Borasaek Vision Magazine Volume 1, Issue 2

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Hello to all our lovely readers, After a long wait, we’re back with our second issue! Our focus this time, besides a very special interview with the MN Dance Company, is on the relationship between BTS, ARMY, and the media. As we know, BTS and ARMY have had a very strange love-hate relationship with the media. It has taken a lot of effort and time to get BTS acknowledged in Western media - ranging from news, to talk shows, to radio play. And while there have been successes, there have also been disappointments. Time and time again, we have had to take up our metaphorical arms against vindictive journalists looking to bring BTS down. Most of the time they like to boil us down to a gaggle of prepubescent, rabid fangirls - as if ARMY were not intelligent, kind-hearted individuals whose gender, age and nationalities appear across the board. Our words are our swords: of course we would use our wit and sarcasm to defend the men who have given us so much. But to these writers who hide behind their keyboards, we are nothing more than little bloodthirsty demons just looking for a fight. But anyone paying attention would know that ARMY does not attack unless provoked. ARMY can be understanding, we know how to take fair criticism, something a lot of said writers forget the meaning of. Looking for any excuse to tear BTS down, upset their “goody-two-shoes” reputation, or simply to hate on a popular mainstream act, they nitpick and tear into anything BTS do or say, using them for clout at the same time. This may be good or bad, since all publicity is good publicity, right? That is why those of us at Borasaek Vision take pride in our work. We try to stay as objective as possible - we are not afraid of calling out and discussing the issues and wrongdoing in or outside the fandom, while also highlighting the good things our fandom brings to the world, like multiple donations and charitable acts in the name of both BTS and ARMY, while also promoting the concept of self-love and acceptance. As we come to face the current global pandemic, please take all precautions to keep yourselves, and your loved ones safe and healthy. Practice social distancing, and wash your hands frequently. Your health is important, please treasure yourselves!

Thank you, and 보라해요!

Borasaek Vision

The Golden Idol


Media vs. ARMY: Perception

BTS: Role Models For All Ages Lucky Number 7




Learning to Love the Self - An ARMY Perspective

Behind the Swan


An interview with MN Dance Company


BTS’ Musical Messages Thrive in Liminal Spaces


Recommended by BTS: Into the Magic Shop


Korean 101


Game Corner


BTS Round-Up!


Borasaek Vision

Written By: Anna Moon | Edited By: Ash | Checked By: Caitlin| Designed By: Alex

It should go without saying that there are a lot of inherent problems with award shows, particularly Western award shows. But one problem that they all share is that, for most of the “big” awards (in Asian award shows, these are called daesangs or bongsangs, depending on the category), only one winner is chosen. If there is only one winner, that means, by definition, everyone else is a loser. Right?

because, admire Drake as an artist or

Snoop Dogg, the Beach Boys,

not, he brings up an excellent point:

Queen, Diana Ross, Nicki Minaj,

Famously, at the 2019 Grammys, popular artist Drake commented in

are you, as an artist, by definition unsuccessful if you aren’t standing onstage giving an acceptance speech? Have you failed in your chosen

Justin Bieber, and Bjork, just to name a few. For some perspective: Snoop Dogg has been nominated 17 times.

his speech that if people are out there buying your stuff and selling out your concerts, you’ve already won and said “awards don’t matter.”

profession if you don’t have a glasswalled trophy case stuffed with little statuettes holding court in your living room?

All of these artist have had

This speech was quickly shut down (cue the “wrap up” music) and in some cases the show cut to commercial.

When you think about it from this perspective, the whole thing seems quite silly, doesn’t it?

multiple best-selling albums, have millions of fans, and have been massively influential in their genres.

Unfortunately, from the esteemed award show’s point of view, the quote-unquote damage was already

Let’s use the Grammys as a starting point. It’s arguably viewed as one of the most prestigious award shows on


the music scene, in the US at the very least. However, there is a sizable list of incredible artists who have never won a single Grammy: Katy Perry, Nas,

Actually - wrong.

In that one moment, Drake turned the entire institution on its head The Golden Idol | 1

Seventeen. Times.

Are we to believe that they are not successful because they haven’t won a Grammy? That can’t be right. There’s something about that logic which does not compute.

Borasaek Vision

awards are voted on by fans, such as the US’s People’s Choice Awards. These, however, have their own problems. There is often a question of whether or not the voting is fair, or if there are ways to cheat the system. In 2019, BTS’s Love Yourself: Speak Yourself tour was beaten out at the People’s Choice Obviously the Grammys are not the only musical award show in town. Within the US there are at least half

nominations with a non-ARMY, Karen, a retired secretary, the question came up about whether

Awards, prompting even non-ARMYs to question how that could be possible. This is not to

a dozen, and in Asia there are at least half a dozen more. BTS has been tearing through Asian award shows over the past few years; they swept 2019’s MAMA, earning nine awards at that show alone.

or not awards mean anything. Her answer was quick and definitive: “No.”

imply that ARMY can never be beaten, but in the past few years, ARMY has been unstoppable when it comes to getting awards for our boys - unstoppable to the

She continued, “I’m not surprised by this... To me, the Grammys have always been a popularity contest”.

With these kinds of numbers, that

point that it almost seems suspicious when ARMY is outvoted.

should be it - case closed, job done, article over, insert conclusion here.

While she was speaking about the Grammys, the idea can be expanded

There should be no question of BTS’s success.

Somehow, in the minds of all music

to award shows in general, especially those shows where winners are decided based on the votes from a committee. If the wrong person doesn’t like you, it’s likely you won’t get an award - even if you deserve it.

listeners, these awards have become synonymous with success. There is an argument to be made here. After all, it is nice to have your work recognized by big institutions. It’s

Notable example: Adele’s 25 won Album of the Year at the Grammys, and she even implied that Beyonce’s Lemonade should have taken home the golden gramophone. In the West,

certainly an achievement. It’s definitely cool.

committees have historically been comprised of white males and have notoriously excluded women, people of color, and foreign acts.

as important or on the same level as those awarded by committee decision. Setting aside the

One way which has been presented to counteract this is awards shows where

possibility of exploiting the voting system, it doesn’t seem fair that, if fans voted on something and

So why are we still talking?

