What affect do your prayers have? Brendan Mc Crossan What affect do your prayers have?
Brendan Mc Crossan Copyright@9 04 2020 One
Christianfriends,doyoueverwonderifyourprayershaveanyaffectoreffect?Thewordof Godtellsusthat the ‘’earnest prayer’’ ofa ‘’righteous man/ woman’’ have‘’great power and wonderful results.’’ James 5-16- Living Bible (TLB) The ‘’earnest prayer’’ of a ‘’righteous’’ man has ‘’great power and wonderful results.’’ 17 Elijah was as completely human as we are, and yet when he ‘’prayed’’ ‘’earnestly’’ that no rain would fall, none fell for the next three and a half years! 18 Then he prayed again, this time that it would rain, and down it poured, and the grass turned green and the gardens began to grow again. There is a lot to learn from this scripture for it reassures us that God does hear our sincere prayer. Most of the time people just pray off the top of their heads, not giving a thought to their sincerity, just saying ‘’prayers’’ so as to fulfill their obligations, and not giving great thought to whom they are praying to, and to why they pray. I don’t criticize anyone,formanyatimeIhavedonethis,justsayingprayers,butnotthinkingwhoitisthat Iamsupposedtobeprayingto. Godsaysinthisscripturethat our ‘’earnest prayer’’ has ‘’great power’’ and ‘’wonderful results ’’ Well what power do we have over this coronovirus? The word of almighty God says, we have great power with wonderful results. Does that mean that we have powerandauthorityoverthisevilthingthatiskillingmany,manypeopletheworldover? So do we have to just sit there praying God will protect us from it, or are we supposed to attackthisevilthing? Wearesupposedtoattackit,notjustsitonourbacksidesquiveringwithfearofit,attackit with the *name of Jesus* and the *blood of Jesus,* and then sit on your backside praising God.‘’Justsomeofourmanyweapons,’’‘’includesthewordofGod,oursword.’’
Fortheswordisamightyweapon,knowingtheworkingsofaswordmeansthatyouhave the word of God in your mouth all the time, in an image in Revelations Jesus is shown coming with a sword in his mouth! If no studying of the word, then you have no knowledge,andthewordsays; ‘’my people perish for lack of knowledge.’’ Theswordis
What affect do your prayers have?
Nowassomeofyouwhoreadmybooksknow,Ijustdon’tstopwithjustanyonewhoisin painoroncrutches,Iwouldwalkbymaybefeelingsorrowforthem,butIfeltnoinclination tostopwiththem;andIhavecometorealizewhentheHolySpiritwasdirectingmetopray withsomeone,andthisturnedouttobeoneofthosetimes. Iaskedherwhatwaswrongwithher,likeIalreadyknewher,andshelookedatmelikeshe knewmealsoandsaidshewaswaitingonahipreplacementandakneereplacementalso, andwasinseverepain.That’swhenIshockedherbyaskingifshewouldlikeaprayer.And you all know the result of that ‘’small ‘’earnest prayer ’’ of the ‘’righteous man;’’ she was instantlyhealed,byGod’sHolySpiritwithinmeandbythenameofJesus.
notjustasharpthingwewieldagainstthedevilandhiscohorts,butitis alsoaweaponof knowledgegivingyouvitalinformationthatisatyourdisposal. I see it working as a weapon of healing!
Iprayedwithherforjust ‘’twominutes’’and ''Gods Holy Spirit'' healedherin the ''name of Jesus.'' She had previously asked me to help her out to her waiting taxi if the prayer didn'twork;‘’shesaidafterprayer,’’thatshefeltherpainmosttimeswaswhenshestood Sup.oItoldhertostandup,andwhenshestoodup,shelookedatmewithalookoftotalshock onherfacesaying ''all her pain was gone.'' Aswewalkedouttothe taxishekeptsaying her pain has gone, and as she straightened herself up, she said to me that when I prayed with her she felt this tremendous heat going through her. Getting to the taxi she thanked me, and I told her that Jesus loved her, and here was his proof. I'll probably never meet Theresa again for this was a God moment, not a coincidence. This isproof of the ''sincere prayerofarighteousman.'' In the morning as I was getting ready to go out, one thing after another kept holding me back, I gave no thought to the tiny things that happened to me to hold me back. I never realized that it was Father God holding me back for that precious moment when I would meet this woman as she was coming out of the shopping centre, and I was entering ;{perfecttiming}.
