You have been commissioned to preach the Gospel and to heal the sick.

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You have been commissioned to preach the Gospel and to heal the sick

Brendan Mc Crossan 2-2-2012


Every believer who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour has been commissioned to go into the entire world and to preach the gospel and to lay hands on the sick and heal them, and Jesus will go with you to confirm what you say and do, by healings and miracles signs and wonders following your message.

Mark 16-15-Good News Translation (GNT)

He said to them, Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned.17 Believers will be given the power to perform miracles: they will drive out demons in my name; they will speak in strange tongues;18 if they pick up snakes or drink any poison, they will not be harmed; they will place their hands on sick people, and these will get well.

Jesus didn’t just say this to the apostles but to every believer; {17 Believers will be given the power to perform miracles:} If you are saved, {gave your heart to Jesus} then you been commissioned to go and do what Jesus told you to do, but first you need to be baptised in the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus had to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit at the Jordan river when John baptised him in water first, then the Holy Spirit came down upon him, and that is when you will receive power to perform miracles, getting baptised in the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit in you is the same Holy Spirit that Jesus received, Jesus couldn’t work any miracles before he received the Holy Spirit, and it was not until after he received the Holy Spirit that he could work his miracles.

It is only when you do as you were told by Jesus that the signs and wonders happen, you must tell others about Jesus and what he done for them, forgiving them their sins and giving them right standing with him and God the Father, in righteousness.


Is it only special people who heal the sick? No!

I find it so sad to see Christians who have no power in their lives, they never lay hands on the sick or see a miracle happen through them because they believe that this is someone’s ministry and only special people are commissioned to do this type of ministry, and that is a lie told them by their enemy Satan.

Some people belong to churches or prayer groups and never lay hands on anyone because only certain people are called to do this in these places, and this is deception; Jesus said to all the ‘believers,’ are you a believer? then you are to go into the entire world, {where you live} and preach {tell} the gospel, the good news about him and how anyone can receive the gift of

eternal life and have every sin forgiven, forever; that’s what people need to hear; you don’t have to be specially chosen by God to have a healing ministry. Some people are called to be in a teaching, preaching, healing ministry and this is called the gifts of healing, it is one of the ministry gifts of the Holy Spirit. But everyone is called to lay hands on the sick and see them healed, there is not one Christian who has not been told, preach the gospel, heal the sick, you don’t have to be in a healing ministry to do this, being in a healing ministry is a blessed calling and the gift of healing and miracles and word of knowledge, and wisdom and discernment accompany this ministry. But everyone is called to preach when they get the chance, to friends or family, or strangers, and offer to lay hands on them if they are in pain or sick.

Not everyone is called into a healing ministry and believe me this ministry is not as wonderful as it seems; you see a side of human nature you may have thought never existed, and not everyone is pleased that you are in a healing ministry either, especially Christian leaders, but when you see God change people from what they were into creatures of immense beauty and heal the inner side of them as well as the physical side it is astounding to watch, and a joy springs up in your heart that no other joy can fill when you see someone come to Jesus and get saved and healed and changed by God their father, and this makes up for the years of persecution and loneliness that follow those in the healing ministry or any ministry that they have been called into.

God is so good and gives you the grace to follow him in ministry, or by simply laying hands on the sick and seeing them healed and I would encourage every Christian believer to step out and take the risk and lay hands on some sick people, there is nothing to lose but your pride, and watch Jesus heal in his mighty name backed by the power of his Holy Spirit inside of you. I have written books on the healing ministry teaching those who feel called to be in this ministry or who wish to be in a healing ministry, giving them examples of how to heal; little ways that God’s spirit has taught me or I learned from others in the ministry, and yes you can learn ways of healing, that God promised he would heal every time you used these methods, go to my website and read them or download them and read them later; these ways work and I seen thousands healed through them, and I taught others how to do it and they are healing the sick and those in pain from what I taught, and God loves it, when we learn from one another.


The spiritual gifts

1 Corinthians 12-4-Good News Translation (GNT)

4 There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit gives them.5 There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served.6 There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to all for their particular service.7 The Spirit'spresenceis shown in someway in each person forthegood of all.8 TheSpiritgives one person a message full of wisdom, while to another person the same Spirit gives a message full of knowledge.9 One and the same Spirit gives faith to one person, while to another person he gives the power to heal.10 The Spirit gives one person the power to

work miracles; to another, the gift of speaking God's message; and to yet another, the ability to tell the difference between gifts that come from the Spirit and those that do not. To one person he gives the ability to speak in strange tongues, and to another he gives the ability to explain what is said.11 But it is one and the same Spirit who does all this; as he wishes, he gives a different gift to each person.

These are the gifts of the Holy Spirit Jesus told the believers to wait in the city until they received power from on high, ‘the Holy Spirit,’ who came on the day of Pentecost and has remained with us ever since. He was telling us to go out into the entire world and preach, {tell,} the gospel and he would follow us wherever we would go and the signs would follow us because he is with us confirming what we would tell. And he supplied the power by the Holy Spirit which each Christian should have received when they got saved. If you are not baptised in the Holy Spirit you need to be or you will be powerless not power filled. If no one has taught you how to receive the Holy Spirit or the gift or praying in tongues and there is no onearound to help you receive, callmeon 0044-2871 511216.Northern Ireland and Iwillpray with you to receive these gifts.

