Tijdschriftenattendering 2014 nr 1

Page 1

In de Tijdschriften Inhoudsopgaven van de tijdschriften 2014 Nr. 1 - Week 51 t/m week 2 ____________________________________________________________________________

A10 AR – Architectural Review A+U – Architecture and Urbanism Arch+ De Architect Architectuur NL Blauwe Kamer BNABlad Detail Footprint Groen JAR – Journal of Artistic Research Mark Oase Open! Plan Amsterdam Rooilijn S+RO – Stedenbouw + Ruimtelijke Ordening Topos (Wageningen)

Aan- of afmelden abonnement: bouwkunst-bibliotheek@ahk.nl o.v.v. tijdschriftenattendering


2 4 6 10 14 16 18 22 24 26 28 32 34 38 41 42 44 46 48



new European architecture

#55 Jan/Feb 2014

A10 •s published six times a year

ISSN 1573-3 815 CPPAP 0310 U 8881 1 Editor·in·chlef: Indira van 't Klooster Art direction: Hailer Brun Design: HaHer Brun wrth

Jasper Jonge~ng Editors: Dutton A. Hauhart,

K1m Hoefnagels Cover pho1o: Luc 8oe9Jy Correspondents: Yann1s Aesopos (GR}, Ursula Baus

(DE). Silvio Carta (IT/NL), Pelra Celerin (SI), Sarah Cremin (IE), M8Qej Czarnecki (PL), Ksenoya Dm•trenko (UA), Ivan Dorotic (HR), Anton Eguerev Silva (RU), Oliver

Elser (AT). BJOrn Ehr1ernark (SE). Milena Folcheva (BG), $tefan Ghenc1ulescu (RO), Xav1er Gonzalez (FA). Marta Gonzalez Ant6n (ES), Andrew Guest (UK), Carlos M. Guimaraes C Pn , Wrike Haele (AT), Gonzalo Herroro Delicado/Maria Jos~ Marcos (ES),

Ursula Haberle (AT), Kirsten Hannema (NL). Vondula Hnldkovts

The future as a turtle INCiQAVAN 'T XlOOSTER

People in Kiev have been on the streets since the beginning of December protesting their president, Viktor Yanukovych, who abruptly walked away from an association agreement with the EU, a week before it was to be signed. It has been, as the French newspaper Le Monde dryly remarked, quite a long time since we witnessed a pro-European protest. It is difficult to say how things will develop in a country where the most important opposition leader, Viktor Klitjsko, is also a national boxing champion, where the church and oligarchs are both in favour of Europe (though for different reasons) and where Putin takes more time to speak with Viktor Medwetsjoek, a conservative businessman and lawyer, than the president himself. Young and progressive Ukrainian designers and architects are also protesting, butthey don't seem to expect major changes soon, either in general or for architecture. 'The collapse of the Soviet Union in the beginning of the 1990s,' says AlO's Ukrainian correspondent, Ksenyia Dmytrenko, 'was a catastrophe for the existing social institutions in the Ukraine, including architecture. During the '90s there was a huge decline in the economy; people who studied architecture just could not progress their careers.


After the Orange Revolution in 2004 there was a building boom, but it meant a very fast and unreflective consumption of imported products and technologies, rather than a gradual and sophisticated breeding of architectural culture. The situation worsened because of the corruption of state and city authorities, a lack of open educational policy and a monopolized building market.' And now that the most important and urgent architecture made in the Ukraine consists of barricades and road blocks, the PinchukArtCentre (PAC) in Kiev scheduled a debate about the role the first generation to come of age in a free and independent Ukraine could play. 'Are they prepared to shape their own future? Or will [the future) just slowly ride towards eternity as if on the shell of a mythological turtle?' Architect Anton Oliynyk {Buro o) is positive: 'I know that contemporary architecture is possible in a democratic society without corruption. I know a lot of Ukrainian architects who take part in peaceful protest.' Possible?Yes. Now? No, says Kseniya: 'Among the young generation we have promising practices, like FORMA and Buro 0, Drozdov&Partners, Yuriy Ryntovt and Zotov &Co. The latter initiated an international architecture festival, CANactions, which is now the main public educational event in Ukraine. But the local young scene is weak, and I am not sure that the situation will change in the next decade.' PAC itself decided to cancel the debate because of the protests in the streets. Gradually, Ukraine must find new roots, or the future will remain stranded under the turtle's shell. f-

38 Eurovision Work1ng With Norwegian landscapes

12 Start

(CZ), Anne lsopp (AT), Krunoslav lvam~ln (HR), W•ll Jones (UK), Orner Kanopak (TR), Vlalko P. Korobar (MK), Jure Kotnok (SI), Em•el Lamers (51), Sander Laudy (ES). Tomas Lauri (SE). Ruta Leitanatt8 (Ll). Luis Castanh eira

Loureiro (PT/CH) Zaira Magliow (tl). Tom van Malderen (Ml).

20 Ready M1xed·use m 1cro~ crty, Bologna 20 - Housmg by consultation, Hamburg 23 From mme to l1brary, Labm 26 Contemporary machme for hv1ng. Pans 29 - Forest relreat. Sedlcany 32 - Definmg home ground. London 34 e 14

MIOdrag NtntC (RS), Tarja Nurm•

(FI). Trun Ojari (EEl, Petros Phol<aldes (GRICY), Dominique P•eters (BE). Isabelle Priest (UK). Luogo Prestonenza Puglisi pT), Veljko AaduloviC(ME), Daria Riccho pl), Sophie Aoulet (FR). Roman AU1kowskl (Pl.). Giampiero Sanguogno pT), Carlos Sant'Ana (PT). Emmell Scanlon OEl. Hannah Schubert (NL). Axel Simon (CH). Peler Szalay (SK), Maria Topofcanska (SK), Hubert Trammer (Pl), El!a Turku!lt(BA), Ma;a Vard)an (51), Aneta Vasileva (BG), Vesna VuQn~ (AS), Klaus D•eter Weiss (OE), Chris1ian Welzbncher (OE). Cordula Ze•dlor(UK),Ieva Zobarte (LV) Subs criptions: Sec page 8. Subscribe online at www.a10.eu/subscribo or contact A 10's subscription

Pohcy aesthetics 4 - La Fabnque. Geneva 6 - Reality check Kultuurpark, KosiCe 6 - P1vot1ng bndge, Hull 6 - Book Hohdays after the Fall S - Dorkovo Paleontological Museum 8 - Ultimate geek toy 8 - Update. Kmdergartens 9 - Onhne house destgn, The Hague 10- House renovat1on. Sa1gneleg1er 10 Mov1egoer 2 Torre Dav1d:The World's Tallest Squat 1 0

50 Section Bathed mlight 58 Ml Tour Guide Alhens m a t1me of cris1s· 2008-2013 58 - Home The strangely fam1har house of Thomas Bed aux. T1lburg 61 Outofobscunty. Memonal cenue. Kolas1 n 62

service: 1 +49 2225 7085 324 Subscriptrons in the Netherlands are handled by Betapress Abonncmenten Servoces: 10161 459556 Publisher: A 10 publishers

P.O. Bex 51095, NL· 1007 EB Amsterdam I +31 203050555 ma1IOa10.cu, www.alO.eu

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First contact




Jb1cles com Jtcle!..com

lU' The Architectural Review Issue number 1402 December 2013 Volume CCXXXIV Founded 1996


Editorial view



'To be able to speak authoritath'ely about historical events there seems to be an unwritten rule of academe that it is 1 proper not to have been ! around (even better, not to have been born)'

