Boris Lyakh
The formula of life (Or else, with mathematical precision) Let us begin with the most important. There are two points of view: the universe is infinity in all dimensions or the universe is closed (of finite extent). Both viewpoints exist in the scientific world; a preference is not given to any. If the universe is infinity, not all processes ongoing in it can be lost irretrievable due to lack of time deficit. Well, it is likely to happen that our civilization, the Earth, the planetary system, the galaxy, will disappear. Sometimes and somewhere, however, the new civilizations, new Life will arise. In the light of it the value of our judgments, aspirations, meaning of our goals and achievements is soap bubble. What is the closed universe? It means that the universe will disappear in the course of time - tk. The question arises: can the universe to disappear in time - tk ±Δt . In general, probability of that will increase. From what or whom does it depend on? In our space and time, foreseeable by us, the only factor able to affect rt is our Civilization. If rt can differ from a zero we cannot exclude that under certain circumstances rt→ +∞ (approaches to infinity). In this case, even if accepting that our universe is closed, we are not deprived of chance to live in the infinite universe i.e. - acceptance of the second viewpoint does not eliminate the first. In the 20th century, the limit on speed of light and interaction between any material objects was postulated. Strangely enough, just these postulates enabled humanity to throw light upon many events, phenomena, to make fundamental discoveries and enlarge control over nature. Thus, recognition of the existence of closed universe enables to explain the significance of our aspirations, importance of aims, and quintessence of achievements. Exactly in this manner, it is understandable, what are Evolution, Progress and Science. So, there is the formula of ХХI century (formula of Life (author Boris Lyakh)): Δt_universe =F(Evolution, Progress, Science)
Naturally, in regard to Evolution, Progress and Science, only those tendencies will be considered as positive, which result in the prolongation of lifespan in the universe and universe itself. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to over-estimate the significance of this formula. Its influence on the minds of politicians, financiers will change on principle the approach to economics, the accents in understanding the aims and tasks of people, associations and Civilization overall. Nowadays, the world scientists cannot point on the Something, where the interest is presented to untimely existence, apart from our civilizations. No less important is meaning of time - tk, which determines the deficit of time, which force us treat it rationally and regard as priceless. Therefore, the basic economics indicators are the productivity of labor, brainpower, and only those needs, which provide growth of the productivity and are dictated by this growth. Slight deviation from theme. In all times the politics prevailed negatively above the vectors of Evolution, Progress and Science. The present time is no exception. Simply speaking, such influence of policy is deeply disguised in money relations. Simple example of disguise: a man has waved with a shovel one month, for that he got a mobile phone in exchange. He is unable to
understand correctly and deeply such transformation of labor, and he is not only one. For an observer, who is not acquainted with the «laws» of relations of commodity and money, it seems as alchemy. Why are «laws» in quotation marks? Because these rules, which the certain small groups of people set up, cannot be marked other way. Nevertheless, toiler is contended, because he does not know and understand how many idlers he feeds, who are not concerned about the present and future of Civilization and Universe. We have answered the question «Why do we live? » I.e. - the aims and tasks of civilization have been set. Now we will turn to strategies. Human being and Humanity have only three strategies: 1. All and at once, future is nothing. 2. Let it will be - as it is. 3. The struggle for a survival for himself, family, society, nation, civilizations, and, in the end, for the Universe. For those laws of Nature, which humanity got to know, none of these strategies is primary. Let us quote the conclusion of Bertrand Russell «Nature does not care about human being». Thus, these strategies exist always, everywhere and simultaneously. In the third strategy, accents are put on another way, but largely it is all-embracing «survival of Universe». For that reason, there are people who are able to sacrifice the close at hand goals in the name of lofty ideals. Humanity should be guided by consciousness that the universe is closed and its infinity and eternity entirely depend on Reason and, maybe, on Humanity only. There are researches of corresponding member of Academy of Sciences the USSR I.S.Shklovsky (on June 18 (on July 1), of 1916.) and his followers and the great number of the