Spring 2015 Book Report

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Parenting is hard, truly. Along with a blanket and a car seat, fear and uncertainty often accompany parents as they leave the hospital with their new baby. And these emotions tend to tag along with each new stage of a child?s development. This universal condition needs a universally available support structure around it, as the majority of our new families can benefit from assistance and guidance to ensure their children get off to the best start possible. This type of support for parents and caregivers of our youngest children should be part of our culture. We apply this philosophy at Books from Birth by choosing to make the Imaginat ion Library available to all children. While this universal access approach is a privilege provided by generous donors, we do feel it is the most efficient and effective use of early childhood resources. Simply put, all children are at risk of not getting a good foundation of pre-literacy skills, so all children are eligible. Due to this approach, nearly 75% of Shelby County children participate for some period of time. That is a remarkable community literacy effort. All Shelby County parents now have another type of support available to them. Due to years of hard work by child advocate Barbara H. Nixon, Shelby County is the first community in the United States to offer Universal Parent ing Pl aces, or UPP Cent ers. In the same way that children have ?well-care? visits to their pediatrician, families will have the opportunity for ?well-parenting check-ups? at UPP. The idea is that parents can talk through real and present challenges with a trained, supportive, and non-judgmental staff, at no cost to the parents. Like Books f rom Birt h, Universal Parent ing Pl aces offer the same universal access and opportunity for parents to ensure their children are off to a good start. As a community we cannot leave these important first few years of life to chance. Every day, 35-40 new children enter the world in our community, and we get a new chance to support them. We are certainly excited about the UPP Cent ers.


Books from Birth www.booksfrombirth.org 901.820.4501

READ ACROSS AMERICA MARCH 2015 Left, Mearl Purvis gives a copy of "A Snowy Day" to every child. Below left, author Barry Wolverton reads "Mine-O-Saur," Lauren Squires enjoys reading, and right, Andrew Douglas has a lot of company while he reads. Below, Lipscomb and Pitts Breakfast Club President Jeremy Park has the most fun of all.

Each March is designated as Read Across America Mont h - a time devoted to emphasizing the importance and fun of reading for children and adults of all ages. To celebrate, Books from Birth and Lit eracy Mid-Sout h joined forces with Port er-Leat h to bring books and celebrity readers to Headstarts across the city. WHBQ Fox 13 News Anchor and BFB Board Member Mearl Purvis captivated a group of three, four, and five year olds at American Way Headst art / Earl y Headst art with her reading of "A Snowy Day" by Ezra

Jack Keats. The children, who had just learned about Keats, now got to hear someone famous read the book, and they even got to act out several scenes. Finally they each received their very own copy of "A Snowy Day" to take home! This scenario repeated itself in various ways at four different Porter-Leath Headstarts. WMC-TV Action News Five's Andrew Dougl as and Lauren Squires, Lipscomb and Pitts Jeremy Park, and children's author Barry Wol vert on each visited two different classrooms, where they read and gave out

copies of books such as "One Cool Friend" and "Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon." The preschools received BFB books for their students and libraries. Everyone, especially the guest readers, had a fabulous time!

Books from Birth


www.booksfrombirth.org 901.820.4501

THE LITTLE ENGINE CIRCLE Books from Birth began and has grown on the strength of major donors who have given generously to bring the Imaginat ion Library to this area. As a way to honor these donors, BFB has instituted The Lit t l e Engine Circl e. Honorees receive a plaque emblazoned with "The Little Engine That Could" (the first book a child enrolled in Books from Birth receives), and an inscription thanking them for their philanthropy. We are so grateful for these organizations and individuals who believe that one of the first and most important steps in setting children on a path to success is ensuring they have access to age-appropriate, high-quality books in their homes.

2015 BE THE DREAM MLK LEGACY AWARD The two women most responsible for launching Books from Birth in Shelby County were honored by Mayor AC Whart on with the Be t he Dream MLK Legacy Award on Dr. Mart in Lut her King, Jr. Day, January 19, 2015. In 2005, Barbara H. Nixon (below left) and Nancy Bogat in (below right) garnered individual, corporate, and grant support and launched Books f rom Birt h. Ten years later, we are now the largest Imagination Library affiliate in the world, sending nearly 40,000 books every month to about 60% of the children under age five in Shelby County. Both Barbara and Nancy have continued to work in a multitude of ways on behalf of area children, most recently in launching the Universal Parent ing Pl ace (UPP) at two locations in Shelby County. Congratulations to Nancy and Barbara on this well-deserved award!

