borja magide PORTFOLIO 2021

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borja magide architecture





Borja Magide López 22 · 12 · 1995 currently living in Madrid, Spain email telephone +34 680928044 web

Formed as an architect at Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM), I define myself as a highly creative and multidisciplinary professional, aiming to use my collaborative and communication skills, as well as my experience in architecture and design. Besides being reliable and responsible, I am a very active and dedicated person capable of dealing with under pressure situations while working as a team, and able to assume the leadership position if necessary. As a very curious person and interested in different design fields, my previous architecture practice is based on mixing my architecture and constructive knowledge with disciplines such as investigation, graphic design and publishing. I seek to work on a dynamic work environment, effectively taking part on different design processes, being able to improve and acquire new capabilities as well as exchanging knowledge. Academic

2019 - 2020

Master’s Degree in Architecture, ETSAM, UPM, Madrid, Spain

2013 - 2019

Degree in Architecture, ETSAM, UPM, Madrid, Spain

2018 2011 - 2013 *Courses

Master ISCED level 7, Dimensioning of building structures Technological Baccalaureate at IES Ollos Grandes, Lugo, Spain Autodesk Revit (30h), DAETSAM, UPM, Spain Building Structural Analysis (36h), Aestructuras, Madrid, Spain

Degree & Master


Construction workshop, outstanding 9 Facilities workshop, remarkable 8.5 Communication workshop, remarkable 8.5 Computer aided Geometric Design, outstanding 9


Final Degree Project (TFG), outstanding 9


Structures III, remarkable 8.5 Architectural Parametric Modeling, outstanding 9



Photography workshop, outstanding 9


Architectural Design V, remarkable 8,5

borja magide I CV

Profesional experience




Collaborator at Aural Podcast, ETSAM’s Radio Space, UPM


Volunteer Guide at Open House Madrid


Tutor in DAI (Design, Analysis and Ideation), ETSAM, UPM


Final Degree Project (TFG) publication Branding Architecture: la identidad corporativa de las Apple Stores UPM Digital Archive, Madrid, Spain


Yearbook ETSAM 2017 - 2018: Architectural Parametric Modeling ISBN 978-84-16397-90-7


mother tongue


high level (TOEIC C1 certification)


mother tongue


basic level

Skills 2D / 3D drawing Autodesk AutoCAD





Autodesk Revit



Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Video edition

Structural calculation


Adobe Premiere Pro

SAP 2000

Microsoft Office

Graphic edition

*immediate availability 3


borja magide I portfolio 2021



This portfolio is based on selected academic projects and publications developed during my study years at Madrid School of Architecture (ETSAM). The chosen projects highlight different approaches to diverse scales and statements, showing multiple explorations of constructive and architectural forms, aesthetics, researches, and connections between users and urban contexts.


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01 tierra de cannabis..................................................p.8 Master Thesis

02 la máquina ecosistemática.........................p.18 Academic project

03 el oro del ciudadano..........................................p.20 Academic project

04 hotel en la albufera.............................................p.22 Academic project

05 nuevo palomeras..................................................p.28 Urban planning project

06 trópico.............................................................................p.30 Competition proposal

07 branding architecture .....................................p.32 Undergraduate Thesis

08 light walls.....................................................................p.34 Photography project



