You have every supernatural gift and power of the Holy Spirit.
Brendan Mc CrossanYou have every supernatural gift and power of the Holy Spirit.
1 Corinthians-1-4- I can never stop thanking God for all the wonderful gifts he has given you, now that you are Christ’s; he has enriched your whole life. He has helped you speak out for him and has given you a full understanding of the truth; what I told you has happened! Now you have every grace and blessing; every spiritual gift and power for doing his will are yours during this time of waiting for the return of our lord Jesus Christ.
Most Christian’s baptised in the Holy Spirit, have never used a gift of the Holy Spirit in their entire Christian life, they have believed they may have received the gift of tongues, or one other gift, but for the majority of Christian they don’t think they have any gifts except maybe tongues. Bad teaching has led the believers into thinking they have only one gift or maybe two at the most. If you have read the previous scripture carefully you will see where I highlighted wordslikehasandhaveinred,thosewordstellyouthatyoualreadyhavesomething,italready belongs to you the believer. Satan has deceived Christians into thinking they only received the gift of tongues or he even tells them they received the gift of love or peace but these are not gifts of the spirit they are the fruits of the spirit.
Read the previous scripture again and this time emphasise the words has and have, remembering has means it’s yours already; example= he has a watch.
I have a car. Both words tell you that you already have something and the spirit of God tells you that you have every spiritual gift and power for doing the will of God. Have and has are both past tense, meaning already in your possession.
God has already given you every spiritual gift and power, they are already yours; the trouble is you have never been taught how to open up to those gifts and powers.
I have heard Christians say “I would love the gift of healing or even the gift of miracles, but I never got those gifts!” Yes they did, when they received the baptism in the Holy Spirit they received every single gift and power of the Holy Spirit, because for the simple fact when you receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit you receive him the Holy Spirit is the Gift, and he operates through you every gift that you allow him to use you for. I have every single spiritual gift and power, am I bragging? Yes I am, I am bragging on God! He is the one who gave me his Holy Spirit and when I received him I got every gift and power that comes with him. I learned at the night I was prayed over for the baptism in the Holy Spirit that those who pray over you don’t always know aht they are talking about and so can be a hindrance to you being open to receive every gift and power.
When the two men who prayed over me heard me ask for everything they laughed and said you can only ask for one gift, I was angry at them, and demanded they pray for the gift of miracles for me, they tried to stop me, saying to ask for the gift of love or tears. I never read in the bible I could receive the gift or tears, I done enough crying in my life to last a lifetime I didn’t need any gift of tears, which are not a spiritual gift anyway they are a fruit of the spirit, and not really a fruit either, they are a by-product of gentleness, a fruit of the spirit. So when these men laid hands on me I was feeling very angry at them because I had only begun to read the bible and I seen that I could have every gift and power from God, and believed that. Anyway I
secretly asked The Holy Spirit for everything regardless of these men, and I received what I asked for, I have operated in every spiritual gift and power when needed, as scripture says to do the will of God. These two men only walked in the light that they had, they didn’t know any different, they were taught wrong by their leaders and so many in that prayer group that I and Rose attended were taught wrong, and I discovered over the years that everywhere there were wrong teaching on the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and people are still being taught wrong even up until today, I hear many say they have this gift or that gift, {some even say they don’t have any gifts,} and it isn’t even a gift of the Holy Spirit but a fruit.
In the previous scripture God’s word tells you, that you have every grace and blessing; “Wow,” it’s amazing to think I have every grace and blessing, and “have,” meaning It’s already mine and to think that I also have every spiritual gift and power God is so good to us he is awesome in love to give us mere human beings such power in our human hands, the power of his Holy Spirit.
1-Corinthians -12-7- the Holy Spirit displays God’s power through each of us as a means of helping the whole church.
This scripture goes on to say the Spirit gives to one the gift of wisdom to another the gift of faith, and to another the gift of healing, and so on to each person a different gift. The scripture continues on with these words;
1-Corinthians- 12-29- Is everyone an apostle? of course not. Is everyone a preacher? No. Are all teachers? Does everyone have the power to work miracles? Can everyone heal the sick? Of course not; does God give us all the ability to speak in languages we’ve never learned? Can everyone understand and translate what those are saying who have the gift of foreign speech? No, but try “your” best to have the more important of these gifts.