But Drake’s point still stands: awards don’t really matter. In discussing the Grammy

Additionally, it is possible with these types of award shows that fans could use multiple accounts to increase their vote count dramatically. Similar tactics have been used to stream MVs, and it’s not difficult to see how any fandom - including ARMY - could use the same principle on award shows to cast votes. In some cases, awards voted on by fans are also not viewed as being

The Golden Idol | 2

Borasaek Vision

While this argument may hold water for the choosing of governing politicians (as evidenced by the United States’ most recent presidential election), art of any type is inherently subjective. Music is no different. If something is subjective, it seems

deemed it the best (again, assuming every person was acting honorably across the board), that their opinions would be of less value than those of the appointed critics. This, by definition, indicates that people do not know or cannot determine what is the best song or album or artist from a particular year. It also implies that people cannot be trusted to make this choice for themselves unless they have some sort of degree or training.

The Golden Idol | 3

West has been decided upon by a small group of people - a small group of people who, as Sean Combs pointed out this year, have not had the best interests of minorities at heart. Combs spoke specifically of African-Americans

unfair that only a select few people can be considered qualified to determine what the “best” is.

but it is worth noting that women, LGBTQ+, and foreign acts have also been underrepresented and shunted sideways for many years

While we’re on the subject: what makes the “best” music? A classicallytrained opera singer might have a very different definition than a self-taught

- long before BTS took the stage. So perhaps we must ask ourselves: if the odds are stacked against

underground hip-hop artist - but even that is not a guarantee. With multiple working definitions of what makes something “the best”, it’s hard to

you, and it’s unlikely that you will win, why put so much weight behind these things?

justify having only a few people making the decision for the entire’s time to change the Maybe

world about which music is “the best”. Historically, “the best music” in the

For many ARMYs, the injustices of Western award shows weren’t

Borasaek Vision

readily apparent - possibly because they hadn’t been invested in award shows prior to BTS; in general, award shows have been declining in popularity recently and they have just begun to feel the indignation for decades. that has been building

As Jeff Yang said in his write-up of the Grammys for CNN, “The world is changing faster than the Grammys and other major institutions... can keep up”.

powerhouses they are, to break down the fortress’s walls in such a short amount of time. The cracks that they have made in the defenses already are profound and significant, and they should not be dismissed just because they didn’t turn the industry on its head. Every chip in the fortifications is important. As the saying goes, this isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. All this being said, there is one more thing to consider. Perhaps it is best illustrated through a comparison. In 2006, a movie called Penelope hit the

Award shows are, if you will, the “face” of the industry they represent. So, they aren’t the most important things in the world, but they are what the people see. When people look at the Grammys or the AMAs theaters. The film, starring James or the Billboard Music Awards, they McAvoy and Christina Ricci, centered are getting a glimpse of the entire around a girl who had an interesting industry behind it. curse. At the end, a young boy is

Are they cool to have? Sure. Does BTS deserve every award possible? Absolutely. Does it mean they aren’t successful artists and groundbreaking revolutionaries if they don’t receive an award? No, it does not. BTS does not need an award to tell them how exceptional they are. They don’t need a room full of statuettes to remind them that the work they do is amazing. If they need to be reminded that they are making a difference, there

“The world is changing faster than the Grammys and other institutions... can

learning about the girl and her curse and he says “It’s not the power of the curse, it’s the power you give the curse”.

When people look at these award shows now, what do they see? When we’re ten years down the road, what will we see? Hopefully, we’ll see a While this quote is specific to the significantly different landscape one that is more diverse; one that magic of the film, the boy’s logic is full of different people being is sound. properly rewarded for the hard work that they’ve done. The awards themselves, upon which

we place so much value, are in fact meaningless. Like many other things in our society, awards have no meaning except the meaning that we

However, it is important to remember, especially in the West, the “institution” has been so firmly entrenched for so long that the ivory assign to them. It’s not the power of castle is very well-fortified. It would the award itself, but the power that we be impossible for BTS, even as the give to that award.

keep up” are plenty of directions they could look. Look at the trending hashtags. Look at the dozens even hundreds - of projects started in their name, dedicated to changing the world. Look at the number of people that they have helped or healed. Look at the number of records they’re breaking and the number of “firsts” they’ve achieved. Thinking about all that... Could anyone deny their success? Do they really need the awards to tell them how well they’ve done? The bottom line is that they don’t. They absolutely don’t need the The Golden Idol | 4

Borasaek Vision

“I didn’t care awards. Having them is nice, but BTS is not defined by the number of trophies they have on their shelves. Virginia Duan, siterunner for Mandarin Mama, summed up the situation quite well in her blog entry for the Grammys snub: “In the end, I only find the Grammys relevant because BTS member, SUGA, wants it so badly. I didn’t care about it before BTS and I won’t care about it after BTS. I care only because BTS cares - because that is what happens when you love someone. You want the things they want for themselves.” ARMY wants the Grammy. Let’s face it - ARMY wants every award for BTS. We want it for them because they deserve it. But not getting it doesn’t take away from their success. It doesn’t take away the

about it before BTS and I won’t care about it after BTS. I care only because BTS cares - because that is what happens when you love someone. You want the things they want for themselves.”

The Golden Idol | 5

Borasaek Vision

impact they’ve had. It doesn’t mean they have failed, and it doesn’t mean that ARMY has failed. It doesn’t matter if an institution which is historically biased acknowledges them or not. The impact BTS has had on the industry on the world - won’t disappear. Nothing that any entity can do now can change what they have already done. Nobody can turn back time and erase BTS. They’ve started something. While there’s certainly still more work to be done, and BTS doesn’t show any indication of stopping. To those out-of-date institutions: clock’s ticking. Change is coming. And BTS is going to be right in the thick of it.

The Golden Idol |6

Borasaek Vision

within the mainstream primarily Western - media is somewhat controversial, to say the least. However, ARMY’s perception of how the public sees us may be somewhat unfair as well. In private conversations, in-person and of by ARMYs as this unknown and hostile entity; it’s only something to protect the boys against, something we can’t trust. However, I would like to argue that it isn’t so much the media that ARMYs need to worry about, but rather the opinion of the general public - because it’s the general public (Youtubers, coworkers, strangers on Twitter, and family members) who tend to be the loudest about their preconceived ideas of BTS and fault for feeding into these ideas, or that ARMYs shouldn’t worry about bad press; that simply isn’t true. Media vs. ARMY: Perception | 7

Media v s Perce p Written by Aury | Edited by Ash


All things considered, this is something the general public - their audience wants to consume, and the audience will

Borasaek Vision

It’s a tricky dilemma, to say the least. Let’s start out with figuring out what this frightening entity, “ ,” is. Basically, it is the many routes of mass communication as a whole. print, broadcasting, and the internet. Newspaper? Media. TV? Media. Radio? Media. Twitter? Media.