reactivación de Tinajas a través de la producción del cáñamo

TFM. Master Thesis. Juan Herreros Unit. ETSAM 2019/20 Location: Tinajas (Cuenca,ES) link to publication Tierra de Cannabis is a project aimed at reactivation of the village of Tinajas (Cuenca, Spain), in an attempt to save it from the absolute depopulation it faces, providing new dynamics to the lives of the elder villagers. The abandoned cultivation fields have the perfect conditions for the cannabis sativa indica cultivation, a variation of the well known cannabis in which the percentage of the psychoactive component (THC) are very low. A cultivation that in the last years has become a great source of income, thanks to its by-products and its attractive for medical and chemical investigations. The strategy proposed is based on the introduction of a variant of the traditional activity of the village, the now abandoned cultivation of cereals, replacing it with the cultivation of cannabis in different scales. This transformation will be capable to bring an external population flow, potentially younger, which will enter in contact with the local population, who knows the traditional cultivation techniques. Establishing a bidirectional relationship between both agents. The strategy is based on 3 intervention scales, depending on the obtained cannabis by-product on each one: The first scale, the landscape scale, is focused on cannabis extensive cultivation aimed to obtain hemp fiber, the proposed architecture responds to the dimension of the cannabis plants, which can reach 5 meters in height. The second scale, the community scale, is an in between scale focused on the obtention of hemp seeds, with plants with a maximum height of 1.5 meters. The third scale, the particular scale, is based on cannabis intensive cultivation inside artificial greenhouses. This is scale is focused on the cannabis flower obtainment, from which the CBD component will be obtained at the laboratories, the height of these plants has a maximum of 1 meter. Local agents and external agents will intervene on these scales. The local population will be more focused on the cultivation techniques of the plants, knowing the weather conditions of the village. The external population will be focused on engineering and biochemistry works during the productive phases, and the investigation around the obtained by-products as well. The layout responds to the axis of connection between the abandoned cultivation fields, placed north and south of the village, nearby two water courses. These fields will be transformed into extensive cannabis growth fields. The project’s goal is to connect these two point and create a new urban space in between, giving some hierarchy and coherency to the prexisting traces of the village. The project is limited by two parallel “membranes”, with an urban space in between which is planned creating a new urban nucleus for the village. This space has different porosities depending on its transversal relationship with the surrounded realities. Along the strip 3 different scales of cannabis cultivation are developed, focusing each one on the production of a particular by-product. Each one is associated with a representative architecture in consonance with its needs, depending also on the urban and landscape conditions. These architectures show the link between the dimension of the cannabis plant, of each productive scale, and the architectural scale that provides a formal solution for each particular productive scale. A productive and urban garden; in which the limits between the industrial, the collective and the domestic fade, to avoid the disappearence of a native memory considered unfairly obsolete.


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The residential and administrative building is one of the two links between productive scales (in addition to the laboratories). The building is located on the north area of Tierra de Cananbis, connecting the north landscape scale, at the arroyo de Tinajas, and the first buildings of the urban core of the village. The building is situated on a steep slope, so its layout has to solve the different heights, through the use of terraces, mixing constructed volumes with the preexisting topographic morphology. This terrain staggering makes easy the upside and downside flows to the river bank, which was abandoned due to the bad connection with the village and the difficulty it posed for the elder villagers. The housing modules are located on the first floor of the building, oriented east, west and south, depending on which side of the building are situated. The modules are minimum individual dwellings, each one has a rest space, a bathroom and a private terrace. Also each of them has access to its own private greenhouse situated on the rooftop. These terraces have a double skin, allowing an advantage of the climatic conditions depending on the season of the year, and also making use of the connection with the private greenhouse for a better ventilation. The private greenhouses are directly accessible from the terrace, making use of a vertical ladder up to the rooftop, where each one of the inhabitants can grow their own cannabis.


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The second intervention scale, is the community scale, this one takes place at the urban center zone of the village creating a new urban planning for Tinajas, based on a huge cannabis urban garden where we can found public spaces, mixing public gardens, cultivation fields or small greenhouses linked to the villagers pre-existing houses. The central intervention is limited by two parallel “membrane” buildings, with a variable porosity of its enclosing, adapting it to the pre-existent village flows and urban traces. These buildings shelter different uses, filling the endowment gaps of Tinajas, as public spaces, grocery stores or kindergarten. And at the same time productive uses, as seed packaging workshops or harvest centers. Breaking the longitudinality of these parallel buildings, two elements appear creating two urban squares, making a print on the layout fo the project, limited by the “mother-plants” greenhouses, link spaces between the 2nd and 3rd scale, where we found the selected cannabis feminine plants to become the mothers of the plant cuttings used on the 3rd and last scale of the intervention.


