Brendan Mc Crossan
The devil, demons and evil spirits are not even recognized in today’s world
The devil and demons and evil spirits are not even recognized in today’s world Brendan Mc Crossan Copyright@ 11-10-2018 Chapter one Master of deception
The devil and demons and evil spirits are not even recognized in today’s world as a threat because they have people believe that they are no longer in existence, no t him, or his evil spirits, and demons, they think of the devil like this cartoon character I have as my book cover. They are being deceived. As Jerry Adams, the head of seinn Fein said one day at a celebration or some Rally; that ‘’they, [the IRA] ‘’haven’t gone away you know,’’ just because they stopped their war against England. And just like Satan, the devil, and his hoards of fallen angels have been defeated by Jesus they also haven’t gone away you know. Their war has gone on and on! Did you know that you’re young children are being taught to accept demons as friendly demons, and so they just accept them in the video games they are playing with. The devil is cunning, and people are mostly fooled, for allowing their children to play with such games. Little children are being exposed to ‘’TV,’’ shows where again demons and spirits are seen as ‘’friends,’’ and of course when they grow up they will simply believe that these beings are really friendly demons. If I remember right on one children’s TV show there were two different kinds of demons, the ‘’baddies’’ and the ‘’goodies,’’ and the ‘’goodies?’’ helped
the main characters defeat the baddies. Also in these video games children are being taught to kill, of course they are not really killing anyone they are only games after all, aren’t they? Think about this for a while, if your children are watching war Videos constantly,
It is unbelievable what people will believe; I have Christian friends who believe that dinosaurs didn’t exist, that man was the first thing on planet earth, yet there are program after program on TV showing the bones of dinosaurs, and some programs show the bones being found and dug up, yet they believe that man was the first thing that God put on this earth, they incredibly believe that these mighty creature didn’t exist. With God time does not exist it is only here on earth that we live in time zones.
Chapter two Victory over the Devil
then war becomes a legitimate thing to do, to see someone killed or injured and then see their heroes rise up again, this gives them a false set of values, my hero didn’t die, in some cases the demons that are for them ‘’cure’’ them ‘’with their power,’’ and so kids believe that if they shoot someone by accident or by design, t he good demon will cure them, a child is an innocent child, but children are being programmed for a future event where the devil will call on them to commit acts of war against a country or nation.
The devil and demons are largely ignored in modern Christianity because they are only quietly assumed to exist instead of being firmly resisted. This book affirms their existence and gives ‘’certain hope of applied victory’’ ‘’in both the
This is my belief; ‘’sometime in the future Satan will call those children out to take a stand with the good demons against a country’s people,’’ this is not as far out as some would believe.
The devil has patience for he has been around here for millions and millions of years, probably more? He has been smarter than man, not the Christian man, but the secular man who does not believe in Jesus as savior.
individual and in the Church itself.’’ To ignore them is to leave one defenseless against them. The Gospel of the Kingdom is the message that ‘’Jesus has overcomes sin, Satan and death.’’ There i s ‘’Victory over the Devil in Jesus Christ!’’ ‘’Our victory is Jesus Christ in us!’’
Look at what the Bible says about the devil, demons, angels and the believer’s authority in Jesus Christ. It will equip you with the spiritual weapons to combat and defeat the devil. This book will explain the unexplainable from scripture and prepare you to confront your spiritual enemies, Satan and demons, and cooperate with your spiritual allies, the angels.
Before we even go to talking about the devil ‘’let’s talk about Jesus victory’’ ‘’over them.’’ Now! Were they were alive only in Jesus time, do think Jesus killed all devils, demons, evil powers, and spirits? After he paraded them before God and all the good unyielding angels in heaven, did he then go and punish them in the hell of the damned? It does not say anywhere in scripture that Jesus or God killed S atan the devil or any evil powers and authorities. It was on the cross that Jesus defeated the devil; for the devil thought that He had Jesus now as his prisoner, but now he was Jesus prisoner, Jesus defeated him by his power, he didn’t realize that the cross was the altar that God sacrificed his son on, for mankind’s sins, sickness and diseases for he arose from the dead and he went into the place of the dead and preached to those imprisoned there from the beginning of time until now. Then after preaching to those souls in that place of the dead he arose and ascended on high to his father in heaven, and as a victorious leader does, he paraded the defeated enemy the devil, and his hoards of demonic followers before his king, and those who came with him, those souls he went and preached to in those gloomy caves, now his people, to prove and to show his victory.
said, "When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men." 9 (In saying, "He ascended," what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He who descended is he who also ascended far above all the
heavens, that he might fill all things.) Jesus did two things he led captivity {the devil and his demons and evil spirits } as captives and paraded them before his heavenly father and before all of heaven itself, he also brought men and women to his father and paraded them also before heaven as his victory people, and he showered gifts on mankind.
But we thank God for giving ‘’us’’ the victory as conquerors through our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One. Do you have Jesus in you; then he is in you to bring about the defeat of the devil
Romans 8 Good News Translation (GNT)
37 No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us! 38 For I am certain that nothing can separate us from his love: neither death nor life, neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, 39 neither the world above nor the world below—there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is ours through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Chapter three Bring the victory Mark 11:9-The Passion Translation Jesus rode in the center of the procession, with crowds going before him and behind him. They all shouted in celebration, “Bring the victory! We welcome the one coming with the blessings of being sent from the Lord Yahweh!
Little did these people know that in just a few days time Jesus would bring that very victory how often do Christians shout ‘bring the victory’ without realizing that Jesus has already brought the victory to us for all time sake? Jesus gave us the victory that he won over Satan the devil and all evil principalities power and authorities for all time, man does not have to defeat the devil he has to remind him he is already defeated, and to flee in the name of Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:57 -The Passion Translation
in whatever situation you find yourselves being attacked in, he is there to fight your battles. Most Christians don’t know they already have the victory over the enemy no matter whom or what it is; the victory is already theirs and ours. We have total authority and power over the enemy no matter how great a being it is, Jesus has already defeated it, he didn’t just defeat Satan the devil but the powers and principalities, from the largest demon to the tiny insignificant evil spirit, and they are already defeated. All we have to do is declare the victory has been won by Jesus, and of course remain aware that these spirits and demons and powers and authorities have all been stripped of their powers, and their authorities; they no longer have authority over you
1-John 5:4 Amplified Bible
For everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has conquered and overcome the world—our [continuing, persistent] faith [in Jesus the Son of God]. You must be ‘’born again’’ to have the victory installed into you; no one who is not born again can stand a chance of defeating the devil or demons; they act on their flesh, whilst born again believers act on their spirit man; this scripture is telling us quite plainly that it is only through our persistent faith in Jesus, faith in Jesus that he has already defeated the enemy for us. How awesome it is to realize in your spirit that it is ‘’faith’’ in what Jesus done, and ‘’faith in him’’ to get us through our battles. Realize that faith in Jesus has overcome the world; having faith and trust in him no matter what is happening that will bring us through all that happens to us. This scripture tells us that victory has been born into us; for everyone born of God is victorious.
but you have power and authority over them all from the devil himself to the tiniest little evil spirit. Did you realize that God gave ‘’us’’ the victory as conquers, ‘’through’’ our lord Jesus Christ. Have you ever given thanks to God for giving you the victory? It is he that has given you the victory as conquers, that means that you always win the battles because you’re a conquer given that directive from God our heavenly father; he used Jesus to defeat the devil. Your victory is because you are ‘’in and through’’ ‘Jesus’ that victory is yours, it is not because of you, or anything you do but it is through Jesus and him alone, nothing to do with you, except you have to believe it and accept it as yours, as a gift from a loving father.
What is the opposite of faith? Unbelief is the opposite of faith, and if you doubt Jesus or God then you may well be rebuked just like he rebuked the disciples when they refused to believe that he had risen from the dead and appeared to those he appeared to. Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB)
12 Later that day he appeared to two who were walking from Jerusalem into the country, but they didn’t recognize him at first because he had changed his appearance. 13 When they finally realized who he was, they rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the others, but no one believed them.
16 Those that believe and are baptized will be saved. But those who refuse to believe will be condemned.
When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at God’s right hand.
Still later he appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating together. He rebuked them for their unbelief—their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him alive from the dead. 15
“And those who believe shall use my authority to ‘’cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages. 18 They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.”
And then he told them, “You’’ are to ‘’go into the entire world’’ and ‘’preach’’ th e Good News’’ to ‘’everyone,’’ ‘’ everywhere.’’
And the disciples went everywhere preaching, and the Lord was with them and confirmed what they said by the miracles that followed their messages. This message that Jesus gave the disciples and to all believers is to go and preach {tell } the good news to everyone everywhere, in the home, the work the places of enjoyment, the bars, and restaurants you, yes you, are to go everywhere you are, and tell people the good news, yes that was a command to every believer, they must get souls saved just as they got saved. I find it incredulous to discover that ninety nine percent of church goers do not tell others the good news of the salvation message. They seem to have no desire to share what Jesus has done for them, I believe it is down to their church leaders who share no leadership
teaching on how to go about sharing the good news that got them saved. If Jesus rebuked his disciples, will he also rebuke us for not sharing with others the good Evennews?though he rebuked his disciples the next thing he says increases their faith when he said; ‘’go out into the entire world and preach the gospel,’’ get them saved, and baptize people in the Holy Spirit and release their gifts especially the gift of tongues, and lay their hands on sick people and get them healed. This is what we are to do with our faith, we are to go and tell people how Jesus made it so easy for them to get into heaven, get them to accept the Holy Spirit into them and have their gifts released, especially their
gift of tongues, their prayer language for they do not know how to pray or how to pray as they should but praying in tongues has immediate access to the Father in heaven and he knows what it is the Holy Spirit is saying to him as he pleads with God in perfect harmony with his perfect will.
Quote from Billy Graham
Chapter four
When our Lord bowed His head and said, “It is finished,” He was referring to the plan of redemption and salvation. Then . . . we are to resist the devil. If we resist him, Scripture says, he ‘’will’’ ‘’flee from us.’’ Jesus overcame the devil not by argument but simply by quoting Scripture. That is why it is so important to learn and memorize Scripture passages. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword . . .
Now look what happens when disciples go about preaching or simply put ‘’telling’’ about Jesus and what he done for them. Miracles will follow that message every time we preach it, or say it, so people will understand how easy Jesus made getting into heaven for them. And the most incredible thing to remember is that Jesus goes with us and confirms what we ‘’say,’’ by the miracles that follow what we Defeatingsaid. the devil is easy; all we have to do is have faith in what Jesus done. All the honor power and glory belong to Jesus; and all we are to do when miracles happen for us is to ‘’give Jesus the glory’’ for that gives the father and the Holy Spirit all glory praise, and honor!
—Hebrews 4:12 {end quote}
Why are we going through all this when we are supposed to be talking about victory over the devil, demons and evil spirits? It is simple when you know what Jesus done for you, and sadly most Christians have little knowledge what it is that Jesus actually done for us, and then acting in the attitude of victory; for God gave Jesus ‘’all ‘power’ and ‘authority’ over ‘’all the powers’’ and ‘’authorities of the enemy’’ first by ‘’stripping them off of all power and authority’’ and leaving them ‘ ’defenseless.’’
20 Which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and ‘’seated Him’’ at ‘’His [own] right hand’’ in the ‘’heavenly [places’’],
21 ‘ ’ Far above’’ all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come.
22 And ‘’He’’ ‘’has put ‘’all’’ ‘’things’’ under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and s upreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church This is where Jesus is seated and also where you are seated ‘’in him;’’ and where is he seated? ‘’Far above’’ all rule and authority and power and dominion and
The victory that Jesus won for us his brothers and sisters was for all time, for every brother and sister who will take that risk and step out for him in faith, and in trust of him, that he will be there to accomplish his word; in this next scripture look at the position Jesus is sitting in! God the Father seated him at his own right hand, now where are we seated? ‘’In him,’’ in this same place at his own right hand, that’s where the Christian believers are automatically seated when we give ourselves to Jesus and ask him into our hearts as lord and savior, this is an instantaneously act from an old spirit to a new spirit, in him, unbelievable but every unbelievable act is believable to God the Father the lord of the unbelievable for nothing is impossible to God, through whom we have the redemption through our lord and savior Jesus Christ Ephesians 1Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
every name and above every title which can be conferred forever.’’ What did Jesus do after all of this was conferred upon him in heaven by the Father God? He turned around and gave us the same position in him, for what Jesus could do we can also do, after all he said, ‘’even greater things we will do than him,’’ and it is because we have the same Holy Spirit living in us that came upon him at the River Jordan when John baptized him, then on Pentecost Sunday he poured out his spirit on the disciples first, and then on all of the future believers. He is the head of the body and we are his body we are all one part = Jesus = himself in all of his glory, and every born again soul that dies goes and takes its place in his body; all of them building up his body till it is complete with the last human being before the Judgment Day.