It’s everywhere and unavoidable. More than that, they see us. Constantly. Because we are everywhere as well. BTS has won Billboard’s Top Social Artist award for the third year in a row, propelled there by ARMY's almost unfathomable dedication. Countless articles (just one form of media) from trusted names like Time, Forbes, and have been objective or downright flattering of both ARMY and BTS, yet cked by Caitlin | Designed by Euni so-called comedians and influencers still mock and be influenced by what they see put out, in addition to the audience wanting to consume belittle the accomplishments of both. products which fall in line with what they already believe.

s. ARMY ption

Media vs. ARMY: Perception | 8

Borasaek Vision

between the content that you see. Korean audiences adore BTS because of their cultural impact across the globe, and so most Korean coverage of BTS is glowing in its positivity. Whereas coverage from countries where BTS is not as popular may be far less approving. More nuanced than that, within areas there are a plethora of people groups. People of a certain generation, class, cultural background will be exposed to far someone who was raised in a Media vs. ARMY: Perception | 9

societies are simply more inclined to be open-minded towards a group like BTS and the organized mass of passion that is ARMY. And let’s be honest, friends: when BTS are in danger, even just perceived danger, ARMY is very quick to come to their defense. After all, that’s what we do. And people take notice because ARMY is at our loudest when we are angry (or else in the presence of BTS). Don’t misunderstand me; not everything that people represent example of that, where the author

attempts to defend the stance which ARMY frequently “militarize” against that BTS is “sugary” and the fans are all “young.” Let us be clear, ARMY’s ages are a vast range from the youngest of children to great-grandparents with gaggles of about ARMY’s ages any longer, because - to put it plainly - those who still believe that we are nothing but jobless pre-teens are being willfully ignorant. Despite that can of worms, BTS’ recent hit Boy With Luv was indeed fairly “sugary.” Because that was the point. And, once again, those who do not see past the surface do so out of ignorance - a massive shortcoming for media personalities. Because what about the concepts of No More Dream? N.O.? Not Today? ON? How could any of those be called to the point that it isn’t the media that matters so much as the general public who do their research, the afore-mentioned trusted sites, they deserve ARMY’s praise - and not a comment thread full of fan cams, please.

Borasaek Vision

really all there is to it. Don’t rain hellfire and brimstone on them, don’t spam them with threats, or be overly spiteful in your correction of them. Share the facts with as much evidence as you can, do so calmly and objectively, and then move on. Chances are, these people already waves, so don’t let them shake you. Ignore them. Block. Report. Move on. It’s okay. What’s not okay, is retaliating. Because that’s just giving them more ammunition, more so-called “proof” to fire back at us and our beloved Bangtan. Because do you know who Let’s make sure they like what they see. After all. We are the Adorable Representatives of BTS. Chances are, YOU, my friend, are the first face of BTS that the people around you will be exposed to. Be sure to put your best foot forward, because we’re all right behind you.

Media vs. ARMY: Perception | 10

BTS: Role Models for All Ages Written by Mama| Edited by Aury | Designed by Kels | Checked by Caitlin

For millions of ARMYs worldwide, BTS origin stories will include these words somewhere along the way. Ironically, you’re in your teens.’ Yet, either through ignorance or arrogance, the notion that ARMYs are nothing more than a horde of young, screaming fangirls continues to be touted as fact. In reality though, “BTS fans span every age, gender and ethnic group BTS is not a ‘crazy’ teenage phenomenon, it is an intellectual phenomenon.” Voices of the Youth otion of ‘youth’ is ever present in BTS’s timeline, starting with the literal translation of 방탄소년단 (Bangtan Sonyeondan) as ‘Bulletproof Boy Scouts’. Likewise, from the fandom name of ARMY - an acronym for ‘Adorable Representative MC for Youth’ - to the concepts of their numerous albums spanning seven years,

the standpoint of youths trying to make sense of the world in which they live and how they exist within that world. A positioning reinforced by Professor Lee Ji-Young (author of BTS: Art Revolution and self-proclaimed ARMY) who states that “one of the main themes of these albums is social criticism but the most important one is a question ‘who am I?’”. BTS’s narratives of struggle, growth and overcoming obstacles, both personally and professionally, continue to capture the hearts and minds of fans “around the world, transcending borders and generations” (Lee Jee-Heng, 2019, p.23). After four years of struggling as ‘underdogs’ within the K-pop invisible seals of hierarchy and institutional prejudice. Perseverance, hard work and sincerity combined with the unwavering

support of their fans, proved that BTS possessed all the key ingredients to becoming world-class artists. Upon receiving the MAMA ‘Artist of the Year’ award in 2017, this sentiment was echoed by RM when he proudly proclaimed, “we are no longer sad or in pain. We are . BTS were asked what makes them so successful to which RM replied, sincerity, ability and a supportive “business model where agency and artist collaborate as business partners.” When Life Gets Hard BTS’s sincere and honest narratives of growth, inclusivity, and reciprocity have led to BTS gaining “not only domestic, but also global fans” at an unprecedented rate. As Professor Lee Ji-Young highlighted, “it’s not only the 20s who are having a tough life in this neoliberal, competitive world. I am I listen to their songs, I feel encouraged. I feel like I’m with a good friend of mine.” BTS continually strives to speak from a position of strength for the socially weak, the marginalized and the disenfranchised. y’re also not adverse to challenging societal and institutional norms, especially when these ‘norms’ are designed to disempower or prevent others from reaching their potential. SUGA once commented that his journey “started from a story that needed to be told, but never was. see that SUGA found his voice, a platform to speak from and a receptive audience in

open up about his own anxieties and experiences with depression. In turn, SUGA’s lyrics have been able to help countless others within the ARMY fandom in dealing with their own anxieties, fear and pain. Experiences such as these are not restricted to only the young of this world. People of all ages, genders and cultures are burdened with untold stories, but unlike SUGA they haven’t found a way to speak those stories into the light. Yet when ARMYs listen to BTS’s self-composed music they can easily relate. Listeners feel the desperation, the sadness or the joy encapsulated within the lyrics, the music or the performance. When ARMYs look at BTS members we see seven young men, from humble beginnings, who continually look for ways to make peace with their own comfort, solace and understanding. More reasons to keep moving forward, to stay alive, and to continue hoping. Just as music once provided a ‘resting place’ for RM, ARMYs worldwide are now able to BTS’s music. Young Forever - Forever Young Day 2 of the 2019 ‘Love Yourself, Speak Yourself Tour’ at Wembley Stadium is forever etched into the memories of joy of personally serenading BTS. As BTS struggled to regain their composure Young Forever faded away, RM called out to the 90,000 strong crowd of ARMYs, ‘LET’S STAY

