Vibrations but also in places like Hollister and farther afield. After more than 50 years into his career, Mondo shows no signs of slowing down. “I am still building quite a few long bikes the old Denver-style way for customers from all over the country and beyond,” Mondo says. “Most of my customers are hard-working Americans young and old who love choppers. I still build a lot of Springer front ends that go all over the world.”
Speaking of those long Springers, Mondo build an 18-over chrome Springer for the Golden Chopper in the bikerfilm Rough Boys last year. It’s a custom Panhead that you can win! Go to www.roughboysmovie. com for details. He even plays the part of a mysterious character called “The Doctor” in the movie.
As far as retirement goes, Mondo says although he’s in his 70s now, he’s loving it more and more every day as the bikes get better with every build, with new ideas and challenges. “That makes it all worthwhile and exciting to come to work every day,” he says. “I don’t want to ever retire. I’m having too much fun building bikes and hot rods. My running joke is that if you ever find me in my shop bent over my welding table with my hood on and the part finished I was working on, I died a happy man.” Mondo has spent a lifetime creating amazing custom motorcycles and we’re proud to say that he was Born To Ride.
— Kai Raecke and Dave Nichols
Mondo is a True Biker Legend 100% Real Deal since 1967.