Born To Ride Florida Issue #145 - June 2016

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June Issue 145

Ad Index

Features My Father’s Son Angel City Motorcycle Rally Copperhead Lodge-Thunder in the Mts Barney’s Celebrating 70 Years Leesburg Bike Fest-20 Anniversary Downtown Ft. Myers Bike Night Bert’s Black Widow Harley-Davidson

18 21 34 46 49 56 70



Michelle Osborne-Wall Street Rides Kruisin with Katie Craven Moorehead Spyke & Mike Christian Motorcycle Association

42 54 69 79 80

Departments Ride Safe, Ride Smart Hottest Bike Nights Featured Event-Seminole HD Finz Finds-Ride in the Park Born To Events BTR Kids-Happy Fathers Day

7 9 9 61 74 80



Happy Father’s Day Werner Haasch Generation to Generation International Female Ride Day Beverly Hempstead Newton Everywhere Eddy Jim “Wheels” Leatherman

8 16 32 44 67 72

On The Cover Copperhead Lodge Meet Michelle Evans own the Dream


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AAA 6 Affordable Motorsports 66 Al Estes Bail Bonds 68 Allstate - Jeff Ard 76 All Steel Buildings 68 All World Lift Truck 60 Applebee’s 48 Attorney Fran Haasch IFC,1,BC Barney’s 45 Biff Burger 3 Billy Bobs 66 BTR Biker Babes 67 BTR Facebook 39 BTR Lifestyle 39 BTR Great American Biker Bash 31 BTR TV 60 Born To 61 CJ Seats 78 Copperhead Lodge 38,39 Copperhead Lodge-Win a Trip 36 Cycle-Rama 53 Find It Now 53 Fun Bike Center 14 H-D Brandon 27 H-D Crystal IBC H-D Lakeland 23 H-D Manatee 29 H-D Panama City-Sand & Sass 33 H-D Rossiter’s 29 H-D Seminole 12 H-D War Horse IBC Independance Day Blast 24 JT’s Roadhouse 48 Love Jugs 64 Mako’s 73 Media Design Shop 63 Michelle Osborne 40 Mugs -n- Jugs 54 Optical Elegance 76 Old Oar House 33 Peggy’s Corral 30 Renli of Florida 62 Roscoe’s 15 64 Saddle Creek Sales Reps Wanted 78 Showtime Mobile Stage 62 Scooter Haven 6 Sonny’s Real Pit Bar-B-Q 17 Sturgis Kentucky 20 Tampa Triumph 9 Toys Wanted 60 Tropic Trailer 55 Twisted Tea 10 Uncle Mike’s 66 Vietnam Vets Poker Run 43 Venom 2-Super Tues Bike Night 58 Venom & Venom 2 59 Wagon Box Inn 77 Wings N’ Weenies 73


June is here and let’s not forget Dad. Father’s Day is a day honoring fathers, celebrated on various days in many places around the world. It compliments Mother’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to all the father’s reading this ad and Happy Father’s Day to all the mother’s reading this if you are a sole parent, mom and a dad of the family. Grandfathers, step-dads, uncles, brothers and sisters, you all deserve to be noted for what you do to be a figure in a child’s life. If dads not there someone who steps in as a fatherly figure. As the originator we have only one father but it’s up to life to keep it all together, life, family, growing up in a household that’s strong and loving. Happy Father’s Day to my dad! A Marine and Ex Police Officer for 28 years. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me in my life. I admire you for who you are and how you always provided for the family. I love the way you love your grandchildren and I’m proud they love you back! To anyone reading this, call your dad and tell him Happy Father’s Day. And if you’re not speaking, now is the time to start speaking to your father again.


My Uncle “Gee” was my dad’s father figure in his life for many years because his father worked many hours. He came from Italy and worked with marble but then later became ill and couldn’t do much with my dad. That’s when Uncle “Gee” stepped in and helped my dad in life as a father figure. So in this month of June, as a special Father’s Day tribute, we would like to honor my Uncle “Gee” Fidel Galletti who was a real WWII war hero pilot who flew B-17s. Most of all, he was my dad’s hero. This story is courtesy of The 390th Memorial Museum and my cousin, Marie Galletii Mitchell. Ron Galletti As Marie Galletti Mitchell and I corresponded regarding her story in the Sq. J, I found myself reflecting on how I enjoy talking with and writing to our descendants. They are special people … people who realize the importance of what our 390th did during WWII. Allow me to quote from one of Marie’s letters: “What a group of good-looking, virile young men in Dad’s crew! Dad is first on the left in the front row. Laverne Dillow was killed in action. What a waste of life it was for him to have died so young! When Dillow went missing, his mother wrote to my mother to ask for news of her son. My mother has kept that letter in her wartime scrapbook ever since. Now that I’ve gotten older (age 61), I realize how many years and how many of life’s chapters young men like Dillow have missed. So true…and today we honor those living and we memorialize those who have passed on to their reward. Heroes all ... and we hope that this story adds yet another chapter to their lives … let it be so!


On September 1, 1939, Nazi tanks rolled into Poland and started World War II. By September 18, 1944, the Polish resistance, which had bravely fought Hitler’s military might for five long years, was trapped in Warsaw with food, ammunition and other supplies running dangerously low. The Poles called upon the Allies to provide supplies by airdrop. The Allies agreed, and airmen of the 390th, along with the 95th and 100th, were called upon to replenish the patriots of Warsaw with the supplies they desperately needed. There was a catch, however. Warsaw is situated west of the Vistula River from Russia, and the Soviets had an unstated plan: Joseph Stalin wanted to weaken Poland in order that Russia could add this formerly sovereign nation to its empire once WWII was over. So while Stalin orally agreed to the Polish Airdrop, he kept delaying it by refusing to allow Allied planes to land on Soviet soil. (At that time, B-17s could not carry enough fuel to fly from England to Poland round trip.) Meanwhile, the Poles were getting weaker, and thousands died fighting Nazi soldiers on the streets of Warsaw. Finally, in September

1944, Stalin relented, giving the Allies permission to land about one hundred B-17s at some makeshift airfields in Russia. On September 18, 1944, my father, First Lieutenant Fidel Galletti, along with his crew of eight men, climbed into their Flying Fortress to complete their 23rd mission of WWII. These airmen would fly for 10 hours that day to provide the Poles with the supplies they desperately needed. My father’s log for that day reads, “We were to drop supplies to the Polish partisans holding parts of the city. Load was 10 containers and 2,800 gallons topped off. Bombing altitude was to be 14,000 feet. We ran into weather about 50 miles west of target and did several 360s trying to get over it. Colonel Tuesdale [command pilot of the lead plane] gave up trying to get on top and decided to go under as the base of clouds was at 12,000 feet. We got to the IP [Initial Point] and started on the run when fighters hit us. We were flying 565 #2 in the high of the high and out of position as they hit us. They came out of the clouds, and the tail, waist and ball opened up on them. Nine of them attacked from six o’clock level, and Rogers [tailgunner] had the best shot at them. He got the fourth coming in. Two 20 mm shells hit in the cockpit alongside of Spencer [co-pilot], and the oxygen started burning.” Behind the pilot and co-pilot were two oxygen tanks. Flak from the German ammunition pierced both tanks, setting the highly volatile gas into a blaze which quickly spread throughout the cabin. The co-pilot, William Spencer, found himself sitting next to a three-foot hole in the side of the plane, with oxygen burning all around him. His only option was to jump from his seat, through the hatch and into the nose. Before he leapt from the cockpit, he used the interphone to order the crew to bail out. At the same time, my father pulled away from the formation so that his plane, if it went out of control, would not bring down any other B-17s. He then set up the autopilot and hit the alarm bell. Both my father and the co-pilot were unaware that the fire had eaten through the communication lines, rendering it impossible for the crew to hear the orders to bail out of the crippled aircraft. Meanwhile, the interior of the airplane continued to burn, and the plane was filling with smoke. The airmen, while still able to breathe through oxygen masks, were unable to see through the dense smoke. The crew would have to act quickly if they were to save their lives and those of the Polish people they had flown so far to help. Top Turret Gunner Eduard H. Daly, reacting quickly to a five-foot hole and a fire in the waist of the plane,

