Prayer and or meditation

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Prayer and/or Meditation Are you against it, for it, or don’t give a damn? This post was inspired by a thread that eye observed on Facebook. Eye didn’t take part in it because by the time eye became aware of it, it was already a day and damn near forty comments deep into it.

A queen initiated the build in this manner. “Peace to the GODS & EARTHS, I would like to ask for your UNDERSTANDING on how you see the term ’PRAYER’? Is it right and exact for the EARTH to pray to ALLAH? Thank you and warm currents, PEACE.” A God opened his statement in saying that this was a vexing subject to him; likewise it is a very vexing subject to me as well, and it is also a very touchy subject. This is one of those subjects in this nation like “are we Muslims” or “are we religious” wherein you may get different and even conflicting cee’s on the matter because it boils down to how you are defining the terms. So eye wanted to just open the floor so that ANY or ALL can express their thoughts, views, and understanding on the subject of PRAYER and or MEDITATION. Feel free to take up as much space as you’d like. After all we don’t have to pay for the space and your understanding is very much valued amongst THE WISE. Eye will start by stating how eye view the subject. Peace!!! EYE’M ALLAH --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace! Eye come in the name of EYE’M ALLAH and eye personally don’t have a problem or jump to conclusions when a God or Earth says they PRAY and or MEDITATES. In fact eye cee them or it as necessary and some of us do it or them unknowingly. Those who only view praying in a religious light might ask, “Who is said person praying to?” and some would rather use the term ‘MEDITATE’ rather than ’PRAY’ because they think that it has less of a religious connotation than praying, when in truth they both can be viewed through a religious lens if one chose to do so. As Original People we’ve been known to keep for ourselves the ’best part’ and not care about the poor part (1,3:1-14). Well in this modern Koran, sometimes WE make the mistake of taking what we want as the best part and pay no or little attention to what we don’t want, and we deem it as ’the poor part’. Just like eye said WE make mistakes in this day and time, we all


could deliberate on whether or not those before us made a mistake in not caring about the poor part in the past. As eye discussed before in a build titled “Whose righting (not writing) the Holy Koran or Bible? And will you tell us why you are not?”, there is no such thing as non-useful or unuseful land. Hell, look at what has been done with what at one time was considered the poor part of the planet Earth. And if you still see this as the poor part, eye don’t see anyone breaking their neck to get away from here and re-discover the best part for themselves. Have you ever picked up one of those little clear balls from a souvenir shop with the images inside of it, and when you shake it up the glitter or little flakes scatter inside and you can’t see the image inside clearly because of the glitter or flakes? When you sit the ball down and allow the flakes to settle that’s when you can clearly see the image inside again. That’s how eye view prayer and or meditation. Imagine all of those flakes as individual thoughts in your head. When you are going back and forth and are constantly bombarded with all different types of thoughts and ideas throughout your day, it can become easy to lose focus, and it may become necessary to just take some time out to settle down, gather yourself, focus, concentrate, formulate, envision, or maybe even voice (to yourself or out loud) how you would like yourself or things to be. One of the meanings of PRAY is to utter or address a petition to God or another deity. Eye know what the devil is implying in his definition but we all know who and what the true and living God is. So eye ask, “Can a person be other than him or herself”? Emphatically and Hell Why Equal Self!!! If you are God and there is a criterion or standard of God, and you stray away from Mecca, then there is something that you have to do to get back to yourself. A petition to your higher or greater self which could be considered other than yourself at that time sounds cool to me! Some say a baby says its first prayer when it cries out for food when its born. The baby has been fed by its mother inside the womb before birth, so it knows what it is to be nourished, and it wants and needs that. Another meaning of PRAY is to make a fervent request; or to plead. Let someone put some heat to a Gods head and eye guarantee you that some will beg and plea for their life. And nowadays with the advent of some of these Homo Gods in this nation, eye’m willing to bet that some of them would try to plea bargain like that crackhead tried to with O-Dog on Menace II Society. “Yo God, I’ll suck you….” Get the hell out of here with that supreme bullshit talking about you don’t submit to nothing. Yo ass submit to something and it ain’t hard to find out what. Eye guess some words make Gods feel less than what they say they are because they still hold on to mystery God concepts. None of us are totally independent because we are all interdependent or dependent on Allah who is the Original People, the supreme being, Blackman from Asia (1:1-40). Prayer is not just getting on your knees, doing rakahs, or holding your palms up, bowing your head and praying to someone; and meditating is not just getting in a yoga position, doing what you don’t normally do with your breathing, and saying Om. Prayer and or meditation in my view is only religious when you allow others to define it for you. There’s a lot that can be said against and for prayer and or meditation, but eye won’t lose anymore time telling Gods and Earths how eye cee prayer and or meditation. Eye will allow others to bring their dishes or disses to the dinner table…LET’S EAT!!! Peace EYE’M ALLAH



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