We are created to declare the victory not to fight battles
Brendan Mc CrossanPrelude
We are created to declare the victory not to fight battles
Brendan Mc CrossanFighting battles that have already been won by Jesus
2-Corinthians-2:14 Amplified-Bible
But thanks be to God, ‘’who in Christ always leads us in triumph’’ [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere.
Yes! we will fight battles - but not in the way we have been doing, we already have the victories and are supposed to declare out those victories giving glory to Jesus for what he accomplished on Calvary when he defeated the devil that held the power over us. The fight for us is proclaiming Jesus victory and Satan’s defeat; fighting the truth through until what we are fighting for materializes in this world; the battles we fight, is to ‘proclaim’ the truth of Jesus victory over the devil and keep on speaking the word of truth out into the atmosphere around us until it materializes in our body or where it is needed. This is the fighting we are supposed to be doing; ‘fighting to remember’ that ‘Jesus won the victory for us and ‘we are led by God in triumph as Christ’s trophies of his victory;’ we are to declare ‘’his victory,’’ and the devil will try and snatch this truth from us by distractions and false teaching
We Christians spend a lot of our time fighting battles that have already been won; we fight them from a human perspective and not from a spiritual truth. Every battle is ‘’already won,’’ no matter what kind of battle it is. Jesus won the battle for us, he is the victor, the devil is defeated; and remains so for eternity; but he would have you believe that he still has power, even though ‘all power’ has been ‘’already ‘stripped’ off of him’’ and he has ‘no power or authority over the children of God’ except what we give him because of unbelief in what Jesus done for us; we go by feelings and not truth in the word of God.
Christians for the majority of them fight from a defeatist point of view, ‘’they’’ have to fight the devil; fighting against a “powerful devil,” and I don’t care what most Christians say; ‘they’ fight spiritual battles with fleshy power, and that is why there are so little miracles and signs and wonders showing in their lives. The Christian fight a devil whom he cannot see, or whom he cannot see his forces either, from their fleshy perspective, they do not fight for the majority of them from God’s point of view, ‘the devil is defeated;’ the devil is ‘’not’’ a “powerful devil,” he is a defeated devil, a “conquered angel” ‘’not a supreme sovereign being,’’ that he would like you to think of him as. He is stripped naked as the day he was created by Jesus, and remains naked for eternity; he holds no power or authority any longer, except as I already said, the power we give him, by agreeing with his lies.
Before you set out to fight a battle with the devil over something he has done to you in your life, you must sit down with the word of God, and see those scriptures that tell you, ‘he is already defeated,’ before you go and attack him, with authority and power; and stop letting him attack you.
Mark 16-15-Contemporary English Version (CEV)
15 Then he told them: Go and preach the good news to everyone in the world. 16 Anyone who believes me and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe me will be condemned.17 everyone who believes me will be able to do wonderful things. By using my name they will force out demons, and they will speak new languages.18they will handle snakes and will drink poison and not be hurt. They will also heal sick people by placing their hands on them.
I love “The Way Bible” translation best, because it says; ‘’those who believe shall use “ to cast out demons.’’
This translation for me is the best translation because it lets you the reader know that you have ‘all of Jesus authority’ from Jesus himself, to use ‘his name,’ to cast out demons and the devil himself, and they will have to go at his authority, they know they are defeated already, and will slink away when confronted by the Christian who believes in those words of Jesus, and acts on them.
The first spiritual battle we all fight is the battle for salvation; we all want to go to heaven; well the most of us do. The battle for our salvation has already been won for us by Jesus; he went to the cross on Calvary and on that cross he took all our sins upon his body, not only that, but also on his body he placed every sin, sickness and disease and suffering and pain into his open wounds, and then they were covered by his precious blood, and sealed in to his flesh for ever, so that we would never have to suffer from rejection from God because of sin and never have to suffer from sickness and disease, for our sickness and diseases had been placed on the torn body of Jesus at the scourging at the pillar and later on the cross on Calvary.
He won our salvation for us when he defeated the devil; all we have to do is accept it from him Not only did he do these amazing things for us, but on that cross, he opened heavens door for us, and in doing so, he gave us his own birthright; all that belonged to him was now rightfully ours also. He gave us an equal share in his inheritance, of all that God had given him. While he was suffering on that cross Jesus pleaded with the father for us to receive all of heavens blessings; when you read the scriptures when you do your bible study, you will see that you were not only given the right to enter heaven, but that your spirit is already seated there whilst still connected to your body. This was a work on the cross done by Jesus but is never
mentioned that I haveever heard anywherein association with thecross work; sureI hear these things mentioned, but not as an act on the cross of Jesus.
The work of the cross of Jesus is way above everything we can really understand; we understand salvation and healing, but there were more won on that cross on Calvary than just our salvation and healing. Jesus gave us every power and authority over the devil whilst on that cross; as he hung there suffering the agony he was thinking of you and me and what he was going to give us through his suffering and he seen the end picture not like us, who can see no further than the end of our nose most times.
Jesus was waiting to die physically so that spiritually he could enter hell itself and there confront the devil, and in doing so defeat him by his awesome power as God; the devil didn’t realize that when he killed Jesus as a human being; he would then go to the place of the dead as a spirit, and as a ‘spirit’, death had no hold over him because he was now back in his original form, a ‘spirit being’=God. I am sure when the devil realized that Jesus was in this place of the dead and that he was no longer just a human spirit but was shocked and terrorized to realize that he was now confronting God himself in his world! His Joy at having the Son of God put to death legally was short lived as he looked at Jesus in his true form, realizing he had been tricked.
