FEI World Cup '14 Celje

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Kazalo / Index 5

Hugo Bosio - Uživajte v tekmovanju! / Enjoy the competition!


Bojan Šrot – Ambasadorji knežjega mesta / Ambassadors to the Duke’s city


Bogomir Vnučec – Svetla prihodnost slovenskega konjeništva / Bright future for Slovenian equestrianism


Center konjeniškega športa Celje / Equestrian Centre Celje


Kaj ponujamo? / What we offer?


Zgodovina konja / History of a horse


Zanimivi podatki o konjih / Interesting facts about horses


Preskakovanje ovir / Showjumping


O tekmovanju / About the competiton


Podatki o tekmovanju / Show information


Seznam sodelujočih držav / Participating countries


Posebnosti tekmovanja / Highlights of the competition


Program tekmovanja / Timetable of the competition


Mesto Celje / The City of Celje


Slovenija / Slovenia


Načrt prizorišča / Venue plan


Koledar konjeniških prireditev 2015 / Calendar of equestrian events 2015


Hugo Bosio Predsednik organizacijskega odbora President of the Organising Committee FEI World Cup Celje 2014

Uživajte v tekmovanju!

Enjoy the competition!

Z velikim veseljem vam v imenu Organizacijskega odbora za Svetovni pokal v preskakovanju ovir s konji želim iskreno dobrodošlico na tem uglednem tekmovanju v Centru konjeniškega športa Celje. Center konjeniškega športa Celje je edini organizator Svetovnega pokala v preskakovanju ovir s konji v notranji areni, ki to leto pri nas poteka že peto leto zapored. Zavedamo se odgovornosti, ki jo s seboj nosi organizacija tako pomembnega dogodka, in ki nam jo je zaupala Mednarodna konjeniška zveza. Potrudili smo se, da to zaupanje tudi upravičimo. Sodobno grajen objekt, moderna infrastruktura in oprema ter profesionalno in zavzeto delo vseh sodelujočih pri organizaciji nam omogoča, da spremljamo najboljše slovenske tekmovalce in konje ter vrhunske nastope več kot 300 konj iz 20 držav. Razen športne pa dogodek ponuja tudi družabno in poslovno dimenzijo. Vsako leto namreč organiziramo VIP sprejem za 200 gostov. Svetovni pokal je izrednega pomena za prepoznavnost konjeništva v Sloveniji kot tudi prepoznavnost Slovenije v Evropi in svetu. Brez podpore mnogih sponzorjev dogodka seveda ne bi mogli izpeljati, zato bi se jim ob tej priložnosti rad iskreno zahvalil za njihovo velikodušnost. Veseli smo tudi, da nas vsako leto spremljajo številni mediji iz Slovenije in tujine. Obiskovalcem, tako dolgoletnim konjeniškim navdušencem kot tistim, ki so tukaj prvič, želim veliko užitkov, vsem tekmovalcem pa čim lepše športne uspehe danes in tudi v prihodnosti. Upam, da se še mnogokrat srečamo na podobnih prireditvah, ki jih organiziramo v Centru konjeniškega športa Celje.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all at this prestigious equestrian event in the Equestrian centre Celje in the name of the Organising Committee of the Celje FEI World Cup show jumping with horses. Equestrian centre Celje is the only organiser of the World Cup show jumping in Slovenia in the indoor arena, which is taking place for the fifth consecutive time this year. We are aware of the responsibilities that come with the organization of such an important event, and that was entrusted to us by the International Equestrian Federation. We will do our best do justify this trust. A contemporary built complex, modern infrastructure and equipment, and professional, dedicated work of everyone connected with the organisation of the event, will enable you today to watch the topmost Slovenian competitors and horses, alongside the top performances of more than 300 horses from 20 countries. Apart from the sporting events, the event also offers a social and business dimension. Namely, we organize a VIP reception each year for 200 guests. Moreover, the competition is an important promotional act for equestrianism in Slovenia and also for recognition of Slovenia in Europe and in the world. Without the support from many sponsors, the event could not have been realized; therefore I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank them for their generosity. We are also very happy because each year, this event is covered by various media from Slovenia and abroad. To all the visitors, whether they are already long standing equestrian enthusiasts or they are here for the first time, I wish a lot of enjoyment, and to all the competitors, I wish the best successes in the following days and in the future. I sincerely hope that we meet many more times in similar events that take place in the Equestrian centre Celje.



