The Things we see’’
Brendan Mc Crossan Copright@25-01-2019
In this book there are many things the Christian does not see or hear taught in churches; herein are 17 little teachings you may never see or hear, that will bless you in many ways?
Brendan Mc Crossan
The things we see and those things we do not see; let your searchlight shine into your divine word to enlighten our spiritual eyes.
1- beneath the water
6- The unseen God
7- There are no instructions for the married couple
13- Are you being robbed of a blessing?
15- You’re children are promised salvation.
20-Finding the graces and blessings the wonderful promises from God to you his child
21- But God is so rich in mercy; he loved us so much
23- Stay there
27 Baptized for the dead,
31- Joined together with and in Jesus we are ‘’God’s’’
44- What does it mean to ‘’join,’’ in ‘’union’’ to Jesus and what benefit does it have for us who belong to him?
45- Healed by his wounds
48- They blame God for everything wrong
49- I assure you, believers
55- We have been adopted to sonship by God our heavenly Father
56- As ‘’you believe,’’ ‘’your expectations’’
61- Angels
17 little books that will bless you, and teach you that there is more to your bible than you may have been taught up until now
Beneath the water
Beneath the water there are hidden rocks that boats do not see, but the light from the lighthouse lets them know there is danger, so do not come near. Jesus is the light of the world, he is the way the truth and the light, he warns you of hidden rocks; [spiritual and physical danger] there is a kingdom that we do not see, it is very dangerous not knowing or understanding that this kingdom is there.
This is a kingdom that existed before mankind inhabited the earth, that kingdom is governed by evil beings. Those beings are filled with such hatred and malice they can’t help wanting to destroy us, the children of Almighty God. Those evil beings are led by one mighty fallen angel, w ho still has the power to change his appearance into something beautiful like he was before; but it is only temporary He cannot stay beautiful, for his very nature argues against his distortion of beauty; his evil corrupt nature brings him right back into ugliness once again for this is his fallen nature. Evil is his persona and evil is his intentions towards humanity, and those beneath him are just as malevolent as he is
These legions of fallen angels, who were once heavenly beings created by God beautiful beyond anything on this earth, but when they rebelled against God they were thrown out of God’s kingdom, and as they were entering the earth’s dimensions they were changed into the evil vacillating beings that now exist.
It must have been a terrible shock to them when they realized that coming against God in whom they thought they had enough power in their leader, only to find out that their creator had more power over them by the power of his word. Then to see themselves once beautiful shining beings with tremendous power stripped of everything and stripped of their beauty.
And they blame mankind for what happened to them, for the angels were told to serve mankind. Lucifer, the leader of the angelic beings, was horrified to think that he the most
beautiful of heavens creation was being reduced to be a servant to Gods new creation. Mere hu man beings who had no power, nothing at all, now reduced to invisible to these new creatures that God made, and this is the only thing that delighted them, for how horrific they now look.
But this new creation was beginning to cause God problems, and the son of God, Jesus Christ, ca me down to earth to begin life as a baby. Then as an adult he now began to show these humans how to rescind their sins if they accept him as ‘’lord of their lives.’’ By him going unto an altar to be a sacrifice for them, so that God would restore these human beings back to himself the way he first created them; Spirit beings like himself: And now these evil beings were doing everything frantically trying to have these new creations killed before Jesus saved them on that cross. in ‘’hell their new kingdom,’’ he even challenged their leader Lucifer, now renamed Satan, the devil, and destroyed him by the ‘’word of his mouth,’’ in doing so he smash ed all these fallen beings by stripping them off their former glory by stripping them of every power and authority they once had, now left cringing in fear, terrified that he would destroy them forever by putting them into the pit of fire, but Jesus had compassion even on these evil creatures after parading them before heaven he sent them back on to the earth; their power over mankind taken away.
Now they were defenseless against ‘’humans saved by grace,’’ but they have one thing to their advantage, and that was they were invisible to humans, so they could try and win them over by their crude, vile suggestions, the whispering in their ears despicable things, their hatred was directed mainly against those ‘’born again ones,’’ but also ‘’all of mankind,’’ because these born again spirit filled ones were finding out that they had power and authority over them whether they could see them or not.
For now God’s Holy Spirit entered the affray for he joined himself together with Jesus in these born again ones, because ‘he’ could see those evil spirit beings; for he himself is a spirit, though a greater spirit than all of them combined, because it was through his power that Jesus as a man, hanging dying on that cross, without his heavenly Godly power was nothing; except that he had the Holy Spirit within him when he received his baptism at the Jordan River by John. For the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended upon Jesus, on that day; then on the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was sent down to the apostles, and everyone gathered there in that upper room, where all received the Holy Spirit in tongues of fire.
Then they went about preaching about Jesus and salvation, having those new believers filled with the same Holy Spirit that Jesus had, as they proceeded to witness about our ‘’salvation through Jesus,’’ and the ‘’Holy Spirits’’ offer to fill them with supernatural gifts and powers, and especially ‘’tongues.’’
The only gift that these born again ones had to use at their discretion, was the gift of ‘’tongues;’ ’ all the rest of the gifts have to be operated through the Holy Spirits guidance; but tongues are the only gift that has been given to us to use anytime we wished to pray. For ‘’we do not know how to pray or to pray as we should’’ but the Holy Spirit prays through us to the father and he knows what the spirit is saying.’’
26 And in the same way—by our faith—the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don’t even know what we should pray for nor how to pray as we should, but the Holy Spirit prays for us with
Romans 8:26 Living Bible (TLB)
such feeling that it cannot be expressed in words.
As previously said, the devil didn’t realize that Jesus now had the Holy Spirit within him, and at the instant of death he changed back into his glorious position as God the creator, and filled with the Holy Spirits power he executed Gods plans; and going down to hell he, with the Holy Spirits power within him defeated forever the ‘’devil, Satan, Lucifer,’’ his many new names; he and his associates were all conquered and left ‘’powerless forever,’’ and then he took those defeated foes before his father in heaven and paraded them around heaven in their ugliness for all to see. What a humiliation, to be seen as they are now by their former comrades, ugly despicable, powerless, a shame on them, everyone of them felt this shame and degrading feeling, and so they boiled over in anger against God’s human creation, and after their humiliation they were thrown back down to the earth to stay there defeated by Jesus, and through his power of his Holy Spirit, until their time is over then it is the fiery pit forever.
And even worse for them, most of these born again people have the ‘’same Holy Spirit’’ in them that Jesus had. These evil beings are unseen by us, but now seen by Gods Holy Spirit who lives, and is through every pore in our body and spirit, completely filling us with his spirit, Jesus and the Father God in the Godhead.
We are an awesome creation and visible to the human and spiritual eyes, now these spirit beings are terrified that we find out our true natures, visible or invisible they cannot compete against the born again ‘’spirit filled Christian who has the ‘’Godhead’’ in them.’’
They are not invisible to their creator; he still sees them now in their new state of blackness! And the spirit of God has given us one of the most important gifts of the nine gifts that he gives, and that is the ‘’gift of discernment,’’ the gift of being able to see into the spiritual world.
This gift along with the other eight are available to every Christian who ‘’earnestly desires’’ to have the best of these gifts, and God says to seek the gifts for ourselves and he meant ‘’all’’ the gifts.’’ but the ones we need mostly for our battle against demonic beings is the gift of discernm ent so that we can see those invisible beings, and defeat them by commanding them to get out
of people, by casting them out in the name of Jesus;. For ‘’at the ‘’name of Jesus’’ every knee must bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is lord.’’
Philippians 2:10 King James Version (KJV)
10 That at the ‘’name of Jesus’’ every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
Every demonic spirit, every sickness or disease must bow, bend the knee, leave immediately.
His name is he himself, in spiritual form, spoken out of your mouth, for he is as far away as your mouth is; and he is the same now, as he was then!
Hebrews 13:8 Living Bible (TLB)
8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
These evil ugly beings enter people through their sins or through an accident, anything that opens a person up to fear, and it is only through the power of the Holy Spirits gifts that you the believer will see these things like I have many times. To give you an example how crafty these beings are I will share with you this one time scenario.
A member of our praise and worship group asked for prayer as she felt something in her trying to get her to do and say certain things.
As we prayed with her the Holy Spirit showed me a spirit like a centipede coming out of her mouth, screaming to me I’m going, I’m going’’ as I commanded it to get out in Jesus name, and to let me know when it is out. And it finally said ‘’I am out,’’ expecting us to finish joyfully and leave it at that. But it didn’t know I could see it coming out, but then staying on this ladies lip,
and then it began to go back in again up her nose, before I commanded it again to get out, and stay out in the powerful name of Jesus, and screaming it left her disappearing up, and going out the window.
This thing tried to get us to believe it had gone, but thankfully the Holy Spirits gift of discernment showed me it was craftily trying to get back into her. The things we see and the things we do not see.
The unseen God
Colossians 1 Living Bible (TLB)
15 Christ is the exact likeness of the unseen God. He existed before God made anything at all, an d, in fact, 16 Christ himself is the Creator who made everything in heaven and earth, the *thing s* we can see and the *things* we can’t;* the ‘’spirit world’’ with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities; all were made by Christ for his own use and glory. 17 He was before all else began and it is his power that holds everything together. 18 He is the Head of the body made up of his people—that is, his Church—which he began; and he is the Leader of all those who arise from the dead, so that he is first in everything; 19 for God wanted all of himself to be in his Son.
This scripture is telling us that Jesus Christ is the creator of everything that exists; if he is in us ‘’a s creator’’ then he can restore everything that has been distorted by the enemy, because it is ‘’h is power that holds everything together.’’
16 Christ himself is the Creator who made everything in heaven and earth, the things we can see and the things we can’t;
This is an important scripture for it separated the *things* we see, and the *spirit world with its demonic spiritual beings.* There are many things that we do not see; for instance we cannot see the microscopic things in say, ‘’water,’’ or in other things like the food we eat. But these things Jesus is talking about are what we cannot see and on another time I will explain what
these things are. But let’s go on about the demonic beings that we cannot see. *The spirit world with its kings and kingdoms, its rulers and authorities; all were made by Christ for his own use and glory.*
We Christians have power and authority over these evil beings including their master Satan; Jesus gave us his own authority over these beings and it is appropriated by faith in his word. And because he gave us power and authority over these beings, he told us to go out into the entire world, and ‘’preach the gospel;’’ ‘’heal the sick,’’ ‘’cast out demons’’ and explain how to get into heaven.
Jerry Adams the head of the Provisional IRA, said one time just after a ceasefire; ‘’they haven’t gone away you know,’’ and ‘’demons and evil spirits’’ ‘’haven’t gone away you know,’’ they have just learned to be quiet and keep hidden in today’s world and encourage the young people to commit suicide and to have gang sex, and all sorts of sexual acts including on public TV shows, and all sorts of pervasions, going on in public places, with young people having no moral guidelines. If you wish to see evil in its human acts, watch some of those TV shows where they sleep with each other, and have sex as they do, and you will see that evil is still here they haven’t gone away you know! Most of the songs they sing are about sex or some other revolting act or another, and are not worth repeating.
I heard one of my four year old grandchildren sing one of those songs and his mother did not know he was singing about having sex and neither did he, but it shows us what is being poured out through the air waves.
One such song I heard or didn’t really hear. Was when we were having a prayer meeting that night and as I faintly heard music coming from my boy’s room above the room we were in, I went up to their bedroom and my youngest sons had a tape recording on and I told him to get that off as there was something evil about this song. All my children who had gathered outside his room said, ‘’dad you’re going mad with all this religion.’’ Next day I brought all my children to hear his song on my music centre. And as we listened to it I was able to slow it down without distorting the sound, and this song told the listener to commit suicide and then send for the ambulance, which I could distinctly heard like a person’s words and they were like this, phewh, phewh, phewh, you know the sounds an ambulance siren makes; then I again heard the words clearer now, saying, ‘’take an overdose,’’ ‘’take an overdose,’’ then send for the ambulance at just the very last second so that they could bring you round with their electric pads, some obviously would never make it that far, but what an evil song to have our children listen to, and some of today’s songs are about having sex in perverted ways, you need to listen to what your young children are listening to. Carefully scrutinize everything they are downloading and listening to.
There are no instructions for the married couple
Last night I had a dream about God creating us showing me how much love he poured into us. For he made us flesh and blood creatures, and also spirit beings, but as flesh and blood creatures he designed us that we should have pleasure in our private lower parts. He could have just designed us to have a moment’s sex without pleasure for procreation purposes, but he didn’t, he designed us that we would have beautiful pleasure from our intimate relationships ; and he decided that we should share these feelings with our husband and wives.
They were not to be misused by those who were not involved as husband and wife. But still those sexual feelings are with everyone in this world he created. The more I thought about it the more I understood how much love he poured into us when he decided to make us with pleasurable parts; and these parts were also designed to flush out the excess fluids from our bodies, and he made them equally to be ‘’pleasure points.’’ What a God he is to give us these aw esome pleasures in our lives, ‘’especially between a husband and wife,’’ as these pleasures draw a husband and wife more intimate, and closer and closer, to become one flesh. They were not for men to men, or women to women, this was Satan distorting this glorious gift from God, making this glorious gift, a means of sinning, Sex is a demonstration of Love between a man and a woman; sadly Satan has twisted God’s gift, to have men and women doing foul things with each other, and that is what the word of God says about it, it is not love for God, for God is love and his love is in us all, pure without distortion. You cannot say that homosexual acts are acts of love, for God condemns these things in his word; it is a perversion, and cannot be truly love, it may feel like love to them who do these things, but it cannot be, because as I said, ‘’God is love’’ and God is not for these sexual acts; as he condemns them, and he never changes his word. He created marriage for the procreation of having children from their relationship. A homosexual cannot have children from their relationships whether it is between two men or between two women. Here is what the word says about it, this is not just me saying these things, I have nothing against homosexuals, and as far as I am concerned ‘’God loves them ‘’but hate their sin just as he hates all kind of sin.
Romans 1Living Bible (TLB)
The result was that their foolish minds became dark and confused.
22 Claiming themselves to be wise without God, they became utter fools instead. 23 And then, instead of worshiping the glorious, ever-living God, they took wood and stone and made idols for themselves, carving them to look like mere birds and animals and snakes and puny men.
24 So God let them go ahead into every sort of sex sin, and do whatever they wanted to—yes,
vile and sinful things with each other’s bodies.
Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they ‘’deliberately chose to believe lies.’’ So they prayed to the things God made, but wouldn’t obey the blessed God who made these things.
26 That is why God let go of them and let them do all these evil things, so that even their ‘’women turned against God’s natural plan for them’’ and ‘’indulged in sex sin with each other.’’ 27 And the ‘’men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with ‘’lust’’ for each other,’’ men doing ‘’shameful things’’
*with other men* and, as a result, getting paid within their own souls with the penalty they so richly deserved.
So it was, that when they gave God up and would not even acknowledge him, God gave them up to doing everything their evil minds could think of. 29 Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness and sin, of greed and hate, envy, murder, fighting, lying, bitterness, and gossip.
30 They were backbiters, haters of God, insolent, proud, braggarts, always thinking of new ways of sinning and continually being disobedient to their parents. 31 They tried to misunderstand, brok e their promises, and were heartless—without pity. 32 They were fully aware of God’s death penalty for these crimes, yet they went right ahead and did them anyway and encouraged others to do them, too.
’ 27 Men, instead of having normal sex relationships with women, burned with ‘’lust’’ for each other,’’ *men doing ‘’shameful things’’ *with other men* is what God calls what they are doing. Lust not love, this is the massive difference between them.
This is what God calls their sex acts, ‘’evil,’’ ‘’vile, sinful shameful thing,’’ and his word says they ‘’burned with lust’’ for each other. He does not call what they are doing an ‘’act of love’’ bu t ‘’of lust, vile, sinful, and shameful.’’ A husband can sometimes‘’ lust’’ for his ‘’wife and desire her for sex only to salve his lusting’’ and not be concerned about how she is feeling, or even if she is ill, and not up to just having sex for sex purposes only. And it is one sided, and not in agreement with his wife and that is sinful, and hurtful against a wife who always gives her husband his lovemaking, even if it a quickie.
Sex is a gift from God; it is supposed to be an act of love between a husband and wife. Here is something for wives to know.
A wife may give her husband what’s called a wee And keep him satisfied and feeling close to her, it will probably take but a few minutes, but a few minutes giving the love of her life a quickie, will keep Satan away from tempting him with lust for other women, a satisfied husband will rarely stray away.
Quickie} = {something that is done hurriedly, especially a ‘’hurried act of sex’’ or a speedily consumed alcoholic drink; dictionary.}
There is ‘’no sexual sin involved between a husband and a wife,’’ God gave no instructions between a husband and wife once they entered into sexual relations, a husband and wife can make love ‘’anywhere,’’ anytime, ‘’any way’’ they like, as long as it is agreeable between them
. There is nothing in the word about a husband and wife except to say they should only ‘’stop having sex for a spiritual reason,’’ and then ‘’return to it’’ in case the devil gets at you because you stopped.
I have never thought that God decided to make us with these sensitive areas to give pleasure between a husband and a wife. I realized as I lay there after I awoke thinking over all that God had done in creating us to have sex in our lives, making love so agreeable between husband and wife, a wonderful means of sharing their emotions as one body in this sex act. During the sex act a husband and wife become one body. These are ‘’things we see and don’t see at the same time’’ for most of us don’t consider how loving God is to us by giving us these sensitive pleasurable areas. Have you ever given God thanks for his gift of lovemaking?
Proverbs 19Expanded Bible (EXB)
14 Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a ·’’wise [insightful wife is a gift from the Lord.’’
Your ‘’wife is a gift from the lord himself;’’ a boyfriend to boyfriend, girlfriend to girlfriend is not a gift, but a curse.
Proverbs 18:22-New English Translation
The one who finds a wife finds what is ‘’enjoyable,’’ and receives a ‘’pleasurable’’ ‘’gift from the Lord.’’
A wife is a ‘’*pleasurable’’ gift from God himself* and is a joy to behold; she will pour out love upon you, she will be a ‘’nurse’’ for you when you are ill, she will be an ‘’accountant’’ for you when needed. She will be like a ‘’hooker’’ a ‘’sexy woman’’ for you. She will enhance herself for the man’s pleasure; she may dress up in sexy clothing, or have nothing on underneath her dressing gown, demonstration to the husband a night of ‘’pleasure for him or for both of them.’ ’ ‘’She is a gift of pleasure,’’ she is many things during their married life; she will be a wife, a mo m, she will be a doctor, or as I said a nurse, depending on the situation. Look at how many things a woman does, she ‘’cooks’’ for you, she ‘’cleans’’ the home for you, she does ‘’your
washing,’’ ’she makes a ‘’house a home’’ for you, and many more things; she is a pleasurable gift from God for you, and the lord highlighted this in the previous scripture. She is an ‘enjoyable gift from our loving father. She is not to be used for anything, she is equal with you; she is not a slave or a prostitute to be paid for services rendered, she is to be loved as a man loves his own body, and that is to be loved just like Jesus loves her, and loves the man also.