Buenos Aires biennial; "Lrban Agr conference, Rio; curating architecture at Yale; 'l'homas Ilt' mand and Caruso StJohn

Ad au{fllsta per an{fllsta



Rangoon, Burma 23


1\'illiam JR Curtis

Niall Hobhouse, pl4


Your views


ar+d Awards for Emerging Architecture




Bunker 5fl!l, Culcmbonr, The ::icthcrlancl~

Lullaby Factor)·, London,l-K

transparent worthies who cat grass, ride bikes and transmit contagious boredom in company'

J oint Winner: SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov

Neil Spiller, p48




1 'Architects are mostly

_ _ ____ I apolitical except for the

_ __ _

_ -- - - - - -· - _

_____ 1


:\Iuscum for Architectural Drawing, Berlin, German)· 48

Joint Winner: Hernan Diaz Alonso

Pitch Black Installation, Yicnna, Austria 52

Highly Commended

San .Jor_!(c Health Facultr, rillanuem de Chill ego, Spain; Obscrmtion To"·cr, Ilcmcr, German)·; Jianamani Yisitor Centre, Qinghai, China; Oceanographic Ob~crmtory, Ban)·uls·sur-~fcr, France; ~Iakoko FloaLing School, Lagos, Xigcria; Bamboo Conrt)·ard Teahouse, Yangzhou, China; Cemetery Hall, Sa)·ama, Japan; Rubido Rom Pro Foundation, Galicia, Spain; Education Centre, 2\yanza, Rwanda; Sk)· Courts Exhibition Hall, Chengdu, China 91

Special Report

The Actire Third "\ gc and the future of the cit)· 102


Pier Yittorio Aurcli ; mastcrplanning; photograph)· all(l architecture; libraries; Ton)· Frc•tton on John <TIPII" 108


ESCAL.\, Edinburgh 110

- -------·------------


!Ioll"arrl Roark

-- -- 122 Cover: the sliced concrete of a Second World War pillbox In the Netherlands gleams like polished granite In RAAAF/Atelier de Lyon's winning entry for this year's Emerging Architecture Awards (see p30)


I'Pier Vit torio Aureli's , advocacy of abstinence instead of austerity is like arguing that to avoid ; the cigarette ban, you , should gi,'e up smoking I. -that'll show them!'

I Austin Williams, pl02 !'The West's anxiety

about masterplans that could be seen as anti-democratic or fascist, leads us ! to favour informality, i which we confuse with transparency and equality' 1 · Jack Self, pl03


----- -----

- - -- · - - - -- --


'l'hibaud Hcrt•m


:'We have to be wary of fame these days; it is sick, perhaps even mad, certainly dangerous' TonyFretton, pl07

All : rmcE~m E rt


~ 01:1




Essay: :VIodcrnism on the Open Sea Fumihiko Maki

Feature: Urban Innovation, New York Architecture and Urbanism 2013:12 No.519


Map of \ew York City P ublisher/Editor: Nobuyuki Yoshida


Reshaping New York

Senior Editor: Asami Naito


Maps of Five Cities l :300.000 28

Design Consultant: Massimo Vignclli

!low is ,\lpw York City being Rebuilt? 32

Distributor : Shinkcnchi ku-sha Co., Ltd.: Sawa Kato

Recent Landscape of f\rw York City 48

Essay: :-.Jew York 2013: Towards a Morr Livable City

Jill N Lerner

I - ·7'


Innovations and Projects 52

Hudson Yards 60

Atlantir Yards, Bar<·lays Center I SlloP Architects 70

Chapter 1: Energy Renewing the Cse of Existing Buildings 72

Chapter 2: Waterv.ay and Climate Resilient City HJ~U\C

Ct:JU{El\T.S- PmJt"Ct £or :'\t>w York's \i.Jtcrfront I HunLc.-r's Point :-icJuth Wutt'rinnll Park


Chapter 3: Transportation and Infrastructure Res tructur ing Existing Transit System Time:-; ::iqua.rt' Rrcon:;truction Fulton Centt•r ' Proposals for :\t•w Penn ~Latlon Cover: At•nal ViP."UJ of New York Cily 111201.1. l'holn by /wan llaan 0 A..-U

Publishing Co., l.td. 201:1 Print~~t.! in Japan Published by A' U Pubhs!ung Co.. Ltd. Kasurlllf;il.S~.>ki Uulldin~ l7F, 3-2-5,

Kasunngasck1. Ctuyodil·ku. Tokyo J00-6017.Japan li-1: •81-3-6205-438•1 Fa" •81-.1-6205-4387 E-milll: au~japaJhHdntt'c;t.m .J(l UH.L: hltp;/ /WW\v Jllplusu.com


Chapter 4: Parks and Public spacr New Approach for Public Space Administration



Bnx>klyn Bndge Park Walking on the fligh LII U' [rom 5<'<'tiOII I to :i<:cl!oll 3 100

Chapter 5: Housing and Neighborhood Diversity in Living Via V«rdr - Th<' Crf'f'll Way ~1) \licro :-.;v

* l ' tc.til '1 ~

L. (::

~;j: (i;)



Chapter 6: Education Intellectual and Economic Growth in Community

AtU Pubhshmg Pte ltd.

Colun1L>ia UtJi\t'r.;.ity ;\latlhatlavil!t" Can1pu~ Pla11

;'\lankin How, Chwa Square Central

3 Pirkcnng ::itrcet. "'02-26. Stnc,aport> 018660.


Smgaporn Tel. +65-6557 -0537 F::tx· +65-6557-0!r\1

Essay: Innovation and Cities Toshiko Mori

a,.u • Architecture and Urbamsm





by ::ilunkcnchiku-sha Co , l.td Kasunngascki Butldmg l7F, 3·2·5, Kasumi~ascki, Chtyoda-ku,



100-6017, Japan

ToL •81-3-6205--~380 Fax· •81 -.1-6205-~386 F>mad ja-bu.~IOt..~ '_VJapan-architcct co.Jp Subscnpnon ralt' for 2013 outstdt•]apan ¥11-2,000 (r\trrnatl - Asla). ¥<15,000 (A tmlatl -

Europe. North Atn<>nca, Occam a. & Middlr. East}. ¥49.000 (Atrmail- South Amenr.a & Afnca) U.S. Dollars. Euro . Sterling Pounds and Sw1s.:i Fran<'~~ r.quivaltmt to th(' above Japant...c Y~n pnccs arc acceptable. Your rcmittancr :should be converted at the current ('X('hangr ratt• when you rrnnt us.

**:it~UJ ~~~~.A?

'T I 00-60

The East Harlem School / GLUCK+ 126

Campbell Sports Center I Steven Holl Arr.hitects 132

Frieze Art Fair :'iYC I SO - IL 136

Franklin D. Roo5cvelt Four Freedoms Park I Louis L Kahn


~b'OOt:'J I

tel. 03 -62 http://ww


Interview: The wardrobe and thr mattress 6

Smiljan Radic and Marcela Correa Exhibition by Fondation d'entreprise Hermes, Le Forum , Maison Hennes Cinza

Architecture and Urbanism No.518 2013:11

Feature: Norwegian Architecture Toward Sustainability

Publisher/Editor: Nobuyuki Yoshida

Essay: Senior Editor:

Landscape Rituals - National Tou rist Routes in

Asami Naito

Karl Otto Ellefsen

~orway 10

Design Consultant: Massimo Yignelli

Reiulf Ramstad Architects Trollstigen National Tourist Route


Distributor: Shinkenchiku-sha Co., Ltd.: Sawa Kato

Carl-Viggo H0lmebakk Jektvik Ferry Quay


Manthey Kula Roadside Rest Room, Akkarvikodden


Rintala Eggertsson Architects Seljord Watchtower 44 H0se Bridge 52

Jensen & Skodvin Architects Gudbrandsjuvet - Service Cen ter Summer House Storfjord 66


Jarmund/Vigsnres AS Arkitekter MNAL Log House Oppdal so Cover: Summer l/ou.se Storjjord Skodvm Architects. Plwto couru•;y of the architect.