The first thing Jesus done out of a pure love for man, was that none should have to perish was to go down into the place where Satan the devil had them imprisoned, in that place of the dead, {and some bibles conflict in their idea of what this place is; some call it Hades, others hell,} and some others a different name, but the fact was there were spirits of the dead imprisoned there who had never heard the good news and Jesus went there to share the good news with them so they could chose either him or hell which will be there damnation forever. See for yourselves what the scripture has to say.
When Jesus died on the cross the Holy Spirit done a few things no one ever seems to be bothered to know, one was he poured Jesus new life back into him an d he gave new life to men. Jesus died as a human being with the Holy Spirit in him and instantly he resumed his supernatural position and authority in heaven; and so in the spirit he went and preached to those souls imprisoned by Satan in those dark and dreary caves, and brought with him all those who accepted his message.
1 Peter 3 Living Bible (TLB) 18 Christ also suffered. He died once for the sins of all us guilty sinners although he himself was innocent of any sin at any time, that he might bring us safely home to God. But though his body died, his spirit lived on, 19 and it was in the spirit that he visited the spirits in prison and preached to them— 20 spirits of those who, long before in the days of Noah, had refused to listen to God, though he waited patiently for them while Noah was building the ark. Yet only eight persons were saved from drowning in that terrible flood. 21 (That, by the way, is what baptism pictures for us: In baptism we show that we have been saved from death and doom by the resurrection of Christ] not because our bodies are washed clean by the water but because in being baptized we are turning to God and asking him to cleanse our hearts from sin.) 22 And now Christ is in heaven, sitting in the place of honor next to God the Father, with all the
angels and powers of heaven bowing before him and obeying him
The first thing that Jesus done was to shut that demon up for it knew who he was, and as yet he didn’t want the world to know who he truly was, he didn’t want demons getting the glory for telling people who exactly he was. And in authority he told those demons to ‘’come out;’’ Jesus didn’t have to shout and roar as I seen some deliverance ministers doing, No! He spoke with authority knowing who he was, and knowing those demons recognized him from seeing him in heaven before they were kicked out. They knew he had the power of the Holy Spirit in him, for they seen them united as from before, in heaven, and united with the Father God all as one Triune being. Jesus loved mankind as did the Father and the Holy Spirit for they were his own creation; he hated seeing people possessed or oppressed by evil spirits and he wanted them cast out, and he always shut them up, he never allowed a
Chapter five This is what Jesus done when he confronted a demon in some poor soul Luke 4 Living Bible (TLB)
Jesus cut him short. “Be silent!” he told the demon. “Come out!” The demon threw the man to the floor as the crowd watched, and then left him without hurting him further 36 Amazed, the people asked, “What is in this man’s words that even demons obey him?”
Once as he was teaching in the synagogue, a man possessed by a demon began shouting at Jesus, 34 “Go away! We want nothing to do with you, Jesus from Nazareth. You have come to destroy us. I know who you are—the Holy Son of God.”
Now ‘’we have access to his own Holy name’’ and the demons know that Jesus is i n his name, and so they will also obey us when we too tell them to ‘’get out’’! Luke 4 Living Bible (TLB)
40 As the sun went down that evening, all the villagers who had any sick people in their homes, no matter what their diseases were, brought them to Jesus; and the touch of his hands
discussion between him and them, no he was silent till he ordered them out.
healed every one! 41 ‘’ Some were possessed by demons;’’ and the demons came out at his command, shouting, “You are the Son of God.” But because they knew he was the Christ, he stopped them and told them to be silent. There’s nothing better than telling demons to be silent in his wonderful Holy name, Jesus. Also the sick seem to be mixed with those with demons causing their diseases and Jesus knew which one had a demon or which one just had a disease, this was the gift of discernment at work from the Holy Spirit within him.
The two disciples found Jesus while he was curing many sick people of their various diseases—healing the lame and the blind and casting out evil spirits
Scripture always separates the sick from those possessed or oppressed by evil spirits. He was using the gift of discernment from the Holy Spirit. He associated so me sickness with demon or evil spirits. Those evil spirits knew who Jesus was: 41 ‘’ S ome were possessed by demons;’’ and the demons came out at his command, shouting, “You are the Son of God.” But because they knew he was the Christ he shut them up, Luke 4 They will know you also if you start stepping out for God out of love for sick and despairing people. You have the exact same Holy Spirit inside of you as Jesus had, so you have victory over those evil spirits because of two things, ‘’you have Jesus himself in you when you got saved,’’ you got him at your salvation your savior, your knight in shining amour as the dictionary says, and ‘’he himself is in his name,’’ so when you go to rebuke sickness or disease you have victory over it because you have the ‘’name of Jesus and that name is Jesus himself within you;’ ’ you also have the power of the Holy Spirit in you as well, and when you
Luke 7 Living Bible (TLB)
confront a demon or evil spirit it will know you and know who is in you, it will recognize Jesus in you. 2 Corinthians 2:14 - -Berean Study Bible Victory through Christ 14 But thanks be to God, who ‘’always’’ leads ‘’us’’ as ‘’captives in *Christ’s* ‘’victory parade’’ [ procession; C the image is of a victorious Roman general leading his army and
his captives through the streets]. God uses ‘’us’’ to spread ·his knowledge everywhere like a sweet-smelling perfume [L the aroma/fragrance of the knowledge of him; C incense or spices were burned during such victory parades]. 15 ·Our offering to God is this: [or For God’s sake; or T o God] We are the ·sweet smell [aroma; fragrance] of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are ·being lost [perishing; headed for destruction]. 16 To those who are ·lost [perishing; headed for destruction], we are the ·smell [aroma] of death that brings death, but to those who are being saved, we are the ·smell [aroma] of life that brings life. So who is ·able [qualified; adequate] to do this work? 17 We do not ·sell [peddle] the word of God for a profit as many other people do. But in Christ we speak the truth ·before [in the presence of] God, as ·messengers of [envoys of; L from] God. Some Christians think that they have victory through themselves, but the truth will always be that we have the victory because it has already been won for us by Jesus, and demons and evil spirits, principalities and powers know this is true; b ut they also know that you may not be aware of what God done for you through Jesus and the Holy Spirit
14 But thanks be to God, who ‘’always’’ leads ‘’us’’ as ‘’captives in *Christ’s* ‘’victory parade’’ G od uses ‘’us’’ God ‘’always’’ leads us as captives in Christ’s victory parade, we are ‘’always’’ se en as being led in that victory parade over the powers and principalities and demons and Satan the devil himself. The greatest thing a Christian can become aware of is that it is God’s plan that they are following whether they know it or not, even when they fall down again and sin like before, in the times before
Even if you think you failed, God turns your failure into victory later on. God uses us! God uses you and me, to do his work {not ours}that he designed millions of years ago; long before he even created this universe, and this world that we now possess. God uses us to bring the victory for others. God uses us to comfort those who have suffered defeat, and have no awareness that they always win, no matter what they have gone through, even their defeat is seen by God as a victory, because they fought, and just because they may have been defeated in this round, it matters not because God sees the victory as going into battle as the victory, not that they may have fallen but that they rose to fight the enemy.
they received salvation. It is God who leads us into the battles we go through and the main words here are, ‘’go through’’ for we have the victory imprinted within our spirit forever.
We have God always leading us into battle, for this enemy we face is already Itdefeated.isnotthe fight that you fight that brings about the victory, it is the obedience to go out into battle for your king; it is having the attitude of Saint Paul, ‘’I don’t know whether it is better to die or to live,’’ he says, he is in a turmoil, he obviously wants to go home to Jesus but knows how vulnerable the church is from those anti Christ people who worm their way into church and devour those disciples.
Philippians 1-20-Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
When the army general fights in a battle, his men that have fallen will be part of his victory over the enemy as the general leads his army in victory as he trails his enemy before his king, {after they have been stripped naked} along with his soldiers, and the men who died belonging to the general were either buried with a victory sword stuck into the top of their grave demonstrating that these soldiers were his, and that he honors’ them as helping bring about the victory.
Heretofore, Christ (the Messiah) will be magnified and get glory and praise in this body of mine a nd be boldly exalted in my person, whether through (by) life or through (by) death. 21 For me to live is Christ [His life in me], and to die is gain [the gain of the glory of eternity].
If, however, it is to be life in the flesh and I am to live on here, that means fruitful service for me; so I can say nothing as to my personal preference [I cannot choose], 23
But I am hard pressed between the two. My yearning desire is to depart (to be free of this world, to set forth) and be with Christ, for that is far, far better; 24 But to remain in my body is more needful and essential for your sake.
Since I am convinced of this, I know that I shall remain and stay by you all, to promote your progress and joy in believing, 26
So that in me you may have abundant cause for exultation and glorying in Christ Jesus, through my coming to you again. Chapter Six Mary Magdalene Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene; imagine having seven demons in you, just imagine what turmoil you would be going through. This poor soul had seven demons, not just evil spirits, that led her into a life as a
Jesus appeared to her after he rose from the dead, a former prostitute who now knows she is forgiven and loved by someone who wasn’t looking for her body to use, but just loving her as she is, a new free woman. Jesus demonstrated his power to Mary Magdalene, she being a woman was lower than men in those days, and that attitude is still strong in Asian countries; they treat women as second class who have to walk a step behind them and a servant in the home looking after their husbands every need; but Jesus treated her as first class just as he treats you as first class.
prostitute, men just using her for sex, until she heard of Jesus and went to him seeking help, that changed her life entirely; she washed his feet with her tears and rubbed expensive oil on his feet and wiped them clean with her hair. And she was the first person, this ‘former prostitute’ that Jesus chose to appear too. And a woman at that, showing us that woman are our equals before him.
Those who have demons or evil spirits delivered from them know an attitude of gratitude, and spend their time demonstrating their gratitude, telling others the ‘’Good News,’’ telling those who feel like there is no hope to look forward to, just a life of darkness; but now they can show you a way to be free, and this freedom is in Christ Jesus! And he is our victory, women and men’s victory; he is our victory therefore we have the victory always and we should walk in that
Romans 8:37 Living Bible but despite all this, ‘’overwhelming victory is ours’’ ‘’through Christ’’ who loved us enough to die for us. This scripture and the following are two of the most important scriptures that you must get down into your heart, for in your battles against the enemy, you must realize that ‘’you,’’ ‘’through Jesus Christ’’ have ‘’already won your battle’’ it is in hanging in there declaring the victory, no matter what you are going through. It is in ‘’remembering’’ that ‘you have the victory’ at ‘’all times’’, and it is through Jesus Christ; he is your victory, not you; Jesus is your victory, for he gave you his victory when he defeated Satan the devil. It Is in declaring the victory that you will win. Those words in that previous scripture are what you need to have imprinted inside your heart. You must hold them ever closer to you, for in every battle you will need to remember to quote them against the enemy, no matter what
attitude of victory and this is not some vain exercise but a demonstration of Christ victory in us, holding ourselves proud but without pride always. The word of God tells us this, overwhelming victory is ours and all future victory is ours also.
it is that you ‘’go through’’ and it will be ‘’go through’ not stuck in it or defeated. Your enemy has already been defeated so there’s no need for you to fight with him in your circumstances, there is just the declaration from your mouth that ‘’overwhelming Victory is mine’’ because and through Jesus Christ, and I praise and glorify him because I know that the devil and evil spirits know they are defeated by Jesus once and for all people and for all time. The devil is a liar, and what he does to you is a lie, no matter what it looks like; be it sickness or disease, or some disease that is incurable, ‘’it has already been healed’’ through Jesus victory over it at the scourging at the pillar where he took our sickness and bore our disease,’’ -1-Peter 2-24 and Isaiah 53 -1, and remember this is the living word of God the creator of all things and his word is like silver seven times refined. No matter what it be that you are going through, and the word ‘’going’’ means ‘’leaving,’’ ‘’departing,’’ ‘’departure.’’ ‘’Through’’ and ‘’through’’ means from beginning to end, all the way through, during. So when you ‘’go through’’ an attack from the enemy remember the meaning of those words, you’re not stuck there forever. The words in this following scripture are self explanatory, you are going to go through future victories, because God has given us his word, and as I said his word is like silver seven times refined it is pure and true!
