Supreme alphabets mine

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ALLAH Allah is the name of the Supreme Being and proper name of the Black man with knowledge of self. It is written in the Holy Qur’an 110:1 “Say He, Allah is One”. Why? Because “One” is the beginning, “One” is the origin. The Blackman is the Original man. In the word “original” you have the word “origin”. The Black man is the origin; he is the beginning. The same scripture goes on to say “Allah is He of whom none are independent, but upon whom all depend”. Life itself has its dependency on the original life which is none other than Allah. The Black man is not dependent on anything to give him life (since he is the beginning); all life is dependent upon him, for without him, they could not be. The Black man is the biochemical, physical manifestation of Allah which is literally ARM-LEG-LEG-ARM-HEAD.


BE or BORN Be is to exist or to have existence. Born is to bring or be brought into a state of living existence either mentally or physically. Just as it takes on average, nine (9) months for a child to be born from the womb of its mother, it takes nine (9) stages of development (from knowledge to Born) to be born mentally through Allah’s mathematics.


C or SEE On one level, to See is to make visual contact with the two physical eyes. On a higher level, to see is to comprehend or understand. It is on this level that the 5 senses come into play as they interact with the brain and allows it the mind to draw a conclusion about any given experience.


DESTROY or DIVINE Destroy is to remove, demolish or bring to a state of non-existence. Divine is something that is holy, righteous and pure.



Equality is a state of balance. It is to be Equal in all things such as knowledge, wisdom and understanding. When you share your knowledge, through wisdom, to bring about an understanding, it only shows and proves Equality.


FATHER Father is one whose sperm produces a child, but most accurately Father is one who raises the consciousness of a child and guides the child into the Knowledge of self and righteousness. The original Father is the Black man, who is the Father of Civilization. The Black man gave to the world knowledge, wisdom, understanding, culture and refinement and it is the supreme example of being All-Wise and righteous in the pursuit of happiness.


GOD God is the Original Asiatic Black man, existing in the realm of reality about his true self. God is the Supreme Being and author of all existence. God’s cipher is divine having neither beginning nor ending. Man is God on Earth, and God is man in Heaven.


HE or HER He or Her is the righteous Black man and woman respectively. The Black man and woman are the King and Queen of the Universe, both having the qualifications to rule; He when He is present, or Her in His absence.


I or Eye or Islam I is Islam, which is I-SELF-LORD-AND-MASTER. Islam is not a religion, but a total way of life which sets forth its own social values, political ideas, art, science, language and common goals. I am the Original Man. I am the beginning from which Sun, Moon, and Stars were grown or made. I have no beginning nor ending for In-Self-Lies-All-Mathematics.


JUSTICE Justice is the fruit (the product) of the manifestation of one’s righteousness or unrighteousness. It is the reward or penalty for one’s ways and actions.


KING or KINGDOM King is a ruler and owner of an area designated to be his Kingdom. As in the case of the Original Man, since he is the God of the Universe, then the entire Universe of creation is the Kingdom of this King.


LOVE or HELL or RIGHT Love is the highest degree of understanding one has for any given person, place or thing. Hell is a trial or tribulation, which is a state of existence that occurs in the life of an individual. Right is that which is correct or exact, synonymous with that which is positive.


MASTER Master is one who holds authority over another as a King or Ruler. Master is also one who has become highly skilled or uniquely proficient in any given field of study or activity.


NOW or END Now is the current or present state of existence. is the cessation of a thing that has a beginning.



CIPHER Cipher is a 360º circle consisting of 120º of Knowledge, 120º of Wisdom, and 120º of Understanding. 120º x 3 = 360º. A Cipher is also any given person, place or thing.


POWER Power is the truth and it is the truth that will ultimately cause the devil’s destruction and removal

from power. Power is the strength and ability one gains through living a righteous life. 17.

QUEEN Queen is the Original Black woman who is the mate of the Original Black man who is the King. A Queen is one who knowledges her God in order that she might reflect his ability to Build or Destroy.


RULE or RULER Rule is a law by which order is established through obedience to it. Rule is created by the Ruler, which is none other than the Black man who is the all-true and living God of the Universe.


SAVIOR A Savior is one that saves from danger or destruction. One cannot be to others what he is not first to himself. One cannot teach what one does not know. In order to be qualified as a teacher, you must internalize the lessons being taught. This is the process of Self Saving or Saving one’s self from mental death and ignorance. Once this process is complete, you can begin saving others by making Knowledge-Born (19).


TRUTH or SQUARE Truth is power manifested. Truth is the absence of falsehood and is the root of the fall of the devil’s civilization. Square is a 4-sided geometric object consisting of 4 equal sides making 360º; 90º of Freedom, 90º of Justice, 90º of Equality, and 90º of Islam all being born to 360º of completion. Since Born means to bring or be brought into a state of living existence, Freedom, Justice, Equality and Islam are Born into the cipher of existence through Culture which is I-God.


YOU or UNIVERSE You are the Universe. The Universe is everything; Sun, Moon, and Stars. They are planets. Planets are something grown or made from the beginning. You, as

the Original man, are the beginning; not just of man, but of all things. The Universe is grown or made from you, the Original Black man; the Beginning. 22.

VICTORY Victory is the achievement of mastery or success in a struggle or endeavor against odds or difficulties.


WISDOM Wisdom is the wise words spoken by a wise person to show and prove the knowledge of the original man who is God. Wisdom is symbolic to the original Black Woman who is the 2nd self o God in that she is his reflection. This is the reason Wisdom is #2. Wisdom is supreme intelligence manifested in oral or written form, for the edification of man. Wisdom is the manifestation of knowledge as the Black woman is the manifestation (mentally) of the Black man, which is the reason wisdom is symbolic of the Black woman. Since the original man is the maker and owner (“make her” and “own her”), the Black woman is the “her” that the maker makes, and owns, and that is how she is his manifestation.


X – UNKNOWN That which is Unknown is a mystery is until or unless study and observation is done to make that which is Unknown, known.


WHY Why is the question asked by one seeking the manifest truth (25) of a thing. It is not simply a question asked by the 85% or the babies; it is a most intelligent question asked even by God himself! The question “Why” inspires thought, research, investigation, study and observation in order to be able to produce the answer to “Why”. The Black man shows and proves he is God by his ability to answer the question “Why”.



Symbolic of man, woman and child, sun, moon and star. It is the duty of the Zig and the Zag to properly educate the Zig.

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