YOUNG FOREVER, TOGETHER!’ In that moment ARMYs were no longer Instead, they were united by a shared expression of love and gratitude.

those fans who are not Generation Z, like the seven members of BTS? Twitter demographics illustrate that the ARMY fandom is a melting pot of Centennials, Millennials, Generation X’s, Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generations; children, teens, middle-aged, and the elderly. How then does the name ARMY remain relevant to older generations of fans? Fortunately, found an interesting way to resolve this by reinventing their fandom name as ‘Adorable Representative MCs for Young at heart’. Whether you are young or young at heart, there is a place for you in the ARMY fandom. Role Models in the Industry While speaking to a group of trainees on a South Korean ‘survival’ show, J-Hope was asked if he had any words of advice that could help them to be better

is a job that allows you to share happiness to people’s eyes and ears. You need to learn to love your job and work hard so that your sincerity will be delivered. People can recognize sincerity.”

the wisdom gained from experience as he reminded them of the value of hard work, sincerity and a genuine love for what you do. With the K-pop industry criticized regularly for its competitiveness, it is refreshing to hear someone of J-Hope’s caliber returning to core values. Yes, technique and skill is important, but delivering it with sincerity – priceless! What Do ARMYs Say?

one mother shared a story that I’m sure many parents will resonate with – the gap that starts to grow when children become teens and begin searching for their own identity. Yet, despite her own misinformed (re)connection with her daughter, through BTS’s messages, music and mastery of the stage -

“BTS’s causes are universally acceptable: self-love, respect, while not provocative, also meshes nicely with the values I’ve tried to instill in my daughter.” English YouTubers (TTK – Twins Talk K-pop) interviewed a group of UK BTS ARMY Mums and ARMY Dads, ranging in age from mid-30s to late 60s. Each BTS, either through the people they surrounded themselves with, a general interest in K-pop, or a love for music as a whole. While they didn’t refer to BTS as several reasons for why they loved BTS. A distinct absence of violence and aggression in BTS’s music, coupled with messages of hope, sincerity and love/self-love that BTS are famous for. Likewise, when the parents children, they were happy that it was BTS. they acknowledged BTS for helping them to reconnect with themselves as women, outside of their roles as mothers, wives, work colleagues or friends. For the fathers, it was more of an outward-looking experience - they acknowledged the journey that BTS have traveled, their hard work and commitment, and their amazing energy -

Using Your Voice for Good These words, spoken by RM as part of his UN Speech in 2018 clearly demonstrate that BTS understands the important role they now hold as global artists - “we started to hear remarkable stories from our fans all over the world, how our message helped them overcome their hardships in life and start loving themselves. These stories constantly remind us of our responsibility.” A responsibility that they do not take lightly. Perhaps though the last word should go to another ARMY fan, who although older probably still feels ‘young at heart’. One who also understands the important work that BTS is doing, connecting people across the world and using their voice responsibly:

“When you have popularity and you choose to use your voice for good, that’s a plus” (John Cena, 2020)

7 members, 7 years of togetherness, 7 years since

Following the release of Persona, which drew inspiration from psychologist Carl Jung’s , ARMY and critics alike awaited BTS’ next move. Jungian theory and deduced Shadow and Ego were in line after Persona. It made sense after all, since the hints were semi-discreetly plastered in the RM-led Intro: Persona MV. However, within the ARMY community both BTS and Big Hit are infamous for throwing o fans with unforeseen moves; each comeback season, the saying ‘expect the unexpected’, is only further solidified.

emphasizes an emotional connection between and amongst both BTS and their ARMY. By extension, in the universe that we continue to inhabit, 7 is also considered significant across multiple cultures and religions, and is almost magical. In fact according to a public poll organized in 2014 by British author and mathematician Alex Bellos, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to crown 7 as the world’s favorite number. In trying to determine what non-numerical ways we are influenced by arithmetical patterns, Bellos declared 7 as “unique, a loner, the outsider”.

Co-written by Mei and Mama | Edited by Ash | Checked by Mheer | Designed by Euni

The Magic of Symbolism


Ten months later, their highly anticipated follow-up (full length!) album (also their seventh studio album), titled did not disappoint.

Here’s a rather cool mathematical fun fact that aligns with Bellos’ interest: Between 1 and 10, the most basic number grouping that can be easily counted on our hands, 7 is the only number that cannot be multiplied or divided within the group. 7, then, is a rebel that stands by itself. In the Biblical narrative, number 7 has repeatedly been mentioned both in the Old and New Testaments. Be it to signify the seven days of Creation of the World by God or to symbolize the unity of the four

corners of the Earth with the Holy Trinity, 7 has come to be labeled as a holy number. According to the Talmud in Judaism, the universe is made of seven highly of the seven heavens. Notably, while on a pilgrimage to Mecca, Muslims also walk seven times around the Kaaba, Islam’s most sacred mosque. In Hinduism there are mentions of seven higher worlds and seven underworlds, while its earlier beliefs hint at the human body consisting of seven basic religion of Vedism depicts Surya, the sun Lucky Number 7 | 16

Borasaek Vision

Ephesus (now in Turkey), the Statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and finally the Lighthouse of Alexandria. On digging further into the ancient world, it’s hard to miss the astronomical take on 7. Based on celestial bodies visible to the naked eye, ancient astrologers promptly grouped the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn as what are now regarded as classical planets.