I met a woman coming out of the shopping center yesterday 7 3 2020; using a crutch, and lookinglikesomeoneingreatpain.Istoppedwithherandaskedwhatwaswrongwithher; InormallydonotdothesethingsunlesspromptedbytheHolySpirit.Shesaidsheneededa hipreplacement,andhaskneedamagealsocausinghergreatpain;shetoldmebecauseof thiscoronovirusheroperationwascancelled, notknowingifevershewouldreceiveit or not. I asked her if she would like a prayer for healing, looking shocked she eventually agreedafterItoldherIwasinahealingministryforoverfortyyears.
God has declared us to be righteous those of us who came to him in answer to his call on ourlives
Godhasdeclared‘’ustoberighteous,’’thosewhocametoJesuswillingly,andallthosewho camewere ‘’declared ‘righteous,’ ‘spotless,’ ‘clean,’ ‘holy, and ’’forever perfect’’ in the sight of God. Ephesians 1 4 ,Hebrews10 14 InthisscriptureGodisshowingusthat ifwepraysincerelythen hewillhearourprayers and answer them because ‘’he’’ calls us ‘’righteous.’’ You cannot make yourself righteous; it is instilled upon you by our father God. {Instilled means to ‘’impress ideas, principles,orteachingsgraduallyonsomebody'smind,’’}andgraduallyasyoucontinueto read the word, learning how to use the sword, how to wield it, thrust, parry etc, you will grow strong and useful in the kingdom of God. God does not just install everything into yourmindinstantlyforitwouldblowyouawaywiththeknowledgethatyouwouldhaveto takeinandbelieve,yesitwoulddefinitelyblowyourmind.Ithastakenmeoverfortyyears tolearnallthatIhaveimpartedintomybooksallthreehundredandthirtyoneofthemand Iamstillwritingevenyetasyouarereadingthisbook. Let’s look at what happened with Elijah 1 Kings 17 Living Bible (TLB) 17 Then Elijah, the prophet from Tishbe in Gilead, told King Ahab, “As surely as the Lord God of Israel lives the God whom I worship and serve ‘’there won’t be any dew or rain for several years until ‘’I’’ ‘’say the word!” 2 Then the Lord said to Elijah, 3 “Go to the east and hide by Cherith Brook at a place east of where it enters the Jordan River. 4 Drink from the brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to feed you.” 5 So he did as the Lord had told him to and camped beside the brook 6 The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook. 7 But after a while the brook dried up, for there was no rainfall anywhere in the land. {Elijah could not complain to God there was no water left as ‘’he’’ was the one who stopped the rain<LOL}
We are the righteousness of Christ Jesus and also of God himself.
Did you understand what just happened here in this scripture? God could have said, *he* will stop the rain for three years but he didn’t, he caused Elijah to say what he was commanding the weather to do, and this is an example for us to speak the word and believe it will happen, and it surely will.
So he went to Zarephath. As he arrived at the gates of the city he saw a widow gathering sticks; and he asked her for a cup of water.
“See! He’s alive!” he beamed.
But she said, “I swear by the Lord your God that I haven’t a single piece of bread in the house. And I have only a handful of flour left and a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jar. I was just gathering a few sticks to cook this last meal, and then my son and I must die of starvation.”
But one day the woman’s son became sick and died.
And the Lord heard Elijah’s prayer; and the ‘’spirit of the child’’ ‘returned,’’ and ‘’he became alive again!’’ 23 Then Elijah took him downstairs and gave him to his mother.
18 “O man of God,” she cried, “what have you done to me? Have you come here to punish my sins by killing my son?”
“Give him to me,” Elijah replied. And he took the boy’s body from her and carried it upstairs to the guest room where he lived, and laid the body on his bed, 20 and then cried out to the Lord, “O Lord my God, why have ‘’you killed’’ the ‘son of this widow’ with whom I am staying?”
As she was going to get it, he called to her, “Bring me a bite of bread too.”
8 9
But Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid! Go ahead and cook that ‘last meal,’ but bake me a little loaf of bread first; and afterwards there will still be enough food for you and your son. 14 For the Lord God of Israel says that there will always be plenty of flour and oil left in your containers until the time when the Lord sends rain and the crops grow again!”