What terror must have run through his mind when he understood he had been legally fooled into killing Jesus, and now standing here in his own home was the Son of Almighty God who was, and is, the Godhead? His knees must have turned to jelly at the realization of who was now confronting him, I’m sure all laughter and tormenting soon died down, to be replaced by sheer horror and terror from all of the devils followers. And there in his own domain Jesus destroyed his supremacy, by stripping him all his power and authority.
Every battle that you fight has already been won; you are supposed to proclaim the victory; because on that cross and in hell later, Jesus stripped Satan, the devil, off all supremacy that he had over us legally by right, Hebrews 2-14 Jesus took it off of him and defeated him forever, never to return to what he once was, and thus leaving him defenseless before the children of God.
Becauseaman stripped naked and paraded beforetheking orrulerofthetimewasdefenseless, stripped of all his dignity and humbled. Could you imagine yourself stripped naked and stood before all your friends and others who could see your nakedness; you would never feel the same again every time you met them, your shame would overwhelm you. There is nothing like being stripped naked and paraded before others who could see your little bit of fat or your manhood shriveled up or your womanhood hanging there for all to gawk at, laughing at the sight of you. Nakedness is not a thing of beauty to most of us, it is ok when someone who loves us sees us naked, but it does not go well for a brother or sister or family member or the general public, to see us also, it is humiliating. There is nothing wrong with being naked it is a gift from God our bodies, no matter what shape they are in are given to us to live in.
Jesus was stripped naked and hung on that cross in front of his mother and the women who followed him and everyone else there, and in his nakedness he healed us from the embarrassment of nakedness and the guilt that comes from people seeing us naked or people abusing us in nakedness; ‘that is a battle some poor people have to fight’ and that battle has already been won because our savior was stripped naked, mocked and abused, by being hung naked before all those people. Therein lies our victory that Jesus won, in his nakedness he took the shame away from us, by being naked himself. If the son of God was naked before people then it is ok for us to be naked also, there is no shame in our naked bodies, these are the temple of Almighty God’s spirit.
I know that what happened to you in your nakedness left the feeling of shame upon you; I know what someone done to you in your nakedness, took a terrible toll on you mentally and spiritually, but here Jesus heals you by giving you the ‘victory over nakedness.’ He took your shame away and you need to tell the devil, my lord and savior was naked before men and women and he suffered my shame for me, therefore I give him my terrible experience and I thank him for understanding what emotions I suffered in terrible embarrassment. Now ‘I rebuke you devil’ for reminding me of what happened to me and I thank my lord Jesus for healing my shame on the cross on Calvary. What happened to me happened but it is not happening to me now, it was humiliating and shameful at the time but now I am free from it, it is only a memory that you devil keep placing into my mind; and ‘I have the victory over you devil, and I rebuke you for reminding me of this or these incidents,’ now ‘I remind you’ that Jesus suffered my shame by being naked for me and so every time you remind me of what happed, ‘I will remind you’ of what happened to you because of that cross on Calvary where you were tricked and defeated and stripped naked also and paraded before all of heaven and all of your cohorts, what shame you felt; you a great and mighty angel who thought that you were better than God, you were stripped naked and exposed forever and are still stripped naked and seen as naked by all your cohorts, and by every angel in heaven till the end of time, where you will be cast into the pit of everlasting fire, where the worm never stops eating your flesh, and you are burning in torment forever. This is my victory given to me by Jesus on that cross on Calvary; he suffered my shame for me and for everyone else abused by others in this way, and I will proclaim that victory, I don’t have to fight you anymore, you’re defeated and naked also, this battle is won!
A legal battle
Most Christians don’t realize that Jesus, as he hung there on that cross was not just fighting for his life but was fighting a legal battle for us. As Jesus hung there on the cross he was fighting a legal battle because legally Adam surrendered this world over to the devil when he and Eve sinned. God gave Adam and Eve the legal right to rule this world but they sold out to the devil, and sinned, and he took over the legal right to rule this world, he was supreme; that was until Jesus took it off him again and surrendered it back to mankind, when he defeated the devil. The devil was given the power to rule the earth just as Adam and Eve were given the right to rule the earth and subdue everything in it; Genesis -1-26-31
Adam and Eve surrendered their God given right to rule this world and handed it over to the devil when they ate the forbidden fruit, and so sinned. Which meant that God could not do things in this world, unless invited to by people of faith, he had to stand watching as the devil ruined lives, killed and destroyed and legally he could not act unless someone produced the faith required for him to interfere in this worlds affairs, because the devil owned the rights to this world no longer Adam and Eve or us. But then Jesus came and defeated the devil and took this world back off him again as a man and gave this world back to mankind. He tricked the devil into having him arrested and scourged at the pillar, and then hung on a cross to die; the devil did not know that was the plan of God to sacrifice his own Son as mans punishment for mans sins; he thought that he had the legal right to have the Son of God put to death, because Jesus gave up his godhead and become like you and me, and so being a man, he had no rights just like us, so the devil had the power and authority to have him arrested, using man of course and having man put him to death. But in dying Jesus defeated the devil and then he entered the strong mans house {hell} and tore him to shreds and defeated him totally stripping him of all power and authority in this world or in heaven.
Hebrews 2-14: The Way Bible
For only as a human being could he die and in dying break the power of the devil who had the power of death. Only in that Way could he deliver those who through fear of death have been living all their lives as slaves to constant dread.
When Jesus broke the power of the devil he first entered the devils own house.
Mark 3-27-Amplified Bible (AMP)
27 But no one can go into a strong man’s house and ransack his household goods right and left and seize them as plunder unless he first binds the strong man; then indeed he may [thoroughly] plunder his house.
Jesus went into hell the devils house bound him up real tight, and ransacked his house; and releasing prisoners in the spiritual prison that the devil owned, as he preached to them.
