Supreme mathematics mine

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KNOWLEDGE Knowledge is the basic foundation of all things in existence as the Black man is the foundation of his family and as the sun is the foundation of this solar system. Knowledge is symbolic to the Black man because the Black man is the true and living foundation of creation itself. Since the Black man is God and God is the Author and Creator of all existence, he is showing and proving himself to be the Foundation. You cannot build a building without the foundation and likewise, you cannot build humanity or existence itself without the Black man, for he is the original being in existence. Knowledge is symbolic to the Black man who as the sun radiates light, heat and energy within the sphere of its power, the Sun of man) radiates light, life and power to all magnetic pull of his light or knowledge.

is the sun. to all Man (Black within the

Knowledge is symbolic to the Black man because as knowledge is the basic foundation of mathematics, the Black man is the foundation of not only the human family, but of all things in existence. As knowledge is the beginning of mental existence and mathematics, the Black man, as the original man, is the beginning of all existence. The sun is also a sign of the Black man, for as the sun radiates light, heat and energy to all life within 3,680,000,000 miles of its reach, the Black man radiates thought and ideas every time he begins teaching (building; 3 + 6 + 8 = 17, 1 + 7 = 8) Knowledge is the basis upon which all life can be built. It is the foundation of mathematics as the Blackman is the foundation of existence. There is no ledge to knowledge and likewise there is no end to the Black man’s existence, for how can that which has no beginning, have an ending? Knowledge is symbolic to the Black man for as knowledge is infinite, (there is no ledge to knowledge), the Black man is also infinite. His existence is an infinity of time in the past and an infinity of time into the future. As there is no end 1

to knowledge, there is no end to the Black man’s existence. Knowledge is the foundation or beginning of all thought. You must have knowledge of a thing before you can speak on it, or build on it. Knowledge is to look, listen, learn observe and respect. Knowledge is the root or basic foundation of any form of learning, skill or practice. Knowledge is the root of mathematics and without mathematics you cannot build. Likewise without knowledge (since it is the foundation) you cannot build mentally for without the foundation there is nothing to build on. Knowledge is as infinite as the Blackman himself for there is no said birth record for either knowledge or the Black man. That which has a beginning also necessarily must have an ending. Since the Black man is the original man which means he is the beginning of all things, knowledge coincides with his existence, for in the Black man’s existence there is knowledge to be found in that. This is why knowledge and the Black man’s existence is synonymous in being infinite. 2.

WISDOM Wisdom is the wise words spoken by a wise person to show and prove the knowledge of the original man who is God. Wisdom is symbolic to the Black woman, who is the Moon; because as the moon reflects the light of the Sun onto the stars, the Black woman reflects the light or knowledge of the Black man (who is the Sun) onto the Black child (who is the star). Wisdom is the manifestation of one’s knowledge. As wisdom is the manifestation of knowledge, the Black woman, mentally, is the manifestation of the Black man. He is her maker and owner and as such, she should perfectly reflect him. Since it is her nature to reflect, the moon is likened unto her for the moon reflects the light of the Sun in the same way she reflects the light of God. Wisdom is the manifestation of knowledge in physical form, be it audible or tangible.


Wisdom is supreme intelligence manifested in oral or written form for the edification of the human family. Wisdom is the manifestation of knowledge as the Black woman is the manifestation (mentally) of the black man, which is the reason wisdom is symbolic of the Black woman. Since the original man is the Maker and Owner (make her and own her) the black woman is the “her” that the Maker makes and owns, and that is how she is his manifestation. 3.

UNDERSTANDING Understanding is the clear picture drawn up in the mind through the unity of knowledge and wisdom. Understanding is symbolic to the Black child who is the star. Understanding is an advanced state of awareness by way of your two physical eyes and your 3rd Eye which is the Mind. Understanding is the best part of knowledge and wisdom for it represents the future.


CULTURE OR FREEDOM Culture is one’s total way of life which sets forth its own social values, political ideas, art, science and language. In short, it is a total system to which one devotes his entire being to the practices, development and advancement of it. The Culture is Islam, which is I-SELF-LORD-AND-MASTER; and since I am Self Lord and Master, then the Culture is I-God. Freedom is the ability to manifest the power of my own will without hindrance or restriction within the cipher of righteousness. Freedom is to “free the dome” or the mind of the mentally dead (enslaved).


The emblem of Freedom is the Sun, for the light of the sun frees that which is frozen in darkness, giving it the Freedom to be what its nature dictates it to be within the cipher of righteousness. POWER OR REFINEMENT Power is the truth, and the truth has the power to make the mentally blind deaf and dumb, see, hear, and speak and can raise the mentally dead to life and activation. 3

Power is the truth and within the truth lays the power to civilize the savage and save others (including self) from mental death. Power is also strength which is the fruit of living the life of the righteous. Power is the truth, and truth is the total absence of falsehood. When truth is present you then have the power (strength or ability) to overcome any obstacle in opposition to the truth. It is truth that will ultimately cause the devil’s destruction and removal from authority. It is with truth that one can combat and successfully defeat Satan (white supremacist leadership the 10% ruling class) whose world is based on lies; the lie of the existence of a mystery god, the lie of life after death, the many lies of the inferiority of the Black nation, etc.). Refinement is to restore or bring back to a state of purity a given, person, place or thing. It is the cleansing power of the truth that brings back to its original state the minds of the 85% mentally blind, deaf, and dumb. Refinement comes only by one’s adherence to the power of the truth. Refinement is to cleanse the mind from the mud of this society by teaching the knowledge of self. 6.

EQUALITY Equality is that which is similar in nature, quantity or quality. It is to be equal in all things such as knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Equality is a balanced state of existence measured on the scale of Supreme Mathematics. It is the utilization of Supreme Mathematics that helps us determine what is fair, proper, or in order.


GOD God is the Asiatic Black man and is the Supreme Being of the Universe. God is he who has the proper knowledge of himself and has accepted and is living in


the realm of reality about his true self. God’s cipher is divine having neither beginning nor ending. 8.

BUILD OR DESTROY Build is to utilize the Supreme Mathematics in the process of elevating one’s mentality to a higher degree of existence. Build is to elevate the mentalities of self and others either through study or righteous discussion. Build is to implement the usage of Supreme Mathematics in order to erect a civilized society based upon the principles contained therein. Destroy is also implemented through the utilization of Supreme Mathematics, but mathematics applied to the removal or bringing to a state of non-existence that which is negative or will hinder the growth of a righteous and civilized society. Destroy is to bring a given person, place or thing to a state of nonexistence. Destroy is to remove, demolish or bring to a state of non-existence that which has lost its utility or purpose or that which is counteractive to any progress one desires to make.


BORN Born is to bring or be brought into a state of living existence either mentally or physically. As it takes on average 9 months for a child to be born from the womb of its mother, it takes 9 stages of development (from knowledge to born) to be born mentally through Allah’s Mathematics.


CIPHER Cipher is a circle consisting of 120 degrees of knowledge, 120 degrees of wisdom, 120 degrees of understanding all being born to 360 degrees of completion. A Cipher is any given person, place or thing.


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