When I first read this scripture I also thought that it was only certain people that had certain gifts then I noticed these last few words, “but try “your” best, to have the more important gifts. Note it says try your best, “Your best,” that meant the onus was on us to ask for the gifts to operate in us, in other words you will only receive what gifts you ask for and allow the Holy Spirit to operate through you. The Gift of the Holy Spirit is in you, he is a person, the third person in the Holy Trinity, and heis theperson who disposes gifts to thosewho ask and is open to receive and operate in. I have operated in every single gift at one time or another, but never in all gifts at once, because they were others in the body the church who were operating in the gift of say, prophecy, or healing, or teaching, then there was no need for me to teach or prophecy or heal, as there were others anointed in this gift present, when there is no one with these gifts present in a meeting then I am open to all the gifts and allow the Holy Spirit to operate as he chooses to use me. But when someone is present with these gifts then I am not needed. For example; I have been to healing services when someone is praying with people for healing, my Gift of healing is inside me, but some brother or sister in the body is operating in their gift, so I am not needed, the anointing is on them to heal. Sometimes I have been asked to join with this brother or sister and then the gift operates in me also; all working for the good of the body giving glory to God, the gifts are to glorify God not for our own personal edification, they are there to help the body of Christ; only tongues are for our own personal use.
1-Corinthians-11- it is the same and only Holy Spirit who gives us all these gifts and powers, deciding which each of us should have .
You see that the gift of the Holy Spirit is within you and is not something we can turn on at will, except tongues. If someone comes to your church that needs healing then there are usually five gifts available for this person’s healing. One is the gift of word of knowledge, two the gift of discernment, three the gift of healing, four the gift of miracles, and fifth the gift of wisdom.
These gifts are in the fivefold ministry, and usually operate together as the Holy Spirit releases them to you who are praying. They are always accompanied by the gift of tongues which is as I said your own personal gift. You do not need to wait until the Holy Spirit releases that gift, it is there the very moment you received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. It is there to help you pray because you do not know how to pray.
For every Christian who is baptised in the Holy Spirit those fivefold gifts only operate as the Spirit releases them, are for healing in the body of Christ; this is their main objective, to bring healing to someone, and they always operate together, because when praying with someone for whom Christ died, these gifts are needed.
1-Corinthians-14-1- let love be your greatest aim; nevertheless, ask also for the special abilities the Holy Spirit gives; especially the gift of prophecy, being able to preach the messages of God.
Again the word of God tells you, that it is you that needs to ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the onus lies with you to sincerely seek the manifestations of the Holy Spirits gifts to operate in you. Let love be your greatest aim but ask also for the special abilities the Holy Spirit gives, you have to ask for those special abilities, the gifts, and of course the Holy Spirit is only too happy to oblige and will pour out his gifts on you, if you are sincere and keep searching for his Gifts to help others.
1-Corinthians-14-4- so a person “speaking in tongues,” helps himself grow spiritually, but one who prophecies, preaching messages from God, helps the entire church grow in holiness and happiness.
The gifts are supposed to be for the edification of the whole church, and the church needs the gifts in operation in different people, so the whole body can grow in holiness and happiness. God wants his body living in happiness and holiness, and desires to give you supernatural gifts to help bring this about and he searches the heart of men and woman seeking those who desire to bring glory to God not to seek their own agendas. Scripture continues on by saying;
1 Corinthians-14-5- I wish you all had the gift of speaking in tongues, but even more, I wish you were all able to prophesy, preaching God’s messages. God is telling us quite clear through St Paul that he wants us operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, so it is God’s will that you all have these gifts, each with at least one very pronounced gift like Prophecy, healing , discernment, or miracles. And he wants people to be able to translate the gift of tongues when uttered during a praise and worship service in a believing church.
1-Corinthians-14-12- Since you are so anxious to have special gifts from the Holy Spirit, ask him for the very best, for those that will be of real help to the whole church. Again the word is telling “you,” ask for the very best gifts, it is not saying, only special people need ask, but is says, since “you,” that’s you yourself, are so anxious to have special gifts from the Holy Spirit, then ask him, that is all you have to do, just simply ask for them, so that you can help others in God’s church and those outside the church, helping them to believe because of the signs and wonders following you.
The onus is on you the believer to ask for the gifts, the Holy Spirit will give you what you ask him sincerely for, so that you can be of use to the body of Christ, it is for God’s glory that the gifts are given and for the benefit of mankind. To fulfil the word of the lord reference Jesus, he came to give sight to the blind, to heal the sick, to deliver people from Satan’s control. And then he gave the believers his authority to do the same and the same Holy Spirit that gave Jesus the power to do these supernatural things will give you the exact same supernatural gifts and powers,butyouneedtoask;theHolySpiritisagentlemanhewillneverforcegiftsandpowers on anyone.