“What A Relief, That We Are Seven”

god, being pulled in a chariot by seven horses, each denoting the seven days of the week. In Buddhism, the newborn Buddha rose to his feet and took seven steps. Japanese mythology speaks of seven gods of fortune who are responsible for good health, long life, happiness, knowledge, wealth, warriors and fishermen. In this seamlessly 7-centric world, seven deadly sins and seven virtues have continued to co-exist. While studies recommend at least seven hours of sleep for good health, seven is also attributed as a value that favors our mental capacity, making it a good fit for our attention spans. Perhaps that would explain why 777 is known worldwide as the lucky number in the casinos of Las Vegas and beyond. As a matter of fact, long before the modern seven wonders of the world could grace every textbook, the ancient world comprised of seven wonders: the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at

BTS has never shied away from expressing the importance of 7. During the 2015 Muster, V remarked that the rainbow has seven colours because BTS has seven members. It was a statement that defied science, yet served as a reminder that perhaps the universe took its time to align favorable events and decisions, and unite seven strangers taking a blind leap of faith into an unpredictable future together. SUGA reiterated a similar emotion during a Run BTS! episode back in 2018, through his poem ‘What A Relief’. When pursuing one’s passion, the uncertainty of what may ensue in a world full of harsh realities, finds a soothing relief in knowing there’s companionship at each step. “We were only seven But we have you all now” — We are Bulletproof: the Eternal, MOTS:7

A Sense of Completion By declaring as a “love song” to themselves and their growth as one team, BTS positioned themselves within Jungian’s theory of Self’s trifecta: Persona Shadow - Ego. As a link to their ‘Love Yourself’ era that acknowledged the struggle of opening oneself to deserving kindness and love, MOTS:7 maps the

expectation from self to grow, there’s realizing that growth and struggle are two sides of the same coin called life, and there’s a final redemption from self, knowing that only you can drive your life ahead. By paying homage to their beginnings and gaining confidence in their present, through MOTS:7 we attain a sense of perfection. seven that speaks to who BTS are as a group, versus who they are as seven individual members. In the series “Speaking of Jung: Interviews with Jungian Analysts”, Dr. Murray Stein and interviewer Laura London discussed at length the notion of ‘Seven’. During their discussions two points of significance were made. First, “7 is a prime number and prime numbers are only divisible by 1 or themselves, so 7 is a unit.” Symbolizing that because of their struggles, hard work and resilience, BTS have become

7 Is Here - To Stay!

Borasaek Vision

Since was first announced on January 7, social media has been abuzz with blogs, articles, news reports and broadcasts either celebrating BTS’ achievements to date with the release of their newest album or speculating what the future holds for BTS. In fact, even the Comeback Map tweeted by Big Hit listing the events planned for 7 was comprised of a 7-week plan. For now though, ARMYs can rest assured that for the time being at least, BTS is firmly focused on the present and making 2020 a year to remember! Giving back to ARMY is what BTS does best and always being there for BTS, is what ARMY does best. 7 is here - to stay!

number” and have worked hard to achieve that prime singularity as a group; as such, only they themselves can break that seal. poignant was made in reference to the MOTS:7 album itself. From the biblical narrative, we know that God created the world in six days and on the seventh day he rested. According to Dr. Stein, the number seven completes things; seven “brings us to a sense of something’s finished, something’s done, we can take a rest now.” Apply this same thought to the album and we get the impression that having reached a significant milestone in their journey and experienced a huge transformation in the process, they are now “going to take a rest.” What this ‘rest’ looks like though has not yet been defined, but ARMYs already have a sense that something ‘else’ is coming. Lucky Number 7 | 18


how music connects to people on a per-sonal level, and why BTS’ music inspires listeners to embark on a journey of self-love. Since 2013, BTS embodied a message of support. The group adopted the name “Bangtan Sonye ndan,” or “Bulletproof Boy Scouts” to convey a purpose of shielding the youth, establishing themselves as a band that spoke against the injustices in society the difficulties the youth experi-ence, and the troubles of conforming to societal norms. From the start, BTS exemplified a sense of concern and support, one that felt like friendship. This purpose symbolized something more personal than simply an artist making content for their fans: it was an honest, emotional movement—a goal.

No More Dream No song better expresses this than the group’s very first track, “No More Dream”: an intense expression of anger at society’s treatment of youth. Instead of having the reedom to choose a path for the future, most students are forced into a world of constant education and academic rigor through childhood dreams are lost. With lyrics such as “on a same b ring day, on every repetitive day, adults and parents forcefully instill dreams that are molded,” BTS directly speaks of a reality that many youths continue to feel as they are forced to pursue specific career paths. BTS’ music, in this case, comes with a direct message that is felt by young people with the same experience. The message continues, as BTS asks listeners “what is the you that you’ve dreamed of? Who do you see in the mirror now, I gotta say.

hose who have experienced pressures to satisfy social expectations resonate with this message in a way that strengthens the artist to fan relationship. The message is no longer simply song lyrics, but it becomes a personal point of reflection, one that prompts an emotional response. Although is a more aggressive statement of support from BTS, the band makes a clear effort to not only deliver personal messages but to also comfort fans on this journey of reflection. Wings -- 2!3! In the track “2!3!” of the 2016 album, BTS delivers a more intimate, heartfelt expression to their fans. The lyrics, “It’s okay when I say one two three, forget it. Erase all the sad memories, hold my hand and smile” are intended to provide comfort during difficult times. This is BTS’ message of unity and friend-ship—while the group wishes for fans to reflect on their own existence, they simultaneously console alone. But over time, BTS’ method of encouraging fans to love themselves has was confrontational, directly asking fans music transitioned to a less-instructive approach of delivering personal messages.

Love Yourself -- Epiphany In BTS’ Love Yourself series, the band focused on the concept of self-love. “Epiphany” managed to deliver a powerful declaration of positivity resulting from self-reflection, yet none of the song’s lyrics preaches to the audience. In the song’s chorus, Jin sings about his own growth, saying “I’m the one I should love in this world, the shining me, the precious soul of mine. I realize only now, so I love me. hough I’m not perfect I’m so beautiful.” Through this series, BTS showed how they have matured as individual and as artists —they express that the journey of selflove cannot come from an outsider who is instructing personal, internal change in another individual. If a journey of self-love is to truly be effective, it must occur from within. “Epiphany” showcases just that—the internal epiphany millions of fans listening to that song, and those very fans interpret understanding of how to love themselves.