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The architectural intervention of the landscape scale tries to touch the terrain the less possible, plotting plots where the architecture is stands supported and elevated over the terrain, being respectful with the morphology of the topography. These rectangular volumes are concentrators of the leap between the cultivation and the industrial production of hemp fiber, being an architecture transition between the organic and the manufactured A reparcelling of the land is carried out to facilitate the cultivation tasks, marking a strong longitudinal direction by drawing orthogonal plots. Following this grid, paths are drawn between the plots that allow the transport of the harvest to the processing buildings, 14

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or failing that, to the growing areas. Interspersed with this productive route, contemplative tours with large open spaces are planned as a term within the lush fields that surround them. The only architectural elements are therefore the rectangular supported pieces, where the plants are processed to obtain the fiber, fitting into the productive flows designed in harmony between the landscape intervention and the architecture.

The landscape and topographic condition prior to the intervention remains unchanged, the new volumes adapt to these conditions establishing a dialogue relationship. It is in this bidirectional relationship where new spaces appear for the inhabitants of the town, which give a totally new perceptual dimension to the landscape of Tinajas, a visibly productive landscape that has the villagers as spectators and participants.



The exterior enclosure dialogues with the pre-existing adjacent realities. The enclosure skins adapt to the interior and exterior needs. Using opaque facades finished with micro perforated aluminium sheets. Glass for the ground floors not compromised by solar radiation. Or polycarbonate facades on the terraces and productive areas, providing them with a great versatility of conditioning.


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02 LA MÁQUINA ECOSISTEMÁTICA Architectural Design VIII. Ginés Garrido Unit. ETSAM 2018 Location: Fatbursparken (Stockholm,SE) click for more

Máquina Ecosistemática (Ecosystem Machine) is a project located in Fatbursparken, Stockholm (Sweden). A broken location inside the traces of the city. The project has two goals, the first one is the effective organization of the empty space at Fatbursparken, responding to its topography, prexisting architecture and layouts of its surrounds. Creating a new cohesive urban and public space linked to the urban traces of Stockholm, allowing the integration of this park in the functional dynamics of the citizens. The second goal of the proeject is the solution to a problem that exists on the subsoil of this abandoned park, the existence of an old lake a few meters below ground, that causes problems of soil contamination and problems of phreatic level, creating swampy areas. The proposal tries to recover the past of the lake, and at the same time solve the environmental problems. The project seeks to extract this contaminated water and filter it in a sustainable way using this filtration as the productive activity that unites the different generations that coexist in it.

The new urban planning for the park includes a new building/machine based on the combination of different living modules, 3 different base types, mixed with a descending sequence the water purifying tanks, where the neighbours themselves cultivate aquatic plants, responsible for the filtering process of the water extracted from the subsoil. 18

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03 EL ORO DEL CIUDADANO Architectural Design VII José María Lapuerta Unit. ETSAM 2017 Location: Bank of Spain (Madrid,ES) click for more

The first part of Gold Promenades is an approach to the historical building of Banco de España (Bank of Spain) in Madrid, through an analysis of the gold chamber, a top secret space with high security systems where the gold of Spain is stored. The gold chamber is studied through an accurate representation of the high security spaces on the way to the final gold chamber, and all the security elements you would have to overcome in order to access. This representation of the gold chamber is obtained contrasting different written an visual sources, due to the secrecy of the distribution of this space, due to de secrecy regarding the distribution of this spaces, making the most accurate graphic representation.


borja magide I portfolio 2021

Gold Promenades is an intervention at the Banco de España in Madrid, aimed to highlighting highvalue architectural space, currently inaccessible for pedestrians, and giving visibility to the best kept secret of the building, the gold of Spain. A light structure is proposed that colonizes the space making it accessible to the ordinary citizen. This structure has a textile system that modifies its physical condition depending on a pulley subsystem that alters the anchor points depending on the variation of the counterweight of these pulleys. This counterweight is the own gold of Spain, stored under high measures of security in the gold chamber located underground. This system can represent 3 different situations that make visible for the citizens of the city which quantity of gold remains at the gold chamber and how much gold has been “stolen” by the government. These 3 situations range from the currently situation of the gold reserves, 281tons of gold, to very low levels of stored gold; making the textiles of the public promenades collapse warning the citizens about the looting of the gold chamber by the rulers of the nation.