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Ron Galletti 813-785-3895 CO PUBLISHER


Shawn Jones



Seth Wuertz, Juan Guzman,


Juan Guzman


Josh Pope


Jim Miller


Jesse Williams


Nancy Ray grabbed a fire extinguisher, put out the fire in the rear of the cockpit, then passed the fire extinguisher to my father. My father worked on putting out the fire up front, all the while knowing that if any flak were to nick the nearby primer fuel line, the plane would explode. The primer, next to the punctured oxygen tanks, was constantly charged with gasoline. Whenever fighter planes and ground antiaircraft artillery hit a plane, shrapnel can boomerang around inside the aircraft and hit anything or anybody in it, including, of course, the primer line. Fortunately, once the fires were extinguished, the worst was over. The primer was never nicked, and no one but the pilot sustained even minor wounds. However, danger still threatened the aircraft and its crew. The right tail elevator, necessary to stabilize the aircraft, had been almost torn off, and the cables to the tail section were nearly severed. One of the duties of a pilot is to keep his plane stable, but the damaged tail elevator pulled against my father, physically moving him back and forth as he tried to control the aircraft. In effect, the damaged tail was working against him for control of the plane. In addition, my father was concerned that the torn tail cables, which had been shredded into wires, would get caught in the pulleys through which they threaded on their way from the control stick to the tail. Fortunately, this was not the case and finally, almost miraculously, after what must have seemed like hours of German attack, the Flying Fortress set down as scheduled on an improvised landing field in Mirograd, Russia. In spite of fire and the damage to the plane, bombardier Harry Evje had been able to drop the supplies on target, thus fulfilling mission #23 of my father’s crew: to assist the Polish dissidents in resisting the Nazi army. In August 2005, a CNN documentary, “Warsaw Rising,”

filmed from Warsaw during the airdrop, shows the B-17s approaching the city. They looked so heroic as they flew in to the rescue! In the words of narrator David Ensor, “Suddenly, in the sky – a miracle!” In the same documentary, Nina Januszowska Thiessen, a Polish underground courier, recalls of the airdrop: That was the most wonderful picture, when the American planes came. They were very, very high, so you didn’t see anything; you just heard the mmmm [sounds] of the heavy bombers. Then, all of a sudden, there was –like flowers. The parachutes were multi-colored, you know. And those multicolored flowers brought hope that Warsaw would live another day. Over 2,500 years ago, Herodutus, “The Father of Western History,” declared that the purpose of written history was to memorialize glorious deeds. The Polish Airdrop of 1944 is one of modern history’s glorious deeds. America can be proud that the crew of B-17 #565, along with hundreds of other young American airmen, bravely risked their lives to take part in this gallant operation. Galletti Crew #95 Pilot – Fidel Galletti Co-pilot – William Spencer Top Turret – Eduard H. Daly Radioman – John Dudar R. Waist Gunner – Franklin Mesmer L. Waist Gunner – Laverne Dillow Ball Gunner – Virgil Burton Tail Gunner – Arthur K. Rogers Bombardier – Harry Evje Navigator – John J. Vitou

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Seth Wuertz


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Neale Bayly, Paul Garson, Craven Moorehead, Jim Miller, Spyke & Mike, Susan Hurst, Bill McDaniel, Eric Albright, Roger Wiles, Krusin with Katie Rob Brooks PHOTOGRAPHERS

Jim Miller, Jesse Williams, Neale Bayly, Michael Whitney, Ron & Selena Hawks, Chris Miller, Scott Odel, Bryan Lambert, Mathew Jacobson, Brent Michael, Mike McBee, Bruce Burman, Eric Albright, Vick Velosity, Rob Brooks Advertise in FLorida or Georgia BTR Magazine Call the Sales Office

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Search: Traveling again along a two-lane state highway, you approach a slow-moving vehicle and make a decision to pass. Passing on a motorcycle is not substantially different than passing in a car, though (as is always the case on a motorcycle) taking steps to ensure your own visibility is more important when you are riding. Take every possible step to be sure the driver you are overtaking is aware of you. Evaluate: Make sure there is a good opportunity to pass. Check for oncoming traffic, and gauge whether or not there is sufficient clear roadway available to complete the passing maneuver safely. Execute: Once you have determined that it is safe to pass: move to the left portion of the lane, at a safe following distance. This will increase your line of sight, and also make you more visible. Signal and perform a final traffic check, remembering to glance in your mirrors and also make a head check to look for traffic approaching from behind. Move into the left lane and accelerate. Select a lane position that maintains a sufficient space cushion between you and the car you are passing, but that also leaves you the space to avoid hazards that may appear in the oncoming lane. Signal to return to your lane, and check your mirrors and perform a head check to make sure you won’t cut off the car you just passed before returning to your lane. Resume SEEing. For more information go to

Attorney Fran M. Haasch isn’t just our attorney, she’s yours too! 1-866-LAW-FRAN


While on a family trip to Austria two years ago, Fran spotted an Almhütte and commented to her father Werner how she would adore a hut like this in her back yard. An Almhütte is an Alpine hut that is found in Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. It’s commonly used for animals grazing in the wild to seek shelter from weather. It has a peaked roof with an approximate 4-foot overhang on the sides. It’s common in Germany to see a huge boulder on the roof to hold the roof down during windy conditions. You see, Fran has a love for all animals; she has goats, cows, donkeys, and dogs … they all have names and personalities. Fran could only imagine how her animals would benefit from such a structure. Werner saw Fran’s imagination going wild. He found some photos and his mind began working on the plan. Werner was going to build Fran her animal hut. After returning to the States, Werner began the design on paper; soliciting help from a family friend Edward Fitzpatrick and his grandson Henry, the project was underway. He made a list of materials needed, which included properly treated cedar from Chiefland, FL. He had a wood burned “Almhütte” sign made to hang over the door which has an image of a goat and a cow. There are four layers to the roof; the inside layer made of small tree logs to give it an authentic rustic ceiling when you look up once inside. The outside has wood shingles. And yes, the boulder is going to be mounted on the BTR 8 | BORNTORIDE.COM

roof to replicate the authentic Almhütte. It’s all in the details. But there are two extra special touches that are going on Fran’s Almhütte to complete the project. One is a masterpiece work of metal that Werner twisted himself by hand in 1957 while completing his apprenticeship in Germany as a metal worker. It adds the perfect Alpine look to the Almhütte window and comes from the heart. The other special touch is slightly difficult to explain. When Fran was able to open her first law office, she chose a site in Palm Harbor, FL. The property had an existing small building and next to it a unique historic free standing door with old rusty hinges and a door knocker. Image just a door standing there alone. Werner could never have been so proud to see his daughter break ground on that site and grow her own business into what it is today. He kept that old rusty hardware from the demolished door and has been polishing it diligently to place on the Almhütte. For Werner, this special Almhütte is a one-of-a-kind for a one-ofa-kind daughter. It signifies where they both came from and where they are today. There have been proposals from others for a similar build, but Werner declines and explains he will be the one to complete the task for his daughter who has become a wife, mother, business woman, and philanthropist. He is proud of her accomplishments and wants to create an authentic Almhütte for his Francoise.

Happy Father’s Day from Born To Ride to All the Fathers out there reading this.