1 Peter 3-18-Amplified Bible (AMP)
18 For Christ [the Messiah Himself] died for sins oncefor all, the Righteous for the unrighteous (the Just for the unjust, the Innocent for the guilty), that He might bring us to God. In His human body He was put to death, but He was made alive in the spirit, 19 In which He went and preached to the spirits in prison, 20 [The souls of those] who long before in the days of Noah had been disobedient, when God’s patience waited during the building of the ark, in which a few [people], actually eight in number, were saved through water.
And then he led a great procession into heaven in triumph with prisoners set free and their great enemy defeated forever.
Ephesians-4:8 The-Way-Bible
The psalmist tells us about this, for he says that when Christ returned triumphantly to heaven after his resurrection and victory over Satan. {8Therefore it is said, When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive [He led a train of vanquished foes] and He bestowed gifts on men. Amplified Bible version}
Not only did Jesus defeat the devil and all his followers but he released spirit prisoners from spiritual prison, and also he gave gifts to men, then he paraded all before his father in heaven.
You see; Jesus gave ‘us’ the ‘victory over the devil’ as one of those gifts that he gave to men; because he defeated him for us, on our behalf and then he gave ‘us’ the victory also over him, as his brothers and sisters. He stripped him of all power and authority that he had, and took all of it away; and then he gave us that same victory over the defeated devil. Jesus took away the devils legal right to accuse us and to rule over us with a rod of iron, and then, as I said before, Jesus handed man the right to rule this world again, and to subdue it, like we were supposed to do, beginning with Adam and Eve.
Romans-5:13- Amplified-Bible yet death held sway from Adam to Moses [the Lawgiver], even over those who did not themselves transgress [a positive command] as Adam did. Adam was a type (prefigure) of the One who was to come [in reverse, the former destructive, the-Latter-saving].
You see the law was the legality that bound God, the devil, and us in legalities, and God could not go outside his own law, he needed us to produce faith so that he could legally act for us, his hands were legally tied unless we produced enough faith, that substance that released God from his law temporally to move on our behalf.
Thus it is written, The first man Adam became a living being (an individual personality); the last Adam (Christ) became a life-giving Spirit [restoring the dead to-life].
Jesus is the “last” Adam who restored man back into proper fellowship with his God, by stripping the devil of all supremacy, power and authority; he reversed what the first Adam did and restored us to life again legally, by fulfilling the law for us.
Declare the victory
Even though Jesus took away all of the devils power he still has the ability to lie to us and deceive us, the problems lay with us, who do we believe? ‘The devil that God says is a liar, and cannot stop lying?’ or ‘God who never lies?’ But thank God and Jesus; the devil now has no true power over us, except the power that is in lies and deception, and it is in this portion that we have to make our stand, and fight with truth girded around our waist, and a sword in our mouth, Ephesians -6-13-18.
We cannot truly fight a battle with the devil because he is defeated and his defeat is permanent, it cannot change he will always be defeated, you can’t beat someone who knows they are defeated already, there is no fight left in them, as for the devil, he will try lying to you, trying to get you to believe he still has power but he can never rise again, he knows he is broken and disgraced; we fight the battle against his lies and deceit, and we overcome them by the word of truth; if ‘God said it, it is truth.’
We fight ‘lies and deceit,’ we ‘fight them with the word of truth’ those lies and deceits, and those half truths that the devil is a master at using-‘part truths’- using scripture against us, distorting the word of God. Every Christian needs to be steeped in the word of God; the word needs to become an integral part of you, you need to believe that word and meditate on it going over and over it many times approaching it from different angles to get the fullness of the word, so that when times of trouble come, and they will come, you will have solid grounding in the word to resist the devils attacks, knowing they are ‘lies and deceits.’ Not everything the devil throws at us is lies and deceits, he, uses human beings to attack us or hurt us or even kill us; he himself cannot hurt us but he uses willing people to do things to us and on us; or he suggests sicknesses and diseases to attack us because sickness is still in this world, and he gets us to accept which ever sickness we are most susceptible to, as scripture says- “that which I feared has come upon me.” In other words we gave the devil an invitation to attack us through our fear of this sickness or disease or trial by speaking out the wrong words, not life giving words but negative words. Scripture also says the devil prowls about like a roaring lion seeking some victim to tear apart.
Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is ‘like’ a ‘roaring lion,’ sneaking around to find someone to attack.
The best thing about this word of God is, God describes the devil ‘’like’’ a roaring lion; he does not describe him “as” a roaring lion but ‘like’ one, a massive difference between those words.
Have you ever watched wildlife programs on TV, you can clearly see that when a lion roars he is proclaiming his terrority to other potential attackers or intruders he is not attacking any other lion when he is roaring; the devil is described as ‘like a roaring lion’ who is letting others know that this is his terrority; unfortunately for the devil he has no terrority to call his own, and all he can do is roar at us he has no teeth to bite you with, but he can give you a nasty suck!
His bite has been removed from him, and it is up to us the children of God to remind him, that we have the lion of Judah who attacked him and defeated him ‘living in us;’ that lion, that supreme lion is living in us and his name is ‘Jesus, the lion of Judah,’ the supreme and most powerful lion ever.
The devil is just a pretend lion trying to show he has tremendous power, but he has been stripped off of all power by Jesus, the Lion of Judah, and is in fact naked defeated and powerless before Jesus, and believe it or not, us also; and has to bow his knee every time the name of Jesus is used reverently or with power, all he is, is a roaring bully, trying to scare people into giving in to him. And sadly many, many Christians let his bullying roaring get to them and they cringe in fear of a defeated enemy, not realizing that he has absolutely no power whatsoever; he was stripped of all power by Jesus in hell.