Bogomir Vnučec Predsednik Konjeniške zveze Slovenija

President of the Equestrian federation of Slovenia

Svetla prihodnost slovenskega konjeništva!

Bright future for Slovenian equestrianism!

V zadnjih letih se slovenski konjeniški šport pospešeno razvija na vseh ravneh, od tekmovalne do organizacijske. Naši jahači dosegajo odlične rezultate, vedno več pa je tudi uglednih in obiskanih konjeniških športnih dogodkov. Mnogo izzivov nas še čaka, če se želimo pridružiti velikim konjeniškim državam, a dejstvo, da se na slovenskih tleh odvija že kar nekaj mednarodnih tekmovanj, postavlja konjeniški šport ob bok slovenskim paradnim športnim disciplinam. Center konjeniškega športa Celje je že več let zaporedoma organiziral Svetovni pokal v preskakovanju ovir s konji in s tem postavil temelje za ugledno mednarodno tekmovanje, ki se ga udeležujejo tudi najboljši jahači na svetu, med domačimi tekmovalci in gledalci pa je dosegel ugled, ki si ga zaslužijo največja športna tekmovanja. Nedvomno bodo vsi tekmovalci, tako kot tudi organizator letošnjega tekmovanja v Centru konjeniškega športa Celje, številnim obiskovalcem znova predstavili konjeniški šport v najsvetlejši luči. Tovrstni konjeniški dogodki nakazujejo na svetlo prihodnost tega športa, ki ga razvijamo tudi v nacionalnem združenju konjeniških klubov, društev in turističnih kmetij - Konjeniški zvezi Slovenije, ki s trdim delom in aktivnim sodelovanjem zmore in zna konjeniški šport približati medijem in širši slovenski javnosti. Želimo si, da bi nas konjeniške navdušence ljubezen in spoštovanje do konj združevali tudi v prihodnosti, zato upam in verjamem, da se bomo v Centru konjeniškega športa Celje srečevali še dolga leta.

In recent years, the equestrian sport in Slovenia has been developing fast at all levels, from the competitive to the organizational. Our riders achieve excellent results and the number of prestigious and well attended equestrian sporting events is on the rise. Many challenges still await us if we are to join the great equestrian countries, but the fact that quite a few international competitions already take place in Slovenian equestrian centres, puts the equestrian sport side by side to other Slovenian more commercial sport disciplines. The Equestrian centre Celje has already been an organiser of a World Cup qualifier in show jumping for several years in a row, and they have set the foundation for a prestigious international event, which records participation from the best riders in the world, and among national riders and visitors it has gained a reputation befitting competitions of the highest rank. Without a doubt, all the competitors, as well as the organiser of this year’s World Cup event in Equestrian centre Celje, will once more present the equestrian sport in all its glory to many visitors of the event. Such equestrian events point to a bright future of this sport, which we develop also in a national association of equestrian clubs, associations and tourist farms – Equestrian federation of Slovenia, which with hard work and active cooperation can and knows how to bring the media and wider public closer to this sport. My wish is that we, horse enthusiasts, will remain connected by our love and respect for horses in the future, that is why I hope and believe that we will continue to meet in the Equestrian centre Celje for years to come.



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Užitek v vožnji

Bojan Šrot Župan Mestne občine Celje Mayor of the Municipality of Celje

Ambasadorji knežjega mesta

Ambassadors to the Duke’s city

Celje v novembru spet na široko odpira svoja vrata v svet. Že v davni zgodovini so celjski grofje besedo o mestu »Cilli« ponesli daleč čez meje našega mesta. Danes so verjetno največji ambasadorji knežjega mesta športniki. Šport je tisti, ki nas umešča na svetovni zemljevid in nas navdaja s ponosom. Konjeniški šport v Celje poleg svetovne javnosti prinaša prestiž, saj je svetovni pokal v preskakovanju ovir vsako leto tudi srečanje visokih predstavnikov slovenske in tuje politike, uspešnih gospodarstvenikov in drugih uglednih predstavnikov družbe.

In November, Celje is once again opening its doors into the wide world. Already in ancient history, the Counts of Celje carried the word about the city of »Cilli« far across the boundaries of the city. Today, probably the greatest ambassadors of the princely town are sportspeople. Sport is what places us on the world map and fills us with pride. Not only does the equestrian sport attract the global public, it also brings prestige to Celje, as the World Cup in show jumping is an annual gathering of the high representatives of Slovenian and foreign politics, successful entrepreneurs and other prominent individuals.