~Y Jensen


"A •U Pubhshmg Co .. Ltd. I A• U Publishing Pte. Ltd. 2013 Printed m Japan Published by A< U Publishmg Co.. Ltd. Kasumigaseki Building I 7F. 3-2-5. Kasumigaseki. Ch•yoda-ku. Tokyo Hl0-6017, Japan Tel: •81-3-6205-4384 Fax: +81 -3-6205-43H7 E-mail: au@japan-archiLcct.co.jp URL: http:!/ www.Japlusu.com A• U l'ublishmg Pte. Ltd. Nankin Row. Chma Square Central 3 Pickering Street, •02-26, Singapore M8G60, Singapore Tet • 65-6557-0537 Fax: +65-65:i7-0531

Essay: Custom \-1ade


Halvor Weider Ellefsen, Mirza Mujezinovic Brendeland & Kristoffersen Arkitekter Svartlamoen Housing Project 94 Helen & Hard Vennesla Library and Culture House 102

Pir II Oslo Tallhall 110

a "'U .. Archttccture and L: rbamsm is ha ndled CX.ciUSlVC)y

by Shinkench iku-sha Co., Ltrl.: Kasumigasrki Building 17F, 3-2-5, Kasumigaseki. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6017. Japan Tel: +81 -3-6205-4380 Fax: +81-3-6205-4386 E-mail : ja-busincs>.@japan-archilcct.co.jp Subscnption rate for 2013 outside Japan ¥42,000 (Airmail - Asia). ¥45,000 :Airmail Europe, North America, Oceama, & Middle ~ast), ¥49,000 (Airmail - South America &

a-lab Statoil Regional and International Offices 118

Space Group New Oslo Central Station 126

Afncai U.S.Dollars, Euro, Sterling Pounds and Sw1ss Franr.s eqmvalenl to lhe abovr Japanese )'en pnces arc acceptable. Your remittance should be <..-onvcrtcd at the current exchange ralt! when you remit us.



OUT OF BALANCE KRITIK DER GEGENWART Eine Bilanz der "Generation App" READER INFORMATION DESIGN Die Welt in Bildern erklaren

Sabine Kraft (Hrsg.) Arbeitsgruppe Eva Kampfmann, Sabine Kraft, Joachim Krausse, Philipp Schneider

ARCH+ Verlag Aachen









Vorwort Zum Konzept des Wettbewerbs · out of Balance - Kritik der Gegenwort. Information Design noch Otto Neuroth• Einleitung Zum Konzept der Publikotion

Sabine Kraft





1 Preis· City Pixels - Wanderarbeiter in China Wu YiTing, Mo Pengbin, Gao Yang, Zhu Wenqi 62 Wanderarbeiter in China II Nicolai Hafen, Oliver Grieder 64 Apparel zur Menschenholtung Manuel Aust, Sebastian Schroter, Erik SeyHarth 66 Asylheim Schwobisch Gmund Anita Evtuch, Verena Freiberger 68 1. Preis: Heimotschutz durch Ausgrenzung Eleonore Harmel, Mathias Burke 72 74



Kiribati - eines der ersten Opfer des Klimowondels Nino Bender, Daniel Gross, Joris Maltha, Silja K/epp Klimowondel: Verursocher und Betroffene


Carolina Robertson Prego Cadovol, Rodrigo Lins de Oliveira



Anerkennung: Luxusdreck - Umweltverschmutzung durch Kreuzfohrtschiffe


Ulrike Rechmann, Julia RoB



Plostikstrudel - ein Erbe fur Johrhunderte


Gold in Hondys

12 14

Stefan Zimmermann 84

Sophie Heinz, Miriam Tornieporth 86 AGRIKULTUR

22 26 28


30 32

~ Welternahrung Stefonie Huber, Sara Hausmann, Diona Muhlhouser Leben mit immer mehr Fleisch? Dinah-Florentine Schmidt ~ Fleisch frisst Leben Verena Mandernach

Urban Paradises - Wege ins Anthropozan Katolin Gennburg, Sheila Seyfert Der Mensch auf Roubzug wie zukunftsfohig ist unser Lebensstil? Patricio Urbas, Johanna Manghard, Helen Steinmetz,






Remap - Geogrofie neu geschrieben. Eine interoktive App zum •Land Grabbing•


Timelines - furokrise, Wirtschofts- und Finonzsystem, Mochtverholtnisse

Loretta Nopoleoni

Felix von der Weppen, Yulia Strotsev, Cecil von Treu

Anerkennung: Doten sind eine Frage des Blickwinkels Uwe Steffen, Benedikt Schipper Durchschnitt

98 38



Geologische Spurensuche der stodtische Boden im Anthropoziin Seth Denizen Waren geht Venedig zugrunde?

Kim Angie Cicuttin 44 Hybride Strotegien fur Venedigs logune. Der Horizon! des Moglichen Daniela Baumgartner, Patrick Fresner, Bianca Nedwetzky, Regina Nemecz, Therese-Alena Platzer, Roberto Viforcos Giron, Sandra Weinrauch, Kothorino Wernig, Marie Theres Baumgartner, Jorg Dittus, Wolter Friihwirth, Michael Keser, Philip Marzano, Magdalena Schepe, Anne Schlebbe, Sebastian Wattenberg, Maki Stolberg 48 Universum DS - eine retrooktive Story der Stadt Bernd Vlay, Daniela Herold 52 Moutstotionen als Flachenreserve Jordon Geiger

Anne-Julchen Bernhardt, Anna Weber 2. Preis: Shiso-Bor ols sozioler Roum Michel K/einbrahm Kohvehones - Zur Geschichte des !Urkischen Cafes Theresa Strieder und Lehrstuhl fur Gebaudelehre Dugun Salonu - der !Urkische Hochzeitssoal Sonja Kellermann Homom - O rientolische Wellness in Dusseldorf Jon Philipp Kentgens Garage fur hinduistische Tempelwogen. Progmotische Kontextuolitat Judith Neyses Die Geschichte der Sinti in Hildesheim Janine Ganserich Dong Xuon Center in Berlin oder mit der M8 bis Hanoi Lars Hubner Eruw - die soziole Produktion von Roum in der judischen Kultur Isaac Cohen, Isaac Hametz, Rachel Vassar Eruw - Zeit und Roum umfassend Isaac Hometz, Isaac Cohen, Rachel Vassar, Jorg Sieweke Kortierung globaler Ungleichheit: Finonz- und Informationsstrome, Energieverbrouch und Emissionen Guido Robazza, Filippo Lovato, Antoine Paccoud, Jens Kandt,

Christian Dil/ner, Martin Schroter SIEDLUNGSSTRUKTURfN

Transfer- Migration erzeugt Architektur


Joshua Rudolf 34

100 102

KRifGf UNO 106 KRISEN 108

Marc Nonnenmocher fine Bilonz des herrschenden Wirtschoftsmodells Joanna Boehnert, Tzortzis Rallies Lazaros Kakoulidis Berlin verkouft - Privatisierung offentlicher Liegenschoften Maximilian Pecher 2. Preis: Ein Grundrecht auf Wasser? Vom stetigen Fluss zu vorousbezohlten Tropfen Marcelo Lopez, Miodrag Kuc, Juan Esteban Naranjo