programs on the search of extraterrestrial civilizations confirming this idea. Thus, we bring the opposite points of view to one. Let us mention that only one representative of Reason – human being is responsible for the infinity and eternity of the Universe so far. It is no matter for Nature how long lasts some kind of universe and how its framework is built, because it has an endless number of others. Like this, we are not concerned how many ants and other living creatures we trample down searching mushrooms. Now we have a look at the holder of strategies. If we expect so much from Human being, it is necessary to define how an ideal human being looks like. He should be put in accordance with the third strategy. It sounds as follows: an ideal human being is whose material needs are minimized, turned against waste of resources and are directed at expansion and perfection of Reason (mind, consciousness et cetera), which in turn will increase diversity and infinity of Nature and Universe. The needs of such human being will be shifted more towards knowledge and ideas (auth. Boris Lyakh). The sense of this idea does not contradict the teachings of genius thinkers of many philosophical movements from time immemorial. It would not be a mistake or untimely to replace the concept «human being» by a concept «A holder of Reason». Importance of such definition cannot be over-estimated. However, in regard to the described strategies it is not a matter for the majority. For that reason, the desire of many is to consider this definition as unimportant and even harmful. As a result, there is no definition of Ideal Man in encyclopedias, dictionaries, Wikipedia. Nevertheless, at the threshold of creation of artificial intelligence it will inevitably get approval.
So far, we are familiar with the formula of Life, what an ideal human being must be like, what are the Evolution, Progress, and Science. We are also acquainted with strategies the people can apply in this day and age.
What next? (Or else, simply to shoot a popular science film) A question is not idle. The scientific world is only just approaching to answer a question: «why was the humanity able many thousands of years ago to organize society, to create the written language, art treasures and weaponry, arrange mining of mineral deposits, develop a number of technologies, build pyramids and palaces, but was not able to make use of plain aquatic steam and a great deal of other achievements as well. The scientific world should to adjudicate on a verdict: what and by who were the thousands years of time deficit erased from the history of civilization? In fact, water, fire, steam, pots were well known to people from time immemorial. Thousands of years, hundreds of generations were required to build the first steam engine. Assumption, that in those times the society was not ripened to resolve such tasks, is weak argument. The Wikipedia writes as follows «The history of the steam engine stretches back as far as the first century AD; the first recorded rudimentary steam engine being the aeolipile described by Hero of Alexandria. Steam, ejected tangentially from nozzles, caused pivoted ball to rotate. A rudimentary impact steam turbine was described in 1551 by, Taqi al-Din, philosopher, astronomer and engineer in 16th century Ottoman Egypt, who described a method for rotating a spit by means of jet of steam playing on rotary vanes around the periphery of a wheel. Another similar rudimentary steam is shown by Giovanni Branca, an Italian engineer in 1629 for turning a cylindrical escapement device that alternately lifted and left fall a pair pestles working in mortals. The steam flow of these early turbines, however, was no concentrated, a most of energy was dissipated in all directions. They would have led to a great waste of energy». This explanation is not solid argument. In 24.12.2004 the tsunami, caused by powerful earthquake, felt upon the vast region of Indian ocean – from Indonesia to India. In Southeast countries the death toll exceeded quarter of million, apart from huge damages. In these days, the humanity possessed all necessary knowledge how to warn beforehand about the approaching dangers. However, the humanity did not make pains to use it to serve their contemporaries. No political force, industrial country, powerful commercial structure has even apologized for this blunder. At the same time, the sphere of shady entertainment is expanding and the ideology of “successful” people is stimulated, involving in it more and more people thus exposing to dependence, even addiction, a great deal of population.
When truth will be clarified, our eyes will be taken by surprise to find out the faulty principles of governing of society, inherited and still successfully existing nowadays. On these bases, a new project will be presented for administration of society, though with big delay. However, it is unlikely that new Copernicus, Bruno or even if Galileo will turn up in the parliaments or Dumas and who will be able to carry it through all Commissions.
