Think and speak what God says about you
Think and speak what God says about you Mc Crossan
Does God think about you in a negative way or does he say rotten negative things about you in his word? No of course he does not, so then why should you agree with the devil that uses people to speak negativity into your soul and seeks to destroy you with those unconstructive words.
What does negative mean? I believe that we need to know and fully understand the words we speak, or are spoken about us or to us by others, and of course by God our Father. The word negative means, - unenthusiastic, unconstructive, unhelpful, off-putting, pessimistic, downbeat harmful, depressing, obstructive unnecessary, disheartening, gloomy, dismal, disappointing, and sad. It means subdued, glum, lackluster, and obstructive, these are just some of the meanings to the word negative.
Do you think really that is how God speaks about you or even thinks about you? I know I don’t believe for even a split second that is how God speaks to his angels concerning me. I used to think this is how God talked about me and thought about me before I got saved and for some time afterwards I believed that I was no good, I didn’t know then what I know now, and sad to say many Christians still think these terrible thoughts about themselves, they are in effect agreeing with the enemy, and if he uses others to speak those destructive words into your soul, you agree with them and of course your agreeing with Satan.
God speaks about us as his children, made in his own image, Genesis -1-26. He says we are holy spotless and clean, Ephesians-1-4. He brags about us to the enemy, saying, ‘do you see my son or daughter; they have a heart for me, and he rebukes the enemy when he comes before him trying to condemn you; Job -1-6. God says he created us to share in his own splendid glory,-2Peter-1-3.He says we are Heirs of the kingdom and equal heirs with Jesus that means we both have a 100%share between us; not sixty forty for Jesus, but totally equal 100% each of us have and God has enough blessings to go around us all equally. You and I and Jesus share in the inheritance that Jesus achieved for us by dying for us, and all of us have equal share in that blessing 100%, we all get 100% of all there is.Romans-8-17.
Because God says I am holy spotless and clean without a single fault, I can now also say, ‘I am holy spotless and clean, without a single fault.
Because of Jesus I share in his inheritance, and so I say, ‘I share in the inheritance of Christ Jesus 100%’
God created me to share in his glory and so I say, I share in the glory of God.’
Do you know that God actually sings over you, and rejoices over you with great gladness, Zephaniah 3-17? How could a God who rejoices over us and sings over us with great gladness, speak negative about us, is it not enough that he rejoices and sings over us, but he actually does
it with great gladness. God says about you there is no condemnation for you who belong to his Son Christ Jesus, Romans 8-1.
Again because of Jesus, I can proudly say, ‘there is no condemnation for me from God.’
Think and speak what God says about you, you know you don’t need to agree with the devil and all he says about you, and you don’t have to agree with what people say about you either.
For to long we Christians have spoken negatively about ourselves, agreeing with the devil by saying, we are sinners, or saying we are unworthy, and other terrible negative things about ourselves, and so we have spent many unhappy years trying to find happiness and failing simply because we agreed with the devil, and you know something, the devil will never bring you happiness with what he says about you, or what he says about you through family members of friends or others.
God says let no one defraud you and declare you unworthy, Colossians 2-18 amp. If God does not call me unworthy then I say, ‘I am worthy not unworthy.’
God does not call you unworthy because unworthy means to be worthless, to be contemptible, shameful and undeserving, like dogs dirt on the soul of your shoe. God says you are the apple of his eye, Zechariah 2:7-9
God says I am the apple of his eye and so I proudly say, I am the apple of God’s eye.’ God’s word, which is God himself speaking directly to you through his written word, speaks to you, so you can see for your self, what he thinks and says about you; he knows the devil will try and take from your mind the positive constructive things God says about who you are. God tells us to put on the mind of Christ Jesus of which we have a share, and then think like Jesus would think. In other words let the mind of Jesus take over in you, learn to put aside your own thoughts and seek the mind of Christ Jesus that is in you, but you have to let that mind be in you and you have to listen to the positive, powerful, wonderful thoughts of the saviour of the world come to the fore.
God says to you his Christian child; let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus. And so I say, ‘I have the mind of Christ Jesus in me.’
Phillipians-2-5-The Way Bible
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being the form of God did not think it robbery to be equal with God but humbled himself.