Krieg als Geschaft Ole Hontzschel, Matthias Stolz Von Minen verseuchtes land Ksenija Berk, BoStian Botos Kenda, Primoi Fijovi JJO Archaologie des Nohostkonflikts David Gartner 114 fine Politik der Vertreibung Ahmad Barclay, AI-Jabri Joumona, Asfour Honi, Jaber Romzi








122 124

126 128


Rio de Janeiro: Cidode de Deus. Zukunltsszenorien fur die selbstorgonisierte Stadt


Johannesburg: Marlboro South - lnform elle Siedlungen im Prozess der Auseinondersetzung Torsten Deckler, Anne Groupner, &ic Wright, Claudio Morgado Projekt einer globolen Polis

~ Von

Lehnen und Preis en in den Metropolen der Welt lndre Grumbinaite, Daryan Hi/, Safak Korkut, Nicole Lachenmeier, Kurosch Hadinia Wochsende Einkommensgefolle Gerrit Hoffschulte 2. Preis: Des Geld liegt auf der StroBe - Zur informellen Okonomie des Floschensommelns Nayelli Zimmermann, Jenny Boese, Thomas Le Bas, Hanna Hilbrondt, Fiona McDermott, Anno Richter, Laura Colini Arme Kinder in einem reichen Land Anja Rouenbusch, Kotorina Lueth Was ist luxus? Vanessa Kammerbauer, fro Bolsinger

Elena Schutz, Rainer Hehl, Julian Schubert, Leonard Streich


Fernando Donis


176 178

Wirkungszusommenhonge versus duole Dotenkorrelotionen Sven Quadflieg, Jon Kucera lnformotionen im Kontext lesen om Beispiel Migration

Stephanie Brenner, Stefonie Kolb GESEll- 130 SCHAFTLICHE ASYMME- 132 TRIEN 134 136


138 140 144

Dos Gescholt mit der Gesundheit Sino Leger Ungleiche Bildungschoncen Klaus Hackl, Horan Lee, Kajetan Hinner, Dominik Schwarz XX t XY oder die Klult zwischen den Geschlechtern

Elino Rehbein, Joana Kelen l. Preis: Demokrotie mit wem? Simon Schindele, Young Sam Kim, Philipp Koller, Dovile Aleksaite, Theresio Kimmel, Sebastian Bodeker


Marius Forster, Robert Preusse, Marlin Wecke DATEN PRODUKTION



Was holt unsere Gesellscholt zusommen? Stefonie Rou, Tong Feng Anerkennung: Odland - Einsomkeit und soziole Isolation Julio Pietschmonn, Henriette Ariz, Sebastian Jehl Anerkennung: Entwicklung der Presse Konzentrotion und Scheinvielfolt








GRID - Interface zur Untersuchung der Dotenproduktion in der lnformotionsgesellscholt

Jon Bavelet, Patrick Kochlik. Jens Wunderling 186 188


Angelo Jansen, Christian Gotthardt, Gerl Hautsch, Gerd Siebecke


DOX.IS - tendenziose Berichterstoltung om Beispiel von Migronten. Eine WebApp

2. Preis: Bradford liquid Mixotopio die soziol frogmentierte mode rne Stodt

Paul Gal/ocher, Jack Stewart, Abhi Chauhan, Fatimoh Abboud, Hu Lin Wien - wem gehort die Stadt? Andreas Aigner, &ik Meinharler, Manfred Russo, Alexander Stem, Julia Walcher Wien - Stodtquortiere im Prozess der Gentrifizierung Anton Falkeis, Florian Burger, Tonjo Gesell, Liu Elaine, Julian Verocoi, Stephan Trimmel, Marie-Christin Rissinger, Frida Robles Ponce, Masha Upalo, Alessio Finkenstein Face mop von Toronto - soziole Segregation im Spiegel der Gesichter Julie Bogdanovicz London Hackney - Delikot oder der Geschmock von Gentrifizierung Miriam Dobler l. Preis: Eisenhuttenstodt - Segregation durch Schrumpfung Marlin Maleschka, Konstanze Jonientz


Istanbul - informelle und improvisierte Proktiken und Roume. Ein Prozessdiogromm


Mexiko: Sonto Domingo. Slum, Arrival City oder "Sity 3.0"





fine Zillion Euro oder die Grenzen des Vorstellboren Axel Watzke, Johanna Gotz 7 Milliorden Menschen oder dos Unvorstellbore erfohrbor mechen Uti Schallenberg Zohlen ols 6sthetische Praxis oder wo Zohlen erfohrbor werden Philipp Steinacher, Ben Schmitt, Philipp Geuder, Thomas Petroch, Stefan Hintz, Moritz Kronberger, Lennart Hildebrandt, Juri Wolf, Philipp Schubach, David Spinner, Anton Fabian Rahlwes Anerkennung: Der Meeresspiegel steigt. Zum Verholtnis von Information und Aktion

Niklos Kuhlendahl, Max Soneryd Politische Emoticons - Neue Bildersproche Jochen Gross

AN HANG 198 204


Quellennochweis, Bibliogrofien, FuBnoten zu den Kopiteln I - V Buchtipps zum Theme

READER INFORMATION DESIGN Sabine Kraft, Joachim Krausse, Eva Kampfmann Albrecht Durer 206, Andreas Vesolius 207, Johann Amos Comenius 208, Joan 81oeu 209, Denis Diderot 210, Joseph Priestley 212, William Ployfoir 213, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi 214, Oliver 8yme 215, Alexonder von Humboldt216, Karl Culmonn 217, ttienne-Jules Morey 218, Charles Boo!h 219, Felix Auerbach 220, Willard Cope Brinton 221, Fritz Kolvl 222, Kurt Schwitters/Poul Renner 223, Harry Beck 224, Otto Neuroth 225, Rudolf Medley 226, Knud l.Onberg路Holm/Lodislov Sutnar 227, Charles Eames 228, Herbert Boyer 229, Rkhord Soul Wurmon 230, Otl Aicher 232, Gui Bonsiepe 234, Ste.路e Jobs 235

Stephan Schwarz, Ingrid Sabotier, Laurent Peffissie Maria Theresia Schiller, Marcin Wosag



Information Design - Eine Grundriss-Skizze Joachim Krausse


nhoud 05 Redactioneel

019 Projecten

09 Colofon 12 Visie

IJDock in Amsterdam 020 Bierman Henket architecten, Musea in 's-Hertogenbosch, Leeuwarden, Zwolle 032

19 Projecten 44 Techniek 54 lnterieur 66 Stedebouw

044 Techniek

70 Them a 90 Het Bureau 04 Producten

Passiefschool in Jirnsum door Van Hoogevest Architecten 044 Gemeenschapshuis in Woesten (B) door atelier tom vanhee 050

12 Service 14 Groeten uit 054 lnterieur Muntpunt in Brussel (B) door B-Architecten 054 Herbestemming Superkubus in Rotterdam door Personal Architecture 060

066 Stedebouw Stationsgebied Voorburg door Posad 066


070 Thema Opdrachtgeverschap Van bouwheer tot coalitiepartner 071 Opdrachtgevers in beeld 074 De publieke opdrachtgever als studieobject 082 Interview met Peter van der Gugten en Robert Winkel 086

>ock, Amsterdam •t ograaf john van Helvert


de Architect, decem t> er 2 013 - januari 2014 7





.. .·; ·

,_ . . .

.... .








