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Peace! According to Allah, the origin of a mystery God is from the devils! It was taught to them by their father, Yacub, 6,000 years ago. They know today that God is not a mystery but will not teach it. The devil is the god of evil, he was made to rule the nations of earth for 6,000 years, and naturally he would not teach obedience to a God other than himself. The great arch-deceivers were taught by their father, Yacub, 6,000 years ago, how to teach that God is a spirit and not man. In the grafting of his people, Mr. Yacub taught his people to contend with us over the reality of God by asking us of the whereabouts of that first One who created the heavens and the earth, and that, Yacub said, we cannot do that. Well, we all know that there was a God in the beginning that created all these things and do know that He does not exist today in the physical. B.U.T. we know again that from that God the body of God continued until today in the Asiatic People, and today a Supreme One came as our Father and appeared among the Nation of Gods and Earths in 1964 ace, and he has infinite knowledge, wisdom and understanding to bring about a complete change for the original people in the wilderness of north america and the world over. As Yacub brought about a people who were a completely new people made out of the original man woman and child. The entire creation of Allah is of peace, not including the devils who are not the creation of Allah but a race created by tan enemy of Allah. Yacub rebelled against Allah and the righteous people and was cast out of the homes of the righteous into the worst part of our planet to live their way of life until the fixed day of their doom. These enemies of Allah are known at the present as the European race, who are the sole people responsible for misleading the 85%, of the planet earth. Our 66 trillion years from the moon has proven a great and wise show of the original power, to build wonders in the heavens and earth. Six thousand years ago, or to be more exact 6,600 years ago,as Allah taught the Nation of Gods and Earths, our nation gave birth to another God whose name was Yacub. He started studying the life germ of man to try making a new creation whom our twenty-four scientists had foretold 8,400 years before the birth of Mr. Yacub, and the Scientists were aware of his birth and work before he was born, as they are today of the intentions or ideas of the present world. According to the world of Allah the Father, Mr Yacub was seen by the twenty-three Scientists of the Original Black Nation, over 15,000 years ago. They predicted that in the year 8,400 Yacub would be born twenty miles out side the Holy city of Mecca, in Arabia. And that at the time of his birth, the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the people would be 70% satisfied, and 30% dissatisfied. Mr Yacub was born out of the 30% dissatisfied. When Yacub was six years old, one day he was sitting down playing with two pieces of steel. He noticed the magnetic power in the steel attraction the other. He looked up at his uncle and said: Uncle, when I get to be an old man, I am going to make a people who shall rule you. The uncle said: What will you make something to make mischief and cause blood shed in the land? Yacub said: Nevertheless, uncle, I know that which you know not. And, it was at that moment, the boy Yacub, first came into the knowledge of just who he was born to make trouble, break peace and kill and destroy the original man. He learned his future from playing with steel. Yacub was the founder of unlike attracts and like repels, though Mr. Yacub was a member of the Black Nation. He began school at the age of four. He had an unusual size head. When he had grownup, the others referred to him as the big head scientist. At the age of 18 he had finished all of the collages and universities of his nation, and was seen preaching on the streets of Mecca, making converts. He made such impressions on the people, that many began following him. As Mr Yacub continued to preach for converts, he told his people that he would make the others work for them. As he made converts in and around the Holy City of Mecca, persecutions set in. Finally they arrested Mr. Yacub, B.U.T., it only increased the teachings. They kept persecuting and arresting Yacub's followers until they filled all the jails. The officers finally reported to the King that there was no room to put a prisoner in if arrested. all the jails are filled, and when we go out