Konji so človeka spremljali od nekdaj. O odnosu med konjem in človekom pričajo že jamske risbe. Res je, da se je njihova vloga precej spremenila, saj imajo danes za človeka predvsem športni, rekreativni in terapevtski pomen, medtem ko so bili včasih nepogrešljivi spremljevalci pri delu in še kje. Tudi zato nas izjemno veseli, da prav v Celju že peto leto zapored poteka to pomembno in prestižno tekmovanje ter da lahko našemu mestu rečemo tudi center konjeniškega športa. Zavedamo se promocijske in poslovno-gospodarske vrednosti, ki jo ima svetovni pokal, organizatorjem se zato zahvaljujemo in jim čestitamo za izvedbo tako velikega dogodka.

Horses have always accompanied man. The relationship between horse and man has already been portrayed in cave drawings. It is true that their role has changed substantially, as they have today a primarily sporting, recreational and therapeutic role, while they used to be essential companions in labour and other areas of life. This is another reason why we are particularly delighted to have this important and prestigious competition take place in Celje for the fifth consecutive year and to be able to call our city a centre of equestrian sport among other things. We are aware of the promotional and economic value of this world cup, thus we would like to sincerely thank the organizers and congratulate them on the realization of such a large event.

Vsem tekmovalcem želimo uspešno tekmovanje, obiskovalcem pa nepozabne dni v Celju.

We wish all the competitors success in the competition and all the visitors to spend unforgettable days in Celje.


O Centru ... Pokrita jahalnica in zunanje jahališče ter spremljevalni objekti omogočajo nemoteno delo in trening ne glede na letni čas. Center poleg konjeniške dejavnosti obsega tudi kavarno in restavracijo, kjer redno prirejamo raznolike dogodke. S svojo dejavnostjo želimo vsem, ki se ukvarjajo s konjeniškim športom zagotoviti kar najboljše pogoje za trening in tekmovanja ter ta izbrani šport približati širšemu krogu ljudi. Center konjeniškega špota Celje je najsodobnejši tovrstni center v Sloveniji z največjim notranjim jahališčem. Center je čez leto prizorišče tako športnih, kulturnih kot tudi družabnih dogodkov.

S svojo dejavnostjo želimo vsem, ki se ukvarjajo s konjeniškim športom zagotoviti kar najboljše pogoje za trening in tekmovanja ter ta izbrani šport približati širšemu krogu ljudi. Za profesionalni konjeniški šport je v Centru na voljo: • 40 nadstandardih boksov za konje (3,5 x 3,5 m) • 7 boksov angleškega tipa (3,5 x 3,0 m) • 6 umivalnih prostorov za konje • Sprehajalna naprava za 6 konj • Zunanje jahališče v velikosti 90 x 60 m (‘’Ebbe-Flut’’ sistem namakanja in kremenčev pesek najvišje kakovosti)

• Notranja jahalnica v velikosti 65 x 33 m 10

About the Centre ... On the outskirts of the city Celje, only a five minute drive from the centre, lies hidden in the idyllic forest clearing the new Equestrian centre Celje.

The inside and the outside riding areas with its accompanying facilities enable work and training on the highest level in all weather conditions and throughout the year. Accompanying the equestrian part are also a cafe and a restaurant, where various events take place regularly. In the Centre we wish to guarantee the best conditions for training and competitions for all involved in this sport and bring this sport closer to people. Equestrian Centre Celje is the most modern equestrian centre in Slovenia with the largest inside riding arena. The Centre is the scene for sport, cultural and social events throughout the year.

For professional equestrian sport the Centre offers: • 40 above average horse boxes (3,5 x 3,5 m) • 7 English-type boxes (3,5 x 3,0 m) • 6 washing places for horses • A walking machine for 6 horses • An outside arena in the size of 90 x 60 m (“Ebbe-Flut” watering system and quartz sand of the highest quality) • An inside arena in the size of 65 x 33 m


Kaj ponujamo? What we offer?