T h e per f ec t g if t ! Make a donation to Books from Birth for $50 or more in honor of a new baby, parent, or grandparent, and we will send them this adorable bib. Made of soft, washable cotton in cheery yellow, this is cute and practical and arrives with a note announcing your gift. What a perfect gift to bring to a baby shower or sip and see, as well as to say, Congratulations!" to a new grandmother. For more information, call Pat in the office 901-820-4501.


Books from Birth www.booksfrombirth.org 901.820.4501

REINDEER ROCKOUT 2014 Take an awesome venue, add a fabulous DJ, a generous supply of lemonade and cookies, and lots of sparkles, and you know what over 400 6th graders were doing on November 30, 2014. Now duplicate that for 7th and 8th graders, and you have the fabulous Reindeer Rockout 2014 - three separate middle school dances spread over two weekends and taking place just after Thanksgiving. In its fourth year, the Reindeer Rockout continues to grow as a major social event on the middle school

calendar. In October, we announce the exact time when the website will open for ticket sales. Word spreads quickly, and hundreds of tickets are purchased within the first two hours of sales. Reindeer Rockout is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders in the area, and last year brought in over $27,000 for Books from Birth. Reindeer Rockout 2015 will be on November 29 (6th grade) and December 6 (7th and 8th grade). Check www.reindeerrockout .com in September for details.


On April 9, 2015 over 200 people gathered at Ridgeway Country Club for the "Open a Book, Open the Imagination" Luncheon, generously presented by Sawyers and Jacobs Consul t ing. Other sponsors were Cigna Heal t hcare Memphis, Col l iervil l e Farmers Market , and Scal es Consul t ing. Guests were welcomed with a silent auction, featuring fabulous donated items from individuals and businesses, followed by the luncheon, with guest speaker Col l iervil l e School s Superint endent John Ait ken (below left). Shel by Count y Mayor Mark H. Lut t rel l (below center) used the occasion to present a check to BFB for $10,000 from the Shel by Count y Mayor's Charit abl e Fund, Inc. Special guests included Mayor St an Joyner of Col l iervil l e, Deput y Mayor Rocky Janda of Germant own (together below center), Vice-President of t he Governor's Books f rom Birt h Foundat ion Dean Hoskins, and Germant own Al derman Mary Anne Gibson (below left with Mr. Aitken). Mary Jet t on Jacobs and Sarah Wal t on Pet t it (below right) served as event chairs. Over $29,000 was raised to provide books for children throughout Shelby County.

Books from Birth www.booksfrombirth.org 901.820.4501

SPRING 2015 Issue 6 | Volume 4 | 2013

Thank you to our donors who have given generously July 1, 2014-December 31, 2014. Anonymous

Ms. Jessica Cashdollar and Mr. Brian Blackwell

GiVE 365

Mrs. and Mrs. Elliot Abel

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Cashman, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gooch

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Abell

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Chase

Mr. Geoffrey Goodin

Mr. and Mrs. John Aitken

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chickey

Ms. Victoria Gore

Dr. and Mrs. Steve Akins

Church Of The Holy Communion

Mr. and Mrs. Blakney Gower

Ms. Faith Alexander

City Of Germantown

Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Graber

Mr. Anthony Amadio

Mr. Josh Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grant

Mr. and Mrs. Newton Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cody

Ms. Mary C. Green

Dr. Rebecca Anderson

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cohen

Drs. John and Bonnie Greer

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archer

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cohen

Ms. Jill Grishom-Troutman

Argent Trust

Mr. and Mrs. Keith Collins

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Gunnell

Aum Swasti Astu Fund

Mr and Mrs.. Gregory Cook

Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Hackett

Ms. Roshun Austin

Ms. Laura Crane

Ms. Diane Halperin

Auto Zone Matching Gift Program

DelBrocco & Associates

Mr. and Mrs. Romulus Hammond, IV

Ms. Megan Bailey

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Denzer

Mr. John Hatcher

Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Baker

Ms. Laura Detti

Mr. Ralph Haynes

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Barnes

Ms. Andra DeVincenzo

Dr. and Mrs. Henry Herrod

Ms. Rachel Barnett

Mr. Jim Doran

Ms. Judy Hoffman

Bartlett Lions Club

Mr. Jed Dreifus

HOPE Christian Community Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John Barton

Ms. Judy Drescher and Mr. Dave Lindstrom

Ms. Amy Hoyt

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Batson

Ms. Sherry DuBose

Ms. Shuiying Hu

Thaler Beasley

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dudley

Ms. Katherine Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck

Ms. Katherine Durbin

Mrs. Courtney Humphreys

Ms. Linda Bennet

Ms. Edna Earl

Mr. and Mrs. Brett Hutcherson

Ms. Linda Bernhardt

Mrs. Ina Eiseman

International Paper Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. William Bickers

