You are an heir to the kingdom of heaven

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“ are an Heir to the kingdom of heaven.


You are an heir to the kingdom of heaven Mc Crossan


You are an heir to the kingdom of heaven


You are an heir to the kingdom of heaven.

If God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit died you would be in line to the throne!

If God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit died you would be in line to the throne! We all know that God won’t die, he is eternal. An heir is someone who inherits a gift from someone who died, Jesus died for us to make us heirs in his Father and our Fathers kingdom. Because our Father has a kingdom, that makes us heirs to his kingdom. When the chosen time is right, we will inherit our Fathers kingdom as children of God and then when we grow up we will have access to everything the Father owns, and share that with all other Christian children of God equally and with Jesus also as our older brother. We also will share the kingdom with Father God, he is not going to die, and has made us heirs anyway, amazing what love God has for us.

We are kings of life as scripture says, and one day we will rule what God has set out for us. As an heir to a kingdom we have to understand that we are to live as heirs, faithfully serving God with love in our hearts because we love him not because we have to.

The Queen of England has a kingdom, she is the head of that state, one day one of her children will inherit her throne and rule as king, that is their inheritance, it is laid out for them just as your inheritance is awaiting you one day also, and like her heirs they have the royalty but they don’t have the power yet to rule, we have the power but cannot rule until the time set by God comes into effect, when we reach a certain spiritual growth, to be able to utilise the power of heaven with maturity. We are heirs of a kingdom that is unimaginable vast and powerful, beyond human belief.

We know that we are his children, and as God’s children that makes you in line for the throne, in line for the inheritance. God is so awesome that he gives us our inheritance now; we won’t have to wait till God dies to receive our inheritance.

The story of the prodigal son was a story I never liked, because I heard it hundreds of times, but recently I saw this story from a different perspective, I seen it from God’s eyes. I now understand that the story of the prodigal son was him getting his inheritance before his Father had died, a terrible thing for a son to ask for in those days it showed total disrespect for the father, but the father didn’t let that stop him from giving his son his inheritance; and I want you to stop and think about that for a little while. This father gave the son his portion of his wealth from his heart even though he knew he was more than likely to squander it away, but

Romans-8:17 King-James-Version and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

he gave it to him anyway, because he loved his son’s equally. Usually a person has to die before the person can receive their inheritance; Jesus died for us, two thousand years ago. The prodigal son was a story Jesus used, to explain about the kingdom of heaven. The son of God sacrificed himself so that we could inherit the kingdom of heaven, the Father didn’t die so we could receive the inheritance but someone had to die for the will to come into effect, so Jesus being God took the form of a human being and in being a human being died, and arose again three days later, just so that we could share in his inheritance. What love God has for us, to sacrifice his only Son for a world that couldn’t give a toss about him except for a minority, and he even invited the minority to his wedding feast.

The only difference between us and that story was our Father is God and we are the son /daughter and he is not prepared to wait to give us our inheritance, he desires to give us our inheritance right this very moment, he does away with the old way of doing things.

Galatians-4:7 GOD’S-WORD-Translation so you are no longer slaves but God’s children. Since you are God’s children, God has also made you heirs.

Read this scripture carefully don’t miss out in anything, you are no longer {slaves to sin} but God’s children. Yes you are God’s child, and you were not born out of wedlock but of the spirit of God; you are a child of Almighty God, think what that really says to you, I am God’s child, I am a son / daughter of the Most High God. The creator of heaven and earth is my father, the one who made the universe and quantum space and time and eternity in my father; that has to mean that I am of the same make up as him, he created me from before time began, taking a portion of the same substance from which he made Jesus and created us from that substance. He actually took a part of Jesus, just like he took a part of Adam to make Eve, but first he took a part of Jesus DNA and created you and I from that same DNA, and in case you feel like you’re left out somehow or other; he then took a part of Adam who had God’s DNA in him and took a rib filled with God’s own DNA and created Eve, both now were filled with the DNA of God, therefore making you children of God, made exactly like him as told in.