God says to let the mind of Jesus be in you, don’t think as the world thinks but rather think as Jesus thought, he thought as God the Father thought, he thought like God. Did Jesus think with a defeatist attitude, did he think? ‘It was impossible,’ did he think? ‘I can’t heal that person, they are two deformed;’ did he think, ‘woe is me? ‘Today has been a terrible day;’ ‘I am so
fed up with people coming against me that I feel like giving up.’ I never read any stuff like that in the word of God. I never read where Jesus said, ‘I am depressed, or down.’ Jesus thought, ‘Lazarus has died lets go and raise him from the dead.’ Jesus thought, ‘my nourishment came from the word of God’ John -4-34. Our nourishment should also come from the word of God, the living word of life.
Jesus said his nourishment come from the word of God and so I will dwell in the word of God all the days of my life and so I say, ‘my nourishment comes from the word of God.
Jesus thought, ‘there is not enough bread and fish to feed the multitude, I need to increase it,’ then he multiplied the fish and bread, he didn’t cry out, ‘dear God what should I do,’ no he ‘first of all gave thanks to God the father’ and then did what he knew he could do, he had the Holy Spirit inside of him, just as we have. Jesus never gave in to one negative thought, he remained fixed on the father-John-5-19.
Jesus didn’t think, ‘the cross is my ending,’ no he thought that the cross is the beginning for mankind; he thought of the cross as the bridge on which we could cross over to the Father in Heaven. He thought of the cross as the means of paying for our sins, and bringing us into relationship with his Father and our father. He didn’t want to suffer or die just like we don’t but he was seeing the big picture, the amazing work that he would fulfill for mankind, and he considered us worth it. Think about that, and chew on it; Jesus died for you alone, not just for everyone, he knew you from before he made the world and knew your very name and day you would come into being by being born, he knew that you would sin and do many wrong things but still he considered you of great value and worth; Jeremiah-1-4-& Jeremiah 29-11.
Think about this for a while, Jesus loved us so much that he decided to go willingly to be flogged, a flogging that tore out his flesh in great clumps and left his flesh torn out and raw and bleeding and in terrible pain, and then he went willingly on the road to Calvary, and to a cross where he was humiliated in front of those women there and especially his mother, where he was hung naked as the day he was born, and hung there slowly suffocating to death, where he had to try and raise himself up with nail pierced hands to gulp a breath of air; and he done all this for you. This is how much you are loved by God and Jesus. Don’t let people tell you otherwise, and don’t let the enemy tell you that you are worthless either, Jesus didn’t die for worthless people he died for you and me.
The enemy says you can’t do this or that but God says you can do everything through Christ Jesus, Philippians-4-13. The enemy tries to get you to agree with him in every negative statement he issues, because he knows the wrong words spoken by you can lead to your downfall. This is why God tells you don’t think like the world think but think the way he himself thinks and think like Jesus thought also. For instance he said, ‘do not conform to this world,’ in other
words don’t think like the world does because this world is ruled by the enemy, and if you follow the world’s teachings you will be led far astray from God.
The word of God says I can do everything through Christ Jesus and so I say, ‘I can do everything through Christ Jesus.’
Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect.
I will not let this world conform me but I will let the word of God conform me, and I say, ‘I am transformed by God himself.
In this scripture we are told by God, let Him transform us by a complete change of our mind. Our mind does nothing but accept all the negative stuff thrown at it, it very rarely will reject the negative and seek what God says about this. This scripture, God’s own word, tells you do not let yourself be conformed by what this world thinks, but rather by what God thinks. You have to over rule your natural thoughts of doubt fear mistrust unbelief and instead seek the mind of Jesus in you, seek the possible and the impossible.
If God says nothing is impossible to him and then he says you can do greater miracles than I have ever done, believe him and speak the same things out of your mouth; ‘I can do greater miracles than Jesus,’ he said this, not me, John-14-12. So you foul spirit get away from me, trying to make me think this is blasphemy. Jesus himself said we would do greater miracles than him and we can do that already if you ever laid hands on someone to receive the Holy Spirit, Jesus never did that, the spirit came after he died and rose and entered heaven.
Jesus himself said I will do greater miracles than him and I agree with him for he is truth and so I say, ‘I will do greater miracles than Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit in me.
The word conformed means to behave in an acceptable or expected way, to comply to a fixed standard, regulation, or requirement. Did Jesus comply with the worlds thinking, I know he did not, that’s why he was so controversial to the Jews, he did not think like the Pharisees or Sadducees or the ordinary Jew.