Professorial-academic staff is not going to make a fresh start; nobody wants to dig one’s own grave. As far as Boris Lyakh is concerned, it is beyond his power. In the end, he might be satisfied with second strategy. Who could be Ideal human being? Anyone! Even street sweeper, who cares of equipping with services and utilities people, engaged in developing Reason. Mothers, educating children in the name of Reason, farmers, physicians, teachers et cetera, all who are consciously following the defined features of ideal human being. It is obvious; this definition does not include specific national, political and state nuances. It relates respectfully to any on Earth. In accordance with this definition, we smooth down the differences in color, gender, nationality, religion and language. A goal of humanity and our civilization is to burn down the borders of all kinds between the countries. The goal of humanity and our civilization will be to burn down the borders of all kinds between the countries, if those are well aware of the essential problems and choose the appropriate strategy. 2. Formula of Life and economics. Nowadays the economics is based on a faceless main index - all-powerful profit. Hardly will we find a person who denies it. The profit has penetrated into all scientific and unscientific economic models. Formulas based on profit are objective, tested in practice and run successfully. We can figuratively compare it to classic mechanics. As it is well known, in the beginning of 20 th century, the theory of relativity was formed and classic mechanics became only special case of deeper theory of relativity. As we know, both theories work successfully in appropriate fields and nothing terrible happened. Similarly, the formulas of economics of 20 th century will become the classics, the special case incorporated into economics theory of 21th century. A conception of profit will be modified. A faceless profit will turn into the broadened conception and will be linked with the tasks of expansion of science and progress, through it having impact on the lifespan of universe. Consequently, the efficiency functions of mathematical methods in economics will change the direction of taxation, the most conflicting matter in policies of states. Then there will be no surprise, that the most attention will be given to high technology, which will take in a bulk of minds and money and provide most profit It is understandable what is going to be a counterbalance to these tendencies. These are porno and sex industry, drug addiction, yellow press, so-called «art», the permanent fashion victimization, propaganda of war and «successful» superman, reduction of interests and levels of motivation et cetera. In a word, all this allows to parasitize the enormous part of mankind and takes away financial, moral and human resources, necessary for development of science and progress,. Thus, the basic formula in economics of 20th century looked like: MAX(Рprofit )= F(Z) The formula might be read as follows: Function of expenses or procedure of expenses must bring in a maximal, but faceless profit, i.e. – profit that has three components: negative, positive and indefinite. It should be noticed that the positivity vector of profit is artificially increased by the various, not always successful, taxation and excise-duty procedures. It confirms that the economic formulas of 20th century do not resolve all tasks.
In 21th century, a basic formula will look like: MAX(dTuniverse)= F(Z), where dTuniverse = f(evolution, progress, science ) The formula might be read as follows: Function of expenses or procedure of expenses must eventually bring in a maximal prolongation of Life in the universe and lifespan of universe itself, which in its turn depends on progress and science. Why “eventually”? Because the formula should work in family, society, state and humanity as whole. In initial phases, the term “universe” can be replaced by any social formation. Economic institutes unexpectedly will find out astonishing qualities of many economic processes that are developing with unforeseen speed in accordance with defined in a new way economic formula. The new technologies will be born and its tendencies will be predicable. Take, for example, development of communications and information technologies. Now GENETICS is coming to the front. Achievements in genetics on the one hand and nanotechnology on the other hand, will result in designing the new, more powerful creatures, deprived of human weaknesses and failings and using effectively any resources. Dependence of these creations on gravity, supply of air, water, meal, will be notably diminished. Formula of Life will define morality, traditions, and goals. The base of Maslov’s pyramid will come to naught. As basic instrument of labor will become the microorganisms, which will successfully cope with the tasks in engineering industry, instrument making, civil engineering, power engineering, genetics and nanotechnology. Moreover, all it will take place already in this century. Actually, today there is no distant future. It is already alongside. Boris Lyakh