Supreme mathematics huge

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KNOWLEDGE Knowledge is the foundation of all things in existence. Knowledge is the Black man who is the Sun, because just as the sun is the foundation of the solar system, the Black man is the foundation of his family. Knowledge is to “know” the “ledge” so you won’t fall off the edge into the devil’s un-civilization which is his trick knowledge. Knowledge is the foundation of all things in life such as the Knowledge applying the strength to the mind. The knowledge is something you build upon through your manifestation of Wisdom bring about the best part to the cipher which is the Understanding that your Wisdom manifested, which is being the Knowledge in your dome because Knowledge is something you do everyday by looking, listening, learning, observing and also respecting the cipher around you. Knowledge is that Living Light which is Allah’s mathematics, which is your true culture which only shines onto the Wisdom which she conceives and reflects to the Understanding. Knowledge is the root of all things in existence. It allows a righteous Black man to stand upright on his square at all times being free of the devils. Knowledge is the base of all existence, built upon the Blackman’s intelligence, through the powers of realization. It is also the foundation of all matter or substance within the universe, just as the Blackman is the foundation of his family; the sun is the foundation of the solar system. Knowledge is the foundation of all intelligence, all experience and all thought. As the Black man (Allah) is the foundation to his physical family and universe, sun, moon, stars, man woman, child, knowledge wisdom, understanding. It is the 1st step to this Islam nation when you look, learn, listen, observe and respect. So you knowledge the ledge and won’t fall off the edge into the hands of the devil. Knowledge is to know all truths and facts about everything in life. Knowledge is infinite because

there is no ledge to knowledge. It has no beginning or ending. A ledge is an ending. The original Black man who is Allah, is the knowledge because his existence has no beginning nor ending. He was always here and always will be here. Knowledge is activation; Implies to gas. Knowledge is the key to life. 2.

WISDOM Wisdom is the wise words spoken by the Black man, Black woman and Black child. Wisdom is the Black woman who is the moon, because she receives her light from the sun which is the Black man and reflects it on to the star which is the Black child. Wisdom is the manifestation of one’s knowledge. Wisdom is the great word of life that a wise man manifests. Wisdom is only dealing with a wise man (woman) with a “wise dome” to build and destroy according to their knowledge stored in the dome, which you speak good to make the Knowledge understood in the cipher. The Wisdom is secondary but the most necessary to the Blackman. She is secondary because she conceives and reflects the Light of the Knowledge to bring about the Understanding, to only make the Wisdom necessary to the Blackman. Wisdom is a two-way reflection of knowledge, and is always to remain secondary. Wisdom is the wise words manifested by God; it also is the Black woman and also water because they are substances of life! Wisdom is the manifestation of one’s knowledge. It is the bearer and receiver of all existence, by bringing about Allah’s Divine Seed, for she is the mother of Civilization or existence. Wisdom is the supreme manifestation of the Knowledge because it expresses the Knowledge – mentally, as well as physically (verbally and materially). It is the wise words spoken by the wise man of the east, Black man, who teaches freedom of wisdom, justice of wisdom, equality of wisdom which is manifested by the father (God Allah) supreme being, Black man of Asia. Wisdom also applies to the Black woman who is secondary but

necessary to bring forth God’s Understanding (the baby); reproduction of self also implies to water. Wisdom is the manifestation of thought which releases the dumb from the confinement of darkness which is the Black man from this white man’s society and way of living. It’s secondary but most necessary to the Black man, without it there would be no cream (best part) which this builds upon which is...


UNDERSTANDING Understanding is the best part of life. It is the Black child who is the star. Understanding is a clear picture drawn up in one’s mind through Knowledge and Wisdom. Understanding is something that is seen through the physical eye and put in 3 dimensional form in the mind because when you see it, you do the Knowledge to put in that 3 dimensional form by doing the Wisdom and while it’s on your mind, you will be drawing up an Understanding to bring up that best part. Understanding is the cream that rises to the peek of perfection to its fullest. The Understanding is dealing with the babies. A child coincides with the Stars, showing the Power of the Understanding with 72 degrees, multiplying each point to make the Understanding born to life containing 360 degrees. Understanding is the best part which is born out of Knowledge and Wisdom. It is a state of awareness by way of your two physical eyes and your Third Eye (the Mind). Understanding is the manifestation of Knowledge and Wisdom. Understanding is the master of all matter, motion, time and space, also energy and vapor, for it is the key of life which opens the doors to all existence. It is the spark of life which was added to

