Borrow Employee Manual

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Design is a subsidiary form of art guided by the ideas, wants, functions and passions of others. The traditional role of design has been to improve the visual appearance and function of messages and information. Based on this idea and definition we can ALL contribute to Borrow design by presenting ideas. We can aid in the plan or specification for the construction of an object or system or we can aid in the implementation of an activity or process, or aid in the result of that plan or specification in the form of a prototype, product or process.



Code of Conduct:

We believe every space deserves an awesome story. With a unique collection of furniture that is MODERN, MADE AND ANTIQUE and an unbelievable team, no one can help you tell that story better than Borrow.


To become the #1 furniture and design house in the Midwest with antique, modern and locally made products.

To be a culture who is and supports innovators and underdogs that work creatively and freely in a multi million operation.


- Hard and SMART work in a positive and creative environment = success.

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

- We set the bar, we don’t rise to it.

- We believe in supporting each other, our clients, local business, artists, innovators and underdogs.

- Good systems = less stress and freedom.


Team Organizational Map (REV 1MIL)


The success of Borrow will be because of the successes of the team working together.

Back of House (BOH)

Operation Superstars

Event Execution Space + Furniture Builders

Front of House (FOH) Design

Marketing + Sales

Product Development

Styling + Marketing VP

CEO + Creative Director
Product + Logistics
Team Development Manager Studio Assistant Operations Lead Ops Team Member
SM Team Member Operation s Lead Operations Lead (TR) Operation s Lead Operation s Lead Ops Team Member Ops Team Member Ops Team Member Marketing Lead SM Team Member SM Team Member
The success of each person will be because of clear expectations + processes + the way they work with the team.


CEO + Creative Director: Business Strategy + Growth Plan, Accounting, Forecasting + Economic Dashboard Reports, Overseas FOH + BOH leadership + training, Creative Direction and Final say on product choice and marketing design, Web Design / Updates, System Creation

Continuing Ed: Leadership + Entrepreneur Courses / Experiences + Design Team + Development Manager: Team Management + HR, Safety + Training guidelines creation and rollout, Team Member Scheduling + Budgeting, Staffing, Systems Development

Logistics + Prdt Development Manager: Logistics Scheduling, Ops Planning + Development. Systems Mgr, Creative Process, Ordering of equipment and materials. BB Product Management

Styling + Marketing VP: Social + Print Marketing, Manage Process of New Inquiries to Sales, Head of Styled Shoot Execution and Showroom Design, Product Photography, Creative Process, Lead Assist on Interior Design Projects, Manage and Train Styling + Marketing Jr and Studio Assistant positions.

Operations Lead Trainer: In charge of training new BOH staff. Onsite Manager of Ops Team Members and Borrow Systems when Ops Manager is not present. Face on the ground for all Borrow Installs. Requires ability to drive a truck and move large heavy furniture and equipment.

Styling + Marketing Junior: Assists Styling + Marketing Director in new inquiries to sale process, in charge of entering all new potential clients and organizations, lead acquisition, and vetting. Delivery scheduling info collector. Assists in photo organization and photoshoots. Aids in style board creation. Appointment setting and customer service specialist. Service to sales.

Operations Lead: Onsite Manager of Ops Team Members and Borrow Systems when Ops Manager is not present. Face on the ground for all Borrow Installs. Requires ability to drive a truck and move large heavy furniture and equipment.

Studio Assistant: Borrow Admin, Culture Curator, Phone Director

Operations Team Member: Reports on Condition of Product On-site to Operations Lead. Handles, delivers and sets up Borrow product. Aids in Borrow builds projects. Aids in warehouse management.







To ensure orderly operations and provide the best possible work environment, Borrow Curated expects all employees to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interests and safety of all employees, our clients, and Borrow LLC.

It is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable in the workplace. The following are examples of infractions of rules of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment with cause. At all times, Borrow LLC retains the right to exercise discretion in determining the appropriate action to be taken.

- Theft, waste, destruction, or inappropriate removal or possession of Borrow LLC property.

- Theft, dishonesty, or mishandling of Borrow LLC funds.

- Client or team member complaints about poor customer service.

- Falsification of time keeping records, employment application, guest checks, or any other work-related documents.

- Possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of illegal drugs or usage of alcohol in the workplace, while on duty, or while operating employer-owned vehicles or equipment.

- Fighting, assault, or battery on another individual while on duty.

- Bullying, threatening, intimidating, coercing, or interfering with fellow employees.

- Use of rude, profane, or obscene language.

- Boisterous or disruptive activity in the workplace.

- Insubordination towards managers or supervisors.

- Disrespectful conduct towards team members or guests.

- Chewing tobacco at venue and/or interacting with client.

- Smoking tobacco at venue, in truck or in Borrow warehouse.

- Acts of illegal discrimination and/or sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment, including the harassment of employees while off duty.

- Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials in the workplace.

- Inappropriate tardiness, absenteeism, or any absences without notice in accordance with Borrow LLC time and attendance policy.

- Unsatisfactory performance, conduct, or failure to meet the performance standards and expectations set forth in this handbook.

- Any other action or activity that Borrow LLC believes represents a threat to smooth operation, goodwill, or profitability of its business.

- The inappropriate use of cell phones during event setups, crunch time-frames, in nondesignated areas or within clients’ view.

- While employed with Borrow LLC, conviction of any crime that may reflect negatively on Borrow LLC such as, but not limited to, crimes of violence, theft offenses, drug offenses or sexual offenses.