1-Corinthians 15:58-Living Bible
Your mouth is the trap that Satan sets, for he has an evil spirit waiting and always watching over the very ‘’words you speak,’’ and if you ‘‘speak defeat’’ then he will bring about what ‘’you just said,’’ that’s how crafty he is; so watch
So, my dear brothers, since ‘’future victory is sure,’’ be strong and steady, always ab ounding in the Lord’s work, for you know that ‘’nothing you do for the Lord’’ ‘’is ever wasted’’ a s it would be if there were no resurrection. Future victory is ‘’sure,’’ sure meaning, ‘’certain,’’ ‘’in no doubt,’’ ‘’convinced,’’ ‘’positive,’’ ‘’confident,’’ so be strong and steady, rock solid, stand boldly trusting in Jesus and in ‘’his victory’’ for you knowing that nothing you do for God is ever wasted, for he turns everything to victory from defeat.
Defeat is simply a small part of the whole picture, and God is the only one who sees the whole picture, for he knows when he can use that defeat for your glory later on; or for someone else’s victory, showing them how you were defeated so they could avoid that trap.
your mouth, for your mouth is the one thing that can give him entrance into your situation. So declare out of that big mouth, ‘’Future victory is sure’’ and ‘’ov erwhelming victory is mine’’ through Jesus Christ, and through him alone! He is our constant victory, if we are truly living in him then we are dwelling in the victory, even when you are sitting doing nothing as it may seem to you, feeling like you have been cast aside or forgotten; the truth is you are not forgotten, for as long as you breath you are in his breathing for he holds you by his breath in you; for you are actually ‘’joined together to Jesus as one person in God’’-- 4 We are all parts of ‘’one body,’’ we have the ‘’same Spirit,’’ and we ‘’have ‘all’’ been called to the same glorious future. 5 For us there is only one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 and ‘’we ‘all’’ have the same ‘’ God and Father’’ who is over us all and in us all, and living through every part of Imagine how awesome this statement from Ephesians is; you have God the Father living in you. Ephesians 4Living Bible (TLB) 7 However, Christ has given each of us special abilities—whatever he wants us to have out of his rich storehouse of gifts. 8 The psalmist tells about this, for he says that when ‘’Christ returned triumphantly to heaven’’ ‘’after his resurrection and ‘’victory’’ over Satan,’’ he gave generous gifts to men 9 Notice that it says ‘’he returned to heaven ’’ This means that he had first come down from the heights of heaven, far down to the lowest parts of the earth. 10 The same one who came down is the one who went back up, that he might fill all things everywhere with himself, from the very
lowest to the very highest
We as his children must keep it in our memory that ‘Jesus won that victory’ and the ‘future victories’ and by an ‘overwhelming victory’ this is where your victory remains remembering and holding fast to these truths for the devil does not speak the truth, for there is no truth in him at all, for everything he says to us is a lie! Jesus won victory over Satan and not just Satan but every evil being th at followed after him at the rebellion. Because Jesus won the victory over Satan the devil, doesn’t mean that he destroyed him and his demons and evil followers, or imprisoned them in hell, No! He allowed them to go back down to the earth with us in it, and for us to display what Jesus won and rejoice in that victory. Today’s churches, except for a few don’t believe that the devil or his evil spirits or demons actually possess people or even exist, and this has been a thing that the devil concocted years ago and has been refining his act now for years and has got into the minds of kids in today’s world through TV shows for kids and through games, and the children as I said earlier in this book; the children are
presented with good demons and bad demons, and they believe as children, and they will also believe this when they are grown up.
Put on the whole armor of God
Jesus casts out demons, he believed in them and spoke to them usually just by a few words or just two mostly, come out; and they knew who he was also, so we also should believe in themChapter
Last of all I want to remind you that your strength must come from the Lord’s mighty power within you. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand safe against all strategie s and tricks of Satan. 12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—the evil rulers of the unseen world, those ‘’mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness’’ who rule this world; and against ‘’huge numbers of wicked spirits’’ in the spirit world. 13 So use every piece of God’s armor to resist the enemy whenever he attacks, and when it is all over, you will still be standing up.
Ephesians 6Living Bible (TLB) 10
Have a good think here, would this scripture be told to Christians who need to put the armor of God on them if demons and evil spirits were no longer around. This letter from Paul is to the believers, present and future believers, they are to put the armor of God on them and stand against these evil beings.
If these demons and evil spirits and principalities stopped existing when Jesus defeated them why does God using St Paul tell us the believers to put the armor of God on you. Demons and Satan the devil didn’t go away or go somewhere else they remain on this earth, but are defeated beings, defeated by Jesus and forbidden to have power or authority over human beings any longer. The only power that Satan the devil has is the power of suggestion, ‘’sugg esting lies,’’ for he is the father of liars and his demons and spirits have the same ‘’suggestive lying ‘’words to use against us. We are not fighting people made of flesh and blood, but demons and evil spirits without bodies; the evil rulers of the unseen world. So these beings live in an unseen world co existing with our world, and because we cannot see them except with the gift of discernment in action within us, that gift from the Holy Spirit, they remain hidden. A great consolation we have is to know that
The gifts are there for you to ask But in the meantime, every born again baptized in the Holy Spirit Christian shoul d be asking the Holy Spirit for the ‘’gift of discernment,’’ that gift that allows
Satan has not gone away nor has his army of evil beings, they are still here in today’s world until the end of the world, when they will be bound in chains and thrown into the bottomless pit.Chapter Eight
we have the ‘’lords mighty power’’ within us; that’s why he tells us to put on ‘’al l of God’s armor’’ on us, so that with the gift of discernment and God’s armor on us we can ‘’see’’ and ‘’deliver people from them.’’ Demons fear us and so does their master Satan, for they know the truth, they are defeated, ‘’all’’ ‘’of them have been defeated’’ not just Satan the devil, but every spirit and demon, every principality and power have all been defeated, and so they hide in the darkness waiting to attack an unsuspecting human being, then pouncing on them with all the hatred they are infested with.
Love for our brothers and sisters should drive us on to ‘’seek the best gifts’’ from the Holy Spirit, for scripture urges us to seek the best gifts, any gift is awesome, but only one of the gifts is for ourselves, {tongues} while the rest is for the good of the body; healing, miracles, and discernment are other gifts that the Christian needs, for it is in seeing people healed that draws many to Jesus. -1-Corinthians-12:31 Berean-Study-Bible 30The-Greater-Gifts
you to see into the spirit world, and it is only through this gift from God’s Holy Spirit that you can see into their world, and see them themselves when they are either causing someone some disease or binding them with lies and deceit, to rmenting them, and it is up to us believers to earnestly seek the Holy Spirit for that gift.
Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? 31But’’eagerly desire the ‘’greater’’ gifts.’’
This is why the devil and his hoards of evil beings hate the sight of you coming. And they try and do everything against you but fail for he is the fort that you run into. We ‘’all’’ need all the gifts from the Holy Spirit and 1-Corinthians 1-6 tells us
Eagerly desire the greater gifts! Here we have the word of the lord telling us to e agerly =enthusiastically, excitedly, readily, willingly, impatiently, fervently, and keenly.
And to eagerly Desire, wish, longing, craving, yearning, need, aspiration, wish for, These two words express everything we as children of God should yearn for, and ‘’actually crave,’’ ‘’hanker,’’ ‘’ache,’’ ‘’want very much,’’ ‘’covet,’’ ‘’wish for,’’ f or all knowledge of the lord, for we do not know what gifts and blessings are ours because we are actually joined together with and in Christ Jesus. But with God we need to yearn; to eagerly desire, and hunger after God seeking for all he will reveal to you. Through writing his books I have been taught by the Holy Spirit in things that I never seen in scripture that belong to us and whom and what we are in Christ Jesus. If every Christian would only seek the lord with all their hearts they also will see what it is that God has done for us. Realizing that the Almighty creator is living in us and through us for he is spirit and spirit has no boundary, that’s why you can have Jesus and the Holy Spirit living in, and through you, you are spirit and they are spirit and spirit has no flesh boundaries.
that we have been given every one of those spiritual supernatural gifts because we have the Holy Spirit himself living in us for our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and so he lives in this temple that God created-us-. 1 Corinthians 1 Living Bible (TLB) 6 what I told you Christ could do for you has happened! 7 Now you have every grace and blessing; every spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. ‘’Now’’ you ‘’have ‘’every’ ‘’grace’’ and ‘’blessing,’’ ‘’every’’ ‘’spiritual gift’’ ‘’an d power’’ are yours,’’ yes that’s you who are reading this, you actually have every gift because you have the Holy Spirit, and it is the word of God that tells us to earnestly seek to use the best gifts, like discernment, healing miracles, wisdom and knowledge. When do we have access to these gifts? When they are needed that’s when, otherwise they remain in us quietly waiting on the next person needing the gifts that are needed. When do we have these gifts? Now! This very moment, each gift is hidden within us just waiting to be called into action through faith in the Holy Spirit
to release his gifts to you, it is now, this very moment that all spiritual blessings, every gift and power, every grace that we need is within us. We already have everything when we have both Jesus and his Holy Spirit and we also have the father God within us also, so how powerful are we? We have awesome power from all of the Holy Trinity within us, this is so incredible to believe that most Christians cannot discern they have the power of Almighty God at their disposal, in the next Scripture it tells us to command the hands of God.
For the Lord, the Holy One of Israel and its Maker ‘’says this,’’ “Ask Me about the things to come ‘’concerning my sons,’’ and ‘’give ‘Me’ orders’’ concerning the ‘’work of My hands.’’
Chapter Nine ’Command ye me’ Isaiah 45:11 King James Version ‘’Thus ‘saith’ the ‘’Lord,’’ the ‘’Holy One of Israel, and his Maker,’’ ‘’Ask me of things to come concerning my sons,’’ and ‘’concerning the ‘’work of my hands’’ ‘’command ye me ’’ {Another translation says it like this ;} Isaiah 45:11 amp Bible.
God is saying in this amplified bible to ‘’give him orders’’ concerning the works of his hands, we are the works of his hands; his sons and daughters. This is an incredible offer that God himself is giving to us, concerning his works, and his works are healing and miracles and all the power at his hands. But do you think many Christians would actually command God to do something? Ask him yes, but to try and command God to obey you; would many Christians dare to command God? Command means, authority, control, rule, power, supremacy, and dominion. And you are taking dominion authority, and rule over God’s hands, you’re telling him what to do?????????? How many believers would dare to act in such a way? I believe it would be just a few in this world who would dare to do such things, and yet this God of ours
loves us so much that he would delight in you commanding him to do something
We have authority over the devil and his demons that most people especially Christian’s don’t think exist anymore or really don’t bother people. Yet God has given us overwhelming power and authority in many ways, even ‘’commanding his hands,’’ and that is him for his hands belong to his body, and where are the Christians living? In his divine body through Jesus their savior. So should Christians fear or try and ignore spirit activity in people or places? No! For they have the power of Almighty God, they have the power of the name of Jesus, which is actually himself, for he is all in his name, and of course they also have the power and authority from the Holy Spirit.
What a creature these new creations are, and God the creator made us with the power to move his hands by a command, and the power to command demons and Satan the devil himself to get out of people or places.
What a joy to know that I/ we have been given all of this. And praise God I have acted upon these scriptural truths with wonderful results for the glory of God, by seeing miracles and healing and deliverance happen, thus giving him glory after glory, for of myself I have nothing, and I am nothing; but I have like
Chapter Ten Scripture that show the activity of demonic beings
Lets continue to see the things Jesus did and know that he expects us to follow him and do the things he did, and even greater than he, so that we don’t forget that demons exist in today’s world.
Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary Magdalene, so he knew they existed and thankfully dealt with them.
Luke 8 Living Bible (TLB)
As he was climbing out of the boat a man from the city of Gadara came to meet him, a man who had been demon-possessed for a long time. Homeless and naked, he lived in a cemetery among the tombs. 28 As soon as he saw Jesus, he shrieked and fell to the ground
Luke 8 Living Bible (TLB)
you the Holy Trinity in me in power and authority.