What BTS’ music demonstrates is that music itself can be incredibly personal—the thematic content and social relevance expressed in BTS songs directly connects to ARMYs, who associate the songs’ messages with goals and experiences in their personal lives. What this also suggests is that unlike many other forms of music that have been used to understand emotional responses, BTS’ music is participatory. Each song warrants commentary and interpretations by ARMYs, each song contains layers of content to piece together to under stand (music, lyrics, music videos, choreography, theories, history) and each song comes from a place of honesty. Such vulnerability invites others who may also feel a sense of weakness in their lives.

It creates a warm support system of creative content, one in which can participate to achieve, create, and contribute. The “goals” associated with music become a bit more direct here—some are based on YouTube view records, others are based on Billboard chart rankings, but the collective drive towards a common goal is, in fact, an emotional response to music that relates directly to the process of self-love. These small achievements, these moments of comradery and celebration with millions of people around the globe, help create a sense of belonging, a home. By finding a home, the self feels more loved and comforted. BTS created that home for ARMYs, and ARMYs have done the same for BTS. This cyclical nature of self-love, from fan to artist and artist to fan, makes BTS’ music feel personal and important. It is this participatory form of music through which millions have found themselves on a path to self-acceptance.

Behind the Swan An Interview with the MN Dance Company meaning. Borasaek “Black Swan” has Vision was honored to received a lot of love have the opportunity from the ARMY. It now to interview the group has over 33 million that performed said views on YouTube and choreography - the MN trended on Twitter Dance Company. worldwide on the day of its release. Michal Rynia and Nastja Bremec Rynia BTS’ authenticity in – co-founders of MN showing their fear of Dance Company, were losing their passion gracious enough to accommodate our for music through “Black Swan’s” magazine for this haunting lyrics, and of course, the about the dance, intense choreography their process, and the showcased on the art story behind their beginning. to convey the song’s Behind the Swan | 23

Borasaek Vision

they were fans of BTS’ unexpectedly and we work. “We respect still find it hard to that BTS wanted to do believe,” Michal said. something different “Big Hit Entertainment and unusual,” Nastja contacted us in October added. to ask if we would like the video seemed to do the choreography interesting so we for BTS’ new single. decided to take part in We had to prepare this project.” the choreography and send it to them for Dancing is a huge part of Michal and Nastja’s our creation and next life. For them, “art is thing we knew, we were incomplete without already in Los Angeles passion” indeed, with recording the art film dance being their main in December.” form of art. Both Michal and Nastja expressed how BTS moved them to they couldn’t imagine collaborate with the their life without dance in boy group. Michal and it. It is how they express Nastja mentioned that themselves, how they

Fortunately for the duo, they can work a job which they are passionate about, through which they can share their love for dance with each other and the world with MN Dance Company, which was founded at the end of 2008. Both choreographers are showing their innovative mindsets in the world of dance by creating their own recognizable style and body language. In the interview, Michal added how they loved BTS’ innovative approach, positive energy, and the message the group

“Big Hit Entertainment contacted us in October ... next thing we knew, we were already in Los Angeles recording the art film in December.” Behind the Swan | 24

Borasaek Vision

communicates through their music - factors which also motivated them to collaborate with BTS. For the dance company, the theme of “Black Swan” was an inspiring challenge. It was something that all artists can relate to, no matter what genre of art form. “You can easily get caught by your fear, but you can overcome them by staying true to yourself,” he said.

[for films and stage performances] are always very nice since you are constantly researching new ways in which your body can move and express. For me, it is like a playground where you play with different body parts to express the right theme,”Michal explained.

Behind the Swan | 25

Michal and Nastja immediately liked the song and its message after time. many images, as you can see in the film. It exhibits shadows, fears, wings, dreams - it illustrates our own minds,” Michal narrated. “We were trying to portray the feeling of of being caught by your

With its on-point and delicate choreography, it would be typical to assume that MN Dance Company experienced challenges while creating Surprisingly, Michal and Nastja said that their only challenge was the cold location and artistic team of Big Hit Entertainment made

fears and trying to fight them to be free. We wanted to express all this through the body non-verbally.” According to Nastja, the symbolic choreography was created by Michal. MN Dance Company were trained to create like the one for Black Swan. of both processes

sure that these dancers are comfortable to dance

Hawthorne Mall in Los Angeles, California. It was the perfect location how the song describes the fear of losing passion, the previously vibrant Hawthorne Mall lost its appeal to an economic

decline in the area, thus becoming a place with dilapidated walls and professionalism, MN Dance Company poured their passion for dance while performing at the abandoned mall.

comes with this project is the promotion of contemporary dance in general,” Michal added. “We really liked the idea that dance as an art form is playing a role in the music video.” Aside from the “Black

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anniversary. We are also going to create a new production/ performance, Icarus, and we would like to focus on creating more art dance films.”

BTS has promoted a vast variety of performers of the famous quotes from company has other projects including the MN Dance the famous contemporary ARMY should look out Company. Nastja praised dancer Martha Graham: “A for. “We will have a tour the initiative of BTS to dancer dies twice — once with our latest project, learn more about other when they stop dancing, DE-SET, in Slovenia, artists through CONNECT, Netherlands and Hungary. BTS. “We think that more painful.” When asked it is very welcoming, about a time when they for the 10th anniversary and it’s giving the arts stopped dancing, Nastja of MN Dance Company,” recognition. People expressed that they haven’t Michal promoted. “It’s nowadays need art. yet experienced their a duet of duets – the It makes you reflect “Both of us two of us are sharing and search for deeper never stopped dancing. the stage with two meanings. Art connects We cannot imagine a Slovenian musicians people of different day without dance. It named Silence. In March cultures and has also healing effects.” happened maybe for we are going to Rome, a short period of time Italy, to choreograph for collaboration, BTS was also caused by some injuries, the company Balletto di to break boundaries. “It’s interesting how BTS but we are always Roma for their 60th are breaking language dancing and creating in barriers since their our minds.” music is listened to by people from all over the “Black Swan” was an world.” Michal added. unforgettable experience for the MN Dance Company. Not only did this opportunity help promote their group, but it also highlighted the beauty of contemporary dance. “For sure we would say that the most important thing that

Borasaek Vision

“It’s the same with dance. Everyone can relate to it since it is a universal language.” BTS and MN Dance Company shows how passion for art can move people. It’s phenomenal how art gives humans the freedom to express emotions, and how it allows other people to feel those emotions as well. Together with BTS, MN Dance Company was able to share their love for contemporary dance to the ARMY and other viewers from around the globe. Black Swan’s art

Behind the Swan | 27

that it’s inevitable for some people to feel the fear of losing passion for something they love and to meet shadows that can lead to the so-called Nevertheless, people have the capacity to push through these shadows and come back to their passion with arms open wide. swan is now unveiled - it’s up to ARMY for how they will learn from the experiences of the wonderful MN Dance Company.