While it is impossible to list every type of behavior that may be deemed a serious offense, the Employee Conduct and Work Rules policy includes examples of


problems that may result in discipline. However, the problems listed above are not all inclusive. Any employee that is terminated for a violation of Borrow LLC policy may not be eligible for rehire.


We are committed to providing a positive work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment. In keeping this commitment, we maintain a strict policy prohibiting unlawful harassment in any form, including verbal, physical, and visual harassment. Borrow LLC requires the reporting of all incidents, which violate its harassment policies regardless of who the offender may be. The harassment policy applies not only to the workplace during normal business hours, but also to all workrelated and social functions, social media venues, and cellphones even if such activities are conducted off duty.

Actions, words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, age, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, military status, genetic information, or any other legally protected characteristic, will not be tolerated. As an example, sexual harassment (both overt and subtle) is a form of employee misconduct that is demeaning to another person, undermines the integrity of the employment relationship, and is strictly prohibited.

Examples of harassment can include:

- Repeated unwelcome flirtations or advances or unwanted sexual comments

- Racial slurs

- Display or distribution of sexually suggestive objects, pictures or written materials;

- Religious or sexual jokes

- Unwelcome physical contact or touching

- Pressures for sexual favors

If you feel someone is harassing you, ask the person to stop the harassing behavior. Be specific about the behavior you want stopped.

Any employee who believes he or she has been harassed by a coworker, supervisor, client, or vendor should promptly report the facts of the incident or incidents and the names of the individuals involved to his or her immediate supervisor or manager. Managers should immediately report any incidents of harassment to their VP of Operations. Borrow LLC will investigate all such claims and take appropriate corrective action.

Any employee who is aware of any harassing actions buy another employee, client, or others, directed toward any other employee is under a duty to report such actions to the appropriate supervisor or VP of Operations Resources. Failure to report such actions could be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

Employees are expected to cooperate in the investigation of any complaint made pursuant to this policy and must comply with any request for confidentiality. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the investigation to the extent practical and appropriate under the circumstances. Based upon the facts and circumstances determined at the conclusion of the investigation, appropriate


action, which may include discipline up to and including immediate termination for cause, will be taken. The conclusion of an investigation conducted pursuant to the policy will be communicated in an appropriate manner.

Information provided by individual employees in the course of an investigation will be treated as confidential and only be provided to those who have a legitimate need for the information. Retaliation against any individual who has reported or complained of harassment or who cooperates in the investigation of a claim of harassment is prohibited. A person who retaliates against another individual for reporting harassment is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.


The purpose of Education Investment is to help our employees learn and grow. Under this agreement Borrow agrees to pay a set amount to be determined on the agreement towards educational growth. Employee will be expected to abide by the following guidelines:

- Employee Obligation: Employee agrees to participate in and pursue the educational program to the best of their ability and to use reasonable efforts to complete the program. Should the employee not complete the program, fail the program, withdraw or be expelled from the program, the employer will require a re-imbersement of any funds previously paid.

- Obligation Satisfied Two Years After Payment: Employee will have no obligation to pay employer for any payments made toward tuitions assistance if, on the second anniversary of that installment payment, employee has maintained continuous employment with employer. In the event employee voluntarily quits his/her employment with employer, employee shall immediately pay, without demand, an amount equal to payment. Deduction Authorization: Employee authorizes employer to deduct the amount of any tuition reimbursement obligation from any compensation due and owing to employer at time of separation from employment; including but not limited to salary, wages, bonuses, commission, vacation pay.

- No Guarantee of Employment: Nothing in this agreement constitutes a commitment of guarantee on the part of the employer to provide employment to employee for any specific period of time or duration. Unless otherwise provided in writing other than this agreement, employee’s employment shall remain ‘at-will.’

- Indemnity: The employee hereby indemnifies and saves harmless the employer from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, damages and other losses which the employee suffers or incurs as a result of any governmental taxing authority assessing the reimbursement of the tuition payments hereunder as a benefit to the employee.

I, ________________________________ have read and understood the Education Investment + tuition payment agreement. I understand Borrow agrees to pay my portion of tuition in the amount of _________ for the following course: ______________________ to begin on _____________. I agree to abide by the above guidelines outlined above.


Management Signature


We feel one of our most important policies is the Open Door Policy. This policy encourages you to feel free to discuss with our management team special concerns you have about your job, or any other work-related questions or problems.

During the normal course of business, problems or issues will sometimes arise. It is for this reason that our Open Door Policy is available to you. The policy provides opportunities for the resolution of work-related issues.

It is our desire that open communication exist throughout Borrow LLC. Your input is important to making Borrow LLC a positive and professional working environment. When questions arise at work, we ask you to take the following steps:

1) First speak directly with your immediate supervisor or manager, and give that individual the chance to address your concern. Generally, you and the supervisor will be able to resolve any concern.

2) If the supervisor or manager does not resolve your issue, or you feel you cannot discuss the problem with your supervisor, see the VP, or Owner / CEO. He/she will obtain all the facts and endeavor to settle your problem in a fair manner.

3) If after a thorough discussion of the matter, you feel the problem has still not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may request a meeting with the owner of Borrow LLC.

Notwithstanding the Open Door Policy set forth herein, nothing contained in this section shall be construed to impose upon your employer. Any obligation to follow any particular method of addressing employee complaints and the failure of your employer to take any action outlined in this Section shall neither create any rights in the employee nor subject your employer to any liability. Further, in the event of any harassment or discrimination, you should follow the policy contained in the section of this Handbook entitled “Non-Harassment Policy” and report such harassment or discrimination to your immediate supervisor or Human Resources.