Some women went along, from whom he had cast out demons or whom he had healed; amon g them were Mary Magdalene (Jesus had cast out seven demons from her)
before him, screaming, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of God Most High? Please, I beg you, oh, don’t torment me!”
Soon a crowd came out to see for themselves what had happened and saw the man who had been demon-possessed sitting quietly at Jesus’ feet, clothed and sane! And the whole crowd was badly frightened. 36 Then those who had seen it happen told how the demon-possessed man had been healed. 37 And everyone begged Jesus to go away and leave them alone (for a deep wave of fear had swept over them). So he returned to the boat and left, crossing back to the other side of the lake.
For Jesus was already commanding the demon to leave him. This demon had often taken control of the man so that even when shackled with chains he simply broke them and rushed out into the desert, completely under the demon’s power. 30 “What is your name?”Jesus asked the demon. “Legion,” they replied—for the man was filled with thousands of them! 31 They kept begging Jesus not to order them into the Bottomless Pit. 32 A herd of pigs was feeding on the mountainside nearby, and the demons pled with him to let them enter into the pigs. And Jesus said they could. 33 So they left the man and went into the pigs, and immediately the whole herd rushed down the mountainside and fell over a cliff into the lake below, where they drowned.
The man who had been demon-possessed begged to go too, but Jesus said no. 39 “Go back to your family,” he told him, “and tell them what a wonderful thing God has done for you.” Here in this scripture we see that Jesus cast a legion of demons out of this man, a
Luke 8 Living Bible (TLB) 38
Luke 8 Living Bible (TLB)
legion being six thousand strong. {At the time of the New Testament it says there were 6,000 demons in that poor man.} How can 6,000 demons fit inside a man, this is incredible to think about, and Christians for the majority of them were never taught that demons exist, or they, like healing, were just for the beginning of the New Testament and after Jesus died they all ceased to exist. Did you know and understand why those 6,000 demons begged Jesus to send them into the heard of pigs; They kept begging Jesus not to order them into the Bottomless Pit. 32 A herd of pigs was feeding on the mountainside nearby, and the demons pled with him to let them enter into the pigs. And Jesus said they could. 33 So they left the man and went into the pigs, and immediately the whole herd rushed down the mountainside and fell over a cliff into the lake below, where they drowned.
Jesus had compassion even on a legion of demons, and didn’t order them into the bottomless pit where they would stay for eternity, but he listened to their pleading and said, ‘’Ok go into the pigs,’’ and what happened next shook the whole village for the pigs were driven by those demons, to rush down the cliff side and into the lake where they drowned. Demons couldn’t drown they were spiritual evil beings, and so as soon as their hosts, the pigs drowned they were free again to get out of there as fast as they could in case Jesus changed his mind. Why did the demons ask Jesus to send them into the pigs; and he agreed, even though he knew just like them, once drowned the demons could flee and go somewhere else.
1- One day Jesus called together his twelve apostles and gave them ‘’authority over all ’’ ‘’demons’’—power to cast them out and to heal all diseases. 2 Then he sent them away to tell everyone about the coming of the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
Jesus knew that the Fathers plan was for ‘Satan and all demons’ to be cast into the bottomless pit where they would be tortured in a lake of fire and sulfur for eternity; so he knew he didn’t have to send them there before the appointed time for Satan and all demons to be cast down there! He followed the father’s plans always.
Luke 9 Living Bible (TLB)
Jesus gave his disciples power and authority over all demons, and that meant ‘’eve ry kind of demon’’ he gave them the power to cast them out of people, and to heal the sick. Jesus was always concerned for those possessed and for the sick people, and this is still the same Jesus today, for ‘’he is the same yesterday, today , and forever’’ We also through the baptism in the Holy Spirit have the same power that Jesus had; for it is the same Holy Spirit in us that was in him. And in Mark 16—15 he gave every Christian the power over all evil, and told them to go out and preach the gospel and cast out demons and to speak in tongues and to heal the sick. This word of God is still in existence today praise the living God
Luke 9 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
Luke 10 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
And I implored your disciples to drive it out, but they could not.
And even while he was coming, the demon threw him down and [completely] convulsed him. But Jesus censured and severely rebuked the unclean spirit and healed the child and restored him to his father. Evil spirits can cause sickness and disease like epilepsy, so don’t be fooled by some strange kinds of sickness you may encounter, or even people with a deformity. Isn’t it strange that Jesus called his disciples ‘’faithless and unbelieving without trust in God a perverse warped generation! That’s pretty strong isn’t it? What do you think he would say to this generation of ‘’believers?’’
37 Now it occurred the next day, when they had come down from the mountain, that a great multitude met Him. 38 And behold, a man from the crowd shouted out, Master, I implore you to look at my son, for he is my only child; 39 And behold, a spirit seizes him and suddenly he cries out; it convulses him so that he foams at the mouth; and he is sorely shattered, and it will scarcely leave him.
The seventy returned with joy, saying, Lord, even the ‘’demons’’ are ‘’subject to us in ‘’Your n
41 Jesus answered, O [faithless ones] unbelieving and without trust in God, a perverse (wayward, crooked and warped) generation! Until when and how long am I to be with you and bear with you? Bring your son here [to me].
ame!’’18 And He said to them, I saw Satan falling like a lightning [flash] from heaven 19 Behold!
‘’I have given you ‘authority’ and ‘power’ to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you.’’ Nevertheless, do not rejoice at this, that ‘’the ‘spirits’ are subject to you,’’ but rejoice that ‘’y our names are enrolled in heaven.’’
And if Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom last? For you say that I expel demons with the help of and by Beelzebub.
The disciples were told not to rejoice that spirits are subject to you, but to rejoice rather, that their names were written in heaven; for he says in another scripture, that many had come in his name and did things but were not of him at all, so knowing that your name is written in heaven is the best thing that can happen to you.
Now if I expel demons with the help of and by Beelzebub, with whose help and by whom do your sons drive them out? Therefore they shall be your judges.
If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good gifts [gifts that are to their advantage] to your children, how much more will your heavenly ‘’Father give the Holy Spirit to those ‘who ask’ and continue to ask Him!’’
But some of them said, He drives out demons [because He is in league with and] by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, 16
While others, to try and test and tempt Him, demanded a sign of Him from heaven.
But He, [well] aware of their intent and purpose, said to them, every kingdom split up against itself is doomed and brought to desolation, and so house falls upon house. [The disunited household will collapse.]
Luke 11Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
But if I drive out the demons by the ‘’finger’’ of God, ’’ {hands of God} then the kingdom of God has [already] come upon you.
Now Jesus was driving out a ‘’demon that was dumb;’’ and it occurred that when the *demo n had gone out, the dumb man spoke.* And the crowds marveled.
When the strong man, fully armed, [from his courtyard] guards his own dwelling, his belongings are undisturbed [his property is at peace and is secure].
But when one stronger than he attacks him and conquers him, he robs him of his whole armor on which he had relied and divides up and distributes all his goods as plunder (spoil).
23 ‘’ He who is not with Me [siding and believing with Me] is against Me,’ and he who does not gather with Me [engage in My interest], scatters.
When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it roams through waterless places in search [of a place] of rest (release, refreshment, ease); and finding none it says, I will go back to my house from which I came. 25 And when it arrives, it finds [the place] swept and put in order and furnished and decorated.
And it goes and brings other spirits, seven [of them], more evil than itself, and they enter in, settle down, and dwell there; and the last state of that person is worse than the first. Driving a demon out of someone is great for them, but unless they give their lives to Jesus and get their house, the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit’ cleansed by the blood of Jesus, then they run the risk of this thing coming back with more of his buddies. Scripture shows us once again that spirits and demons and Satan the devil exist and still exist today, they haven’t gone away you know.
One Sabbath Jesus was teaching in a synagogue. 11 A woman there had an evil spirit that had kept her sick for eighteen years; she was bent over and could not straighten up at all. 12 Wh en Jesus saw her, he called out to her, “Woman, you are free from your sickness!” 13 He placed his hands on her, and at once she straightened herself up and praised God.
Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman on the Sabbath
The official of the synagogue was angry that Jesus had healed on the Sabbath, so he spoke up and said to the people, “There are six days in which we should work; so come during those days and be healed, but not on the Sabbath!”
The Lord answered him, “You hypocrites! Any one of you would untie your ox or your donkey from the stall and take it out to give it water on the Sabbath. 16 Now here is this descendant of Abraham whom ‘’Satan has kept in bonds for eighteen years;’’ should she not be released on the Sabbath?” 17 His answer made his enemies ashamed of themselves, while the people
rejoiced over all the wonderful things that he did. People will come against you when you do the things they are not doing; they will be jealous of you, they will mock you saying, ‘’you are mad,’’ and church people will make a ‘’mockery of you, laughing at you behind your back.’’
If you do anything different for God than them, that’s when they will come against you, just like they did Jesus. There will be no difference for you than there was for Jesus, those same demons and evil spirits will use unbelievers to do the same to you that they did to Jesus, so don’t expect to become popular. Eleven
Your sins forgiven Colossians 2 Living Bible (TLB) 15 In this way God took away Satan’s power to accuse you of sin, and God openly displayed to the whole world Christ’s triumph at the cross where your sins were all taken away.
20 Since you died, as it were, with Christ and this has set you free from following the world’s ideas of how to be saved—by doing good and obeying various rules—why do you keep right on following them anyway, still bound by such rules as 21 not eating, tasting, or even touching certain foods? 22 Such rules are mere human teachings, for food was made to be eaten and used up. 23 These rules may seem good, for rules of this kind require strong devotion and are humiliating and hard on the body, but they have *no effect* when it comes to conquering a person’s evil thoughts and desires. They only make him proud. This scripture is awesome just like all scriptures when you come to realize that they are the ‘’living words of Almighty God.’’ Jesus Christ triumph at the cross was the greatest victory that a man could ever have, and Jesus was a man at the time, but a man filled with the Holy Spirits power, and that is why he could bear the punishing lashing at the pillar, which sadly is not preached in today’s church’s, for in preaching this, it means that the church will have to accept that, not only did Jesus die for our sins, but he also bore our sickness and diseases, Isaiah 53-1, and 1 Peter 2 -24, he took our sickness and bore our diseases, those diseases that
you have now; Jesus actually paid for them also, as well as your sins. He took them unto his body on that cross on Calvary and put to death all sickness and diseases and all sin of every form, he destroyed the devils work hanging on that cross! The devil has only the power of suggestion he has no power or authority over anything on this earth including you. It is only when you get the thoughts that the way you’re feeling at the moment means that you have flu, or some serious disease coming on you, and once you feel and believe this lie then you accept it, and the next thing is you
have it now for you gave the devil or evil spirits the right to inflict you with disease.Duringthe troubles here in Ireland, I was asked to pray with a child who suffered from hydrocaffalicious and had a shunt in his brain, he was disabled and could not walk. His father had asked me and ‘his father’ to come and pray with the wee lad, so we arrived down and to our surprise the wife was not in. While we were praying with that young lad I gave him healing scriptures, and for the next few weeks as we went and ministered to him soaking prayer; he faithfully after school, went into his room, and declared those scriptures, and praised and thanked God for his healing even before he could see it or feel it. His Faith was so touching to see, he did everything the lord told us to tell him to do, so as to help his faith grow; and the next time I went to see him this is what he said happened to him. I arrived by myself as his granddad was feeling sick; I sat down and began talking with him to see if anything had happened since our last visit. He began moving his paralyzed right foot, up and down, and from side to side, whereas before he had no movement there since birth, and showed what he could now do. He had spinal bifida and all his nerves stopped at the base of his back, and he had no nerves going down his legs to his feet, but now God was healing him and all could see this happening. Then he moved his left foot as we talked and his little brother who was staring at his feet shouted ‘’he moved his other foot’’ and the young lad tried moving his other foot and cried with excitement that he could feel it moving a as my uncle and I were ministering to this great young man of faith his mother came in as we were praying later than usual, and she thought that we had gone but I sensed the Spirit say to me to wait on her. She arrived in and sat down,
and we talked about her son; and she told me that she had taken him to the hospital for a check up to see how long he had left to live, and she told me that his shunt had come out of his brain, and the doctors in Belfast hospital said they couldn’t understand as he needed his shunt to drain out fluid from the brain, and he said there was no more fluid in the brain as they checked him out for fluid. And said also that this child’s last report which said he would be dead within a few weeks was wrong, and none of the things written on his report by another doctor were correct. This doctor was seeing things that I for one didn’t know what was wrong with the wee lad, were not there anymore. This amazed his father who was delighted at this new report.