We are called not to conform to this worlds thinking, we are called to be radicals, to terrorize the enemy, and put to flight a thousand who come against us. For whoever comes against us comes against the power of God in us because we are filled with the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Do you think that God wants you to think like the people of this world; for an example, would God want you to think, lets have abortions, get rid of unwanted little babies; the next thing will be get rid of all the old people. Does God want you to think like this world does, war, killing, lust, theft, robbery, cheating on your partner or business? Does this seem what God wants you to think like, well the world as a whole thinks this way. Most of this world is subjected to the devil, because as Jesus himself said; ‘anyone not for me is against me.’’ Non Christians don’t realize that because they are not interested in God that it doesn’t matter, but in actual fact they have chosen to stand against him; they have actually chosen the devil over God and the saviour of the world= Jesus. They themselves have made a subconscious decision to subject themselves to Satan’s dictatorship. And Satan accepts their subconscious choice, because as the word of God says, if you are not for him, you are against him, those are Jesus own words.
God says you are forever perfect in my sight-Hebrews-10-14, and if God says you are forever perfect what should you say about yourself? I say, ‘I am forever perfect in the sight of God.’
Ifgodsaysyoursinsarewashedaway-Titus-3-4;whatshouldyousayaboutyourself?Isay,‘My sins are washed away; I stand before my God with a clean record.’
Jesus never spoke or thought a negative unproductive word in his life, he was full of fire, he spoke the truth at all times, no matter who liked it or who didn’t. If we would only model ourselves on Jesus attitude and behavior then we would be exceedingly great warriors for God.
God says that future victory is sure, 1-Corinthians 15-58: what do we say? I say, ‘Future victory is sure.’
1-Corinthians 15-58: Since future victory is sure. Be strong, steady, always abounding in the Lord’s work. For you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever wasted.
Since future victory is sure. This means in ever battle with the enemy we are assured by God of the victory.
God says, ‘I am fearfully and wonderful made.’ God said it I agree with him and say, ‘I am fearfully and wonderfully made.’
Psalm 139:14 English Standard Version Anglicised
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
Thewriter of this Psalm knew thathewas fearfully and wonderfully made, heknew itwas God who made him, and not only that but he knew, as we should, he was made in the image of his God, do you know you are the same?
I am made in the image and likeness of God. Genesis 1:26 He said it I agree with him and, I say, ‘I am made in the divine image and likeness of my God.’
Genesis 1:26-English Standard Version Anglicised
Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.
God says the greater one is in me;-1-john 4-4, he said it and I agree with him and ‘I say the greater one is in me.’
How could we be unworthy when God says he himself is in us, he is the greater one, God would never enter into someone who was disgusting, worthless, a sinner or unworthy or other negative things we have believed to long that we were?
1 John 4:4
Lexham English Bible
you are from God, little children, and have conquered them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
God says I am from God, 1 John 4:4 and I say, ‘I am from God and I am his child.’
Collosians-2-10-The Way Bible
You are in him made full and have come to Fullness of life in Christ
You too, are filled with the Godhead, The father, son, and Holy Spirit, and reach full Spiritual status
God says I have a share in the very life of Christ Jesus-Colossians 2-13. And I say, ‘I am in him made full, and have come to fullness of life in Christ, and I am filled with the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.’
How could I be less than great if I am filled with the Holy Trinity? We have to keep this in mind and speak it out continuously, speaking out the words of life. In just this short book we have many things to confess and as God says, ‘fight the good fight of faith,’ and by confessing {saying aloud} these scriptures until they sink down into your spirit, where they will become a reality.
God says he is on our side so who can stand against us, Romans 8-31.
It is awesome to know that God is on our side, and that means he takes our side against the enemy whosoever that enemy may be and so, I say, ‘God is on my side.’
I know that God is for me Psalm 56-9 and not against me as the enemy would have me think, and so I say, ‘God is for me.’
Psalm 56-9
New International Version (NIV)
Then my enemies will turn back when I call for help. By this I will know that God is for me.
With God’s help I will do mighty things-Psalm 60-12 and so I say, ‘with God’s help I will do mighty things,’
Romans-5-1 The way bible -so now you have been made right in God’s sight by faith in his promises, we can have real peace with him because of what Jesus Christ our lord did for us
Because Jesus made me right in the sight of God I can boldly say, ‘I have been made right in God’s sight, and I have real peace with him.