The introductory period is intended to give new employees the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to achieve a satisfactory level of performance and to determine whether the new position meets their expectations. Borrow LLC uses this


period to evaluate employee capabilities, work habits, and overall performance. Either the employee or Borrow LLC may end the employment relationship at any time during or after the introductory period, with or without cause or advance notice.

All new and rehired employees work on an introductory basis for the first 90 calendar days after their date of hire. Any significant absence will automatically extend an introductory period by the length of the absence. If Borrow LLC determines that the designated introductory period does not allow sufficient time to thoroughly evaluate the employee’s performance, the introductory period may be extended for a specified period. The completion of the introductory period in no way alters an employee's atwill employment status.


During your employment with Borrow LLC, you may learn of confidential information, including the Borrow Stain formula, project designs, carpentry / steel contractors’ information, marketing strategies, financial information, trade secrets, and other proprietary information. As a condition of employment, you agree not to discuss or disclose this information, except as necessary to perform your job. This requirement continues after employment ends with the Borrow LLC. Confidential information does not include information pertaining to the terms and conditions of an employee's own employment.

You may be required to sign an Employee Confidentiality Agreement during orientation. This document grants Borrow LLC the patent rights to any invention associated with our technology and confirms our employee’s agreement not to divulge any confidential information to those outside Borrow LLC. An employee who divulges confidential information may be immediately terminated with cause and subject to appropriate legal action even after employment is terminated.


Borrow LLC relies upon the accuracy of information contained in the employment application, as well as the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and employment. Any misrepresentation, falsification or material omission in any of this information or data may result in exclusion of the individual from further consideration for employment or, if the person has been hired, immediate termination of employment with cause, without regard to when it is discovered.


Performance evaluations will be conducted on a periodic basis. In most cases for nonmanagement positions, a 45-day review from date of hire will be conducted and one annual review. The end result of all reviews is providing employees with information


regarding the extent to which they are meeting their job responsibilities. Employees are encouraged to informally discuss job performance and goals with their supervisors to provide a more immediate source of information. A good review does not guarantee continued employment, but it does promote open communication.


You are free to terminate your employment with Borrow LLC at any time, with or without reason, and Borrow LLC has the right to terminate your employment or the employment of others at any time, with or without cause. This is called “at-will” employment.

As a courtesy to Borrow LLC, not as a requirement, we appreciate you providing a written two-week notice prior to terminating employment. This gives us an opportunity to select and train someone to assume your duties. Resignation forms are available for you to provide notice. Borrow LLC reserves the right to waive the notice and end employment immediately.

Employees who do not work for two consecutive pay periods and are not on an approved leave of absence or missed work due to a work-related injury, will be terminated by reason of resignation.

You are required to return all Borrow LLC property to your Manager, which may include your building key(s) and any Borrow apparel. You are not permitted to copy or remove any computer files, manuals, or other Borrow LLC records or materials.


All employees are required to be paid by direct deposit. Payroll is processed on a semimonthly basis, which means you will be paid twice per month; once at the beginning of month and then again mid-month. We aim for payroll to land on the first and fifteenth but please note that if the first and fifteenth fall on a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday, this may delay our payday. Our When I Work keeps track of our hours (in a certain pay period) and our payroll system processes these hours.

To ensure payment on the first and fifteenth of every month, we will receive contact from our payroll system when to end our pay period so they can process all hours and pay us 3 business days later (this explains why our pay period may fluctuate towards the end of the month or just before mid-month). Pay period can be extended or trimmed down. We follow our payroll company to ensure timely direct deposits for all employees.

Please note that our payroll system will state pay periods from the first to the fourteenth and then the fifteenth to end of the month however then actual hours accounted for will be pulled from WIW. We only follow the pay periods for When I Work.


Pay statements are made available through the payroll system for active employees. An employee’s final paycheck will be a handwritten check so he/she can pick up their check and return any Borrow property.


To be granted for shifts longer than 10 hours and will be out of town. Per diem rates for the continental U.S. are set each year by the General Services Administration (GSA). For fiscal year 2022 (which begins October 1, 2021), the standard rate is $59 for meals and incidentals and $96 for lodging.


Employees are expected to review their pay statement each pay period to ensure that all information on it is correct, including your pay rate, deductions, and the hours worked during that pay period. If there is a problem with your pay, you must notify your manager or Human Resources right away. Human Resources will promptly correct any problem. You are required to return to your employer any overpayment for time you did not work.

In the event you are issued a paycheck and it becomes lost, destroyed, or expired, a stop payment request must be submitted prior to reissue. Once verification has been received that the paycheck has not been cashed or previously replaced, your replacement check will be reissued.



The Why: To be a great partner to our employee and help in the time of emergency without helping the employee to create negative habits in regards to finances.

Borrow discourages any advancement of pay not yet earned, and any exception will require an extraordinary or emergency situation.


Any employee in need of a pay advance must submit a request to his or her department head on the Borrow standard check request form. If the department head feels the need is justified, he or she may approve the advance not to exceed two week’s net pay with repayment terms not to exceed three months.


Repayment terms should be clearly established and so indicated on the check request form. Repayment will be automatically deducted from the employee’s paycheck according to the agreed-on schedule. Any repayment terms exceeding three months will be charged interest at 2 percent over the prime rate. Interest will be charged from the day of the advance, and the interest amount will be added to the employee’s W-2 at the end of the year.