the body, such as the magnetic force, to make its completion of Knowledge and Wisdom. Understanding is that which shows and proves the completion of Knowledge and Wisdom (Black man, plus Black woman equal Black child); to show and prove Knowledge and Understanding is one in the same through manifestation (Wisdom). Understanding is comprehension (the ability to understanding as truth or fact) to come to know about the things you deal with each and every day, each and every way, which is the ability to think and learn. Understanding shows the ability to think and learn. It is the interpretation of known facts possessing or showing intelligence of the mind. It is the mental picture one drew up from Knowledge and Wisdom which borns this cream, the supreme Understanding to seek forth for your... 4. CULTURE OR FREEDOM Culture is the Black man, Black woman and Black child’s true way of life, which is Islam; I-Self-LordAnd-Master. Freedom is to “free the dumb”, the deaf and the blind into a state of awareness; so that they can see that the Black man is indeed God. The true culture or way of life for the original nation, be that of Islam. Our nation is governed by the universal law of the Supreme Mathematics. Islam frees the dumb and blind Black man from a state of mental and physical bondage! Culture is the purification of the Blackman’s way of life. This is through the mental and physical cleanliness, which is Islam. As the most beautiful and purified culture that always existed. Freedom is to be and feel free, also to free the dumb from the ignorance and lies that keep them worshipping that mystery god, and keeps them a slave of the mental death and power. This is by teaching them the purification of the Knowledge and Wisdom and the Blackman’s way of life.

The Culture is Islam (I, Self, Lord, and, Master) the supreme being (God Allah) Black man, who is Islam, teaches the mathematics (which is Islam because Islam is Islam’s mathematics) to the Black woman for her to live them out, (Islam means to the Black woman that ISincerely-Love-Allah’s-Mathematics) which is the acceptance of a Black woman into Islam because one must love Islam to live it out. And, at all times, you must sincerely live out the culture each and every day, each and every way. And it must be lived out right and exact or it will not serve its purpose to you because the Nation of Islam is all wise and does everything right and exact. Freedom is the nature of the divine culture. The truth of Islam will set you free from all impurities and unrighteousness because the divine nature of Islam is righteous. The Black man, woman and child make the culture complete. The planet earth is the home of Islam. Truth equals freedom. Culture is the ways and action in life. How you carry yourself about. Culture is the level and degree of intelligence, ignorance and illiteracy. Your culture is this divine Nation of Islam. No man can come between you and your culture. The devil doesn’t want the Black man to know or have his culture. With Islam you want for your brother as you want for yourself. Freedom is to free the dome of the wickedness which lies within. It is liberty, independence and righteous non-restriction. It is to be able to choose without being told, how, when, or what. We were freed from chattel slavery in the 1800’s but were mentally, socially and politically still slaves, although it is a step closer to... 5.

POWER OR REFINEMENT Power is the truth which is the light that brings one out of the triple stages of darkness (blindness, deafness, and dumbness) into their true way of life which is Islam. Refinement is to be clean and purified – mentally, as well as, physically. Power is the truth which is Allah’s mathematics which is the truth because mathematics shows its Power through the Knowledge which one speaks (manifests) through their Wisdom, bringing about the Power which

is the Understanding being the light that shines onto the mentally dead to only bring themselves back to their true and living culture, which is Islam so they can refine themselves; bringing those inner thoughts which are positive through your outer appearance to show forth you to be God; because God refines himself to be divine. Only saying be purified from negative things. Power is truth and force. It gives the wise man (God) the ability to control and refine all that comes within his circumference. Power is the magnetic truth, which is to attract the wise and free the dumb into a purified state of existence. It is the force that destroys the evils of this world. Refinement is finesse or elegance of feeling, taste, manners, language, etc; the act or process of refining. Refinement is also an improved form of something, and this is going according to Truth; for the Truth is to purify or cleanse the brain cells of the dumb. It is the force that destroys the evil works of this world. The power lies within the Black man mentally, as well as physically, because within his mentality and intelligence, lies supreme powers and forces which created all things in existence through the science of Supreme Mathematics, that all things in existence can be shown and proven through. When I say all things, I mean in the universe also because the universe is everything (all things). The five parts of the Black man’s body consists of 72° degrees which shows and proves God’s Wisdom is also able to refine one’s mentality and ways and actions. To be free from all impurities and unrighteousness is a refinement. Power is strength and truth; it is the mental and physical ability one has in self. Before one saves (refines) self, he must have mental power to obtain the Knowledge. In other words, he must clean up physically and mentally for Islam to have... 6.