Revelation 5-5-Good News Translation (GNT)
5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Don't cry. Look! The Lion from Judah's tribe, the great descendant of David, has ‘won the victory’,
We fight spiritual battle with human understanding and logic and that will never remove the devil or his cohorts away; we fight sickness with tablets and not with the word of Almighty God that the battle has already been won, because, ‘Jesus took our sickness and bore all our diseases and by his wounds we are already healed,’ not going to be healed or could be but are already healed; and we have been declared the victors, through Jesus victory; for as scripture says – ‘since future victory is sure.’ We have great assurance from God that in the future battles we have to fight we already won them through Jesus.
1-Corinthians 15-58:-The Way Bible
‘’Since future victory is sure.’’ Be strong, steady, always abounding in the Lord’s work. For you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever wasted.
Our future is secure when we believe the word of God, and God’s word says in this translation that future victory is sure, ‘sure’’ ‘means,’ it is certain, in no doubt, convinced, positive, confident, definite, clear in your mind, and persuaded.
Isn’t it awesome to know when the devil comes to attack you, you know that he has already been defeated, and you have all the victories because of Jesus, you know in advance that he is defeated and so does he; how demoralizing that must be for him; once a mighty beautiful angel now a deformed and defeated twisted being, is powerless against you, because of Jesus his creator. I find it so sad to think that this once mighty bright and beautiful angel, who was
God’s most favored, is now a powerless thing of darkness and evil and those former glorious angels are now ugly demons, things of darkness.
This one thing I know; God is for me, and if God is for me who can be against.
Romans-8:31 Amplified-Bible
what then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?]
God is your defender and fortress, and loves you with an everlasting unconditional love, and has defeated the devil for you, and he even took away the devils power to even accuse you of sin
Christian compromise
Ask yourself a question here, when you have a headache what is the first thing you do? Do you rebuke it as a victory already won; or do you reach for the headache tablets? If your answer is, ‘reach for the headache tablets,’ then you have compromised with evil, and put God second on the list. I have done this all my Christian life, but now I have come to realize that to put medication first ‘and I have,’ then, I have given in to the devils lies and deceit, and given him a foothold in my life. The reason I ask this question is because I have realized that I gave the devil the right to place his sickness and disease slowly on to my body, and had surrendered my victory over to him, and he will slowly increase the sickness and diseases on to my body until I finally accept his diseases without realizing what I am doing, and then I am on medication and depending on tablets to keep me alive and, ‘not on the word’ to keep me in good health, so how could I believe that- ‘’future victory is sure.’’ if I cannot believe for a headache without taking tablets; we Christians have been cleverly deceived by the devil in this western world; we have become medication dependant and not ‘God dependant.’ It is no wonder that I witness on ‘God TV’ thousands being healed nightly in front of the TV cameras, people that do not have the means to buy tablets for their headaches or other illness they are being healed and we arenot. Of coursetherearepeoplefrom thewestern world also being healed, who arereleasing their faith as they hear the word of God and the Holy Spirits power flowing through the TV and computers and phones as God’s spirit moves mightily in this part of Africa, under the anointing of a man called Tod Bentley. This man sinned publicly a few years ago and destroyed a great and amazing move of God but God forgave him when he repented and now is using him again in mighty ways. No matter what you have done or are even doing God loves you and waits for your repentance and simply restores you back into favor with himself again just like he did with King David when he sinned by having Uriah killed and having sex with Uriah’s wife. This is the kind of God we have watching over us, a merciful, forgiving loving God, who wants us to succeed; so remember no matter what you may have done God can and will still bless you and use you.
We have become dependant on the devils mercy and he has none! Christians in the western world you and I need to get back to the word of God, for scripture says, ‘’Jesus took our sickness and bore our disease and by his wounds and parecetamol, and aspirin, tramadol, and morphine, we are healed.’’ No? Does the word of God not say this?
If it does not say this then why are we dependant on medication over and above the word of God? “Medication is good’’ when used with the word of God, and has been placed in this world by God to heal the nations, but when the nations have become more dependant on the medication and medication has replaced faith then it is time to stop; take a good look at ourselves, and begin again, starting with a simple headache; and ‘‘begin rebuking that first’’ before you can ever grow into rebuking the likes of cancer or some other terrible disease. We need to get steeped in the word of God drawing up life and sustenance from the word letting our roots go down deep into the word again- Colossians 2-7. Start small again and don’t give in; ‘’resist the devil and he will flee,’’ say the word and the word is truth. This is where we must fight our best fight; resist the devil and he will flee and the word flee means to run in terror, to run away in fear, to take flight, and run off.
James -4-7- the way Bible submit yourselves then to God, resist the devil, and he will flee,
He will flee eventually as you stand your ground, so keep standing as long as necessary. In these last days before the return of the Lord Jesus for his people, we will lose our benefit system, our health care and every thing we in this western world have become dependant on; then where will we be in regard to our health and wealth? It is all going to be taken off us and we will be forced to be like America and have to pay for insurance for medical help; and if our money and benefits are stripped off of us, where will we get the money to buy insurance? It is better for us Christians now, to get back to the word of God without compromise and learn to become dependant on God again. As I said start small and begin to work your way up to larger as you see the word of God works for you as it does for all believers.
Colossians 2-Amplified Bible (AMP)
7Have the roots [of your being] firmly and deeply planted [in Him, fixed and founded in Him], being continually built up in Him, becoming increasingly more confirmed and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and abounding and overflowing in it with thanksgiving.
The open secrete in this; is overflowing ‘in it’ with ‘’thanksgiving;’’ being ‘’grateful’’ for all God has done for you, singing his praise and giving him thanks for all he has done for you through Jesus.