Employee will be asked to complete a Budgeting exercise to help them find better financial freedom.


Employees will be limited to one pay advances per year.

A pay advance will not be granted to an employee who has another Borrow-sponsored loan until that loan is satisfied.

Requests that exceed one week’s net pay, repayment terms longer than three months or more than one request per year must have the approval of the vice president of human resources and the chief financial officer.


The purpose and intent of vacations is to give our full-time, non-salaried employees time off to allow for rest and recreation in recognition of prompt and regular attendance.

You are eligible for vacation at your anniversary date each year. To qualify for vacation you must average 30 hours or more per week during the twelve months prior to your anniversary date. The amount of vacation earned is based on the number of years of continuous service as follows:



Two weeks after 2 years of service

Three weeks after 5 years of service

The amount of pay you will receive for vacation earned will be based on your primary rate times the average number of hours you have worked over the 12 months prior to your anniversary date not to exceed 40 hours per week.

Vacations resulting from service in the prior 12 months must be taken in the present vacation year. Employees with three weeks of vacation may opt for pay instead of the time off for the third week of vacation only. For example, employees with three weeks of vacation can take two weeks of vacation time off and then opt for the third week as pay. The option to take the pay may not be used until the last pay period of your anniversary year. Vacation days cannot be carried over from year to year. Vacation must be taken in 2-3 day increments (for years 2-4) and 3-4 day increments (for years 5+). Employees cannot take single vacation days.

If an employee is absent from work because of an accident or illness for which compensation is paid under the Ohio State Workers’ Compensation Law, that time absent shall be considered as time worked for purposes of computing vacation pay. This shall apply only in the vacation year in which the employee’s injury or illness began.

The choice of vacation is based on three factors: notifying Borrow LLC of your personal preference, business requirements, and preference based on length of continuous service. To maintain continuous operations, vacations must be scheduled 30 days in advance with your manager. Borrow LLC reserves the right to approve or deny vacation requests.


If an employee submits a resignation of employment, unused vacation time cannot be used to substitute for working out the notice period. If paid time off was approved prior to the resignation being submitted, the request will be honored if it falls within the notice period and employee works their entire notice period.

If an employee terminates employment for any reason, unused vacation will be forfeited without pay. If an employee terminates with Borrow, the employee’s seniority with the company ends. If the employee is rehired at a later date, then the employee is classified as a new employee with a new hire date.


Borrow LLC typically observes the following holidays for rest, relaxation, and time away from the workplace: Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. All of these holidays are unpaid. Being in the event industry we do at times have to work and do setups on listed vacation days despite our efforts not to. In the event you work on a listed vacation day your pay will increase to a time and a half.




Borrow LLC is committed to providing a safe environment for all employees in the workplace and at company sponsored events. To honor that commitment, we discourage employees from engaging or behaving in a threatening or violent manner. Threats in the form of verbal or physical harassment, intimidation, using suggestive gestures, stalking or any other hostile, aggressive, or destructive actions will not be tolerated.


Borrow LLC has adopted the following policies to deal with any violence that may occur on its premises:

All threats of violence, both direct and indirect, are to be reported as soon as possible to the Manager on Duty. It is important to be as specific as possible when providing details as to who, what, where, how and when.

· All suspicious individuals or activities are to be reported to the Manger on Duty if you believe yourself or anyone else is in danger. Do not put yourself in danger.

If you hear violent commotion, call 911. DO NOT TRY TO RESOLVE THE SITUATION. Avoid physical confrontation if possible.

· Cooperate fully with security, law enforcement, and medical personnel that respond to a call for help or investigate an incident.

· YOU ARE NOT TO GIVE A STATEMENT TO THE PRESS. All media inquiries are to be referred to the Vice President of Operations or President.

Any employee who has knowledge of potential violence towards Borrow LLC property, employees, or clients, must immediately report any information to a supervisor. No employee will be subject to retaliation or discipline as a result of reporting a threat or act of violence in good faith. All reports of threat will be immediately investigated, and law enforcement will be involved when deemed necessary. Any threats or acts of violence may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.


There are several fire extinguishers located at Borrow. Pulling the ring attached to the system can immediately activate them. Know the location and proper use of this equipment. In the event of an evacuation, all employees are to meet in the designated employee area where the managers will do a head count to ensure everyone is accounted for.



While state and local guidelines may permit concealed weapons to be carried by private citizens, Borrow LLC exercises its right to prohibit all employees from bringing weapons onto the premises of any entity in Borrow LLC. Weapons and any instrument which could be considered threatening to the physical well-being and safety of our employees or clients are strictly prohibited on Borrow LLC’s premises. Premises include the building and parking lot. Violation of this policy may result in immediate termination with just cause. This policy does not prohibit an employee who holds a license to carry a concealed handgun, who otherwise lawfully possesses a firearm, or who lawfully possesses ammunition, from transporting or storing that firearm or ammunition in a locked, privately owned motor vehicle (not Borrow LLC vehicle) in a parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area that is not considered company premises.

If an employee chooses to carry a concealed weapon off the premises, that is their personal decision, which should be made in accordance with applicable law. At no time is an employee authorized to act wantonly or maliciously with a concealed weapon while in the scope of employment. Further, as a Borrow LLC policy, Borrow LLC does not authorize the use of violence or weapons, except as is specifically required in selfdefense to prevent severe bodily harm and in accordance with the law.


To protect our employees, clients, and other visitors against injury, property damage, and theft, our landlord has strategically installed video cameras throughout the building / parking lots. These tapes will be available in case any illegal incidents occur on the property.