‘’Have you ever considered your own wife like these ways?’’ Or do you see her as a pain in the backside because she goes on about you doing things that could cause you hurt; she is
nagging you, ‘you say,’ to ‘’stop drinking,’’ for drinking can lead to be a source of evil Many good marriages have been destroyed through the man or woman getting drunk.
The truth is a wife will never nag you if you treat her with love all the time, and *put her first* in your life, and putting her first means that she in return will put you first. A man who drinks until he gets drunk is a selfish man, or has a problem with alcohol and needs help if only he could see that.
A wife is a pleasurable gift from God she will keep you warm on the cold nights, she will talk to you sharing the day’s happenings with the kid’s school times, and it is important to give her a break now and then by booking a holiday for her and you together without kids, a romantic holiday. Her with you, no
Ephesians 5King James Version (KJV)
21 Submitting yourselves ‘’one to another’’ in the fear of God;
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 24
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 Tha t he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loves his wife loves himself.
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourishes and cherishes it, even as the Lord the church: 30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be ‘’joined unto his wife,’’ and ‘’they ‘two’ shall be
one flesh.’’
32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let every
one of you in particular so ‘’love his wife even as yourself;’’ and the ‘’wife see that she reverence her husband.’’
This is how to walk in love one for another! In these days most women even though they may be Christian are not willing to be subject to their husbands therefore they are in truth disobedient to God’s word, and ‘’so they sin.’’ Now God didn’t create a woman to be just subjected to her husband, to have to agree with everything he says and does, because she also has the mind of Christ knowing right from wrong. So she must be obedient in the works
of God in him, he also must abide in her words to him Love should guide everything they say and do. A Christian husband and wife must seriously seek the lord for his directions in all things concerning him, and her; with his wife being obedient to the instructions that God gives ‘’her,’’ p lus ‘’her ‘husband’ in prayer,’’ and so they will be blessed in all things. God didn’t mean that your husband should demand that you go to a dirty movie or other worldly sinful things, and so be subjected to his wrong doings, but only in things of spiritual leading.
A good Christian wife knows right from wrong, and this is a touchy subject in today’s western world. Yet in many Eastern countries a wife must obey her husband in all things no matter what it is, and this is not in following the directions from God or his Holy Spirit. If she does not obey her husband, then the men in the village may subject her to a beating.
A wife is a pleasurable gift from God. Have you even considered giving thanks to God for this awesome gift, and I thought that healing and miracles are the most important gifts. Yet there she stands holding on to her husband loving him in everything, even if he is caught doing very bad things, it does not stop the heart from loving, even though it may hurt for a long time especially if the thing he did was serious enough for jail. Many a mother still loved her son after he or she was jailed for murder; love didn’t stop there at the jail gates, love continued on though; of course the heart broke with the pain of what her child done. Have you thanked God for this awesome gift?
Sirach 26:14-Good News Translation
A wife who doesn't talk too much is a gift from the Lord Such restraint is *admirable beyond words.*
I’m saying nothing about this scripture in case any women are reading this. Lol
Proverbs 19:14-Amplified Bible
House and wealth are the inheritance from fathers, *But a wise, understanding, and sensible w
*gift and blessing*] *from the Lord.*
A wise wife is a blessing from God and should be appreciated as his gift to you her husband; you should stand proud of your beautiful gift. If you treat her as Jesus treats her, loving her eternally as a wonderful gift from God to you, for he picks the perfect partner for you, then you will be blessed.
Are you being robbed of a blessing
I hear in different churches of ‘’tithing and offerings,’’ {offerings are separate from tithing! it is giving in ‘excess’ of ten percent of your finances.} possibly saying they are they for the new roof or building works, or for some other work for the church. No! Tithing is supposed to be given to the lord, for then he will direct the money towards whatever it is he wishes to have done.
Yes money is used for the church, but the church leaders must have it in their hearts that this m oney belongs to the lord, and if he tells you to give it away say, to another church, will you leaders do that? If not then the tithing is for you, no matter what it may be that the church needs fixing. Tithing is for the lord first, then using his gift; he will direct you to fix that leaking roof, or to give it away without a single thought to the contrary. Tithing in a church that does not considered it as a gift for God, then that offering and tithes is of no value at all, for God does not bless this gift. As he says in the following word; he considers it robbing him! This scripture says we rob God in ‘both tithes and offerings,’ as I already said if your ‘’tithes or offerings’’ are not going to God, then God considers it robbing him, he says this, and not me the writer Malachi 3 King James Version (KJV)
‘’I’’ will ‘’rebuke the devourer for your sakes,’’ and he shall ‘’not destroy’’ the ‘’fruits of your ground;’’ neither shall your vine ‘’cast her fruit before the time in the field,’’ saith the L
8 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say wherein have we robbed thee? ‘’In tithes and offerings.’’ 9 Ye are *cursed with a curse:* for ye have *robbed me,** even this whole nation * 10 Bring ye ‘’all the tithes into the storehouse,’’ that there may be ‘’meat in mine house,’’ and ‘’pr ove me now herewith,’’ ‘’saith the Lord of hosts,’’ if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and ‘’pour you out a blessing,’’ that there shall not be room enough to receive it. 11 And
12 And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts
This scripture has been translated by God to a holy man, ‘’Charles Hunter’’ of the ‘’Hunter ministries’’ who experienced awesome miracles from God, and he said, God showed him the meaning behind this scripture, that ‘’he God’’, ‘’will not allow the devourer, {the devil} to destroy you,’’ and he will not destroy the fruits of your ground, and the fruits of your ground mean the ‘works’ you do for him, and ‘your ‘vine’ shall ‘not cast her fruit,’ that is your children shall have their time with the lord in service.
ord of hosts.
A future son in law of mine; a Bible theologian, when he went to my computer room saw a pile of my books sitting there, he introduced himself saying he was my daughters new boyfriend [now husband] then he looked at my books, he lifted up one of my books, and began criticizing it, and said this is ‘’not true about tithing,’’ that it was for the ‘’Old Testament,’’ and not for the new. But he almost passed out for he was a Calvinist, when I showed him scripture from the ‘’New Testament,’’ when Jesus was talking to the scribes and Pharisees, and he told them; ‘’ yes you should tithe,’ for you tithe to the mint leaf. He had to agree with me when I showed him this scripture and more on tithing in the New Testament; he apologized and said you are right I have been so wrong. I have had many talks about scripture with him over the years and showed him gems in the word which he didn’t know; he also showed me new things in scripture that I didn’t know.
Matthew 23:23-Living Bible
“Yes, woe upon you, Pharisees, and you other religious leaders—hypocrites; ‘’for you tithe down to the last mint leaf in your garden, ’’ but ignore the important things—‘’justice and mercy and faith.’’ ‘’Yes, you should tithe,’’ but you shouldn’t leave the more important things undone
God said something that holds great significance, and a promise to prevent the devourer {the devil} from killing you and also promising to protect your children and your children’s children. He also said to get him to prove himself, imagine the audacity of men to not believe the words of Almighty God. I used to think that this scripture meant that God would give you money for your tithing, but it does not say that at all, it says, ‘’I will pour you out a ‘’blessing,’’ that you *w on’t even have room to receive it.* God promises us a blessing not money, a blessing covers everything you could ever desire. I personally would rather have God’s blessing than money. ‘’prove me now herewith,’’ ‘’saith the Lord of hosts,’’ if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and ‘’pour you out a blessing,’’ that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Just imagine that this challenge is from the Lord God Almighty, and he is challenging you to make him prove his word. *Prove me herewith* make me prove myself!* what a statement to make to an unbelieving people. ‘’Make me prove myself herewith;’’ think of this deeply. Almigh ty God who made all creation including us, says ‘’make me prove myself.’’ This is some statement for the God of all creation to challenge us to make him do something. ‘’Make me prove myself’’ and if you are correct then I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, so that you will not even have enough to receive it all. What a challenge for God, who does not have to answer to mankind to make; he leaves himself vulnerable, only love does these kinds of things, anger would make me wipe these people out. He wants them to make him prove that he is right. This is a bit like Lucifer when he challenged God with the
prospect of taking over heaven, by throwing God out; but he didn’t realize that God created him and every rebellious angel and spirit by the word of his mouth, and it was but ‘’by a word,’’ that Lucifer and all those rebellious angels were cast out down to earth. Never challenge God he will win every
You’re children are promised salvation.
It is a wonderful thing to know that when we give our lives over to the lord at salvation, there is more involved in this act, for not only does God promise to give you salvation, {get you into heaven} he also promises to save ‘’your’’ ‘’children’ and ‘’their children also.’’ This is not preached in many churches that I know of, or if it is even preached at all during an altar call, but it is here in black and white for you to see for yourselves, this is an amazing God that we serve! Here are some scriptures that explain themselves, I do not have to write trying to explain anything in these scriptures, and the word of the living God is in every line.
Psalm-103-17– living bible
The loving kindness of the Lord is from ‘’everlasting to everlasting,’’ to those who reverence him; • His salvation is to ‘’children’s children’’ of those who are faithful to him and his covenant, and remember to obey him
In this scripture God makes a promise to those who are ‘’faithful to him,’’ and ‘’reverence him,’ ’ see him as a ‘’Holy God, ’’ a ‘’sovereign God’’ who just desires to be held in great respect and in love. Here in this scripture, and the scriptures are the living word of God, they remain forever and forever, they never change, so if you reverence him, worship him in awe of his awesome love for us his children, then this promise is for you; his ‘’salvation,’’ and ‘’salvation simply means getting into heaven is for you.’’ And he also promises to bring ‘’your children’’ and ‘’gra
ndchildren’’ into heaven for you.
His promise is to your children and to your children’s children!
In the Old Testament God promised that he would cleanse the hearts of you, your children, and your children’s children; has that promise changed at all since then? NO! That promise carried on into the New Testament through the Psalms, because the Psalms were brought into the ‘’New Testament by God’’ for the scriptures say, Quoting Psalms and singing sacred songs
Ephesians 5:19-Living Bible……..Talk with each other much about the Lord, ‘’quoting psalms’’ a nd ‘’hymns’’ and ‘’singing sacred songs,’’ making music in your hearts to the Lord
The Psalms for the most of them were sacred songs, and so we are encouraged to sing out these songs and sacred promises, so these Psalms were introduced into the ‘’New Testament’’ b y Jesus himself!
Luke 20:41-44-The Message…..Then he put a question to them: “How is it that they say that the Messiah is David’s son? In the ‘’Book of Psalms,’’ David clearly says, God said to my Master, “Sit here at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.” “David here designates the Messiah as ‘my Master’ so how can the Messiah also be his ‘son’?”
In this scripture it is Jesus himself who is the one who clearly quotes from the book of psalms so therefore making it a portion of the New Testament; do you think Jesus knew what he was doing when he quoted these words? Yes Jesus was God and knew exactly what it was he was quoting from.
Luke 24:44-Living Bible……Then he said, “When I was with you before, don’t you remember my telling you that everything written about me by Moses and the prophets and in ‘’the Psalms’’ m ust all come true?”
Jesus said here in this scripture which is obviously a New Testament scripture, that everything written about him; and he was the one in his ‘Godhead’ who promised that his word in the psalms were true and quotes them himself, about himself. And who said as God, his promises go to ‘’children’s children’’ of those who love him. Here are some more Psalms for you to read and to judge for yourself if the psalms are indeed introduced into the New Testament by none other than Jesus himself and then quoted by the apostles afterwards.
The psalms
Colossians 3:16-Living Bible Remember what Christ taught, and let his words enrich your lives and make you wise; teach them to each other and sing them out in ‘’psalms’’ and ‘’hy mns and spiritual songs, singing to the Lord with thankful hearts
Hebrews 2:12-Living Bible…..For he says in the book of Psalms, “I will talk to my brothers about God my Father, and together we will sing his praises.”
James 5:13-King James Version……Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray. Is any merry? Let him sing psalms.
Colossians 3:16 New International Version…..Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you ‘’teach’’ and ‘’admonish’’ ‘one another’ with all wisdom through ‘’psalms,’’ hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.
Romans 3:4 Living Bible Of course not! Though everyone else in the world is a liar, God is not Do you remember what the book of Psalms says about this? That God’s words will always prove true and right, no matter who questions them.
Acts 1:20 New International Version…..“For,” said Peter, “it is written in the Book of Psalms: “‘M ay his place be deserted; let there be no one to dwell in it,’ and, “‘May another take his place of
Of course talking about Judas
Let’s get back to the promises from the Old Testament.
Deuteronomy-30-6–living bible
He will– cleanse • your hearts• and the hearts of • your children• – and of your children's children.
Is this promise any more profound than the ones promised in the book of psalms?
Especially now that we know Jesus died for all mankind, from the beginning until the end, is this mercy not covering those in the old Testament as well as those in the future, has he not cleansed our hearts and our children’s hearts and our grandchildren’s hearts also, through to the end of time; has not Jesus already fulfilled this sacred promise. ‘’Salvation is already predetermined, forgiveness has already been established, all one has to do to receive it is to ‘’believe’’ what Jesus done for us all!
I have people tell me that every human being has to make their own choice, ‘’for God or not,’’ a nd so you cannot promise people that their children will be saved, get into heaven. But they do not understand. I promise people and their children or grandchildren ‘’NOTHING!’’ It is ‘’Almigh ty God’’ who promises these things, I have no power to get people into heaven, I’m not God but he is, and his word is true and not only that, because he is God he can do what he wants. Think of the scripture about the ‘’potter and the clay,’’ the potter who is God can turn the clay into pots, cups, plates, or bedpans, whatever he desires, it is his clay so he can do what he wants with it, and the same is for our God, he can do what he likes with us, and our children and grandchildren.
Something these theologians have forgotten is Jesus died for ‘’everyone’s sins’’ past, present, and future sins; *yours, your children, and your grandchildren;* and all a person has to do to achieve heaven is to ‘’believe,’’ as one scripture says, also another scripture tells us that our ‘’c hildren and grandchildren’’ will be saved. Now the question I wish to ask is Jesus sacrifice real? Is it there for ‘’our children,’’ is it there for ‘’our grandchildren,’’ also? ‘’Jesus died once and for all.’’ This was for ‘’all time,’’ as I have plainly said before. He died for ‘’all,’’ not just those in the New Testament; it was for those in the past since creation, for those in the present, also for those in the future, did his act of love not cover ‘’everyone in all of creation,’’ if so, then our children and grandchildren will get into heaven because of him.
Isaiah 45:9-Good News Translation….[The Lord of Creation and History] Does a clay pot dare argue with its maker, a pot that is like all the others? Does the clay ask the potter what he is doing? Does the pot complain that its maker has no skill?
Isaiah 64:8-Living Bible…..And yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay and you are the Potter We are all formed by your hand.
If God decides to bring you and your children and grandchildren into heaven who has the audacity to argue with him saying these people shouldn’t get into heaven, sure ‘’you were chosen for heaven’’ how dare you complain about God’s mercy going to some souls that he the potter created, we were all created out of clay, and the potter can do with us what he wants with his own clay.
Deuteronomy 5-9– living bible…..I am a jealous God, and I will bring the curse of the father’s sin on even the third and fourth generation of the children of those who hate me But I will show Kindness to a thousand generations of those that love me and keep my commandments.
That is some promise from God, that he will show kindness to a ‘’thousand generations’’ of ‘’those who love me and keep my commandments.’’ The most amazing thing we can see here is God sent Jesus to earth to carry out and fulfill all of Gods promises, even though they are many. Did God promise to save your *children and grandchildren* and promise to bless your descendants to a thousand generations, did Jesus came to fulfill those promises? He did if Jesus is your personal Lord and Saviour!
Acts-16-31– Living Bible (TLB)
They replied, Believe on the Lord Jesus and ‘’you’’ will be saved, and ‘’your entire household.’’
Everyone that is saved has to do this ‘’ believe in the lord Jesus’’ and God then adds on in the other scriptures that I have shared with you! ‘’That your children and grandchildren.’’ In this scripture he promises that their entire household will be saved, that’s those who lived there with Corneilous; what a God we have as our father, he makes sure that that those who are our children and grandchildren, and perhaps those who live in our home will get into heaven, because we come to him with an open heart worshipping him for what a wonderful God he is. I never realized that God is so loving towards us, until I went searching for scripture that promises to get our children and grandchildren into heaven, those that we would worry about, and it makes sense that we don’t need to worry about them, we just need to give this breathtaking God praise and worship for saving them and our grandchildren, and promising to bless our descendants because we chose to return his awesome love for us back to him unconditionally.
Ephesians 5:19 Living Bible…..Talk with each other much about the Lord, quoting psalms and h ymns and singing sacred songs, making music in your hearts to the Lord.
I have had theologians condemn me for quoting from the scriptures from the Old Testament, sa ying’’ this ended when Jesus came and paid the way for the law,’ but what they didn’t consider is that God made the same promises in the’’ New Testament’’ by bringing the Psalms into the new, so making them a part of the ‘’New Testament.’’ Therefore the same promise still stands for the father or mother who accepts Jesus as lord of their lives and the promise goes to them and their children and grandchildren.
2-Corinthians-1-19-living bible
Jesus Christ the Son of God, is not one to say yes when he means no He always does exactly what he says; He carries out and fulfils ‘’ALL of God‘s promises,’’ ‘’no ‘’matter how many of them they are.’’
Jesus fulfills ‘’all’’ of ‘’Gods promises,’’ so wherever you find a promise from God to you the believer; then find out first what it is that ‘’you have to do’’ in order to enable that promise to be released from heaven When you do as he asked, then that promise is yours by right. For in s cripture there are many promises from God to you the believer; it is up to you to seek them, you need to study the word of God to get it down into your heart, so when the day comes when you need that certain promise released, then you will know how to release it.
Finding the graces and blessings the wonderful promises from God to you his child
1-Corinthians -1-7- ‘’now’’ you *have* every ‘’grace and blessing’’, every ‘’spiritual gift and power’’ for ‘’doing his will’’ *are yours!*
What does this scripture tell you? It tells you that you ‘’already have’’ ‘’every ‘’grace and blessing;’’ ‘’every spiritual gift’ and ‘power,’’ it does not say you have to do anything to receive it; there is ‘’no condition’’ to receiving these blessings. There is a word meaning ‘’this very moment that you have these gifts and blessings,’’ that word is, ‘’NOW’’ The reason is that ‘’every blessing’’ is ‘’kept in heaven for you;’’ and you have received them and all you have to do is act upon the word to activate them, to receive them from heaven to earth.