Sodobno infrastrukturo Modern infrastructure

Profesionalni ĹĄport Professional sport

Ĺ olo jahanja Riding school

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Mednarodna tekmovanja International competitions

Kavarna in restavracija Cafe and restaurant

KulinariÄ?ni, kulturni in drugi dogodki Culinaric, cultural and other events

Pogostitve Catering

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Zgodovina konja History of a horse Prvi konji so se na Zemlji pojavili že pred 50 milijoni let, po obdobju, ko so izumrli dinozavri. Prvi predstavniki imenovani Eohippus so bili veliki kot današnje lisice. Imeli pa so tri prste na nogah. Skozi čas in različne življenjske potrebe konja so živali začele spreminjati svojo zunanjo podobo in način prehranjevanja. Tako se je prvi pravi predstavnik današnjega konja razvil 3 milijone let pred našim štetjem. Imenovan Pliohippus je bil visok hiter in močan. Imel pa je tudi razvita kopita.

The first horses have appeared on Earth 50 million years ago, at the time when the dinosaurs died out. The first representatives called Eohippus were as big as today’s foxes and they had three toes. Through time and different needs the horse had, it starrted changing its appearance and the way of eating. Thus, the first »true« representative of a today’s horse, called Pliohippus, which was fast and strong with developed hooves, evolved around 3 million years BC.

Danes je na svetu približno 350 pasem konj, ki so razdeljeni v tri skupine: poniji, toplokrvni konji in hladnokrvni konji. Med sabo se skupine konj razlikujejo po velikosti, njihovem načinu življenja in funkcionalnosti.

Nowadays there is approximately 350 breeds of horses in the world. We differentiate these breeds into three categories: pony, warm-blood horses and cold-blooded horse. The groups of horses vary in size, their way of life and funcionality.

Poniji so po velikosti podobni večjim žrebičkom, so prijaznega značaja in zato primerni za mlade jezdece. Odrasli poniji merijo do vihra, najvišje točke pleč, manj kot 1,5 m. Toplokrvni konji oziroma jezdni konji so živahni in hitri. Danes se jih uporablja za športno jahanje. Hladnokrvni konji pa so konji, ki so zelo močni in težki, a ob enem zelo mirnega značaja. Uporabljajo se predvsem za vleko težkega tovora. Tehtajo lahko tudi več kot 1 tono.

Ponies are in size similar to colts or foals, they have a friendly nature and therefore are suitable for riders. Adult ponies are in height less than 1, 5 m, this is measured to the withers, which is the highest point of the shoulder. Warm-blood horses and saddle horses are agile and quick, they are often used for sport riding. Cold-blooded horses are horses that are very strong and heavy, but peaceful by nature. They are mainly used for hauling heavy loads and they can weigh more than 1 ton.

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Zanimivi podatki o konjih • • • • • • • • •

Konj lahko spi leže ali stoje. Običajno spijo dve do tri ure na dan. Konji ležijo le okoli 43,5 minut dnevno. Konji lahko sporočajo svoje počutje s svojo obrazno mimiko. Uporabljajo svoja ušesa, nosnice in oči, da pokažejo razpoloženje. Kopito je kot noht. Vedno znova zraste in jih je potrebno pristriči, da ne postane neprijetno za konja. Če ima konj rdečo pentljo na svojem repu, pomeni, da pogosto brca. Domači konj ima življenjsko dobo približno 25 let, medtem ko poniji lahko dosežejo tudi 50 let. Na svetu je okoli 75 milijonov konj. Konjevi zobi zavzamejo več prostora v njihovi glavi kot možgani. Konji žalujejo za izgubo partnerja ali družabnika.

Interesting facts about horses • Horses can sleep both lying down and standing up and they typically sleep two and half to three hours a day. • Horses lie down only about 43,5 minutes a day. • Horses can communicate how they are feeling by their facial expressions. They use their ears, nostrils and eyes to show their moods. • A hoof is like a fingernail. It is always growing and needs to be clipped so that it won’t be uncomfortable for the horse. • If a horse has a red ribbon on its tail, it likes to kick. • Ponies live longer than horses and can live well into their 50’s. • Domestic horses have a lifespan of around 25 years. • Horses have bigger eyes than any other mammal that lives on land. • There are around 75 million horses in the world. • A horse’s teeth take up more space in their head than their brain. • Horses will mourn the passing of a companion.