EQUALITY Equality is to be equal in all things in existence such as Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. When

you share your Knowledge through Wisdom, and bring forth an Understanding it only shows and proves Equality. Knowledge (1), Wisdom (2), and Understanding (3) is all being born to Equality (6). Equality is to share something you have either mentally or physically. Physically, by giving something material to another brother who is like me because he is ALLAH (Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, Supreme Head). Supreme only speaking about the highest form of energy or gas to next, only being the mind itself and we show Equality mentally by sharing the Knowledge and Wisdom to bring about the Equality by making the Understanding understood. Equality means to share what is good for you with your brother alike. It is two Black men dealing with each other fair and justly. Equality is the state or quality of being equal, meaning to deal equally with all things in existence. This is by teaching others the Knowledge and Wisdom, making it understood through Understanding. Equality means to be equal in everything which is the father’s ability to deal equal with the life nourishing which is truth and righteousness (that is the Father’s teaching). Equality is also the nature of the Black woman because that is her limitation. She cannot exceed it. She can only be elevated by God to her fullest quality, by her uniting with God to bring forth the Understanding of the culture which is the baby; the making of Islam. Equality is to have God’s Power and Refinement distributed equally among the brothers of Islam. Social equality is to sustain a perfect state of existence, to be equal in all ways as Allah. Allah is equal in the earth (woman) because she produces God’s divine seed which is the Understanding (child) who from the day he was born, he is... 7.

GOD God is the original Black man from Asia who has the power to build or destroy. God is the Black man who has knowledge of himself and all things around him.

God is an original Black man, accepting and living in the realm of reality about his true nature. God’s Cipher is Divine, having neither beginning nor ending. God is the Universal Builder of all life creation because God Builds and Destroys, to Build a strong nation which only deals with the positive. God is the only one who knows and understands everything in the cipher. The cipher is only dealing with the science of life and God understands everything in his circumference dealing with the revolution of the cipher, because God is divine and has the Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding to everything in life because God is Allah and Allah is God. God is the Most High and Supreme Being, the maker and ruler of the planet Earth and the owner of the Universe. He is ALLAH, who is the Supreme Being, Black man from Asia or wise man of the East. God is also the highest form of living mathematics. Allah is God, the Supreme Being. Black man who is the original is God Allah, Lord of all the worlds, supreme ruler of the universe which is everything; sun, moon and stars (God is the sun in the solar system, the woman is the moon, the child is the stars; the best part which shows God’s power). God is one. God is life. God is love. God is intelligence. God is one who possesses the supreme power and force to govern all things in existence (the universe, which is everything). God is able to do all things. God is Allah and Allah is God. God is he who knows and understands all things which is right and exact. He is the supreme being in which is all wise and equal in each and every way. God is the maker, owner, and cream of the planet Earth, the original Black man, Allah. Allah is arm, leg, leg, arm, head; the symbolic form of the Black man. Man is God on Earth, and God is Man in Heaven.