This scripture that the Holy Spirit gave me for your understanding is perfect for you. It says ‘’now ’’ {right this very instant} you have, {have meaning something is yours already} ‘’every grace and blessing,’’ You ‘’have ‘’every ‘grace’ and ‘blessing’, every ‘spiritual gift’ and ‘power,’’ and this spiritual gift and power is yours, when? When you are doing his will and not yours, this is a simple statement, ‘’do his will in everything’’ and ‘’you can call on every spiritual gift and power, every grace and blessing!’’ If you know you are doing his will in what you are doing, then all of these promises are yours by right, and it’s all for his glory and not ours.
If you are preaching the gospel then the ‘’gifts of blessings’’ go with you and ‘’grace follows the convictions that souls need to ‘’repent and believe,’’ and so many are saved; and if healing is needed, then healing will follow you because all these things are yours by right.
Jesus said ‘’go into the world and preach the gospel’’ is another scripture with a promise Mark 16 New International Versions (NIV)
16 Whoever ‘’beli eves’’ and is ‘’baptized’’ ‘’will be saved,’’ but whoever does *not believe* will be condemned.1
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation
And these *signs* will accompany those who ‘’believe:’’ In ‘’my name’’ they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and ‘’they will’’ get well.”
19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. 20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
They did as they were told and the promise followed their preaching the gospel, the divine word.}
Doing what God told you will bring the promise from God, a simple promise, with wonderful results. I have followed this promise all of my born again baptized in the Holy Spirit life. It’s now over forty years, I have preached the gospel, the Lord followed, and I seen many ‘’spiritual healings,’’ ‘’salvations, ’’ and ‘’baptism in the Holy Spirit,’’ ‘’speaking in tongues,’’ and also many ‘’physical healing,’’ including people ‘healed from cancer’ and other foul diseases, I have seen thousands of healing as I went about having meetings everywhere I could, Including a healing service in a pub called the ‘’BOGSIDE INN,’’ one of the most notorious pubs here in Derry, a pub where men who fought the British army rested during their war with them. I seen 200 people give their lives to Jesus, get saved and some baptized in the Holy Spirit and have recorded 187 people who told me they were healed and I have their healings on video to prove the ‘’glory of God’’!
But God is so rich in mercy; he loved us so much
We don’t see the love of God enough in our churches or spiritual meetings because leaders are more concerned about their worldly approach to scripture than they are about helping others, simply because they don’t believe in miracles, and healing, and the few that do are ridiculed by church followers, if someone rocks their little boat by having healings following them, they don’t like it!
Ephesians 2-3-Living Bible (TLB)
All of us used to be just as they are, our lives expressing the evil within us, doing every wicked thing that our passions or our evil thoughts might lead us into. We started out bad, being born with evil natures, and were under God’s anger just like everyone else.
4 But ‘’God is so rich in mercy;’’ he ‘’loved us’’ so much 5 that even though we were spiritually dead and doomed by our sins, he gave us back our lives again when he raised Christ from the dead only by his undeserved favor have we ever been saved 6 and lifted us up from the grave ‘’into glory’’ ‘’along with Christ,’’ where ‘’we sit with him’’ ‘’in the ‘’heavenly realms’’
‘’all because of what Christ Jesus did.’’
God is so rich in mercy; he loved us, that’s you and me brother /sister, that he lifted us, ‘’that’s us again, he is talking about,’’ he lifted ‘’us’’ up from the grave, and where did he lift you up to? He lifted ‘’us up’’ ‘’into ‘glory’’ with Christ!’’ And where did you go? Go! You went into glo ry and are ‘’seated with him in the heavenly realms!’’ This is an awesome scripture that assures us that because of Jesus Christ, you and I were lifted up by the power
of the Holy Spirit and translated into the heavenly realms. All Glory to God alone for his awesome work and love.
Ephesians 4:8 Living Bible (TLB)…..The psalmist tells about this, for he says that when Christ returned triumphantly to heaven after his resurrection and victory over Satan, he gave generou s gifts to men.
God’s word says that when Jesus ascended into heaven he distributed gifts to men and women, that how much he loves us, not only did he give us salvation through his death, but he generously gave us eternal gifts, and when you come to realize what those gifts are you can access them as belonging to you, and use them for his glory.
Psalm-12–6—living bible …..The Lords promise is sure he speaks no careless word ‘’All ‘he says’ is ‘’purest truth,’’ like silver seven times refined.
God never breaks a promise made no matter how big it is, Jesus will make what God promised happen, we can all trust him no matter what happens.
2 Peter 1:3-4 His divine power ‘’has granted to us’’ ‘’all things’’ that ‘’pertain to life and godliness,’’ through the knowledge of him who ‘’called us to his own glory and excellence,’’ [4] by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, that through these you may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of passion, and ‘’become’’ ‘’partak ers of the divine nature.’’
We human beings who are born again have become partakers, partakers meaning, to share in or take part in something, let’s join it together with this scripture.
Now you have
’every grace’’ and ‘’blessing;’’
has happened!
’every spiritual gift’’ and ‘’power’’ for doing
his will’ are yours’’ during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I broke this scripture down a bit to show you the born again Christian baptized in the spirit Christian, what gifts you have in the Holy Spirit, and the scripture tells you that *you* ‘’have’’ ‘’a ll’’ the ‘’supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit,’’ not just one or two. ‘’You’’ have ‘’every’’ ‘’spiritual gift and power’’ ‘’to do the will of God’’ until Jesus returns What a blessing that we have from God, and there’s even more in his word there are thousands of
1 Corinthians 1-6- Living Bible (TLB)…..6 what I told you Christ could do for you
7 ‘’
promises, not all will relate to you; but those that do ‘’Do what the word says’’ and then you can have access to the things you need. If you are doing his perfect will then you have access to every grace and blessing every gift, this is a promise from God to you; are you doing his perfect will or his permissive will, just going about your daily things? To have access to a promise from God you must first find out what is it he is saying to you to do, for you have to do something first to receive the blessings
1Corinthians-1-8-Living Bible (TLB)
And ‘’he *guarantees* right up to the end’’ that you will be counted ‘’free from all sin and guilt’’ on that day when he returns. God will surely do this for you, for he always does what he says, and he was the one who invited you into this wonderful relation-ship with his Son, even Christ our lord.
Not many Christians know that God ‘’guarantees’’ right up till the moment that you die you will be counted ‘’free from sin and guilt’’ so go and tell someone, for not many know this and the lord tells us to go spread the living word. What a joy it is for a sinner to find out that God does not hold their sins against them no matter how many there are, or how vile they may have been, and he gives us a written guarantee. This scripture is best found in the living bible, others have a different way of saying this, it is in accepting Jesus into your heart as lord and saviour that gives you access to this promise from God! And it was God himself who invited you to come to him through your relationship with Jesus!
Stay there
Bible (TLB
So, dear brothers, whatever situation a person is in when he becomes a Christian, let him stay there, for now the ‘’Lord is there to help him.
People are always telling me that I should have done more to explain to those whom I am claiming are getting saved, and that I should point them usually to ‘’their church.’’ I don’t agree with this method of salvation. It is not my business to have to follow after these people to make sure they are doing right, and are walking in the word, acting as true conversions, that’s God’s job not mine.
1 Corinthians 7 -24-Living
New Living Translation
Each of you should continue to live in whatever situation the Lord has placed you, and remain as you were when God first called you. This is my rule for all the churches.
God, when he gave me this way I have now of talking to people, and it is seeing so many souls accepting Jesus into their hearts, after they repenting of their sins, ‘’they’’ These churchy people say they ‘’have to do more,’’ these Christians say even though the word says ‘’continue to live in whatever situation you were living in.’’ Remain where you are when God first called you. D oes that mean if they were working as a prostitute with a pimp taking their money they should stay in that trade? First God does not want you to continue in sins, so if there is a way out then you should take it, if not remain as you were when God first called you, for he will change your situation in time, and time belongs to God. Churchy people are not God and only God should be obeyed; he knows our futures for his word says ‘’you do not know the plans I have for you, ’’ ‘’plans for good and not for evil,’’ to ‘’give you a future and a hope’’ God knows best no matter what it looks like, this does not give you a legal chance to just sin. Just think; it is too little words and yet the bible says ‘’repent and believe.’’ or one word even, ‘’believe’’ and that is all that God asks of you for he has forgiven us all our sin ‘’he died once and for all’’! Jesus died only once for all people from the beginning of time to the end of time.
The world’s sin has already been forgiven. Even before a single person asks for forgiveness they have already been forgiven; for God in his great mercy towards us his children, decided before time even began that Jesus would pay the price of every human beings sin. God in his great and wondrous plan which he decided upon billions of years ago before the creation of the world that He would send his precious son Jesus a part of himself to pay for the sins that the enemy would have them commit. In his great wisdom God saw a way to defeat the devil totally, and that was to let him think that he defeated the son of God by having him lashed to within an inch of his life, afterwards crucified to death. But the devil didn’t know that it was the world’s sin that Jesus carried on him plus the world’s sickness and disease. This is rarely taught in the churches of today, so on that cross Jesus hung
1 Corinthians 7:17
there suffering the punishment meant for us, all of us from the beginning until the end of time. God then cleared everyone’s record of sin, and left forgiveness in this world, once and for all. He cleared the way for everyone who wishes to get into heaven, making it easy for their sin has all been cleared away and all they have to ‘is repent,’ and to believe.
But something that is rarely taught is that, God didn’t forgive the world’s sins, but the world’s sin. There is a massive difference between these two things, sins and sin. For scripture tells us that the world’s sin is this ‘’unbelief’’ that God could be so loving towards us not to be concerned about the sinful things that the devil and his cohorts do to help make us sin against ourselves and others and especially God; and he decided not to punish
you for all these sinful things you done through your entire life but to watch out for the person who accepts his mercy and love by repenting of that one sin unbelief. Unbelief that God could forget about your terrible sins and forgive you eternally, all you have to do is repent and ask Jesus into your heart as your lord and saviour! What a mighty God he is, to overlook our filthy sins and give us ‘’favor with himself’’ and opene d the door to mercy by allowing us into heaven the moment we repented, and asked Jesus to be our lord and saviour.
We were instantly cleansed from sin, given ‘’right standing’’ with ‘’God the father’ and with’ himself’’ and with the ‘Holy Spirit’ for on that cross as Jesus hung there at the moment of death, he instantaneously, through his Holy Spirit gave us ‘’multiple gifts and blessings, ’’ and these things all happened in an instant, a split second in time, for he made you a ‘’New creation,’’ a ‘’New creature,’’ ‘’holy, spotless, clean,’’ ‘’forever perfect in his sight. ’’ For in that split second that’s what we Christians became, believe that or not, it is true! He gave us, all who come to him, who accepted what he done for mankind without exception; ‘ ’every spiritual grace and blessing, every spiritual gift and power, ’’ and he guaranteed to make you free from sin and guilt on the day that he returns for you! He made us ‘’pure and holy,’’ an d ‘’acceptable’’ to Almighty God. {1 Corinthians 1 -30,} He gave us his own Holy Spirit, who fills us with every spiritual gift and supernatural power, to go about preaching the gospel and healing the sick, delivering those oppressed or possessed by evil spirits and the power to pray in a supernatural language, and you received this and more the instant Jesus died on that cross; ‘’you were given a share in his inheritance,’’ just imagine this; you a mere nobody have been given a share with Jesus and your brothers and sisters in his inheritance. He declared you righteous, gave you ‘’right standing with himself,’’ lifted your spirit up and sea ted it in the heavenly realms also standing in the place of highest privilege. Your spirit is connected to Jesus spirit, for you became one spirit with and in Jesus spirit you have been joined together with and in him spiritually not in the flesh of course, none of these awesome things are from you, but are spiritual gifts from God to us. You are with him in spirit in heaven already and just waiting to get out of this life, and receive the rest of your eternal life in him, what Joy to know all that Jesus gave us and what I have written so far in not all that he done
for us, and reading through your bible you will come across many more things he did for you on that cross.
On that cross we were not just forgiven, but blessed with every spiritual gift and power, as we repented, giving our lives to the lord by asking him into our hearts as our lord and saviour!
Is this not the same God who promised that ‘’you and your children and grandchildren’’ are promised salvation; for Jesus cleared the way for eternity for your descendants getting blessed because of you asking him into your life. This God who could
do all that I have written and more, is he hampered in any way from guarantying your children and grandchildren from getting into heaven is this so hard for him to do. The strange thing I have found here is that it is a ‘’sin’’ not to believe the Lord, if the Lord says, he will bring your children and grandchildren into heaven is it a sin to not believe him?
John 16:9- Living Bible (TLB)
9 The world’s ‘’sin’’ is ‘’unbelief’’ in me; 10 there is ‘’righteousness’’ available because I go to the Father and you shall see me no more; 11 there is ‘’deliverance from judgment’’ becaus
e the prince of this world has already been judged.
Do you see what God is saying here in his word? He is saying sin, not sins, man will always sin because there is a devil and demons and evil spirits affecting the children of God making them sin in the most horrific ways, and always will have them sin against God and mankind. Here are some scriptures that speak of salvation and how to get there. In this next text there is only one word Jesus said will get you into heaven.
One word
John 3 Living Bible (TLB)
15 so that anyone who *believes* in me will have eternal life. 16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who *believes* in him shall ‘’not perish but have eternal life.’’ 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. …t
hat one word, = Believes]
Two words…..
(Mark 1:14-15), Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying. “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; *repent and believe* in the gospel.” [two little words = Repent / believe]
I was told yesterday by my pastor that what I write is wrong; for it falls under Mosaic Law and Jesus done away with the law by becoming the law for us. I could agree with him except for one thing, and that is Jesus brought the ‘’Psalms’’ ‘’with him’’ into the ‘’New’’ Testament;’’ so where does that leave us now; for some of those scriptures for God’s promise to save our children and grandchildren as well as ourselves are the same promises he gave the Israelites many years ago, and he still says the same in the Psalms. Now I am in
a [predict u meant] [can’t get the spelling] what am I to believe, my pastor who is a bible theologian or the word of God? I may be wrong but ‘’I believe’’ ‘’the written word of God in the ‘’New Testament.’’ And I quote from Ephesians 5-19—telling me to quote Psalm 103-17, and the Psalms hold many a promise that Jesus fulfilled on that cross.
Ephesians 5:19-Living Bible
Talk with each other much about the Lord, ‘’quoting’’ ‘’psalms’’ ‘and ‘’hymns and singing sacre d songs,’’ making music in your hearts to the Lord.
Are the Psalms not included here in the New Testament, are we not encouraged to ‘’quote’’ the m, and if Psalm 103-17- is one of those Psalms that we should quote, then does it not say that
God promises to save ‘’your children and your grandchildren’’ in this scripture, this Psalm?
Baptized for the dead,
Where does this scripture leave us; can we be baptized for our father who died or our mother and we don’t know where they are heaven or hell, or for our grandparents either or ancestors. The Apostles did this and the Holy Spirit didn’t tell them to stop; he would have if they were doing wrong. Man has forgotten that Jesus took upon himself the world’s sins upon himself from the time of Moses until the book of revelations. Before Moses time there was no sins that man could commit because there was no law given.
1-Corinthians 15:29-Living Bible
If the dead will not come back to life again, then what point is there in people being baptized fo r those who are gone? Why do it unless you believe that the dead will someday rise again? This is the most trusted bible, the King James Bible;
1-Corinthians 15:29-Authorized (King James) Version
Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? Why are th ey then baptized for the dead?
In both of these translations it says that the apostles were getting baptized for their ancestors
believing this will get them into heaven when the end time comes; this is something that most churches don’t know about or don’t talk about for it doesn’t seem right; everyone must repent of their sins by themselves, but I say if they died without
knowing what Jesus really did for them, then those believers who now know what Jesus truly do ne can and should do a little baptism ceremony for their relatives who have go on to await their Judgment. God says his mercy outweighs his judgment. James 2-13.
James 2 Living Bible (TLB)
13 for there will be no mercy to those who have shown no mercy. But if you have been merciful, t hen God’s mercy toward you will win out over his judgment against you.
Jesus died once and ‘’for all.’’ If he died ‘’once’’ and for ‘all’ then that means everyone, ‘’past present and future’’ has been forgiven, and they just need to take it for themselves; but these Christians understood the fullness of what Jesus had done for them and for all and they took him seriously.
Not many Christians take the word of God as it is, ‘’the divine ‘’word’’ of Almighty God, and what he says is serious stuff. All I hear from Christian leaders is I have put my own interpretation on the word, but I am a believer that if God said it then it has to be true; for God is not a liar. If he didn’t mean the word to be open to the Holy Spirits Interpretation and the Holy Spirit guides me into the explanation, using the full scripture and corresponding with other scriptures on the same subject. If we do this then we cannot go far out. This scenario is not recognized by theologians so I gather, for they are the ones who condemn me for my books, and what I teach; but you know something I don’t see theologians out preaching the word of God with signs and wonders following them, in fact I see them contradicting scripture giving their interpretation of what the scripture means while in the meantime I am seeing God working miracles and signs and wonders through me for his glory. My church pastor said to me the other day; ‘’we don’t see you working signs and wonders or healing or miracles here,’’ he said it sarcastically, and I replied in the same vein, sarcastically *no wonder*, you ‘’haven’t allowed’’ me to pray with anyone in this church in the three years I have been in it. ’’ And he jerked back as he realized what I had said to him and he grunted something unintelligent
In the forty one years I have been in the healing ministry I have witnessed God work all kinds of miracles, including healing of terminal cancers, spinal bifida, deafness, blindness and all kinds of amazing healings. And I have experienced the fact that the lord transported me from fifty or more miles away to home in the blink of an eye and he did this four times so far that I am fully aware of; he may have did it more but I cannot say with certainty; but with these four I can say
positively, my lord done these amazing miracles for me to get me
home without a row about my coming home late; God is so good he does not want me having rows with Rose my wife of fifty three years today 12 April 2019.
1-Corinthians 15:29-Living Bible
If the dead will not come back to life again, then what point is there in people being baptized fo r those who are gone? Why do it unless you believe that the dead will someday rise again? Why are Christians doing this thing? It is because they believe in what they are doing, and scripture does not say; ‘’stop’’ don’t do this, it is wrong! Now why were they being baptized for the dead relatives? They wished for their relatives, their father or mother or relatives, to be assured of getting into heaven for they recognized the mercy and goodness of God, what the Almighty father did through his son Jesus, and they grasped it with both hands; do you ever hear of anyone being baptized for their dead relatives.