Borrow LLC is committed to providing the safest possible working environment and conditions for our employees. It is our policy to operate in a manner that protects the safety and health of our employees, clients, and any other visitors. The safety on and off Borrow’s property is a concern to management and critical to the company’s continued success and growth. Borrow LLC makes the following commitments as part of its Safety and Health Policy:

- To provide and maintain safe and healthful working conditions and reduce injuries and illnesses to the lowest possible level.

- To train our employees to work in a safe manner and to follow safe work practices.

- To effectively implement new safe work practices as they are developed and communicate these practices to all employees.

- To encourage all employees to recommend actions and solutions to correct any safety concerns.

- To follow proper accident reporting procedures and enforce safety practices at Borrow and off-site venues.

- To respond quickly, effectively, and with care to emergencies and accidents.


- To conduct timely investigations of accidents and take corrective action if applicable.

- To make every effort to return injured employees to work, utilizing the Transitional Work Program if necessary.

Borrow LLC urges our employees and clients to participate in this cooperative effort to uphold the Safety and Health Policy Statement. A safe and healthy Borrow community benefits everyone and helps to make our company the safest possible place to work.


The time to prevent an accident is before it happens. Please follow these simple safety rules:

- If you drop it, pick it up.

- If you spill it, wipe it up.

- Dispose any flammable materials in red hazard disposal cans.

- All flammable materials are to be stored in Red Inflammable Cabinet.

- Always wear protective eyewear when sanding and/or cutting wood, metal, or other materials.

- Keep floors clear of debris.

- Walk — do not run.

- Use the wet floor sign.

- Report all damaged equipment to the Manager on Duty.

- Follow all required safety procedures and safe work practices.

Almost all accidents are preventable by following good safety practices; however, if you get injured at work, you are required to immediately report the injury to the Manager on Duty. You and the manager will determine if the injury requires only first aid or if it requires professional medical attention. If you, the employee, do not believe that first aid only is sufficient, advise your manager and seek professional care.

Report potential hazards to a Manager and follow up to make sure they are being addressed. Accident prevention should be a main focus for day-to-day operations. To help keep our employees safe, the Borrow LLC has put specific safety rules in place that will help to prevent an employee from being injured.


Employees discovered to have engaged in unsafe work behavior or neglect to follow Borrow LLC safety practices are subject to progressive discipline and/or disciplinary action, up to and including, termination. Listed below are some examples of unsafe work behavior. Please note that the list below is not all-inclusive and any work behavior/action that is deemed unsafe is subject to discipline.

- Horseplay (throwing, jumping, hitting, running, punching, fighting)

- Improper use basic tools (hammer, drill, screwdrivers, pliers)

- Improper lifting


- Improper use of equipment

- Improper use of vehicles, including the lift-gate on the Borrow truck

- Failure to wash / sanitize hands (in response to COVID)

- Improper use of ladders / stepladder

- Failure to report a potential hazard

- Working under the influence of a controlled substance

Painting / Staining / Spraying Hazards

Borrow LLC will always be in the business of recycling / refinishing products. We paint using latex and oil based paints. We’ll do spray painting but only outdoors or well ventilated areas (if spray painting inside, it must be approved by Team + Development Mgr). We’ll also stain lots of inventory items that are wooden.

It is imperative that we use caution with all these flammable products. Any paint or stain rags, paper towels or other paper products, must be laid out to dry on concrete surfaces. Once dry, we throw them in the red inflammable containers. TD Manager will be disposing these hazardous products. If one of the inflammable cans is full, let TD Manager made aware of this. DO NOT THROW AWAY IN DUMPSTER. At the right temperature and oxygen levels, paint / stain rags can combust and start a fire. If an employee does not use caution with these materials, they will be disciplined and possibly banned from using any of these materials.

Workshop Hazards

Borrow LLC is constantly adding more inventory, making repairs, and doing maintenance at the warehouse. With that said, we have many dangerous tools and equipment which include a miter saw, jig saw, orbital saw, table saw, sanders, router, Dremel and others that are extremely dangerous if the proper safety techniques / protocols are not in use or being followed. Unless approved by Team + Development Manager , employees are not to use any tool in which they are not certified in. If an employee is approved to receive training on certain tools, he / she must have an authorized supervisor to overseer the use of a tool or piece of equipment. Once an employee has enough training under their belt, they will take a short quiz. If passed, the TD Manager will decide if he or she will be certified to use that piece of equipment. An employee will have to get 100% on any quiz in order to pass. Because these tools are so dangerous, we must ensure that each employee is 100% comfortable and has the proper knowledge to use this tool. Safety cannot be emphasized enough.

Upholstery Area Hazards

Just like the workshop hazards, no employee without proper certification is allowed to use Upholstery tools / equipment. Only upholsterers and employees that are certified are allowed to use such equipment.

Employees are encouraged to notify any member of their management team or Human Resources with questions about security procedures of any conditions in the warehouse, workshops or vehicles that represent a potential risk.

Inventory + Equipment Safety


When you are driving while on the clock for work or going to or from a venue that Borrow LLC is working with, you are to drive safely. This means obeying traffic rules


and ordinances and you must be in a Borrow vehicle unless otherwise Okayed by management.


Employees that sustain a work-related injury, must, immediately after the incident occurs follow the 1 - 7 Step Injury on the Job procedure which includes the filling out of an Accident / Injury Form.

It is the policy of Borrow LLC to effectively manage workers’ compensation losses and invoke cost containment measures for workers’ compensation claims while maintaining the working status of our employees.