So she did as Elijah said, and she and Elijah and her son continued to eat from her supply of flour and oil as long as it was needed. 16 For no matter how much they used, there was always plenty left in the containers, just as the Lord had promised through Elijah!
Then the Lord said to him, “Go and live in the village of Zarephath, near the city of Sidon. There is a widow there who will feed you. I have given her my instructions.”
And he stretched himself upon the child three times and cried out to the Lord, “O Lord my God, please let this child’s spirit return to him.”
24 “Now I know for sure that you are a prophet,” she told him afterward, “and that whatever you say is from the Lord!” Thisseemedtobeacaseof‘’putmefirst’’ ,aselfishactfromaselfishmanwhowasjusttold, allshehadwasjustenoughtomakeherandhersonalittletinyloaf.Butheignoredher,for inthosedaysawomanservedamanfirstevenifhewasn’therhusband
13 But Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid! Go ahead and cook that ‘last meal,’ but ‘’bake me’’ a little loaf of bread first; and afterwards there will still be enough food for you and your son YouselfishsodElijah,‘’bake me,’’ alittleloaf ‘’first,’’ typicalman,selfishtotheverycore,or soitseems,ashewastryingherfaithfirst,notherscones,andsheobeyedhim.Wouldyou havedonethatifsomebeardedguycametoyourhouse,andaskedyoutomakehimalittle loaf first before you died? In today’s world there is no sign of any prophets doing great signsandwonderstocauseustobelievehim,andIdoubtthatanymotherwouldservehim withtheonlysmallbitofflourandoilthatshehad.Shewouldhavebeenafraidofrunning outofhertinydropofoil,forsheneverseenthismanorknewwhohewas;hewasn’tlike theTVguyDynamo,whodonesomanytricksthatlookunbelievable.
But she said, “I swear by the Lord ‘your’ God that I haven’t a single piece of bread in the house. And I have only a handful of flour left and a little cooking oil in the bottom of the jar. I was just gathering a few sticks to cook this last meal, and then my son and I must die of starvation.” This poor woman knew the realities of what this little bit of flour and a little cooking oil left meant to her, it was to be her last meal on earth, and here was this bearded selfish bloke looking for ‘’her food,’ ‘for her and her only child;’’ she also referred to him, as to, the ‘’lord ‘your’ God.’’ not ‘’our’’ God’’ as if she knew this man was the same religion as her.
1 Kings 17 Living Bible (TLB)
But this woman felt prompted in her spirittomake this old guy a meal and if she ran out she was going to die anyway, it mattered not that she died a mealtime before her regular Didmeal.younoticethatshesaidtohimtwice‘’your God,’’ not‘’our God,’’ asiftheysharedthe one God? She didn’t know who this man was, she thought that he might be a prophet but wasn’t sure until he brought her son back from the dead! 22 And the Lord heard Elijah’s prayer; and the ‘’spirit of the child’’ ‘returned,’’ and ‘’he became alive again!’’ 23 Then Elijah took him downstairs and gave him to his mother. “See! He’s alive!” he beamed.
Can you just imagine the look of Elijah’s face, his cheeks must have puffed out with pride, andhismouthwidewithagrin,afterallhisprayerbroughtachildbackfromthedeadand
Forinstance,ifyourprayingforsomeonewhoissick,youhavetobesurethatGodwants tohealthem,andalltheassuranceofthewordthatyouneedisMark1615 Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB) 15 And then he told them, “You are to go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. 16 Those that ‘’believe’’ and are ‘’baptized will be saved.’’ But those ‘’who ‘refuse’ to ‘believe’ ‘’will be condemned.’’ 17 “And *those who *’’believe’’* *shall use* *‘’my authority’’* to cast out demons, and they shall speak new languages. 18 They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.” Godwouldnothavesaidthatwewillplaceourhandsonthesickandhealthemifhedidn’t agreewithhealingsothisisyourscriptureforspeakingoutthelordswordsabouthealing. Youcansaytothesickperson, inthenameofJesusbehealed, knowingthat youhavethe wordofGodsaying, ‘’go heal the sick’’ andindoingso ‘’use my authority’’ todoit. It is awesome when you have the word of God to use as your instructions, from Jesus himself. ‘’You must use ‘’my authority,’’ notyourownbut ‘’mine;’’ sowhenIgoprayfor thesick, ‘’I use the authority of Jesus’’ and‘notmyown’for ‘’I have none.’’ IusethenameofJesusastherightfulauthoritytohealthesickpersonforIhavethe name of Jesus;whichbytheway is Jesus himself. I am not a big user of the ‘Old Testament’ but will quote from it time to time when appropriate!
that was afirst for him I think. He done better than meso far praiseGod we all belong to theoneGodandallglorygoestohimalone.