Genesis-1-27-So God made man like his maker, like God did God make man, man and maid he made them. {The Way Bible}

Now the scripture says, God made man and woman like himself, both have man in them. So what is God like, God is a creator by nature, he never stops creating, the universe and distant galaxies are continually moving and changing as God supervises. Now what has man done since the beginning of his existence on earth? He has been creating, just like his maker, and he is still creating. Everyone is a creator, everyone has created something one time or another, be it a simple drawing or little elephant figure from plastercine or putty, or from wet clay, but we allhavecreated, somemorethan othersbutweallhavecreated thingseven in ourimaginations, we can’t help it, it is our nature, the same nature as our Father in heaven, we are like God in every respect except it is in our spirit that we are like him, not the flesh or soul but only in the spirit. That’s what makes you different from the people of this world, you have received the spirit of God your Father, and that’s what entitles you to your inheritance, now, not when you die but now this very moment.

He chose me from before time even existed before he even formed the earth millions of years ago and planned for me to come to this awareness in this moment in time, that he truly is my Father, my real father, the one who formed me in my mother’s womb, put there by his hand, he used my earthly fathers sperm to create me in human form but he also put his divine sperm in me in my spirit-1-John-5.

He created me to know him as Father, he designed me to fellowship with him, to walk with me every day, and to talk to and share feelings and emotions between us. he desires that I know how much I am loved and cared for by him, he wants me to know that he is watching over me, his spirit guiding me to follow the paths he chose for me beforehand before time began, that’s how intimate he is with me, and he wishes me to know he has given me an inheritance when I reach a certain age in the spiritual growth in my life, and that inheritance is all he owns in heaven and on earth.

But first I have to grow up, to mature so that I don’t do what the prodigal son did by taking thingsforgrantedandgoingsomewhereelseandsquanderingmyinheritance.Myfatherwants me to mature, to be ready to handle power beyond any human comprehension, that a human being has ever used before; he wants me walking in the true eminence of a child of God, or now in better terms to become a Son of God; a son who has matured, no longer a child but who has grown in confidence and in love just like Jesus, a son who trusts his Father categorically, without the least bit of doubt or questioning. Father knows best, no matter what it looks like, and there is no quivering in this or hesitating or flinching, Father does know best, he had our lives planned out from millions of years ago and knows every word we say before we even say it, or any thought that is hidden inside our minds, he knows best at all times.

We don’t have to be like the prodigal son, we don’t have to go away to “find ourselves.” We already were lost without Jesus and the Father found us again, he sent Jesus looking for us, unlike the father in the prodigal son relationship, who waited hoping to see his son again. Our Father sent Jesus after us when he knew we were in deep trouble and rescued us out of the mess we were in.

*{The story of the prodigal son was a story of salvation, the lost son coming back to the fold, it is not about the kingdom of God and your inheritance, and it talks of an inheritance but not in the same way or meaning. Scripture tells us we have an inheritance and our inheritance is heaven itself. In Luke 15-3 Jesus used this illustration and it is an illustration not a fact.}*

And when we turned around again and headed back to him, he gave us a ring for our finger, a robe of righteousness, a crown on our heads, a breastplate for our armour and a sceptre in our right hand, and shoes on our feet and bestowed royalty on us in sonship. The father in the prodigal son story was like our Father God but with distinct differences, our Father sent Jesus looking for us and when he found us, he brought us back home again. The Father welcomed us like the prodigal sons father, and unlike him who could not give his returning son another inheritance, because the older brother owned everything that was left, our Father God gave us our inheritance immediately afterwards.

Ephesians-1-4-6- long ago even before he made the world God chose you.

The difference between the prodigal Son relationship with his father and our relationship with our Father God is that the Father sent Jesus after us, and Jesus was not like the brother who huffed and threw a sulk, Jesus didn’t throw a hissy fit when the father found you and added you to the inheritance unlike the brother in the prodigal son’s story.