04 HOTEL EN LA ALBUFERA Architectural Design V Emilio Tuñon Unit. ETSAM 2016 Location: Albufera (Valencia,ES)

The project is a proposal for a hotel located in the natural environment of Albufera de Valencia (Spain), situated on a plot surrounded by agricultural holdings dedicated to rice cultivation and close to a water channel, with the plot having access to it. The hotel consists of a rectangular single-storey volume slightly elevated from the terrain on a podium, and two additional rectangular volumes on the north-east facade. The design of the hotel tries to be least invasive to the environment as possible and focus the attention on views of the natural environment of the guests. The main volume, the rectangular one, is articulated based on room modules, where a third part is used for the corridor. These modules are interspersed with a reception module and an access module to the lower part of the plot. The rooms are located on the south-west facade of this volume, oriented towards the water channel. On the north-west facade of this rectangular volume is where the other two volumes are added, one in the shape of an “L” that houses the uses of restoration and another volume for administrative uses. With this configuration we can say that there is a duality in terms of the two facades of the building, the facade facing the lagoon responds to a straight line while the facade facing the access road is fragmented due to the addition of volumes. The building has four main uses and the car park, the rest of the uses are located on the same floor, the ground floor, where all the hotel activity will take place, proposing an open and fluid space between the different uses and the interior and exterior of the I build. In addition to the main building, the project carries out a reorganization of the plot, through a series of paths, recreational spaces, and the placement of bungalow areas with a formal appearance in line with the main building. The hotel has 34 standard rooms and one accessible room, all located on the south facade of the building in order to capture the greatest amount of light, and focused on the view of the lagoon landscape. Each of them has a private cantilevered terrace.


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The plot where the process takes place has little vegetation, with a particularly soft terrain. The topography is smooth, descending from the access road towards the water channel, located at the other end of the plot, which connects with the large Albufera lake. Therefore, an ordering of the plot is proposed through soft terraces from the highest point, where the main volume is located. In these terraces, different recreational uses are arranged for the guests, sports areas, swimming pool, games park, jetty, etc. Closer to the canal are the bungalows areas.


The bungalows have a formal appearance similar to the main volume. Two types of these are projected, which will be arranged in different ways around small common squares that are accessed through paths connected to the main path that connects the upper part of the plot with the lower area of the jetty. This provision tries to prioritize the privacy of the guests of each bungalow.

The structural configuration of the building presents a marked orthogonality, the result of the orthogonal configuration of the volumes and interior spaces of the hotel. It is solved by means of concrete porches, and GRC and glass panel for the enclosing, some of these folding, opening certain interior spaces to adjoining designed gardens, forming flexible spaces, depending on the required use or the weather.

administration 24

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Bungalow type 1

Bungalow type 2


Detail of restaurant area + guests rooms



伀䘀䤀䌀䤀一䄀匀 夀 䄀䐀䴀䤀一䤀匀吀刀䄀䌀䤀팀一

䄀堀伀一伀䴀䔀吀刀촀䄀 䌀䄀䘀䔀吀䔀刀촀䄀 ㈀㌀

Detail of administration area + guests rooms

䘀爀愀渀樀愀 搀攀 栀愀戀椀琀愀挀椀漀渀攀猀 嘀椀猀琀愀猀 栀愀挀椀愀 䰀愀 䄀氀戀甀昀攀爀愀

䘀爀愀渀樀愀 嘀椀猀琀愀猀

guests rooms

restaurant ㈀㌀

娀漀渀愀 搀攀 愀瀀愀爀挀愀洀椀攀渀琀漀





Módulo vegetal


Angular “L” de anclaje

Subestructura de montantes

Lámina impermeabilizante Aislante térmico Lámina separadora

D02 Módulo vegetal Sustrato

Subestructura de montantes

Angular “L” de anclaje Lámina impermeabilizante Aislante térmico Lámina separadora