Anyway as his mother sat there The Holy Spirit said to me the boy’s condition was because of the mother, and as I gently probed her she suddenly asked. ‘’When I was pregnant with him in the womb, I carried a bomb into the town with it wrapped around me, could it have anything to do with his condition? I asked the Holy Spirit could this be the root cause of his condition before I answered her, and he said, ‘’yes, the devil used this to cause severe disablement to the child because of the mothers hatred and sin in her heart.
This gave the evil spirit the right to enter her child because she was in a state of hatred against the British army who had taken over our city, and so the poor lad was now suffering because of her sins. We ministered forgiveness and healing to her and she felt the lords touching her as we prayed. The next week I arrived down at the house and the father met me at the door with a small bible opened, and I sensed that they were going to stop the healing. The father confirmed this to me and said the parish priest had come during the week and as they told him what was happening to their son, he told them they were flying in the face of God for God had made this child like this and it was a terrible insult to God, and they would need to stop immediately. He told me that his son was in a terrible rage because of them stopping his healing and had cursed and swore at them but they went ahead and stopped me and his granddad from coming anymore.
A few months later his mother, and a woman who had a daughter suffering from cancer, and was bedridden, made an arrangement to go to Lourdes, to see if they could get on a bus tour with other handicap children. In Lourdes at the grotto there was a pool of water where people went into hoping to get a healing, and after they had their children doused in that pool the young lad suddenly stood up,
and began thanking Jesus for healing him, and he was shouting this out as he stood there. Both his mother and her friend forced him back down into his wheelchair, and he cursed at them and cried, ‘’why where they doing this as he was being healed,’’ but they held him down till eventually after a long time with him resisting them he gave in. So they took both kids home, a few weeks after being to Lourdes he suddenly died; he had given up his spirit to live and gently went home to be with the lord. To me this priest has a lot to answer for and his mother and her
Evil cause this little lads disease and eventually killed him, and this is happening many, many times.
This morning I asked the Holy Spirit what should I write on today and this was his response- ‘’Victory,’’ just one word but it has tremendous accountability.
Isn’t it awesome to think that all Jesus could think about when he ascended into heaven trailing along behind him in captivity Satan the devil, and all his hoards of demons and evil spirits, was to ‘’give gifts to men.’’
said, "When he ascended on high he led a host of captives, and ‘’he gave gifts to men." 9 (In saying, "He ascended," what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower parts of the earth? 10 He who descended is he who also ascended far above all the heavens, that he might fill all things.)
unbelieving friend also, if truth were told they killed his spirit and he gave up living, and I nearly broke my heart; his father when I would met him in the town would cross over to the other side of the street to avoid meeting me.
Chapter Twelve Victory
Evil spirits caused his disease, and now successfully killed him through his mother, and that priest, telling her she was flying in the face of God and that God was really angry at her, and she being a catholic believed him. Now her son was dead. The enemy causes disease to little babies in the womb, they are vulnerable to attack through their parents, but I won’t go into this because it is another area that healing and deliverance is needed.
John 16:33
Amplified Bible I have told you these things, so that in me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, ‘’my victory abiding ]’’
‘’My victory’’ we are ‘’in’’ Christ Jesus’’ and so ‘’our’’ ‘’victory’’ is ‘’in him’’ Colossians 2:15Expanded Bible. God [or Christ; L He] ·stripped the spiritual rulers and powers of their authority [disarmed/ despoiled the rulers and authorities]. With the cross, he won the victory and ·showed the world that they were powerless [publicly shamed them; made a public spectacle of them; C like a triumphant general displaying his captives in a victory parade].
This is important for every born again Christian; *Jesus stripped Satan the devil off of all rule and authority;* never again would the devil have power over human beings, because Jesus stripped him off everything he had, he left him nake d without a single weapon to use against his people except for the words from his mouth the power of lies, for everything that comes out of a spirit, demon, or the devil himself is a downright lie; they can never speak the truth it is not in them. The devil fools people into thinking he is strong, and can be everywhere. Satan the devil is just a fallen angel he cannot be everywhere, he can only be in one place at a time, and when I hear people say the devil did this or the devil done that, I give a quiet shake of my head; for they are living in fear of the devil not realizing it was just some little evil spirit, or yes even a powerless demon did it, but never Satan the devil, he is kept busy organizing wars between countries, and unless you are putting all he is concerned about into dispute he will never come around to bother you. He has an army of evil spirits, demons, and principalities working for him, and they are attacking people who don’t know the power they hold over them; With th
Keep this thought forever in your mind; that ‘’your victory is through Christ Jesus, ’’ holding on to those words will bring victory every time, not once or twice, but al ways; his word is truth seven times refined! We are ‘’led by God’’ as captives of Jesus Christ and it is awesome to be Christ’s captive, for he gives the captive every gift and power -1 Cor-1- 6, and it is ever more glorious to have the knowledge that we, you and I, are actually led by God himself through our being captives of Christ Jesus, and we are always led as captives in Christ’s victory parade; that means that when you go home to be with the lord he will lead you through the streets of heaven in his victory parade showing all of heaven your victories
e cross, he won the victory and ·showed the world that they were powerless [publicly shamed them; made a public spectacle of them. Because Jesus won the victory over him and his forces, he then gave every born again believer that same victory power over all the forces of evil and that includes Satan the devil himself. They are all devoid of power except for the same thing you have, the ‘’power of speech,’’ what you say will be, what they say, if you accept it will become the same for them; so guard your lips as scripture warns us.
2-Corinthians 2:14 Expanded Bible [Victory through Christ] But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s victory ·parade [procession; the image is of a victorious Roman general leading his army and his captives through the streets] God uses us to spread ·his knowledge everywhere like a sweetsmelling perfume the aroma/fragrance of the knowledge of him; incense or spices were burned during such victory parades].
through him, as a faithful friend.
He will not break a ·crushed blade of grass [battered/bruised reed] or ·put out [extinguish] ·even a weak flame [a flickering candle; a smoldering wick] until he ·makes justice win the [leads justice to] victory. God through Jesus will not break the blade of grass, {you} or blow out your candle, even when you go through hell itself and are beaten, battered, and falling down again, and again; he will never break you, or forget about you, or blow out your everlasting light; he will lift you up when you fall, and he will strengthen you by his love until you can turn around and declare ‘’his victory,’’ and then evil will flee, and leave you alone once again for a brief time.
Romans 8:37 Amplified Bible
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us]. Yet in ‘’all’’ things’’ we are more than conquers through Jesus and it is knowing that your victory is through Jesus that leads you into the fullness of the victory, and we know that it is through him and him alone that we have not just victory through Jesus, but we have overwhelming victory. Overwhelming means-{overpow ering, irresistible, crushing, awe-inspiring,} and that’s the kind of victory we have through him. ‘Of ourselves we have nothing’ but
Matthew 12:2 Expanded Bible
‘’faith in him,’’ ‘’that’s all we have,’’ we have ‘nothing of ourselves’ to defeat the devil, it has ‘’already been done’’ and we are supposed to ‘’remind’ the devil or evil spirits or demons’’ that they have been crushed by Jesus and ‘’he is in you’ ‘th e same ‘Jesus’ who defeated the devil and all evil forces.’’ Indeed we are more than conquers through him –Jesus.
The final victory is when we die; when our spirit has been changed forever, and our spirit died with us on the physical body of Christ Jesus, but when we get to heaven we get a new body a spiritual body that can never die; as believers we know that this victory is already won for us because we know that when we leave these old and useless bodies we shall have brand new ones awaiting us in heaven and it is a guarantee from the word of God in his mouth and in his divine word.
Philippians 4:1 Amplified Bible [Think of Excellence]
Then, when our dying bodies have been transformed into bodies that will never die, this Scripture will be fulfilled: “Death is swallowed up in victory
Indeed we must stand firm in our belief. I know from the word of God that I am getting a brand new spiritual body to fit my spiritual new spirit, so I have something to look forward to when I leave this fallen world, I have as my reward a brand new body the same as Jesus body, and he could walk through walls with his new one after he rose and visited the apostles in that upper room.
1 Corinthians 15:54 New Living Translation
Therefore, my fellow believers, whom I love and long for, my delight and crown [my wreath of victory], in this way stand firm in the Lord, my beloved.
James 1:12 Expanded Bible
2-Timothy 2:5 Amplified Bible
And if anyone competes as an athlete [in competitive games], he is not crowned [with the wreath of victory] unless he competes according to the rules.
Our victory is through Jesus
·When people are tempted and still continue strong, they should be happy [ L Blessed is the one who perseveres/-endures trials/temptations]. After they have ·proved their faith [stood/endured/passed the test], ·God will reward them with life forever [L the y will receive the crown of life; C alludes to the laurel crown given for a victory]. ·God [L He] promi sed this to all those who love him.
My dear children [2:1], you ·belong to [are from] God and have defeated [conquered; overcome] them [the antichrists/false teachers]; because ·God’s Spirit, who is in you, is greater than the devil, who is in the world [that which is in you is greater than that which is in the world ]. Every Christian has the spirit of God in them through Jesus Christ, and that spirit is greater, *holds more power, and authority than the devil,* that has been stripp ed off of all power; greater is he that is in you and that is the spirit of Almighty God himself along with Jesus who had that spirit helping him and he is now living in you the believer.
For everyone ‘’born of God’’ is *victorious* and overcomes the world; and this is the victory th at has conquered and overcome the world our [continuing, persistent] faith [in Jesus the Son of God].
[Temptation Is Not from God]
1-John 5:4-Amplified Bible
1-John 4:4 Expanded Bible
Romans 6:8"Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God" (10)
St Paul also said, ‘’it is not I who live but Christ who lives within me,’’ Galatians 2:20 Expanded Bible I ·was put to death on the cross [I have been crucified] with Christ, and I do not live anymore—it is Christ who lives in me. I still live in my
·body [flesh], but I live ·by faith in [or because of the faithfulness of] the Son of God who loved me and gave himself ·to save me [L for me; on my behalf]. Chapter thirteen
That it is an amazing thing to know that we will live with Jesus for all eternity. The reason we know this is because he completely defeated sin and death upon the cross and it has no claim over us. All power death had over Jesus while he was on this earth in human form has been broken once for all. Colossians chapter 2 tells us that he made a public spectacle of all powers and authorities upon the cross (Colossians 2:13-15). He did not just defeat them, but he paraded that defeat through the heavenly realms. Somewhere along the lines, the church has missed this parade, and we're suffering for it.
In the Old Testament, when a king and kingdom were defeated, the winning side would cut off the thumbs and big toes of the captives, including the defeated king. Then strip them down until naked and parade them around from place to place announcing their defeat. Letting them soak in their shame and humiliation along the way. This parade accomplished several things. First, since they did not have thumbs they would never be able to hold a sword again. Secondly, since they did not have big toes, they would never be able to stand and fight again.
Lastly, they were discredited. After being marched around naked, they were humiliated and shamed in front of everyone who might have previously been intimidated by them. Instead they jeered, laughed and hurled insults at the defeated kingdom. If the defeated king ever did muster up another attempt at an army, multitudes of people would remember their complete defeat and discount
A quote from a Christian author Juli Camarin wrote in their web page
them as a threat. Extreme as it was, it was quite effective. At the time of Jesus' resurrection from the dead that parade of defeat happened and we are witnesses to it. When He arose from the grave, he made a public spectacle of the defeated enemy. He marched Satan, death and his entire dominion through the streets in shame, defeat and discredited them in every way imaginable. They were so defeated that there would never be a hope for them to recover. Death has no dominion over Jesus because it was completely defeated. Jesus rose to live eternally as our high priest before God making intercession for us. "The death he died,
And become more aware that these demons and evil spirits and the devil are still alive and are working in this world in souls preparing them for hell, and coming against every human being that knows God or still does not know God. Proof that demons are still alive and with their brother evil spirits and their master Satan are still active in today’s world, but hidden in plain sight. How many times have you seen lately murders happening here in Ireland, England, America, F rance, Australia, and turkey, Libya, Syria, Iraqi and almost every country in the world have mass murders taking place, and still Christians fail to see his evil forces at work; have you ever seen as many people coming out as homosexuals {Gays} including clergy, have you ever seen as many Catholic priests abusing children. Church’s teachings that include homosexual priests, which gives the
he ‘’died to sin’’ ‘’once for all;’’ but the life he lives, and he lives to God." (Roma ns 6:10) On the cross he completely ended his relationship to sin by condemning it once for all. Since then, He is living a life in unbroken fellowship with God and he offers that fellowship and union to us as well. In the same that death has no mastery over Jesus because he defeated it, it has no control over us either. When we trust in Jesus as our conquering King then we are a part of the winning team. All control and claim that sin and death had on us was removed with Jesus purifying blood. The problem comes when we fail to recognize what happened. However, Paul makes it clear that we will live with Christ; he has conquered death and has reunited us to God the Father. Today it is my prayer that you will renew your mind to these truths and celebrate this victory instead of being subjected to sin's domain. I pray that you find glorious freedom in this revelation of scripture. How true what this person says on their webpage
And I also pray that you will come to the knowledge that you also have victory and authority over these demons and evil spirits and the devil, Satan himself.