As a believer all you have to do is tell a sick person the good news about Jesus loving them and dying for them and forgiving them their sins and offering them eternal life in heaven with him, then you have to lay hands on them commanding their sickness to get out in Jesus name, and Jesus name will heal them. Wait on Jesus and as you wait praise him and thank him for his wonderful name, healing will occur when faith in Jesus name is there. You don’t have to be chosen by your priest or pastor or group leader to lay hands on the sick; you are supposed to go and do it, anyway. There are some who are called by the Holy Spirit to be led into certain ministries but every single Christian has been called by Jesus to preach the gospel, {tell others} and he promised he would come with you and heal the sick. You are the one who needs to step out in belief that Jesus said it, so he will do as he said he would. Every believer is to tell the good news as best as they can and then they are to lay hands on the sick and Jesus name will heal them.

If someone you pray with is not healed that is between them and God, it is not a sign there is something lacking in you, there is something blocking their healing, be it Unforgiveness, the most common blockage, or fortunetelling, having their fortune told, which is an evil, it is consulting demonic power and is strictly forbidden by God, and unless they repent of both things their healing may never happen, but this is not your fault or something lacking on your part. Your job is to go tell the good news and lay hands on the sick. Not everyone I pray with is healed, praise God most people are. I have found here in Ireland there is a spirit of fortunetelling spread over the land and many practices it, some good Catholics and even some Catholic priests are now engaged in New Age practices; an evil

Mark 16-20-King James Version (KJV)
And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

deception and have entered it into their church services, and so people are deceived into thinking that fortunetelling is ok and such demonic practices new age practices are ok. You have to tell them it is evil and is forbidden by God if you come across people who have done this, you simply tell them to ask for forgiveness from God and don’t do it again. And you have to tell them they need to forgive others also or else they won’t be forgiven themselves and will be thrown into the torture chambers, says the word of God. A large amount of Catholics need to forgive themselves, because they are taught that they are not worthy of God, and this is a lie. God makes us worthy when we accept Jesus as lord and saviour. And when they confess their sins to the priest they come out of the confession box feeling just as bad as ever, because they were not taught to forgive themselves once they are forgiven by the priest who is representing God.

Don’t let anything discourage you if someone you pray with is not healed as you pray with them, I seen people healed later on, over the next day or two; and I have seen people not healed and later on God turned this around to save someone else, then heal. God turns everything around to good for those who love him and do his will. I have also seen people not seemingly healed as I prayed with them and later on they received their full healing; never restrict God, you pray let him do what he knows best. Go you out and tell the good news and you lay hands on the sick.

Don’t always expect those who are in your church or are leaders approve of what you are trying to do for Jesus. When I first started laying hands on sick people and God was healing them, I suffered terribly from a particular prayer group leader; this man gave me such a hard time even telling me that God told him that he will never use me for healing, even as God healed a woman he previously tried to stop me from praying with; and that was at the request of two priests and a nun who insisted I pray with a woman in the middle of Mass who was in terrible pain. Both Priests were in full agreement with the nun that Rose and I would lay hands on her during mass after the consecration, and this man went ballistic trying to stop us praying and God healed the woman, and still he denied the healing. He even phoned me up later on that night telling me that I left that woman in a terrible state; in fact I found out that the woman was experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit all over her as God healed her, she was in a heavenly stateofbeing and wasenraptured in thepresenceofGod.Shewastotally healed even though this man tried to stop God from healing her through my wife and I.

And later he tried to stop me again praying with a man called Tony who was in a wheel chair for thirteen years and God healed him and he walked into the prayer meeting on his own strength, he walked up two flights of stairs and sat in the prayer meeting glorifying God, and this man waited on me at the top of the stairs outside the prayer meeting doors and told me again that God would never use me to heal anyone; and there was this man who was a friend of his sitting in the meeting smiling and waving to me, and here was this leader telling me to stop praying with people. I don’t understand what his problem was and never found out what his doggedness against me praying with people was all about.

The same man threw me away from a woman who was blind in one eye as people asked me to pray with her and as I did so, she received her sight back in her blind eye, and he came storming over when he heard the commotion and saw what was happening and he forcefully threw me away from laying hands on her and he laid hands on her and she lost her sight again.

Yet in these same prayer meetings the priest preached healing was ours, and he also moved against healings that happened through me. I don’t know why, maybe jealousy, I don’t understand, so if people come against you when you pray for the sick don’t let it put you off do what Jesus said to do; ‘lay hands on the sick and heal them anyway.’

It is better to please God than to try to please man because you will never please man, because of Jealousies or other things, man will turn on you when you show more faith than them. The Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following

What a wonderful promise the lord working with you, it is awesome to have Jesus working with you confirming his words by the signs following you as you share the word of God with people. God did not ask ‘you’ to perform miracles and signs and wonders, he said ‘he’ will do them; you will never perform a miracle, you can’t just order a miracle to happen; you can command a miracle to happen in Jesus name and it will because you are filled with the Holy Spirit and have Jesus working with you to perform that miracle and in that awesome name miracles happen.

Don’t settle for less settle for the best, go out into your neighbourhood and tell your friends and neighbours and relatives about Jesus, lay hands on the sick ones and command their healing in Jesus name and it will happen. Don’t be like the rest of church waiting on God to move them, he moved them 2000 years ago and is waiting on his church to obey him. Step out in faithful obedience that is the ground rule for miracle working power. You do what you can and let God do the rest. Enjoy your new found ministry. Amen

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