Hottest BIKE NIGHTS M O N DAY Beef O’ Brady’s Wesley Chapel • 813-994-1511 Crystal Harley-Davidson Ladies Night

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S AT U R DAY Biff Burger St.Pete • 727-244-8519 Charlotte’s Webb Pub Wauchula • 863-735-8887 JT’S Roadhouse Tampa • 813-962-4440 Peggy’s Corral Palmetto • 941-729-5442 Rossiter’s Harley-Davidson Sarasota (Monthly) • 941-951-6103 Rossiter’s Manatee River Bradenton (4th Sat) • 941-745-2429


Mugs -n- Jugs Lehigh Acres • 239-369-5069 (4th Sun) Scooter Haven Inglis • 727-686-4977 Charlotte’s Webb Pub Wauchula • 863-735-8887 Peggy’s Corral Palmetto • 941-729-5442 Venom II (3rd Sun.) Port Richey • 727-387-5850



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a house which becomes a home, one hands down and another takes up the heritage of mind and heart, laughter and tears, musings and deeds. Love, like a carefully loaded ship, crosses the gulf between the generations. Therefore, we do not neglect the ceremonies of our passage: when we wed, when we die, and when we are blessed with a child; When we depart and when we return; When we plant and when we harvest. Let us bring up our children. It is not the place of some official to hand to them their heritage. If others impart to our children our knowledge and ideals, they will lose all of us that is wordless and full of wonder. Let us build memories in our children, lest they drag out joyless lives, lest they allow treasures to be lost because they have not been given the keys. We live, not by things, but by the meanings of things. It is needful to transmit the passwords from generation to generation. They say apples don’t fall too far from the tree. Alan Bernard of Santiago Chopper has followed in the footsteps of his forefathers; he is a fourth generation bike builder and rider. Thanks to Alan, Born To Ride is proud to present four generations of bike-building Bernard’s.

A poem by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Fernand Bernard - Great Grandfather 1904

Roger Bernard - Grandfather 1932

Gaston Bernard - Father 1957


Alan Bernard, Santiago Choppers - Son 2008

Happy Father’s Day from Born To Ride to All the Fathers out there reading this.

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Motorcycles are in my blood, in my DNA. I’ve seen them under a microscope, floating in my blood stream, riding the highways and byways of my veins and arteries. Microscopic sport bikes, cruisers, old classics, inherited from my father, racing through my circulatory system, dodging in and out of the red cell traffic, avoiding the white cell cops. I was “born to ride.” Okay, so “in my blood” may be a bit of a stretch, but I came from a motorcycle riding family, and riding is one of my great passions, my favorite pastime. My father was a rider back in his youth, a “greaser” in the late 50s, riding a stripped-down ’54 Triumph Tiger with my mom hanging on for dear life. The original “Fonz.” The bike had chopped fenders, a chrome frame, removable baffles, and BTR 18 | BORNTORIDE.COM

Riding with your Dad must be a great memory to have forever. Do you ride with your Dad?

a pink peanut tank, he told me. He sold the bike before joining the Air Force, and no photos remain of it. Pity. Dad even rode while stationed on the island of Okinawa in the early 60s, hopping up Cushmans and running aviation fuel in them, blasting along rough roads between the base and local villages and towns. As kids, my brothers and I saw various bikes come and go in Dad’s workshop—a ’72 Triumph Trophy TR6, a ‘68 Bonneville, and enough extra parts hanging from pegs on the walls to practically build another. We rode mini-bikes, then dirt bikes, cutting miles of trails through the woods behind our north Georgia home. I even got to ride the old Trophy up and down the street when I was old enough, under Dad’s watchful and Mom’s worried eyes. Hunting, fishing, camping, motorcycle riding—it was the ideal boyhood. Once I got my driver’s license, Dad helped me buy my first car, and I left behind two wheels for four. Girls, cruising, graduation, college, grad school, marriage, children— motorcycling became a faded memory, fond recollections from a storied childhood. The dirt bikes eventually collected dust and rust in the corner of Dad’s garage, and he eventually sold his old Triumphs and all the parts with them. Dad’s garage spent years filled with cars and trucks, as he serviced and maintained the vehicles of Mom and us three sons. Years rolled by, into decades. Eventually the itch to ride returned, demanding to be scratched. I started riding again in 1996, and

soon I coaxed Dad into “throwing a leg over” as well. He eventually picked up a Harley Super Glide, re-upped his moto license and started honing his riding skills again. Mom even geared up and started riding along with him, just like in their days of youth. For the first time in my life, my father had also become my “road brother.” We went on to ride many miles and several road trips together, which I’ve chronicled in photos, journals, and the annals of my memory. Our first road trip together took in the Tail of the Dragon, the Cherohala Skyway, and the southern section of the Blue Ridge Parkway across a week. Being on two wheels, riding

alongside Dad, taking in some of the most beautiful roads in North America was an experience I will always cherish. We have since taken that trip two more times together, even bringing Mom along on one, switching between riding with me and with Dad. We took a trip across northeastern Alabama and southern Tennessee, visiting the famed Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum, riding the Talladega Scenic Drive and the Lookout Mountain Parkway, and taking in a “falls” tour

Let us know? Thank you Rob for sharing this wonderful story with Born To Ride.

of DeSoto and Little River Falls. Mom rode with us on that one too, snapping photos from her perch on the back of Dad’s Harley, by this time an ’03 Heritage Softail Classic. We’ve ridden the mountain roads above my north Georgia home many times, as well as the rolling hills of dairy country toward the center of the state, where they live. I have relished the miles, the hours, and the memories made with my father, sharing this common bond of a love for motorcycling. Dad still rides, though not as often or as far anymore. His sight and hearing are not what they used to be, his strength is waning some, and his reflexes are losing a little of their sharpness. But throwing a leg over his big Hawg, Dad can still ride circles around many I’ve seen out on the roads today. My only regret is that I was not more interested in learning the mechanics of working on bikes as a younger man, as I could have learned much, and enjoyed even more time with Dad in those early years. My father has been a master mechanic his entire life, able to tear down, repair, and rebuild nearly any type of petrol-powered motor imaginable. I arrived at the motorcycle mechanic table rather late in life, only in recent years acquiring some (limited) skills with the help and encouragement of Pops. He has aided me on several projects, rebuilding and repairing multiple old motorcycles I’ve acquired and sold. We don’t get to ride together as often, like we enjoyed for about a decade, but I savor the times we now share wrenching on bikes, in his garage and mine. So I guess I’ve come full circle. Turns out, I truly am “my father’s son.” Rob Brooks BORNTORIDE.COM | BTR 19

“A Motorcycle Rally like No Other”

Angel City next Rally Sept 14-18, Vendors, Campers & all info: 478-627-3168



For more Motorcycle Rally Events & News go to: www.BornTo

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For more Motorcycle Rally Events & News go to: www.BornTo


Angel City next Rally Sept 14-18, Vendors, Campers & all info: 478-627-3168

May 7, 2016 marked the 10th anniversary of International Female Ride Day and the 2nd annual Road Queen USA hosted event. International Female Ride Day is a globally synchronized riding event that takes place all around the world. It is a day calling for all women to “Just Ride.� It has become a day of empowerment and sisterhood. IFRD was initially a campaign calling for women to show their presence on scooters, motorbikes anything with two wheels. It has grown and evolved into planned rides around the world. Road Queen USA hosted a ride here in Citrus and Hernando counties this year with a whopping 340 registered riders participating. Women came from as far away as Nashville,