Ms. Mary Elzemeyer

Ms. Barbara Jacobs

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Binswanger

Emmanuel United Methodist Church

Ms. Lois Jensen

Mr. Charles Blake

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Engelberg

Mr. and Mrs. James Johnston

Mr. and Mrs. Noah Blank

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fabrie

Mrs. Beverly Jordan

Mr. W. Gary Blaylock

Dr. William Falvey and Ms. Emily Woodside

Ms. Charlene Kalb

Ms. Nancy Bogatin

Ms. Gloria Felsenthal

Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kaminsky

Mr. and Mrs. John Bondurant

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ferguson

Mr. Seth Karol

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bondurant

First Tennessee Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaufman

Ms. Heather Bopp

Mr. and Mrs. Rob Fischer

Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Kelsey

Mr. and Mrs. Bo Braswell

Ms. Mary Fleming

Ms. Susan Kendrick

Ms. Dottie Bridgers

Mr. and Mrs. Mott Ford

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Kimble, III

Ms. Aimee Burnwatt

Mr. Harry Freeman

Ms. Susan Kingston

Ms. Patrice Butas

Ms. Becky Gafford

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kinnear

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cardwell

Mr. Scott Gettig and Mrs. Christine Weinreich

Mrs. Morris Klass

Ms. Jeanne Carr

Mr. and Dr. John V. Gibson

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Knox

Ms. Jennifer Carter

Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Gibson

Kroger Rebate Fund

Mr. Daniel Case

Mr. Brown Gill

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lackie


Books from Birth www.booksfrombirth.org 901.820.4501

Thank you to our donors who have given generously July 1, 2014-December 31, 2014. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Pettit

Mr. James Stettler

Ms. Debbie Lazarov

Mr. Sherwood Platt and Ms. Rose Rich

Ms. May Stiner

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Leon

Dr. David Portnoy and Dr. Lisa Usdan

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoudt

Mrs. Nell Rainer Levy

Mrs. Mearl Purvis

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Straton

Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis

Mrs. Marion Quinlen

Mr. Prasanna Sugavanam

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lindy

Ms. Suzanne Ragsdale

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Sumner

Lipscomb & Pitts Insurance

Ms. Melissa Rainer

Mr. and Dr. K.R. Sweeten

Ms. Molly Lockwood

Mr. Vadivel Ranganathan

Mr. Raymond Tanner

Mr. Eli Logan

Mr. and Mrs, Earl Raymond

Ms. Margaret Taylor

Ms. Laura Logue

Mr. James Reid

Mr. Bruce Taylor

Ms. Cynthia Lomack

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riales

The Schadt Foundation

Ms. Suzanne Lomax

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richardson

The Urban Child Institute

Mr. Milton Lovell

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roberts

Mr. and Mrs. Errol Thomas

Macy's Foundation

Mr. Mark Roberts and Dr. Niki Jurbergs

Dr. David Tipton

Ms. Katie Mallory

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross

Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Trammell

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mallory

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ruch

Mr. and Mrs. Corey Trotz

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mansbach

Mrs. Diane Rudner

Twentieth Century Club

Mrs. Julia Maroda

SalesForce Foundation

Ms. Jane Tyson

Ms. Dar Lena Martin

Mr. Brian Schaffler

Mrs. Lauren Utterback

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Maykowski

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scheuner

Ms. Mary VanGieson

Mr. Mack McCaul

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schutt

Mr. Steve Veesart

Ms. Barbara McCloskey

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sciubba

Mr. Bob Vidulich and Ms. Diane Sachs

Mr. Scott McNeil

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Seamons

Mrs. Paige Walkup

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McNeill, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Seamons

Ms. Jane Walters

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McNeil, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Selberg

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Waxler

Mr. and Mrs. Logan Meeks

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaw

Mrs. Judy Weatherly

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Midgley

Mrs. Judi Shellabarger

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Weidenhoffer

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Shelton

Mr. and Mrs. Alec Wellford

Ms. Marion Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. RD Singh

Mr. J. Madison Wells III and Mrs. Amy Uden Wells

Mr. and Mrs. Walker Morris

Ms. Jennifer Sink

Ms. Bettie Welsh

Mr. and Mrs. D. Stephen Morrow

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sklar

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wender

Ms. Courtney Murrah

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sklar

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Wharton

Mr. William Murray and Mrs. April Murray-Holm

Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wicks

Mr. and Mrs. John Mutin

Ms. Deborah L. Smith

Megan Wilkins

Ms. Darlene Newman

Dr. and Mrs. Michael Smith

Mr and Mrs. Page Williamson

Ms. Deborah Northcross

Mr. and Mrs. Austin Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wilson

Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Brien

Mr. William Solmson and Ms. Karen Spacek

Ms. Linda Wimmer

Ms. Carleen O'Reilly

Mr. and Mrs. Donn Southern

Ms. April Wise-Ross

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ost

Mr. Philip Turnbull and Ms. Viv Spicer

Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wortham

Ms. Margaret Gracey Owens

Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Spickler

Xerox Corporation

Ms. Carrie Peters

Ms. Sheri Spunt

Books from Birth www.booksfrombirth.org 901.820.4501


Thank you to our donors who have made memorial gifts July 1, 2014-December 31, 2014. Dorothy Arnold

