In de Tijdschriften Inhoudsopgaven van de tijdschriften 2014 Nr. 9 – Week 41 t/m week 45 ____________________________________________________________________________
A+T A+U – Architecture and Urbanism AR – Architectual Review De Architect Architect (AIA) Architectuur NL Blauwe Kamer Detail Domus Footprint Forum Groen Lotus Mark Monu Plan Amsterdam Project Russia Rooilijn Uncube Volume
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Read more Current issue Issue # 15 | Autumn 2014 | Dynamics of Data-Driven Design
Digital technology has introduced in the last decades data-driven representational and generative methodologies based on principles such as parametric definition and algorithmic processing. In this context, the 15th Footprint issue examines the development of data-driven techniques such as digital drawing, modelling, and simulation with respect to their relationship to design. The dynamics between data-driven processes and design, as well as the impact of these processes on artistic and architectural production, is addressed in 5 papers from authors with diverse backgrounds in media studies, art, and architecture. From theoretical explorations discussing cultural swarming techniques and data-driven design representation and materialisation aspects to practical (artistic and architectural) experimentation, this issue indicates the increasing convergence of computational and material systems. Furthermore, it addresses the generation of multiple, emergent results from one and the same computational representation – results that may be realized virtually at the level of design conceptualization, physically at the level of production, and even operationally at the level of artefact or building use where users or the environment contribute to the emergence of multiple physical configurations and outcomes. Data-driven design thereby establishes an unprecedented design to production to operation feedback loop. Issue's editors: Henriette Bier and Terry Knight Complete issue [free PDF]
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Henriette Bier and Terry Knight, editors | Introduction: Data-Driven Design to Production and Operation Abstract Article [free PDF] Sebastian Vehlken | Computational Swarming: A Cultural Technique for Generative Architecture Abstract Article [free PDF] Leonel Moura and Henrique Garcia Pereira | A New Kind of Art [based on autonomous collective robotics] Abstract Article [free PDF] Zeynep Mennan | Minding the Gap: Reconciling Formalism and Intuitionism in Computational Design Research Abstract Article [free PDF] Eran Neuman | Data Reshaped: Literalism in the Age of Digital Design and Architectural Fabrication Abstract Article [free PDF] Michael Hensel and Søren Sørensen | Intersecting Knowledge Fields and Integrating Data-Driven Computational Design en Route to Performance-Oriented and Intensely Local Architectures Abstract Article [free PDF]
uncube Online magazine for architecture and beyond, based in Berlin, Germany and published in English.
No.26, School’s Out The theme of latest issue No.26, School’s Out, is architecture education. School’s Out and its accompanying blog series is packed with interviews and essays from leading architecture educators and architects as well as the students’ perspective. We also feature profiles of alternative education models from the open source to the independent or the anarchist approach. From bottom up and top down the call for change is growing. Can architecture education catch up with reality?!/page1