TN to participate this southern breakfast Harley-Davidson

year. We began with a full catered free by Crystal and then did a 91.3 mile nonstop ride of tree covered roadways, sweeping curves, and Florida twisties ending at High Octane Saloon for a concert along with giveaways and drawings. What a sight to see it was for me to look in my mirrors and see women on motorcycles for as far the eye could see! Get ready for 2017! Road Queen USA has announced along with Crystal HarleyDavidson plans to host the largest gathering of women on motorcycles on International Female Ride Day in the world! Save the date: May 6, 2017 and plan on being a part of what should prove to be a phenomenal event! Linda Dalton, Road Queen USA


Nestled high in the North Georgia mountains there is a rally, a ride, and a resort that is gaining national notoriety. Known as “Thunder in the Mountains,” the 3-day event is hosted by Copperhead Lodge, just outside Blairsville, Georgia. Into its 5th year, “Thunder” attracts riders across much of the USA, from such locations as Michigan, Maine, Arkansas, and the southern tip of Florida. Founded as a small, intimate gathering of enthusiasts for the spectacular riding and beautiful scenery that is North Georgia, the event has grown into a major regional rally. Hundreds of riders attend, many of whom returning year after year. Thunder has come to include numerous vendors, multiple rock bands across the three days, daily guided or self-guided tours of the “Gauntlet,” bike and hot rod shows, and a variety of “biker entertainment” (think tattoo contests, wet t-shirt, a$$-less chaps, BTR 34 | BORNTORIDE.COM

Ride the Moutains with Michelle Evans on a guided tour like no other. Copperhead Lodge

treasure hunt rides, etc.). Birthed in the brains of Michelle Davis, owner and proprietor of the Copperhead Lodge, and Brad Betters, owner of the Biker Barn store in Blairsville, Thunder in the Mountains has been a true labor of love for these two friends and avid riders. I had the privilege of attending the rally this year for BTR and found the whole event had a unique flavor and friendliness that larger rallies often seem to lack. That is intentional, according to Michelle. “At so many other rallies, bikers show up to camp, party, get drunk, listen to bands, and then leave. Our rally attracts riders—those who, yes, like to have a good time in the evenings but who come here to ride. So we show them a good time, of course, but we also show them the best in riding up here. That’s what we’re all about. This is a rider’s rally.” The popular Copperhead Lodge plays headquarters to the ever-expanding rally, and Michelle is the central figure. After purchasing the lodge at an auction in 2009, she has since transformed the establishment into a world-class motorcycle resort, with plush rooms and amenities, beautiful rental cabins with bike garages and Jacuzzis, splendid dining, and spacious bars, patios, and covered motorcycle parking. There is even a large pool, for those hot Georgia summers. “I wanted to create a place that appeals to women as well as men, since there are more women riding now than ever before. I’ve been in the motorcycle community myself for many years and honestly, stayed at some pretty crappy places while riding. I wanted a place that women could feel comfortable, and men would want to bring their women too.” Not exclusively for motorcyclists, the lodge hosts weddings, anniversaries, reunions, graduations, and various other gatherings. “We all know that motorcycling doesn’t always happen in the winter up here, so we’ve had to diversify a bit. But that’s the kind destination I envision this being.” We believe she has realized her vision. One of the key features of a Thunder in the Mountains rally is the opportunity to ride the vaunted Gauntlet, a 3.5-hour, 133 mile, multi-road loop through the North Georgia mountains. The route, rapidly gaining popularity nationwide on par with the likes of Deals Gap, Cherohala Skyway, and the Blue Ridge Parkway, The Gauntlet includes the tight and technical as well as the relaxed, scenic riding variety. Among the roads on the course are the famous Richard B. Russell Scenic Byway, the Georgia section of Hwy 129 known as the “Baby Dragon” (personally, it’s better than the “mother”), Hwy 180 (also called Wolf Pen Gap Road), and “Twisty 60.” Copperhead Lodge and Biker Barn Find out how you can own the lifestyle of Copperhead Lodge, Call: 706-835-7433



are considered Gauntlet Central in North Georgia. The Gauntlet was conceived by Brad of Biker Barn back when he opened the store with his wife Lori in 2012. Brad says, “We wanted to create a ride that would rival the Tail of the Dragon in popularity and challenge. So I mapped out some of my favorite roads up here, connected them into a big loop, and when we approached Michelle about it, she said, ‘That looks like quite a gauntlet.’ So the name stuck.” People from all over the country come to ride the Gauntlet, and both Michelle and Brad often lead guided tours of the route from their respective establishments. “It’s pretty curvy in places,” warns Michelle, “so the name sounds cool but also describes the ride for those not used to riding up here.” Spanning 133 miles, the Gauntlet takes in the best of North Georgia motorcycling, from beautiful mountain vistas (including Georgia’s highest point, Brasstown Bald), to wide sweepers, from tight curves to open valleys. Both Michelle and Brad advertize the route at their establishment, as well as on the web ( and Facebook. Thunder in the Mountains this year dealt with heavy rains on Thursday and much of Friday, so most patrons stayed in for the days. Michelle was unable to lead a guided ride across the Gauntlet but provided great entertainment both afternoons. A few

brave (i.e. crazy) souls took to the roads in the rain, and I had the “joy” of riding through solid rain and wind for two of the three hours it took me to arrive on Friday afternoon. I was met with a bright smile, a warm handshake, and a clean and ready room to begin my weekend. I soon met several riders in for the rally, from those who’ve attended every year of Thunder to those who just decided earlier in the month to ride in. I met Tom Gibson, an 81-year old BMW rider from Ohio, in for the weekend. “Same age as Elvis,” he quipped. Tom met Michelle back at a motorcycle show in 2012, bought two of the cabins for personal use and as an investment—and recently has invested in a third. Returning every year since buying in, Tom said, “I wouldn’t miss this time for anything. I’ll keep coming back as long as I’m able.” I also met Emily and Randy, who were attending the rally and staying at the lodge for the first time. From Portland, Tennessee, they discovered the rally in issues of BTR at an Indian Motorcycles dealership and decided to cruise in. Asked what they thought of the rally, they both said, “This is actually our first-ever rally, of any kind. It has been the best we could have hoped for. We’ll be making our reservations for next year before we leave.” The rally this year featured several regional acts such as The Wide Open • Michelle and her staff know how to make you feel at home.

and Topper, doing their “Voices of Rock” tribute show. The Wide Open is a folk rock, unplugged-style 3-piece band based out of Fort Walton Beach, Florida, and Topper is a classic rock cover band, with many of their own numbers, from Atlanta, Georgia. Both were outstanding, with great sound and crowd involvement. I talked briefly with lead singer and guitarist for The Wide Open, Season Ammons, about their time with the Thunder rally. “This is our second year doing the rally,” she informed me. “We were performing in Destin, and Michelle heard us and booked us. We love this rally!” Asked what they enjoyed so much about Thunder, Season replied, “it’s the people. There is just a magic to this area, and now we have fans up here who have been waiting for us to come back. There is so much hype around the event now, we couldn’t wait to play here again.” Find Season and the boys at www., and Topper at www. Thunder in the Mountains has expanded into a bi-annual event, with spring and fall rallies to accommodate its growing popularity. Make your plans now to join Michelle, Brad, and friends this color-filled fall, the weekend of October 27-30, 2016, and mark your calendar for next year’s spring rally, April 27-30, 2017. Rob Brooks BORNTORIDE.COM | BTR 37

100 Page Online Exclusive @ Scan Code to see this Episode come to life.

professional advice. When stock markets and the economy as a whole take a temporary turn downward or they are unpredictable as to what happens. The best defense is to preserve your money as much as possible while continuing to look for good opportunities. You may able to still get the average rate of return that you would possibly get with a mutual fund portfolio without those risk and fees. This is MY world, if you don’t understand what may happen with this new law in effect, I can help you look at what you have and make some sound decisions. If you can move your retirement account to your own name, this is a must. If you are over 55 you must protect yourself we are headed for some ups and some downs.