Romans 1New International Version (NIV) 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exch anged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
outside influence that being {Gay} is ok, television even tea time shows show women and men engaged in sexual activity, ‘’kissing,’’ and then going into a bedroom where even children even knows what’s that for. Are all these things just peoples new awareness, or is it that scripture is telling it true, that it is unnatural sinful, vile and disgusting?
Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have beco me filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. When the word says that God gave them over to shameful lusts, it doesn’t mean that God just let them do these things, No it means that he handed them over to the devil to have his way with them. God does not do evil things, nor does he want his children perishing in hell either; he hopes they will become so sick of these depraved ways that they will one day repent and seek God’s mercy, and forgiveness. Just as we are no different when we sin, even as born again Christians, we also have been forgiven by Jesus, but still we need to repent for repentance means a turning away from sin or something. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Is this scripture not telling us what is happening in today’s world, women living with one another, and kissing each other, and having sex with one another, and this is seen on tea time television, where there is no sex or violence supposed to be seen for the children who are watching. This has all changed and now even on children’s games they see women who ‘’love’’ {lust} one another, and men sharing the same bed, and this is children’s games never mind the senseless violence that their games show, and this is planting in children’s minds that sex with one another is ok, and that violence is ok also, and so they will grow up with these two evils in their personas. Who is behind all of this, it is Satan the devil wh o is encouraging men and women inventors of games; and T V shows to include these evils forbidden by God, and so they are made out to be natural, yet God says they are unnatural,
Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for ‘’unnatural ones ’’ 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women. In today’s world were told that we should be more tolerant towards these people who sin in such ways; but that is abhorrent to God, and should we just accept that these things are natural. But that is a lie sprouted by the devil and evil spirits, infecting people of this world, and sadly even in Christian Churches these things are seen as ok, this is the modern world. If God is saying that these things are unnatural then they must be looked at from God’s perspective and not from a worldly perspective. They have changed from being homosexual to the new word = ‘’Gay,’’ to make it seem more acceptable and ‘bright,’ but it is a demonic lie, and even Christians fall for it. They can still get into heaven if they like us repent and ask Jesus into their heart! We are told that this a new modern world, times have changed, but the truth is the word of God never changes it remains the same yesterday, today, and forever for no matter how much the world changes, sin is still sin as far as God is concerned; sin and its creator haven’t gone away, he just hides behind popular new world expressions Evil still exists in this modern world evil has not gone away; they have just become more proficient in hiding behind the supposed natural. As I said look around you; look at the games you’re children are asking for, see their content, an d is acceptable to God or you as a Christian parent. As I said look around you see the massacres happening in country after country especial in the Asian/ African countries, thousands of people killed because they are not acceptable to some man who rules his country. And in our country we have murders happening, more rapes are happening and a
legal system that is for the perpetuator and not for the victim. There is no justice in today’s world here in our so called civilized society. We have murders happening on a regular basis here in my country. It is almost every day that you hear of someone’s body being found; and hearing how a father killed his wife and his children, then they try to kill themselves. This all is beginning to sound natural, but it will never be.
I was switching through the TV channels a few nights ago when I come across a program on mainstream television, not some porn channel, but where men and women appear naked, so that some woman or man could chose a partner because of their genitals, I found that it was just after nine o clock, where it seems like anything goes these days, and it was unbelievable that a man chooses a woman without seeing her face or a woman chooses a man from their nakedness, this is just lust not love. They can call that program what they like but it is just selling lust not true love, and it is acceptable, and these days most kids have televisions in their bedrooms and can lay and watch this filthy disgusting program and others like it.
And we Christians have to see behind what causes a father who loves his wife and children just stab them to death, or in some other terrible way. And behind every terrible act there is a demon or evil spirit at work for maybe years influencing the person behind a bad act, slowly building that person up and up towards doing an evil act.
Chapter Fourteen No demons or evil spirits in this modern world?
Do you still think there are no demons or evil spirits in this modern world? The enemy prowls about like a lion seeing whom he may devour, hasn’t’ changed; do you think that after a few million years that Satan the devil has fallen in love with the children of God, or do you think as he approaches his time of ending does he do more to try and destroy the people of God, and especially those who love the lord and are worshipping him What can ‘we’ as Christians do, we as Christians are told to go out into this world
and preach the gospel etc. How many Christians are spreading the gospel? Out of a church that may hold 1’000 people how many do you think are actually spreading the good news? I would say about fifty if even that amount. I see in the churches I have been involved in, that the largest majority do nothing to tell others the good news even though someone told them. Most
The devil is having supremacy in today’s modern churches, for the full gospel is never taught, how Jesus suffered the scourging at the pillar where he took upon himself our sickness and diseases therefore by his wounds we ‘’have’’ ‘’been healed.’’ This gospel is left out by the majority of so called Christian churches; so is the devil or some demonic leader over the churches been keeping them inactive for years, and the answer to that is ‘’yes.’’
I started writing this book about having victory over the devil and demons that are largely ignored in today’s world and who are quietly assumed to no longer be a threat to mankind because they have gone away. Truth tells us believers of the word, they have gone nowhere they are just hiding themselves quietly away until
I see God heal cancer, sickness and disease of different kind, at the healing services I do. I see him heal ‘blindness,’ ‘deafness,’ ‘inability to walk to running,’ and the best thing is I record those healings and miracles, and I do quiet deliverances’ as I pray with people, and the Holy Spirit shows me someone with an evil spirit within them and I quietly cast them out in the power and fullness of the name of Jesus, in today’s modern world where Satan still lurks around with his hoards of evil spirits, and demons, powers, and principalities, ‘’all defeated of course by Jesus’’ so they get out at the power of the name of Jesus.
Ask any born again Christian have they ever seen deliverance or a miracle happening before their eyes, {not one they heard about,} but actually seen for themselves. And I will say to you the readers, 99% will say no!
I was just told by my daughter that her sister doesn’t believe in miracles anymore that they ended at the time of the apostles, yet I see miracles almost every day and I sometimes share with my family, to each their own belief??
people even Christians do not know the fullness of the gospel they are supposed to share with, and so can’t explain things people challenge them about.
1-John 5:4-Amplified Bible
they see an opportunity to strike, and like any serpent they coil themselves and strike the unsuspecting victim down with some disease or other evil thing, No! They haven’t gone away!
The whole armor of God
Look at this scripture again and you will read our ‘’continuing persistent faith,’’ th at means it is continuing on and on, for if we need to have faith in the name of Jesus then it means we need to have faith against evil by that wonderful name, otherwise what was the point in giving us his own name to use with tremendous power and effect, if there was no longer a threat from the devil and his hoards of evil spiritual beings.
For everyone ‘’born of God’’ is *victorious* and overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has conquered and overcome the world our [continuing, persistent] faith [in Jesus the Son of God].
Ephesians 6-10-Good News Translation (GNT)
The Whole Armor of God 10 Finally, build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power. 11 Pu t on all the armor that God gives you, so that you will be able to stand up against the Devil's evil tricks. 12 For we are ‘’not fighting against human beings’’ but against the ‘’wicked spiritual forces’’ in the ‘’heavenly world,’’ the ‘’rulers,’’ ‘’authorities,’’ and ‘’cosmic powers’’ o f ‘’this dark age,’’ 13 So put on God's armor now! Then when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist the enemy's attacks; and after fighting to the end, you will still hold your ground. 14 So stand ready, with truth as a belt tight around your waist, with righteousness as your breastplate, 15 and as your shoes the readiness to announce the Good News of peace. 16 At all times carry faith as a shield; for with it you will be able to put out all the burning arrows shot by
Chapter Fifteen
the Evil One. 17 And accept salvation as a helmet, and the word of God as the sword which the Spirit gives you. 18 Do all this in prayer, asking for God's help. Pray on every occasion, as the Spirit leads. For this reason keep alert and never give up; pray always for all God's people.
For we are ‘’not fighting against human beings’’ but against the ‘’wicked spiritual forces’’ in the ‘’heavenly world,’’ the ‘’rulers,’’ ‘’authorities,’’ and ‘’cosmic powers’’ of ‘’this dark age,’’ When you are attacked by someone through some dispute or other, you do not
Is Ephesians 6-10 still relevant in today’s world where you are now living in? Are we living in these end times, the end times being the time of the Holy Spirit? And if so then we still need the whole armor of God that God gives us. Some people think they have to put this armor on every morning and wear it throughout the day, but I have never met a Christian who is wearing the full armor of God who thinks they have to take it off at night, they just put it on every morning, so imagine if they put the armor of God on every day for a week how bulky would it be at the end of that week? The armor of God never comes off, once on, it should remain on, even when sleeping for the enemy still attacks us at night when we are sleeping the armor being those pieces mentioned here in this scripture, if you have no faith in something then you have taken off your shield, ‘’at all times carry faith as a shield.’’ If you think that by sinning you have lost your salvation until you get it sorted out properly, then you have taken off your helmet and have left yourself very vulnerable. I know many born again Christians in today’s world who are not sure that if they commit a sin then they have lost their salvation, until they repent and get it back again. Salvation means to escape, to recover, to have deliverance from the enemy and get rescued by Jesus, and by not being sure of their salvation they have no rights to the helmet, and no rights to the rest of the armor either, for if you don’t believe, then once again you have no shield, and have stripped yourself of the armor. Scripture tells us we are fighting against persons without bodies; yet for the most of us we go about fighting with our brothers or sisters in the faith, or even family members, instead of looking what’s behind their actions
realize that behind that dispute lurk a demon, or wicked spiritual forces and cosmic powers of this Dark Age. I know most Christians in today’s world put on their armor every morning faithfully; but when did they take it off? How many would stand in their bedroom and take off their armor as they take of their day clothes and then put on the pj’s, this shows they have not been given good teaching by their churches. Keep your armor on, it should never be taken off for the devil
doesn’t sleep, nor his hoards of evil beings, and if you are believing that you just put your armor on in the morning then you were wide open to an attack during the night if the enemy chose to target you.
Christians are not aware of these things, because the majority of Christian churches do not teach properly on this scripture that affects their lives so intently.
Not enough time is given to teach that you’re not fighting against someone human or against some incident, but some evil beings controlling the elements around you, ’wicked spiritual forces’’ in the ‘’heavenly world,’’ , when you go through troubles it is the enemy that is causing you you’re problems not people or situations, but more than likely there are cosmic powers behind what’s happening to you. These things are not taught to the Christians and reminding them whom there really fighting against, whereas if we realize that an enemy caused this situation then ask the Holy Spirit how to deal with it and walk in the victory you already have. Romans 8:37 Amplified Bible
This is how to walk in the victory remembering that Jesus defeated these things including their master himself Satan, the devil, this is the reason Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free, free from demonic and cosmic powers attacks John 8:32 King James Version (KJV)
Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us].
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Knowing the truth about your enemy shall set you free from their power and persuasion; knowing who it is that is attacking you through people is one of the
truths that Jesus is talking about. Knowing that your sister or brother who suddenly had a go at you, and knowing now who it is behind their offence should make it easier to forgive them for they didn’t know that the enemy was just using something that needs to be drilled into us from time after time until we get it right about who it is behind our attacks. The enemy will always try to drain your mind with other stuff trying to deflect your attention about them!
1 Corinthians 12 Amplified Bible (AMP)
27 Now you [collectively] are ‘’Christ’s body,’’ and individually [you are] members of it [each with his own special purpose and function]. 28 So God has appointed and placed in the church [for His own use]: first apostles [chosen by Christ], second prophets [those who foretell the future, those who speak a new message from God to the people], third teachers, then those who work miracles, then those with the gifts of healings, the helpers, the administrators, and speakers in various kinds of [unknown] tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But earnestly desire and strive for the greater gifts [if acquiring them is going to be your goal]. And yet I will show you a still more excellent way [one of the choicest graces and the highest of them all: unselfish love].