1-Kings 17:1-Living Bible
Then Elijah, the prophet from Tishbe in Gilead, told King Ahab, “As surely as the Lord God of Israel lives the God whom I worship and serve there won’t be any dew or rain for several years until ‘’I’’ ‘say the word!”
Thisisastrongstatement offirmbelief, forElijahrealizedthewordthatcomesoutofhis mouthmustbeinalignmentwiththewordofGod,andsomustours.
“You are ‘’my Son,’’ and today I have given ‘’you’’ the ‘’honor that ‘goes’ with that name.” Hebrews 1 3 Living Bible (TLB) 3 God’s Son shines out with God’s glory, and all that God’s Son is and does marks him as God. He regulates the universe by the mighty power of his command. *He is the one who died to cleanse us and clear our record of all sin,* and then *sat down in *highest honor* beside the great God of heaven.* 4 Thus he became far greater than the angels, as proved by the fact that his name “Son of God,” which was passed on to him from his Father, is far greater than the names and titles of the angels. 5 6 For God never said to any angel, “You are my Son, and today I have given you the honor that goes with that name.” But God said it about Jesus. Another time he said, “I am ‘his Father’ and ‘he is ‘my’ ‘Son.” And still another time when his firstborn Son came to earth—God said, “Let all the angels of God worship him.”
‘’Today’’ I have given you the ‘’honor that goes with that name- Jesus.’’ ‘’WOW The Honor’’ GodthefathergivestothenameofhissonJesus;ifhehasgiventhatname honor then when we come before God the father with the name of Jesus, then because of the honor that comeswiththenameof Jesushelistenstouswhenweprayin thatwondrous name,thereisnodoubtthathehearsuswhenweprayinJesusname.Anditisnowonder thatSatanthedevilhimself,whomJesusdefeated;listenswithheadboweddown,andflees atthecommandthatwegivehimorhisdemonstoflee inthatwondrous‘’nameofJesus!’’ and he flees Thatisaprayerbutaprayerofcommand,aprayerthatchangesthings,beit healing or deliverance or simply a command for a flower to grow in fullness, but it is a prayerofcommandingsomethingtohappeninthe‘’nameofJesus,’’anditdoesforGodthe fatherhearsthatcommandgiveninthenameofhissonJesus,withall honor isgiventoit, andwouldn’titbejustterribleifhedidn’tanswerthatprayer,nomatterwhatitis,foritis spokeninthe ‘’honor’’ ofhis‘’onlysonJesus’’himself John 14 Living Bible (TLB) 11 Just believe it—that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or else believe it because of the mighty miracles you have seen me do.