I once had an experience of getting this urge to go and pray in the spare room, after telling Rose I went into that room and fell on my knees and began praying in tongues; a little later I heard the sound of marching bands with the men and women beating on the drums, and I turned to God and asked for forgiveness for these people of which I once was, in fact I was considered a terrorist by the British Government, but a freedom fighter by my own people. And I understood these marching bands feelings of why they were marching this particular day; it was the first anniversary of Bloody Sunday, where British soldiers murdered thirteen innocent civilians, and a fourteenth later died from his wounds, with fourteen others wounded also. David Cameron a prime minister of England years later after a British induced investigation, in 2 016 got up and told the waiting media that those people were all innocent. So there I was kneeling listening and praying when I suddenly seen a dark cave appear in front of me, and I forgot about the marching bands, and stared into that cave, but seen nothing, then the longer I prayed I began to notice a figure in there as the cave got a little bit brighter. It went from a dark black to a dark grey in color, and the more intensely I prayed in tongues the lighter it got until I could see into it and seen a figure there, and then I realized that, that figure was my grandmother who had died years ago. I was in total shock to say the least. I couldn’t understand why this looked like my grandmother, for my grandmother was the most ‘’religious’
’ person I knew at the time when she was alive. Why was she locked up inside this dark cave, then I remembered that there was a scripture that said something about people or angels kept in dark caves in the Old Testament. But anyway as I watched and continued praying in tongues
I saw an angel coming and taking her out of the cave and whisked her away, hopefully to heaven.
I will not judge my grandmother, but I remember a gas man telling me that my father’s parents were very cruel to him in particular as a child. But everyone parents in those olden days were cruel and didn’t show much love to their children, for that was the way of the times. This man also told me that my grandfather was a drunk and a vicious one at that; but I was brought up to believe that my grandfather and grandmother never took a drink in
their entire lives, and when all cousins reached a certain age we were marched down to the local chapel to become pioneers, that meant that we would never drink. A few years later as I approached the age of thirteen or fourteen, I was given the job of whitewashing my grandmother’s back yard. My grandfather had died before I was born. So there I was given this job every few months, and sometimes stayed overnight with her and my aunt Monica, God rest her, and as sat listening to the radio with them I seen my grandmother go to the press and lift out a half bottle of brandy and a few bottles of Guinness, and stick a poker into the fire and warm it, then she would stick the poker into the Guinness bottle and bring a new fresh head on it; she did this every night that I stayed with her, and sometimes the Bishop or priests would come to see her for she was a seamstress and made their priestly probes and alter cloths. She would go over to the press after they had their cup of tea, and bring out the brandy bottle and offer them a little brandy for their hearts, and a few Guinness for their blood. To this day this is still happening here in Ireland when some people in hospital would be given a small drink of brandy for their hearts and a bottle of Guinness for their blood. But to get back to my Grandmother and grandfather, these two as far as they were concerned never took a drink in their lives and what they were drinking was medicinal. My grandfather died of sclerosis of the liver, an alcoholic’s disease, my grandmother died many years after him; her son never came to her funeral stating she was very cruel to him as a child.
There are other things I have learned about healing over the years with the lord, especially healing of the inner man or woman, and healing our ancestors and the family line, and how the lord takes you back in time in the spirit to a particular time. In fact there was one time when the leaders of our praise and worship group gathered with Rose and me to pray, seeking the lord for the group, when he showed me this little boy with a dirty face standing in a place where I could see figures standing at a distance from him, and I must have materialized before him in some way, for he stared at me as I looked at him, I can still remember his little dirty face and ragged clothes over forty years later. But as I stared at him praying in tongues, a picture began emerging and I seen myself standing in the middle of a b oulevard, and saw three women tied up naked to pile of wood where they obviously were
going to be burned at the stake, and I heard myself command that these women be untied, and it was done. I realized that these people seen me, as they continued staring at me shocked at what I must have looked like to them, for they untied her as I ordered them, they then clothed them, and stood around in a large group looking at me, wondering what was going to happen.
Suddenly I could hear lots of horses galloping our way and I seen terror come over these people’s faces, and just at that the Holy Spirit show me a large rock, and as I looked at it a doorway opened, and I shouted to the people to run into the opening, and as they ran I heard the sound of horses hooves coming closer, and I shouted, ‘’quickly, quickly’’ ‘’into the cave,’’ and the last person who went into that cave was the little boy who stared at me intently as he walked past me, a look of astonishment on his little face, and just as he
entered the cave these wild looking men entered the boulevard on their horses stopped, staring at me in shock and amazement.
I don’t know what I must have looked like to them as I turned around and seen the rock close behind the people who went into that cave, and the next thing happened was It ended, and I was back in the room with Rose, Betty, Redmond, Danny, and Declan.
I told them what had happened to me, and they shared some of the same things I had seen, describing the boy and scene and what happened. So it was real, and we sometimes went deep into this type of prayer and seen many amazing supernatural things for time belongs to the lord and no one else, but one time as we prayed with Declan we experienced a demon filled with a deep anger and rage coming down from his ancestry and we knew this thing was really evil, too much for all of us to deal with, so the Holy Spirit told us to end this session by pleading the blood over every one of us especially Declan and stop. We never did this type of praying ever again and the lord moved us on to other ways of praying and experiencing his miracles. This was confirmation that this was not just an imaginary thing that happened to us all, but was something that the Holy Spirit brought us to, for whatever reason he knew about. We never ever experienced anything like this before or after as a group, or even individually.
One thing I want you the reader to know is that when I share these things that the lord done for me in this book, and my other books; please understand that ‘’all’’ ‘glory and honor and praise’’ belongs to the lord and none to me, I am just a vessel being used by the lord.
Glory to God for ‘’the things we see and the things we do not see. ’’ God controls all time past to us, present, and future, and he is in charge of all of it and can do as he decides with it. And done something we cannot explain but he will possibly show us one day as we sit in heaven with him.
Joined together with and in Jesus we are ‘’God’s’’
This is something that I know is not preached in churches across the world too much; that ‘’we are God’s’’
John 10:34King James Version
Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, ‘’I said, ye are gods?’’
Jesus rebuked those questioning him by saying ‘’I said you are gods,’’ meaning ‘’little gods’’ wi th a small ‘’g.’’ For our understanding as children of God you have to understand how you have become ‘’little gods,’’ and that is easy to read here in this and other scriptures but very difficult to believe, but you can’t get away from Jesus words, that’s is Jesus ‘who is God’. If Jesus says it then it has to be true for his word is like silver seven times refined. Not to many Christians ever heard this gospel message. ‘’gods meaning a ‘’small god,’’ god meaning, ‘’deity,’’ ‘’divinity,’’ ‘’spirit,’’ ‘’supernatural being’’ {Dictionary}
That’s some statement to make about us the children of Almighty God, and that came from the mouth of Jesus who is God, He said *we are *gods,* his children, ‘’sons of the most high!’’ God refers to us as ‘’his children,’’ and even if we were adopted as his children as scripture tells us that we are adopted and then made legal as ‘’his children;’’ for that is what he calls us in his divine living word, and his word never changes, if God says it then it is true forever, he made us small gods; but he still gave us ‘’supernatural power and authority’’ the ‘’same as Jes us’’ his first born son. God is Almighty and can do as he chooses, and he chose to make us ‘’like ’’himself’’ as he stated in, *Genesis 1* God decided to make men and women in the exact same image as Jesus, Jesus being the first of many. He took the ‘’same substance’’ {material,
matter, essence, stuff, core,} that he made Jesus from and created us in his own image a spirit being, with a soul and body.
The word {‘like’} means to be ‘similar to himself,’ ‘approximating,’ ‘in the vein of,’ ‘reminiscent of,’ ‘resembling,’ {dictionary}
Apply the word ‘’like’’ and all it’s meaning to this next scripture
Genesis 1 Living Bible (TLB)
And God was pleased with what he had done. 26 Then God said, “Let us make a man *someon e ‘’like’’ ourselves,* to be the master of all life upon the earth and in the skies and in the seas.” 2
7 So God made man ‘’like his Maker.
Like God’’ did ‘’God make man;’’
Man and maid’’ did ‘he make them.’’
Let’s look at this scripture again but with the ‘full’ meaning of the dictionary behind it.
Genesis 1 Living Bible (TLB)
’’ ‘’
And God was pleased with what he had done. 26 Then God said, “Let us make a man *someon e ‘’like’’[ ‘approximating,’ ‘in the vein of,’ ‘reminiscent of,’ ‘resembling,’]ourselves,* to be the master of all life upon the earth and in the skies and in the seas.” 27 So God made man ‘’like’’ [‘ approximating,’ ‘in the vein of,’ ‘reminiscent of,’ ‘resembling,’] his Maker.’’ ‘’Like [‘approximatin g,’ ‘in the vein of,’ ‘reminiscent of,’ ‘resembling,’] God’’ did ‘’God make man;’’ ‘’Man and maid’’ did ‘he make them.’’
This puts a whole new meaning on this word of God for remember God knows the fullness of words
Let us the Holy Trinity make a man, ‘’someone like ourselves,’’ so God did as they wanted to and made man, and then afterwards he made a mate for him. Can we actually believe that we are truly a spirit being made by the Holy Trinity, is this concept of what God says believable or is this too farfetched to us? As a ‘’spirit being’’ we will live forever in heaven with Jesus, the Holy Spirit and Almighty God himself. Our flesh will fall off of us someday and then our spirit will be free to do as God created it to be. Now there are other scriptures to consider in our learning about being ‘’little gods,’’ the word ‘’joined’’ means we have become one with another substance or being. Let’s study this next scripture!
1-Corinthians 6:17-Living Bible
But if you give yourself to the Lord, ‘’you and Christ’ are *joined together* *’’as one person.’’*
Did you give yourself to the lord? You did when you asked him to be your lord and saviour, it was at that instant that you were born again and have a new substance in you, and that substance is Jesus, for you have ‘become one spirit with and in him.’ As this scripture says ‘’you and Christ are joined together as one person.’’ Can you the Christian believer believe that you are now one with Jesus Christ for he did not become you; you became one spirit in him? If you were to stand up and declare that *you are one in Jesus, and he is one in you,* and that * you are actually him in spirit* what would happen to you? You would be laughed at like you
were a nut case, it is a terrifying thought to believe and say ‘’you are now Jesus in spirit,’’ never in the flesh.
The word says ‘’as he God is so are we!’’
1-John 4:17 King James Version
Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the Day of Judgment: ‘’because a s ‘’he is,’’ ‘’so are we’’ ‘’in this world.’’
In the living word of God it says that ‘’as he ‘God is,’ so are we.’’ so what is Jesus? He is God! And this scripture says ‘’as he God is, so are we,’’ in ‘’this world!’’So what does this make you then? For as ‘he is’ so ‘are you’ as a person joined together with and in him in spirit. This is something that God planned from the beginning of time, a plan to defeat the devils plans for us, so he made us like himself, as ‘’small gods’’ but living in him; just as our blood lives ‘’in’’ us! It cannot live outside the body, but must have its place in keeping the human body alive, so too is our spirit it cannot live outside the body until it falls off of us. So too do we live ‘’inside of Jesus as God’’ not outside but *in him, through him with him and in him.* I always believed that this scripture tells us that as he Jesus is so are we but one day the Holy Spirit told me to go back through the scripture from the beginning and see who is talking, so I did and realized that it is actually *God himself* is saying this about us and not Jesus, who is God anyway, but to go by the living word then it is ‘’as God is so are we,’’ remember God said let ‘us’ the ‘Holy Trinity,’ make man someone like ourselves and they did.
1 John 4 King James Version (KJV)
16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that ‘dwell ed in love’ ‘dwelled in God’ and ‘’God in him.’’
17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the ‘’Day of Judgment:’’ becau se ‘’as he is,’’ ‘’so are ‘we’ in this world
Dwell means, ‘
have your home
Are you living in love? Then you are living in God, for God is love, and there is no difference between him, Jesus and the Holy Spirit; they are three individual beings, but one total being. It’
s like having one body with three arms, the arms are part of the body, they are the body, you don’t say your legs are not your body, but they have different functions in your body, your arms are you body, your nose is your body, wouldn’t you look queer if you had no nose, so every part of the body is meant to be as the body of Brendan Mc Crossan or whatever your name is. And as the previous scripture sys God is love and that he that dwelled in love dwells in God and God in him.
*One night I went to a prayer meeting to make fun of my mother in law, because she was talking about people speaking in tongues and other things.* *I loved my mother in law, she was the one who truly brought me to Gods Holy Spirit, and got me saved; and God gave me the grace to be able to lift her in her bed without pain, as she was dying from cancer, others tried lifting her but they always hurt her, and I never did and I know it was by the grace and
16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelle d in love dwelled in God and ‘’God in him.’’
in,’’ ‘’to reside’’ and ‘’to inhabit,’’ ‘’to stay’’ and ‘’settle.’’
love of God; God rest her now her work is over and she is at rest enjoying all the benefits of heaven.
* But being the kind of person I was in those days; I decided to go to this meeting, and learn more so that I could take a hand at her, but when I sat there in the meeting; ‘’God spoke aloud t o me’’ as a man spoke aloud in prophetic tongues.* And he said. ‘’I am one ‘of’ three,’’ ‘’I am three ‘of’ one,’’ ‘’you are one ‘of’ me,’’ and ‘’I am one ‘of’ you,’’ then it changed and he started saying ‘’I am one ‘in’ three, I am three ‘in’ one, you are one ‘in’ me and I am one ‘in’ you. This continued on as the man spoke in tongues and I suppose God expected me to share this out as he spoke, but I was tied to my chair as my body was trying to force me to stand up and say what he was saying, to build up the people, and I held on like mad to the chair because I was startled to say the least, to have God speak to me a ‘’terrorist’’ in those days and an ‘’unrep entant one’’ at that. But the words he spoke have stayed with me for over forty years. It was about ten years back that I come across the same words that Jesus spoke, and the words are almost perfectly the same as God spoke to me that night. I left that meeting believing in God whom I never believed in before, I had heard about him, and heard he was a ‘bad God’ so I stayed far away from him as I could. But now I love him with all of my heart and mind, as he loves me so I love him, glory to his name and may his kingdom be done on earth as it is in heaven!
John 17 Living Bible (TLB)
19 and I consecrate myself to meet their need for growth in truth and holiness. [Jesus speaking]
“I am not praying for these alone but also for the ‘’future believers’’ who will come to me because of the testimony of these. 21 My prayer for all of them is that they will be of ‘’one heart and mind’’, just as *you and I are, Father* that just as *you are in me* and *I am in you,* so *they will be in us,* and the world will believe you sent me.
“I have given them the glory you gave me—the glorious unity of *being one,* as *we are*—
I in them and you in me,* all being perfected *into one*—so that the world will know you sent me and will understand that you love them as much as you love me.24 Father, I want them with me—these you’ve given me—so that they can see my glory. You gave me the glory because you loved me before the world began!
When I first read those words I realized that God was speaking from his divine word when God spoke to me over forty years ago, just paraphrased. But to get back to what we are teaching; let’s examine what the scripture is saying to us.
23 *
1 John 4 King James Version (KJV)
And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that ‘dwelled in love’ ‘dwelled in God’ and ‘’God in him.’’
17 Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the ‘’Day of Judgment:’’ because ‘’as he is,’’ ‘’so are ‘we’ in this world.’’
And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelled in love dwelled in God and God in him
Who is this scripture talking about? Is it Jesus or is it God himself? It is talking about God and that he is love, and if we dwell in love, and love is God, then ‘God dwells in us;’ so as ‘’he God’’ is, so are we, for we are dwelling in love. This is not what I have heard all my life as a Christian, I have heard it preached that as he Jesus is so are we, well Jesus is God so that’s true but it is confusing for me; for great preachers have declared that ‘’as he Jesus is so are we in this world, ’’ but when reading back over the living word I see that 99% of the scriptures say that ‘’as he God is,’’ so are we;’’ except for one scripture and that is in 1 John 4-NIV Bible
1 John 4 16 New International Version (NIV)
God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them? 17 This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the Day of Judgment: ‘’in this world we are like Jesus.’’
Well *Jesus is truly God,* and so in truth we are like God and have all of God’s power and authority in this world just as Jesus walked in the love of God, and was filled with the Holy Spirit just as we are in this world, and so we are like him as God in this world. I also am filled with the same Holy Spirit that Jesus had, and as you if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit.
1 John 4:17 Amplified Bible
God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abide continually in him. In this [union {joining together, merger} and fellowship with Him], love is completed and Perfected with us, so that we may have confidence in the Day of Judgment [with assurance and boldness to face Him]; because ‘’as ‘He’ is,’ so are ‘we’ ‘’in this world.’’
In this union, union means, a joining together, amalgamation, combination, blending, coming together, joining together, unification, and merger. {Dictionary} Look at the
significance of that word and whom is it talking about - ‘’you, and God.’’- Now the scripture takes a very bold step here for the born again Christian, ‘’the believer,’’ But what does it mean for the unbelieving believer? We Christians claim that we are believers, but when it comes to something like this, are we believers or unbelievers? This is too much for the nominal Christian who just about knows about their salvation and nothing else. I never hear teaching that can empower people to go preach the gospel with ‘’sig ns and wonders happening.’’ I suppose this is just too breathtaking, and too far out for most people to even try and take on board; but these scriptures are actually telling us that ‘’we are ‘g ods’ {small ‘g’} through Jesus Christ’’ and this is the living word of the living God. ‘’We are joined together with and in Jesus and through Jesus we are now one in God also’’ whether we believe it or not, and it is a sad state of affairs when we cannot accept the word of God for what he says.
Scripture tells us that when a man and a women have sex they become ‘’on body,’’ so how is it unbelievable when God says when we give ourselves to Jesus we become ‘’one spirit’’ with him, after all he created the universe by his word not by his hands or feet. How then is it impossible to believe with all of our hearts, this I have shared with you; ‘’take my words out of this and copy the scriptures themselves or download them and see if what I have written is correct!’’
In the Old Testament; God speaking to his people called them ‘’gods,’’ ‘’Sons of the Most High God.’’ Does the New Testament not say that we are ‘’Sons of God today,’’ does not Gods word say ‘’he adopted us as sons and daughters,’’ and brought us into his family with the ‘’same status as Jesus’’ when we accepted him as lord and saviour. So as he God is so are we in this world as an adopted son. I became one with God and with Jesus and so became a small god, bu t a god nevertheless. This is too far out there to be easily believed; but read it again and again in different scriptures, and see except for that one ‘’that as he Jesus is’’ and we are small gods, ‘’s o are we’’ and remember Jesus is God as part of the Holy Trinity. Psalm 82:6 Living Bible I have called you all “gods” and “sons of the Most High.” {God the most high God speaking here.}
I knowing this for a while now haven’t felt any different, and the power I have within me is still
the same as far as I can tell, maybe you will feel and experience this differently, I pray so for you!