First aid kits are available to treat minor injuries at Borrow LLC. Injured employees that require professional medical attention are asked to seek treatment from a Workers Compensation approved provider.


In accordance with the Controlled Substances Policy, employees are strictly prohibited from using, possessing, selling, or offering any controlled substance, including narcotic drugs, while on duty and/or while on Borrow LLC premises. Premises include the building and parking lot. Employees are also prohibited from reporting to work or from performing any work with a controlled substance or alcohol present in their system.

Based on the nature of the injury, employees, including management, may be subject to post-incident testing when they cause or contribute to accidents that seriously damage a Borrow LLC vehicle, equipment, or property and/or result in an injury to themselves or another employee requiring off-site medical attention.


Employees that have suffered a work-related injury are required to maintain contact/ communication with their management team. Once an employee is released from a physician or hospital, it is the employee’s responsibility to maintain communication with their management team or Human Resources.

Any time an employee receives medical treatment for a work-related injury, he or she needs to provide a release to return to work from the doctor or hospital. All doctor


releases must be made available to the management team or Human Resources as soon as possible in order to achieve a smooth return to work.

Injured employees are expected to return to work for their next scheduled shift. If unable to return to full-duty based on the injury, a medical excuse must be turned in to management immediately following treatment. Absences will not be excused unless proper medical documentation is turned in stating the employee is not able to work prior to the start of the scheduled shift. Employees that are able to return to work with doctor prescribed limitations are required to notify their management team immediately.

Once an employee has been released to return to work from his/her physician, it is important to understand that the Borrow LLC Attendance and Punctuality Policy will apply as normal. Employees are expected to schedule any doctor’s appointments around their work schedules (on days off, before the shift, or after the end of the shift) or let the TD Mgr 21 days in advance of the appointment so shifts can be filled with no issues.appointment


Whenever possible, Borrow LLC will make accommodations for restricted or “light duty” work for a limited time period in order to accommodate a doctor’s prescribed limitations. Most physical restrictions allow employees to continue working their regular positions with slight modifications. In some cases, where the restrictions placed upon an employee are extremely limited, Borrow LLC will attempt to offer the employee transitional work if such work is available and if the employee is able to perform such work. Restricted work is a temporary accommodation/adjustment. TD Manager will work with the management team to create a work schedule and accommodations for the employee, when possible.


Although employees may bring in bags and/or other valuables onto Borrow LLC’s premises, Borrow LLC will not be responsible for theft or loss of such items. Borrow LLC reserves the right at all times to inspect such items when they are present on the premises of Borrow LLC and Management is the only one authorized to inspect such bags.


CLIENT COMPLAINTS + On the Job Protocol

On occasion, a guest may not be totally satisfied with their rentals or services that we provide. Team members should do their best to solve any guest complaints in a positive and professional manner. Please remember that we are ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen. EMPLOYEES ARE REQUIRED TO INFORM THE MANAGER ON DUTY OF ANY GUEST COMPLAINTS, NO MATTER HOW LARGE OR SMALL.

When handling complaints always remember:

- The client is always right. Never argue.

- If there is an issue with the order (something is apparently missing or is not needed), review the Delivery Ticket with the client. If the client is still persistent that the ticket is wrong, call the Styling + Marketing VP, or Owner and have them clear up confusion with the client. On the Job Protocol: Being Great Partners

- Friendly and Polite to Clients

- We are the ultimate helpers: No job is too small or big.

- We help other vendors while onsite

- We do not discuss other clients or other vendors while on the job.

- We present ourselves in clean + organized uniform.


The purpose of this policy is to state the Borrow LLC’s position on administering equitable and consistent discipline for unsatisfactory performance or misconduct in the workplace. Borrow LLC believes in fair treatment of all employees and in making certain that disciplinary actions are prompt, uniform, and impartial.

Although employment with Borrow LLC is based on mutual consent, Borrow LLC has the right to terminate employment at will, with or without cause or advance notice. Borrow LLC may use progressive discipline at its discretion and may skip specific steps in the discipline process based upon the severity or nature of the misconduct and other factors.

If Borrow LLC uses progressive discipline, the following, steps will be applied:

Verbal Warning: A verbal warning may be used to advise you of unacceptable performance, action, or behavior. If an employee violates a rule of conduct, he or she will be given a verbal warning that his or her conduct is unacceptable and that another rule violation will result in more severe penalties. If an employee’s performance is deficient, a manager will tell the employee what improvements are needed before issuing a verbal warning. A written verbal warning document will be signed by the employee and placed in the employee’s file indefinitely.

Written Warning: If an employee, within twelve (12) months of having violated a rule of conduct or having performed deficiently, violates a rule of conduct or fails to correct the performance deficiency, or if the nature of the event renders the discipline appropriate, then such employee will be issued a written warning describing the


unacceptable conduct or performance deficiency. A written warning document will be signed by the employee and placed in the employee’s file indefinitely.

Final Warning: If an employee, within twelve (12) months of having engaged in a total of two (2) instances of rule violations or performance deficiencies, violates any rule of conduct or fails to correct performance deficiencies, or if the behavior makes a final warning appropriate, then the employee will receive a final warning in writing. A final warning document will be signed by the employee and maintained in his or her file indefinitely.

Discharge With Cause: If an employee, within twelve (12) months of having engaged in a total of three (3) instances of rules violations or performance deficiencies, violates any rule of conduct or fails to correct the performance deficiency, or if behavior makes a discharge appropriate, then such employee will be discharged with cause.