into the streets, we find them still teaching. What shall we do with them? On entering the prison the King was shown Yacub's cell. So you are Mr. Yacub? Yes, I am. the King said: Yacub I have come to see if we could work out some agreement that would bring about an end to this trouble. What would you suggest? Mr. Yacub told the King: If you give me and my followers everything to start civilization as you have, and furnish us with money and other necessities of life for twenty years, I will take my followers and we will go from you. The King was pleased with the suggestion or condition made by Yacub, and agreed to take care of them for twenty years, until Yacub's followers were able to go for themselves. The numbers were 59,999 and Yacub made 60,000. Their ships sailed out to an Isle in the Aegean Sea called Pelan. See the 28th degree in 1-40...After 200 years, Mr Yacub had done away with the black babies, and all were brown. After another 200 years, he had all yellow or red, which was 400 years after being on Pelan. Another 200 years, which brings us to the six hundredth year, Mr Yacub had an all pale white race of people on the Isle. Of course Mr. Yacub lived but 150 years; but his ideas continued in practice. He gave his people guidance in the form of literature. He said to them: When you become unalike, you may return to the Holy Land, form whom you were exiled. After Yacub's devils were among the Holy people of I-God for 6 months, they had our people at war with each other. The King said: Gather every one of the devils up and strip them of our clothes. Put an apron on them to hide their nakedness, take them to the desert and send them to the caves of west Asia. see the 4th degree in the 1-14... Also see General Monk Monk... Yacub's made devils were driven out of Paradise, into the hills of West Asia Europe, and stripped of everything but the language. After 2000 years of living as a savage, Musa came to civilize the Devil. see the 2nd degree in the 1-14... In conclusion, we ran the devil into the caves of West-Asia in the year 9001. Mr. Yacub was birthed in the year 8,367. It took 600 years to make devil. Now 2,600 years before the birth of the Prophet Musa is 8,320. In the year 9,000, this means the devils language and knowledge of thought ways and actions. Therefore, in the year 8,320 the thought to make devil was given unto Rebecca, the mother of Yacub and Esau the brother. The 80 years of a gap is the indoctrination period from 8,920 thru 9,000 is 80 years. The Devil was born in 9,000 birthed through the womb in 8,920. 8,367 - Yacub Born Through the womb, 8,371 - Yacub started school at the age of 4, 8,385 - Yacub completed all schools and universities at the age of 18. 8,400 - Yacub born with the determined idea to make a devil. 8,406 - Started manufacturing the devil, 8,517 - Yacub 150 years old died physically. 8,500 - brown seed, 8,806 - yellow or red seed, 9,000 - the devil is completed, 9,001 – we ran the devil across the hot desert into the caves of west asia as we now call Europe. _____________________________________________________________________________

YACUB You have noticed statements saying Yacub was playing in his uncle's backyard, well, he also called his uncle Father; this is because his Father died before he was old enough to know him. So through playing with these magnets, Yacub found what his mission or purpose in life would be. Therefore, he told his uncle, saying, "Father, I know that which you know not." His uncle replied, Yacub! What is it that you know, that I know not?" Yacub's reply was, "I am going to make a man when I grow of age", meaning when he finishes the study of genetics. His uncle replied, "Yacub, do you not know that if you make a man other than the original man who is already here on the Planet Earth, you will be making the devil himself?" Yacub replied, "Nevertheless, I know that which you know not." From Yacub continuously saying he knew what his uncle knew not gives one the impression that Yacub's uncle did not know his mission or purpose for being on the planet earth. Moreover, speaking of today, I would not be a bit surprised if some European did not tell another, that if they set up a birth control system in Liberia, they would make a people other than we originally are, of course it wasn't said for righteousness sake, but for fear we wouldn't have the strength needed to do the hard labor. Therefore, when Mr. Yacub became of age (12) in other words, came into the knowledge of how he would graft a people, he finished all the universities throughout the Holy Land, and began going about converting the original people to his doctrine, which was based on lies and trickery. Genesis 27:35 tells of how he, Yacub, dealt with his said Father with subtlety; Genesis 27:36 further shows Yacub taking Esau's birthright. One phase of this birthright was to rule all over the planet earth, which Yacub's children have done for the last 6,000 years by supplanting. If we check Yacub's history close enough, we would have to find that he did his job through supplanting. Our Asiatic Brothers and Sisters who followed Yacub had no idea that he intended to strip them of their dignity, and their birthright, their clothes of knowledge (meaning mind) nor did they have any idea that he, would strip them of their clothes for covering their privates or shame. If we give the children of Yacub, some comparative observation, we can find that for everything he and his scientists did back then, are being carried out here today. The only difference is the names have been changed to medical, technical, and scientific terms, which is a form of trick-knowledge. To further show or compare Yacub's children with his works of old, we know he stripped the Holy Asiatic Sisters and Brothers of their "holy garments" which were long robes covering their entire bodies. We see the Father who put our clothes back on us next; we will put our robes back on. You see, whenever a Sister or Brother has his or her holy garments on, they must use each other’s true selves in order to entice the other. This Mr. Yacub could not have, for as it was it took him six hundred years to come up with his civilization, so as to entice the Brother and Sister to commit immoral acts, which thereby enabled him to get more children. He made them wear cloth that only covered their privates, leaving more than half of their bodies exposed to the naked eye. Remember, this was an experiment Yacub was going through, and for the last fourhundred and ten years, we see Yacub's children have been experimenting with us in an even more subtle way than their father had.

