reply just as Jesus did with the sword in your mouth. There is power in your mouth, use it, before you are even attacked, use it every day practicing your
skills. So when you are attacked as you most certainly will, you can unleash a power against the enemy that will cause him to run from you in terror, Go and create havoc in the kingdom of the enemy, bring great Glory to God for doing all that he did for you and for giving you his own sword to use. Tear down strongholds with that sword and build the kingdom of God by releasing souls for God from the enemies grasp. Amen