Build is to add on or to elevate on positivity. Destroy is to take away negativity. Build a righteous nation and destroy the devil’s civilization. Build is to build upon a strong foundation which is the base to all things. We build upon the Knowledge of ones self to keep our foundation strong, so it can’t be destroyed by anything weak and wicked, which is trick knowledge, because if you’re building upon the devil’s trick-knowledge you would be easy to be tricked and fall into the hands of the devil, so we must build upon this positive Knowledge to keep the base firm and strong so it can’t be destroyed by anything weak or wicked/negative. So God Builds on positive to Destroy negative to Build a positive and righteous nation. Build is to add and build onto the growth and development of the 5 percent Nation of Islam, mentally as well as physically. All or any opposing forces must and will be crushed (destroyed). Build is the power to construct by assembling and joining parts or materials; meaning to add onto life. This is a positive creation. It is one who has the power to elevate himself; a form of intelligence. Destroy is to take life from and disassemble it by keeping them (the mentally dead) ignorant to themselves. To Build is to elevate the mentalities of self and others. To build, you must start from the root which is the Knowledge foundation, and add on to the highest peak. To Build is to utilize the supreme powers of the mind which are also able to destroy all negativity (impurities and unrighteousness) to show and prove the power of the universal builder or destroyer; he who is the wise man of the east, supreme being, Black man, Allah whose purified state of mind is divine Knowledge which makes the culture a divine culture. Islam equals I-Stimulate-Life-And-Matter. Build is to add data to facts making Knowledge which is a concrete foundation for positive thoughts; thus destroying all negativity of the cipher. Now it’s time to Build upon Islam positively so we can Destroy all evil which would bring devilishment to Islam.


BORN Born is to come into existence mentally as well as physically. God planting the Divine Seed of Life, which means God’s seed is purified from all things, being planted into the womb of Equality, to bring about this understanding, the best part, this is the physical state of being born from a gaseous form to a liquid form to the solid state which is the Understanding. Mentally by the understanding going to get Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding of self and life.+ Born is to be brought from being a slave of a mental death and power into the illuminating light of realization about self, through the teachings of a true and living God. Born is knowledge and understanding being manifested through God’s Wisdom (wise words). Born is the realization of one’s self through the mental capacity, to be brought forth by birth and possessing, from birth, the quality, circumstances or character stated; meaning to bring in to existence a mental birth, for in order to enter the Kingdom of God, one must be form twice; first from the womb of the woman (Earth) then from the Wisdom of God. Thus this is Islam, and Islam is life amplifying all its capabilities in the degree of understanding by giving birth to the physical structure in the degree of Life. Born is to bring into existence; to be newly associated with physically as well as mentally. Having been given knowledge of self – finding out who you are and what your culture is – this is mentally being brought into the world by God planting his divine seed of life into the wisdom which is being born physically. Born is the completion of all things in existence. All things must come from the knowledge to be born to the cipher. To be born to knowledge of self is to be

born to the reality of one’s self. Knowledge (Black man) plus Wisdom (Black woman) equal (born) Understanding (Black child) which is complete within the cipher. Born is to be brought into existence physically and mentally. Just as it takes 9 months to bring a child into this world physically, it takes 9 stages of development (from Knowledge to Born) to be Born mentally through Allah’s Mathematics.


CIPHER Cipher is a 360° degree circle consisting of 120° degrees of Knowledge, 120° degrees of Wisdom, and 120° of Understanding making it complete. Cipher is See, I Power Her Equality Rules; this is only saying that a Wisdom can make a weak man rotate around her Equality, being the womb. This is to Wisdom before you Knowledge. Cipher is a completion of 360° degrees, consisting of 120 degrees Knowledge, 120 degrees Wisdom, and 120 degrees Understanding. The cipher has no beginning or ending point so that we may rid our cipher of all negativity. Cipher is the completion of a circumference or circle, which consists of 360 degrees. Cipher means a person, place or thing. Once you begin to deal with this high form of intelligence, which is the justification of your existence, you shall see the degree of Islam in its highest form. This is the universal manifestation which is the completion of the cipher, meaning your physical body. Thus, this is the degree of Cipher. If you fail to Understand your Wisdom, you shall be frozen at 32 degrees below, which is the freezing temperature on a mental and physical degree. Cipher is a completion of Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding (360 degrees).

Cipher is a whole 360º of Knowledge 120º, Wisdom 120º, Understanding 120º. A cipher is a person, place or thing. Everything in life pertains to a cipher. Cipher is See-I-Power-Her. Cipher is any place, person or thing complete within itself. Cipher is a 360 degree circle. The woman is also a cipher because Cipher means C-I-Power-Her, and surely God power her by mastering her with his mind. Her power you must see in order to master her Equality. PEACE = Positive – Energy – Always – Creates – Elevation

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