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• Te veel samenhang in Kustvisie

Vigga Labordus: 'We zoe ken

• Zuidplein Rotterdam : complete

evenwicht tussen rechtszekerheid

make- over

en ruimte voor creativiteit'

10 I NIEUWE PROFESSIONAL • Bartok park, Arnhem 112 Buro Harre, transitieteam DTO IDepartement Tijdelijke O rdening)

• Bijhouwerprijs voor Mete Vroom • Stad maken op biennale Sao



Rotterdam wil de Blaak verande-

• Sportterreinen verrijken de binnenstad

• ?Seasons, Rotterdam 116 Piet Vo llaard, Ruimtelab2 • Wert 35, Hilversum / 18

ren van een verkeersader in een

Karres en Brands Landschapsarc hitecten

aantrekkelijke ontmoetingsruimte

• Arnhems Modekwartier wint

• De Constellatie, Nikola-Lenivits (Rusland) I 20

Gouden Piramide

LAP Landscape & Urban Design

• 5 Vragen aan hoogleraar Eric Luiten • Ontwerpers maken New York veilig voor overstromingen


• Charlois aan het water, Rotterdam-Zuid I 24

Scenario's van De Urbanisten

V1t1buck Architects

voor de Haarlemmerdijkl straat in

• Leve de Krimp!, Doetinchem 1 28


Studio Papaver (1n1t1atlef) • BEEhaviour, Allariz (Spanje) I 30 LINT landscape architecture


.. 82



• Park Buitenschot, Haarlemmermeer /74

MTD landschapsarchitecten

H+N+S Landschapsarchitecten

• Melkwegbrug en Tram plein,

• Museumkw artier, 's-Hertogenbosch / 108


• Bergingsproject voor radioactief afvat.

Purmerend I 116

Dessel (Belgiel /78

NEXT architects

DELVA Landscape Architects.

• C-mine. Genk (Belgie) / 118

BUUR bureau voor urbanisme

HOSPER landschapsarchitectuur

• Biobaseload, Zuid-Holland I 80

en stedebouw

• Strijp S, Eindhoven I 42

Studio Marco Vermeulen

• Wijkeroog park, Velsen / 124

West 8 Urban Oes1gn & Landscape

• Deltaprogramma lJsselmeergebied I 82

Bureau B+B stedebouw en


Strootman Landschapsarchitecten


• Be ken en Sprengen, Apeldoorn I 48

• luwtedam, lJmeer bij Muiden I 86

• Strandtrappen, Maasvlakte 2,

Ontwerpateiler open bare ruimte gemeente

Feddes/Oithof Landschapsarchitecten

Rotterdam / 126

Apeldoorn. OKRA landschapsarch1tecten

• Waddenland aan zee, Waddenkust

Jan Konings


Noo rd-Holland, Friesland, Groningen I 88

• J ubilee Gardens, Londen

• Spoorzone, Delft I 54

Atelier Fryslan

(Groot-Brittanni e) / 128

Palmbout Urban Landscapes

• Rijkere Dij ken /94

West 8 Urban Des1gn & Landscape Architecture

• Singelpark, Leiden I 56

DE LVA Landscape Architects,

• K0bmagergade, Kopenhagen

LOLA landscape architects

Dingeman DeiJS Architect

(Denemarken) / 130

• Watersysteem, New Orleans (VS) /58

• Functional Ambiance 196

KBP.EU (samenwerk1ng tussen

H+N+S Landschapsarchitecten. Palmbout

De Urban1sten. Marc Verheijen

Karres en Brands en Polyform)

Urban Landscapes, Robber! de Kon1ng

IHogesc hool Rotterdam)

landschapsarchitect. Bosch Slabbers





Learning by doing: Handwerksschule in Nairobi Spielerisch entwerfen: Kulturhaus fUr Kinder in Kopenhagen Seiber bauen: Einfamilienhaus in Vorarlberg

Zeitschrift fur Architektur + Baudetail · Review of Architecture · Revue d'Architecture Serie 2013 · 12 · Planen und Bauen als Prozess · Construction as a Process


t- ~






- t- -


1- ,-

r - - -

- r - - -















- - -



Diskussion • discussion 1358 Editorial Christian Schillich 1360 ·Unsere Grof3projekte Iauten so schlecht. Konnen Sie uns erkliiren, woran das liegt?• Ein Gespriich mit Bent Flyvbjerg Heide Wessely

Berichte • reports 1372 Rampen stall Planken- Danisches Schifffahrtsmuseum in Heisinger Frank Kaltenbach 1374 Bucher, Ausstellungen, Online

Dokumentation • documentation 1380 Handwerksschule in Nairobi Fachgebiet Holz, TU Munchen, Hermann Kaufmann mit Studierenden der TU Munchen, der HS Augsburg und der JKUAT Nairobi 1387 Einfamilienhaus in Krumbach Bernardo Bader Architekten , Dornbirn 1394 Kapelle in Cuddesdon Niall Mclaughlin Architects, London 1400 MIMA House - Modulares Fertighaus aus Portugal Mario Sousa. Marta Brandao, Viana do Castelo 1405 Kulturhaus fur Kinder in Kopenhagen Dorte Mandrup, Kopenhagen 1412 Nationalbibliothek in Riad Gerber Architekten international, Dortmund

Technik • technology 1422 Erlebnislandschaft stall Rohre- Terminal3, Flughafen Bao'an in Shenzhen Frank Kaltenbach

Produkte • products 1434 1438 1442 1446 1452 1454 1456

Der Architekt als Produktdesigner Konstruktion Beleuchtung Dacher Architektur im Dialog DETAIL research Objekt + Produkt

1459 1468 1470 1472 1473

Serviceteil Projektbeteiligte IHersteller I Ausfuhrende Firmen lnhalt Produktinformation I Anzeigenverzeichnis Vorschau lmpressum, Fotonachweis

DETAil Zeitschrift fOr Architektur Review of Architecture 53. Serie 2013 · 12 Bauen als Prozess ISSN 0011- 9571 B 2772


http://www.footprintjournal.org/issues/current Current issue Issue # 13 | Autumn 2013 | The Participatory Turn in Urbanism

This issue of Footprint examines the recent participatory turn in urban planning and urban design. It discusses the co-opting of participatory processes by planning departments, the systematic disregard of inequalities, and the empowering of the market resulting from the ‘anti-statism’ present in many participatory schemes. What is the relationship between the institutionalisation of participation and the practices of autonomy, self-organisation, and inclusion? When and how does genuine empowerment of collectives take place? Does the demand for the empowerment of local organisations and communities strengthen the market forces at the expense of central government? This issue attempts to problematise ‘participation’, to call attentions to some of its shortcomings, deficits, and limitations, not in order to necessarily bypass the demand for the democratisation of the urban, but in order to rectify and strengthen it. Issue's editors: Maroš Krivý and Tahl Kaminer Complete issue [free PDF]

• • • • • • •


Maroš Krivý and Tahl Kaminer, editors | Introduction: The Participatory Turn in Urbanism Abstract Article [free PDF] Ryan Love | Aporia of Participatory Planning: Framing Local Action in the Entrepreneurial City Abstract Article [free PDF] Brooke D. Wortham-Galvin | An Anthropology of Urbanism: How People Make Places (and What Designers and Planners Might Learn from It) Abstract Article [free PDF] Camillo Boano and Emily Kelling | Toward an Architecture of Dissensus: Participatory Urbanism in SouthEast Asia Abstract Article [free PDF] Julia Udall and Anna Holder | The ʽDiverse Economies’ of Participation Abstract Article [free PDF] Karin Hansson, Göran Cars, Love Ekenberg and Mats Danielson | The Importance of Recognition for Equal Representation in Participatory Processes: Lessons from Husby Abstract Article [free PDF] Eli Hatleskog | Cooperatives, Control or Compromise? The Changing Role of Participation in Norwegian Housing Abstract Article [free PDF] Review articles