Preskakovanje ovir – olimpijska disciplina Skakalno sposobnost konja so pričeli razvijati v 18. stoletju. Razlog je, da so pri lovu na lisice potrebovali preskočiti različne ograje ali ovire, ki so omejevala zasebna posestva. Discplina kot jo poznamo danes se je razvila kot rezultat tekmovanj med lovci na lisice. Preskakovanje ovir je najbolj znana in priznana disciplina v konjeništvu s strani Mednarodne konjeniške zveze, kjer moški in ženske tekmujejo kot enakovredni posamezniki ali ekipe. Dandanes, morajo konji in tekmovalci dokončati parkur, ki ga sestavlja od 10 do 13 ovir. Na preizkušnji je predvsem usklajenost konja in jahača, ki zahteva ogromno občutka, znanja in izšolanosti konja. Cilj je, da tekmovalec izvede parkur v pravilnem zaproedju brez napake (padle ovire ali neposlušnosti konja). Zmagovalec je tisti jahač, ki ne izvede nobene napake in obenem izvede parkur v najkrajšem času.

Show jumping – Olypmic discipline The Jumping ability of the horse was first developed in the 18th century, when fox hunting required the jumping of fences that were beginning to be erected to enclose properties. The discipline as we know it today developed as a result of competitions among fox hunters. Jumping is probably the best known of the equestrian disciplines recognized by the International Equestrian Federation, where men and women compete as equals in both individual and team events. In modern show jumping competitions, horse and rider are required to complete a course of 10 to 13 jumps, the objective of which is to test the combination’s skill, accuracy and training. The aim is always to jump the course in the designed sequence with no mistakes – a clear round. If any part of an obstacle is knocked down or if the horse refuses a jump, penalties are accumulated. The winner of the competition is the horse and rider combination that incurs the least number of penalties, completes the course in the fastest time or gains the highest number of points depending on the type of competition.

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Svetovni pokal v preskakovanju Svetovni pokal v preskakovanju ovir oziroma FEI World Cup je zaporedje več tekmovanj v različnih ligah in državah, ki jih nadzira Mednarodna konjeniška zveza (FEI). Najboljši se uvrstijo v Finale Svetovnega pokala oziroma FEI World Cup Final, ki je letno mednarodno tekmovanje, kjer se pomerijo najboljši jahači in konji iz celega sveta. Serija tekmovanj je nastala leta 1978 in danes obsega 14 lig na vseh celinah. Najboljši tekmovalci iz 132 predhodnih tekmovanj se potem uvrstijo v finale. Svetovni pokal v preskakovanju ovir je bila ideja švicarskega novinarja in navdušenca nad konji, Max E. Ammanna. Vse od začetka tekmovanj do leta 1999 je bil glavni pokrovitelj Svetovnega pokala v preskakovanju Volvo. Preteklih 15 let se je tekmovanje imenovalo Rolex Cup, z letom 2014 pa je novi glavni pokrovitelj Longines. V finale se običajno kvalificira približno 50 jahačev iz 14 lig. Običajno je 23 jahačev iz Evrope, 17 iz Združenih držav Amerike, 5 iz Kanade in 5 od drugod.


About FEI World Cup FEI World Cup Show jumping is a series of several competitions in different leagues and countries, which are supervised by the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI). The best are qualified for the FEI World Cup Show Jumping Final, which is an annal international compeittion among the world’s best horses and riders. The series, created in 1978, today comprises 14 leagues on all continents. The best riders from 132 preliminary competitions qualify for the final. The FEI World Cup was thought up by a Swiss journalist and show jumping enthusiast, Max E. Ammann. From its inception until 1999 both the final and qualifiers were sponsored by Volvo. It is now sponsored by Rolex. Since 2014 the Final has been sponsored by Longines. Approximately 45 riders qualify from 13 leagues around the world. Usually there are 23 riders from Europe, 17 from the United States, 5 from Canada and 5 from elsewhere in the world.

Podatki o tekmovanju / Show information Organizator / Organiser Ime / Name: Center konjeniškega športa Celje / Equestrian Centre Celje Naslov / Adress: Lopata 43, 3000 Celje, Slovenia Telefon / Telephone: +386 31 644 865 Fax / Fax: +386 3 545 29 35 E-pošta / E-mail: info@konji-celje.si Spletna stran tekmovanja / Website of the competition: fei2014.konji-celje.si Organizacijski odbor / Organising Committee Častni predsednik Organizacijskega odbora / President of the Honorary committee: Pavel Kadushin Predsednik Organizacijskega odbora / President of Organising committee: Hugo Bosio Sekretar tekmovanja / Show secretary: : Rudolf Rainer Vodja marketinga in odnosov z javnostmi / Head of marketing and public relations: Hugo Bosio jr. Direktor dogodka / Event director: Ime / Name: Nika Bosio Uradno osebje / Officials: 1. Glavni sodniki / Ground jury: Predsednik / President: Darius Orzol (POL) Članica / Member: Monika Klein (AUT) Član / Member: Francis Normandin (FRA) Članica / Member: Urban Hrušovar (SLO) 2.