Employees who feel they have been disciplined unfairly may appeal the discipline within ten (10) working days by filing a written complaint with Human Resources (Management). All such complaints will be answered in writing within ten (10) working days of the date the complaint is filed. Human Resources or the Owner will determine whether to uphold the disciplinary action taken.

Employees cleared of charges pending against them will be reinstated with full back pay and no loss of benefits or seniority.

Borrow LLC policy on discipline does not limit or alter its right to terminate employment with or without cause, nor requires it to apply progressive discipline nor prevents Borrow LLC from skipping steps in the discipline process.


Partnerships: At Borrow we recognize the importance of Strategic Partnerships* and being a good team mate to these businesses and individuals as a core value.

** Strategic Partner: Wholesale + Product providers, local furniture designers and carpenters as well as Preferred Vendors, Preferred Venues and clients.

- For this reason we are dedicated to giving credit on all marketing / social media outlets when imagery is used showing or reflecting a companies product or service.

- In regards to photography / imagery we must receive permission for images before using in Marketing Materials.

Personal Credit: There is no I in team at Borrow. From our delivery personnel, in house makers, creative procedure makers and so on, we operate all design under the guise of “Borrow.” Because of this, individual names are not to be used with jobs completed or current work in hand.



At Borrow, we understand that social media can be a fun and rewarding way to share your life and opinions with family, friends and co-workers around the world. However, use of social media also presents certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities. To assist you in making responsible decisions about your use of social media, we have established these guidelines for appropriate use of social media.

This policy applies to all associates who work for Borrow.


In the rapidly expanding world of electronic communication, social media can mean many things. Social media includes all means of communicating or posting information or content of any sort on the Internet, including to your own or someone else's web log or blog, journal or diary, personal web site, social networking or affinity web site, web bulletin board or a chat room, whether or not associated or affiliated with Borrow, as well as any other form of electronic communication.

The same principles and guidelines found in Borrow’s policies and values apply to your activities online. Ultimately, you are solely responsible for what you post online. Before creating online content, consider some of the risks and rewards that are involved. Keep in mind that any of your conduct that adversely affects your job performance, the performance of fellow associates or otherwise adversely affects members, customers, suppliers, people who work on behalf of Borrow or Borrow’s legitimate business interests may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Know and follow the rules

Carefully read these guidelines, the Borrow Statement of Ethics Policy, the Borrow Procedures and the Discrimination & Harassment Prevention Policy, and ensure your postings are consistent with these policies. Inappropriate postings that may include discriminatory remarks, harassment, and threats of violence or similar inappropriate or unlawful conduct will not be tolerated and may subject you to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Be respectful

Always be fair and courteous to fellow associates, customers, members, suppliers or people who work on behalf of Borrow. Also, keep in mind that you are more likely to resolved work-related complaints by speaking directly with your co-workers or by utilizing our Open Door Policy than by posting complaints to a social media outlet. Nevertheless, if you decide to post complaints or criticism, avoid using statements, photographs, video or audio that reasonably could be viewed as malicious, obscene, threatening or intimidating, that disparage customers, members, associates or suppliers, or that might constitute harassment or bullying. Examples of such conduct might include offensive posts meant to intentionally harm someone's reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion or any other status protected by law or company policy.

Be honest and accurate

Make sure you are always honest and accurate when posting information or news, and if you make a mistake, correct it quickly. Be open about any previous posts you have altered. Remember that the Internet archives almost everything; therefore, even deleted postings can be searched. Never post any information or rumors that you know


to be false about Borrow, fellow associates, members, customers, suppliers, people working on behalf of Borrow or competitors.

Post only appropriate and respectful content

- Maintain the confidentiality of Borrow trade secrets and private or confidential information. Trades secrets may include information regarding the development of systems, processes, products, know-how and technology. Do not post internal reports, policies, procedures or other internal business-related confidential communications.

- Do not create a link from your blog, website or other social networking site to a Borrow website without identifying yourself as a Borrow associate.

- Be conscious when mixing your business and personal lives

- When in doubt, do not post

- Promote Strategic Partnership whenever you can with proper credit and links.

- Avoid Conflicts of Interest

- A conflict of interest exists if you have an interest outside of your work at Borrow that interferes with your responsibilities or may affect your judgment on behalf of Borrow

- Blogging, posting or chatting about product or design related to a direct competitor is considered a conflict of interest.

Retaliation is prohibited

Borrow prohibits taking negative action against any associate for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or for cooperating in an investigation. Any associate who retaliates against another associate for reporting a possible deviation from this policy or for cooperating in an investigation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Media contacts

Associates should not speak to the media on Borrow’s behalf without contacting the Owner/Founder. All media inquiries should be directed to them.


Our company Conflict of Interest Policy refers to any case where an employee’s personal interest might contradict the interest of the company they work for. This is an unwanted circumstance as it may have heavy implications on the employee’s judgement and commitment to the company, and by extension to the realization of its goals. This policy will outline the rules regarding conflict of interest and the responsibilities of employees and the company in resolving any such discrepancies.


This company conflict of interest policy applies to all prospective or current employees of the company, as well as independent contractors and persons acting on behalf of the company.

Policy elements


The relationship of the company with its employees should be based on mutual trust. As the company is committed to preserve the interests of people under its employment, it expects them to act only towards its own fundamental interests. Conflict of interest may occur whenever an employee’s interest in a particular subject may lead them to actions, activities or relationships that undermine the company and may place it to disadvantage.