I have a peace the world cannot give but I have the peace of God himself and nothing disturbs him or Jesus.
Romans-5-2- The way bible -for because of our faith, he has brought us into the place of highest privilege where we now stand.
Look at this amazing privilege we share with Jesus, because of what Jesus done for us he allowed us to stand where he himself stands. Jesus was the only one who could stand before God in this place of highest privilege, but now because he made us equal with himself and joined himself to us we now also stand before the Father at all times in spirit. And so I say, ‘I stand in the place of highest privilege, right this very moment.
I thank God that I have been given every spiritual gift and power.
1-Corinthians-1-7 The way bible - now you have every grace and blessing: spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours.
Now I can say; ‘I have every spiritual gift and power, I have every grace and blessing I will ever need.’
God is so good to us, he is awesome with his blessings and forgiveness, and we can’t even begin to know how deep his love is for us. That Love give us immediate access to God himself, we are so blessed.
1-Corinthians-1-8- The way bible and he guarantees right up till the end, that I will be counted free from all sin and guilt on that day when he returns.
I say; I am counted free from all sin and guilt by Jesus
1-Corinthians-2-12- The way bible -and God has actually given us his Spirit, not the world’s spirit. I say God has given me his own Holy Spirit.
God’s word is incredible it is filled with awesome promises that we the Christians never even dreamed possible. God gave all of himself to us and wants us to give all of ourselves to him in return, that’s all he asks.
1-Corinthians-3- The way bible-he has given you the whole world to use and even death and life are your servants. He has given you all of the present and all of the futures, all are yours.
I say; I have the whole world to use and life and death are my servants, and all of the present and future are mine to use.
The word of God is full of positive world there are no negative words spoken therein; the word of God is life to the spirit and is there to help you become all that God has in mind for us to become. Dig deep in the word to learn what God says about you and write it down just as I have written these things down for you the reader, to help you start speaking words of life and not the words of the enemy. The words of God are filled with living power and are yours to speak out in that power, to put the enemy to flight at the name of Jesus.
I am a great believer in giving people a start in searching for the truth but if you the reader uses just what I have written and not gone searching for even more words of life to speak. Then it is just superficial and will have no power. I write so that you can see how incredible the word of God is, and to help you dig in there and find even more awesome words that God speaks about you. the Bible is the living word of God it is not a dead book, believe it or not it is alive and vibrant full of living power, and you will see even more than what I have shown you if youdiligently searchthrough theword.Yourspiritwilldancewithexcitementwhenyoubegin seeing for your self what God reveals to you personally, not through me, and it is he who gets the glory.
To puteverything togetherIhaveplaced thewordsIsay heretogetherforyou so you can begin speaking those words as you search for more words to speak.
I can now also say, ‘I am holy spotless and clean, without a single fault.
I say, ‘I share in the inheritance of Christ Jesus 100%’ I say, I share in the glory of God.’
I say, ‘there is no condemnation for me from God.’
I say, ‘I am worthy not unworthy.’
I proudly say, I am the apple of God’s eye.’
I say, ‘I have the mind of Christ Jesus in me.’ I say, ‘my nourishment comes from the word of God.
I say, ‘I can do everything through Christ Jesus.’
I say, ‘I am transformed by God himself.
I say, ‘I will do greater miracles than Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit in me. I say, ‘I am forever perfect in the sight of God.’ I say, ‘My sins are washed away; I stand before my God with a clean record.’ I say, ‘Future victory is sure.’
I say, ‘I am made in the divine image and likeness of my God.’ ‘I say the greater one is in me.’
I say, ‘I am from God and I am his child.’ I say, ‘I am in him made full, and have come to fullness of life in Christ, and I am filled with the Godhead, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.’ I say, ‘God is on my side.’ I say, ‘God is for me.’
I say, ‘with God’s help I will do mighty things,’ I say, ‘I have been made right in God’s sight, and I have real peace with him. I say, ‘I stand in the place of highest privilege, right this very moment. I say; ‘I have every spiritual gift and power, I have every grace and blessing I will ever need.’
I say; I am counted free from all sin and guilt by Jesus I say; God has given me his own Holy Spirit. I say; I have the whole world to use and life and death are my servants, and all of the present and future are mine to use.
Get into the habit of proclaiming these words, speak them out every day and add to them as the Holy Spirit reveals more truths to you.