Tuji sodnik / Foreign judge: Ime / Name: Adriana Candotto-Carniel (ITA)


Oblikovalec parkurja / Course designer: Ime / Name: Eduard Petrović (CRO)


Glavni stevard / Chief steward: Ime / Name: Burgi Fehleisen (AUT)


Pomočniki stevardi / Assistant stewards: Ime / Name: Aleksandra Pekošak (SLO) Ime / Name: Alja Videtič Paska (SLO) Ime / Name: Nataša Gorišek (SLO) Ime / Name: Rok Vadnjal (SLO)


Fei mednarodni veterinar / FEI veterinary delegate: Petra Kramarič (SLO)


Dežurni veterinar / Show veterinary: Milan Hren


Dežurni kovač / Show farrier: Iztok Dolenc


Dežurni zdravnik / Show medical team: dr. Miran Kolar


Industrial Furnaces

Bosio d.o.o., Bukov탑lak 109, 3000 Celje, Slovenia, Tel.: +386 (0)3 780 25 10, fax: +386 (0)3 780 25 35, E-mail: info@bosio.si, http://www.bosio.si

Seznam sodelujočih držav / Participating countries Avstrija / Austria Belgija / Belgium Belorusija / Belarus Bolgarija / Bolgaria Češka / Czech Republic Hrvaška / Croatia Italija / Italy Latvija / Latvia Litva / Lithuania Madžarska / Hungary Mehika / Mexico Nemčija / Germany Nizozemska / Netherlands Rusija / Russian Federation Slovaška / Slovakia Slovenija / Slovenia Srbija / Serbia Švica / Switzerland Turčija / Turkey Velika Britanija 21

Posebnosti tekmovanja: • • • • • • • • •

Center konjeniškega športa Celje je edini organizator Svetovnega pokala v preskakovanju ovir v Sloveniji, edinstvena udeležba: 310 konj, 182 tekmovalcev iz 20 držav, preskakovanje ovir s konji sodi v družino olimpijskih disciplin in je edini šport, ki enakovredno združuje človeka in žival, ugleden in pomemben konjeniški turnir pod okriljem FEI, Mednarodne konjeniške zveze in KZS, Konjeniške zveze Slovenije, uvrščamo ga tudi med družabne in poslovne dogodke saj povezuje ugledne in uspešne posameznike, diplomacijo, podjetja in institucije (VIP sprejem z 200 gosti), na tekmovanju se zberejo konji v skupni vrednosti več milijonov evrov, prenos Grand Prix tekmovanja na nacionalni televiziji RTV SLO 2 v živo, internetni prenos v živo vse štiri dni tekmovanja v Sloveniji in popestritev s šov programom: Melie Philippot z »levinjo Luma« prvič v Sloveniji!

Highlights of the competition: • Equestrian centre Celje is the only Slovenian organiser of the FEI World Cup competition, • uniqe participation: 300 horses, 182 competitors from 20 countries, • show jumping is an Olympic discipline and the only sport that equates a man or woman and an animal, • an esteemed and important equestrian event organised under the patronage by FEI, International Equestrian Federation, and KZS, national Equestrian Federation, • we also classify this sporting event as a social and business event, since it connects different prosperous and successful individuals, diplomacy, companies and institutions (VIP reception with 200 guests), • the sum worth of all the horses at the competition is a few million euros, • live broadcast of the competition on national television RTV SLO 2, • internet stream of all four days of the competition in Slovenia and Russia and • Diversification of the program with show: Melie Philippot and her Luma The Lion first time in Slovenia!