This next scripture tells us that from the beginning he God chose to make us like himself, and that is pure love in action!
Ephesians 1:5-Amplified Bible
This salvation is more complex than we could ever realize, it places us in the place of ‘’highest privilege,’’ and it says we are seated with him in the heavenliest places.
Romans 5:2-Living Bible
For because of our faith, he has brought us into ‘’this place of *highest privilege* where we now stand,’’ and we confidently and joyfully look forward to actually becoming all that God has had in mind for us to be.
Oh my God look at what God says about us, and see that salvation is only the beginning of what God has done for us, and it would take me my entire life of seventy one years old to just begin to understand to believe what salvation has done for us. I am only a Christian forty one years. I tried writing about it in different books I’ve written, but I cannot get to the bottom of it all yet, it is too intensifying, the most amazing thing that God has done for us as his sons and daughters, and the little lying devil tells us it is not true, yet we have the ‘’word of the Almighty living God’’ himself saying these things to us. Repeat!
Psalm 82:6 Amplified Bible
I said, “You are gods; Indeed, all of you ‘’are ‘’sons’’ of the ‘’Most High’’.
We are ‘’sons of the Most High God,’’ and that is our status before him, God does not make mistakes when he calls us his sons and daughters; his word is forever true there are no lies in God. The word of God never changes, ‘what is written is written forever.’
Colossians 2 -8-Living Bible (TLB)
8 Don’t let others spoil your faith and joy with their philosophies, their wrong and shallow answe
He predestined and lovingly planned for us to be adopted to Himself as {His own} children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the kind intention and good pleasure of His will
9 ‘’for ‘in’ Christ there is ‘’all of God’’ in a human body;’’ 10 so you have everything when you have Christ, and you are ‘’filled with God’’ through your *union* {joining together, merger} with Christ.’’ He is the highest Ruler, with authority over every other power.
rs built on men’s thoughts and ideas, instead of on what Christ has said.
This scripture tells us not to let what man says guide us, for mans word does not override God’s word; don’t follow ‘’wrong and shallow answers built on ‘’men’s thoughts and ideas.’’ God ’s ways are above ours, and I suppose when we die and leave these shallow bodies we shall see the truth that has been there all the time, to finally see all of our lives, in his word.
Can you not see for yourselves that ‘’in Christ there is all of God, in a human body,’’ so you have everything and everything means ‘’every- thing’’ you could possibly need, for you are ‘’one with the saviour and creator,’’ and you, that’s us, are ‘’filled with God’’ through ‘’our ‘union’ w ith Christ.’’ Is it too hard to understand, that we are one with the saviour, the creator of everything that exists? It probably is, for our human minds cannot discern these words and takes them as meaning *us,* ‘’we are one’ with the ‘saviour and creator,’ we are ‘’filled with God’’ and because we accepted Jesus at salvation all these awesome things belong to us. Man follows the lies the enemy tells them and don’t believe the word of their God, instead they listen to those lies and follow them, leading them into a powerless state totally useless to the suffering world. Instead of believing the word of the Almighty living God who is guiding us with his own Holy Spirit, we chose to believe the enemy’s lies and deception, saying this is too much to believe, and God probably didn’t mean what you thought he said, it’s too farfetched When you actually listen to the Holy Spirit you can see the amazing things that God has done for us. There is so much more I could give you but it is time for you to search out the word and see if what I say is true or not true, I will continue for a brief time sharing the meaning of the word as the Holy Spirit gives me revelation and understanding, for I have the divinity in me as I am joined together with God in spirit
Psalm 82-1-
1 *God* presides in the great assembly; *he renders judgment among the “gods”:* 2 “How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked? 3 Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressor 4 Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. 6 “I said,
New International Versions (NIV) A psalm of Asaph
are your inheritance.
God presides in the great assembly, and he renders judgment among the ‘’gods,’’ note it says it as a small ‘’g’’ He then goes on to say that the ‘’gods know nothing’’ and this is true for me as I believe, that somehow or other Jesus joined himself to me in spirit; and I still after reading, and studying, his divine word; I still know nothing apart from what I read and have read over these last few years. I broke this scripture down into three parts to show the generosity of God, for it is far too much to know and understand it all together!
‘’you’’ ‘are’ “gods”; ‘’you’’ are ‘’all ‘sons’ of the ‘’Most High.’ 7 But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler.” 8 Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations
you are gods
you are
all sons of the Most High God,’’ but you will die like mere mortals, so it was immortals he was talking too at the time, telling them though they may be immortal they will die, =like the heathen. The thing about being immortal just like God and immortal means not dying living eternally, even though you have these promises, still God says you will die like mere mortals, so meaning if you do what is wrong you will be judged and punished with death.
Psalm 82-11- New International Versions (NIV)
11 When you came to Christ, he set you free from your evil desires, not by a bodily operation of circumcision but by a ‘’spiritual operation,’’ the ‘’baptism of your souls.’’ 12 For in baptism you see how ‘’your old, evil nature ‘died’ with him’’ and was ‘’buried with him;’’ and then ‘you’ came up ‘out of death with him’ into a ‘’new life’’ because you trusted the Word of the mighty God who raised Christ from the dead.
You have been given a new life, and most Christians do not realize what that actually means; it means a lot more than just salvation, for in salvation all of heaven was opened up for you, and you were carried on that cross in spirit in Jesus, and when he died, your old spirit died with him on that cross. But also on that cross, at the instant of death, you were given a new life by the ‘’H oly Spirit,’’ ‘’who was in Christ’’ as he ministered to the sick and preached the gospel with signs and wonders happening through the Holy Spirits power in Jesus, and now at the split second of human death, Jesus arose with a ‘’new life’’ ‘’in him for you,’’ he lives his new life in you also. In this new life in him, he seated you with him in heaven and as I said previously you ‘’have’’ been given the place of ‘’highest privilege’’ in Jesus, and much more than we could ever realize!
Psalm 82-13- New International Versions (NIV)
13 You were dead in sins, and your sinful desires were ‘not’ yet cut away Then ‘’he gave you’’ a
God says ‘’you’’ [that’s you and me as born again saints] ‘’
, ’’
‘’share in the ‘very life’ of Christ,’’ for he forgave all your sins, 14 and blotted out the charges ‘’ proved’’ against you, the list of his commandments which you had not obeyed. He took this list of sins and destroyed it by nailing it to Christ’s cross. 15 In this way God took away Satan’s power to accuse you of sin, and God openly displayed to the whole world ‘’Christ’s triumph’’ at the cross where your sins were all taken away.
This is the craziest thing you will ever read, you were ‘’dead in sins,’’ when he gave ‘’you a share in the very life of Christ,’’ this change happened while you were *still unrepentant,* dead spiritually in sins, and did not come into effect until Jesus decided to
make that change come about by forgiving you your sins, [‘’all’’ of them, none ever left out,] ev en the sins you are committing even now; and will do tomorrow and forever,] you are free from sin from that moment onwards; for God displayed Christ’s triumph at the cross where your sins were all taken away. Your sins and the worlds sins were ‘’All’’ taken away by Jesus and that was before anyone even said to God, I am sorry for my sins; this is a mighty triumph that few Christians ever get to discover for themselves. God gave us a share in Christ’s life while you still were a sinner, for when he died, he was the sacrifice for your sins, and for others even before we get to ask or say sorry; we have been forgiven even though we haven’t asked for forgiveness
This is crazy as I said, God forgave us even though we hadn’t repented of sin, and the incredible thing he did was to ‘’give us a share in the very life of Christ’’ while we were still sinners, for in death he won the victory over the devil. Have you ever thought about your sins, that before you even asked for forgiveness you were ‘’already forgiven?’’ This is the greatest display of the love of God that we will ever see displayed; ‘’forgiven before we repented?’’
I know many Christians born again ones and studiers of the living word who are still living in guilt because they are doing something they know is sin; but they forget that sin is covered by the blood of Jesus; they may be in situations where they cannot change because of worldly things stopping them.
For example I have a friend who is living with a woman, but he is not having sex with her, even though this is a clear sin of laying with a woman, God is using this man to bring awesome healings to people in their dozens at the moment, and he is living in guilt because he lies beside her.
I have seen other situations where Christians have not been living right before they met Jesus, and have ‘’partners’’ not ‘’wives or husbands,’’ they are still living together, and they don’t realize they have been forgiven by Jesus; Jesus took those unrepentant sins and forgave them even before the person repents. It is incredible to understand the love and mercy of God his mercy is forever and his forgiveness is forever also. We judge a person’s situation, and we have no idea of what a person is like except to say they are unsaved. But when those people are told that God loves them anyway they turn away from sin and the only sin that will keep a person
out of heaven is, ‘’refusing to be saved;’’ scripture says the worlds sin is this= *’’‘unbelief.’’*
John 16:9-11 Living Bible (TLB)
9 The world’s sin is ‘’unbelief in me’’; 10 there is ‘’righteousness available’’ because I go to the
Father and you shall see me no more; 11 there is ‘’deliverance from judgment’’ because the prince of this world has already been judged.
This is the only sin that will keep you out of heaven, no other sin will stop you gaining entrance, only this one ‘’refusing to believe,’’ and the extra thing we have here is; ‘’we have righteousness’’ available I will go into this subject, righteousness later
1-John 5:9-Amplified Bible
If we accept [as we do] the testimony of men [that is, if we are willing to take the sworn statements of fallible humans as evidence], the testimony of God is greater [far more authoritative]; for this is the testimony of God, that He has testified regarding His Son.
The word of God is clear; it is true regardless of what man says about it; for if he says your sins are paid for by the blood of Jesus that you have been transported into the spirit of Jesus when you repented and asked him into your heart, and by repentance I mean that you are truly accepting his forgiveness, and then he made you a ‘’god’’ like him within his own divine family. A s I said previously, it is like your blood that keeps your heart pumping, it is inside of you, it is you, it is a part of you, a portion of you, it is you for all to see except no one see’s inside your body normally, unless you’re having an operation and then it is exposed.
Just as you connect to the spirit of Jesus you become like his liquid blood, you have become him in other words you joined yourself to him as one spirit. The spirit is a difficult thing to understand for you cannot see it, you feel it but cannot see it, and it is like the wind you feel it, b ut cannot see it.
I just thought of something, when you have a blood transfusion, you receive someone else’s blood, and when they administer that blood to you it blends in with your blood and so becomes your blood. You had a different spirit from Jesus, a sin filled spirit until you became born again, and then your old spirit died, and you received a brand new sinless spirit, the spirit of Christ Jesus, and when you die your spirit lives on in the spirit of Jesus, ‘you have become one with and in him forever. You have become a ‘’god’’ inside God because of ‘’Jesus.’’
We sing songs that proclaim Jesus as ‘’Lord of lords’’ and ‘’King of Kings’’ and rightly so, but he is also the ‘’God of gods,’’ and as this next scripture tells you that Jehovah your God, and Jehovah is Jesus in the trinity. They are all one and equal to one another as one spirit being. This next scripture tells us Jesus is the ‘’God of ‘’gods’’ and the Lord of lords’’ he is the great and mighty God the God of terror for he shows no partiality, he has no favorites, we are all his children just as Jesus is still his son, but now with millions of brothers and sisters, = us, who are born again in him. This scripture is telling us that there are ‘’small gods’’ in existence, and that is the children of Almighty God, the things I have been trying to tell you who and what you are as sons and daughters of God.
Deuteronomy 10:17
“Jehovah your ‘’God is ‘’God of ‘’gods’’ and ‘’Lord of lords.’’ He is the great and mighty God, th e God of terror who shows no partiality and takes no bribes.
Most Christians still think of themselves as sinners, because they sin, they fail to see that Jesus has already purchased their sins for them and they are *sinless;* because when we sin we automatically say sorry even though we have been already forgiven before we even say sorry, bu t it is nice to thank Jesus by your sorrow for sinning, and not taking this wonderful news for granted
Romans 6:11-Expanded Bible
In the same way, you should ·see [count; consider] yourselves as being ‘’dead to ·the power of sin’’ [sin] and alive ·with [to; with reference to] God through [or in; in union with] Christ Jesus.
How many Christians, and when I say Christians, I mean born again ones, believe they have no
sin in them? Most that I have fellowshipped with in churches believe they are ‘sinners saved by grace’ or they are ‘sinners washed in the blood of the lamb,’ they do not seem to realize that this is contradiction of terms, a conundrum in other words, you cannot be ‘’saved’’ if you are sti ll proclaiming that you are a ‘’sinner,’’ and you cannot be saved if you confess that ‘’you are a sinner’’ washed in the blood of the lamb, the first thing you confessed with your mouth is that ‘ ’you are a sinner,’ and a ‘sinner’ is not saved.’’ Then you confess that you are ‘’saved by grace’’ or ‘’by the blood. ’’ You are what is called in scripture a double minded person, for if you realized what Jesus did for you, you would never call yourself a sinner, for Christ died for all ‘’while we were still sinners,’’ ‘’not after the world repented.’’ But now what is he going to do for you now that you are his own children {the word ‘’were’’ means past tense, something is in the past, not now ;}?
Romans 5:8 Amplified Bible
But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we ‘’were still sinn ers, ’’ Christ died for us.. 9 Therefore, since we have now been justified [declared free of the guilt of sin] by His blood, [how much more certain is it that] we will be saved from the wrath of God through Him. 10 for if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more certain, having been reconciled, that we will be saved [from the consequences of sin] by His life [that is, we will be saved because Christ lives today]. 11 Not only that, but we also rejoice in God [rejoicing in His love and perfection] through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received and enjoy our reconciliation [with God].
1-Corinthians 6:17-Expanded Bible
But the one who ‘’joins’’ with the Lord [in ‘’spiritual union’’] is ‘’one spirit’’ with the Lord.
This scripture alone should tell us what it means to be ‘’joined to the lord in one spirit,’’ and is an incredible scripture, for it is giving us knowledge of ‘’who and what’’ we are in Christ Jesus. This scripture uses both words that I am talking about, the one who joins and in spiritual union, the word join means to link, unite, connect, stick together, fasten together, fix, bond, adhere. And the word union means, amalgamation, combination, blending, coming together, j oining together, unification, and merger.
When you read through the following corresponding scriptures you need to remember what those words union and join mean for you, for when you read them words remember something here; those words are not my words, I didn’t make them up, No these are the *word s of Almighty God* and through the *Holy Spirit* as in relation to what *Jesus done for you* th rough his *scourging at the pillar, crucifixion and death,* If only you the reader would search out this in your bibles and see what your bibles say about this strange happening, you also would come to the conclusion that God is awesome, and Jesus incredible and the Holy Spirit is mind-boggling with his power that made all this happen because of the plans of God that he had from before he even made creation.
‘Ephesian 1-3- tell us that from before God made this world he had already you in mind when he would put you into your perfect place in his awesome jigsaw puzzle.
Ephesians 1-3-Living Bible (TLB)
What does it mean to ‘’join,’’ in ‘’union’’ to Jesus and what benefit does it have for us who belong to him?
4 Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided ‘’then’’ to make us ‘’holy in his eyes,’’ ‘’without a single fault’’ *we who stand before him covered with his love.*5 His unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into his own family by sending Jesus Christ to die for us. And he did this because he wanted to!
6 Now all praise to God for his wonderful kindness to us and his favor that he has poured out upon us because we belong to his dearly loved Son. 7 So overflowing is his kindness toward us that he took away all our sins through the blood of his Son, by whom we are saved; 8 and he ha s showered down upon us the richness of his grace—for how well he understands us and knows what is best for us at all times.
How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every blessing in heaven because we belong to Christ
God has told us his secret reason for sending Christ
a plan he decided on in mercy long ago;
0 and this was his purpose: that when the time is ripe he will gather us all together from wherever we are—in heaven or on earth—to be with him in Christ forever
4 Long ago, even before he made the world, God chose us to be his very own through what Christ would do for us; he decided then to make us ‘’holy’ in ‘his eyes,’’ ‘’without a single fault’’]*
God decided long ago, before he even made this world and universes, galaxies and suns and moons and stars, which are planets! ‘’Who is it that decided’’ to do something incredible? It was Almighty God who made a decision to make human beings and call each of us by name, and the things that most Christians fail to see is that they were made ‘’Holy,’’ ‘’without’ a ‘single’ fault.’’ I hear people asking does God know what is going on in this terrible faulty world, made so by mans failure to communicate with their God and saviour. And the answer to that is ‘yes,’ God knows all that is going to happen; but he is powerless to act unless someone prays with faith, then because of faith God can interfere in this fallen world.
Healed by his wounds
The salvations at the scourging at the pillar and at the cross, both are intertwined but only one is spoken of. It was when we were still sinners, ‘’still sinners he calls us,’’ that Christ died for us; if the born again Christian could only understand what Jesus purchased for us on the cross on Calvary, and it wasn’t just salvation, he purchased by his blood. A thing that is very rarely talked about in churches here in Ireland is the fact that before he was crucified Jesus went to the scourging at the pillar and it was there that *he took our sickness
and bore our diseases,* and this is not spoken about in the churches here in Northern Ireland, I don’t know about the rest of the world. I only know that if you hear of people being healed in a certain church, go there, for it is there you will probably find the truth. I get myself annoyed by the fact that the churches do not talk about Jesus scourging at the pillar a thing he done first for you and me, he suffered terribly there. They just preach salvation, mostly not even knowing what salvation entails, apart from folk getting into heaven, and as you have read in ‘’these little things we see’’ and do not see or hear, you see some of the things that came along with salvatio n.
They tore his flesh off of his body by barbed tips on their whips, their ‘’Cat o nine tails!’’ that dug into the flesh; and when the soldiers pulled it out, it brought along with it strips of his flesh exposing the nerves, and muscle, opening his back to expose his flesh, as he was
lashed repeatedly almost to the point of killing him. They spared no part for the sake of his modesty; everything was ripped into by that cat of nine tails as it was called, and I acknowledge what he done for me/ us/ to him be all glory honor and praise.
1-Peter 2 -24 living bible 24 He personally carried ‘’our’’ ‘’sins’’ ‘’in His ‘body’ on the cross’’ [willingly offering Himself on it, as on an altar of sacrifice], so that we might die to sin [becoming immune from the penalty and power of sin] and live for righteousness; for ‘’by ‘’His’’ ‘’wounds’’ ‘’you [who believe] ‘’ha ve been healed.’’