Borasaek Vision

“It’s interesting how BTS are breaking language barriers since their music is listened to by people from all over the world. It’s the same with dance. Everyone can relate to it since it is a universal language.”

Written by: Euni Edited by: Aury Checked by: Mheer Design by: Connie

How BTS’ Musical Messages Thrive in

Liminal Spaces Written & Designed by Jaz Edited by Mheer

As people, we are constantly teetering on to be a concrete line between here and now and what’s next; however, when we become aware of the transitional phase between changes, the phenomenon we experience can what we would call a “liminal space.” word limen, which means “a threshold.” In the case of a liminal space, those who do encounter this threshold are held between that familiar and the unknown, similar to when you’re riding a roller coaster and you’re

How BTS’ Musical Messages Thrive in Liminal Spaces | 29

dangling over the drop. A liminal space can be a time or a place that marks transition. Often times, we feel uncomfortable and uncertain when we’re interacting with a liminal space because it exists outside what we know. Liminality is only meant to function outside these pockets of certainty, outside of point A and point B. Not knowing where you’re going or what you’re doing is terrifying; however, regardless of how frightening the concept of liminality can be, these points in time and space represent a beginning waiting to break over the horizon. As musicians, BTS has emerged as artists who understand and masterfully utilize this concept in their music. On February 21, BTS released their newest album, Map of the Soul: 7, which has been heralded by fans and critics around the world as their most personal piece. Map of the Soul: 7 is the second installment in the septet’s “Map of the Soul” series that was inspired by Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung. tracks with some numbers that reference their earlier works such as “ON” and “We Are Bulletproof: Eternal” which are reboots of their 2013 singles “N.O”, “We Are Bulletproof: Part 2” and “We Are Bulletproof” before that.

Borasaek Vision

In an earlier interview with Variety, RM discusses BTS’ artistic journey and their

we? What are we doing? Who were we in the it happened.”

“Many things were not intended as far as our career. We didn’t know we would ever reach this kind of position. Of course, we dreamed, we wanted to get big, we wanted to go as high as we could, but we never expected this kind of energy, this kind of reaction all over the world. One day, we woke up and we were like, “Where are we?” When you don’t know where to go, I think the best way is to walk down the road you have been walking on. So, the

awakening for BTS, as the project has catapulted the members into another artistic and a hope for the future have been part of BTS’ musical message from the beginning. In BTS’ explosive debut song, “No More Dream,” the septet arrives on the music scene Hip-hop has historically been hailed as the

How BTS’ Musical Messages Thrive in Liminal Spaces | 30

Borasaek Vision

language of revolution from its birth in the 1970s, making it the perfect vessel for BTS’ debut message to society. “No More Dream” encourages listeners to cast society’s expectations to the side and to take that plunge into one’s own aspirations, no matter how big path set before you in favor of transitioning to the future that you choose for yourself grants a person access to a liminal space.

One day, we woke up and we were like, ‘Where are we?’ When you don’t know where to go, I think the best way is to walk down the road you have been walking on.

instance in which BTS uses the concept of liminality for their music. has played a large role in helping BTS properly convey their feelings in their own music. In 2016, BTS released their second studio album Wings, earning worldwide acclaim. each BTS member and was accompanied one. Like “Map of the Soul: 7”, Wings served journeys as people and as artists, with each account intricately woven into a larger story that fans across the globe have related to.

failures and triumphs—all of it, written down for everyone to see. Wings creates a liminal space, due to the fact that it’s a

How BTS’ Musical Messages Thrive in Liminal Spaces | 31

development is illustrated in a multitude of ways.

liminality existing in BTS’ music is their on the grief of losing a loved one and the idea that life is short. On a grand scale, this song is a wonderful representation of a liminal space because as people, we are constantly changing. Much like the changing seasons, we have to cope with the many pains associated with life. To aid with the somber tone of the songs, the video provides visuals that capture BTS interacting with actual locations that can be seen as a liminal space. V lays down on snow-covered tracks at an empty train station, RM runs towards J-Hope and Suga sitting outside their motel room, Jungkook stands in front of a rusty amusement park ride, Jimin walks by himself along a seemingly endless and abandoned beach and Jin stands at the bottom of a staircase, watching his fellow band members run up the stairs. In this case, the existence of these locations aren’t necessarily about

themselves, but they can either represent transitional phases or they can be presented as ideas currently existing outside their intended context. For example, staircases aren’t generally just of as a way to go somewhere—that is its intended context. Motel rooms are temporary lodging in between a trip, a train station is the in-between on a trip, beaches and amusement parks are schema for. “Spring Day” was a new track included in You Never Walk Alone, a repackage of Wings, which was the last album before BTS secured their historic win at the 2017 Billboard Music Awards. BTS’ ascent to fame is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. Constantly engaged in the state of change, it’s not surprising that BTS releases material that reach audiences through the concept transition. It’s the sound of change and of hoping for a better tomorrow.

Recommended by BTS | 32

KOREAN 101 Conquering Diphthongs and Double Consonants

In the previous Korean 101 article, we learned the basic í•œę¸€ characters, giving us a solid base to read simple words and phrases. Have you been practicing your Korean in the meantime? Smooth reading will come with practice and patience. Similar to when a child learns to read, the more you practice the better your reading will be. Soon, you too will become efficient in this skill!

For this segment of Korean 101, we will delve into the complexities of diphthongs and double consonants. At first, these characters may be somewhat complicated to understand, but soon you will have mastery of these characters and be reading all different Korean words in no time!