He is a wonderful God an amazing God who has great plans for us, -Jeremiah-29-11- to give us hope and victory in every battle, he defeated the devil and every spirit of sickness and disease and that is what sickness and diseases are- spirits that have affected our flesh and blood
Jeremiah 29-11-Amplified Bible (AMP)
11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome 12Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you. 13 Then you will seek me, inquire for, and require me [as a vital necessity] and find me when you search for me with all your heart.
This is what God desires of us; to seek him with all our hearts, because he is in love with us and wants to be loved in return.
Five God gives us the victory
But thanks be to God, Who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our—LordJesus-Christ. Who is it that gives us the victory? None other than God through Jesus, we have victory only because of God’s grace and love and mercy. We don’t have victory because we fight the devil and win, ‘no that is false,’ the devil is already defeated, and that is what we are supposed to demonstrate by the power of the Holy Spirit.
yet amid all these things we are ‘more than conquerors’ and gain a ‘surpassing victory’ through Him who loved us.
What we are supposed to do is to declare Jesus surpassing victory over him in everything, and surpassing means =to outshine, to go beyond, to exceed, and to beat; and to and stand praising Jesus for this victory and declaring it to the devil out of our mouths every time he comes around with some sickness or disease or disaster or some other problem we will have to face. That is the battle we face; ‘’declaring the victory Jesus won,’’ not our victories because they come from Jesus, anyway; there is nothing that you have that God did not give it to you, not even victories. You have never won a victory as such, you have declared the victory out of your mouth thereby bringing into existence the victory of Jesus because victory is achieved by
declaring the word of God aloud from your mouth; and as you believe it, so shall it be. Do you believe Jesus won your victory for you? Do you believe that he Jesus purchased you at a great price {his life?} and paid for everything that you suffer from, including sickness and disease and pain?
1-Corinthians 15-57- The Way Bible
How we thank God for all this for it is ‘’he ‘’who makes ‘’us’ ‘’victorious’’ through Jesus Christ our lord.
It is God who makes us victorious through Christ Jesus; no one else makes us victorious, we can’t make ourselves victorious except through believing that we have the victory already because of Jesus and nothing else. We need to keep on thanking God for the victory even though we cannot see it yet, this is the victory trust and faith in God’s ability to bring to pass what he already done for us.
The hardest fight is remembering to stand your ground and declare Jesus defeated him and he is stripped naked and has no power or authority over you any longer, and that Jesus in turn gave ‘’us’’ the ‘victory over the devil’ also. He will always try to keep you distracted from remembering he is totally defeated, and has no victory over you or me; he will do everything in his little book of tricks to keep us from remembering he is destroyed and naked, defeated in every thing, and this is the real battle – remembering and declaring this truth in every battle, knowing he is defeated for ever no matter what it feels like or looks like.
For the weapons of our warfare is not carnal, but mighty through God for the pulling down of strongholds.
We use spiritual weapons to bring about a demonstration of Satan’s defeat; the Holy Spirit is in us to bring this demonstration of the devils defeat in our lives. And the weapons are the ‘’word of God’’ used in faith; spoken into the air around us proclaiming the victory………………………………………………………………………………………….
2-Corinthians-2:14 Amplified-Bible
But thanks be to God, ‘’who in Christ always leads us in triumph’’ [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere.
Look at the powerful message in this scripture, there is a scriptural promise from the word of God in it, ‘’who in Christ –always- leads us in triumph as trophies of Christ victory.’ Note that I underlined the word ‘always’ that means that your victories are not just a one off thing but a forever thing, it is permanent it is always and always means- ‘forever,’ ‘for all time,’ ‘for eternity,’ ‘until the end of time,’ ‘for ever and a day,’ ‘at all times,’ ‘all the time!’
Christ’s victory is demonstrated in you and me and he boasts of his victory and by boasting that means he proudly declares we have the victory through him, and he lets the devil know that time after time ‘always,’ ‘for eternity;’ we must do the same - boast in the victory that Christ Jesus won for us.
1-Thessalonians-2:19 Good-News-Translation
After all, it is you—you, no less than others!—who are our hope, our joy, and our reason for boasting of our victory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes.
You see we boast not in ourselves but in Jesus who defeated the devil for us and in turn gave us the victory over him also- we brag on Jesus not on ourselves for we have done nothing to defeat the devil, but Jesus has and he is our boast
Philippians-1:28 Good-News-Translation.
Don’t be afraid of your enemies; always be courageous, and this will prove to them that they will lose and that you will win, because it is ‘God who gives you the victory.’
It is God who gives us the victory and we must walk in that victory always because no matter what battle you are in right now, you already have the victory, that battle is already won, always, no matter what it is, Jesus defeated your greatest enemy and gave you victory through his name - Jesus- On that cross on Calvary Jesus said “it is finished.” Finished means there’s no more after this, it is over, and it is ended, completed, over and done with, and nonoperational. He beat the devil, now we don’t have to fight him anymore, we just have to take our stand, and ‘remember’ ‘Jesus won our battles for us,’ and the battle is declaring that victory out of our mouths, as we stand rebuking the devils sickness and disease or disasters or afflictions; as having done all- stand, with the words of victory flowing from your mouth; ‘his victory.’
The name of Jesus
At the name of Jesus every knee must bow-[give way} and every tongue confess that Jesus is lord.
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
Even the devil has to confess that Jesus is lord; for he is his lord and master, but not in the same way that he is our lord and master; we are Jesus friends, Jesus is the devils ‘’master’’ and ‘’king;’’ he is subservient to Jesus and bows his knee every time the name of Jesus is spoken by man against him; you won’t see him do this, but the fact remains he has to bow the knee as a defeated foe at the name of his lord and master, he does not like it but has to do so anyway.