It took us 8 years to recover from 2008.

Ask yourself the simple question; do I have 8 years to recover from a floundering economy again?

This month I want to address a very important fact that consumers need to be aware of. That is the law being passed about your retirement accounts before this administration ends. It is being put in to place by the Department of Labor. It plainly states that brokers will now be required to be fee based and not able to offer certain investment options to their clients that are now available to the general public. It is critical to understand this because it is being said that the average to middle class person will not be able to seek solid retirement investment advice because it will be cost prohibitive. We expect to have about a 6 month window before the law is effective so the time to act is NOW. This being said it is critical if you are 59 ½ that you look in to the possibility of whether you can roll your retirement even while still working as an (in-service-distribution) or if you have left a job in another state or if you have retirement funds sitting idle in a bank IRA. Some people are concerned about their

retirement accounts as the upcoming year may affect them very much. The markets are not for everyone. Let me say that again. The markets are not for everyone. I work daily with Wall Street and bond markets. I can tell you to consider what stage of life you are in and how long you have until you retire or need the money as well as your overall net worth. Unless you want to experience a real roller coaster ride. Historically the markets go in cycles and if history repeats itself, 2016 may continue to be a real roller coaster of a ride. If you look back over the history of the stock and bond markets typically it has lost significant value and stayed down the entire year when the last day of January was in a down cycle and this year it was. All of us remember 2008, who doesn’t right? Well the one thing I know for certain is that with an election year, Fed’s raising interest rates and the 7 year itch in the markets, economics can dictate a potential correction in the markets. So moral of the story is protect yourself and seek


If you have Questions, Call Michelle, 844-WS-RIDES

“IFS Securities, Inc. requests that you do not transmit orders by e-mail. Transaction details sent to you by email do not supersede normal trade confirmations or statements. The information contained in this transmission is privileged and confidential. It is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. The information contained herein is based on sources we believe reliable but is not considered allinclusive. International Financial Solutions, Inc., member FINRA I SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer. 3414 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1020, Atlanta, GA 30326, Phone: 404-419-7597. Securities offered through IFS Securities Inc. are NOT FDIC INSURED, NOT BANK GUARANTEED, and MAY LOSE VALUE. Please contact your Financial Advisor for information regarding specific investments. IFS Securities, Inc., reserves the right to monitor all electronic correspondence.”

Congratulations on your 20th Anniversary.



World’s Largest 3-Day Motorcycle & Music Event.

For Vendor information or Sponsorships call: 352-787-0000,



World’s Largest 3-Day Motorcycle & Music Event.


Hi there folks! Hope you’re staying hydrated in this hot weather while you’re out enjoying the Florida sunshine. Having a light weight long sleeve shirt on while riding is always a plus for me just to keep my arms from burning and feeling so dried out after the ride. I find it very hard to pull that leather out of the closet in the summer time, any jacket as far as that goes. I know helmets are a touchy subject, but let me tell ya, in the summer heat they sure keep the head from frying out in the heat and wind. Don’t take my word for it, just try it if you don’t already wear one. You’ll find that at the end of the ride you don’t feel so drained and worn out. Ok some of you have caught on to my move from Go For A Ride to Born To Ride. What I want to make sure you notice is that some of the folks that have advertised with me for as long as I’ve been with magazines have made the move with me. Leather Lid Inserts, Tropic Trailer, Palladin Cycle, American Cycles, Mugs & Jugs, Nav-AGator and Toy Mover are just some that have joined us this far, so please if you’re down in the Ft Myers, Lehigh or Cape Coral area please stop in and say hi. Remember

without advertisers magazines don’t stay in business. I know all these advertisers and have known them for many years, they all come highly recommended. On a sad note, River District Downtown Ft. Myers had their last bike night of the season. It was a great turn out as usual, 45 vendors with only one of them being food. Those bike nights will start up again

on the second Saturday in November. From there it will be the second Saturday every other month … January, March & May. Vendors can contact me for more information On a happy note, Mugs & Jugs bike event in Lehigh runs all year long on the 4th Sunday of the month. Not the last Sunday of the month, on the 4th Sunday, some months have 5 Sundays so some riders show up to no event. If you aren’t able to find a magazine at one of the other drops you can always come get one from me, I keep spares for this event. Can you slow race? Would your group like to win a wall plaque for the largest group to ride in? Come see us, we always have a good time Well I guess that’s about if for this edition. I know I need to get out riding more so I can find you some cool places to go … promise I’ll work on it. Until next time, keep the rubber side down and between the ditches … Hugs, Katie BTW if you’re wanting to be noticed, get advertising with us, here’s my email Hugs and talk to ya later, Katie


Special Thanks to River District Alliance, the voice of Downtown Ft. Myers.

For Vendor information


Next Bike Night in November


“A RIDE IN THE PARK” From Sarasota Ford (707 S Washington Blvd) North on Payne Pkwy (387 ft) Left Oak St (308 ft) Right (301) / S Washington Blvd (0.5 mi) Right Fruitville Rd (6.4 mi) Past the interstate Right E Rd (At Texaco station) (1.1 mi) Left Palmer Blvd (2.2 mi) Right Iona Rd / Bee Ridge Rd Extension (3.9 mi) Left SR-72 (5.5 mi) Turn left onto Myakka State Park Rd (2.8 mi)

Stay right at fork (brown sign scenic road to North Entrance) (3.5 mi) Right at stop sign after leaving park onto Clay Gully Rd (4.1 mi) Turn left onto M&J Rd (5.9 mi) Turn left onto FL-70 W at stop sign (0.6 mi) Turn left onto Singletary Rd at flashing yellow light (5.6 mi) Turn left to stay on Singletary Rd at stop sign (1.5 mi) Turn Left onto Verna Rd at stop sign (1.1 mi) Turn right onto Fruitville Rd/Historic Florida 780 W (8.4 mi) Turn left onto Debrecen Rd (1.5 mi) Stay left at first stop sign Turn right onto Palmer Blvd (3.0 mi) Turn left onto Cattlemen Rd (0.3 mi) Turn right onto Bahia Vista St (4.8 mi) Turn right onto S Tamiami Trail (0.4 mi) Use the left 2 lanes to turn left onto Mound St/N Tamiami Trail (0.6 mi) Continue onto Bayfront Dr (0.5 mi) Turn left onto Marina Plaza to end at Marina JackEnd at Barney’s

Total Distance 64.5 mi Total Time 1 hr 57 min

When I want to get away from all the traffic, I head out east and ride rural West Central Florida. When I was asked to create a ride for the Sarasota Powerboat Grand Prix event, it was a no-brainer. The ride will take place on Sunday, June 26th. Registration is at Sarasota Ford, 707 S Washington Blvd, from 10:00am until Noon. They will have a continental breakfast for all the riders. After breakfast, the ride heads out east to Myakka State Park. Riders will get a chance to ride through and explore this

beautiful natural resource full of wildlife and great roads for riding. After the adventure of the park, the ride takes you past rural farmlands near Myakka City, and heads back into town to end along the waterfront at Marina Jack for lunch in downtown Sarasota. Riders will spin a wheel to get drawing coupons for cash prizes. There will be live music, and plenty of food and drinks out on the deck. Registration is 20.00 per person, and will include breakfast, an event t-shirt, free admission to Myakka State Park, lunch,

and a chance at $500 in cash prizes. All proceeds of this ride event benefit Suncoast Charities For Children. Manatee River Harley-Davidson, Rossiter’s HarleyDavidson, Sarasota Ford, Born To Ride, and Wittmer Linehan, are all sponsors for this ride event. I hope you can make it for this great ride, and get a chance to see some of the great back roads in this area. Please join us for a day of fun, and remember its always a great day if you can stay in the wind. Steve Finz



Craven Moorehead Hey, you don’t know a Bass Player do Ya?