Jim Fowler

Regina Ross Bill Davis

Sumner Levine Jon Freeman

Karen Spacek Marshall Smith

Deanna Kaminsky

Curtis Thomas

Jerri Linskey

Paige Walkup ,

Bonnie Smith

Linda Sklar

Reita Selberg Dorothy Stewart

Carrie Peters

Scott Walkup

Peter Peters

Alison Duffy

Margaret Caldwel Kathryn Tipton

Carrie Peter

Patrice Butas

Emma Ross

Eugene Epstein

David Tipton Joe Williams

April R. Wise-Ross

Lisa Udan

Bill Roy

Victoria Gore Dorothy Keister Williamson

Judy Hoffman

Books from Birth Staff

Thank you to our donors who have made honoraria July 1, 2014-December 31, 2014. Cardwell and William Akins Judy and Steve Akins India Alexander Faith Alexander Nancy Bogatin Jeanne Carr Mike Boyer Carol Seamons Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Driver, Mrs. Fleming, Ms. Long, Mrs. Willis, Coach Angner, Coach Davis Lauren Utterback Rena Brunner Lynette Denzer David Colin Carter Jennifer Carter Diane Chambliss Carla Wortham Walt Chambliss Family Judy Weatherly The Reverend and Mrs. Reynolds Cheney Sherry Dubose Murphy Rigby Finch Clark Josh Clark Collierville Schools Board of Education John Aitken Margaret Craddock Ann and Roger Knox Myrna and Vern Cronen Linda Ellen Sklar First Baptist Day School and Holly Labarreave Thaler Beasley Jeanne Foreman Josh Clark

Archer Goldstein

Carrie and Trevor Peters

Susan Lindy Michael Greenberg

Carrie Peters Caroline Peters

Diane Rudner Owen, Benjamin, and Mary Carver James

Carrie Peters Geraldine Rawls

Suzanne Lomax Jenny Kaufman and Bryan Faller

Carrie Peters Sylvia Richey

Elaine and Robert Kaufman Lucy Keller Lindsay Barton Lucy and Ron Keller Lindsay Barton Ellen Klyce Nancy Bogatin Ashley Mayfield and John Remmers Diane Rudner Mims Maynard Victoria Gore Katie Midgley Aimee Burnwatt Mary Elzemeyer Linda Bernhardt Amy Hoyt Roshun Austin Diane Rudner Aurora Harper Miller and Everett Harper Miller Lawrence and Alyssa Miller Lisa Morten D. Stephen Morrow Dorah Mullenix Josh Clark Maggie Olswanger Susan Chase

Lisa Usdan Joy Ross Regina Ross Judy Royal Lisa Usdan Mary Scheuner William Murray Carol Seamons and Family Joanne Seamons Dorothy Severson Regina Ross Mrs. A.C. Sisk Karen Wellford Linda Sklar Bob Archer Linda Ellen and Ronny Sklar Louise Sklar Sam Stenberg Courtney Humphreys Mary Trotz Diane Halperin Carol Weidenhoffer Greg Weidenhoffer Jamila Wicks Emmanuel Methodist Church


Shelby County Books from Birth P.O. BOX 17008


Memphis, TN 38187-0008


Board of Directors Peter Schutt ? Chair

Katie M idgley

Car ol Seam ons - Vice-Chair

Lisa M or ten

Diane Cham bliss ? Secr etar y

Dar lene New m an

Lisa Chow M allor y ? Tr easur er

M ar k O'M alley

Dr. Becky Ander son

M ear l Pur vis

Sally Walker Davies

M ar y Scheuner

Judy Dr escher

M ar lene Shaw

Cate Joyce

Jenny M aller y Ver gos

John Lew is

Alexander W har ton

Casey M cNeil Kim M acQueen - Past-Chair

Books fr om Bir th is changing lives by pr om oting kinder gar ten r eadiness and str engthening fam ily bonds in Shelby County. We gr eatly appr eciate your suppor t! booksfr om bir th.or g (901) 820-4501 Peter Abell - Executive Dir ector Pat Hannah - Office M anager

Jam ila W icks - Com m unity Developm ent M anager

Andr a DeVincenzo - Com m unications M anager

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