The controversy is settled

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The Controversy is Settled By El Fuquan Magnetic Many questions and numerous explanations have arisen concerning the chronology of the Knowledge degree in the 1 thru 40. according to that degree, the present Koran will expire in the year twenty five thousand, given as nine thousand and eighty (9,080) years from the date of that writing (1934 AD) in most lesson sets extant. As the year 15,020 of the Asiatic Calendar is equivalent to the year 1934 AD, the addition of 9,080 to 15,020 would equal 24,100 years. 15,020 + 9,080 = 24,100 It would appear from the above equation that 900 years are missing from the 25,000 year cycle. Many explanations have been offered. A few are worth mentioning: 1) the 900 years are lost in the King James Version of the Bible and can only be deciphered by an esoteric few; 2) it takes 900 years to put history from its prediction into a written text by the 24 scientists, and 3) history goes through a birth process equivalent to an embryo, and takes 900 years to develop. There are countless other myths bred to fill in the gaps due to ignorance. One might look to Elijah Muhammad, from whose copy of W.D. Fard’s lessons the above degree is derived. In his book “Our Saviour Has Arrived” Elijah made the following commentary: “This date is taken from the beginning of the present cycle of world history writings by 25 black scientists of which only 24 actually do the writing, and the 25th acts as judge of the writings of the other 24. This takes place once every 25 thousand years. In this history is written everything that will come to pass for the next 25 thousand years. The original scriptures of the Bible and Holy Qur’an were taken from it and revealed by word of mouth and inspiration to prophets. We are now in the 16 th thousand year of this cycle and have nine thousand, nine-hundred and fifty-six years to be finished before the next cycle.” (pg 12). Now, if you were to subtract nine thousand, nine hundred and fifty-six (9,956) years from the 25,000 year completion date of this cycle, you will arrive at the figure 15,044 A.C. or 1958 A.D. So, while Our Saviour Has Arrived was not published in book form until 1974, its chapters were compilations from Elijah Muhammad’s earlier writings in the Pittsburgh Courier, the Los Angeles Herald Dispatch, and Muhammad Speaks. (Further research will substantiate the exact date and citation of the original source). The above statement, given approximately 24 years after 1934, should be noted and figured into any chronological study: 15,044 + 9,104 = 24,148 years. The remainder is 852 years rather than 900 years.

The 900 year figure is that which the mystics are playing numerical games with rather than applying mathematical logic to solve the problem. Where did the 9,080 figure originate or derive from? Is it right and exact? Let us do the Knowledge. The only correct mathematical figure added on to 15,020 A.C. to arrive at 25,000 A.C. would be 9,980. Mathematics don’t lie. 9,980 must be the correct figure to bring the Asiatic Calendar into Universal Order.

15,020 + 9,980 = 25,000. We know that the lessons were individually typewritten from the 1930’s. Photocopying machines were not available for the general public until the late 1960’s. In the passage of time, with each typing, errors crept in. Several alternate figures have in fact appeared in this degree in different sets of lessons. Probably the most acceptable explanation is that the figure of 9,080 is a typographical error owing to the close proximity of the numerals 9 and 0 on the standard manual typewriter keyboard; they are immediately adjacent to each other. A point of fact worth knowing; there is no mention of this chronological controversy until fairly recently. That would indicate that the figures have only recently been altered. If the 900 were indeed missing, why didn’t Elijah, in 1958, give another date? As Elijah Muhammad is credited with being the conduit and chief initiate of Master Fard Muhammad’s teachings, his chronological reckoning should be given the greatest authority. Accordingly, the correct figure for the Knowledge degree would have to be 9,980. “...The Koran will expire in the year twenty-five thousand; nine thousand, nine hundred, eighty years from the date of this writing>” Mathematics don’t lie!!! [Reprinted from the Universal Truth vol. 2 no. 3]

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