I have heard many a Christian say I’M waiting for the Holy Spirit to move me so I will pray in tongues; that is just pure rubbish, bad teaching, you have been given a gift to help you pray, because you don’t know how to pray or how to pray as you should but the Holy Spirit prays for you with such feeling, and the father understands what the spirit is saying as he prays from your heart-
Romans-and in the same way, the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don’t even know what we should pray for, nor how to pray as we should; but the Holy Spirit prays for us with such feeling that it cannot be expressed in words. And the father, who knows all hearts, knows of course what the Holy Spirit is saying as he pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will.
This message is for those who pray in tongues explaining that this gift is for your own personal use; all the other gifts and powers are for the body of Christ, and can’t be turned on at will, but you can turn on tongues anytime you wish. Just do it now and see, pray in tongues, and then stop, the gift is under your control. Try and turn on a healing and you can’t you have to wait until there is someone ill, needing healing before this gift can come into effect. The gifts you have received and again I say have received if baptised in the Holy Spirit are in you waiting to be released as the Spirit of God moves you; you the Christian have to fine tune in your listening ear, to know when to open up to those gifts, so that those in need of God’s help will receive. The problem with so many Christians is they have never been taught how to listen to what the spirit is saying, or how to operate in the gifts of say healing or miracles. I can teach Christians to use the gifts, to lay hands on the sick and to see them healed through their laying on their hands, teach them to work miracles, to do deliverance, to understand their tongues, and if I can teach people to do this then the gifts have to be in operation within the person learning.
You have the gift of the Holy Spirit in you and it is he that uses you in his gifts giving to you when they are needed by you.
Read my book, “The Awesome Power in Tongues.” For a full understanding of the gift of tongues, go on the Internet and type into Google brendansbooks.com and my web site with all my books will come up, look for this book in tongues and read it through.
1-Corinthians-14-12- Since you are so anxious to have special gifts from the Holy Spirit, ask him for the very best, for those that will be of real help to the whole church.
You are the one who are supposed to ask for the best Gifts, the Spirit would not say ask for the best gifts if he was reluctant to give them to you, God desires to give you his gifts and powers he doesn’t want you living in a world dominated by the Devil with the supernatural powers and gifts needed to defeat him in your daily struggles, just ask and believe you have received them because you have.
Just yesterday a friend said to me, “I wish I could do the things you do,” i.e. healing etc; and I replied, “you can you are baptised in the same Holy Spirit as I am,” he looked at me and said, “No, I could never do those things.” But the truth is he can and so can you, you just have to begin stepping out and pray with sick friends or better still, strangers and watch God word, and I said watch God work not you, he is the healer, you are the pray-er.
I asked the Holy Spirit for every gift, especially the gift of miracles, for God’s glory, not mine, and I received every single gift with the emphasis on miracles. Miracles are in my daily life happening regularly; I went after the gifts like a dog going crazy looking for a bone it buried, and I got what I asked for, so also will you, you are no different than me, we are both God’s children and scripture tells us he has no favourites, we are all the same. He favours none above another; Benny Hinn, Katherine Kulman, Kenneth Hagen, John Osteen, they all are no different than you or me, they had and have the same Holy Spirit Jesus, and you and I have, there is only one Holy Spirit and it is he who dispenses the gifts and powers to all who ask him sincerely.
Just ask! And you will receive, then believe you received them and begin praying with people; you have nothing to lose by praying with someone for a healing or miracle, the results of healing lie with the Holy Spirit, not with you. Begin today don’t be afraid to ask, he won’t turn you down, you are his own children, and the rotten lies that Satan tries to tell you that your unworthy is exactly that; a rotten lie, God made you worthy, no one else made you worthy, but God has. He made you in his own image, and that is not in the flesh because we all look different, but in the spirit we are exactly like him and like means the same as, to be equal to. And God says this not me. Don’t let fear stop you from praying with someone; expect a miracle, even if you never see one at the beginning. People I prayed for died when I first started praying with people, and the same happened to others in the healing miracle ministry, those they prayed for who were dying anyway died, but died a more peaceful death. I just kept at it and eventually people started getting healed when I prayed with them, and now I see it happening all the time. I have even learned that I can defeat death in someone dying young. You can do the same, get out there and get stuck into God’s work, the Holy Spirit will do the signs and wonders for you, because miracles glorify God, and he wants the Father God glorified. That’s why I am bold in my praying, because I know scripture says, “Miracles glorify God, they bring him honour and praise;” therefore if Miracles glorify God then he must want me performing Miracles through his Holy Spirit.