Knowing who, or what, is behind our problems and situation, gives us an advantage over the enemy probably for the first time. We need to infiltrate their forces by asking the Holy Spirit for his awesome gift of discernment and to se ek this gift earnestly and sincerely desiring this gift in particular; having this gift will give us an advantage over the enemy because the Holy Spirit knows everything about what is happening in our lives and having him in the centre of our lives will give us the end result that Jesus died for us for, Victory Chapter Sixteen Earnestly strive for the greater gifts
As Gods word says, not everyone has the gifts of the spirit, and it is true, how many in your little street do you know as having the gifts of the Holy Spirit especially the gift of tongues? And the gift of tongues is the greatest gift as far as I am concerned for it is the only gift that you can turn on by yourself, you can pray in tongues anytime, and that is why I said it is the greatest gift as far as I personally am concerned. I can’t turn on a miracle, or a healing or deliverance, I have to wait until the Holy Spirit releases the gift in me. I have highlighted those words ‘’earnestly desire and strive for the greater gifts,’’ to show that it is up to you to desire the greater gifts, 1 Corinthians 14 Living Bible (TLB)
I see a greater need for the gifts of the Holy Spirit in this church and a proper full teaching of the gospel of Christ Jesus, for I see here and in ‘’all the born again churches’’ here in Derry where I live, a teaching of ‘’half of the full gospel;’’ they preach salvation which is great, but they do not speak on what Jesus did first, and that he showed his concern for the sick people; he went to the scourging at the
Since you are so anxious to have special gifts from the Holy Spirit, ‘’ask him’’ for the very best, for those that will be of real help to the whole church. You can see from both of these scriptures that it is ‘’up to you’’ to ‘’search for the gifts’’ that are going to help you in your battle with the enemy; and also this gift of discernment is widely needed in today’s church, for I see in today’s churches things being added to the church, and for me I don’t believe that it is good, I won’t say what these things are; for the church I attend has a program taking place at the moment, that I am not too happy about.
The truth be told Scripture says signs and wonders should be seen in today’s churches, where are the signs and wonders? Isaiah 53 Living Bible (TLB)
pillar first where Isaiah 53 told us that he took our sins away but even as equal he took our sickness and bore all our diseases on his body therefore he was lashed and we were healed. Jesus healed people first before salvation, but salvation cannot be seen, but healing and miracles can be seen and that causes a problem with the church leaders they don’t believe that if they lay hands on someone they will be healed. This alone is a sign that demons have entered the churches, turning the leaders away from the full gospel of Jesus Christ.
Chapter Seventeen
24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye ’’were’’ healed.’’ This scripture is rarely spoken off in churches and I know that they are definitely not spoken in any of my local churches.
What has all that got to do with demons and Satan and demons and cosmic powers today? Well it has everything to do with today’s world; are the sick still among us, or the unsaved still in existence in today’s world, then demons and evil still exists also in today’s world it’s just that they are in hiding in most places, they have learned to adjust to different situations.
Chapter Eighteen There are no problems happening in their churches, or so they believe!
The churches in today’s world mostly believe that there is no problem happening in their churches, and that is a sure sign that the enemy has silently crept in, no signs and wonders happening then this church has failed to do as they were told by the lord, signs and wonders follow Jesus inside his believers who go out into
He was despised, and we didn’t care.
4 Yet it was ‘our’ grief he bore, ‘our’ sorrows that weighed him down. And we thought his troubles were a punishment from God, for his own sins! 5 But he was wounded and bruised for ‘ our’ sins. He was beaten that ‘we’ might have peace; ‘’he was ‘‘lashed’’—‘’and ‘’we ‘’were’’ healed!’’
1 Peter 2 King James Version (KJV)
the entire world and preach the gospel [Mark 16-20 And the disciples went everywhere preaching and the lord was with them, and confirmed what they were saying by the miracles that followed their message.} and sent out by their church to go and do this and so bring people to God in their church where these people can become saved and become believers as they learn to read the word for themselves and to grow in the church’s teachings about the power and authority in the name of Jesus.
Revelation 3Amplified Bible (AMP)
3 “To the angel (divine messenger) of the church in [Derry] Sardis write: “These are the words of Him who has]the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars: ‘I know your deeds; you have a name (reputation) that you are alive, but [in reality] you are dead.2 Wake up, and strengthen and reaffirm what remains [of your faithful commitment to Me], which is about to die; for I have not found[any of] your deeds completed in the sight of My God or meetin g His requirements. Is God saying this about your church? He is unless there are signs and wonders happening in his church; you can claim that you have a great big crowd coming to church, but how many in your church are truly born again, who are praying in tongues and displaying the signs of the Holy Spirit, those signs and wonders that
Message to Sardis, {your church}
The church has forgotten that Jesus goes with the believers who go out and preach the gospel laying hands on the sick, and Jesus in them healed those sick people. They are not aware that Jesus goes with the believers he does not go anywhere with those who don’ believe. Churches may have great worship groups or should I say some churches have great music, not truly worship, they concentrate on their harmonies and not their genuine worship till they lose sight of what a worship group is supposed to do, and that is to ‘’minister to God,’’ and not the crowd. They are supposed to lead the congregation to follow them as they sing to God himself alone, they’re supposed to be lost in their admiration of their lord and savior, and lead others to want to sing to him from their hearts.
Jesus said will follow his church; how many in your great big congregation are actually baptized in the Holy Spirit, praying in the Holy Spirit and working signs and wonders in it. Or how many know nothing at all about God except salvation?
I find it incredulous to find that those people who are leaders are usually important people in this world and not the ordinary folk who love the lord with an unceasing desire to know more of him, not religion! And these important people make excuses to avoid teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and teaching that spirits really exist and we have power and authority over them, and so no one finds our who or what we have
Why are leaders replaced with those who are secular and not spiritual? I see this in every dead church that I have been to, including the one I am in. I heard the new pastor proclaiming that he was going to teach on the gifts of the spirit; and so I thought great, at last, only to discover that he intends starting off with the ‘’word of knowledge’’ only to find that it has changed to become a teaching on the ‘’word.’’ Not the actual gifts; he is doing a secular teaching and not a supernatural teaching, and so the word of God regarding the supernatural gifts of the lord are being watered down to nothing; sad to say the least.
How many in today’s churches are actually equipped with the ministry gifts of the Holy Spirit? There are so few, for the sorry state of today’s churches display no power in my city; except for the Roman Catholic Church here in Derry. And I find myself shocked to even say this, a church organized by the Christian monks are having healing services every week with signs and wonders happening, and the teachings are not always in line with the word of God, but still people are being Whathealed.does that say to those who lambast the Catholic Church for wrongful teaching, is their bad teaching any different than your bad teaching? God gives the power to do miracles, signs, and wonders, to those who desire more of him than others, who give a faint withering teaching on his own Holy Spirit, but diminishing his gifts and powers. Acts 2:22 Amplified Bible “Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a Man accredited and pointed out and a ttested to you by God with [the power to perform] miracles and wonders and signs which God
become as new creatures, that new creation and so the power in a church dies with a loud spiritual explosion.
worked through Him in your [very] midst, just as you yourselves know Jesus said, ‘’you shall do the same things as I have done and even greater,’’ Jesus went about healing the sick and delivering people from demons. Once again the word tells us that signs and wonders are needed in today’s church or actually out in the streets not in church; for in church there is usually a white
washed watered down display of the word of God, how many times are signs and wonders or miracles and healing or deliverances mentioned in the New Testament? Quire a lot actually! In his church do you think that God meant there to be signs and wonders Acts 2:43 The Passion Translation
A deep sense of holy awe swept over everyone, and the apostles performed many miraculous sig ns and wonders. Signs and wonders create a Holy Awe and in services where there are miracles taking place people crowd in and are in awe of the miracles they are seeing. Why is God so concerned that signs and wonders are happening in the church, the reason is to display his power that he is real, and a loving God, and the churches are failing in this miserably because they do not teach the full gospel nor do they teach on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and neither do they teach on signs and wonders. Signs and wonders are supposed to display the wonder of God and to show that demons and evil spirits, and Satan himself is still here on this earth, {unl ess you found a scripture that says they are not here but locked up somewhere?} S igns and wonders express the perfect will of God for his people need signs and wonders happening, delivering them from demonic power, that’s what signs and wonders do, they heal the sick, and deformed, they raise the dead, they heal those oppressed, and deliver those possessed.
1-2 Hallelujah! I want to express publicly before his people my heartfelt thanks to God for his mighty miracles. All who are thankful should ponder them with me. 3 for his miracles demonstrate his honor, majesty, and eternal goodness. I know so many people in these days who do not either believe in God or know nothing about him and it is those church people, those ‘’born again’’
Psalm 111Living Bible (TLB)
church believers who are supposed to ‘’demonstrate his honor, his Majesty, his glory and his own goodness’’ to us who have great need of him, and in our days of great need, of his signs, and wonders, for ourselves. I challenge you the reader if you are not praying with people for the lord to demonstrate his glory, then ‘’you are a Christian doing as the devil wants you to do for him;’’ and I do not apologize for what I say and write. For I write what the word says to ‘’all of us Born Again Christians.’’ Miracles and healings and signs and wonders are easy for they have been done for us by Jesus taking our sickness and diseases on to his own body on the cross along with our sins, and so when we confront sickness and disease I treat it as already healed and command that foul disease to get out in the name of Jesus, and it goes, and his glory is demonstrated and people come to repentance and salvation for I invite them to repentance and Salvation, after they see the first miracle I do in his name. I also know that ‘’I am filled with the Godhead, Father, son, and Holy Spirit,’’ I have the same power in me that Jesus had, except I also have Father God in me helping me to give him Glory, Honor and Majesty, and this is my greatest delight. Colossians 2:10 Living Bible (TLB) 10 so you have everything when you have Christ and you are ‘’filled with God’’ through ‘’your ‘ union’ with Christ.’’ He is the highest Ruler, with authority over every other power. This is what I mean when I say that miracles are easy! Demons are real and they possess and oppress people in today’s world. Just as signs and wonders are supposed to be happening in today’s world also, I heard that all those things are supposed to have stopped when the apostles died, then why may I ask those who believe this; ‘’why are people still being baptized in the H oly Spirit, and people are speaking in tongues by the millions,’’ of course these
silly people have been deceived by the very person they don’t believe in, ‘Satan’ fo r he has them fooled to stop them having any power in today’s world; no Holy Spirit then there must be no devil either, makes sense. If the devil is still in existence and we can see his evil work everywhere around the world with horrific things happening to people through wars, and murders and tortures and other horrific things happening to men, women, and children, for we have seen on television lately this evil group ISIS we seen them cut men’s heads off, and burn them alive, and behead
little babies and stick their little heads on posts around the villages they have taken over. If there is no devil, no evil spirits, no demons then what is causing these men to do such terrible acts, are they all just pure evil personified individual s? Or is there still demons possessing these people, that gives them delight to rape women young and old, to rape children in the name of their god, and to burn women and children to death in cages, all in the name of a false god Allah, or his real name ‘’Satan.’’ Evil exists and God exists also.
2-Corinthians 12:12 Living Bible
Now Stephen, full of grace (divine blessing, favor) and power, was doing great wonders and sign s (attesting miracles) among the people
When I was there I certainly gave you every proof that I was truly an apostle, sent to you by God himself, for I patiently did many wonders and signs and mighty works among you. Paul worked many signs and wonders in his ministry including raising the dead. After a night of preaching and teaching a young man fell asleep on the window ledge as he listened to him preach, and fell to the ground and died, Paul went down and held him in his arms and raised him from the dead. Signs and wonders are very handy to have at your disposal when things go bad when you’re preaching! And remember that Satan can counterfeit anything including appearing as an angel of light, and so can his demons counterfeit miracles and
Here was a man doing the very work of God even though he was selected to help sort out the affairs of the apostles to make sure men and women got their fair share of the food and he still found time for miracles signs and wonders. He was a very humble man, and died forgiving those who stoned him to death.
Acts 6:8-Amplified Bible
healings, simply by telling the fellow evil spirits of sickness and disease to leave those people temporally, and people are deceived, and these things are to prepare the way for the Antichrist who is coming on the earth sometime in the near future.