12 13 “In solemn truth I tell you, anyone believing in me shall do the same miracles I have done, and even greater ones, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask him
for anything, using my name, and I will do it, for this will bring praise to the Father because of what I, the Son, will do for you. 14 Yes, ask anything, using my name, and I will do it! Here is another method of praying, asking God in Jesus name; you can ask him foranything,using my name, and I will do it. This is a serious statement coming from the mouth of Jesus himself; ask and ‘’he’’ will do what ‘you’ have asked the father in his name.’’ What exactly does this scripture mean? ‘’Yes ask anything,’’ now Jesus is specificallyspeakingofthepowerofmiracles. Jesus is telling us that he gave us the right to ask God himself for things in his name, like going to the bank and asking for a withdrawal of cash, in the name of the person whose chequeyouholdinyourhand.AndJesusnameand honor isgreaterthananythingonthis earth.Butifyoudon’taskwithfaithyouarewastingyourtimeandGod’s. Nowsomething you need to understand is that Jesusis talking about ‘’you doing great miracles,’’ ‘’12-13 “In solemntruth I tell you, anyone believing in me shall do the same miracles I have done, and even greater ones, becauseIamgoingtobewiththeFather.’’Hethengoesontosay you can ask him for anything using my name; ‘’Jesus endorses your cheque!’’ {To give formalapprovalorpermissionforsomething,[dictionary]} CanyoujustimaginegoingtoGodthefatherandaskinghimforamiraculousitem,forthat is what this scripture is telling us to do and we Christians must learn the differences betweenaskingandcommandingsomethingtohappen.Commandingsomethingtohappen likesicknessandpaintoleaveaperson,isdifferentthanaskingGodforsomethinginJesus name;foryouhavebeengivenpowerandauthorityoversicknessanddiseaseanddemons by Jesus personally, when you go out to the entire world and preach the gospel first, and preachsimplymeanstotellthegoodnews,thenyouhavetheGodgivenrighttocommand miraclesandhealingsanddeliverances,andforoverfortyyearsIhavedonethat,evenasa beginnerChristian;IbelievedthewrittenwordinMark16 15thatIcouldgooutintoDerry whereIliveandhealthesick. When Iprayedwithpeopleatthestart veryillpeopledied. Andittookmesometimetorealizethatmyfaithwasn’twheremyheadwas.ButIkepton atitandeventuallyIsawallthesickthat IencounteredbeinghealedinthenameofJesus forIknewthatitwas in the name of Jesus andnothingaboutmethathealedpeopleandI keptmyeyesonhimandnotonme.
Praying is not just asking; but it is commanding something to happen in the ‘’name of Jesus,’’ notjustinaskingthefathertodosomethingforme.Ihavelearnedthepowerinthe name of Jesusand I saw in scripture that Jesus never healed anyoneby his own power as thesonofGod,butonlywhenthe power of the Holy Spirit was upon him,checkoutthe scriptures and see for yourself Jesus never healed anyone by his own power, but after he wasbaptizedintheHolySpiritattheJordanRiver,andthenaftercomingoutofthedesert hebeganhealingpeople,becausehehadthe ‘’Holy Spirit’’ inhimnow,andhedidallthisto
show us that we also need the Holy Spirit todothethingsGodcallsustodo. Jesuswas specific about what he was doing; he was showing us that if he needed the Holy Spirit then we need him even more.
of prayer through the Holy Spirit, is powerful, the same power that we seen throughJesus, James 5 16 Living Bible (TLB) The ‘’earnest prayer’’ of a ‘’righteous’’ man has ‘’great power and wonderful results.’’ John 16 Living Bible (TLB) Matter is that it is best for you that I go away, for if I don’t, the Comforter won’t come. If I do, he will for I will send him to you. 8
EverythingJesusdidwastoshowbyexampletous;didhehealthesickthrough the power of the Holy Spirit within him? Then we whohavebeenbaptizedin theHolySpirit, ‘who havehimlivinginusas ‘his own property’ that ‘’we also can heal the sick;’’ foritisthe same Holy Spirit thatentered Jesusthat entered us when we received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, there is only one Holy Spirit, Father God, Jesus, and his Holy Spirit the holy TheTrinity!effect
“And when he has come he will convince the world of its sin, and of the availability of God’s goodness, and of deliverance from judgment. 9 The world’s sin is unbelief in me; Ijustputthat scripture in herejusttoshow youthereaderthatthereisonlyonesin that will keep people out of heaven and that is unbelief in Jesus. How many Christians have unbeliefinJesus?AndIdon’tmeanforsalvation,Imeanforthemanyotherthingshesays aboutusandhimandwhathehasdoneforus,thereissomanythingsthatChristiansdon’t believe,andthataffectsyourprayersofcourse,causehowcanyouhaveearnestprayertoa God you don’t half believe in; how can you command miracles to happen if you have not faith and understanding in the name of Jesus and what Jesus did for us. Prayer is not just sayingwordsbutwordsinfaith;youmusthavefaithinhisnametocommandamiracleto happen;andcommandingisaprayerjustsaidwithpowerandeffect!ThenameofJesusis theresultofknowingwhoandwhatheisandwhathedidforus,bringingustohimselfas onespiritinhim.
