Words a Christian should never say!
Brendan Mc Crossan
Words a Christian should never say!
The bible is the word of God and his words are eternal life to us. The words we speak have life in them just as the words that our creator spoke have life in them, so the words we speak from his word has life in them or death in them depending on what we say.
I have heard Christians saying words that contradict the glorious good news that Jesus brought to us through his suffering and his ultimate death on a cross on Calvary; words that must have the father cringing as he hears them proudly proclaim those words. I know it is through lack of knowledge that God’s people perish, and those who say words that contradict what Jesus accomplished on Calvary don’t realize what they are really doing. I am going to show you that words have an important part to play in your walk as a Christian. All Christians know that it is wrong to curse and swear to criticize others. But did you know that the words you speak now have an effect on you later on in life, that they are seeds sown and slowly over time they grow up and mature; if you have been sowing wrong seeds, {words that contradict God’s word} you will reap a harvest of wrong things, and there is no point in you blaming God for the disasters that befall you. Good things harvest when you have planted a harvest of good seed, {Good Words}
Never say- I am a sinner; God says you’re a Saint. I am unworthy. God says he made you righteous. I can’t do that. God says you can do everything through Jesus Christ. It’s impossible. With God nothing is impossible. I am afraid. Fear not says God for I am with you. I don’t believe it. Everything is possible for those who believe. I am stupid. You are made in my image says God and he’s not stupid. I am loosing my mind. God’s word in timothy says you have sound mind.
Your mind needs to be renewed through the word of God; you need to learn exactly who and what you are through Jesus death and resurrection, by studying the word of God.
You are a spirit first, soul second, and flesh third, not the other way around as you have been taught.
The power of life and death are in the tongue, what you say has life or death.
Hosea-14-2 take with you words turn to the lord and say.
God tells us to take words and turn to him and say. Does he tell you to take negative lifeless words or words of condemnation of yourself or others and turn to him and say, or positive living words, the words you speak have life so they’re alive they’re living words and living words can achieve something, they can bring good or evil. Turn to him and say, ‘Father you ‘said’ it gives you great joy to give me prosperity, and it gives you great happiness when I discover what wonderful amazing things you done for me through Jesus.’ You keep saying those words every time you turn to him until those words have come into fulfilment on this
earth and your walking in prosperity, peace, joy, or what ever other thing that is on your heart, you take with you God’s own words and you say to him what it was he said, and as scripture says, ‘hold me in remembrance.’
Would it please God if you took with you words like, ‘Lord I hate my family, I detest my mother or wife or brother or sister or any child of God?’ Would God be pleased if you turned to him and said I’ll never forgive my friend for having an affair with my husband? After all Jesus died for her also, remember.
Would it please God if you turned to him and said, ‘I wish my sister would go away and just die, I hate her.’ Jesus died for the whole world not just for you, and you saying things like that do not please him at all, in fact you displease him, saying anything against anybody else in this world displeases God, he sacrificed his only Son for all on earth past present and future generations, no one is left out including your sister. What words should you never say, -- I hate them, I won’t forgive them, I detest them, and I don’t like them. Those and other negative words do you no favours in fact they do the very opposite, for if you wont forgive you won’t be forgiven either. {God’s words, not mine.}
Deuteronomy -30-11 anything God says you can do you can do.
If God says you can do something you can do it, with his help and grace
By sending a conflicting message to the new creation, the new man or woman and the spirit man you cause confusion to your mind. And scripture says; a doubtful mind will be as unsettled as a wave of the sea, James 1-6-8.
Saying you’re a sinner says your out of the will of God and are in sin. And is a dangerous thing to say because you are contradicting Jesus and all he done for you on Calvary. You are declaring that you’re a sinner and as scripture says God doesn’t listen to sinners –John – 9 -31. You in effect are telling everyone that God doesn’t listen to you. Be careful of what you confess. {Say}
Saying your unworthy says your not fit to come anyway near god. Scripture says you are the righteousness of Christ Jesus. Saying your unworthy is saying that Jesus righteousness wasn’t enough to cover your sins.
I know as a Catholic we were brought up to say at Mass; ‘Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word, and I shall be healed.’ Jesus already said the word. He declared you righteous and righteous mean’s right standing with God. If you have accepted Jesus as lord then you no longer need say Lord I am not worthy because you contradict God’s word when he made you righteous.
Did you know thatthisstatementwasnotin theoriginalorderofMass,theoriginalwas;‘lord I thank you for counting me worthy to serve you.’ That was the original Mass words and man changed it because the popes and cardinals were sinning awfully, and felt that they couldn’tsayitsincerelysotheychangedit.{ReadthechurchhistoryinthetimesoftheBurgess}
If you say you’re a sinner you say also Jesus is one two. If you say you’re unworthy you say Jesus didn’t do enough to make you worthy. He made you holy yet you say I’m unworthy, a
conflict, Jesus saved you by his grace while you were a sinner; after you were saved you are no longer a sinner but a saint. You were declared righteous. It is all by grace an abundance of grace as scripture says.
Romans-5-17-for if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ. God’s grace in abundance poured out on an undeserving world and you were part of that undeserving world but no longer are you apart of this you were transformed out of this world into the kingdom of heaven. Is there anyone unworthy in heaven? Are there any sinners in heaven? Not according to God’s word they’re not.
Matthew-12-36- and I tell you this; that you must give account on Judgment Day for every idle word you speak. Your words now reflect your fate then; either you will be justified by them or you will be condemned. Do you see that you have to give an account to God for all the wrong words you spoke, and do you also see that the words you speak now, today, will reflect your fate then? You have to give an account for ‘EVERY’ idle {wrong} word you speak. Its incredible to think that you and I will have to explain to God why we contradicted him by all the wrong words we spoke in this life, thank God for Jesus who will be there to defend us.
Matthew-17-20 – “because of your little faith” Jesus told them. For if you had faith even as small as a tiny mustard seed you could “say” to this mountain, ‘Move!’ and it would go far away.
Jesus showed this principle of faith by saying; in the first scripture he tells us we must give account for every idle word {inactive, inoperative} every word that is negative, in other words, every word that contradicts God’s word. We will give an account for those negative words spoken about our situations. God’s word says, “We have the victory through Jesus.” We say, “I can’t do it.” Who is right you or God?
If you have faith a small as a mustard seed you could “SAY” to this mountain, {your problems} be thou removed. Jesus was revealing secrets to successful living by saying the positive words that God speaks. There are no negative word’s spoken by God in the bible, he can only speak positive words because he said himself; “words have life,” “life and death are in the tongue.” The words you speak create your answers to your needs. If you speak doubt and fear, doubt and fear is what shall come to you; if you speak positive words then what you said will come into being, God gave you the power to create by saying, the same as him, by saying the same as him I repeat. If he says prosperity is yours and peace in your home, what should you be saying; “Prosperity is mine and peace in my home,” you are in agreement with God and when two agree as touching anything it shall, be done. You have to agree with God, not agree with Satan and his lies. If God says you have it, you say it and agree with him, and you keep saying it until it manifests in this world. You are not to say contradictory words you are to say what God says and keep saying it over and over again until it comes into being.
I hope and pray that this little booklet will finds its way to you somehow and you will see that you have to give an account to God for every negative {Idle word} word you speak.
I pray you will change your way of thinking and acting towards God’s children, even if they hurt you terribly, God says you can still forgive through Jesus Christ through whom you can do everything God asks of you.
If you change even the slightest little bit because of what I have written then all my work and study has been worth it and God will receive the Glory and honor and praise, for it is all his work. To him be the glory the honor and praise forever more. Amen.