Četrtek Thursday 27. 11. 2014 Petek Friday 28. 11. 2014 Sobota Saturday 29. 11. 2014


1st Elite Tour


max. 115 cm

2nd Young Horses 5/6 years


max. 110 cm

3rd Young Horses 7 years


max. 130 cm

4th Gold Tour


max. 140 cm

5th Silver Tour


max. 135 cm

6th Bronze Tour

max. 120 cm


7th Bronze Tour


max. 120 cm

8th Silver Tour


max. 145 cm

9th Gold Tour


max. 145 cm

10th Elite Tour

max. 115 cm

11th Final Elite Tour

max. 120 cm

12th Young Horses 5/6 years

max. 110 cm / 120 cm

13th Young Horses 7 years

max. 130 cm

14th Final Silver Tour

max. 145 cm

15th Final Bronze Tour

max. 125 cm

16th Final Young Horses 5/6 years

max. 115 cm / 120

17th Final Young Horses 7 years

max. 135 cm

09.00 10.30 11.30 14.00

Nedelja Sunday 30. 11. 2014


08.00 09.30 12.15 13.15 16.00

Šov program / Show program 18th Grand Prix WORLD CUP

min. 140 - max. 160 cm

19th Last chance competition

max. 140 cm



za vsa naroÄ?ila do 15. 12. 2014


Celje Celje je tretje največje slovensko mesto, ki je oddaljeno 50km iz Ljubljane in leži v Spodnji Savinjski dolini. Celje se ponaša z bogato zgodovino, saj so tukaj pustili svoje civilizacijske sledi Kelti in Rimljani. Mesto je večkrat odigralo izredno pomembno vlogo v zgodovini Slovenije. V prvem stoletju je bila na območju današnjega Celja, ustanovljena rimska kolonija Celeia, ki so jo Rimljani imenovali tudi Troja Sekunda ali Druga Troja.

Celje is Slovenia’s third largest city, located in the Lower Savinjska valley and distanced from Ljubljana – the main city, only for 50km. It can pride itself with rich history, as Celts and Romans left the traces of their civilisations in this area. The city has played an important part in the history of Slovenia for several times. In the first century a Roman colony Celeia was established in today’s area, also named Troa Sekunda or the Second Troy.

Arheološke izkopanine, ki so bil najdene v Celju, bogatijo muzej mesta. V srednjem veku je bilo Celje rezidenca mogočnih Celjskih grofov (Cilli). Od štirinajstega do petnajstega stoletja so bili grofje v tesnih sorodstvenih vezeh z aristokrati in vladajočimi rodbinami iz pretežnega dela Evrope. Zaradi njihovega prizadevanja je bil zgrajen Stari grad, ki stoji na Grajskem hribu 407 metrov visoko. Od tod se razprostira prekrasen pogled na mesto in njegove stare ulice, cerkve in trge.

Archaeological excavations found in Celje, today enrichen the city’s museum. In the Middle Ages, Celje presented the residence for the mighty counts of Celje (Cilli). From the fourteenth into the fifteenth century the counts of Cilli had close family connections with aristocrats and other ruling families from this part of Europe. Due to their effort the Old Castle was built, standing on the nearby Castle Hill 407m high. From here a wonderful view spreads over the city and its old streets, churches and city squares.

Celje je danes sodobno in živahno mesto. Je mesto kulture in mnogih turističnih možnosti. Mesto Celje se uvršča tudi med pomembna športna središča, ki se lahko pohvali s številnimi športnimi objekti in od leta 2008 tudi z enim najsodobnejših konjeniških centrov v tem delu Evrope, Centrom Konjeniškega Športa Celje.

Today Celje is a modern and lively city, which offers various touristic and sport activities. Celje is also known as one of the major organizers’ of sport events and can proudly present many sport facilities, among which is also from the year 2008 onward, one of the most modern equestrian centers in this part of Europe – Horse Sport Center Celje. Celje is a city which offers various touristic and sport activities in its immediate vicinity.



Mala in sladka, prijazna, odprta, zelena, okusna in radoživa

Small and sweet, friendly and welcoming, green, delicious and joyful

Slovenija ne dopušča ravnodušnosti – Slovenija je država občutkov! Slovenijo začutiš skozi vonj gozda, žuborenje potoka, svež okus vode in mehkobo lesa. Slovenija je pestrost na majhnem prostoru, kjer je narava ohranjena, kultura pestra, zgodovinsko izročilo izjemno bogato in kakovost življenja na zavidljivi ravni. Zelena je prevladujoča barva, kar 66 odstotkov slovenskega ozemlja prekrivajo gozdovi. Poslanstvo je tako jasno - naprej z naravo. Slovenijo so kot svoj navdih tako že odkrili mnogi ljubitelji aktivnega življenja in veliki športniki Evrope in sveta.