Acts-3:5-7 -Good-News-Translation
But Peter said to him, “I have no money at all, but I give you what I have: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I order you to get up and walk!”
Peter demonstrated the power in the name of Jesus and it is in this name that we have our greatest weapon, for at the name of Jesus every knee must bow and bow means give way, yield, surrender, curtsy, and just hold that thought ‘curtsy,’ and picture in your mind the devil going down on one knee and curtsying to Jesus
Acts 3-7-King James Version (KJV)
7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. 8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.
Peter acted on the belief in the name of Jesus and instead of waiting on the man to try and get up, he grabbed him by the hand and yanked him up, and as he did so the man received his healing because of the faith Peter had in Jesus name and all it accomplished on Calvary. Peter knew, that Jesus name and all that his name is and was, defeated the devil, and he also knew that at the name of Jesus spoken in faith over a situation, changed that situation, and the man perceived this also as Peter commanded him to get up, his spirit immediately perceived the power in that name Jesus and grasping Peters hand he launched himself up with peters help. Thank God he gives us people to help us in our infirmities and weakness; he never leaves us to our own devices.
Acts-3:16 Contemporary-English-Version.
You see this man, and you know him. He put his faith in the name of Jesus and was made strong Faith in Jesus made this man completely well while everyone was watching.
Faith in the name of Jesus healed this man, and if we exercise faith in the name of Jesus in any situation then we will see miracles, signs and wonders, wrought about in the name of Jesus the creator of heaven and earth.
Acts-4:30-Common-English-Bible Stretch out your hand to bring healing and enable signs and wonders to be performed through the name of Jesus, your holy servant.”
God wants ‘us’ performing ‘signs and wonders’ through the ‘name of his son Jesus,’ to bring glory to him, and that means he will use you and me to do so as it is his perfect will; its time to step up to the mark and begin doing what we have been commissioned to do by God. Man will not want you speaking miracles in the name of Jesus and that includes some Christian leaders, priests, pastors and ministers, not everyone rejoices in the name and wonder of Jesus, some of these people are filled with jealousies and will rebuke you and reject you because they do not have what they see in you, and so will try and get rid of you from their church or circle.
Acts-5:40-King-James-Version And to him they agreed: and when they had called the apostles, and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go.
These people knew in their hearts that God healed this man in the name of Jesus the man they killed, and they understood the power in that name because the proof was right there in front of them, and even though the proof was there right before their eyes they refused to believe, just as many will see miracles and signs and wonders being performed by your hands and will refuse to believe even though they see the proof of what you say and do in Jesus name. I had one man in particular resist every thing I said and done in my younger days, he denied healing, even though he seen his very own friend Tony a cripple in a wheelchair, walking into the prayer meeting, after I prayed with him, and sitting down, he was paralyzed for over fifteen years; now this man Tony was there right in front of this prayer meeting leader and he denied what he witnessed, and was so intent in putting me down and tried to stop me many times over the years I attended that prayer meeting; even though he saw the healings taking place. One night as I was asked to pray with a woman who was blind in her right eye and as I agreed, and began praying with her, then she began to cry out that she was seeing in her blind eye, and the next thing I knew was I was shoved roughly aside and my hand forced off her eye, and I saw this man place his hand on her eye and she went blind again, she had begun receiving her eyesight back, when this man, riddled with jealousy forced me away from her and forced my hand off her; he cost her, her healing, and he done these things to me many times. Then one night as we were ministering to a school retreat and he danced the night away with the young
ones, he and I shared a room together and he was in so much agony later on after his dancing frenzy, that he actually asked me for a prayer, and as I prayed with him the lord began removing his pain and when it got to a level where he could stand it, he stopped me, and wouldn’t let me continue on till he was fully restored. Then to my amazement he took out a bag of pills and took them, faith in tablets not in Jesus name, this was his belief and is the belief of many others; so do not get discouraged when other great leaders or pastors or priest try and stop you, ignore them and do what God called you to do; lay hands on the sick and heal them in Jesus name.
And this did she many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. And he came out the same hour.
The name of Jesus casts out demons, and will work every time you confront a demon or spirit; Jesus said his name will cast out demons and heal the sick so go and cast those foul things out in Jesus name and heal the sick.
Praise is the key to all healing signs and wonders
Our sacrifice is to keep offering praise to God in the name of Jesus.
In all our battle we are supposed to offer thanks and praise to God through the name of Jesus, this is a submission, acknowledging that it is all by faith in the name of Jesus and what he has done for us that bring the victory already won. When we give heartfelt thanks and praise with gratitude to God in the name of Jesus, we acknowledge that ‘Jesus was the one who won the victory.’ Our victories are ‘because of him,’ and not because we did this or that, or stood our ground, in our strength or power, for we have none, except what God gave us. We own nothing of ourselves; everything is a gift from a loving Father God through Jesus. It is in recognizing all this before God that gives him glory; knowing we have nothing except by him. Scripture even tells us that, ‘’he holds our breath in his hands,’’ we cannot even breath without his grace. We may have many great things but ‘we own nothing’ no matter how wealthy or important you may seem to be, it is all on loan for a short period of time, and it is but a ‘moment of grace’ that we have anything. I concede before God that I own nothing in this world, neither my health nor my wealth, nothing belongs to me, and this world is temporary not eternal. Every thing is a gift from God to me; I have nothing that will travel into eternity with me except my salvation, not even my good deeds will follow me because they were a gift from God to me; God will say about my
good deeds but they may very well burn up if I considered them as a part of what ‘I’ have done. Everything I have ever done for his glory, and his glory alone, will go through the testing fire and come out the other end reflecting his glory not mine. We cannot say we did this or that by our own actions because ‘this is not true;’ we have every thing given to us by our loving Father God and not by works least any man should boast in themselves. And so we should have an attitude of thanksgiving and praise and worship before God at al times knowing he is our everything; every moment of my day is focused on giving him and him alone glory and honor and praise, because I know I am but dust and to dust I will return and I live, not I, but Christ Jesus who lives in me.