There are distinct differences between these two stories.} Jesus is our brother who is happy to share the inheritance with us all and that is really for all millions of us. Jesus has no jealousies he delights to share the inheritance with us, even to give us everything he had given to him, for the Father gave everything to his Son Jesus, first.


You have to grow up to receive your inheritance

Galatians-4:1 Amplified-Bible

now what I mean is that as long as the inheritor (heir) is a child and under age, he does not differ from a slave, although he is the master of all the estate;

You have to grow up, to reach a certain age the master had set for you, before you get your inheritance, in the natural world the usual age set is either twenty-one or eighteen, the time you reach adulthood. In the spiritual world you also have to grow up spiritually. Imagine giving a child the power of an atomic bomb, and letting it do as it pleased with it; imagine it falling out with its friends, and it having a hissy fit, getting angry, the possibilities of that child using that power to get back at its former friends is unimaginable. In the same way we have been given a power that has within it, creativeness, what an awesome thought, the possibilities are endless for us in Christ Jesus. You are the master of all the estate of God, that’s what he gave you, his heavenly estate, but you must mature, grow up in maturity and wisdom. Then and only then can you take control of the entire estate the father owns but shares with you, you don’t have to ask for anything as


As a result, God in his kindness has given us his approval and we have become heirs who have the confidence that we have everlasting life.

As heirs of God we have the boldness and confidence to believe that we have everlasting life. Other religions are striving to make them good enough to get in to heaven, and they will never get there because what they strive for is a free gift, and it is ours as our inheritance, how simple it all is. We have God’s approval and he made us joint heirs with Jesus and our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are family and as family we all share equally the inheritance we have been given.

We equally share the Holy Spirit and he is a gift from God; all of us at the one time can have the Holy Spirit do something different for each one of us, what an inheritance. We have inherited angels as our helpers, and we will even judge and reward the very angels in heaven, and I don’t mean we judge their wrong doings, because they do not do wrongdoings, but we judge their merits and reward them accordingly by the grace of God in us, our judgements will bring rewards not punishments.

We share equally all the treasures of heaven, there are no jealousy, no envy or wanting something someone else has because what someone else has in heaven so have we, no one

owns anything of their own, everything is divided equally between us all; if one has power, then we all have the same power. You are heirs to everlasting life for a start

Ephesians-3:6 Amplified-Bible

[It is this:] that the Gentiles are now to be fellow heirs [with the Jews], members of the same body and joint partakers [sharing] in the same divine promise in Christ through [their acceptance of] the glad tidings (the Gospel).

There are others who share in the inheritance who are also heirs of the kingdom, how blessed are we to share with our brothers and sisters from all Christian walks of life, the Jews who accepted Jesus as Lord share with us the same heavenly promises of the inheritance, we share together equally without limit the same gifting and powers of heaven, we are the Gentiles, anyone who is not a Jew is a Gentile in case you did not know.


Your wife / husband 1-Peter-3:7-King-James-Version

Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

You and your wife are heirs together. Thank God his estate is massive. So you better treat your wife with love and respect and she likewise treat you the same, or as scripture say you will not have ready answers to your prayers. Your wife is entitled to the inheritance just as much as you are, so realise that and as this scripture says treat her lovingly all the time or your prayers will not be answered so readily.


Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Angels are ministering spirits sent to help you who are an heir to the kingdom of God. Angels look after you and keep you safe, they bring back and forth words from God they take care of you, they are not your servants to order about but will when requested in Jesus name do things for you, for me my angel gets me parking places when the town is full, I just ask in Jesus name and a parking space becomes available. That is just one simple thing they do, they have done a lot more than that for me. On one occasion that I am one hundred percent sure of my angel saved my life from imminent death, because I felt his hand pressing against my chest preventing me from going upstairs of a house I was working at, upstairs were hidden SAS soldiers, and their intent was to murder anyone who went up those stairs, so my angel put his hand on my chest and prevented me from climbing those stairs to my death. Later on after I

had left that empty house, a man entered and went up those stairs and he was murdered by those soldiers.

