The victors crown of righteousness

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The-Victor's Crown of Righteousness

The victor's crown of righteousness Mc Crossan


A crown of righteousness

Christians you have a robe of righteousness, a breastplate of righteousness, and now God has given the victor a crown of righteousness. How good is our God, to give these things to his children? Do you know that God spoils his children with gifts and more gifts? He gives us gifts from his Holy Spirit and gifts of righteousness, right standing with him; he gives us gifts of holiness. Gifts of love and gifts of blessings are given to us also. We God’s children are the best cared for people in the entire world, and we are spoiled rotten by our Father God.

2-Timothy 4:8 Amplified Bible

[As to what remains] henceforth there is laid up for me the [victor's] crown of righteousness [for being right with God and doing right], which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me and recompense me on that [great] day--and not to me only, but also to all those who have loved and yearned for and welcomed His appearing (His return).

Isn’t it awesome that there is a victor’s crown of righteousness laid up for me and one for you also?

God is so good to us, so much so, that we don’t even begin to realise how much he is devoted to us, and dotes on us. When I read of righteousness my hearts warms with emotion because I have seen how much love is poured out on me and it is all because God wants to pour out his love on me and I am so grateful, I get emotional with gratitude. Since I started writing this series on righteousness, I seen that righteousness is so important to God and to his children and seen how much he wants his children to know they are righteous, and it is his own personal righteousness that he gives us, and now in this little book I see that he even wants to put a crown on my head and your head also, and this makes me almost weep, thinking of how much my Father God loves me. I see in righteousness how much he reassures me that I am in right standing with him at all time and that righteousness never goes away from me; it never leaves me even if I sin, which I have less and less desire to do the more I read his wonderful word on righteousness. Such a blessing we have to have, God Almighty as our Father, the one who takes care of us so completely. In this book all I can do is express gratitude towards Him for choosing to make me and you righteous, and to make us Holy. And scripture said only God is holy, and yet scripture now also says we are holy, in his sight and it was him that made us Holy like himself. How awesome to be considered to be holy like God himself, and it was his decision to make us this way from before time even began—Ephesians -1-4-6. The enemy would have us think that we are not worth much in the sight of God but how wrong he is; his goal in this life is to keep us away from understanding righteousness and holiness. Righteousness is a precious gift and one to be used like all God’s gifts, and if you have read my other books on righteousness you will know how to use righteousness to glorify God. The word righteousness and righteous is used 501 times in the NIV Bible and that is a lot of


times for words to be used; and words are so important to God. These are his own words he speaks to us regarding righteousness and being righteous, and there are power in God’s words, they are not just words to read, but words that hold awesome power because these words draw you into a deeper awareness of God and his love for us. His words hold the world in place and hold the universe in it position by the word of his mouth, and his words say we are righteous, precious to him and perfect in his sight, and he chose you to represent him on this planet, to be his representative to others in this world and to hold the power of an ambassador for him.


Righteous Ambassadors

2-Corinthians-5:20 American-Standard-Version

We are ambassadors therefore on behalf of Christ, as though God were entreating by us: we beseech you on behalf of Christ, be ye reconciled to God.

What a privilege to be made an ambassador for God, that is why it is so important to know your exact position in Christ Jesus, to know that you are righteous before your God at all times. An ambassador holds the position of great importance he has been chosen by his king or government to represent himself, or the country.

Righteousness has granted us those privileges, to be counted worthy of serving God as a friend and companion. I no longer call you servants says the lord but friends.


I do not call you servants (slaves) any longer, for the servant does not know what his master is doing (working out). But I have called you my friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father. [I have revealed to you everything that I have learned from Him.]

No longer servants but friends of God. I wish that Christian teachers and preachers and church leaders would take time out and just study righteousness in its entirety and then teach their flocks the awesomeness of righteousness before God.

God says; “my people perish through lack of knowledge.” They don’t perish because they don’t have gifts or because they don’t love enough, they perish because of a lack of teaching, about whom they are, and what they are, and what power they have. Righteousness is a key to the kingdom of God and it is a key that opens up the lords treasure chest that he has for us in heaven, and also opens us up to our condition in heaven. Knowing who we are and that we are righteous in the sight of God is the secrete that will give us tremendous power in the heavenly realms and is the best awareness that we could have; because, when you know that you are righteous, then you have no problem believing that you are holy, spotless and clean in the sight of your creator.

Knowledge is power, to know your heavenly position before God and before the enemy gives you the confidence to first draw close to God and then resist the enemy when he attacks, and he will have to flee every time in terror as scripture tells us. God says the earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and results. That means the man or woman who believes they are not righteous shall not have their prayers readily answered.

To know that you are righteous gives you awareness that you are also holy, and that you are seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus and that Jesus is also in you, along with the Father and Holy Spirit. If you can’t believe for righteous then you will not believe that Jesus lives inside you and you will believe even less that you are filled with the God head, the Father Son and Holy Spirit. How could you believe that you are not righteous and believe that you are seated in heaven, and standing in that place of highest privilege, it’s impossible to believe that the Godhead is in you if you can’t even believe for righteousness?

Why is so important to believe that we are righteous, surely it doesn’t matter to God what we think?

Of course it matters to God how you think, he sent his Son into this evil world to bring Salvation to you, and along with Salvation came the blessed gift of righteousness, both arrived in you simultaneously. The instant you were reborn you received Salvation and righteousness together. Both were purchased by the blood of his precious Son Jesus, he paid a terrible price, not only on the cross but afterwards in hell where he was separated from his Father for eternity, there is no time in hell, hell is in eternity, that’s why, what Jesus suffered was worse by far, than any scourging and crucifixion; to be in hell for eternity was beyond anything we could ever imagine.

To be separated from your Holy Father God for eternity was agonising, no human being can ever imagine that horror; and then to be surrounded every moment by evil faces hating and despising you and tormenting you about your father is beyond anything we human beings can comprehend, it is too far removed from our human thinking to understand what Jesus really wentthrough;and this was allso thatyou could bedeclared righteousand given rightstanding before your father in heaven and it was only Jesus death that gave you that place of highest honour of sitting at the right hand of the Father in Heaven. And that is why it is so important to believe and declare and give thanks and praise to God from a heart that is truly filled with gratitude, it is only in acknowledging and believing the extent that God put his son through for us that makes us grateful fully understanding the awesome thing he done giving us Salvation and righteousness together. Understanding righteousness and all it is and does, is the most significant things that our God done for us his children, for without righteousness there would be no children of God, there would be no Salvation, there would be nothing to look forward to but condemnation and hell, but we have a loving Father God who did give us salvation and righteousness through his Son Jesus.

Knowing that you are righteous should make you more aware of how much he done for you and should help you give him praise and worship with a deeper awareness of his great love when you come before him and take time out with him. Share with others what you have found out about in righteousness share with other people, spread God’s holy gospel. Amen

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