Even my healing that I await to materialize is not coming by my standing firm and resisting the devil; it comes about by ‘my obedience to every word of God,’ saying, “having done all stand,” and then standing by the grace of God, declaring the victory that “Jesus” won on the cross on Calvary, and nothing else. I must say what God’s word says to do, and to proclaim, and therein lies my victory, a victory given to me by Jesus, his victory over the devil, which he then shared with me.
My joy is to praise him with a heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving, knowing he loves me with an intense love, a love that desires to see me succeed in everything concerning him.
Love the greatest deception
This is the greatest weapon the devil uses against the children of God; he places on them, ‘you and I,’ condemnation, guilt, and feelings of un-love; he uses the greatest gift, from God to us, as a means of the greatest deception; he uses love against us as a weapon of despair and doubt, fear and unbelief. Without love no one feels worthy or wanted or needed, not even by those who gave birth to us or to whom you may have given birth to. Without love there is no hope! Even an animal needs to be loved, and they show their love for us in return in so many ways, even in the way they just look at us and they wag their tails or shake from side to side all showing how much they love us; I see it in my own cat, I see when love comes into her eyes, and thenext thing is shecomes over to whereI am and begins to rub herself against melooking up at me with love filled eyes, and I pet her and she purrs with happiness. Even animals need love and affection just as we human beings need it so much. Love is a gift from a loving Father to his children, and the devil would try and steal that love away and replace it with despair, hopelessness, and apathy, feelings of abandonment, loneliness and emptiness, and this is a battlefield for the children of God; do I believe what I don’t feel? Can I believe what the Bible says, that God loves me? And the devil uses feelings and emotions to deceive us into believing we are not loved enough, and he uses things in our childhood to leave us feeling gloomy, no real joy in our lives, he is an expert in mixing truths into lies and deceptions. But this battle has already been won, because God sacrificed his only son Jesus, instead of punishing you and me for our unrighteousness, because he did not want us to be lost from him, this was an act of a Fathers heart; he was longing that not one child of his would be lost to the devil.
We know what Jesus done for us, and yet the devil would have us believe through feelings and emotions that it was for everyoneelsebut not really us, because after all, look at us, who would want us, who cares enough about us, and he uses those emotions to suppress us into feelings of abhorrence. To loath ourselves; and I know dear reader that you have those same feelings and emotions, especially if your heart is in love with Jesus, and this is a trick and deception of the devil; but the truth is, God loved us so much, that he put Jesus to a terrible torture, a terrible slow agony, making sure he put on him everything we loath about ourselves, every feeling we hate about ourselves, every emotion of despair and repugnancy we feel about ourselves every foul sickness and disease and pain and filthy sin on to his pure and holy body making it a thing of hideousness, a thing to be despised and turned away from, to disfigured to even look on, and all this was for you and me, instead of feeling repulsive about ourselves we should be feeling in awe of what our Father done out of love for us, he done all this with you and I in mind, he didn’t want to lose us to the devil, so he went to these extreme methods to make sure we could come before him with nothing in us to want to make us stay at a distance, he used Jesus to take away our filthy sins and to give us a place in the kingdom of heaven with him and Jesus and the Holy Spirit in unquenchable Joy for eternity. This is love; to sacrifice you’re most precious child for another who didn’t really deserve it, and the devil would have us believe that this was not personal, but it was, Jesus died for you and for me as if we were the only people on this planet, and this is the battle for millions of us Christians to believe and this is a truth from the word of our Father God, showing the lengths he was willing to go to, just so we would know we are loved deeply, and I believe that he would even do it again and again if he had to, just so we would believe we are loved deeply andunconditionallyuntilitsunkintoourspiritandwebelievedwearelovedbyGodourfather. God is our Father and wearehis child, and weneed to believeand understand this, that hefeels about us just as he feels the same about Jesus and he treats us no different than Jesus to whom he gave everything just as he gave us everything in him. We need to realize that God is indeed our Father and what good Father does not want what’s best for his children? Whom will we believe? The devil who has lied to us since childhood telling us that we are an accident of birth- we were unwanted by parents and God, we are not really loved, or God who proved his love for us by killing his only son Jesus as a sacrifice for you and me. All through the New Testament God expresses his love for us personally in many, many ways and words, and if you read his word you like I can see how much he expresses his divine love for us. Chose her now to believe that God loves you and wants you in perfect health in body mind and spirit, and now resist the devils lies and deceits and tell him to flee in Jesus name, I refuse to believe your lies and deceptions and feelings and emotions any longer; I know God loves me he created me and was with me through the time in my mothers womb, taking care of me and talking with me and loving me even if others did not, he loved me enough to want me in his family in heaven, and to be called by his name. This battle has been won, you just have to proclaim ‘Jesus loves me,’ ‘Father God loves me,’ the ‘Holy Spirit loves me,’ yes me. Devil Get thee behind me, now go in Jesus name!
I found this the most difficult part for me to believe, that God loves me and wants to see me healed, he wants to give me all he has for me, but my own insignificance and inferiorities kept that miracle working power away from me.