In the book of Isaiah he prophesized the things that Jesus would suffer and what he would do, ta king not only ‘’our sins,’’ but ‘’our diseases’’ from us and laid them on his own body before he went to the cross, for the scripture says ‘’he was lashed and we ‘’were’’ healed!’’
Isaiah 53 Living Bible (TLB)
53 But, oh, how few believe it! Who will listen? To whom will God reveal his saving power? 2 In G od’s eyes he was like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry and sterile ground. But in our eyes there was no attractiveness at all, nothing to make us want him. 3 We despised him and rejected him—a man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief. We turned our backs on him and looked the other way when he went by. He was despised, and we didn’t care.
4 Yet it was ‘’our grief’’ he bore, ‘’our sorrows’’ that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But ‘’he was wounded and bruised for our sins.’’ ‘’He was beaten that we might have peace;’’ ‘’he was lashed—and we were healed!’’ 6 We—every one of us—have strayed away like sheep! We, who left God’s paths to follow our own,. Yet ‘’God laid on him the guilt and sins of every one of us!’’
7 He was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet he never said a word. He was brought as a lamb to
the slaughter; and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he stood silent before the ones condemning him. 8 From prison and trial they led him away to his death. But who among the
people of that day realized it was ‘’their’’ sins that he was dying for—that he was suffering their punishment?
10 But it was the ‘’Lord’s good plan’’ to ‘’bruise him’’ and ‘’fill him with grief.’’ However, when *his soul* has been made an *offering for sin,* then he shall have a multitude of children, ‘’ma ny heirs’’. He shall live again, and ‘’God’s program’’ shall ‘prosper’ in his hands. 11 And when he sees all that is accomplished by the anguish of his soul, he shall be
satisfied; and because of what he has experienced, my righteous Servant shall make ‘’many to be *counted righteous* before God, for *he shall bear ‘all’ their sins.* 12 Therefore, I will give him the honors of one who is mighty and great because he has poured out his soul unto death. H e was counted as a sinner, and he bore the sins of many, and he pled with God for sinners.— {’he was lashed—and we were healed!’’
All of this that Jesus the only son of God was sentenced to this terrible suffering, a plan to take away the diseases that Satan the devil had inflicted the world with, and all this was God’s plans and Gods plans are hard to figure out; but Gods plans for Jesus were to destroy the devils works, so what plans does he have for you to turn around one day for his glory.
{1 PETER 2 24}
‘Have’ means something happened. When Jesus suffered that terrible ordeal he did it all for you and me, this is included ‘’in salvation,’’ but is not talked about because you have to believe that your sickness and diseases have already been healed, and it is from this point that we attack all kinds of sickness and diseases as ‘’already healed by Jesus suffering’’ and then you have to step out to see the miracles for yourself and this is not happening because of ‘’unbe lief.’’ And this all happened when Jesus decided to allow himself to be captured and brought into this awful suffering. I feel it very sore when I get a splinter into my fingers; I go about for days trying to get it removed, because it seems to be that particular finger that I need so much. What must he have felt then when his flesh was torn off of him? What is it like when you who have suffered your flesh being torn back because of an accident; he did it all for you and me. He is being robbed off of his glory when salvation is just preached. I know that salvation is for all, to get his children into heaven; but he also suffered that crowning of thorns and those thirty nine lashes, and who was counting? Those soldiers enjoyed their job, they were picked as being the strongest of the unit who could go on for thirty nine times lashing people to death most times for no one could hardly endure all those lashes and remember it was a cat of nine tails, every time they lashed Jesus he was hit nine times at once each long lash went all over his
body all at the one time. You should watch those old Roman films and see the torture people received and our saviour chose to suffer that way. He could have chosen to suffer any other way, and like St Paul suffered on one of the times he was ordered to be whipped, and he was lashed by bamboo canes lashed together! Jesus could have chosen to be lashed like that to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah but he chose to let them lash him in this way, because every stripe took away a particular disease, and this is not something that is preached.
As he was lashed his flesh was torn out of him; as his blood flowed, his father put into each wou nd a particular disease; then it was covered by the blood of Jesus, even his crown of thorns had a significant reason. He suffered this way for those who have tumors, brain disease, mental issu es, and disease of the eyes, as his blood flowed down into his eyes and face till he was completely covered with blood. He suffered for those with facial problems and for everything that could possibly touch any disease that a human could ever suffer. Nothing was left out in the lashing, and nothing was left out in the diseases for every part of his body suffered those blows, covering his body from head to toe, even under his feet and probably many things that I do not know about.
I doubt that he was offered his shoes back so that he could climb that rocky ground, and his hands having his flesh torn off them as he carried that cross. [This is something that the Holy Spirit showed me in a vision one day as I worshipped,] so now it all makes sense for me, and my heart is feeling that pain he experienced for I haven’t gone into his suffering in such detail. Think about it the next time you get a pain in your back, arms, legs groin, breasts, or men’s genitals nothing was left out, so think if you’re in pain, what must have he have felt like?
They blame God for everything wrong
Half the world is starving, and as they starve, ‘’soldiers and rebels’’ ‘’fight for power,’’ and so half the time the rest of the western world is being blocked from getting aid to the poor people and children caught in the middle of these vicious wars; then one side win for a while, so war stops; then war starts up again by another evil man or woman, as they try to take back what they lost, and this keeps repeating time after time. It is power mad men and women caught is Satan’s traps that keep the world in wars, for evil deeds happen during those times, incredulous horrific things being done to ’’women and children especially’’ and the world sees w hat is happening. Because countries like ‘’Russia’’ ‘’block the United Nations’’ from going in there to stop it. What has God got to do with all this? Nothing; it is Satan the devil who sets
people against each other.
What about a disaster, sure God does those doesn’t he? No, a lot of disasters happen because man has destroyed the planets natural defenses; like trees in giant forests being destroyed and the animals are disappearing from lack of habitation and food, also because mountains are stripped of trees, the land becomes unstable then every time there is a downfall of water, then with no trees dug deep into the soil, disaster strikes, the mountains once covered in woods now lie empty and nothing to stop the floods from going down the mountains and destroying villages and cities killing thousands, drowning them in mud and water.
Men in different countries are exploding nuclear bombs underground. Don’t you think that time after time as they explode these terrible bombs that something has to give somewhere, and the next thing you know there are tsunamis, earthquakes, and fires and the North Pole and South Pole melting, because the world has tilted because of all these nuclear bombs being teste d?
He first gave the world to man, but man give it away to the devil in the Garden of Eden. I write this because lately, as I am telling people how to be saved, I hear people blaming God for sickness, disease and disasters. Now you know Jesus took all our sickness and diseases on to his body at the ‘’scourging at the pillar’’ where ‘’all your diseases were placed upon Jesus torn body,’’ and as he went to the cross he took upon himself *all the worlds sin,* and put to death both as he died on that cross.
A question then asked is if he destroyed our sickness and diseases then how come about 90% of the world suffers sickness, pain, plus diseases some time in their lives? The answer to that is
Jesus took our sickness and bore our disease but most people don’t believe this! Do you? And ju st like sin, Jesus took our sins upon his body, ‘’actually his spirit’’ did this, his body could not hav e carried all the worlds sin, his body carried our sickness and diseases for his lashes, touched every part of his naked body as he was lashed.
Are people still sinning? Of course they are, didn’t you not long ago? But we know from the word of Almighty God that our sins have been ‘’paid for by Jesus,’’ just as our sickness have been ‘’paid for by Jesus’’ also. But to attain forgiveness we first have to accept that forgiveness, because we are ‘’already forgiven’’ before we even ask; the same applies to healing, we are already healed by Jesus suffering for us on our behalf, but, there again lies a ‘’bu t,’’ we have to do something about it, and that is to ‘’believe by faith,’’ a simple thing; for to each has been given the ‘level of faith,’ and like everything else about God, you have to use it believing the word of God. Sin and sickness and disease is still in this world; Jesus didn’t destroy sin he paid for our sin and the worlds sin; the same goes with sickness; he didn’t destroy sickness, he paid for it, in each of us who believe so activate your faith.
Miracles and healings are ours to activate; ‘’I do,’’ but there are some folk who just want to accept the countries benefits, rather than be healed. And of course man is creating new disease every day in secretes laboratories. They hope to unleash them in some country they are planning to invade. But it is our choice to believe the devils lies or Jesus truth
I felt the need to write on this subject because as you go out preaching the good news you will have people throw these things up at you and you need to know the answers to give them, telling them God is a good God, he does not do evil things. Now to get back to our union with Jesus and what that means for us.
I assure you, believers
1-Corinthians 15:31=Amplified Bible
I assure you, believers, by the pride which I have in you in [‘’your’’ ‘’union’’ with] Christ Jesus’’ Our Lord, I die daily [I face death and die to self]
Paul speaking to the believers in Corinth assured them of their ‘’union with and in Jesus’’ in spirit, and he delighted in sharing this Good News with them confirming their union with, and in Christ Jesus, and he tells them he dies daily to himself so that he can be more open to the Holy Spirit, for his teaching.
We have been so lucky here in the United Kingdom, and in the western world, we have very little problems with torture facing those believers unlike in the Eastern world where people die for proclaiming Jesus as lord. But now with our countries having more and more Muslims coming into our countries as refugees, them more and more government councils give way to things like Christian Christmas grottos being removed as they have been in England, to placate the Muslims god Allah; Now I know that Muslims living in England know that this is wrong and offends Christians and cause ill feelings towards Muslims, by giving these people more rights to things in these countries than the English.
I am not against Muslims, or have anything against them and their religion, for there are many god fearing Muslims, good people trying to live in peace with their fellow man; but there are things changing in England, for instant; just last week, 28 th or 29 Feb 2019, an old colored man was standing in the street preaching the gospel, with his Bible in his hand, and two policemen arrived and arrested him for preaching the gospel and offending Muslims, they tried taking his bible from him but he refused to give it to them, and so they whipped him off in their police car, as a man videoed them, and posted it on line. These things are happening to Christian people more and more lately as the Muslims are placated= {to make somebody less angry, upset, or hostile, usually by doing or saying things to please him or her} [dictionary]
What is going to happen to Christians in these later times when their basic rights are being denied them in favor of Islam, even though most of the eastern world’s countries are suffering, because Islamic Muslims terrorists like Isis are attacking Christians, and other religions in these countries, and doing terrible things to people including beheading little babies, because their parents do not believe as they do, and they even attacked moderate Muslims in their place of living because they do not believe their interpretation of the Koran, nor their violence against the gentiles?
All of this is prophesied in the New Testament, so it is nothing strange that we see and hear of. But to see two policemen take an old black man into custody because he is preaching salvation through Jesus this is just the beginning, or should I say it is a ‘’continuing’’ persecution because s chools now in Britain have to have the Koran and not the bible, the same applies in the USA. Christian’s basic rights are being taken away and no one cares or even notices these things. Thes
e are things we see, and do not see!
These things are happening right now throughout the world and are now moving into the western world, but for we who believe then we have no fear of these changes because we have a ‘’union with and in Jesus Christ’’ and the world does not care about this at all, they disbelieve all that God has done for them and so reject salvation. But for us who believe then we all should know that we are in ‘’spiritual union, joined together with and in Jesus’’ ‘’Almighty father God’’ and of course the awesome ‘’Holy Spirit’’ without whom we have nothing.
Ephesians 2:21-Living Bible
These scriptures are hard for us to understand for we look at things from a flesh mind, not with the mind of Christ, of whom we have a share; it is the same with all scripture, most read the word of God from a flesh side, so fail to see the spiritual side of the divine word. This scripture is speaking to those who have the mind of Christ active in them, for not all Christians believe they have the ‘’very mind of Christ’’ or even a portion of it, and so they fail to see what God, {‘’ now remember it is God speaking”} says through the writer of the book of Ephesians, and other scripture telling us *who and what we are,* so most believe the lies of the enemy, and think this is ‘’too much to believe!’’ That Jesus and I are actually joined together in spirit as one spiritual being, and we all are joined together with him as a growing temple of God. Did you notice the condition to have access to the mind of Christ Jesus? You have to ‘’believe,’’ it is the same with all the things God says you are or have.
1 Corinthians 2:16-Living Bible-----How could he? For certainly he has never been one to know the Lord’s thoughts; or to discuss them with him, or to move the hands of God by prayer But, strange as it seems, we Christians actually ‘’do have’’ within us a ‘’portion’’ of the ‘’very thoughts’’ and ‘’mind of Christ.’’
These scriptures are incredible when you begin to open your mind to the possibilities of what God say we have; it is so much to take in at the one time, so Gods Spirit gives us enlightenment a bit at a time. Some people don’t even realize what salvation actually means for us who received it. We thought that confessing our sin, repenting and asking Jesus into our hearts would give us all the knowledge of what salvation means to us, and what salvation means to God who gave it to us as the beginning of all he has for us.
Acts 17 -28-New International Version (NIV)
’believe’’ are carefully *joined’’ together* with Christ’* as parts of a beautiful, cons tantly growing temple for God.
‘’We’’ who ‘
‘For ‘’in him’’ ‘’we live’ and ‘move’ and ‘have our being.’’ As some of your own poets Have s aid, ‘we are his offspring.’29 “Therefore since we are ‘’God’s’’ offspring,’’ we should not think that the divine being is Like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill. I t is only ‘’in Jesus himself that we actually ‘live’ and ‘move’’ about and ‘have’’ ‘’our spiritual life’’. It is only ‘’in him Jesus’’ that ‘’we’’ ‘’exist’’ as ‘’spiritual beings’’ because ‘’Jesu s no longer exists as a human being’’ so we live and move, and as Gods word says, have our being; ‘’he is spirit’’ and ‘’we’’ ‘’now are *spirit* of ‘’his spirit’’
Have a good look in prayer, *ask the Holy Spirit for enlightenment* of what this word is saying to us, as it describes our condition in Christ Jesus, and his spiritual condition in us the believers, even though it is so hard to truly understand in the natural; but ‘’ask the Holy
Spirit’’ for the supernatural mind of Almighty God in this, how does he think as opposed to our thinking, for he is the creator of the world, of everything created in the galaxies, and endless space.
This is how the person who created everything in the universes, the person who created the world we live in, the very person who gave his life for ours sees things. Now open your spiritual eyes up, to see what it is that God the creator has in mind for us to see to acknowledge, choosin g to believe no matter how crazy this seems to be. Keep in mind who is saying this about us and Jesus, it is ‘’Almighty God’’ who thought everything out and called it into being, then he gave his word to fulfill all that he said!
Now let’s take that scripture apart a little bit at a time to see all that God has done for us, the creator of all things and of course us.
28 ‘For ‘’in him’’ ‘’we live’ and ‘move’ and ‘have our being.’’
‘’In him,’’ being ‘’joined carefully to Jesus’’ ‘’in him we live and move and have our being.’’ Reme mbering the word ‘’have’’ means something has already happened, according to God, the one who created all of us, to be created in his image, in Genesis 1-26- let us make a man someone ‘’like ourselves,’’ *like God did God make man,* ‘’man and maid;’’ and they all agreed! So God made man, let’s stop there; what exactly is God’s word saying to us; ‘’God’’ ‘’made man in his own image.’’ Now who made man? And what did he make man to be? Someone ‘’like,’’ ’’God;’’ the word ‘’like’’ means, ==’’similar to,’ ‘akin to,’ ‘approximating,’ ‘in the vein of,’ ‘reminiscent of,’ ‘’resembling’’ God. Resembling, these words are saying that ‘’we are the same as God, in spirit not in flesh and blood, we are not him but resemble him.’’ When we get to heaven one day, we will know what exactly what it has been that God has been trying to get us to understand before we get there; to have access to this knowledge for the greater need of mankind.
“Therefore since we are ‘’God’s offspring,’’ we should not think that the divine being is Like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill.
Acts 17 New International Version (NIV)
Therefore since we are ‘’God’s offspring,’’ offspring simply means ‘children,’ there are lots of scriptures telling us that we are ‘’God’s spiritual children’ not mans spiritual ones.
It is only ‘’in Jesus’’ ‘himself’ that we actually live and move’’ about and ‘have’’ ‘’our spiritual life’’
It is only ‘’in Jesus’’ that we actually ‘’live and move about and ‘’have our spiritual life;’’ have what? ‘’Have our spiritual, life;’’ our spiritual life is of more importance than our flesh life,
yet our flesh life would tell you otherwise, but if you wish to grow in the knowledge of God of w ho, and what we are in him, then chose to ‘’believe him,’’ and what he says about me and you his offspring’s, his own children.
Acts 17 New International Version (NIV)
It is *only in him Jesus* that ‘’we’’ ‘’exist’’ as ‘’spiritual beings’’ because Jesus no longer exists as a human being so we live and move, and as Gods word says have our being; he is spirit and we now are ‘’spirit of his spirit’’
Christian brothers and sisters can you understand what God is telling us, it’s not me, or anyone else; but Almighty God himself in his divine living word tells us that we don’t exist as a human being with the old spirit we had when we were born; but we were given the spirit of Jesus Christ when we were ‘’born again.’’ This teaching from God Almighty himself is explosive to the human thinking, for it is him who is teaching us that we don’t exist as original spirit beings, b ut as a +New Creature+ with a +New Nature.+ It is only in Jesus that we exists as spiritual beings, for that is what we are, new spiritual beings with Jesus consuming us, living his new life i n us, as Jesus no longer exists as a human being it is common sense to realize that he exists as a spirit being with us in his own divine spirit as *one spiritual being.* Wow! God is awe-inspiring an amazing God, so simple with that all-encompassing word he teaches us, all we have to do is ‘’ believe.’’ He is spirit and ‘’now,’’ that’s this very minute you are reading this, we are ‘’sp irit of his spirit;’’ for God took his divine sperm, his divine seed from which he created Jesus from and then created us from the same seed an incorruptible one. Did you know that you were recreated with the divine sperm of God?
No one who is born of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, because ‘’God ’s seed’’ [‘’His principle of life,’’ the ‘’essence of His righteous character’’] ‘’remains’ [‘’permane ntly’] ‘’in him’’ [*who is ‘’born again*—who is *reborn from above* ‘’spiritually transformed,’’ ‘’
he [who is born again] ‘’+cannot+’’ habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because ‘’he is ‘’born of God’’ and ‘’longs to please Him.’’
In Peter he says the same thing to us reinforcing his divine word; we were set apart for God’s purposes; isn’t that fantastic, to be transformed and set apart from others in this world to do what he has created us to do; therefore this is the reasoning that God has made us what we now are as *born again* from the *exact ‘same seed’ as Jesus.* spirit from his spirit; how mind boggling is that? What we are learning here in these few scriptures
renewed’’, and ‘’set apart for His purpose’’]; and
completes God’s purposes for us, and to know that as I sit here in my computer room, I am doing exactly what Jesus wants me to do, write these books, that I feel sometimes hindered in the healing ministry from. But here I still am all these years later, silent after prayer every morning before I do anything else, I ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten me in his word so that I can share with you the reader what he wants me to write, and to do that day, and I know that I am in the perfect will of God!
