“The Life and Times of Motorcycles and the People Who Ride Them!” Born To Ride was created in 1995 by Ron and Debbie Galletti of Brandon, Florida. A media venue that incorporates television and magazine, Born To Ride has evolved into a growing business that has seen record growth in sales over the last 10 years!
Before Ron’s days in wrestling he was the lead singer of heavy metal band Nasty Savage, who toured the world and recorded six albums. Their demo tape came out in 1983
Born To Ride combines 4 successful media elements; Television, Magazine, Website and Event Promotions. Born To Ride provides news and events that are of interest to the biker community. Spotlighting hardworking dealers, bike builders, and organizations are only a few of the items the biker community looks forward to reading every month. The staff and writers are all bikers, as well as professionals in the areas they represent. Born To Ride’s involvement with other successful venues has spanned 15 years — the Born To Ride Saloon, West Coast Bike Rally, and Thunder by the Bay to mention a few. Born To Ride collaborates with other local media companies to create cross marketing opportunities for its clientele.
and the bands over- the-top wild stage show put them on the map. In 1995 they landed in the Heavy Metal Hall of Fame in Tampa. The band broke up in 1990, but still plays from time to time. … Their last gig was in 2008, in Germany at the Keep It Real Metal Festival. Go to www.nastysavage.com for more information about the band Nasty Savage.
Born To Ride Intro Born To Ride TV aired its first show in 1995. Before entering the motorcycle scene Ron Galletti of Brandon, Florida co-produced over 200 International Wrestling Federation (IWF) shows at Universal Studios Sound Stage 23 in Orlando, FL. Ron had several passions, one of them being motorcycles. While producing wrestling footage for IWF he saw a void in the motorcycle community – there was no documentation of the motorcycle events he would frequent. He took his IWF production experience and created Born To Ride. The program is a mixture of community and national based events spotlighting bikers—and businesses that target the motorcycle enthusiast. LifeStyle Magazine
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