• • • • •

Eva Maria Hierzer and Philipp Markus Schörkhuber | Infrastructural Critique. The Upside-Down of the Bottom-Up: A Case Study on the IBA Berlin 84/87 Abstract Article [free PDF] Monika Grubbauer | Mainstreaming Urban Interventionist Practices: the Case of the BMW Guggenheim Lab in Berlin Abstract Article [free PDF] Jenny Stenberg | Citizens as Knowledge Producers in Urban Change: Can Participation Change Procedures and Systems? Abstract Article [free PDF] Socrates Stratis | Learning from Failures: Architectures of Emergency in Contested Spaces (Pyla, Cyprus) Abstract Article [free PDF] Henriette Bier and Yeekee Ku | Generative and Participatory Parametric Frameworks for Multi-player Design Games Abstract Article [free PDF] Maroš Krivý | Participation, Housing, and the Question of ‘Good Architecture’ Abstract Article [free PDF]


69• jaargang · DECEMBER 2013 • NR 12


lnhoud Natuurmonitoring, ook in de stad ! .... ...... ................................... ... ..


Vervolg van reeks artikelen over stadsecologie

Bijenhotels in de publ ieke ru imte ...................... .. ......... ............. ...


Den Helder terug aan zee .... .................................................... .....


Ve rbind de stad met haven, zee en stelling ................... ........ ......


Eerste artikel in een reeks over Den Helder

Cool Nature Pa rk de Bleijke .............................................. .. .. .. .......


Een dorpsprestatie van formaat

Historische begraafplaats Kovelswade ........ ...... ...........................


Beheer als waarborg voor behoud

Groen voor luchtkwa lite it en kl imaat ...... ...... ............................ ...


De praktijk

Bomenbieb.n l


Cou lissenlandschap Breda


Grootschalige stcdelijke transformatic

GroeNieuws ......................................... ...........................................


De vern ieuwing van de Zaanse Schans ........ .................................


Europese subsidies maken investeringsprogramma mogelijk

Natuurbegraafplaats Weverslo .... .. ..... ..................... .....................


lnnovatief landschap .. ... .. .. ................. .. .... ... .. ..................... ............


Tien lezingen over vcrnieuwing gcbundeld

Bureau Waardenburg bv Adviseurs voor ecologie & milieu lnventarisatie en onderzoek Visie- en planvorming

lnricht ings- en beheerplannen Monitoring en evaluatie

Postbus 365, 4100 AJ Culemborg. Telefoon 0345-512710. Fax 0345-519849 E-mail: wbb@buwa.nl Website: www.buwa.nl Gecertificeerd volgens ISO 9001

r. RO [ I\




Wie schreef er in 2013 waarover in Groen? Zie de /ijst met thema's, auteurs en artikelen op pagina 25, 26, 27 en 28.

lnhoud Ecopark Delimes ............................................................. ............... .. .


Meer dan ecn afvalsortcerstation

Den Helder parel in de Nationa le Visie Kust ............. ...... .... ... ......


Twecde artikcl in ccn reeks over Den Helder

Soestbergen, een aardse paradijstuin ....................... ... ..... ..... .......


tlnick dankzij ccn rotondc van gratkcklcrs

Darwin in de Ruimtelijke Ordening (1) ............................ ...... .. ... ..


Wat is de meest tijdsbcstcndige oplossing?

Hoe gebruiken studenten de groene ruimtes in de stad? ...........


Een onderzoek in Enschede

Van dorpenstad naar nieuwe stad Lommel ...................... ......... ...


Beeldkwaliteitplan als instrument

Grote natuurcompensatie om fabrieksuitbreid ing ........ ... .... .......


Terp in de u iterwaarden .......................................... .......... ... .........


Kunst in openbare ru imte (26) .. .............. ......... ... ................... ...... .


Waterwerkcn, sculpturenprojcct van Ruud Kuijcr

Column ... ................ .......... .... .... ........... .. ... .. ............................. ... .....


Martijn AI, landschapsarchitcct: Open de hekwcrkcn!

Bureau Waardenburg bv Adviseurs voor ecologie & milieu lnventarisatie en onderzoek Visie- en planvorming

lnrichtings- en beheerplannen Monitoring en evaluatie

Postbus 365, 4100 AJ Culemborg. Telefoon 0345-512710. Fax 0345-519849 E-mail: wbb@buwa.nl Website: www.buwa.nl Gecertificeerd volgens ISO 9001




JAR – Journal for Artistic Research The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an inter-national, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal for the identification, publication and dissemination of artistic research and its methodologies, from all arts disciplines. With the aim of displaying practice in a manner that respects artists' modes of presentation, JAR abandons the traditional journal article format and offers its contributors a dynamic online canvas where text can be woven together with image, audio and video. These research documents called ‘expositions’ provide a unique reading experience while fulfilling the expectations of scholarly dissemination. The Journal is underpinned by the Research Catalogue (RC)a searchable, documentary database of artistic research. Anyone can compose an exposition and add it to the RC using the online editor and suitable expositions can be submitted to the editorial board for peer-review and publication in JAR. Read more aboutsubmissions or start composing expositions straight away by registering for an account, which is free of charge. JAR is published by the Society for Artistic Research (SAR). Become a member.

ISSN 2235-0225

Current Issue 4 (2013) Archive •

Editorial Welcome to the fourth regular issue of JAR! Over the last three years, we have demonstrated that the journal publication of artistic research and its associated peer-review is possible without over- burdening artists and researchers with sets of criteria that can negatively affect the often quite fragile fabrics that are made by and, in turn, support artistic practice...


• Paul Landon Mapping a Modern Diegesis: Terre des Hommes and Robert Altman's Quintet AbstractReviewer Comments

• Don Asker and Helen Herbertson Latitudinal Converstations AbstractReviewer Comments

• Eivind Buene Delirious Brahms AbstractReviewer Comments

• Dominic Redfern Located Identity: Finding the Mallee AbstractReviewer Comments

• Pamela Salen The Photogram as a Domestic Diary AbstractReviewer Comments

• Rory Harron Towards a Non-Identity Art AbstractReviewer Comments

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K'-''t.:•t &tUCOO 1'10N

\ 'Architecture should be fun' HELLE SCHRODER

'Br, lb

Mut>~um 1n Taiyuan





httect is torture' HUA L1

Plan •

Notice Board




RA Holiday houses In Pedras Salgadas

Pfloto R1cardo O•

~.ra 1\!ves

Cross Section 024 RA Pedras Salgadas 026 Studio Dasar Jakarta 028 Aleksi Briclot I Michel Koch Pa ris 030 Jeffrey Jnaba New York 032 McDowell+ Benedetti Hull 034 Tato Architects Osaka 036 Phillvey I Syd Mead Elysium 038 Double Negatives Architecture Nagohara 040 Zaha Hadid Vienna 042 Urban Agency I JDS Copenhagen 044 Valerie Van der Put Maasmechelen 046 Shigeru Ban Zurich 048 Theo Deutinger World t\1ap 050 Johan Selbing I Anouk Vogel Almere 052 AtelierTekuto Kamagaya 054 Fuhrimann Hachler Lucerne 056 F451 Gij6n 058 Tense Architecture Network Kallitechnoupolis 060 Knight Architects Whangarei 062 Katsutoshi Sasaki+ Associates Kasamatsu

Atellerlckut o House In Kamagaya

l 'hoto To::;h•h•ro 5oba JUl' 3


Perspective: Germany 066 Introduction 068 Von Gerkan, Marg und Partner Berlin Brandenburg Airpor t IS completed. but a long way from open1ng.