1-Peter 1:23-Amplified Bible
For you have been *born again* [that is, ‘’reborn from above’’— ‘’spiritually transformed,’’ ‘’r enewed’’, and ‘’set apart’ for ‘’His purpose’’] not of *seed* which is perishable but [from that which is] ‘’imperishable and immortal,’’ that is, through the living and everlasting word o f God.
Born again means something more to me now, as I realize what God and no one else has done for me and you, for all born again children of God! And that’s not all he has done for us! To think that God has recreated us from the same seed, / the same sperm as Jesus, is awesome, mind blowing to be truthful, what an amazing God we serve, who loves us with an everlasting love that never changes for he is the ‘’same yesterday, today, and forever.’’
Hebrews 13:8-Amplified Bible
Jesus Christ is [eternally changeless, always] the same ‘’yesterday’’ and ‘’today’’ and ‘’foreve r. ’’
We are joined together with and in Jesus, as one with his spirit; for we are after all ‘’spirit from his spirit;’’ ‘’seed from his seed.’’ We are joined together by his spiritual strong sinews, for we g row stronger and stronger in awareness of him who is complete with us in him
But they are not connected to Christ, the Head to which all of us who are ‘’his body’’ ‘’are joined;’’ for ‘’we are *joined together* by ‘’his strong sinews,’’ and we grow only as we get our nourishment and strength from God.
Colossians 2:19-Living Bible
We have been adopted to sonship by God our heavenly
Ephesians 1:5 The Greek word for ‘’adoption to sonship’’ is a ‘’legal term’’ referring to the ‘’fu ll’’ *legal standing*’’ of an ‘’adopted male heir’’ in Roman culture.
We born again Christians have a legal standing with Gods adoptions plans; for the enemy would try him legally if he could, but God has defeated him through Jesus as according to his own plans, Plans he thought about before time even began.
Then he sends his own Holy Spirit to us to help us in everything in life, he is the same Holy Spirit that Jesus had when he walked this earth.
John 16 New International Version (NIV)
Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the ‘’wrong about sin’’ and ‘’righteousness’’ and ‘’ju dgment:’’9 about sin, because people do not believe in me; 10 about righteousness, because I am going to the Father, where you can see me no longer; 11 and about judgment, because the pr ince of this world now stands condemned
Most people’s belief about sin is ‘sins’ not the *sin* that could send them to hell by their own choosing, there is only one *sin* that will send people to hell; that sin has been paid for by Jesus, that sin is ‘’unbelief.’’ Not believing that Jesus paid for all the worlds’ *sin*. The sin that will send you to hell is the sin of refusing to believe that Jesus died for your sin of unbelief and paid for it in full. How amazing is that, one sin can send you to hell, it is not the millions of sins that you may have committed throughout your life that will condemn you, it is refusing to
believe that Jesus paid for that one sin so that the entire world would get a chance to chose either heaven or hell, and sadly many actually chose hell thinking it is a place of entertainment and fun, more fun than dowdy heaven could be, with all the praying and worshiping of God, and they think this is boring, boring, boring. But Heaven is a place of joy, peace, with no sickness or diseases nor pain; it is a place where we will worship Almighty God, in the trinity, but with an awesome joy like we never experienced before in our lives, there is no joy or happiness on this earth that could compare with the joy of worship in heaven, of being in the presence of our God and seeing him in all of his glory. We get a small taste of heaven now and again whilst we worship him here, and the presence of his spirit fills the room where we are worshipping and it is breathtaking, it is so amazing a peace that the world does not have, it is beautiful, I have experienced it lightly at times when I am singing to him, and it is something else.
As ‘’you believe,’’ ‘’your expectations’’
Other things we do not see or hear from church leaders is, as ‘’you’’ ‘’believe,’’ so shall it be.’’
Matthew 8:13Amplified Bible (AMP)
Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go; it will be done for you ‘’as you have believed.”And the servant was restored to health at that very hour.
I heard a tape by a Christian husband and wife, John and Paula Sanford, I think is what you called them. I am not too sure so forgive me if I am wrong; but what they taught on those old tapes was awesome.
I talked with women who went to a healing weekend In a place called Drumalis Retreat Centre, organized by nuns and this weekend after the usual services were over and I heard women expressing a fear they had; that fear was to listen to their husbands nagging them about all this Christian crap, they told me that it just demoralized them after such a wonderful weekend, whe re the presence of God was there touching and healing people. I was allowed to minister to everyone who desired prayer.
I asked God what should they do, and he got me hold of that tape where I learned ‘’what you ‘’b elieve’’ you receive or get.’’
Matthew 8:13Good News Translation (GNT)
Then Jesus said to the officer, “Go home, and ‘’what you believe will be done for you.”And the officer's servant was healed that very moment.
After prayer I realized I could help those women to go home with their husband, and the husband will pay them a compliment rather than attack them for going to the weekend as they always done. So I spoke to quite a few and told them to visualize them meeting their husbands,
and instead of expecting that sour face,{which was the enemy trying to destroy their weekend} they were to imagine sending out to their husbands love, and expecting them to be different and see them being kind and loving.
I later heard from some of those women who couldn’t believe their husbands reactions, they were kind, loving, and asked how the weekend went for them. By believing the right way about something you can change the outcome. ‘’As you believe so shall it be!’’
I used to go down town to get the groceries, and I usually met someone and got sidetracked the n of course I was always late, and Rose had a row with me when I came home, for she always ex pected me to come back late as usual.
God showed me something that I could change; one was realizing that Rose expected me to be late, so ‘’I was,’’ the answer to her expectations. And the other was to do my best to overcome Roses belief; for there are two people involved here in expectations. I became very aware for a long time now how to overcome Roses belief, to change it; for she was doing wrong by her expectations for that was how I reacted subconscious to her belief. Now Rose knows that what we expect of each other happens, for ‘’as we believe so shall it be.’’
One day I went to the town to get a few items, so I of course told Rose I would be about twenty minutes. But down town I found myself standing for about five minutes outside the post office and I wondered why I felt to stand here, but I knew it was the Holy Spirit that was impressing on me to stand here, Then a woman I had met before briefly as she passed through a place where I was working so I just said hullo, and walked on. I felt to stop her and ask her how she was doing; as I did so, she broke down crying and began telling me things about herself, then said, ‘You would never understand how I feel,’ then this prompted me to share with her some areas of my life before coming to the lord, so she said, ‘you do understand,’ and proceeded to tell me what was wrong with her; she explained to me that she was heading to the river less than a hundred yards behind us, to drown herself. I stood and talked and prayed with her; after a long time she told me the desire to ‘kill her-self had gone and she was feeling great and happy. So we parted and as we separated I looked at my watch and discovered that almost four hours had gone by. I thought, ‘’oh God I’m up to my eyes in trouble with Rose.’’ And then I drove home, on arriving outside my front door I thought, ‘’I’m in trouble there will be a hell of a row when I go in.’’ then I remembered John and Paula Sanford’s tape message, and standing at the front gate I changed my thinking and began sending love plus good thoughts to Rose I sent in a message that Rose will say civilly to me, ‘wha t kept you love, your dinner in the oven,’ then turn back to watching the TV. This is what she did; I stood in shock a minute before I went out to the kitchen to get my dinner thanking and praising God, for changing what would normally be a source of a row into a polite
greeting; sitting down I ate my dinner, and fighting keeping the thoughts at bay that wanted to come into my mind that she will suddenly rise up and lay into me for being late.
Two things happened here. One was ‘’I’’ ‘expected’ Rose to have a row with me and she was changed from feeling let down as usual, to greeting me lovingly. Two was when I changed my expectations to expect something different; I took off of Rose my expectations. Rose always exp ected me to be late as usual, so no matter what happened I would have been late as usual for that is what she expected, and this was being transferred to me spiritually, so spiritually I would know what Rose was expecting me to do, my usual be late. So I spiritually subconsciously expected a row with Rose. This didn’t happen; because I had
taken control over my expectations. There are things we see and things we do not see, and these unseen things have a deep impact on our lives.
Matthew 8:13New International Version (NIV)
Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as ‘’you’’ ‘’believed’’ it would.” And
his servant was healed at that moment. Matthew 8:13 Living Bible (TLB)
Then Jesus said to the Roman officer, “Go on home. What you have believed has happened!” A nd the boy was healed that same hour!
We normally associate this scripture with healing because what the Roman officer asked Jesus and then he believed Jesus would heal his servant and he did and as Jesus said to him ‘’what ‘you’ have believed has happened.’’
Then again we believe that these words are only associated with prayer, but there not; these words affect every part of our daily life, whether we know this or not. To give you an example or two here is one.
A friend of ours regularly phones us for prayer, and we have noticed that the men she is friends with all follow the same pattern, they are all into her, for she is a beautiful African woman; at the start its love, love, love, then slowly they all seem to lose interest and back off, and eventually stop phoning her, and this is the same pattern she has seen happening to her for years now; and today when she phoned, the lord revealed to Rose and me that she was sending out to these men at the start of their relationship to love her; then later in the relationship they were to follow the same pattern as her first partner did, they were too slowly start to back off, and then bring the relationship to an end.
We realized that what she believed would happen, did, and then we remembered a tape we heard one time by John and Paula Sanford, calling this thing by a different name; I don’t like the name they called it because it come from a scientist and was not in line with the word of
God; this scientist was later found to be, let’s say of the wrong spirit. Therefore I would not accept all that he said; but when using it to ‘’as you believe, so shall it be,’’ it makes sense, for Jesus himself told us that what we believe shall happen if we believe it strong enough; but we have always applied this to be prayer and didn’t realize that this applies to other things apart from prayer.
Let’s say, if you believed it was going to rain though the forecast said it would be a lovely day, you would carry about with you an umbrella or a rainproof coat. Now it is not going to rain just because you believed it would, though the weather forecasts say it will be a lovely sunny day all day. But I’m sure you understand what I am trying to get to. If you believed that you would become a millionaire by the time you have reached thirty one, then if you believed that strong enough and worked accordingly you will become a millionaire, it is the
word of God for believer on non believer. His word says ‘’as you believe God’s word,’’ that ‘’it is not right to be alone,’’ then before too long you will get a partner to hold you and love you, but if you believe the opposite that you’re not good enough to deserve to be happy and in love, then it will not happen.
There is nothing in this world that we cannot believe for if it is written in the word of God then it is yours. Rose and I needed a car so that I could go too far off places in Ireland to spread the gospel and heal the sick, and Rose was so convinced that she said she wanted a ‘’red one,’’ Gods word tells us to ‘’be specific,’’ so Rose was being more specific than me, and within a few months we were given a car, ‘’free,’’ and ‘’its color was red ’’ We were delighted with this car, we had it for years, the greatest thing was we couldn’t afford to buy a car, and Gods word got us this one ‘’free.’’ It is too long a story to go into but it was an awesome story. Rose could have believed for a blue one and we would have got a blue one, for as she and I believed so shall it have been done to you.
Over the years Rose and I prayed for things like a ‘new suite,’ and a ‘fridge’, and we got those things ‘’free’’ because we believed we would get them, and we thanked the lord for these things even before we even seen them.
Regarding the fridge, I was trying to teach my kids that, ‘’as you believe so shall it be,’’ and they went to bed that night with what I had told them in their minds. In the morning I excitedly wakened them for school saying we have a new fridge in between the white goods in our kitchen, where the gap between them was, they rushed downstairs and into the kitchen and looked in that space but no fridge, and they began mocking me, until I asked them to look closer into the gap for there on the back wall I had stuck a picture of a fridge. It got worse the mocking and laughter, and they went off to school that morning disgusted with my idea of sticking a picture of what Rose and I desired. But God working in his normal ways surprised us, for our sister in law was visiting Roses mother just a little bit up the street from us, and decided to come and visit us, something she had never done before. Whilst she was talking with Rose she suddenly said, ‘’oh by the way, if you know anyone looking for a fridge let me know for my mother won a brand new fridge
freezer last night and is looking to give away her new fridge of just a couple of months old.’’ Rose told her we needed a fridge, and showed her my picture; low and behold this picture was of the same fridge that her mother was giving away to the first to come for it. She phoned her mother to see if it was still there and praise God it was, so I went and collected it, she refused my offer to pay something for it. So when I came home I put the fridge where my picture was, and stuck the picture on the fridge door, for a laugh. When my kids came home I told them again to go out into the kitchen to look at our new fridge. Reluctantly they went out into the kitchen in a group, for I wouldn’t let them into the kitchen until all arrived from school. Going into the kitchen I could hear gasps coming from them as they all saw the fridge sitting there, then one of them asked why I stuck the picture of the fridge on the fridge, was the fridge only on loan? I told them to look closely at the picture and they all said, ‘’it’s the same fridge.’’ Glory to God alone for he answered our
desire for a new fridge, he gave us the same one that I picked out of Roses catalogue, great is the Lord for ‘’he knows our needs even before we ask him.’ This applies to everyone not just to Christians or people who pray Matthew 6:8 Amplified Bible (AMP)….. 8 so do not be like them [praying as they do]; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
Ephesians 5:19-Living Bible
Talk with each other much about the Lord, quoting psalms and hymns and singing sacred son gs, making music in your hearts to the Lord.
Matt 21:22
Matthew 12:34-36 ESV
You brood of vipers! How can you speak good, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the ‘’mouth’ ‘speaks.’’ The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil. I tell you, on the Day of Judgment peo ple will give account for ‘’every ‘careless’ word they speak,’’
What you say and believe is what you get, for as you believed so shall it be; you speak your miracles out of your mouth and speak the negative things that happen to you out of your mouth also.
Hebrews 11:6 ESV
And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must ‘’bel ieve that he exists’’ and that ‘’he ‘’rewards’’ those who ‘’seek him.’’
There’s more to ‘’as you believe’’ than you realize, think of other ways that you believe and see if it comes into line with the word of God!
Another area of spiritual awareness I and Rose learned was to ask our angels to do things for us, and one of those things was; I would ask my guardian angel to get me a place to park, and he always would. Rose also learned to ask in Jesus name for her guardian angel to find things she had lost, and she would usually find them in places she knew she had looked before, but angels are more than finders of parking places and lost items. Now I am ashamed to have done these things, because I now know what angels are here for.
Hebrews 1 New International Version (NIV)
7 In speaking of the angels he says, “He makes his ‘’angel’s spirits, ’’ and ‘’his servant’s’’ flame s of fire.”
God created the angels to serve him, but to also to serve us as children of God *joined to him as one spirit with, and in him,* for as *‘joined together’* means to become *‘’one spiritual being’’* we have become *‘’Jesus in spirit’’* ‘with and in him,’ thereby making the angels serve us in him, now angels are not slaves of mankind, but holy beautiful spirit beings, filled with awesome power, for one angel slew a 185,000 men in battle. And all we ask of our guardian angel is to get us a parking place, or to find some missing item for us; isn’t that unbelievable; how distasteful, a mighty angel asked to do such ridiculous things for us, yet they do it; they were created mighty beings not little things like you see on Christmas cards. I don’t believe that we have entered into the realization of what angels do for us, treated with respect, in the name of Jesus.
2 Kings 19:35Amplified Bible (AMP)
35 Then it came to pass that night, that the ‘’angel of the Lord’’ ‘’went forth and struck down 185,000 [men]’’ in the camp of the Assyrians; when the survivors got up early in the morning,
behold, all [185,000] of them were dead.
An angel killed ‘’185,000’’ men in battle, what power they have, one angel killing all these men, and all we ask of them is to get us a parking space, or lost things, how degrading; yet they obey us as God’s children to do these menial tasks for us.
Sadly that is why Satan, the devil, rebelled against God’s plans for human beings; God told them to serve mankind and he and millions of angels, and created beings rebelled against Gods plans, but were defeated and cast down to the earth.
Matthew 18:10 Living Bible (TLB)
10 “Beware that you don’t look down upon a single one of these little children. For I tell you that in heaven their angels have constant access to my Father.
The children of this world have angels who are in heaven before God almighty and these
angels have constant access to Father God, so says Jesus himself, he does not name what rank these angels possess, but states they have constant access to Almighty Father God.
Ezekiel 28:14 Living Bible
I appointed you to be the anointed ‘’Guardian Angel.’’ You had access to the holy mountain of God. You walked among the stones of fire.
This is God speaking to Satan
Ezekiel 28:16 Living Bible
Your great wealth filled you with internal turmoil, and you sinned. Therefore, I cast you out of the mountain of God like a common sinner. I destroyed you, O ‘’Guardian Angel,’’ from the midst of the stones of fire.
God showed what heaven was like in the construction of the Ark of the Covenant.
Hebrews 9:5 Living Bible ……Above the golden chest were statues of angels called the ‘’cherub im’’—the ‘’guardians of God’s glory’’—with their wings stretched out over the ark’s golden cover, called the mercy seat.
I was brought up to believe that the cherubim were baby angels, and these were the ones who watched over babies; how wrong I was then, for I see now that the ‘’cherubim’’ were actually ‘’ mighty angels’’ called to ‘’watch over the ‘glory’ of God;’’ and when his glory is revealed to man you can be assured that the cherubim are there protecting that glory from Satan and all the enemy, his glory does not come alone but protected by these mighty awesome angels.
I used to think that guardian angels were given to children to protect and watch over them until they went into heaven; but I see in scripture ‘’guardian angels’’ were standing
on both sides of Almighty God. Protecting him, as if needed; but a king has his close security surrounding him whether he needs them or not.
Psalm 99:1 Living Bible
Jehovah is King! Let the nations tremble! He is ‘’enthroned between’’ the ‘’Guardian Angels’’. L et the whole earth shake.
On the day that we enter heaven we shall see ‘’the ‘’glory of God’’ protected by those ‘’cherub im, ’’ And Gods throne protected by the Guardian angels with outstretched wings touching each other with two ready to cover Almighty God just waiting to surround him if a second rebellion were to take place.
And see those glorious ‘’Guardian angels’’ standing each side of to Almighty God with outstretched wings touching each other over God, protecting him ready to strike down any spiritual being that threatens him in any way. Almighty God does not need protecting, but he has a chain of command stretching down to the last angelic being, each with their own job to do; he uses his angels and cherubim plus other form of angelic beings in arrangement; don’t for get that Lucifer was once a ‘’guardian angel,’’ he attacked God with millions of other forms of angelic beings, they were defeated, defeat by the *word of God* thrown down to earth for millions of years, stripped of their grandeur.