God were voting for Trump while browsing Gawker. Consider the politically correct provisions violated. Some of you know that I operate an online Radio/ TV station ( which often carries controversial alternative programming. Even though it is entertaining, it really doesn’t fit the mold of the regulated media. It’s largely about the local music scene. Last week one of our on-air talents relayed a message to me that a person had contacted him regarding the possibility of advertising on the station. Naturally I called the number provided and had a very interesting and enlightening conversation with nice girl named Constance. It seems that she operates an entity called Bay Buzz Magazine ( which deals directly with the Tampa Bay area music scene, local bands, live music venues and features local up and coming talent. We had a fairly long conversation regarding the rates, placement and etc. And somewhere in the midst of the call she says “Hey, Man, the year has flown by like a Saber jet on rocket fuel. you don’t know a Bass Player do ya’?” And of course, me It’s already June, summertime is officially kicked off and the being the smart-ass that I am replied, “yer talking to one.” I heat is on in the trailer park. Not only is the temperature rising, guess you see where this is going. A while later I received a but the political heat is boiling over into the dirt creating a message that informed me of the time and place that her band plethora of mud to be slung by candidates all over the country. was rehearsing and an invitation to attend. Seemed normal A disgusting array of attack ads fill the major network’s enough to me—I mean, people who perform in bands often commercial slots and social media is overflowing with love, have personnel changes due to this or that or whatever and for hate and indecision regarding the potential new presidential some reason it seems that Bass Players and Sound Engineers hopefuls. I would like to not take a side in this arena but one are in short supply. Neither of the aforementioned positions thing is for sure, the more mud that is slung at ‘Teflon Don’ portray the image that one gets when the term “Rock Star” is the more the people back him. Yeah, like it or not, the AP brought up, but let me assure you that without these two vital and all the other media outlets confirmed early this morning components the viability of the unit could audibly suffer. that Trump has collected enough delegates to be the GOP’s “There are no coincidences” a good friend of mine often nominee. It’s funny how controversy creates a following. I have quotes, and me being what and who I am, I became curious seen this in a few other areas of my life and it often reflects about this ‘band’ and the nice girl Constance who runs the directly into the biker community. Rumor has it that BTR is Bay Buzz outfit. I did 15 minutes of research on the net and going to do a story next month regarding a yellow journalism somewhere in the 14th minute I have fallen out of my chair media report about some of our fine first-responders being laughing so hard that I am crying! And, the name of the band members of motorcycle clubs. So—what does that have to do is? “Beer Hand”! I quickly recovered from the irony and loaded with news? ‘Nothing’ is the correct answer and rest assured my old bass, my amp and a six-pack in the truck and headed that drama will always prevail when the media has no real out to St. Pete to attend the rehearsal. It went pretty well, and news to report. Conventional wisdom in reporting the news is I want to tell you about the extremely talented members of this rarely exercised. band. It turns out that Constance is the lead singer (and the As a journalist, I was instructed by my peers to never star) front-person, Taper and Will are the guitarists, Paulie discuss politics, religion or pornography. And as usual, I didn’t is the drummer and hopefully yours truly will remain as the listen to those people. It is curious how wearing camouflage bassist. causes you to stand out more than a bright red shirt. One Either way, stay tuned to your favorite social media or thing is for sure, I won’t likely disappoint my dedicated readers wherever you get your event news to find out where Beer with a generic white-bread opinion on what I’m trying to Hand is playing! You won’t be disappointed. Remember there espouse but because I have editors and a bad reputation to are no coincidences. And until next month – speed safely!!! comply with, I will try to restrain myself—NOT. … Imagine if CRAVEN Let us know what you think of Craven Moorehead,



FREE BEER EVERYDAY! Bert’s Blackwidow Harley-Davidson Port Charlotte, 941-883-8000 BTR 70 | BORNTORIDE.COM


EVERY WEEKEND FREE Hamburgers & Hotdogs, Live Music w/ Stage & Tents, BORNTORIDE.COM | BTR 71

Jim “Wheels” Leatherman

The Goodwill Ambassador of Born To Ride

involved in many disability programs, working with adults and children in such programs as Wounded Warrior, Eastern Paralyzed Veterans, Baltimore Wheelchair Athletic Club and many, many others. I have traveled the world representing the USA while a member of many sports teams, including basketball, snow skiing, ice (sled) hockey, sailing, and racquetball, to name a few. While each of those experiences were great, nothing can compare to the thrill I get when I jump on the trike and take off on another adventure seeking the thrills that only riding a motorcycle can give. Today you will often see me and my wife, Nancy, who now rides her own Harley-Davidson Sportster, enjoying some of the many great roads in southwest

Having lost my legs at the age of 6 as a result of being run over by a train in 1966, I had no idea that riding a bicycle would be possible and grew up with the understanding that a motorcycle would be out of the question. It was not until a very good friend of mine, Bob Moran from Treasure Island, Florida, who was also a double leg amputee, showed me that it was possible. I was training for the Paralympics as a member of the U.S. Sailing Team and we were sailing out of St. Petersburg, Florida. Since Bob lived in the area, I always made it a point to visit. On one such visit, I saw that he was riding a Harley-Davidson trike and I just had to do that! After a great deal of coaxing, he finally allowed me to try. Having no experience with a clutch, he told me to “start it up.” Thankfully, I was able to stop the bike before it went out the back wall of the garage. After a few laps around his neighborhood, I was hooked. The ’04 Flair Red GL1800 Honda with the Hannigan trike kit is my second trike, and together with the first, I have logged well over a quarter million miles in just 10 years, having traveled all over the U.S. and Canada. In 2013, the team at Hannigan did an amazing job transforming my oneof-a-kind chair mount to the fender of the Hannigan kit, along with working with me to modify the braking system on the ’04 GL1800, so that I could control all three brakes from the handlebar master cylinder. Transferring my custom chair mount required a few changes to the original design, but nothing that the Hannigan team could not resolve. They paid attention to every detail to ensure a flawless build. In addition to the chair mount and changes/mods to the braking system, the only other “accessory” is a Pingel Electric Shifter that has worked

extremely well for me. It’s not every day that you see such a high level amputee riding a motorcycle. I have enjoyed many encounters with folks screaming out of their car windows at 75 mph asking if they can take my picture, at gas stops that take hours while I talk with individuals who have lots of questions or are seeking advice that might help someone they know either return to riding, or do so for the first time. Over the 10 years that I have been riding, I have become recognized on many Internet sites as “Wheels,” a road name that I am still trying to figure out how I got. Wheels has become someone who many seek out for help and direction on how and where to go for riding questions, equipment, and sometimes just to have someone to talk to share issues pertaining to dealing with a disability. I have enjoyed meeting and “putting a handshake” on thousands of fellow riders. I really enjoy having the chance to help someone who has returned from combat with a disability who wants to ride, often paying it forward like my friend Bob, who lost his legs while serving in Vietnam, by throwing them the keys and telling them to “hop on and take her for a spin.” Over the years, I have been extensively


“I’m very excited to have Jim & Nancy a part of our BTR Family.”

Florida seeking out local adventures. Nancy often says “We are having the time of our life.” It’s never too far, too cold, too wet, too hot or too long to ride a Gold Wing, especially if it involves a good barbecue.

Jim Wheels Leatherman Ron Galletti

www.B Events Friday, June 3

Ocala, FL Ocala Bike & Car Fest ARC Marion Campus. Georgia Satellites, Michael Allman Band, Nova Rex and more bands to be announced. Rat Hole bike show on Saturday 9AM - 5PM. Car show on Sunday 9AM - 5PM. Plenty of vendors, good food and great times. Please make this your ride destination.