Canal de drenaje lineal


borja magide I portfolio 2021 D03

D06 Rejilla Conducto drenaje lineal


Lámina protectora


Membrana impermeabilizante


Capa separadora protectora

Lámina protectora geotextil

Aislante térmico

Aislante térmico

Barrera de vapor

Lámina impermeabilizante

Hormigón de pendiente

Hormigón de pendientes



Panel de sujección Aislante térmico Subestructura montantes Angular ‘L’ de anclaje Paneles de GRC

Casetón recuperable Baldosas Mortero Mallazo de reparto Macizado Perfil metálico omega Módulo forjado sanitario Mallazo de reparto


Panel de sujección para exteriores Aislante térmico

Separador de poliestireno Zuncho perimetral

The project has two types of façade finish, the first type uses GRC panels for the exterior finish, anchored to a bearing substructure of tube profiles in which the fastening panel and the insulation that is anchored in turn are house to a U-profile mullion structure, connected to the floors.

The second type is a green facade, making use of an anchored structure of green modules, which surrounds the projections of the communication modules. Likewise, the roof is also solved with a plant solution, continuing the plant facades.



proyecto urbano de reordenación de palomeras Urban Planning & Design project. Colavidas Unit. ETSAM 2017 Location: Palomeras (Madrid,ES) Nuevo Palomeras is an urban restructuring project located in the Palomeras neighborhood located to the southeast of the city of Madrid, carrying out the complete urban design and management processes of the area. The proposal seeks a better distribution of the area, through a total process of reparcelling, as well as better accessibility to public transport in the area, proposing an optimal communications network. Likewise, a reduction of the building density is proposed, at the same time that it is possible to increase the number of homes, together with the concentration of endowment uses and the increase of green and recreational areas. PARCEL DATA

COMPARATIVE PLOT Hemos pasado de tener una superficie de 118939 m2 a169376 m2, pasando a un porcentaje de RELP sobre el total del ámbito del 36,8% al 52,4%. Por otro lado el espacio dentro de alineaciones ha pasado de representar un 39,6% sobre el total a un 38%. En cuanto al número de viviendas hemos pasado de 2344 viviendas que teníamos en el ámbito prexistente a 2802 viviendas de la propuesta, obteniendo un incremento de 458 viviendas.




borja magide I portfolio 2021 ECONOMIC CHARGES Demolition




10% of the lucrative buildable area for social housing


BENEFITS Plots selling (lucrative plots 85%)


We first count the economic charges (demolition, urbanization of the RELP and building for relocation) and non-economic charges (assignment of the RELP, endowments and 10% of the lucrative buildable area for social housing). Below is a study of the benefits, which will come from the sale of the rest of the lucrative lots (plots), corresponding to 85% of the total area. Finally, we calculate the balance between the two, verifying that the gains are very positive. In the proposal, most of the plots are intended for residential use, whose use of the ground floor is sometimes mixed, housing adapted ground floor homes and commercial ground floors in it. In most cases, the use of residential plots on the ground floor is residential, occupied by adapted homes, variants of the base floor of the corresponding typology. The second use of the plot would be the endowment use, where we find religious endowment, educational endowment and sports endowment. Concentrated north of the scope of the proposal. In this area we also find plot number 23 dedicated entirely to sports use. In this northern area, the most civic and public uses of the area are concentrated. Regarding heights, the heights of the typologies are maintained in the 6 heights plus ground floor, a total of 7 floors, in the block and linear block typologies, which occupy most of the plots. On the contrary, the residential plots with the tower typology remain at 12 plus a ground floor, making a total of 13 heights, standing out in the urban horizon of our proposal.