Isaiah 37:16-17-Living Bible
“O Lord, Almighty God of Israel ‘’enthroned between’’ the ‘’Guardian Angels,’’ you alone are G od of all the kingdoms of the earth. ‘’You alone made heaven and earth. ’’ Listen as I plead; see me as I pray. Look at this letter from King Sennacherib, for he has mocked the living God.
Isaiah petitioned God with the words enthroned between the guardian angels. ’’
Angels and us
Hebrews 1:14Amplified Bible (AMP)
14 Are not all the angels ministering spirits sent out [by God] to serve (accompany, protect) those who will ‘’inherit salvation?’’ [Of course they are!]
Angels do not serve those who are ‘’not’’ born again; I used to believe that everyone had a ‘’gu ardian angel,’’ but not after reading these previous scripture. The non believer means that they are ‘’*not* joined together with and in Jesus as ‘’one spirit;’’, so angels serve those who have ‘’joined together with Jesus alone, ’’ they are sent out to protect and to accompany those who have ‘’inherited salvation. ’’ Children have angels before the throne of God interceding for them, but they are not Guardian angels.
Psalm 91:11
Amplified Bible (AMP)
For He will command His angels in regard to you, to protect and defend, and guard you in all your ways [of obedience and service]
This scripture is about Jesus, but it is also in regard to us who are joined to him as one spirit. When Jesus went to the cross on Calvary he carried on him our sins and our sickness and diseases and when he died, instantaneously the Holy Spirit released his salvation upon man, b ut that wasn’t all that man received when Jesus died; he has blessed us by giving us ‘’every spiritual blessing’’ ‘’in the heavenly world.’ We received a new spirit, we received a new nature; we became a new creation, we became one with and in Jesus now ‘with’ and ‘in’ ‘him ’ in heaven for we are standing in the place of highest privilege, and seated in the heavenly realms. Jesus began his new life in us the very split second he died; for it is ‘’not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me.’’
Who used who?
Did the apostles use angels? No angels used them! Angels are sent out by God to help us do what he wants us to do, and they give direction, this angel was sent to Philip so that a man could be saved; here it is in full in this following scripture.
Acts -8-26-living biblePhilip and the Ethiopian 26 Now an ‘’angel of the Lord’’ ‘’said to Philip,’’ “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” 27 So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means “queen of the Ethiopians”). This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, 28 and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah the prophet. 29 The ‘’Spirit’’ told P hilip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”
30 Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked.
31 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
32 This is the passage of Scripture the eunuch was reading:
“He was led like a sheep to the slaughter and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he did not open his mouth. 33 In his humiliation he was deprived of justice. Who can speak of his descendants? For his life was taken from the earth.” 34 The eunuch asked Philip, “Tell me, please, who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else?”35 Then Philip began with that very passage of Scripture and told him the ‘Good News about Jesus.’’ 36 as they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, “Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?” [37] [38 and he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.39 When they came up out of the water, the ‘’Spirit of the Lord’’ suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. First an angel told Philip where to go, and then the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ told him what to do; an angel is not allowed to preach about salvation or how to receive it, that is a job that belongs to the Holy Spirit using us to tell the Good News. The Holy Spirit leads ‘’us;’’ tell someone the ‘’G ood News.’’ And in this case you can see where I highlighted the difference between what the angels can do and say, and what the Holy Spirit can say and do!
Something else here I find important; and that is how did the eunuch feel after he was baptized? I believe that he would be blown out of his mind with joy. God sent a man to tell him the good news of Jesus, to get him ‘saved and guaranteed salvation,’ the joy of entering heaven after his spirit leaves his body, or as I believe personally because of these following scrip tures that instantly his spirit joined together with Jesus his spirit was instantly transported into heaven because of his connection with and in Jesus; but his new spirit is still connected to him or he would be dead. The word of God tells us that ‘’we are seated in the heavenly realms,’’ an d that ‘’we are standing in the place of highest privilege.’ ’Yet we are alive in this body with the spirit of God in us until the time comes when we have finished the works that God has for us to do then it’s back home again to father God and to our rest.
Ephesians 2:6-New English Translation…And he raised ‘’us’’ up ‘’with’ ‘him’’ and seated ‘’us
’with’ ‘him’’ in the heavenly realms ‘’in Christ Jesus,’’
He raised up our spirit not our flesh and blood; we are seated with him right this very instant and also in earth where we walk about. Only God can do this with our spiritual umbilical cord, that silver cord of life as scripture says.
Romans 5:2-Living Bible ----For because of our faith, he has brought us into this ‘’place of ‘’hi ghest privilege’’ ‘’where we ‘now’ stand,’’ and we confidently and joyfully look forward to actually becoming all that God has had in mind for us to be.
These two scriptures are very important scriptures for they actually explain to you that ‘’your spirit is ‘seated’ with him,’’ and also ‘’standing in that place of highest privilege.’’and also in you on earth!
He an eunuch was blessed by God to be saved; guaranteed heaven; {1-Corinthians 1-6-living bible} an
d he had a supernatural experience to go back and tell his queen her royal officials and the courtyard of his experience, hopefully get some more believing, so get some saved, perhaps possibly himself baptizing people, as we are all given the rights to do so by God. What an excitement must have been on this man that day. His day started out normal for him; h e had been to Jerusalem to ‘’worship God.’’ This man’s heart was with God and his love for him was intimate He was returning home reading the bible of that day, and was struggling to understand it, so God sent an ‘’angel to Philip’’ to get him started out on that road; there was Philip standing there [thumbing a] then ran up to the chariot and was invited aboard. The eunuch asked him did he understand what this scripture meant. So Philip launched into the explanation of what this scripture was prophesying, explaining everything to him, so well he wanted baptized, and saved by inviting Jesus into his heart; then when he saw a pool of water he excitedly said, ‘’look there’s a pool of water can I get baptized here?’’ Of course Philip got on his swimming togs and jumped in followed by the eunuch, what a story the eunuch had to tell, the man who baptized him just disappeared in front of him as they came out of the water. Wow such good news he had to tell. I bet if it was me that happened to I would be telling everyone that would listen to me. And I talk enough lol. And the man driving the chariot must have been amazed, firstly, to see his boss stop the chariot, and then go down into a pool of water with this total stranger, who dunked him down under the water, then when his boss came back up again, the stranger disappeared; he must have been in shock, probably thinking that the man must have been an angel. Who knows what he thought, but he could confirm the eunuch’s story.
Good News Translation (GNT)
Peter and Cornelius
10 There was a man in Caesarea named Cornelius, who was a captain in the Roman army regiment called “The Italian Regiment.” 2 He was a religious man; he and his whole family worshiped God. He also did much to help the Jewish poor people and was constantly praying to God. 3 It was about three o'clock one afternoon when he had a vision,
in which he clearly saw an ‘’angel of God’’ come in and say to him, “Cornelius!”
4 Cornelius stared at him in terror. “What do you want, sir?” he asked the angel.
And the angel replied, “Your prayers and charities have not gone unnoticed by God! 5-6 Now send some men to Joppa to find a man named Simon Peter, who is staying with Simon, the tanner, down by the shore, and ask him to come and visit you.”
7 As soon as the angel was gone, Cornelius called two of his household servants and a godly soldier, one of his personal bodyguard, 8 and told them what had happened and sent them off to Joppa.
[God notices prayers and also good deeds from a kind heart.]
The angel couldn’t tell Cornelius how to get saved, he told him to send for a man named Peter Acts 10:19-Good News Translation (GNT)
19 Meanwhile, as Peter was puzzling over the vision, ‘’the Holy Spirit said to him,’’ “Three men have come to see you. 20 Go down and meet them and go with them. All is well, I have sent them.”
So Peter went down. “I’m the man you’re looking for,” he said. “Now what is it you want?”
22 Then they told him about Cornelius the Roman officer, a good and godly man, well thought of by the Jews, and how an angel had instructed him to send for Peter to come and tell him what God wanted him to do.
So Peter invited them in and lodged them overnight.
The next day he went with them, accompanied by some other believers from Joppa.
They arrived in Caesarea the following day, and Cornelius was waiting for him and had called together his relatives and close friends to meet Peter.
25 as Peter entered his home; Cornelius fell to the floor before him in worship.
But Peter said, “Stand up! I’m not a god!”
So he got up, and they talked together for a while and then went in where the others were assembled.
Peter told them, “You know it is against the Jewish laws for me to come into a Gentile home like this. But God has shown me in a vision that I should never think of anyone as inferior. 29 So I came as soon as I could
42 And he sent ‘’us’’ to ‘’preach the Good News’’ everywhere and to testify that Jesus is ordained of God to be the Judge of all—living and dead.
Firstly the Holy Spirit said to Peter; three men have come to see you and its ok for you to go with them to see the man they are talking about, then they told Peter how an angel told him to send for Peter. The angels and the Holy Spirit work in conjunction with each other to bring about the perfect will of God. The will of God was to get this man Cornelius and his entire hous ehold saved also, it took the ‘’angel’’ and the ‘’Holy Spirit,’’ and ‘’peter’’ a man filled with the spirit of God to accomplish God’s will. And sometimes we will see the same things happen to us for the glory of God!
Peter was locked in the deepest part of the prison awaiting death in the morning
Acts 12:11King James Version (KJV)
11 And when Peter was come to himself, he said; now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews
An angel was sent to release Peter from the prison where in the morning they were going to kill him, Angels are really with us and before God at all times;
Don’t steal Gods glory or else!
Acts 12:23 New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
When the day arrived he put on his royal robes, sat on his throne, and made a speech to them. 22
At its conclusion the people gave him a great ovation, shouting, “It is the voice of a god and not of a man!”
23 Instantly, an angel of the Lord struck Herod with a sickness so that he was filled with maggots and died—because he accepted the people’s worship ‘’instead of giving the glory to God’’
Never ever try and take the glory of God for yourself to promote you, for he takes that personally; give him the glory due to him, and I pray that for all the miracles the lord did through me, that the glory went to him and not to me. You’re not supposed to give God’s glory even to a king, not to the pope, nor anyone else. There is only one God and he created everything there is, even the grass on the lawn, there is nothing that he didn’t create including us.
Paul and the angel
Acts 27 Living Bible (TLB)
10 “Sirs,” he said, “I believe there is trouble ahead if we go on—perhaps shipwreck loss of cargo, injuries, and death.”
11 But the officers in charge of the prisoners listened more to the ship’s captain and the owner than to Paul.
23 “For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me 24 and said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul—for you will surely stand trial before Caesar! What’s more, God has granted your request and will save the lives of all those sailing with you.’
25 So take courage! For I believe God! It will be just as he said! 26 But we will be shipwrecked on an island.”
Why didn’t God just save them by quieting the storm; did there have to be a shipwreck? Why didn’t that angel not just lift the boat up with all on board and save them by transporting them to that island? Only God knows what his plans are, and how he works them out in healing and saving people by a demonstration of his word, ‘’they will all be saved from death’’ and perhaps they would listen to Paul now, for he warned them of the coming disaster, and so he could get them all saved, who knows the mind of God. Now on that island the first thing Paul did was to heal a man, and then shared the Good News. The main thing was that angel spoke to Paul giving him a message from God that everyone will be all right, and they all were. I haven’ t found a scripture telling us to command an angel to do something for us, but yet these glorious creatures will help us find a spot to park or find lost objects for us, because they love us like the lord himself.
But ‘’let’s treat our angels with total respect and love, ’’ for they are with you, even if you
can’t believe this because you haven’t seen them, but the word of God tells us angels are our heritage,
Hebrews 1:14Amplified Bible (AMP)
14 Are not all the angels ministering spirits sent out [by God] to serve (accompany, protect) those who will ‘’inherit salvation?’’ [Of course they are!]
God gave us these amazing creatures to watch over us and to serve us, not as a servant but as relating something from God. Your angel walks with you everywhere you go, round each bend and straight ahead, he knows things regarding us, and ministers to us in ways we don’t even realize; he protects us from accidents many times, and its only afterwards that
we realize that could have been a rather nasty accident if we had hit that car or that car had hit us, or just missed us by inches. He is there to protect you, and to minister to you as God directs him, have total respect for your angel for God gave him to watch over you and to help you in the ways of the lord; he is a messenger of love, so love him back.
Exodus 37:9 Living Bible
The Guardian Angels faced each other, with outstretched wings that overshadowed the place of mercy, looking down upon it.
Guardian angels are standing at the throne of God, one on either side with their wings span out to touch each other, and to protect the living God, ‘Wow,’ what a job to be given.
Hebrews 9:5 Living Bible
Above the golden chest were statues of angels called the cherubim—the ‘’guardians of God’s glory’’—with their wings stretched out over the ark’s golden cover, called the mercy seat.
Angels are awesome beings not little cherubim like figures; praise God for your angel who is sent to protect you at salvation.
Does God share his glory now with us?
John 5:44 How can you believe, who receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory th at comes from the only God
Do we Christians truly seek the glory of Almighty God; to serve him with all of our hearts, seeking glory to give him through what he would do in you?
John 17:22 The glory which thou hast given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one,
Jesus talking about glory says to his father, ‘’the glory you have given me!’’ ‘’I have given to them.’’ How did he give them the glory the father gave him? Then he explains how his glory wa s shared among the apostles; the glory he gave them was the ‘’glory of being one spirit, with hi m, in him, and in the father,’’ even as *we are one;* he gave them the glory of all being one with the father and him, it was not a cloud or some object thing he gave them, it was tangible; it was spiritual, it was oneness with him, also with the father God all being brought into union with him and his father
Romans 2:6-7, 9-10 for he will render to every man according to his works: [7] to those who by patience in well-doing ‘seek for glory’ and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; . . . [9] There will be tribulation and distress for every human being who does evil, the Jew first and also the Greek, [10] but ‘’glory and honor and peace’’ for everyone who does well, the Jew first and also the Greek.
This scripture tells us that there will be ‘’glory,’’ honor, and peace, for all who do what the lord has called us to do as his divine children; should we seek for ‘glory?’ Yes but not ‘glory’ for ourselves, but ‘’glory’’ for the living God who created us to ‘seek for his glory. ’ We are to live a life of patience a life dedicated to seeking God for himself, to get to know him as savior, lord of lords, King of Kings, and of course as eternal father! God will give us ‘eternal life’ as he says here in his divine word; note the words, *he will,* yes ‘’he’’ ‘will’ and that’s a promise from God himself.
Romans 5:2 through him we have obtained access to this ‘grace’ in which ‘’we stand’’ and we rejoice in our hope of ‘’sharing the ‘glory’ of God.’’
Through Jesus we ‘have’ and ‘have’ meaning it’s already done; have this grace that we needed, it gives us, ‘you and me,’ the grace, ‘yes’ access to that grace ‘any time’ in which ‘we stand,’ we
‘’stand in grace’’ and grace means, ‘’elegance, refinement, loveliness, polish, beauty, poise, yes indeed all of this plus charm.’’ The word says ‘’we rejoice,’’ we have great gladness; we have such a feeling of embellishment. We rejoice in our hope of sharing his glory; and praise God, in another scripture he tells us, that we have that very glory on us and in us through Jesus Christ himself living in us!
Romans 9:22-23 What if God, desiring to show his wrath and to make known his power, has endured with much patience the vessels of wrath made for destruction, [23] in order to make known the riches of his glory for the ‘’vessels of mercy,’’ which he has *prepared beforehand for glory,*
God prepared you from before time itself to share his own glory because of the ways he would use you for ‘’his own glory’’ by working through you many signs and wonders, healings and miracles, all of these signs and wonders he has just used me for in England, in Hull, at ‘’Opened Heavens Chapel.’’ In ‘’Opened Heavens chapel’’ the first person the lord healed was a child born blind, and with epilepsy; this showed ‘’his glory’’ not mine, I was just the vessel he used to create that miracle he planned from before time even began. I was a vessel of mercy and that leaves me with a great feeling, I am a vessel that God himself used to heal that blind child, this leaves me feeling honored, honored to be the means that Almighty God used. I know that of myself I cannot heal anyone, but through the power of the name of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit within me this child now sees and has no epilepsy. To God be the glory
2 Corinthians 3:18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being cha nged into his likeness from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.
We, that’s you and me; we are being changed into ‘’his’’ ‘own likeness, ’’ from ‘’one degree of glory to another.’’ Think of it like this, you started out with ‘’one percent of glory,’’ and slowly o ver the time you shared with the lord; he gave you ‘’another percentage,’’ getting bigger and stronger as he decided from beforehand, for ‘’our glory’’ is his *own glory,* he is just sharing his *own glory* with us his divine children.
1 Thessalonians 2:12 to lead a life worthy of God, who ‘’calls you into ‘his’ ‘own kingdom’ and ‘’glory’’
We are called into ‘’his own glory’’ also his own kingdom, by none other than God himself, and he is telling us to live a life worthy of our calling, by loving God for himself alone. In the Old Testament God declared that he would never share his glory with anyone, but now because of Jesus he has changed his mind, and shares his glory with us his divine children. What a turnabout, first he wouldn’t share, but now is willing to trust us, and share with us ‘’his own glory ’’
2 Thessalonians 2:14 To this ‘’he’’ ‘called you’ ‘through our gospel,’’ so that you may obtain th e glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this scripture the word tells us that ‘he’ ‘God,’ called us through our receiving the gospel of the lord Jesus Christ, and when we received that gospel with all of our hearts we received the glory of Jesus for he shares his own glory with us because we have been changed into him in spirit as one spirit with him. And the word obtain means, ‘’to get hold of,’’ ‘’find,’’ ‘’acquire,’’ ‘’achieve.’’
1 Peter 4:14 If you are reproached for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because ‘’the spirit of glory’’ and of God rests upon you.
If people mock you, reject you, ridicule you, because of proclaiming Jesus, then the glory of God rests on you, ‘’Wow!’’ who cares what people of this world think or say about you, for the glory of God rests upon you
2 Peter 1:3-4 His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, th rough the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, [4] by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, that through these you may escape from the corruption that is in the world because of passion, and become partakers of the divine nature.
It is only through his divine power and authority that all things that pertain, {be appropriate, be relevant,} to this life and our Godliness, through whom we are indeed called to his own glory by none other than Almighty God himself. This is the greatest honor that we human beings could ever attain, and it is attained through our lord and saviour Jesus Christ with us being joined toge ther ‘with and in him in spirit.’ These are the things we see and don’t see because we are not taught these glorious things because they seem to be too far out. If God said it then it is what God said.
My prayer for you; May our Almighty father God bless you with things seen and unseen in his divine word, so that you may grow strong in his mighty power and authority. God Bless you Amen