If the devil stood in front of you, do you know enough about Jesus, and what he done on Calvary,‘’to tell the devil to ‘’get out of here in the name of Jesus,’’ andseeinghimfleein terror?Thatisprayerwithpowerandeffect,thisisthepoweryouandIneed;weneedto know Jesus and all that he did for us, and we also need to know God the father to understand what he did for us through Jesus, and what he did was ‘’before time even began.’’ These are things the believer must know and understand to make their prayer filled with powerandauthority, andas Mark 16 15 saysI havegivenyou ‘’my authority’’ tohealthe
When Jesus spoke the words of this passage of scripture he wasn’t just speaking to the apostlesbutto any believer,to ‘’those who believe,’’ andthatismeantforyouandmeto thoseofuswhogooutandprayintheauthorityandpowerofJesus,andtheHolySpirit.It didn’t end when the apostles died; it went on to the future believers, to those who believe.Itwon’tgoontothosewho ‘’don’t believe’’ theyshallexperiencenothing.Ihave witnessedGod’sHolySpirithealhundredsthroughthepowerofthe spirit, inthenameof Jesus;Ihaveseenpeople deliveredfromall kindsofspiritsandsicknessandpaininJesus nameovertheselastfortyplusyears,andmyprayerhasalwaysbeen,‘’Givemewisdomto knowandunderstand’’therootcauseofthepersonsillnessandhegrantsmethatthrough ‘’word of knowledge.’’ AgiftfromtheHolySpirit! And by the way I have prayed in tongues for these last forty plus years with great excitementasIusethem,knowingitistheHolySpiritspeakingtothefatheronmybehalf, andyoucannotgetagreaterprayerthanthat.
ThisisagiftfromGod’sHolySpiritthatfewChristianshavemuchfaithin,yetinRomans8 26 thescripturetellsusthatitis by our faith as a believer whoheardthemessageofthe gospelthatwecanyieldtotheHolySpirit,thethirdpersonintheHolyTrinity,andreceive that wondrous gift, a mighty and powerful gift. Plus eight other gifts including interpretation,{tounderstandwhatsomeoneissayingintongues,}miracles,healing,word ofknowledge,discernment,faith,wisdom,andteaching,prophesy,-1Corinthians12.
Romans 8 Living Bible (TLB) 26
“And those ‘’who believe’’ shall use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new language {tongues] 18 They will be able even to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them; and they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them.”
And in the same way by our faith the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don’t even know what we should pray for nor how to pray as we should, but the Holy Spirit prays for us with such feeling that it cannot be expressed in words. 27 And the Father who knows all hearts knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying as ‘’he pleads for us’’ in ‘’harmony’ with God’s own will. ’’ Praying in the gift of tongues
sick, command demons to get out, and bless everyone with the gifts of the Holy Spirit by introducingyoutohim,sothathewilldotheworkGodsenthimtodoinyouandinme.
Mark 16 Living Bible (TLB)
OnedayGodspoketomeassomefriendsandIworshippedhimforthefirsttimetogether, andaswesangacertainsongusuallyassociatedwiththetitanic,Godspoketomeandsaid ‘’you bore me with your music.’’ IwasshockedasIonlyknewafewChristiansongs,then my friends asked me what was wrong, as they seen the look of shock on my face, I told them what God has said, and as they discussed this; a little rock and roll style song came
into my mind and I started singing it lowly when Martin Hasson asked me what was this songIwassingingsoIbegansinging ‘’Rock on Jesus,’’ thewordsthatwereinmymind,and the next thing we started singing it together and making up new verses, and we began shouting out ‘’praise to God,’’ and I suddenly had this sense that ‘’all songs’’ ‘’no matter what their style were acceptable to God;’’ whenhespoketo meagainandaskedmeand some friends who were worshipping together, ‘’if we would pray all day in the gift of tongues,’’ soweagreed,and later that night he worked an awesome miracle for us, and when he asked ‘’me to pray in the gift of tongues’’ he said also, that ‘’you do not know the awesome power in the gift of tongues, ’’and if God says there is awesome power in tongues’thenIaminclinedtobelievehim,notwhatsomemenclaim.