I gave my life to the lord later that day not knowing what had taken place in that house after I had left. I got saved and in getting saved I became an heir and it was God’s angel who helped bring about my salvation, because if I had died that day I would have gone to hell, and I know that for sure.


if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s descendants and heirs, as God promised.

I belonged to Christ from that night onwards when I chose to give my life to God’s son Jesus and become an heir as God promised through Abraham, to his descendants.


Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise the immutability { not changing} of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath:

Here is the same scripture but a different translation.

Hebrews-6-17- NIV Bible-17Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purposeveryclearto theheirsofwhatwaspromised;heconfirmed itwith an oath. 18God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. 19We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, 20where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.

God wants us to be greatly encouraged, to enter into the inner sanctuary of heaven itself. And Jesus entered there first, he tore the curtain down the middle he split it in two, a curtain about a foot thick, he split it in two when he died on the cross on Calvary so that we could have access to heaven. He wants to make things very clear to us his heirs the things he promised us through Abraham.


Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?

We are rich in faith when we believe what God says in his word, and as scripture said that God has chosen the poor of this world, now why did God chose the poor of this world to give an inheritance,becausemostwealthy peoplearemoreconcerned abouttheirwealth and very little of God, for quite a lot of wealthy people wealth is their God. They don’t even realise that God gave them the wealth to enjoy and to help others less fortunate.

We are heirs of the kingdom of heaven, the place where the streets are paved with Gold and Jewels bedeck the walls and the gates are priceless pearls, and treasure is everywhere for us to use to help others, we have places in heaven where miracles are stored for answers to our prayers, according to some people who claim to have visited heaven. We have a Father who wants to give us everything we ever need, and all we need to do is believe, have faith that all this is for now not when we die and go to heaven. When we get to heaven it is too late to help others. The kingdom is meant to be used to help those in need, not for some selfish want of ours, it is ours to give away to help the children of God and some day we will realise that the kingdom of heaven really is ours and we are heirs to that kingdom, and as heirs we can distribute the wonderful gifts of heaven. Heaven is not for selfish people our inheritance is immense it never runs out so we can give away everything and there would still be endless treasures to give, heaven is like the alabaster jar, it never ran out of oil, and your inheritance will never run out either, it keeps filling up and up and running over, so you have to give, to keep your inheritance flowing. What an awesome gift from our Father God to us his children, the inheritance is everything in the kingdom of God; when you are praying with someone for their healing, claim your inheritance of miracles allowance to give to them, that is what God wants you to do, use your inheritance to hep humanity and especially the children of God who don’t know these things yet.

In the natural world as we call it, when we receive an inheritance, we spend it as quick as we can on ourselves and sometimes we share a little with others like family and friends, and then we hoard the rest up or do as some people have done who won the lottery millions, blew it in just a year and were back penniless again. We on the other hand have a Supernatural inheritance which never runs out and we are supposed to be like Jesus and God we are supposed to be deliverers of the needs of others. We are to help the sick and needy, either by healing them or paying for surgery for them, preferably healing them either way we are to distribute our inheritance out to the less fortunate. Your inheritance is waiting on you now, not when you die, God says this not I.

Galatians-4:7 GOD’S-WORD-Translation so you are no longer slaves but God’s children. Since you are God’s children, God has also made you heirs.

Do what Jesus would do, and what is Jesus doing right now? He is telling you about your inheritance that is yours now, this very moment, and it has been yours all along he was just waiting for you to grow up spiritually, and you need to tell other Christians also, so share this book with your Christian friends.


Luke 15-31

GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

“His father said to him, ‘My child, you’re always with me. Everything I have is yours.32But we have something to celebrate, something to be happy about. This brother of yours was dead but has come back to life. He was lost but has been found.’ ”

The Father spoke to the older brother who was seething with rage and anger, and said to him, mychild,youarealwayswithmeandeverythingIhaveisyours,{rememberthefatherdivided the estate in half, not in three, his portion and the prodigals sons portion and the older brothers portion, - no – he divided the complete estate in two one half for the prodigal son and the other half for the older brother.} The older brother in effect now owned his half of the estate, and he never even thought about it, he was so much in anger at his younger brother, and now the upstart has returned and his father was throwing him a party, he was shaking with blind rage and anger and refused to enter his home because his younger brother was there.