076 Herzog & de Meuron The Elbe Ph1lharmon1c Hall t urns out t o be over ten t 1mes more expens1ve than ongmally calculated.

084 1ngenhoven Stuttgart 21 reveals errors and issues found m German plann1ng processes.


35 Dec 2013 1Jan 2014

Herzog & de Meuron

Elbt Philha rmonic Hatt in Hamburg Photo Axel Schm,us


Long Section 092 Wiel Arets Amsterdam Four new proJects show the arch1tect at the top of h 1s c1nema-msp1red game.



108 Preston Scott Cohen Taiyuan The commiSSIOn for a mass1ve museum 1n the Ch1nese c1ty of Taiyuan permitted Pres ton Scott Cohen to go . 111d.

122 Asher Hartman Los Angeles 01rector Asher Hartman talks about castmg architecture for h1s unusual pta;.

126 Form Otsu Kou1ch1 K1mura IS an outspoken Japanese uch1tect m s p~red b; the work of Carlo ScJ rpa.

136 51-1 Arquitectos Lima In L1 ma. 51 -1 ArqUitectos realized a private res1dence t hat snakes arnong the folia ge.


Viewing Platform on Hill in Wei hal Pf'l.toYac:...

WietArets Photo 1fwln Olaf

146 XTH Architects Berli n Helle Schrc.:ler and Mart1n Janekov1c designed a house for t hemsel dS that fhes 1n t he face of e'ery architecture con\ ent lon 1magmable.

156 TAO Beijing Hua L1 of TAO uses local construction techn1ques to bu1ld 1n remote places.

168 Saunders Architecture Fogo Island A luxunous mn IS Todd Saunden,' latest contnbut1on to Fogo Island.


178 Christopher Hawthorne


According to Christopher Hawthorne. a fresh breeze IS fluttenng the pages of architecture cnt ic1sm. bnng1ng a renewed tocus to the pol1t1cal d1mens10n of architecture.


~~ .•..



Tools Exit

House In Otsu 1~010 lakum• Otd

XTH H ouse In Berlin :::hate A'1p Cu : t'IN'!



Dec 2013 1Jan 2014



Journal for Architecture/ Tijdschrift voor ~rchitectuur

,.,. with/ met



J-o·hani Pallasmaa· & Peter ·z umthor





Open! is the online continuation of Open. Cahier on Art & the Public Domain.

Newly publishedColumns by Bik Van der Pol, Felix Stalder, Renée Ridgway, Geert Lovink, Eric Kluitenberg, Joost de Bloois, Gerald Raunig/Christoph Brunner. Essays by Marco Scotini about the Autonomy movement in Italy, filmmaker Alberto Grifi and the ‘disobedient image’, and by

Subscribe to RSS feed

Camiel van Winkel on 'the sandwich of artistic-academic discourse'.

You are receiving this newsletter because of your association to Open. Cahier on Art & the Public Domain.

Soon to be publishedA contribution by Florian

If you wish to receive future emails, please click Subscribe to Newsletter

Göttke about the media image of a protester in Homs, Syria. A response by Steven ten Thije to the essay of Camiel van Winkel. Texts by Jodi Dean, Klaas van Gorkum/Iratxe Jaio.

PublishedContributions by Florian Cramer, Sven Lütticken, Zihni Özdil, Pascal Gielen, Steven ten Thije, Foundland. Essays by Mark Fisher, Jan Masschelein/Maarten Simons about the arts and humanities under pressure, and by Pascal Gielen on ‘autonomy via heteronomy’. A book review of Gerald Raunig's Factories of Knowledge. Industries of Creativity.


08 2013

The road t o lo w carbon cities Building the transformation agenda

Lighthouse projects for low carbon cities Creating change in d istricts

Physical Planning Department

Data sharing as an enabler for low carbon projects The Energy Atlas Plus

ED. . \

- 路. .

- 路. .


City of Amsterdam

1 Solar panels on Xpositron, a b reeding ground for artists. Photo: lv1arc Driessen/Hollandse Hoogte

The Authors

Geert den Boogert Stef le Fevre Laura Hakvoort Bob Mantel Ruben Voerman

The TRANSFORM project

PLAN A msterdam magazine 1s published by the City of Amsterdam's Phys1cal Planning Department (ORO)

and disseminates mform at1on about pr0m1nent spa ttal and phystca! deve lopment proJects 1n Amsterdam

and env~rons in eight thematic issues per year. The ORO is one of the City or Amsterdam's municipal services and ensures the coherent spat ial

development of city and regton .

Tho Ptlystcal Planning Department belong s to the City of Amsterdem's Development Alliance and cooperates

intens•vely w•th Am sterdam's Depar tm ent o f Infrastructure, TraHtc

and Transponation. the Department of Economic Affairs, the Amsterdam Development Corporation, Project Management Bureau and Eng1nccung Bureau. Editing and coordination Manou Boijne, Hubertine Pet ers Design Be ukers Scholma. Haarlem Main cover image C1ty of Amsterdam Maps and photography

sec tho capttons lithography and printing Zwaan Printmedia, Wormerveer Translation (Dutch to English) Frink van L•eshout

This publ.cation has been PfOduced W\th the utmost care. However, no rights can be derived from the content. In the event of ar 7 omiss1on in the attnbutton of VISual materials or if you have any oth· er questions, please contact the editors VIa planamstcrdam@dro.amsterdam.nl

ortel. •31 (0)20 2551550. A free subscrip t1on can be requested v1a planamsterdam@dro_arnsterdam.nl

Volume 19, no. 8, December 2013

PLAN Amsterdam ca n also be downloaded via ww N.amsterdam .nl/ planamstcrdam/en

1 /:J _..... FSC MIX




FSC" C0142t8

_,_ .~L

Amsterdam is working towards climate and energy targets which ensure a clean, healthy and liveable urban environment. In 2014 the city will review its energy strategy in order to successfully manage the transition to a renewed, affordable and reliable energy system in collaboration with all stakeholders. The strategy will involve people, places, energy systems and new ways of collaborating. It will tackle relevant opportunities in the city and where and with whom one can take advantage of these. The Amsterdam energy atlas contributes to the physical planning of the energy transition. Paramount in this process is the execution of projects and the lessons that are learned to improve the strategy. To this end, Amsterdam has set up an investment fund, to help with loans or guarantees, giving projects a final boost if needed. As a responsible capital city, Amsterdam has a European strategy which aims to share with its European partners knowledge and projects which deal with issues that matter. Issues such as climate change and changes in the city energy system. Therefore, the Department for Physical Planning of the cit y of Amsterdam has collaborated with its partners to set up the TRANSFORM project. This project is partly financed by the European

Commission, as part of the Smart Cities and Communities Programme (the KP7 programme). This edition of Plan Amsterdam is dedicated to th is project, which started in early 2013 and will run up until mid 2015. TRANSFORM will help cities and regions to improve and execute their energy strategies. The first article offers an insight into the background of the mission and explains the vision of the European Commission. It also deals with questions which arise about the possibility of totally renewing the energy system. The second article clarifies which steps need to be taken towards actual implementation. It stresses the importance of collaboration with the various parties and gives some examples of t his. The third article delves into data visualization as a means of gaining insight into possibilities the city has to offer and how one can share t hese with others. We hope you find this an info rmative and enjoyable read! The; Editors




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Themanummer Dejonge stedeling

• •



Toegang tot de

Starters en studenten kunnen zelf hun stekje

Hebben laag opgeleide

wei vinden in een geheel vrije Amsterdamse

stedelingen nog perspectief?

slachtoffer van eigen succes?

stad met het vijfjarencontract

Jongeren en

Ontwikkelingen in

stedelijke groei

de mobiliteit van jongvolwassenen

Jongeren uit Lima in en op beeld


Jonge stedelingen ontwer pen voor de

Interview Minder bescherming is meer bescherming

jonge stedeling


?. 392



Jg. 46/ Nr. 6/2013

P. 393


394-395 Stelling

Star ter s en student en kunnen zelf hun stekj e wel vinden in een geheel vrije Amst erdamse woningmarkt

456 Jongeren uit Lima in en op

beeld Internet biedt de broodnodige toegang t ot het pu blieke dome in Irene Arends

Willem Boterman verdedigt

396 Achtergrond

462 Int ervi ew "Minder bescherming is mee r bescherming"

Hebben laag opgeleide stedelingen nog perspectief?