Slovenia leaves no one indifferent. It’s all about feelings! You can feel it in the scent of the forest, the babbling of a brook, the fresh taste of the water and the warmth of wood. Slovenia is a small but remarkably diverse country with pristine nature, a vibrant culture, a rich history and an enviable quality of life. The most prominent colour here is green: as 66 percent of the country is covered with forest. Thus our mission is clear – to move forward with nature. Slovenia acts as an inspiration for many seekers of the sort of active lifestyle and numerous elite athletes from around the world. Vir / source: www.slovenia.si








Načrt prizorišča / Venue plan

1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 9 9



12 13 14 15



12 13 14 15

parkirišče tovornjaki / parking parkirišče tovornjaki / parkingtrucks trucks parkirišče obiskovalci / parking parkirišče obiskovalci / parkingvisitors visitors parkirišče VIPVIP / parking VIP parkirišče / parking VIP vhod / access vhod / access restavracija / restaurant restavracija / restaurant tribune / grandstand tribune / grandstand / VIP gallery VIP VIP ložaloža / VIP gallery tekmovalna arena / competitionarena arena tekmovalna arena / competition ogravalna arena / warm-up arena

ogravalna arena / warm-up arena sodniški zbor / area for judges

sodniški zbor / area for judges PRESS / PRESS


info pisarna / info center

info pisarna / info center

upravitelj hlevov / stable manager

upravitelj hlevov / stable manager

WC - tuš tekmovalci / WC - showers for competitiors

WC - tuš tekmovalci / WC - showers for competitiors




















Koledar konjeniških prireditev 2015/ Calendar of equestrian events 2015 APRIL / APRIL 24. – 26. 4. 2015: Nacionalno tekmovanje CSN* Open CSN* Slovenia MAJ / MAY 14. – 17. 5. 2015 CSIO4* POKAL NARODOV CSIO4* NATIONS CUP 22. – 24. 5. 2015: Pokal Slovenije CSN** Open CSN** Slovene Cup 29. – 31. 5. 2015: Pokal Slovenije CSN** Open CSN** Slovene Cup AVGUST / AUGUST 14. – 16. 8. 2015: Državno prvenstvo za mlade konje CSN** National championship for young horses CSN** 21. – 23. 8. 2015: Pokal Slovenije CSN** Open CSN** Slovene Cup SEPTEMBER / SEPTEMBER 4. – 6. 9. 2015: Pokal Slovenije CSN** Open CSN** Slovene Cup 11. – 13. 9. 2015: Finale Pokala Slovenije CSN** Slovene Cup Final CSN** NOVEMBER / NOVEMBER 5. – 8. 11. 2015: SVETOVNI POKAL CSI2**-W FEI WORLD CUP CSI2**-W 13. – 15. 11. 2015: Nacionalno tekmovanje CSN* Open CSN* Slovenia

33 33

Organizator / Organiser

Soorganizator / Co-organiser

Center konjeniĹĄkega ĹĄporta Celje, Celesta d.o.o. Lopata 43, 3000 Celje T: +386 31 644 865 F: +386 3 545 29 35 E: info@konji-celje.si

Center konjeniĹĄkega ĹĄporta Celje

Partnerji / Partners

Mestna obÄ?ina Celje

Republika Slovenija

Sponzorji / Sponsors



Izdala Celesta d. o. o., zanjo Nika Bosio, direktorica; urednik: Hugo Bosio; oblikovanje: Matija KovaÄ?; fotografije: Sibil Slejko, Matic UĹžmah, Miha MatavĹž, Gregor KatiÄ?, MatjaĹž OÄ?ko, Peter PerunoviÄ?, STO; tisk: Dikplast d. o. o.; naklada: 1000

Medijski pokrovitelji / Media sponsors

 nvkilĂŞzĂŞjlsqzrlnhêÀêuv}pjlĂŞp ê££êvi pu


 nvkilĂŞzĂŞjlsqzrlnhêÀêuv}pjlĂŞp ê££êvi pu


RADIO1 modra

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Center konjeniškega športa Celje

FEI WORLD CUP ‘14 www.konji-celje.si fei2014.konji-celje.si

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