A diphthong is the use of two vowels in a single syllable. The vowels are often distinctly discernible much like in the English ‘coin’ or ‘create’. A handy tip in pronouncing these vowels is to pronounce the first vowel then the second separately, next increase the speed you say these vowels so there is no pause between the two sounds. YouTube channel Korean Unnie has a video that explains how to pronounce diphthongs easily which you can check out. Like last time, I will include the International Phonetic Alphabet symbols that correspond to the character. Let’s begin, shall we? ㅢ /ɯi/ Pronounced like a quick oo-ee sound, fusing [ㅡ] and [ㅣ] together. ㅚ /we/ Pronounced with a soft ‘w’, creating a ‘weh’ sound like in wedding or weather. ㅘ /wa/ Pronounced ‘wa’ as in the Southern American water. ㅝ /wɔ/ Pronounced ‘wo’ as in woke.

Quick note: The ‘w’ sounds are a lot softer than the English ‘w’. This is because the diphthongs are still pronounced using the first vowel. When you blend the two vowels together the ‘w’ sound is apparent but soft.

ㅐ/ɛː/ The pronunciation of this is an open ‘ae’ sound. The character combines [ㅏ] and [ㅣ]. The [ㅐ] sound is the midpoint between the two characters. Try pronouncing [ㅏ] and [ㅣ] going back and forth between the two sounds until you reach an open ‘ae’ sound. ㅔ/eː/ Pronounced ‘eh’ as in bed or shed. It is a fusion between [ㅓ] and [ ㅣ]. Like [ㅐ] the midpoint of the two characters is the sound [ㅔ]. Both [ㅐ] and [ㅔ] are similar in sound that you may struggle to hear the difference, but do not fear as even native Korean speakers have difficulty differentiating the two! YouTuber Jeremy from the channel Motivate Korean clearly explains the difference between the two, definitely check his channel out!

Written by: Caitlin Evans Edited by :Euni Design by: Connie

ㅒ/jɛː/ is ‘yae’

ㅖ/jeː/ is ‘yeh’

ㅙ /wɛ/ Pronounced ‘wae’ and sometimes ‘oh-ae’ with the [ㅗ] being emphasised. ㅞ /we/ Is practically identical to both [ㅚ] and [ㅙ] in pronunciation.

DOUBLE CONSONANTS Double consonants are the last group of consonants to learn. Jeremy gives a good explanation on pronouncing these double consonants. In his video “How To Pronounce Korean Double Consonants”, he explains that double consonants are stressed consonants, where the hold and release time before making the sound is longer. To stress a consonant, the air before making the sound must be held in and then released in a quick breath. Practice it by saying ‘car’ but holding in the air before making the ‘c’ sound in a quick release. You should produce a stronger ‘c’ sound, which is known as a stressed consonant.

ㅃ Is a stressed ‘b’ sound. Hold the lips closed slightly longer, so the air pressure when pronouncing the ‘b’ is more forceful. ㅉ Is a stressed ‘j’. Again, the hold is longer and the release is more forceful in pronunciation. ㄸ Pronounced as a stressed ‘d’.

ㄲ A stressed ‘g’ which sounds almost like a ‘k’. ㅆ The pronunciation for [ㅆ] is like the [ㅅ] but with greater airflow pressure between the tongue and roof of the mouth, thus making a stressed ‘s’ sound.

If you have mastered all of these characters, congratulations! This is so exciting; you have just learned the entirety of 한글! One way you could try practicing this new skill is by reading BTS tweets or Weverse posts in Korean out loud. Even if you don’t understand their tweets or Weverse posts, you will be practicing your reading skills and pronunciation skills which is also highly important! Some tips for correcting your pronunciation is to remember that Korean has softer consonants compared to English. Instead of the harsh sounds English speakers use which give people a foreign accent, try to soften your sounds and imitate native speakers by watching movies or listening to Podcasts. Keep your ear out for the soft consonants they produce and replicate them to the best of your ability, pausing and rewinding when necessary.

This technique is called shadowing and is common when trying to change your accent. Here are some sentences you can practice reading and pronouncing: 안녕하세요 - Hello 잘 지내세요? - How are you? 저는 방탄소년단의 팬이에요 - I am a BTS’ fan. 저는 아미이에요 - I am an ARMY. 방탄소년단 알아요? - Do you know BTS? Now that you know how to read 한글, we will learn how to form basic sentences in the next installment of Korean 101! Are you excited? 여러분 잘 공부하세요!

Map of The Soul:

Borasaek Vision

CROSSWORD by Anna, designed by Aralika








Game Corner | 39













Borasaek Vision

Spot the Difference! by Caitlin, designed by Aralika

ere are seven differences between the two pictures, can you find them all?

17 Feb Tracklist (MOTS:7) 18 Feb J-Hope's Birthday. BTS won fan-voted Music Y ear for huge Wembley Stadium gig at NME is an annual music award show in the United Kingdom, founded by the music magazine, New Musical Express)

21 Feb BTS MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 (Released) & Kinetic Manifesto Film: Come Prima Performed by BTS for Lead Single (MOTS:7), BTS Live Interview on Today Plaza(US Time), BTS Comeback Special: ‘보’이는 ‘라’이브 ‘해’요 live broadcast in New York [VLIVE]

24 Feb Starring Jimmy Fallon press conference for Map of the Soul: 7 in South Korea 28 Feb Lead Single (MOTS:7) 29 Feb Awards


6 March Lauv Feat BTS – WHO (Released)

7 March BTS MAP OF THE SOUL: 7 – Album Release Event in Seoul

9 March Suga's Birthday

10 March [VLive] Run BTS Episode 95 Release

Borasaek Vision Magazine BEHIND THE SWAN


Managers Design, Alex Planning, Anna Writing, Ella Copy Editor, Aury Social Media, Jaz Planning, Caitlin Social Media, Miranda Assistant Copy Editor, Mheer Assistant Design, Euni Assistant Design, Kels Assistant Writing, Shelley

Staff Writing, Alapadma Editing, Vienna Design, Alma Editing, Ash Design, Connie Design, Dypra Design, Aralika Writing, Mei Design, Nessa

Game Answers 1. Mang between Jimin and J-Hope 2. Baby Koya on V’s arm 3. RM’s pants have no pattern 4. SUGA has no ring and no hat emblem

5. J-Hope’s tie is missing an emblem 6. Jin’s cardigan is missing its pattern 7. Jungkook’s jacket is missing a logo

Disclaimer All videos, songs, images, and graphics used in this digital magazine belong to their respective owners, and Borasaek Vision does not claim any rights over them. Copyright Disclaimer: under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing.

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