06 TROPICO: BEACH CLUB COMPLEX Competition proposal. Collaborator: Jose Manuel Martínez Location: Valencia ES

Trópico Beach Club Complex was born as a timeless tribute to the entertainment and nightlife industry of the brightest decades, settled in one of the most iconic places in spanish geography in terms of fun and dancing until dawn. The proposal seeks to be an oasis, a dreamlike bubble nestled in front of the Valencian beaches where not so long ago the Bakalao route had one of its most representative stops. Attending to its enclave, accessible only from a public or private vehicle but ultimately not on foot, and responding to the deep-rooted night culture of ‘parkineo’ in which an essential part of the night was spent around the vehicle itself, Trópico gives this is the necessary protagonism, and more so in a post-covid era in which certain attitudes of healthy distance seem to have consolidated. This is how a ribbon is born, a route dotted with stops, which winds through the entire plot, from its entrance through the Cami des Muntanyars, to its north exit, with an optional loop to access the parking areas or return to the starting point. This promenade is visiting the different spots or follies where the events of each night will take place. The main hub with the bars and the upper lounge, with a compact body inside for server spaces, and a functional exterior that can also be closed with curtains, but in a more porous way, and that connects us to the main dance floor, and the chill out area in front of the beaches. The atrium, or VIP space, which will function as a reflection of the main space, but in a smaller version and accompanied by a suggestive pool, and all this connected by a pedestrian walkway to the motel where a privileged few can spend the night. The initiative orders the plot on three large programmatic nuclei that house most of the essential activity, pursuing a compositional balance between them but also, and above all, configuring them in a way that facilitates the flow of both pedestrians and vehicles, leaving the entire proposal tied according to a very particular idea of ​​transit. Access is from the east via the Cami des Muntanyars with a 5.5 m wide double lane road. A large neon sign with retro reminiscences indicates the entrance and exit of the complex.



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The motel consists of three floors with four rooms each, with access from the pedestrian walkway to all of them, and is supported on a large reinforced concrete portico. Equipped with the essentials, the rooms have a terrace overlooking the dance floor and the sea

The dominant car culture, coupled with an era in which the mental wounds of covid-19 are still evident, made us choose to give this relevance to the private vehicle. Placing parking areas adjacent to the road, which at the same time are recreational areas where visitors can continue with the party next to their cars, as a clear reference to the culture of ‘parkineo’. However, leaving passageways to it generates discontinuities in pedestrian traffic throughout the plot, which we save thanks to an elevated pedestrian walkway that sews the north parking lot, the VIP area, pool and motel. Different pavements define each area, giving each of them a unique character, while the set maintains a unique compositional and environmental coherence.


07 BRANDING ARCHITECTURE la identidad corporativa de las Apple Stores TFG. ETSAM 2019 Tutor: Ginés Garrido link to publication Branding Architecture is born of interest in architectural production as a means of replacing local identities with global identities, as a result of capitalism and globalization, that have led to the commercialization of public spaces, in favour of the big multinationals. In the year 2001 opens the first Apple Store in the world, located in a shopping center outside Washington DC (USA), a space dedicated to the sale and advice for users of the Apple ecosystem. A space that would be exported all over the world, becoming a fundamental pillar for the diffusion of the ideals of the brand and which would use tools provided by the architecture to establish a direct channel of communication with the environment and its consumers. This work aims to demonstrate these tools and architectural strategies of which Apple makes use to relate to its costumers, making a cataloguing of the typologies of existing stores and extracting from them a reading of meaning, through semiotics methods, that allows us to understand what values transmit their formal and functional reality.


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First Apple Store at Tysons’s Corner (Mc Lean)



Photography Study. ETSAM 2017 click for more Light Walls is a light experiment based on the light reflection through a variable configuration of mirrors and an unique light emitter, in order to understand the behaviour of the phenomenon of the light reflection. The first part of the project is done with only two mirrors and the light emitter, varying the angle with the horizontal plane. A second part is done also with two mirrors and the light emitter, but this time varying two angles, the angle with the horizontal plane and the angle with vertical plane. The third part is made with the use of three mirrors and one light emitter, and the last part is made with four mirrors and one light emitter as well. As result, we can see in the photographs which light shapes creates each configuration. The results of these configurations are directly applicable to the creation of interior, exterior and scenographic spaces.


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borja magide lópez architect, 2021

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