Saturday, June 4

Lakeland, FL H-D Lakeland Super Saturday Event 12-4PM. Live music, cookout, beer, games, raffles and more. For more information call 863-802-1971 Homosassa, FL H-D Crystal Saturday Music Fest 12PM - 4PM every Sat. For more information 800-584-8755 Ocala, FL H-D War Horse Saturday Music Fest 12PM - 4PM every Sat. For more information call 800-935-7059 Sanford, FL Rick’s Harley’s & Hot Rods Charity Poker Run 11AM - 5PM Seminole H-D. Ride is open to all bikes and hot rods. For more info 855-842-3511 Sanford, FL 5th Annual J.O.S.H. shake the Lake 12PM The Barn. Proceeds will benefit Just Our Soldiers’ Helpers (J.O.S.H.) a non-profit organization that supports Soldiers who are deployed to locations where it is difficult for them to purchase hygiene items and snacks/food. For more Stuart, FL LAMA Port St. Lucie 12th annual Event 11AM Treasure Coast H-D. Hot food, raffles, trophies and more. For more info call 772-287-3871

Sunday, June 5

Naples. FL Saving LiveZ Ride Ride to honor our fallen Brothers and Sisters. Raising awareness of the safety of the motorcycle rider. Ride ends at Fritz’s Motorcycle Garage, Music, raffles, food trucks games. For more information call 239-362-0399 Nobleton, FL Benefit for GW 12PM River Ratz Cafe. GW and Mary are wonderful people and dear friends. They were in an accident and need our support. Donations of raffle items are greatly appreciated. Bands and musicians welcome, sound provided 352-796-7176 Palmetto, FL Whiskey Blind 5th Anniversary Party 12-4PM Peggy’s Corral. Live music, food, Bloody Mary specials,


There Thereare aresome somegreat greatevents eventscoming comingup, up,sosoget getout outthere thereand andmeet meetup upwith withold oldfriends! friends! s, Rides & Destinations vendors and more. For more call Apopka, FL The Light House Scenic 941-729-5442 Ride. Starting at Panera Bread on SR 441 in Apopka at 8 AM. Kickstands Wednesday, June 8 up at 9 AM. 59 miles each way. Two Largo, FL Mako’s Wednesday Bike pit stops. For more 407-886-1010 Night 6PM. Best bike, giveaways, live band, drink specials and more Lakeland, FL Roscoe’s Old Time 727-595-6256 All Motorcycle Dirt Drags 8AM. Elimination 1PM; admission $10 adult, St. Petersburg Biff Burger $5 child, Moms get in free. For more Wednesday Bike Night (Happy Hour info 863-858-6249 3-7PM). The original old school bike night. For more info 727-244-8519 Palmetto, FL Sunday Fun day 124PM Peggy’s Corral every Sun. Live Thursday, June 9 music, food, Bloody Mary specials, Sarasota, FL Applebee’s Bike Night vendors and more. For more Thursday 2nd Thu. BTR magazine information call 941-729-5442 shoot, great food, and more information 941-355-1400 Tampa, FL Let’s Ride JT’s Road House. For more info 813-962-4440

Saturday, June 11

Anna Maria Island, FL Snook Adams Kids Day 10AM - 2PM Bay Front Park. Dig fer Treasure in the Sand, Rat toss and other pirate games. Prizes Galore!!! Water Balloon Tossing, Pirate Tales and Song, Water Pistol Fight, Pirate Costume Contest, Hot Dogs, Pizza, scavenger hunts and come climb aboard a 60ft Pirate Ship. A fun festival event just for kids! For more info 941-249-0782 Clearwater, FL Suncoast Brotherhood Joint Poker Run 5PM Banana Boat Bar & Grill. For more info call 727-453-8818 Hudson, FL Suncoast Brotherhood Joint Poker Run 5PM Overtime Sports Bar & Grill. For more info call 727-453-8818 Lakeland, FL Roscoe’s Old Time All Motorcycle Dirt Drags 8AM. Elimination 1PM admission $10 adult, $5 child. Call 863-858-6249 Madeira Beach, FL Old Oar House Bike Night 2nd Sat. Best Bike Contest, food and drink specials. For more info 727-393-9816 Panama City Beach, FL PCB H-D Summer Concert and Daisy Duke Competition 12PM - 4PM. For more information 850-334-0055 Sanford, FL Run for the Dogs Poker Run Ride & Rally 10AM Seminole H-D. For information 855-842-3511

Sunday, June 12

Monday, June 13

Ocala, FL H-D War Horse Ladies Night and CPR First Aid Training 6PM - 8PM every. For more information call 800-935-7059

Thursday, June 16

10:30AM - 3PM Rossiter’s H-D. Free St. Petersburg Biff Burger Super carnival food, live music and more. For Wednesday Bike Night (Happy Hour more info 941-951-6103 3-7PM). The original old school bike night. BTR TV taping and more. For Turtletown, TN Thirsty Turtle Grand more info 727-244-8519 Opening. Come and celebrate our Grand Opening. Play for free Saturday, July 2 Pool – Horseshoes – Cornhole; 1st Sanford, FL 7/2 - 7/4 Seminole H-D place winner in each wins 100%. 4th of July Weekend Party. Three Entertainment provided by Electric days of bikes, music, and BBQ. For Circus Band. For more information more information call 855-842-3511 call 423-496-5221

Sunday, June 19

Clearwater, FL Independence Day Lakeland, FL H-D Lakeland Father’s Blast 12PM Quaker Steak & Lube. All Day Celebration 12-4PM. Live music, proceeds to benefit High Point Family cookout, beer, bikini bike wash, and Center. For more 727-572-9464 more. For more call 863-802-1971

Monday, July 4

Tampa, FL JT’s Road House Father’s Inglis, FL Scooter Haven Country Club Day Event 11AM - 1PM breakfast for 4th of July Party. Live music, vendors, dad. For more info 813-962-4440 and more. For more information call 727-686-4977 Tarpon Springs, FL Father’s Day Bike Fest 11AM - 6PM Johnny’s Tap House Sunday, July 10 Grill. For more 727-322-5217 Lakeland, FL Roscoe’s Old Time All Motorcycle Dirt Drags 8AM. Elimination Monday, June 20 1PM admission $10 adult, $5 child. Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Day Call 863-858-6249

Brandon, FL Cruise in for Bike Night 6PM - 10PM H-D Brandon. Live music, food & beverages, ride-in bike Tuesday, June 21 show (6PM registration), and more. Port Richey, FL Venom2 Super For more information 813-740-9898 Tuesday Bike Night 7-11PM. Live music, prizes, vendors and more. For Homosassa, FL H-D Crystal Bike more information 727-378-5850 Night 3PM - 7PM with Kauling Rebecca. For more information call Saturday, June 25 800-584-8755 Plant City Uncle Mike’s Saturday Bike Night 7-11PM 4th Sat. Live music, Bike Saturday, June 18 of the Night, MC Cowboy, food and Avon Park, FL Top Gunz MC 5th drink specials 813-737-4444 Annual Event 7PM Tap Room. Hosted and music by Glowboy, $10 cover Zephyrhills, FL Wreaths across charge, Presidents free; auctions, America 9AM Hatfield’s Country Music. food & drink, live music and more. The more riders the better the pot; $15 For more call 863-453-3056 per bike purchases one wreath (100% of registration goes to WAA) $5 rider Inglis, FL Southern Thunder goes in the pot. Raffles and music and Illustrated 1-year Anniversary Party more. For more info 813-504-2372 & Poker Run Scooter Haven Country Club. Ride starts at Mickey’s 10AM Sunday, June 26 and ends at Scooter Haven. Live Oldsmar, FL Thanks M.O.M. – a music, vendors, and more. For more fundraiser for motorcycle awareness information 727-686-4977 12PM - 5PM Hennessy’s Food and Spirits. All proceeds go to Gene Sanford, Florida Seminole Harley- Pearson Motorcycle Awareness Davidson HogFest, Bike Show and Foundation. For more 727-776-2395 Bikini Contest $1,000 bikini contest, 12-class ride in bike show, Hog roast Palmetto, FL Ladies Rider Day 12and live music by Nova Rex, meet 4PM Peggy’s Corral. Live music, food, Michelle Osborne from Wall Street Bloody Mary specials, vendors and Rides. For more call 855-842-3511 more. For more call 941-729-5442 Sarasota, FL