I know that the word of God tells me he loves me and sacrificed his son Jesus for me alone, and that he loves me unconditionally, I still find it hard to accept this and receive this into my spirit. I know that I am filled with the trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and that they live in me and that I have become one person in the spirit with Jesus, but I still find it so difficult in accepting this, that God loves me this much he lives in me. [Remember the devil uses our childhood to bring feelings of un-love and rejection into play and remember also it was him who placed those feelings into us in the first place.]
And I know it was because I never felt loved by my parents in the way I needed to be loved.
Now for God’s sake don’t think that I place the blame on my parents, they did the best they could, but favored an older brother above the rest of my siblings and I felt this as did the rest of my sisters and other brother, and I know why they felt this way; my eldest brother Hugh died as a child, and they, as parents put all their love and attention and fears into my older brother, possibly fearing he might die also, its human nature, but it didn’t help me any, I grew up with a chip on my shoulder not feeling loved by both parents; maybe I wasn’t, because, I was a sickly child, and needed a lot of attention, that they were not able to give, remember they already lost a son and here was another very sickly child- -me, that they never expected to live so perhaps subconsciously they kept me at a distance, afraid to give me all I needed as a child for fear I would die on them; and they would have to suffer all over again the loss of another child. This is all speculation not fact on my part; I have absolutely no facts regarding this. I grew up not feeling loved and spent a lot of time alone on a sick bed, and no matter where I went as an adult I still carried with me the feelings of not being loved, and not wanted, and felt distant from everyone. I never fitted in with the rest, and in a crowded room I felt alone, and prayer meetings and church did nothing to eliminate that feeling, as church can be the most coldest place where lonely people can go to, as people have their “friends” and most church people don’t bother to reach out genuinely to others; some even see new people as an intrusion into their little setup.
So with all this inside of me no wonder it is so difficult for me to receive the love I know that God has for me. I know all that he done for me and the amazing things he personally done for me through the years of being with him; even feeling the powers of heaven and encounters with his Holy Spirit and amazing manifesting of his presence still hasn’t taken away those feelings of not being loved enough to be healed instantly by him.
Why do I write this? It is because I know that there are millions of people who feel as I do, and are desperate for healing in their body and they see others being healed and delivered and they like me still suffer sickness and disease in their body, seemingly unable to receive healing; something inside is blocking the love of God from getting through to them, and God does not want this for them any more, he desires to have them in full health and is determined to get that healing through to them and me also. So I am going to offer a prayer here for our healing or rejection and feelings of a lack of love.
Father God; you know every emotion that is locked inside of me from my earliest childhood, you know my feelings and emotions regarding me; you know it is so hard to believe that you actually love me personally; even though I see your love in your word that you sacrificed your own son Jesus for me. But it doesn’t feel that way for me. Your love is elusive; it seems to be for others who receive, but not for me. I know that this stems from the feelings and emotions of lack of love I felt from my parents. I place no blame on them, they did the best they could with what they experienced themselves. I ask that you bless our parents, living or dead, and heal in them the feelings and emotions they felt and passed on to me, and I ask that you fill in me those areas where I lack in feeling loved, and wanted. I ask this of you in the holy name of your Son Jesus. Heal in me my expectations from you as Father and Jesus as brother, repair the spiritual damage to my spirit and soul and restore me to what you want me to be, so I may receive what you desire all your own children.
I know that the word of God says that ‘God loves me with an everlasting love.’ I know that the word of God says, that, ‘this one thing I know, God is for me.’ I know the word of God says, ‘I am precious to him’ and that, ‘he has wonderful plans for me;’ I know he says, ‘I am the apple of his eye.’ I know that God’s word says that, ‘I am filled with the Godhead and have the Father Son and Holy Spirit in me;’ I know that, ‘I am joined together with and in Jesus’ and that, ‘I actually am standing in heaven in the place of highest privilege,’ and that, ‘I am seated in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus and that God has given me the right to come boldly before his throne any time when I come with and in Jesus. I know all these things and I know that Jesus took my sickness and bore all my diseases and I know it is time I received just as it is time for you the reader to receive also.
God does love us personally, it is the devil who presses in with those feelings and emotions because he knows every button to press when we start to feel good about ourselves, and this is a spiritual battle we are going through every day he knows our weakness he was there with us while we were in the womb and he was the one who crushed us with feelings of unloved and unwanted.
This battle is won God does us love us and defeated the liar and removed from him his power to accuse the brethren. Resist the devil and he will flee in the name of Jesus. Begin now thanking God for his great love for you and thank him for healing your expectations and for healing your body; chose to believe that God loves you and proved it and keep reminding yourself this all the time especially when the devil tries to get you back into emotions and feelings because if he gets you there he will use them to defeat you again so do not listen to his lies; proclaim that God my father loves me and Jesus loves me and both proved it and the Holy Spirit’s presence within me is living proof that he loves me also. The battle for my healing is won, I am loved enough by God to receive it in my body now and I declare out of my mouth I have the victory in this are because of Jesus; I am healed in Jesus name, he took all my personal sickness and bore all my diseases on his body because he loves me and never stops loving me.
Now get back to praising God for your healing and don’t stop even when the word of God materializes in your physical body as health, keep on praising him for there are signs and wonders awaiting you and me.
Praise means that victory is yours, Philippians -1-28-The Way Bible -and it is God who leads us into all victory through Jesus Christ. -2-Corinthians-2-14- The Way Bible – he leads us in triumph as trophies of Christ’s victory. 1-Corinthians-15-57 The Way Bible it is he who makes us victorious through Christ Jesus our lord.
That’s how much we are truly loved, God leads us in all victories through Christ Jesus, and we cannot lose. So give thanks for the victories even before you see them materialize in this world, praise brings them through into this material world and into your body and needs. Praise is a response to faith and is faith in action.