As stated before Jesus is not like the older brother in this story, and remember it was a story Jesus used, not a fact, but a story. If this story was about the lost son getting his inheritance, then the older brother would resemble Jesus, and that would mean that Jesus was in a blind rage about us receiving our inheritance, so thank God this story is not linked to our inheritance, as Jesus is our older brother.

Jesus would never fly into a rage about one of us returning, this older brother was possibly thinking that this young upstart would now be looking for a share in his inheritance, and he was livid, he couldn’t have cared less if his brother had died in some foreign land sharing food with someone’s pigs.

Jesus is not like this older brother, see the next scripture see what he says to us.

Luke 22:29 God’s Word Translation so as my Father has given me a kingdom, I’m giving it to you.


Jesus would be in a rage

If Jesus was like the older brother in the prodigal son story, he would be in a rage about us returning to God our Father, but instead of that he gave us his share in the kingdom, he said ‘I am giving it to you.’

Let’s take one more look at the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15

Jesus has willingly and happily given his kingdom to all of us his brothers and sisters, he is delighted to share with us everything he owns. Jesus knows the size of his estate in heaven and knows that it has no ending it never fails even when billions of us inherit it with him; there is more than enough left over for billions more. And not only has Jesus given us his share of the kingdom of heaven, the Father also gives us equal sharing with him, he says it gives him good pleasure to give us his kingdom. Think about that for a minute or two, or for an hour or more till it sinks into your spirit, it gives your father good pleasure to give you the kingdom, and that means that you can have what is in the kingdom, everything that is in heaven is ours to use for the glory of God “now” because you can’t use the kingdom of heaven for your glory , heaven glorifies the Father, and he is happy, delighted, lovingly, exceeding extremely joy filled to give us his kingdom to use for his glory.


do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom!

Goddelightsin givingushiskingdomandsayssohimself,wow!WhataGodwehave.Itgives him good pleasure to give what he owns to us.

God does not give his kingdom secretes to just anyone he wants only his children to know about the kingdom the rest of the world he tells about it in parables, {stories}


Jesus answered; the knowledge about the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.

Another translation says;

Luke-8:10-GOD’S WORD Translation

Jesus answered, “Knowledge about the mysteries of the kingdom of God has been given directly to you. But it is given to others in stories {parables}. When they look, they don’t see, and when they hear, they don’t understand.

God favours you and shares the secretes about the kingdom of God with you alone, he does not share his kingdom or the secretes in it with non believers, they hear stories and don’t understand them but you do, you know that you have treasures stored up for you in heaven, you know that the power of heaven is yours to use to glorify God, you know these things if

you have read my other books and if you don’t know them then begin reading my books, the Holy Spirit taught me these things that I wrote in little books, that you can read in ten or fifteen minutes for the most of them.


No, it is not Beelzebub, but God's Spirit, who gives me the power to drive out demons, which proves that the Kingdom of God has already come upon you.

If you have the Holy Spirit living in you, you have the kingdom power to drive out demons, and are a proof to you that you inherit the kingdom of heaven, because another scripture tells us that we are filled with the Godhead, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are already seated in heaven, and we are not dead physically yet, we stand in the place of highest privilegesays theword of God in heaven, and in another scriptureitsays heaven is within you; the kingdom of God is within.

Here are those scriptures I mentioned underlined and in bold writing, below.


And you are in Him, made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ you too are filled with the Godhead--Father, Son and Holy Spirit--and reach full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all rule and authority [of every angelic principality and power].