Sunday, July 3

Wednesday, June 29

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Thursday, July 14

Sarasota, FL Applebee’s Bike Night Thursday 2nd Thu. BTR magazine shoot, great food, and more information 941-355-1400 Sturgis, KY 7/14 - 7/17 Kentucky Bike Rally. Live music, games, contests, vendors, showers and more. For more info call 270-333-7244

Thursday, July 21

Brandon, FL H-D Brandon Bike Night 6PM - 10PM. Quality vendors, food, prize giveaways, contests, drink specials, live music & more. For more info call 888-293-1517

Saturday, July 23

Brandon, FL H-D Brandon Welcomes Buffalo Soldiers 12PM. For more information call 888-328-0960

Sunday, July 31

Palmetto, FL Great American Biker Bash 12-4PM Peggy’s Corral. Live music, contests, vendors and more. For information call 941-729-5442

Thursday August 18

Panama City Beach, FL 8/18 - 8/20 Sand & Sass Ladies Motorcycle Rally Panama City Beach H-D. For more information call 850-334-0055


Spyke & Mike


It was a long night my BTR friends, but standing on a chair in a closet was a lot better than being in any cage. My new friend Sarah kept coming in every hour with different people. She introduced me as Big Bird and was telling everyone how she just didn’t have the heart to leave me at her roommate’s place locked up in a cage. Sarah informs everyone that Robert has called several times questioning her about my disappearance. She kept stating I was there when she left for work. Now she can’t take me back. Also, she’s afraid to bring me out into the club ‘cause he knows people here and might find out she’s lying to protect me. Boy, I hope Sarah doesn’t get poked at or whacked with a stick like I did, but I know she likes it to a point. ... I listened to her story five times that night. Finally one of her girlfriends, Tracy, says to her, “I’ve got two birds at my house, you can bring Big Bird over later. She can stay there until we figure something out.” That was music to my ears, sort of. I’m really starting to miss my daddy and I’m not happy right now, but things are looking up. I’m just surprised none of her girlfriends haven’t recognized me. After work, Sarah takes me over to Tracy’s house. She can tell that I’m not used to being in a cage so she lets me stand on the recliner. I like perching here, it’s just the right height and easy on the talons. Plus, I can see the TV and be close to my new friends on the couch. They have the news on and watching the TV, me, and occasionally making out. ... Suddenly I hear your name and a reference to me being stolen coming from the TV. They both stop, sit up, and observe. The girls are amazed at what they hear. Sarah walks over to me and says, “Well there Big Bird we now know your name, Spyke.” She turns to Tracy and declares,

“Honey, we have a celebrity in the house what do you think about that?” Tracy replies, “That’s good and bad for both of us. Good, if you just want the reward money. Bad, if you don’t want Robert, your mean British roommate, to find out you took her. We need to just sit on her for a while and figure this one out. My baby’s daddy and I really don’t need the cops and news media around the house right now, if you know what I mean.” Sarah responds as she’s leaving, “You’re right, I need to go back to my place and pretend that I have no idea where our lovely Spyke is. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Mike blurts out, “Spyke, you mean to tell me you found me before I found you? That must have been terrible! Why didn’t you jump on the keyboard and type me a message?” I squawk, ‘I was on a recliner not at a computer. If I had seen one, I would have. So anyways, yes it was hard seeing you on TV all distressed, almost crying, and pleading to the community for help.’ Later that evening Tracy was watching another news channel with her 10-year-old daughter Suzy. They also had a story about you and me. You looked even more depressed, disheveled and very upset. Suzy got up off the couch, walked over to me, gave me a piece of banana and said, “Mommy, we should do the right thing. We need to get Spyke back to her daddy. He looks very sad and I’m sure Spyke is too. Remember when I lost my bunny, Bugs? I was upset and cried for days. Then our neighbor found him and brought him back to me. My heart stopped hurting, I felt all better inside, and Bugs bunny was happy. I want to make Mike and Spyke feel that way. Can we please Mommy? Can we please, please help Spyke get back to her daddy?” Tracy wipes a tear from her eye and says, “I taught you well and it is the right thing to do. We just have to go about it differently. Because of daddy’s business, I’m sure he doesn’t want the publicity or the money, it will only cause us problems. I will talk to him tonight and we’ll figure out something just for you and those two!” After hearing that I was almost in tears myself. I didn’t know parrots could cry! Tracy let Suzy move me to a perch in another room. She came back a few hours later and shared some of her dinner with me; a hamburger, grape juice, and some apple. She sat and talked to me about her rabbit, her other two birds, and how she was going to help me. She was a sweet little girl. I like little kids like Suzy! Tracy came in, told her it was bedtime, and that I needed a good night’s sleep. I let her scratch my head and gave her a goodnight kiss. I fell asleep shortly after that thinking how nice the world would be if all little girls and boys were like Suzy. It would be another night away from Mike. Another night of dreaming that I was riding back from Daytona with my wings in the wind, Mike’s knees in the breeze, and the Fat Birds’ wheels rolling down the road. SPYKE

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Christian Motorcyclists Association

One thing you notice when seeing bikes on the road is that they often ride in groups. When you see 10, 20, or more bikes going down the road together they are likely to be either running a staggered or a side by side formation. One purpose for this is there is safety in using a formation; it keeps the cages from getting in between the bikes and cutting visibility. When traveling in formation it is easy for the Road Captain to signal the riders behind, who in turn pass along any information. A good Road Captain will also notice, and point out, road debris or dangerous road conditions. You never know what is up ahead. It has been fascinating over the years to think back on all the crazy road hazards I have seen and had to maneuver around to stay safe. One great aspect of traveling in groups is that it seems to cut down on distracting cagers who might want to harass a lone rider. Rarely will a car driver take on a whole group of riders. We have all seen video clips where a car takes on a single bike and how exposed to danger the single rider can be. Likewise, we’ve seen BTR 80 | BORNTORIDE.COM

clips that show a group of bikers tightening formation to prevent a pushy motorist trying to push into the formation or simply try to cut off individual bikers. The bikers work together to keep things safe. In the case of an accident or emergency bike repairs along the way there is far more help and backup in a group. Everyone watches out for one another; there is strength in numbers! On the other hand, there’s nothing worse than being broken down, alone in the middle of nowhere, wondering how to get some help! That lone biker may not be able to lift up a fallen bike, make needed mechanical repairs, or just figure out where a wrong turn led him to be. That’s when it is so good to have fellow riders to hold each other up and overcome the weakness of being alone. In the Bible, in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, it reads, “Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up.” This reminds me that Jesus is always there to lift us up and to help us. With Him by your side, you never have to worry about being alone. He is ready and able to help you in any situation you may find yourself. Isn’t that better than walking alone? All you need to do is to ask Him to be your Savior! Have you asked Him to walk with you and to lift you up when you stumble? Call on Him today and He’ll be there!

In The Wind, Denny Dingler Check out for more articles from Christian Motorcyclists Association

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