What is an employee conflict of interest?

This situation may take many different forms that include, but are not limited to, conflict of interest examples:

- Employees’ ability to use their position with the company to their personal advantage

- Employees engaging in activities that will bring direct or indirect profit to a competitor

- Employees using connections obtained through the company for their own private purposes

- Employees using company equipment or means to support an external business

- Employees acting in ways that may compromise the company’s legality (e.g. taking bribes or bribing representatives of legal authorities)

The possibility that a conflict of interest may occur can be addressed and resolved before any actual damage is done. Therefore, when an employee understands or suspects that a conflict of interest exists, they should bring this matter to the attention of management so corrective actions may be taken. Supervisors must also keep an eye on potential conflict of interests of their subordinates.

The responsibility of resolving a conflict of interest starts from the immediate supervisor and may reach senior management. All conflicts of interest will be resolved as fairly as possible. Senior management has the responsibility of the final decision when a solution cannot be found.

In general, employees are advised to refrain from letting personal and/or financial interests and external activities come into opposition with the company’s fundamental interests.

Note: The same principles apply to the company in regards to its clients. When applicable, we are committed to not offer services or form partnerships with companies who are in direct competition with one of our existing clients.


Applicable to full-time employees:

No “Moonlighting.” During the Employee’s employment with the Employer, the Employee agrees not to accept or continue in any job, consulting work, directorship, or employment that may conflict with Employee’s duties and responsibilities to Employer, including the duty of loyalty, without the written approval of senior management of the Employer.

Duties of Employee (FOH)

- Acquisition of new clients in regards to Furniture Rentals, Retail + Design work.


- Specifically Event Design, Commercial Interior Design, Home Design and Home Staging.

- Renting out furniture

- Sourcing for clients. Sale of furniture.

- Social Media Marketing

- Styling Work

Duties of Employee (BOH)

- Carpentry

- Upholstery

- Moving Services

- General Event Labor

- Warehouse Duties

- Truck Driving


Following separation from employment, the company does not allow employees to work for organizations that may be considered competitors. Although you have every right to seek gainful employment, our competitors would benefit greatly from your experience and expertise. It is up to us to determine whether our secrets are intentionally compromised, and if so, to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

Following separation from employment and for a period of six months thereafter, former employees are not permitted to work for a competitor within 100 miles of any location where Borrow operates a physical facility or has another physical "presence"(sales employees who work at home).

Former employees are encouraged to make notice to the human resource manager if they expect to accept a competitor's offer of employment. The Company will decide whether an opportunity exists for our policy to be violated. If it is discovered that a former employee has violated this policy they may be subject to fines / lawsuit.


(Pertains to Hourly Employees)

Overtime is paid when an employee works more than 42.5 hours per week.

- Employees have one 30 minute lunch break where they are free to leave the premises. Lunch breaks are paid.

- Smoking, Talking on the phone or longer periods of rest are not permitted unless taken during 30 minute lunch hour unless the employee has clocked out.

- Overtime calculates after 85 hours logged on WIW.



Ohio FMLA laws assert that eligible employees are provided 12-weeks of unpaid, jobprotected leave of absence following the birth or adoption of a child. You are eligible for this type of leave as you have

- Worked with Borrow for over 12 months

- Worked with Borrow for at least 1,250 hours

Our company offers two weeks of paid maternity, paternity, and adoption leave. The remaining ten weeks of eligible leave will be unpaid.

While on approved leave, you will continue to receive any health benefits previously sign up for the same as when employee was an active employee and will remain eligible for salary increases but not bonuses. If you are an expectant parent, please discuss your paid leave intentions with your HR manager. We request 120 Days notice before your departure date.

This policy supplements your FMLA benefits but does not supersede the need for a separate FMLA policy for covered employers.

Returning to Work

It is our priority to reinstate you to your former position or to a former position of equivalent pay, benefits, and terms. Further, it’s important your return to work is smooth. We offer the following considerations for new parents, to be further discussed with your manager and HR manager:

• Flexible working hours (to be determined with manager)

• Remote working days

We will be in communication as your paid leave is coming to a close and are available for any questions or concerns.



We require all Back-of-House employees to dress appropriately. Although many times we do outdoor setups we also go to country clubs and upscale venues that require an elevated dress code. Flamboyant or loud clothing is not allowed. Belts are required because we cannot have anybody sagging. Below are descriptions of what you can wear:

- Pants: Plain Jeans (no rips / tears or designs) or Khakis in Navy or Tan

- Shorts: Khakis, Cargos

- Shirts: Any of Borrow’s t-shirts (1 t-shirt is given once you onboard. All other shirts can be purchased at cost from us if you would like extras)

- Hats: Borrow Hat (you can purchase at cost from us for $10)

- Shoes: Boots / Hard Foot Protection


As a FOH employee we are living representatives of the Borrow Brand when we meet with clients and vendors. But many times we are not meeting with clients! So there are two expectations in play:

Client + Vendor Forward:

- Stylish + Classy Clothing

- Fashion Forward

- If unsure go with black!

- Smell + look professional and fashion forward.

- If open toed shoes please make sure nails are clean and / or polished.

- No exposure of cleavage or mid section

- No extremely short skirts unless paired with tights

- No inappropriately tight fitting clothing

When not in front of clients + vendors you can opt (if desired) to go with a more informal approach:

- Athleisure + Comfortable clothing

- Comfortable Shoes

I have read and understand the above policy:

_________________________________________ Signature _________________________________________ Name /

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