Brendan Mc Crossan

This is the thought that presented itself to my mind one morning just after I arose. And as I pondered what this thought could mean, who am I? My initial thoughts are that I am Brendan Mc Crossan, a husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfather. I live in Derry City Northern Ireland, I am retired, I am 61 years old, and I was a bricklayer, a turner in a factory, a furniture salesman, and now retired.
I was a terrorist in the Provisional IRA, then I joined the Charismatic movement in the 70s, I got saved, repented of my terrorist lifestyle and received Jesus as lord and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, spoke in tongues and received the gifts of the Spirit, mainly focusing on healing as I was drawn to this gift as the most prominent one. I began a praise and worship meeting in my home with my wife Rose, before that I was involved in Columba House in Derry City, with a group of ex terrorists who had a prison ministry in Magilligan prison Co Londonderry. In the prison we ministered to both side of the terrorist spectrum, loyalist terrorist as well as republican terrorists.
In our home we led people into praise and worship concentrating on just ministering to the lord, asking for nothing, no prayer requests or things we desired during this meeting. Afterwards we ministered to those who needed ministering to, but never during the praise and worship time, that was God’s personal time. We received many great blessings from God as we ministered to him, but our priority was just concentrate on Jesus and worship him and the father, through the power of the spirit. I am an accomplished guitar player, and I ministered to the Lord through this gift of music. I seen many healed through my music when I was anointed, singing and playing. The Spirit has given me many songs that I have taught others and we worshipped the lord with those particular songs.
Then some of our family went to live in Turkey got married and lived there, and we went often to visit them and in Turkey we ministered to people living there including Turkish Muslims and Jesus healed them all with out exception.
Today I go to an apostolic church in Derry City the year is 2008. I am just a member of this church; I play no role in except to worship Jesus during the church services and prayer meeting. I go there because one day God’s spirit prompted me to go, so I obeyed the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
Over the last twelve years I have written over 68 little books teaching on healing and on scripture as the Spirit led. I never dreamt that I could write books, but when you give yourself to the Lord fully he brings out hidden talents in you.
Today I have learned to be is better than to do. I just am for the lord as best I can, just loving him and singing to him and glorifying him to the best of my ability. Today I know who I am in Christ Jesus; I know what he done for me, and I appreciate him for what he has done. I am in love with him and with the Holy Spirit and with Father God; I live my life to serve the trinity to the best of my ability and love. I am complete now and I finally
know this, as scripture says; I have become one in him, and like Paul, I can say; It is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me. Who am I?
I am whom I am supposed to be, a son of God the most high, a brother of Jesus Christ and a brother of the Holy Spirit, I am at one with my creator, I am me.
I was a builder working at two houses restoring them. One morning I was working on the roof of one of the houses in a place called Rosemount; it was a stormy day and the rain was falling down heavily. Myself and an other man, a joiner named Joe, were working on the roof preparing the dormer window for the ash felt men who were going to put a finished cover on the roof.
As I followed Joe across the beams at the edge of the roof, one of the beams came loose and I began falling off the roof; I was falling feet first towards a vat of boiling tar just below me on the ground; I was three flights up, and as I fell I screamed, Joe reached out and caught me by the hair just as I went over the edge, and he pulled me back on to the safety of the roof by the hair. He saved my life.
Half an hour later I had an appointment with a clerk of works at the other house I was working at. This man wanted to inspect the work we had done. I met him outside the house and we went in together, we went straight through to the rear of the property and he inspected the foundation we had laid.
As we entered the house again he asked could he inspect the rest of the house now that he was here and I led him through the living room towards the staircase. I began walking up the stairs when I reached the third stair I felt an invisible hand pressing heavily on my chest preventing me from going any further. I pretended to the clerk of works that I wasn’t feeling well, and could we possibly leave it until another day, He agreed and we both left the house.
Later that day My wife and I went on a marriage encounter weekend, and on the Sunday of that weekend I gave my life to the lord, not realising at the time that this was what I was doing, but I wanted God in my life and this was the time he came searching for me and found me.
When the weekend was over, Rose and I were called aside by the leaders of the weekend and informed that they had bad news for us; they informed me that the police and army were looking for me and had raided my home over the weekend a few times, because a man had been shot dead in the house where I met the clerk of works earlier. He entered the house just a few hours after we had been there and an army undercover squad had been hiding in the house for days. When this man went up the stairs and entered the front bedroom he was immediately executed by the soldiers. I realised that God had prevented myself and the clerk of works from going up those stairs, by sending an angel to stop us. He spared my life, why he didn’t save the other mans life I do not know. But the IRA a terrorist organisation had placed many guns and explosives in that house unbeknown to myself or my workers except one man who had a key to the house and he let the IRA in to the empty house. At that time I
had resigned from the IRA, and was no longer a member. I realised that God had saved my life on this occasion also. Twice on the one day I should have died, but God in grace and mercy saved me and then saved my soul on the marriage encounter weekend, when I allowed Jesus into my life, as before this I had kept him out.
On the day of Bloody Sunday I was a member of the crowd marching for civil rights in Northern Ireland, As I walked along on the march I had under my coat a stick, just in case a British soldier attacked me and the crowd.
As the march made its way down William street, I had the uncanny experience of looking into a soldiers eyes, this soldier was about 1000 yards away from me and it is impossible to see someone’s eyes, but for some reason or other I could see into this mans eyes just as if he was standing in front of me and I had this sense come over me that he intended to kill me, and I placed myself directly beside an older man hiding myself from the soldiers view, A shot rang out and the man I was hiding behind fell to the ground, he was seriously wounded and later died a few days later.
I was sent running to get help at a first aid post off one of the side streets. I found a first aid worker and informed him that this man had been shot and just then some of the crowd arrived carrying the wounded man and they took him into a house and I followed in. A short time later they crowd arrived with another man who had been shot and wounded. Then a doctor arrived and he asked everyone to leave, and so I left and went back out to rejoin the march telling those whom I met that two men had been shot, they didn’t believe me.
When the march reached William Street and joined with Rossville street, all hell broke loose. The British army 1st Parachute regiment attacked the crowd, and began shooting live rounds in to the fleeing crowd, A small group of young people had been throwing stones at the army just before they attacked the majority of the peaceful crowd of which I was a part. I ran for my life with bullets flying all around me. The army shot 13 people in the back and murdered them, none of those shot were terrorists just people looking for civil rights. They killed 14 all together with the old man dying a few days later, and they wounded another 15 or 16 people.
At one point I had no idea where I was in all the confusion. But I went into a street called Glenfada Park, and as I and dozens of others took shelter there a group of four soldiers arrived at the entrance, one lay back against a wall laughing, and began shooting into the crowd of people seeking shelter and he killed three in this area and tried to kill me and others also. Thankfully he missed.
Later on I was again fired upon as I tried to make my escape from them, I was in unfamiliar surroundings and wasn’t sure which way to run. As I was running across some waste ground I came under fire and saw the bullets flying by me as I ran as fast as I could trying to get away, and woman, bless her opened her door and called myself and some others inside her home. Three different times on that day I escaped death, God spared my life, praise and glory to him. The Lord done many amazing things for me over the years, including transporting me from one place to another in a split second. Glory to God on High! These are just some things God done for me, He done many other things which I have written in other little books I wrote.