Jan Duffhues en Ir is Roodheuvel

Jeroen Lebbink r ea geert

Interview met Sywer t van Lienden

De stad biedt nog steeds kansen voor werk, maar verdringingseffecten

466 In Memoriam

liggen op de loer

Piet Rietveld

Jouke van Dijk, Arjen Edzes en Marije

Fra nk Bruinsma, Jos va n Ommeren

Ha mersma

en Er ik Verhoef

404 Amsterdam slachtoffer

467 Recensies -7 De cr isis in het mili eurecht voorbij? Duurzaam handelen. Een onderzoek naa r een normatieve grondslag van het milieurecht, van Harm Borg ers

van eigen succes? Jongeren komen de stad nog in, maar niet zonder keer zijde Marijn Sleurink

412 Toegang tot de stad met het vijfjar encontract

Anoeska Buijze

Van een steuntje in de r ug naar een liefdevolle schop onder de kont

-7 De wr aak van de buurt

Perry Hoetjes en Bart Wortman

420 Jongeren en stede lijke groei

Gr eat Am erican city. Chicago and the enduring neighborhood ef fect, van Robert J. Sampson

Strijd om de jo nge stedeli ng omwille

Wouter van Gent

van stedelijke groei Darien Manting en Carina Huisman

472 Signa lementen

-7 Flexibele stad 430 lnBeeld

-7 MKBA-dialoog

Jonge stedelingen ontwer pen voor de jonge stedeling

-7 Knooppuntontwikke ling -7 Sa men bouwen

Studenten van de /l.cademie van Bouwkunst AHK

474 Co lumn

444 Ontwikkelingen

0 . Naphta

Ler end e stedeling in de mobiliteit van jongvolwassenen Op zoek naarverklaringen voor afnemend autogebruik Ben lmmers, Jan van der Waard en Peter Jorritsma



) 3


THEMA: Blue Economy 10 Blauwe Economie



48 Dynamische bestuurskunst nodig bij gover-

12 Herindustrialisatie op

Column Spanning

eigen kracht

Wies Sanders

Gunter Pauli 19 De stad als ecosysteem



Stad in transitie Egbert Fransen, Directeur


Arjan Raatgever

Iris Schutten

jaap Modder


44 Creatief met regels

26 Water-Rijk- Park

Pakhuis de Zwijger


Anne Luijten

Thea van l<emenade


inclusive economy

zame kracht in de stad

Duzan Doepel

Willem 1<. Korthals Altes De Flexibele Stad

jeroen Laven

nance van metropolitane

Schiphol megastructuur

reg ia's

Hugo Gordijn

Geert Teisman, Tim zwanikken en Yvette Oostendorp

Stromen en verblijven

Marc Verheijen 62 Bovenste plank

52 Ontwerpen met de ondergrond

Fransje Hooimeijer en Linda Maring

28 Towards a circular,

Gelegenheids-wij als duur-

56 Multiplicities

Lianne von Duinen


64 Platform31 Agenda

Anne Seghers

65 Het Netwerk

32 Voorbij de illusie: het energielandschap

Adviseurs in ruimtelijke ontwikkeling en omgevingskwaliteit

jasper Hugtenburg 36 Geen Blauwe Economie zonder burgerproductie

d en regi

Joost Beunderman 41

Nieuwe rollen, nieuwe uitdagingen

Marleen Ladder, Chris Roorda, jan Rotmans


FSC _,....., MIX

1 /u~trati•~~~lag M::•_:~'e

ook pagina

P• pl•r 'llan


¥erwntwii)Ot"de h• rt&:ornat

FSC" C003314

Str:dr:nbouw + Ruimtelijke Ordening, 94• ,aargang, nummer 6 , december 2013.

Redactieadros: Post bu s 3o833. 2500 cv Den Haag, T • 31 (0)70 302 84 48, E sro@platform)l.nl, ww v.s- ro.nl

S•AO is een onafhanlcel~k tiJdschrift voor iedereen die acuer tS tn he t veld

Abonnunent: Kosten € 91,80 per J~.U. studenten betalen € 45.90 per Jaar. losse nummers ZiJn v1a w ww.s-ro.nl te bestellen voor € 21,90 (€ 16,80 voor Ieden en partners van Platform31). Aile prijzen z1jn excl. 6% BTW Abonnementen kunnen op elk moment schrifteliJk of per email worden opgezegd, opzegtermijn is twee maanden w ww.platformJl.nl/a.bonneren/tijd schri fte n Abonntmtntenadministrotie: Annemick N1euwenhuis, T +31 (0)70 302 84 84,

van de stedenbouw en rUimtehjke ordeninq. Het blad verschtJnt z.cs keer per 1aar. Redactie: Lt~n ne van OUlnen, recens1eredacteur licnne.vandwnen@rltnl Arjan Harbers, orjon@topotromc.nl, jaap Madder, hoofdredact•ur;oopmodder@bramville.nl Mau rits Sc ha•fsma. mschaa(@xS4all.nl Iris Schulten , m(o@irisschutten.net

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Advutentios: Mar l•n do Heer,T •31 (o)70 302 84 84, Emar lin d• heor@platformJl.ni Drukwerkproductie: Pl.l tform P, Rotterdam Auteurs· tn btehlrtchten: Aa.n deze uitgave IS de uiterste zorg besteed; voor onvolledige/onjuiste tnforma.tie a.anva.arden auteur(s), redactte en utlgever geen aansprakelijkheid. Overname v~n artikelen •s toegestaan, mits voorzten van bronvermeldmg ISSN ~lJ84-6S3l Uitgever:Platform31


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Academie van Bouwkun K. Jong de Waterlooplein 211 10 11 PG Amsterdam

.,. .



m. Artikelen 08

Waarom Nederland nooit een Detroit wordt Hanneke Schreuders & Anne-Jo Visser


Urban Shrinkage: causes, effects and main strategies Tim Snippert & Ellen Zwartkruis


Kraken als oplossing voor leegstand Pim Lucassen & Abel Coenen


Wie durft nu eindelijk het S-woord eens uit te spreken? Steven van Schuppen & Jan Dirk Dorrepaal


TOPOS 1 I 2013


Rubrieken Redactie




De mastodonten








Onderwijs Revitalizing Zeeuws-VIaanderen


Gerjannc Brink & Rene van Seumeren

Hittestress in de stad


Anhilde de Jong

Zaaien om te oogsten


Geert-Willem Arentsen & Toon Roosen

De landgoederenzone van de gemeente Renkum


Rcmco Brinkman

1 I 2013 TOPOS



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