Can you believe this that you are filled with the fullness of the Godhead, the Father, son, and Holy Spirit? It is no wonder he gives us his kingdom as our inheritance, he fills us with himself, we are in that kingdom already. It blows my mind to understand that I am actually filled with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; I am not filled with self loathing, hatred of myself, feeling worthless and useless. I am filled with God himself in the three persons of the Holy Trinity. I am filled with theHoly God with aholiness I never deserved but was given to meby my Father, what grace and love God has for me and you to be granted such a status; I am a king of life says God, I am a Royal priesthood says God; I am a light to the world, a city on a hill says God, do you reckon he is right, do you believe that God can do what he says he has done. He joined me to Jesus as one person,-1-Corinthians-6-17- in the spirit. And God did this most amazing act in this next scripture.


Raised up together with Jesus

Ephesians-2-6 he raised us up together with him, and made us sit down together with him, in the heavenly places by virtue of our being in Christ Jesus, the messiah, the anointed one. {The Way Bible}

He raised me and you up together with Jesus and sat us down together with and in him, in the heavenly places. We have been raised into heaven itself but not only that, we have been given an inheritance from the moment we were raised up into heavenly places, because we are in Christ Jesus, {“in”}- means a state of being and existence. We exist in Christ Jesus that is where our real life is,- in Jesus, as Paul said it; ‘It is not I who live but Christ Jesus who lives in me and the real life I live now is by the grace of God.’ If you are living Christ’s life and he is living yours then heaven is easy to access, because of the simple fact that you and I are one in Christ Jesus and it is by being in him that our inheritance comes into effect. It is reaching that age of maturity understanding of whom and what you are, that gives you the right to access your inheritance.

Romans-5-2-I stand in the place of highest privilege, {The Way Bible}

By standing in that place of highest privilege we have been delivered out of the kingdom of darkness, where the enemy is in control, and are now translated, into the kingdom of his dear Son Jesus, and we know that Jesus and the Father are one so we have the same kingdom. We have the rights of a Son or daughter of God. Previously there was only one person who took that place of highest privilege and that was Jesus, now he changed that by sharing that place of highest privilege with you and me.

Ephesians-1-13– the father has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of his dear son. {The Way Bible}

You’re already in the kingdom and just don’t realise it yet ; because your Father in heaven translated you there in the blink of an eye, you have been delivered from the power of darkness and brought into Jesus kingdom, and remember Jesus shared his kingdom with us in that scripture; Luke-22-29.

Luke 22:29 God’s Word Translation so as my Father has given me a kingdom, I’m giving it to you.


This is my real life

Colossians-3-3-My real life is in heaven with Christ and God,

My real life says God’s word is in heaven with and in Christ Jesus, this world is not my real life anymore, it is where I live physically but not where I live in reality - spiritually. I live in heaven with Christ Jesus, because this is what he done for all of God’s children on the cross and in hell where he defeated our great enemy Satan, and brought him down to nothing, where he will remain in that condition for eternity. I have already received my inheritance; it is in

heaven waiting for me to learn how to use it for the glory of God. I need to act out my real life more and more till it has become a total part of me, that means that it has gone from my head down to my heart, then it is one with my mind and Jesus mind.


I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind (declare to be improper and unlawful) on earth must be what is already bound in heaven; and whatever you lose (declare lawful) on earth must be what is already loosed in heaven.

“If God said it then that’s a key,” “and it’s yours to use for his glory.” Everything God said is a key, if he said it then it is yours to use for his glory it is a key that opens the treasures of heaven.

God is saying to us in this scripture that he will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,’ and you only get the keys to the front door when you turn 18 in Ireland, but in the spiritual world it is whatever time God has set for you to receive those front door keys. And those keys allow you to bind eviland losepeoplefrom theircontrolfortheglory of God notforyourglory or pride.


May you be made strong with all the strength which comes from his glorious power, so that you may be able to endure everything with patience. And with joy give thanks to the Father, who has made you fit to have your share of what God has reserved for his people in the kingdom of light.

In case you wonder if you are good enough for all this that God has given to you, don’t, it was God the Father who made you fit to share the kingdom, it was nothing you done, except believe what God’s word says.


for God's Kingdom is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of the righteousness, peace, and joy which the Holy Spirit gives.