A good place to start for reference would be "Liberia". We know that Mr. Yacub set up a rigorous birth control system at the beginning of his civilization, by dividing the brown babies from the black, the brown from the reds, the reds from the yellow. Now bear in mind these are only the major solutions, for there were nine lighter colors that came after these. Many places in the bible will show that a people were grafted from another without any uncertainty. For instance, in Acts 17:26, Mr. Yacub must have made or grafted his people from the so-called Blacks, for Allah Himself created all nations of one blood. Of course, these nations are the so-called Black, Brown, Red and Yellow. The fifth people are not really a Nation, but a "race", a group of 400,000,000 people racing with time! In the same verse, it shows that, as the Father said to the Gods and Earths, these Yacub grafted devils were doomed, or limited from the day they were grafted from the original man. The bounds of their habitation on our planet earth were 6,000, and we bear witness he is some 70 years overdue and only Allah is the best knower! As to how many more days he will be allowed to dwell here in this wilderness of North America. Verse 42 of the same chapter further proves it was the lighter babies being separated from the darker, in it, it says; "when the cattle were feeble (lighter), he (Yacub) put them not in (meaning, not among the Darker); the feeble, and the strong. This can be easily understood, because Yacub was a knowledge seed. If there be further doubt in our minds to this and we have an understanding of the bible, we can see where it was predicted, that we, the so-called Black people, had two Nations in our sperm Genesis 25:23. In the very same Verse, it also shows that one people shall be stronger of the two, and for that matter, all others. Verse 23 also further shows the elder would serve the young, we bear witness that we are the elder, for it has been recorded in history or our beginning, we have served a boy who is the younger, and is ONLY SIX DAYS OLD! Mr. Yacub also got an idea about making devils by seeing that his parents had produced a light and a dark baby, as shown in Genesis 25:25. Mr. Yacub lived to be 150 years of age; we would expect the bible to tell exactly, but I think Genesis 5:3 came close enough, considering whose version it is. In the year of 6,400, Abraham came to the Holy Black People, which includes the Brown, Red and Yellow, to warn them about the unrest that was among them. His coming was predicted by our Brother Scientists, commonly known as the twenty-four elders (spoken about in Rev. 4:4) in the year one of this 25,000 year cycle. His (Abraham's) job was to do as all the prophets of Allah; warn his people of their evils and disobedience to the Will of Almighty God Allah, thereby separating those who would heed his teachings, FROM THOSE WHO WERE DISSATISFIED. Among these dissatisfactions were the speaking of tongues and not being satisfied being other than Black "which is not a color", but the substance from whence all colors come, such as brown, red and yellow. Brothers, please remember that everything that goes around comes around.

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Peace this is some of a Plus degree on the life of Yacub... Ask your enlightener for information on Yacub if u need a better understanding on this Scientist 8,367 - Yacub birth through womb 8,371 - Yacub started school at the age of 4 years 8,385 - Yacub completed all schools and Universities at the age of 18 8,400 - Yacub born with a determined Idea to make a devil 8,406 - Yacub started manufacturing the devil 8,517 - Yacub physical death 8,500 - Manifestation of the Brown Gene 8,800 - Manifestation of the Yellow Gene 9,000 - The Devil is completed and sent to Mecca As taught to me by all mighty God, Allah Foundation from Medina... I have other lessons on this subject matter show and proving that Yacub was a man and made the Devil, and that this history is not allegorical but actual fact.

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