Hebrews 2:4 The Passion Translation
Then God added his witness to theirs. He validated their ministry with ‘’signs, astonishing won ders,’’ all kinds of ‘’powerful miracles,’’ and by the ‘’gifts of the Holy Spirit,.’’ Which he distributed as he desired God will validate the believer’s ministry with ‘’signs and wonders’’ and ‘’astonish ing wonders’’ and ‘’powerful miracles.’’ Why would God validate these people who step out having faith in him that he will heal people and do miracles? He will validate them because this is what he desires to happen to those who are supposed to serve him in the body; but sadly the majority of the body is dead when it comes to operating gifts of the Holy Spirit. There are so few people operating in any of his ministries gifting that’s it’s a shame.
2:9-Amplified Bible
The coming of the [Antichrist, the lawless] one is through the activity of Satan, [attended] with great power [all kinds of counterfeit miracles] and [deceptive] signs and false wonders [all of them lies], We’re still waiting on the antichrist, and as scripture says were waiting on him; and we in today’s world ‘2018’ are still waiting on him to come, and as this scripture tells us that through these activities he will appear and do all kinds of deceptive miracles, signs and wonders when he comes and all those who will follow him will be led down the garden path to destruction, and his demons have not left him, to go on a holiday to Florida to Disney world whilst waiting on him coming.
Chapter Twenty True sign and wonders are from the Holy Spirit within us.
Why do the leaders of the churches always seem to be folk that have only a minor desire in them for the supernatural? And this is where I say it again and again, demons, evil spirits deceive them with making sure everything is done in a good and perfect manner, making sure no one steps out and starts exhibiting the signs and wonders that they are supposed to. I find that these
Mark 6:7 The Passion Translation [ Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles ] Jesus gathered his twelve disciples and imparted to them his authority to cast out demons. Then he sent them out in pairs with these instructions: Jesus imparted his power and authority to us new born again Christians and every single born again person carries within them the power to demonstrate the power and authority of their savior by casting out demons and healing the sick!
leaders are usually nice careful Christians’ usually teachers, or doctors, or nurses, or very intelligent people, who impress church leaders; and they ask these people to become pastors and leaders, men and women who rely on the world for their bible teaching and not from a spiritual leading who don’t know the man that Jesus was and is. Jesus was a bold man who stood against the norm in religion and churches activities; he healed mostly out in the fields or streets, just a few times did he actually heal in church surroundings. He always went against the grain; he went against the leaders of the churches for all they have is a spirit of religiosity. These wonderful leaders do not follow the word of God, and who want a nice church that wouldn’t cause offense to anyone, and everything is done for those outside the church. Just like at this moment in time everything is done to not cause offense to the Muslim community, and these people are only coming into our countries as refugees but refugees who carry on them the spirit of the antichrist. They have no desires to follow the customs and habit of the majority of the countries religions and traditions. How many councils are at this moment in time are taking down the cross or the Christmas Crib from public places and replacing them with these others religions traditions practices, this is the work of the devil and his spirits using weak willed men and women to say, ‘’let’s not cause offense to our Muslim brothers and sisters.’’
MARK 16 This is what Jesus did, he cast out demons that had taken over people, and he turned around and gave that authority to his disciples and then he gave that same authority over to us in today’s world now.
Last of all, Jesus appeared to the eleven disciples as they were eating. He scolded them, because they did not have faith and because they were too stubborn to believe those who had seen him alive. 15 He said to them, “Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they will speak in strange tongues; 18 if they pick up snakes or drink any poison, they will not be harmed; they will place their hands on sick people, and these will get well.”
Did you notice that Jesus scolded his disciples for not believing as they we eating, they may have choked on their food at this scolding; if he appeared to any of us today, what would he do? Compliment us or scold us also? You can answer that one for yourselves! But then showing them he forgave them, he told them to ‘’go out into the whole world and preach the gospel with signs and wonders happening.’’ You would think that the word of God would change over the centuries but we all know the word of God is alive, it is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the word is Jesus, his word will stand forever!
John 14 Living Bible (TLB)
Jesus Appears to the Eleven 14
As the sun went down that evening, all the villagers who had any sick people in their homes, no matter what their diseases were, brought them to Jesus; and the touch of his hands healed every one! 41 Some were possessed by demons; and the demons came out at his command, shouting, “You are the Son of God.” But because they knew he was the Christ, he stopped
them and told them to be silent. Whatever happened to all these demons that Jesus cast out? He didn’t command them to die or go to hell and stay there he just cast them out of people for their promised time on earth had not yet come; so where are they now? The common sense answer to that is they are still here on this planet earth, infecting people as they did back in the time of Jesus. Nothing has changed for these demons, and by the way there wasn’t just a few demons running around, remember the man that Jesus cast a legion out of, and a legion meant there about five thousand of them, and there are millions of
John 14 Living Bible (TLB)
Chapter twenty one
The words I say are not my own but are from my Father who lives in me. And he does his work t hrough me.11 Just believe it that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or else believe it because of the mighty miracles you have seen me do. 12-13 “In solemn truth I tell you, anyone ‘’believing’’ in me’’ ‘’shall do the ‘’same miracles’’ ‘’I have done,’’ and ‘’even greater ones’’, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask him for anything, using my name, and I will do it, for this will bring praise to the Father because of what I, the Son, will do for you 14 Yes, ask anything, using my name, and I will do it!
them running around, plus evil spirits, cosmic powers, principalities, evil rulers of the unseen world, mighty satanic beings, and great evil prince’s of darkness who rule this unseen world, and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world {Ephesians 6-12}.
Two of my experiences Demon possessed girl I was doing a healing service in Hull England when a demon possessed girl whom I discovered later was a witch, was delivered in the church where I was giving the service. As I walked through the lineup laying hands on folk, I heard this uncanny scream in high pitched tones coming from a woman who began reversing backwards away and bent over in two I don’t know if I even touched her or not, but the name of Jesus used in her company cast that demon out of her. Not only have I seen evil spirits in people like this woman in Hull, but as far as I am concerned demons and evil spirits still exist. I have seen them after having worship meetings in my home, and unfortunately
these things stayed in my home until Rose and I experienced them through the gift of discernment And we got them removed through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus; but not until after they had done damage in my home and family that lasted ten years. Marie had an evil spirit in her, and some members of my worship group gathered together to pray with her for a deliverance, and as we prayed
10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enj oy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].
commanding that thing to come out it began saying I’m coming and just as the Holy Spirit opened my eyes I seen it. It was like a centipede, and I seen it coming out of her mouth at the command of t he name of Jesus; then I seen it going back in through her nose and stopped it. It kept shouting, ‘’I’m out’’ ‘’I’m out’’ till it got out of her mouth, but then it began c rawling back into her again through her nose, and thankfully for the gift of discernment I seen it going back in again, and ‘’only for the gift of discernment’’ I would have been deceived by it. So I told everyone praying what this thing was doing and so at the general agreement, ‘’if two or more agree as touching anything, then it shall be done,’’ and it left her immediately going up into the sky, and she returned to normal. That’s why we need the gift of discernment so much in today’s world, because ‘’they haven’t gone away you know,’’ and will try and deceive the believers, who are helping people, and unless we have that awesome gift of discernment we cannot see them. This awesome gift is on offer for every believer, and unless we seek that gift in us it will lay unopened, and useless to us; unless you the reader open the package it is of no use to bring into play, now we need to seek these gifts and believe they will work through us for those in need.
You want to find out how to defeat the enemy, you need to remember that Jesus defeated him forever, and when he puts sickness on someone, you know that sickness doesn’t come from God and as Jesus said, ‘’the devil is a thief who comes and steals and kills,’’
John 10:10Amplified Bible (AMP)
10 A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to ‘’steal,’’ ‘’slaughter,’’ and ‘’destroy.’’ But I have come to *give you* ‘’everything’’ in abundance, ‘’more than you expect’’ ‘’life in its fullness’’ ‘’ until you overflow!’’
The passion translation has it like this, a great explanatory teaching! John 10:10 the Passion Translation (TPT)
The devil is the thief that Jesus talks about and here he defines what he came to do, he tells us that the devils only goal in his life is to ‘’steal,’’ ‘’slaughter,’’ and ‘’destroy.’’ I like this passion translation version because it gives it a more explanatory version. He came to give you everything you need, ‘’a husband,’’ ‘’a wife,’’ children,’’ health, a home, a car, ‘’everything! And the word everything means exactly that ‘’every-thing!’’ And the greatest of these things is ‘’happiness and joy!’’ ‘’I have come to give ‘’you’’ ‘’everything in abundance,’’ ‘’more than you expect’’‘’life in its fullness until you overflow.’’ This is the kind of life that Jesus came to give you. He didn’t come to make you sick, no he came to heal you, and he came to give you prosperity in abundance because a poor person cannot help another. And here’s how to get those things promised= believe and speak them out into the very air around you, and your words spoken of his promises become life for Whenyou. you know for certain in your life; that Jesus loves the human race with a love that is pure true and decisive then you shall go out and heal the sick, and deliver those oppressed, following the Holy Spirits leading all the time, for not everyone wants to be healed; in this country people get ‘DLA’ a lot of extra money and they choose the money rather than the healing. His heart is so full of love for you that he went to the cross and suffered at the scourging at the pillar for you and at the pillar he took all your sickness and diseases; and took them to the cross where he put an end to them. All the devil has is the power to get us to ‘’accept his sickness diseases and sinning’’ and
A Christian has the power in his mouth, to speak life into everything in his life; he has the power to forgive through his or her mouth, he or she has the power to destroy the works of the devil for the lord said he gave us the Holy Spirit to destroy the works of the devil and every Christian should be going about doing the works of God with the power of the Holy Spirit in them, for he gives life in abundance, not just a light life but an abundant life with everything you need, and we clearly need to see this in the word, and come to terms with it and believe in it, and then act on it.
that’s by thought first of all, then, when we feel that there is something wrong with us, like cancer or a flu and when we first speak it out into the air and we beli eve that we have those diseases; then he fulfills what he got you to accept.
This is your goal in life as a Christian, you are not called to just sit in a church on a Sunday or other holy days; but you are called to come and serve your
Miracles are what God wants they are the perfect will of God for us, there is never any doubt healing and miracles are the perfect will of God at all times for they demonstrate, show to the world, the perfect will of God in their lives. Healings and miracles lay in every one of who have received the Holy Spirit, he is in us to do the same miracles and ‘’even greater ones as Jesus said.’’ We know from the divine word of God that Jesus never used his heavenly power for he gave it up when he entered Mary’s womb and became a human being, that needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit at the Jordan River, and ‘’then’’ he went about preaching the word with great power; and ‘’signs and wonders’’ followed him, for the ‘’Holy Spirit’’ was ‘within him’ ‘’without measure’’ and poured out ‘his’ ‘’h eavenly power’’ as Jesus layed his hands on the sick; his every wish that God wanted done. His desire was to glorify God not for his own glory.
brothers and sisters, those in need of deliverance from the devils sickness and diseases, and fears, and acts of self destruction. There is great joy when you see the lord heal through you, knowing he is in us and we are in union with him, it gives us the right to go and confront the enemy be it a spirit of fear or a spirit of sickness and disease, it must be insolvent!
All of us Christians the born again ones with the baptism in the Holy Spirit, are called to cast out demons and evil spirits, and to lay hands on the sick and watch as the same Holy Spirit pours out his power through you. I used to think that we
Jesus never healed anyone, no! It was the Holy Spirit within him the exact same Holy Spirit that you also received at the baptism in the spirit
As ‘’Psalm 111’’ says ‘’Halleluiah, I want to express publicly before his people my heartfelt thanks to God for his mighty miracles, and all who are thankful should ponder them with me, for *his miracles demonstrate,* yes *miracles demonstrate,* display, and show his pure love for us who are his own children.’’
Christians did not have the same power of the Holy Spirit that Jesus only had, ‘’the spirit without measure,’’ meaning he had the Holy Spirit in full measure because he was God, but now I know that ‘’we also have the Holy Spirit without measure, ’’ and it is only our ‘’unbelief’’ that stops that measure of fullness from being released. We can stop the Holy Spirit from
releasing his power through us by an act of disbelief. There is no one that has been a prisoner of the devil that the Holy Spirit will not release; if we just believe in him, and then watch as he heals and releases prisoners for the glory of God alone. Amen