Here’ssomethingyoumaynotknow,butthedeviloroneof hisdemonicarmytriestoget youtostoppraying,bygivingpraisestoGodbytryingtogetyoutothinkandstoppraying justafewsecondsbeforewhatyouprayedforarrives.Hetriestogetyoutobeginthinking ‘ah’it’snevergoingto arrivesostopprayingnow.ThetruthisoneofGod’smightyangels was arriving with your prayer request answered, and had to turn back with your request because you stopped believing, and believed that demons lies. Always just before your
TonguesareanawesomegiftfromGod’sHolySpirit,andbecausehesaidtome ‘’that you do not know the awesome power in them’’ thenasIsaidbefore, Iaminclinedtobelieve him,andsoItrytoprayforovertenhoursinthemonnightsthatIcannotsleep,othertime Ijustmanageanhourortwoduringtheday. At the moment I am doing live videos as we are in lockdown due to this coronovirus, so I am trying to encourage others to pray in tongues, as I worship the father son and Holy OfSpirit.allthewaystopraythereisnogreaterwaytopraythantoprayintheHolySpiritforitis God’s own Holy Spirit that’s praying for my needs, and God hears what he is earnestly praying for me as it is in line with the perfect will of God own thinking. ‘’Wow’’ that is truly awesome, it blows your mind to realize that the Holy Spirit, thesame one that Jesus had, is praying for me as I speak in ‘his gift of tongues,’ it sort of makes other types of prayerseemlessimportant,butyouknowallprayerfromanearnestheartisheardbyGod and answered as we give him thanks and praise as we wait for what you prayed for to arrive.
What happens when you pray earnestly to God!
7 I, Daniel, alone saw this great vision; the men with me saw nothing, but they were suddenly filled with unreasoning terror and ran to hide, 8 so I was left alone. When I saw this frightening vision, my strength left me, and I grew pale and weak with fright.
Inthebookof Daniel -10-4-wearetoldthatamightyangeltoldDanielwhathappenswhen he prays for something believing his prayer will be answered; for an angel is sent out to bringhimtheanswer,andthatangelhastodobattlewithSatan’sdemonstogetthroughto you with the answer, and of course we don’t even think about what that angel has to endure, and so we give up and that angel has to return to God and tell him you stopped believing,andstoppedgivingGodpraise.Howsadisthat?Amightyangelwhohasaccessto thethroneofGodhastoreturndefeatedbyyour,ormy,lackoftrustinGod’smightyname!
4 Then one day early in April, as I was standing beside the great Tigris River, 5 6 I looked up, and suddenly there before me stood a person robed in linen garments, with a belt of purest gold around his waist and glowing, lustrous skin! From his face came blinding flashes like lightning, and his eyes were pools of fire; his arms and feet shone like polished brass, and his voice was like the roaring of a vast multitude of people.
Godlovesussomuchthathehasgivenusdifferentmethodstopraysohecananswerthe onethatsuitsourbeliefbest.
answeredprayerstheenemytriestoplyonpressuretogetyoutostopbelievingforafew minutes, that’sallit takesfor yourprayers beingstopped, andthat mightyangel, sentout from the fathers presence with your answer, to have to return back with your answer.
Daniel 10 Living Bible (TLB)
20 21 He replied, “Do you know why I have come? I am here to tell you what is written in the ‘Book of the Future.’ Then, when I leave, I will go again to fight my way back, past the prince of Persia; and after him, the prince of Greece. Only Michael, the angel who guards your people Israel,[b] will be there to help me. I bet that most Christians don’t know there is a heavenly battle taking place in the heavenliest places, or that there is a battle taking place over the answer to their prayers, andthatgoeswithwhateverprayermethodtheyuse.
12 Then he said, “Don’t be frightened, Daniel, for your request has been heard in heaven and was answered the very first day you began to fast before the Lord and pray for understanding; that very day I was sent here to meet you. 13 But for twenty-one days the mighty Evil Spirit who overrules the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the top officers of the heavenly army, came to help me, so that I was able to break through these spirit rulers of Persia. 14 Now I am here to tell you what will happen to your people, the Jews, at the end times—for the fulfillment of this prophecy is many years away.”
Manyatimeover theyearssincebecomingaChristian, IhavebelievedforwhatIneeded, whenIfeltapressurebeingputonmetostopbelievingandattimesIwastemptedtojust surrender,especiallyifitwerealongtimeincoming.
There are some other means of praying, for instance silent prayer; just ‘’laying upon yourbedinsilentmeditationisanother,’’ or ‘’kneelingquietlybeforeGod,’’*justsearching forhimisanotherbeautifulprayer.* Butprayingforsomethingisquitedifferent,thansearchingforGodhimself. Twodifferent typesofprayer;butbotharegenuineprayer. Amen