And the kingdom is righteousness, which sad to say most Christians don’t believe they actually are. And so there is no faith without believing you are righteous at all times because God has made you so. And knowing that you are righteous means that you will have peace, his peace not your own fragile worldly peace, and of course joy, for without it we are joyless. If you don’t fully believe that you personally are righteous or that you are unworthy or a sinner, even a sinner washed in the blood, you will not get your keys to the kingdom of heaven, - it’s there

for you waiting for you to grow up spiritually, till the day the Father has set for you. if you believe that you are a sinner washed in the blood you need to get saved properly because your first words out of your mouth is that you are a sinner, you then contradict those words by saying you are washed in the blood. A double minded man shall never have answers to his prayers. A sinner is going to hell says the word of God. - Read my little book “Saint or Sinner,” for a full explanation, of what you are confessing from your mouth. Stop confessing what the enemy is telling you to say.

Ephesians -3-6-and this is the secrete; that the gentiles [{That’s us} will have their full share with the Jews in all the riches inherited by God’s sons; both are invited to belong to his church, and all of God’s mighty blessings through Christ apply to them both when they accept the good news about Christ and what he has done for them.

The blessings of heaven belong to us, and we share them with the Christian Jews, and we share them with every born again child of God because there is enough of heaven to go around many times.

If you want to know about the blessings of heaven that are yours you need to read the blessings and the curses for a start, given to Abraham by God to the offspring of the promise, Jesus was the offspring of the promise.


That is to say, it is not the children of the body [of Abraham] who are made God's children, but it is the ‘’offspring’’ to whom the ‘promise’ applies that shall be counted [as Abraham's true] descendants. As I said, Jesus is the offspring this scripture speaks of first then to us the descendants.

Romans -8-15- the Spirit that we received is not a spirit that makes us slaves again and causes us to fear. The Spirit that we have makes us God’s chosen children. And with that Spirit we cry out, “Abba, Father.” 16 And the Spirit himself speaks to our spirits and makes us sure that we are God’s children. 17 If we are God’s children, we will get the blessings God has for his people. He will give us all that he has given Christ. But we must suffer like Christ suffered. Then we will be able to share his glory.

To receive our kingdom we also must suffer just like Christ Jesus suffered, that does not mean that we will have to be scourged at a pillar or hung on a cross, but it means we will suffer the rejections and hurts of this world, we will be rejected by friends and relatives, even by our own brothers and sisters, just like Jesus family rejected him and mocked him. People will come

against us when we try to do things for God even our religious teachers and pastors and priests because they don’t do what they are supposed to do, and resent us doing these things that please God.

There is a price to be paid for everything in the kingdom of God, it is joy one minute and sadness the next, one day a miracle next day emptiness and these are the things every Christian that decided to sacrifice everything for Jesus was prepared to surrender to.

It has to be, not I’ who live but Christ Jesus in me. I have to die to self forever and live for and in Jesus, to truly live in the spiritual realm, where my inheritance is in heaven kept safe and sound for me.

I am a royal priesthood a king of life.

Romans 5:17 Amplified Bible

For if because of one man's trespass (lapse, offense) death reigned through that one, much more surely will those who receive [God's] overflowing grace (unmerited favour) and the free gift of righteousness [putting them into right standing with Himself] reign as kings in life through the one Man Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).

You see you have already been chosen to be a king, and a king has a kingdom to rule, and God has given you his kingdom to rule, he has anointed you who have faith in him to receive his own kingdom; he says you will ‘reign in life,’ {not after your dead} that means that you will reign in heaven right this very instant that you believe and have accepted Jesus into your heart as lord and saviour, ‘you are already seated in heaven,’ ‘you already stand in the place of highest privilege,’ ‘you are joint heirs’ with ‘Christ Jesus, the Messiah.’

If you let Jesus truly rule in your life and let him have his way in all things then when you need to withdraw something from the inheritance you have instant access to it, because you are joint heirs together, so if you and Jesus agree on something it is yours, for the glory of God the Father. Both minds have reached an agreement on the one subject and if two agree as touching anything on this earth you shall have it.


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